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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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We're tweaking the email verification system that we've been trialing over the past month. In order to post on /biz/ you will now have to do one of the following:

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Have any of you pivoted careers? How did it go for you?
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>be nerdy skinny musician kid
>go to uni at 20 wanting to be a shrink
>while doing first year get called in to national service
>take two years off uni
>manage to go through the whole thing (I saw about a sixth of my peers get phased out)
>gained weight, now at perfect BMI
>now enjoy fitness, guns, outdoors, etc but not obsessed with it
>back to uni studying psychology
>realise the whole thing is gay as fuck
>academia, bureaucracy, the whole thing being dominated by w*men
>don't want to deal with this shit as part of my career
>lose interest, drop out
>become a forklift driver

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lesson learned: don't stop drinking.
being a shrink would have been way gayer. I don't know those fuckers justify that shit to themselves.
Swapped from office finance wagie to AV technician wagie, the pay is better but i have to travel full time and I have to deal with mexicans and retards on certain construction sites but atleast no women or HR cunts to deal with.
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If you only knew how many jobs I’ve had.

>retail wagie
>mechanical engineer
>pizza boy
>software engineer
>small business owner

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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This week was a test run and boy things sure do not look good for them. No wonder Citadel was seething about this last year.
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I own over 700 DRS, and over 500 on Fidelity with my Roth IRA and Individual account...so I own more than you, fuccboi. I call this stock The Matrix, because I'm balls deep in this bitch, and I can't pull out.
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Love the mongol memes
No you don’t lol
Ok back to your thread then >>58495285

I have a degree so I'm a subhuman compared to these tradies
Both are equally shit. Just hold link

before it does another 2x today. The dumps aren't working, lmao.
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You’re obviously rich in melatonin, check LINU distribution stupid fuck. Literally unruggable CTO. Best distribution ever seen in crypto.
you poopjeets cant go 1 thread without shilling your shitcoin. and you always do it in a faggot homosexual poopjeet way by going and bringing your shitcoin up like anyone cares about it in a thread for another coin. poopjeets not even once
Why are all the poopers quiet now when we started pumping again??

See you at 1B pig heads
I will be a fucking LINU gazzilionaire LFG
None of these stinky fudders can stop me!!!
>Bitmart and there’s been a pretty massive price disparity between that and Uniswap/FameEX today

Are the other listings still happening? I'm impressed just the 2 listings kept it alive. I have not been keeping up with it.

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>X is life changing money
>probably still gonna live the same shitty way
Can't you just use that money to transplant hair?
While I am a manlet, luckily I am not bald and I don't face that problem despite being poor.
I can probably make a life as a gigolo if I didn't have any morals.
this whole thread is like a snapshot of how young or poor people who don't know the value of money think
500k is literally nothing retard.

huge bull flag
That's a bulltrap. Shorting now.
post position
>newfag detected
Bullflag= dump. Heres why: What whales want more than anything is liquidity. When normgroids such as yourself see a magic dick and balls pattern on the chart, what whales will do is take the opposite side of the trade. Then when le super ebin pattern is invalidated, you and all the other retail traders (tea leaf readers) will sell, supplying liquidity onto the market. Thats when whales will rebuy their positions with minimal slippage. In this example, that price point is somewhere just under $16 or so if the rally is to continue.

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>Team is in bed with cb
>They are not even hiding it anymore
>Onchain summer about to start
>Release of smart wallet
>Avi team were handpicked by Jesse to attend their smart wallet seminar for devs only

The comeback is real and that cuck "whale" that spassed out + palladius himself sold the absolute bottom you can't make this shit up

Let's fucking go star fox
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I checked the TG of a specific coin that ALWAYS pops up. They are using the same delays, the same market maker gotbit and most of the AVI team members are also active in there(MaxzPain, Pengo, etc) They still did not comment why PAW chain is ALWAYS mentioned where AVI is. Including that AMA useless YouTube channel dude is shilling Paw chain and also AVI. It's like they were made by the same ex SHIB team... Anyways, very strange and an explanation was never given. I'm 99% certain the delays and all that shit is because the devs are doing two things at the same time. Avi and paw chain and that's why nothing is on time.
they said a while back that theyre not affiliated at all, some of avi just used to know some of the people who work on paw
max and pengo are in a bunch of random tgs, too- they just like trading
and, i dont know what paws timelines are like, but literally any project that isnt a worthless memecoin takes time to make. the products dont make themselves
this is also why the waiting fud meme with avi is so silly to begin with, its probably the most ubiquitous possible complaint to have across any project making any product of value
>kicked out of nu-shib for being the first ones to call out their scamming
were they kicked out before or after it reached 1B?
never seen paw mentioned in the TG, go shill your coin somewhere else

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Why is there still no alt-season?
Most of my alts are around the same levels as a year ago.
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But 100% is nothing, that's less than BTC. Even large mcap alts should be up 5x by now. Everything should be relatively near ath
young and tight.

>Why is there still no alt-season?
because they're worthless and useless
look at those jealous negros behind her. absolutely disgusting, welcome to the jew world order.
Imagine how easy life must be looking like that
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Because it's going to be memecoin season and memecoin summer.

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Every article, podcast, youtube video, ebook, website, literal human being, newspaper clipping, etc that explains how to start a business does the exact same thing.
>"want to run a business? here's why you should."
>insert success story
>talk about unicorn multi-billionaires
>just believe in yourself
>be the best be you can be, ever be
>just believe and do it
>here's how much money i have
>guess you just don't want it hard enough
i literally just want to build a small vending machine route. are there any good resources for people who know absolutely nothing about business? how would you explain how to start a business to a fucking $15 an hour white castle floor mopper? i can't just buy a vending machine and literally plop it into shaniqua's gitcha-hair-did barbershop and say "this is mine and it's here now."
i don't need advice on how to build confidence or shake hands or make deals, or any of that. HOW DO I DO IT. I registered for a business name and I'm already getting emails, now I have to get an EIN by registering the business with the IRS, it costs $300 and I have absolutely no idea what happens next. It'll probably be 6 months before I can get my first machine, should I be shitting myself about what emails I get next about daddy government being mad at me for not paying taxes on a business which makes and spends no money that I registered for when I was drunk? What the fuck am I doing? This feels like the only fcking way to learn
Go buy a business for dummys book or something
Also, this is one thing I've heard Tate say which is legitimately good advice, when starting a business, do not bother with any legal things, just dive into the business to see if it will be profitable/successful first. If so, then you can afford an accountant to do all that shit for you.
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You want actual real advice from an anon who did it?

>Have a support network of friends and family
>Have a lot of free time
>Have a small savings you only use for your business
>Have a skill or “be extremely skilled in retail/food” in your business
>Scope out your local competitors
>Offer your services at first at prices less than your competitors
>grow customers
>use the majority of your revenue to invest back into your business
>increase prices on services/products
>have a loyal clientele that you treat like local royalty (do the math to see if you could survive on them alone)
>start living off some of your profits but slowly expanding your business

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surfing the great material continuum edition hehehehe


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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The geographic split on my portfolio:

United Kingdom 24%
Europe (ex-UK) 27%
United States 16%
Canada 11%
Japan 10%
Australia 7%
South Korea 5%

Are there any other democratic, free market and western-aligned countries to invest in?
I hear Palestine is pretty hot right now ... but that may just be from the thermite.
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Is there an easy way to find stocks heavily shorted?
If anything this should become my primary investing technique. Find stuff 90%+ shorted and once redd*t finds out I make money. Perfect idea of taking money from redd*tards.
Market watch has a chart of short interest:
marketwatch dot com slash tools slash screener slash short-interest
Thanks I'll look into this. FFIE should be the next big one it just needs to get a bit more steam.

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Celo Alfojores was also integrated in the last week and also does not show up.
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Token isn’t needed
Token appears to be needed
because it's annoying to update
also hehe haha hoho
Piss off
No you

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Is it true that Americans take out 30 year fixed rate mortgages to buy shitty wooden frame houses that collapse during a storm?
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American here, living in a brick house that I own clear of debt. I also own guns, fag.
>increasing land tax till the day you die
>increasing land value
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>meanwhile in OP's neighborhood
Florida fag here. Cinderblock, has withstood cat 5 hurricanes. I also own guns, fag. The pic is Texas which also had some of the highest property taxes in the country

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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

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>wrinkle brains
I would honestly consider going back or hanging yourself with braided fishing line.
Calling us retards is based, yes.
Lying about it and saying “that’s what they call themselves!” is kike behavior
If they doubled down instead, it would be based. Instead it’s just cringe
They 100% call themselves retarded on plebbit

And they’re right. Too bad faggot hedgies need to water down their rhetoric because they’re gay
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>lying about it
ok retard

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What I found on Andre Cronje's Github is going to scare the fucking shit out of you, especially if you hold Fantom (Ticker: FTM)
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what did forbes mean by this?
49 seconds to type, choose file, get captcha, complete captcha and to post
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Post his GitHub, most of us here are code monkeys, webshitters, and Rust Troons anyway so we’ll be able to tell.

>t. Pod anon
Please met us know what scamdre is up to this time.

>cba to copy/paste the OP edition

Thread for Gamestop and its stock $GME :)

>last thread: >>58493884
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You must be shills if you don't believe the US judicial system isn't going to uncover the fraud and destroy the US financial system. I bet you also think BBBYQ actually was canceled.
Uh oh spaghetti-o's.

We just got our distraction from GME and CAT.
Ken Griffin was spotted near the scene with a stinger missile. They're really getting desperate now.
Source: my dog thought broadcasted it to me
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This week is going to be pretty lit, isn't it?
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>muh US judicial system
daily reminder that the entire fucking market is a massive fraudulent scheme to extract money from retards which has been indisputably proven time and time again yet
>muh US judicial system
has literally NEVER taken action against these people
>inb4 literally ONE retarded CEO went to trial in 2008 after (((bankers))) almost nuked the world economy (and he's still rich and back running a hedge fund TODAY)
it's almost as if (((billionaires))) don't have to follow the rules for some strange reason
imagine redditors unironically believing this is going to change now (after already being shown it won't 3.5 years ago and again just this past week) because uh... well uh... it just WILL

>he's never read a michael lewis book
midwit status: detected

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What are the implications of falling exchange BTC reserves?
Number go up
Whatever they are, Ethereum reserves are falling harder so it counts more for Ethereum

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What goes up
Must come down

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It's dumping again...
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As the OP, I say cheers to the current and future dumps
I never miss any aast dip
shitcoins tho, are like casinos. you enter, and the first moment you are even a miniscule amount in the green, you RUN FOR YOUR LIFE and never come back.
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The Holy Ancient Thread
Very based thread

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