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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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>Can I see your Angel's Landing® National Parks Trail Permit™ please?
>Oh you mean you don't have one?
>That'll be a $200 + tip fine then

What would you do, /out/?
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Appreciate the advice, thank you anon.
start hiking, if they want to tax me they have to earn the privilege to do so
Fuck yeah Climbing General, it's been too long.

I've been having a blast this season at the Gunks so far.
Got two new climbing partners that are around the same ability as me and it's allowing me to push my grades up a little more than in the past when I was climbing with a less able climber.
Managed to onsight Never Never Land, my first 10b (on GunksApps, 10a mproj). Super technical slab climb with some fantastic committing movement. Also been super fun revisiting past climbs that felt like a challenge and now are just cruiser.

Always on lookout for more partners if there's any NE anons that want to get after it. Looking to hit up some of the longer climbs up in NH.
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This one's going in the compilation
would be possible to share this? I want to make a collage wallpaper of these pics, would it be possible to make a google doc or something?

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2729875
Over knee high by 4th of... June. Next month looks to be pretty dry for a lot of us. Mulch around your plants to help the soil retain water.
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Nice, I haven't gotten into flowers yet, or even deciduous plants at all really, I'm working with all evergreens for now to make a framework for my future gardens, but I'm going to start planting bulbs and creeping ground covers around the perimeters.
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Been selectively weeding around vegetables by hand, this is the best time when the grass is this level and the soil freshly rained on, you can grab sections and lift it up like carpet then flip it and spread around plants. Going to come through here with cultivator or tiller to clean in between and will end up transplanting some stuff between too. Going to mulch at the end of may.
That sounds nice. Do you have a garden right now or are you waiting for some benchmark to start one?
I don't really have a garden yet, just working on all the big problems first like drainage, over the last winter I cut down lots of trees, but I might need to take more depending on how much shade there is still, I won't know until the trees fully leaf out.
I get rotting vegetables for free from local grocery stores. The digester can eat anything I would otherwise compost as well as things like dead vermin and poop. There is no shortage of decaying organic material.

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Topics include:
>soakers and how to avoid them, dude
>non-slip grips, kid
>clearance sales, chief
>cleaning and treatments, boss
>wellies, chauncy
>vintage gear, toots
>stay-aways and ripoffs, jack
>liners or wool socks, professor
>hunting boots and camo options, rambo
>handmade leather and bespoke examples, fabio
>ropers, riders, and cowboys, huck
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Probably a Terence to another thread, where a girl is claiming rubber boots aren’t waterproof.
I had a pair of Cat Colorado's, size 11 (or 44 here in europe) that served me for 8 fucking years as my daily shoes, while also being used for hiking.
Eventually they got holes in the very leather, and I just have to switch them out because its literally more expensive to repair shoes than buy brand new ones in this gay country I live in.
Speaking of gay country, we don't import CAT shoes anymore it seems, and I can't find any resellers anywhere, so ugh...
ANYWAYS: I bought a pair of Wolverine EPX boots, size 10 (43). And idk, they feel nice, but my toes are getting a tiny bit squished togheter from the sides, but its been EIGHT YEARS since I tried new shoes. Will they wear into it? Are Wolverine boots even a good brand? If anyone has any experience with them, negative or positive, I'd love to hear. But mostly I'm just so unsure about if the size is right, which is retarded I know, but I suspect my old shoes literally were a size too large for me, and I just coped with it for 8 years, but these feels a tad small now.
Any great boot manufacturers making women's size 7-8?
this seems to be pretty good
traditionally we have shoes like this in our region except the straw work is intricate like the hats they also work as light crampons

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Is bringing Whiskey/Drinking on a trail a shitty idea?
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No, as long as you don't get drunk and get lost/dead.
if every drunken idiot replaced their pick of poison with a joint or bong the world would be a better more cooperative place
It's medicinal.
So is cannabis.

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Sunset Edition
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thanks for the advice guys. how about durability, like if i (god forbid) run it onto the rocks would fiberglass just shatter into a million pieces vs wood could take more of a beating? i have visions of carbon fibre bike frames that snap into shards from the slightest provocation
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Very roughly speaking, the durability is about the same, and it varies depending on build type like you would expect it to. e.g. a thinly-built, weight-reduced racing cruiser made of wood or fiberglass would be highly likely to break apart if you hit rocks at speed, whereas a beefed-up, thick-hulled blue water cruiser (whether wood or fiberglass) would have significantly better survival odds. For example, Westsail 32s have extremely beefy fiberglass hulls and you can find stories of people getting hit by ocean freighters, ramming into shipping containers, sailing through cyclones, 30ft.+ rogue waves, etc. and not breaking up (this is on the extreme end of durability though, obviously lighter ships would not survive a lot of that).

Video related, Westsail 32 getting picked up and thrown by a rogue wave.
If the boat is on the rocks it's fucked no matter what. Stay away from rocks. After that fibreglass is basically bulletproof and is dead easy/inexpensive to repair yourself. A good starter is a 20-24' keelboat built in the 60-70's out of fiberglass. Go out and sail, fix things yourself.
>would fiberglass just shatter into a million pieces
fiberglass isn't glass lol, it's not going to shatter. Fiberglass is very robust. Grounding on rocks will still gouge the hell out of it but its not a brittle material.
lol all right makes sense, cheers

Bought a mountain bike today. Gonna go riding on some trails tomorrow.

Anyone here mountain bike? Can I get a quick rundown
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I mean you have to use both brakes together, back brake only locks up and front brake alone you go over the bars.
OP if you learn anything here, I hope it is "don't ask /out/ about mtb.".
Or virtually anything for that matter.
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Reddit actually might be a better place for mtb discussion than /out/ lol
Yeah, hike up mountain, then send it down mountain, rinse and repeat.
Best summer activity there is.
Also, throw on tires with strong enough casings, paper thin casings might weigh a bit less, but a puncture can ruin what would otherwise be a really fun ride.
I don't go lighter than double down for Maxxis, or the equivalent with other brands.
Tires are the single most important part of your bike for what you can do with it, assuming the rest isn't walmart tier dogshit of course.
>Bro, I would not recommend tubeless tires for a beginner. They are a giant pain in the ass and they're kind of a meme.
Tubeless or bust, tubes are only for emergencies.
You have to run way higher pressure with tubes to avoid pinch flats, and that sacrifices both grip and comfort.
It's extremely easy to set up on anything with modern rims.
Just tape up, fit a valve and slap on a tire with some goo, and you are good to go.

Which one is the ultimate pair of boots for out?

I'm deciding between Alpina's Tundra model: https://www.lamnia.com/en/p/19054/apparel-and-footwear/alpina-tundra-46

Or its Trapper model: https://www.lamnia.com/en/p/19021/apparel-and-footwear/alpina-trapper-boots
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why do people keep asking about shoes?
It depends entirely on individual preference and conditions.
Wear whatever's comfortable OP, nobody can help you but you.
boots are for low exertion winter activities or mountaineering and nothing else
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Let me guess, you need more
Mid most of the time, high for swamplands and deep snow, low for hard terrain.
>inb4 ankle support
You need ankle support with extremely high loads (think military rucks at full capacity), but in tough terrain, being able to bend your ankles so the sole can grip the terrain properly is much more important. Same reason freeclimbers don't wear mountain boots.
>t. low T

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I really really like the way Slingbags look, but I hear they are bad for hiking since they distribute the load unevenly. How retarded would I be to get one as a daypack for 6-8h hikes with around 2500 feet elevation, hiking in the alps?
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Get a skinny normal backpack
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>I like the way it looks
Nobody gives a fuck what your pack looks like you narcissistic little cunt. Just get the whipsnake 3700000000000 and do your thing.
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The image in your mind is probably pic related but the people who currently spam LARP everywhere are actually normalfags who learned it from FaceBerg during the boogaloo retard days.
But only in combination with Le Crevasse™

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What’s it going to take to stop this man?
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I feel sorry for the guy. He lost his wife and his neighbor friend like back to back. Seems like everyone around him keeps dying
His mother died in between his wife and best friend.
>between his wife and best friend
Wow, his mom was being eiffel-towered when she died, pretty intense
Man, i forgot my hammock tree straps on a weekend bike tour, so the first night I just said fuck it I’ll go to the town walking path and find a bench to sleep on. At like 1 am I’m still awake and someone walks by no flashlight and really quiet, all i saw was a silhouette of a probably homeless mountain drunk walking by…that was good for me, the mountain drunks are docile and nothing like urban meth heads but I still got on the bike and started just going home, too weird
my buddy had a run in with a mountain drunk on a logging road and he pulled a shotgun out on him immediately so maybe you've had good encounters.

But yeah animal noises whatever are fine with me. Losing my gear because i'm tired or whatever and some junkie perma stealther wants money i'm not even gonna bother

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Hiking near Laramie peak
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Hiked a few hours today, to look at the snow melting, and to test some of my gear, just started walking from home today.
Wanted to check how my hobo stove worked with damp wood, which went surprisingly well.
Also put a new edge on my folding knife, as I got some chipping with original angle, so wanted to test that out with some whittling and chopping after putting a convex edge on it.
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Still some ice on the lakes here.
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Some signs of last fall's rut, first time seeing signs of roe deer in this area, they have migrated this far north pretty recently, and seem to be thriving these last few years.
Hope their population increases so that I can hunt them in a few years.
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After chopping some small trees and making a bunch of feather sticks, no chipping on the blade this time.
Edge isn't quite as slicey as before, but at least it doesn't look like a saw after some abuse.
Pretty happy with it now.

So my friend from uni who I used to do easy /out/ trips has invited me to come visit him (moved to USA) and go camping all over the mid west and Western US for a month. I recently got a job but told them about this plan and they okayed me starting later so I literally have a month straight of camping.

I am actually spooked about camping in dense woods in places like Pennsylvania (where we start), Michigan, Minnesota, even Black Hills in SD. I feel like out west it's more expansive and even if forested it's not as creepy (maybe I'm wrong).

But I legit think I might blow it because I'm creeped out by the woods. Is it actually that creepy? I've done camping in UK and France and wasn't really afraid but this is my first time doing backcountry camping.
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It would be best if you had a kayak or canoe for Minnesota/Michigan if you are going to the Northwoods

There are black bear and wolves, no cougars or brown bears

It's pretty spooky since there is a lot of bog and swamp mixed in
sorry what kind of foreplay is this exactly??
some people get all the luck
>t.horny femanon who thinks getting chased in the woods would be hot
right? why isn't it a normal foreplay thing for couples, I'd love to go out into the woods with someone and chase them down and capture :)
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Ran into a cryptid last night, I was scared and running so the pic is blurry. Barely survived.

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Why do you like nature more than people?
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Have you ever been around people dude?? Theyre god awful.
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I had rather die at 30 as a free man, than live to 80 as a (((slave))).
>Ancient humans lived till they were 30
Ancient humans lived longer, it’s just that the extremely high infant mortality rate pushed the average year of death down.
>their teeth rotted out
Most of them had better teeth than an average modern person because they were eating natural foods and not ultra processed sugar goyslop.
>of they died of some horrid shit
Good thing that doesn’t happen anymore, right?
Go move to Afghanistan. You can live your dream of stepping in a dirty puddle and dying horribly.
Pulled up and put em on clutch

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Here is your pocket knife bro
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turns out that people who want to hurt others will find a way to do it whether they can get a gun or not. people seem to forget that you can cause a lot of damage with pretty much any car and they're everywhere, no need for a weapon
So... a new model? With a new design, newly manufactured?
>due to crime wave
fucking where? they think anything happening 'murica or even UK affects the largest pocket knife manufacturer in the world, located in Switzerland?
they're just looking to expand and being so dominant they only just now found an opportunity - a BRAND NEW, TSA safe product
it's the problem of an english language that it has no word for a multitool of the style
mine does
Your heart :^)
construction equipment.

100% a legit euro headline. remember the nahrwal tusk stabbing?

the thing the media doesn't tell you is its ethnic on ethnic gang members shooting each other in America and hate crime against white people by immigrants in the UK. I go to chicago for work frequently, one of the deadliest gun violence citites on the planet. All guns are "illegal" there, you can see how much that helps. The key is stay out of the shitto. If we really wanted to lower crime we'd just make murder and stabbing double really serious crimes instead of banning things.

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I require more ticks
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Yes, sister?
I need the proteins for the hard work I require ticks
fat fuck
Does chickens eats ticks? Can they make my backyard safe for the kiddos?
They can make it safer, but typically biological controls require other controls to be completely effective. I'd recommend getting ducks if you want to eat the eggs, or guineafowl if you want the most insect control per bird.
S-sisters there are no ticks in the water! send help

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