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What’s it going to take to stop this man?
Poor guy has had a rough couple of years
Mother, wife, now best friend
Are we gonna see him in a few years as a stump with no legs or arms saying "Okay... more bad news"
This is barely news. Was revealed a few weeks ago Glen was terminal.
I missed that reveal so it was news to me. Looks like I won and you lost because I didn't waste my time watching it
Maybe next time you'll beat me
His videos are ok. I don't mind him.

“Poor guy” killed his wife and then killed people who figured him out.
Just because you did that doesn't mean everyone else does
Shut up, Steve
>Not denying it
What the fuck...
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Crazy Neighbor never stood a chance.
He knew too much, asked too many questions. It had to be done.
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>man I miss that crazy neighbor and the damn wife, hope they will find them
Careful guys, he sues people who try to expose the truth of how he killed his wife.
RIP Crazy Neighbour
I just started watching this guy and did he always sound like he is on the verge of killing himself so was this a post-wife development.
1 jab and that was it
Steve is a leaf youtuber who does 'stealth camping' in spots where camping is not allowed. Behind roadside billboards, wooded strips near highways, abandoned buildings, etc. A year ago (more?) his wife passed away suddenly and he stopped filming videos for a while. She had previously dropped him off at a lot of his camping locations. When he came back he was obviously affected by it, and his 'Crazy Neighbor' named Glen who he was friends with and who had appeared in videos before, was clearly helping him through it. Crazy neighbor was recently diagnosed with some terminal illness, and then died.
When his wife died, we started making jokes that he had killed her and his 'stealth camping' was really because he was on the run from the RCMP. Now another person close to him passes away, and the joke becomes even funnier/sadder.
His content is cool, honestly awesome how he’s completely unphazed by sleeping alone in often very exposed areas. I wig the fuck out if im solo in the woods camping during the day!

I always appreciated the fact he’s not a gear whore and is often using a pretty simple kit.

As for killing his wife, I think that’s a hot load of crap.
>As for killing his wife, I think that’s a hot load of crap.
You do know where you are don't you?
>hot load of crap
I agree. Dude had all the time away he needed what with his illegal camping. Why did he have to go and kill her? Fucking ridiculous.
He's a psychopath that's why he's never scared.
to add to this, it turns out a guy doing 90% of the shitposting was some incel faggot from Sweden who was forced to stop after Steve hired a PI to track him down
It's all shitposting. No one actually believed he killed his wife except autistic spastics. Also half the "accusations" were/are clot shot related so would have nothing to do with him anyway.
I think the schizoposters calling him a murderer are trying to redirect from the fact that it probably was the vaxx.
He's an accessory to murder at best; he let his wife get the clotshot
What?! I knew only about the wife!
He's changing the channel to dance tutorials and Samba content.
>today on Dancing with Steve we're learning the major variations of maxixe
>OK! 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
Where'd he bury the bodies?
On top of the roundabout
Yeah wow what could it be
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Consequences from alcohol that force him to stop drinking.

That will never happen though. He is going to die a pathetic death drinking "camp beers" in a bush behind a dollar tree.

His whole "stealth camping" is just an excuse to drink beer.

Also, his wife was CREAMPIED TO DEATH.
its because he is shitfaced drunk on booze

Do you think homeless bums feel anxious about passing out drunk on the sidewalk?
No, it was a hot load of cum. She was creampied to death.
He will stop... when everyone is dead! HaHAhaHahA!
you can definitely tell the dude started doing these videos just so he could drink alone in peace because his wife was a raging bitch.
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Feel sad for the guy. Found him on YT when I was in quite bad place. Just regular bloke, no "I'm macho survivalist" nonsense and I liked it, binged the shit of his random videos. Made me actually wanna try going /out/ for myself. Thx Steve.
Did he get caught (pretending to be a hobo) yet?
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I think it's fun to question whether this criminal mastermind ever had a wife at all. With all due respect.
He is actually a wanted criminal though. Open container laws in Ontario and much of Canada expressly prohibit the carrying and consumption of "Step Two's" in public and unlicensed premises. Every Step Two he drinks on camera, in PUBLIC, is a fineable offence. And public intoxication may result in jail time and upto $5000 CAD in fines.
Don't be a goof, eh. Camp at your home
I mean I get the twisted humor of it all, but the REAL villain is that J.F. Quebeqois weirdo who coldly abandoned his potato to freeze to death then get eaten up by wild animals. I believe they still don't have a body so the case is cold but I hope he gets what's coming to him.
Only DUBS can stop him
The Chuck Norris face is the absolute crown jewel
>steve wallis dies
>steve wallis ghost uploads explaining why he isnt camping this week
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You sound like a pussy. Im currently shitposting from behind a dumpster in the woods and ive only had a 12er
What a gay law
Because gay country
> muh country of freedom
I am recently (this week) homeless and I'm going to have to like him. God bless Steve.
Yet it is 100% decriminalized to be bugging off fent in any major Canadian city
he'll probably die in his sleep one day and then wake up to make a video about how sad it was that he's gone but you just gotta move on and keep living. I know that sounds kinda dark and maybe even mean, but I'm serious. The guy is a super hero, no matter how bad the situation gets he just doesn't give up and thats something to admire.
>let me just import 1 million street shitters per year OH NO, THERES A MAN CONSUMING A DRINK IN THE WOODS. SAVE ME CASTRO'S SON. I think i understand why canada legalized killing yourself.
every now and then i make the mistake of checking back, what this asshole has been up to. every time i do so, i am surprised, that the content can still get lower in quality. in those regards i guess i am never let down. pic very related
it drives me crazy how paranoid he gets camping, he wants to run off and hide at the mere thought of a jogger or hiker seeing him...it's not like he's on the run from the law or could ever be arrested, a mere "hey i'm fuckin campin here get out my campsite" should be enough to get 99% of people to not bug him
It's content
>hires PI to stalk people and threaten them for saying mean words
Pick one
i would pay good money to step 3 with steve, get a heavy crossfade going in the middle of fuckin nowhere with some fine canadian kush. really i hope he makes it out these tough times alright, he seems like a legit good dude.
>I always appreciated the fact he’s not a gear whore and is often using a pretty simple kit.

I think the vid where he made a real life blanket fort was one of my favourites he's ever done.
slenderman is going to come and kill you unless you get all the pages dude
i find it fun and endearing
stealth camping is about preparing for the apocalypse, he needs to man the fuck up and get scary, build booby traps wires with shot gun blanks, throw firecrackers, make ghost sounds, paint his face like a native warrior, ghillie suit and canada legal crossbow...reclaim the canadian wilderness and make his ancestors proud
stealth camping is about drinking a beer in the woods behind home depot
I watched the video recently in which he camps in an abandoned cabin close to a forest's edge in the middle of fall. While he was lighting a fire in the fireplace there were the hoos of an owl outside and the wind was blowing, rattling the walls of the cabin and the leaves of the trees outside. Such a nice, calm moment.
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Found his latest victim.

the new gold mining content looks sick, what better use of stealth than to claim jump and steal nibbas gold
anybody inspired by steve to camp in a meme stealth spot? how'd it go?
woken up by cops at like 3am
slept in the bushes by a bridge. homeless guy was walking around where i was sleeping. said fuck this and went home at 4am cuz i cant sleep with some guy creeping around me in the dark
did they kick you out or just check you were alive?
Got kicked out, they thought I was stealing scrap steel from bins in an adjacent property.
I wouldnt worry about it
Also, czech'd
You think they cuddle?
Not yet, but I have a location planned. Innawoods by the local creek that meanders through town. We don't have a homeless problem so I won't have to deal with what >>2732128 was talking about.
Did all three get the Fauci ouchie?
>Step 2
where did this "drinking 1 beer makes you an alcoholic?" zoomer shitposting come from?
is it zoomer's addicted to vape pens and MDMA?
this but unironically
people watch it for this shit, hoping it'll be the video he gets caught
it works, like when Joe Robinet 'almost died' because the retard didnt take enough food with him on an 8 day camp
if you saw his latest video he bought a 24 pack.
conveniently none of his "friends" showed up
I feel sorry for the guy. He lost his wife and his neighbor friend like back to back. Seems like everyone around him keeps dying
His mother died in between his wife and best friend.
>between his wife and best friend
Wow, his mom was being eiffel-towered when she died, pretty intense
Man, i forgot my hammock tree straps on a weekend bike tour, so the first night I just said fuck it I’ll go to the town walking path and find a bench to sleep on. At like 1 am I’m still awake and someone walks by no flashlight and really quiet, all i saw was a silhouette of a probably homeless mountain drunk walking by…that was good for me, the mountain drunks are docile and nothing like urban meth heads but I still got on the bike and started just going home, too weird
my buddy had a run in with a mountain drunk on a logging road and he pulled a shotgun out on him immediately so maybe you've had good encounters.

But yeah animal noises whatever are fine with me. Losing my gear because i'm tired or whatever and some junkie perma stealther wants money i'm not even gonna bother
He should shake Trudeau's hand.
oh F U C K
I love Steve! Such a good guy!

Imagine you hate o>>2721933
n the guy or keep repeating this absolute low IQ nonsense.

Y'all are pathetic subhuman freaks and I hope some nigger on bathsalts eats your fucking face
Its not even funny to shit- or shizopost about that.

Yes, because she's in many videos and was at the fan meet ups. She's not on camera but she talks to him and you can see her catching the camera sometimes while a storm was blowing.
'mean words' - it's just funny that subhuman-parasocial freaks like you don't have a 'free space' anymore.
Can't be a pos IRL you skinny faggot will get shanked instantly and even online you can't shitpost anymore.

Just kill yourself you absolut worthless piece of shit XD

Steve for President!
No, you dumb freak XD

'we watch' because his videos are chill. Nobody cares if someone sees him or something like that. Lmfao
>seething this hard because someone doesn't like your favorite homeless wife-killer
He won't have sex with you anon
Underr8ed and I am sorry about that anon
anyone else got one of those hennessy hammocks like steve has? are they worth the price?

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