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They've teamed up.
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Biggest link up since Spottemgottem and Poo Shiesty.
buy high, sell low
Go to "the spot" in the woods. Wait 3 days.
why did all the crab market and black swan coins fail? they are pepe variants, but I guess not funny enough
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yeah, perfect timing to fuck up absolutely all my bags, I still have my Tuzki but I was planning on bigger stuff, fuck you fat brown hairy ball

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opinion on Ceremonies (SAGE on ethereum)? team says it builds a market place for AI to allow collaboration and transactions

but it's chicks in a desert
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I looked at this trying to prove it's a scam.
To my suprise these guys have a github with a functioning code in it.
This might actually be a good project.

OpenAI can use Google, but it can't use Claude and , even if it could, you'd need to be paying for a subscription to both

As the Al ecosystem expands, it's just unrealistic for bots to be subscribed to dozens of different services, so this allows for both pay per use and subscription models

As a basic example, if your LLM needed some custom image generation for a piece of written work, it can utilize the Ceremonies AI $SAGE marketplace to independently purchase the content it needs to complete the job

So basically openai could aquire data from the marketplace it before didnt have access to

github already online and looking well. marketing didn't start yet


looking at github + docs this may be AI alpha play at current mcap

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Best stealth wealth signifiers? Casios get mentioned a lot, what else?
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A plain cashmere sweater.

Suits are wagie uniforms for white collar workers who serve the plain cashmere sweater elite. The cashmere sweater says "I have enough money and sense to prioritize comfort over trying to impress the plebians". Next time you’re flying, look into the first class cabin and start counting cashmere sweaters
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a $2000 backpack that looks like it costs $30
What are some stealth poverty signifiers? I already have a Lac with 20" rims and a stereo system that bumps.
Normal looking outfit that contains 0% polyester.
cum covered socks. Getting multiple uses out of the same item is some high net worth sheet.

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> have million at 18
> go to medical school
> live decently without a job, focus, get gf - not too broke to go out, to the gym, etc
> she will put up with your temp poorfag because muh surgeon
> make $600,000 first year on the job after

Sounds like enough to change your life.
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>you were born just in time to explore the early net
>born in a time of extreme peace relatively speaking
>unlimited knowledge at your fingertips
>amazing improvements in all sports and all fields of knowledge
>can learn and do more things than ever before, can easily connect with people to teach you rather than being a peasant stuck on a farm for your entire life
Life's not all bad depending on your perspective.
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>Literally KERMIT whole liquidity
>KERMIT is one of the most trendiest coins here

Perhaps, but it's a hell of a lot more than what I have now. I wouldn't mind $1 million.

If that's the case you wouldn't mind burning $1,000,000, right? Exactly, stupid deluded cunt.

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Also thought about the second part.

Blind leading the blind.
>BTW you can make 110k pressuring washing these days. No stress, no PIP, no corporate bs, no perf review, no 7 steps interviews, getting ghosted by recruiters. And you wont get laid off at random
Has anyone done this? Or know someone who did this? I am thinking about it if I manage to save enough money, how much does it even cost to start a gig like that?
Of course, because tech is full of faggots and smug retards. But I wouldn't trade the money, being remote and the flexible hours for anything

> t. work in tech millenial
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>You will have to teach third worlders because all white people will be taught in good private schools

Teachers are rightly miserable and hate their jobs.It is also one of the most feminized work places out there so be prepared for stupid drama to drag you down.

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I have around 335 ETH. Will I make it this cycle and work only as a hobby?
OMG how did you get that many?
Could you help me out getting started?
Even if ETH hits $10k you'll only have $3.35M. Time to find a job, poorfag.

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markets looking a little heavy. Be careful out there.

Why is their population allowed to stagnate and they don't require every new generation to be more populous than the last generation without the whole thing collapsing? According to economics 101 this should be impossible.
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Other than the elderly issue others mentioned, their youth also doesn't shy away from "undesirable" labor. Third wordlers will put up with living cramped with 10 dudes in a 50 sqm shack just to clean toilets in the city or manual labor in the fields.
It is not just capitalism, I would say it is 50-50 between that and liberal democracy.
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because the jews need them to genocide whites, simple as.
ignore the other low IQ commenters
ok fed
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>ok fed
They don’t have a pension system that is no different than a classic ponzi scheme that relies on infinite (population) growth to pay out pensions to the previous generations and avoid collapse.

Even most financially illiterate zoomers are aware that boomers are the last generation to get be able to get anything out of the current pension system

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you are fuxking nighers fuck you faggot bitch niggas im TELLING YOU
Piece of shit its fucking faggot

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Everest has tokenized $250m worth of emeralds. This is the first time I've seen actual RWAs tokenized onchain that aren't fiat currencies.
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>This is the first time I've seen actual RWAs tokenized onchain that aren't fiat currencies.
lol, lmao
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Glad to be alive to brag in front of everyone about making $20k on some coin called Retardio
show me something thats not a grift or meme then faggot
oh wait you cant because you dont know what you're talking about

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Day 1043 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k
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Forget $100k, how about breaking through $75k???????
not happening
It'll happen, it's just taking a while.
kek someone just made a shitcoin based on our snailposter

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Ethereum will be $5,000 before the end of June
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there's a new L2 popping up every week. use them
then why arent you all in you zoomer pussy?
Not false.
Just 995000 more to go after that

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There is a group attacking /biz/ by shilling anything gay themed/Gay frog related minting new coins, let the coin ride for less than an hour before pulling the liquidity out leaving you to hold worthless bags. Keep an eye out for these scammers. Mods, Sticky this.
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>There is a group attacking /biz/ by shilling anything, minting new coins, let the coin ride for less than an hour before pulling the liquidity out leaving you to hold worthless bags. Keep an eye out for these scammers. Mods, Sticky this.
This group is the first time I see coordinated with multiple coins minted all with the same modus operandi.
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what if i only buyed coins listed on beenance
just bee yourself

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>~87.5% down from ATH
time to slurp i guess
i think it's over but i keep a small bag just in case of..

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Make more money.
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Why not turn it around? I mean, women get the jobs, and make the money these days. You want a man? Pay us.
MWP movement. Make Women Pay. It started this second on /biz/
>AND be 6' 5"
I am 6'5"; it's too tall. 6'3" would have been perfect.
The meme just isn’t that good. Sorry fren.
People are realizing this whole girls suck thing is just more Jewish manipulation to sow division
> girls aren't the literal devil
tits or gtfo

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Why isn't everyone dog piling into ICP?

Are people really choosing to dump millions into APU, PEPE, and LINK over ICP? Do they even know ICP exists or what it is? Why would anyone use or buy LINK when ICP can interface with web2 without an intermediary? It's the everything chain, it can host any and all compute, and is currently the ONLY chain that can run REAL AI onchain... Tech so strong that SBF manipulated the token price on launch making it look like a pump and dump to protect his investments in SOLANA.. (https://cryptoleaks.info/case-no-1 released BEFORE he was officially caught)

ERC-20 shitcoins having a higher marketcap than ICP makes ZERO sense. We are still so early.
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Because there is no quick route for me to ape shit.
Last time I had to send money from nns to a new wallet that the swap site had created but I failed the move and never touched ICP again.
was that years ago? there's new ways now

but yeah, your internet identity will create a new wallet on the dapp for security purposes. but then how'd you fail to simply send icp to yourself?
ICP always stand for


the bullrun is so, sooo close
Ok so you think cause ICP is some hot tech shit it should be billions more than the already inflated billions it is. Due to the tech? Let me green pill you.

There is a project that is 10m FDV that tech wise is better than ICP. Zero hype, just tech. It is implementing Unikernals so any web2 app can run on it, its kind of feeless in that if you hold some 'gas' token you can use freely without charge. The way it moves BTC around is more native than ICP, instead of canisters it uses a LN overlay that brings decentralization to the LN.

If you think ICP should be worth more at billions of MC then how much do you think Zenon should be?

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$marv is barely less than a 1 million dollar market cap. with $apu at 200 million market cap, surely marv is an easy x20 right? I'm loading up my bags and I plan to shill this on twitter.
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Which contract though?


easy to remember because its spurdo x-DDDD
don't listen to this retard. here's the correct one https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/marv/
it has all the links you need
ah i thought he was asking about Spurdo, since he replied to a spurdo image. yeah, marv is this one 0x3BB1BE077f3F96722AE92ec985aB37Fd0a0c4C51

i sold mine to buy Apu bottom. i like the meme but the team and TG are Indian

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How do I create my memecoin, on eth/ also same on base.
Also what are the conditions for take off, like contract renounced, low taxes, how much liquidity.
spoonfeed me all the info like I was a dumb retard 7yo kid.

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I bought 77m APU because of this tweet.
What am I in for?
> What am I in for?

apu current fair market value is 3.5b~, so around 1m dollars, unironically.

You're crying because like all your crap Meme tokens that ridicule this market it's a scam. You got fucked and it's good for your 80 IQ ass.

> bearish on memecoins on 2024

utility tokens are dead faggot, get over it
Repent, faggot, the end is nigh.

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