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Why are they so (apparently) hated? People seem to dislike the fact that they have to wait for the lights to cycle before they can cross the road. But isn't this literally how they work in other normal parts of the world??

Also why are they called this? Because you have to "beg" cars to be able to cross the road? Do Americans really?
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A lot of the buttons these days in the US don't actually work anymore and that's intended.
>pushing the cuck button
>not walking out into traffic like a chad
You’re not gonna make it famalam
I live in north italy. On secondary streets they tend to work on this sort of gentleman agreement:
Walkers don't push the botton
Drivers yeld and let them cross.
So, the outcome is favorable for both: pedestrians cross and drivers don't get a red light.
No lie?

It was in houston, so might not be representative of all of the usa

I've been in quite a few other places in the USA and it's all quite similar
Italy is fucking retarded when it comes to traffic in any capacity.

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Why don't you own one with direct front drive?
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>White in purpedicular sunshine: 120F
>Black: 140F
Where did you get those numbers? On picture range is from 31.1°C to 45.8°C (88 F to 114 F).
I can't find the link to the full study though to see what is the ambient temperature.

I think insulation might do more harm, because the major source of heat is still the body doing the work. And you have to remove that heat. Insulation is good only if you actually have some sort of air conditioning installed.
Vented double hull might work. The outer hull stops the sun and heats up because of that, inner hull is heated up by body heat and the air between both hulls circulates and cools down both inner and outer hull.
>propane powered refrigeration
Do you know where to get it? I cant' seem to find anything useful.
Ucl employees are not welcome.
>At 5:11
Yeah, the Velion, previously known as Katanga VM45.
At first I thought it would be a competitor for the Quatrevelo, but it's not, this one is WAY bigger. It was meant to be in the scooter category with a top speed of 45km/h (27-ish mph?) which would require insurance in EU. Which I don't like at all, it also pains me that using it without e-assist is almost impossible.
Your gradient is completely wrong, the real measurements are as >>1995868 said. In a more cold weather the color might not matter, but where I'm from, Spain, it does matter a lot. Also all the suggestions you said increase weight by a lot, which is the main issue with VMs and not emissions. So if I can cool my velo by ~14°C with 0 weight gain, there's no reason not to do it.

>>1991166 following up on this post, I made some progress in the design phase of the 4 wheeler will post later, I'm using SketchUp for the 3d model because that's what I learned to use in highschool and can't be assed to learn any other software.
why does it have to be so gay looking
I'd like a recumbent bike. Please point me to anywhere where I can find a good description of proven recumbent geometry. 'Plans' would do too.
I have a suspicion that those things run very different HTA and trail.

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Eurosistas, they'll make fun of us...
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How do the threads on that small screw hold the weight of the entire train?
>why hasn't any country rolled it out to their entire fleet?
First of all, there's more than one (way more than one) railway companies operating in each of those countries, especially in freight. Secondly, trains regularly cross boarders too. New systems are hard to get out there because the moment that car is incompatibel with the rest of vehicles out there it can no longer be used for most of its purposes. There's repeatedly been attempts and low-volume implementation, eg. on iron-ore trains in germany that would've been too heavy for buffer-&-chain but ultimately for most applications the advantages are not worth widespread incompatibility as of now.
Ah, cool. Thanks for the explanation. We don't have that type of coupler here, and I was curious about the differences. A shame no one does it correctly, presumably because a guy would have to be between two wagons compressing, which is dangerous? Hopefully these new ones work out better for everyone involved.
>and in the 1990s people were saying how railroads used to be properly run back in the 1970s
Literally no one in the 90's wanted the good old days of bankruptcy back you fucking retard
I doubt very much that there was no one at the coalface in the 1990s who thought things were better twenty years ago!

Lime bikes edition


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I forgot to mention: Patching is way faster with most IGHs, like on my commuter. So regarding the rear I will always first see if it can ne patched in situ.
Patch kits are much easier to bring than entirely separate tube
What do you do with the tube when you get home? Do you toss it?
Come on now anon, be realistic.
>because for commuting you should prioritize a reliable tire+tube setup that minimises flats
Any tire+tube setup can still get flats, no matter how uncommon it is
This guy gets it. Depending on the bike its not realistic to bring a tube at all. And even when commuting and you are swapping tubes, more often than not you can still fix the tube and have your spare back. Lastly, as mentioned, on some wheels its way too much of a hassle to take the wheel out entirely.
how do i tell which ones those are?ithe kit without glue was from decathlon

what's IHGs?
not him but
>pull out tube
>take out valve core and fold up tight
>install new tube and go
I always take them home and patch them, but i do carry patches in case of an emergency.

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When people are up in a helicopter and it crashes they usually die right?

Streets were made for people. Bikes, buses, pedestrians, and streetcars belong on our roads. Personal cars do not.
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>Your example concerns the ridiculous premise of 'what if a tram and a passenger vehicle were equipped with the same braking mechanism'.
The tram is going to have more powerful brakes than a vehicle, but not on the scale of thirty times that amount. Basically, the sheer mass of the streetcar (78,000 pounds as per the official website, or 35380.205 kg), blows anything by a personal vehicle out of the water.
You just presented two calculations that both imply you believe both vehicles to have equally strong brakes. You also insinuated that braking force would be somehow determinant of the stopping or braking distance. And now you're trying to missrepresent what I have claimed and I am pretty sure it's not accidential.
I have no expertise in tram or train engineering and don't wish to have any points of contact with such objects. Yet I am pretty sure that their design is sensible. And a sensibly designed vehicle will have brakes that, at expected speeds of opreration, have the potency to lock up the associated wheels. This then makes whatever traction there is the limiting factor and there will be ample reserves in terms of mechanical brake performance for every situation.
IF we then assume one of the streecars that employ what looks to be pneumatic tires then it would follow that compared to a passenger car that was equally sensibly designed it would solely be velocity that determines braking distance. A point that too was originally contested >>1997451 in a manner that made an attempt to insult a third anon and aparently the goalpost is sick of it by now.
Steel wheels on rails: I dont know, I imagine less friction but don't know and I won't look it up because of someone like (you). Ask the train autists if you really want to understand physics, which you ironically suggest others don't.
On a sidenote all of this is completely besides the point the urbanists are trying to make. If everyone parricipated in their idea of motorized and thus no less degenerate form of transportation streets would be alot less busy in terms of traffic volume and thus safer.
Also: Lower speeds still decrease the distance covered during reaction time. At higher speeds a braking mechanism might become entirely useless in cases where a vehicle is about to collide with a pedestrian.
It's just sad to me at this point. I fled Texas for Madrid, and I don't know what there is to say. It's just a night and day difference in living. I think I'm pretty fair too, I can acknowledge the cons. Trains can frequently take longer than driving, and sometimes they're totally packed. I groan when I see a packed train pulling up to the platform, it's going to be uncomfortable. But it's a different kind of discomfort, I read a lot on the train now. When I would drive before, I would hit an unexpected pocket of traffic and what I'd worry about is my wasted time, because I'm stuck in my car paying attention to the road. Even in a packed train, I just read, and the train still arrives in the same amount of time. My time never feels wasted, I always feel like the train is time for me to gain something through reading. This lack of fear for my time has just caused my daily anxiety to plummet.

I also understand this requires dependable transit, which Madrid has almost always delivered. Some cities don't deliver that. But if I'm given the choice between the two, a car or dependable transit, it's just not a contest. It's also incredibly cheap. Cars seem transparently for specific use cases now, like living in rural areas, or for the disabled, or for people who frequently need to haul lots of big objects for work. Just living as an average person in an urban area should not need a car, that is a totally dysfunctional kind of city. I thank God I was able to leave, Spain feels like civilization. I love the Texas countryside, but the cities feel like some kind of political abortion now. Like the cities were made to benefit car dealership dynasties, the banks supplying credit for these depreciating assets, and to avoid confronting political tensions around new development by just constantly sprawling out and away.
Public transport is not safe due to niggers
okay so get rid of the niggers, not the public transit. you guys have things completely backwards.

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"most dangerous job in aviation? boeing whistleblower" edition.
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Not so much filtered it is a matter of maintenance and cost to own. I would love a Porterfield Flyabout, Fairchild 24 or Curtiss Robin, just the cost to maintain an aircraft with a LeBlond 5, Wright Whirlwind, Curtiss Challenger or Warner Scarab is much more than a Continental, Lycoming or Franklin, and Pratt and Whitney radials are not much better either when it comes to this. If cost is not an issue for a classic, then go ahead, get an aircraft with an inline, V or radial, just know that if you encounter a problem, there is nowhere near the support you get with Continental or Lycoming, where the engines are ubiquitous and considered the industry standard.
>he isn't an A&P and needs to pay people to work on his plane
>cannot comprehend the same exact shit just in a circle
Just curious, anybody know what the whole CFI life is like in helos? Restarting flight training soon after a few years away (I was only like 10 hours in and then covid and other bullshit after that stopped me) and I've really always wanted to fly helicopters more than planes so I'm thinking about going that route. A better post-CPL/CFI situation would definitely be a nudge in that direction, and I can imagine that it might be nicer since you've got less people who are just chasing airline paychecks.
sounds like you suck at scheduling
I'm not a current CFI, nice try faggot. Been there done that. Drive your slaves harder tho, okay?

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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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One of the most disappointing experiences of my life was a "race" with a bunch of friends at a soapbox derby hill/track.
The rules were, 1: you had to have an assist at the start (someone holding on to your saddle, they release at the signal), 2: no pedalling (fixed was allowed, but you had to have your feet on the downtube).

I was hyped, because I do my own service & my bearings were perfect, and I have good form in a tuck, etc. But the guy who won?
A fat boy (like double my weight) on a clapped out fixed gear. Can't beat gravity.
You were simply too scared to assume the Superman position
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Shinkansen blocks nobody's path...

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what's your favourite air disaster?
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That jap pistol looks cool
>ruins an entire industry career path forever in your path
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Concorde, no! Look out for the-! No! Noooo!
>Better pull up!
I will never forgive idiots like this for making it impossible to become a pilot today

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I’m a pilot doing aerial work and approaching 1000 hours and I’m about to apply to a company, I have all my licenses and rating’s however since I graduated, I’ve only been flying VFR since there’s no ifr operations (even if I consider myself to be very good, If not better in IFR) but still tho, it’s been a year. Anyway, I feel like my knowledge in aviation has gone so low, like I feel like idk what I am doing but when I open the aviation books, I instantly know the answer. Like do you get it? If someone or an exam asks me, I’ll know the answer but otherwise I’ll be lost. Also are there any airline pilots that can tell me if the airlines train you well in terms of their operations and their IFR procedures and is it normal that 70% of the stuff I’ve studied in aviation, it doesn’t apply in real life. (For example I used to know the entire FAR AND CAR AIM by heart, now I know like 30-60% )
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I have Private and IFR Ratings in Heli and I am halfway through my helicopter commercial rating and yet I still feel like I don't know anything lol.
Don’t worry anon, it’s kind of normal to feel like that at times, passing the assessment to get in an airline it’s gonna shake up things already since you pretty much have to superficially study the fcom of the particular aircraft that they fly plus getting the feel for it in a sim to not fuck up in the simulator part of the assessment (I recommend at least 4 hours of training before showing up to the evaluation).
After that it’s like going to flight school all over again, they will expect you to know how to fly ifr and be capable of communicating and all that but you’ll be bombarded with new information, e learning, procedures, tech, regulations and dealing with hr for the documents and everything else, letting alone the fact that you have to learn how to fly with another guy that may or may not be an asshole.
After that line training as well is gonna feel like day 1 of flight school, you’ll feel retarded at times but it’s all right you will get things with experience.
I can tell you, it’s gonna be a real pain in the ass at first but you’ll enjoy it once you get in the flow of things.
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Yes, watch this video

This Iranian literally pretended to be someone else, called the FAA and got his certificate no questions asked. He was flying without a license, logbook, airworthiness certificate, and he stole an airplane. He was deported by the USA -twice- after illegally importing mexicans, tried to bribe officials, crashed a plane on landing, was involved in numerous fraud schemes

Now this guy had a dream and nothing could stop him

he was literally an impostor
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and after serving multiple sentences, he moved to south america and he is still doing great! Looking to buy an A320 to restore

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I really like planes, especially the BOOM Overture. Concorde, 747, 225, A380, and C-17. What planes do you like? :D
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If you don't like the A340 you're gay
RIP unhushed CJ610
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photographed an abandoned yak 40 in armenia today

ITT: discuss bike tires
>just got first rear flat 3,000 miles after installing new tire a year ago in may 2023
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Best place for tire deals here in the US are used, ebay, or whatever webstore ships here. CRC used to be good before they stopped shipping here and died.
Generally I find kenda's to be cheap(and decent) while conti's, schwalbe's, and maxxis are overpriced(imo).
Vittorias seem to go on sale, and some bontrager and specialized tires are actually good.

WTB used to be my favorite brand but they killed most of their 26 stuff, which I liked....
Okay look. Only to prevent you punishing yourself with some foam tires:
Check the tires currently on the bike. It will say the size somewhere on the side. Shit reads like 23-622 or 700x25C or 28x1,5 . Chances are the tire size that are on the bike will work well. Secondly assess the terrain you plan to go on, I suspect you'll stick to various road surfaces. Then get something like a Schwalbe Road Cruiser (I have a bike that came with them, after I had ridden them through I changed to Schwalbe Marathons but the Road Cruisers were absolutely fine) https://www.galaxus.de/de/s3/product/schwalbe-road-cruiser-plus-28-x-140-37-622-veloreifen-12708106 . They dont cost much, they roll decently, they will take you across unpaved surfaces most of the time, they last a decently long time.
I should add: You need inner tubes if you don't have them on the bike or they are past fixing. Large gashes om a tube can not be fixed. Small holes and ruptures up to a pea size can.
thanks. i hope that's price for a pair not for a single wheel
anon in the other thread recommended to search for some double thickness tubes, schwalbe ap, but they are like 13 euro per one sisingle one...
i dont have much income at all

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Are thinner tires better for bikes that are used in the city and gravel roads mostly?
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Schwalbe G-One RS it has the same rolling resistance as a slick
Pavement only: 28mm
Pavement and occasional nicely packed firm gravel: 32mm
Mix of pavement and bad condition gravel: 40mm
Casual mountain biking: 2"
Hardcore intense mountain biking: 2.3"
Downhill: 2.7" front 2.3" rear
Memes: 4.8"
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32mm is a good width, i currently run 38's which I find are better for comfort, sacrifice a little speed but the roads round here are dreadful and smooth surface is rare.

t. unracer
I officially diagnose you with autism, of the severe gay variety.

Old thread finally hit its bump limit >>1750878

2023 started out as a crazy year on the collectible market but things seem to have settled down a bit
Have you made any new acquisitions ?
What do you wish to buy year?
Collectible bike thread!!
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SE bikes are pretty much only operated by juvenile delinquents in those summertime "flash mobs" that ride around crashing into people and generally being obnoxious in groups too large for the police to try to do anything about. They're also almost all nonwhites too.

I'm not saying you shouldn't like them but it's kinda surreal seeing /n/ nut over this thing when you guys are hostile to anything counterculture-ish, unabashedly racist, and generally not in favor of anything that isn't pushed by the mainstream instagram algorithm towards the 25-35 year old white male incel demographic
It's like your first day on this place
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what on earth are you going on about
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My heart is so full of love for all you here

Especially the bacon horse man

Thank you
>than they should.
Anon here likes nice things just as much as the next guy but because anon here doesn't have as much money as the next guy Anon thinks it would be better if he got to decide the price was lower. Anon forgets about the supply being limited. Cautionary tale about communism, where everything is affordable but never available. Anon also forgets it's not 'Anon vs the collectors' but that Abon is actually the very same.

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Songs about or inspired by transportation, post your favourites, with lyrics preferably, so we know you aren't lying.

I'll begin then In guess.
look mom, I posted it again!
It's literally a song about a funicular railway.
Hobo folk songs are based

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