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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Rejoice, we are getting closer and closer to summer.
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>Arrive in fifth lostbelt
>Vinci and Friends spend 20 minutes going back and forth about what great servants we rolled and how this lostbelt will be a breeze
I'm starting to worry that Camelot was the peak of this games writing.
everyone getting their shit kicked in at the start of Atlantis is great though
so now that we've all finished traum, what did we think of it?
Needlessly wordy, but it had some great character writing and interactions. Everything with Don Quixote was great.
I liked it more than the Russian and Nordic Lostbelts. I liked it a lot more than Tunguska. Overall it was better than Lostbelt 3, but it didn't have anything to reach the peak of the Qin/smartphone scene. I thought the Indian Lostbelt, Atlantis, Olympus and Avalon Lost belts were better. I'd say it was about even with Heian-kyō. Overall, I'd say it was mid, but still pretty good.

Don Quixote and Xu Fu were both great. Johanna was decent. The other new characters were mostly whatever. It was nice getting to see Astolfo in a bit more of a serious role. I also really enjoyed seeing Vlad finally get some screen time. I think this was the first time he's appeared outside of Halloween events. It was also really great how Mash got sidelined and didn't get to eat up much screentime. I think Moriarty was pretty lame and don't care much for him, but then old Moriarty is one of my favorite characters. The young version doesn't have any of the charm or enjoyable qualities that old one does.

Did you summon for any of this year's Fallen Heroes?
Any hopes/expectations for this year's Bridal banner?
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t3 still gives the bonus damage, and as a raw stat stick like most seals, the 3-range condition is very easy and flexible. it's also +1/+1 higher than catch and ideals too, which offer only stats
Gunnthra and Hrid are guaranteed to be in it
The other 2, some people are saying AFjorm but who knows
She's my merge project so thanks, i guess
>my lapis is still only +3
i've got 950k feathers burning a hole in my pocket
My lapis been stuck on +5 for months...

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new season is out and it sucks :)
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You are forced to manual odie because you are pushing at a very high deficit. Auto-odie is still broken and it gets you to a certain level. If you want to push even beyond you have to put in some effort besides spamming "retry" hoping for RNG crits.
Your team is fine, try binding artifact and manual odie on whoever deals the most damage first.
Cecia is still top tier for PvE pushing if paired with rowan, or with the new energy artifact
if you use cecia you better have rowan
>fucks up your faction bonus unless you went lightbearer x graveborn
>needs an artifact only to make her function (not unlocked until you finish the season)
>golem dies anyway within one second
yeah idk

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Year of Gohan
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unironically the best build for all three of the SEZAs we have right now
10/10 Bait. I can see the thread being derailed again as we speak.
>max defense makes the damage recieved from gogetas post-super normals go from 239k per normal to 45k per normal
B-b-but what if full dodge buu just dodges every single attack directed at him?! Its a super duper realistic scenario!!!
Insane support, i can see people use him in super teams when possible

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Anniversary (July 27) and collab (Live A Live) anticipation thread.
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Gambling addicts and people with an infinite amount of time because doing anything takes an eternity.
Two more days until Tavern Talk…
Hopefully they will release OST Vol 2 in the west soon
One more day until Tavern Talk…

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Co-op boss never again
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Picking character that you don't own for dust collecting seems pointless tho.
Is Izanami for (Me)?
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Oh yeah like S Shu, oh wait
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Some change to story format and battles for the first 9 story chapters.
Also one free S Poseidon for clearing past grudge 6.

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Come in, Season 3 soon™
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What stupid juice did these devs drank when making W18 passages. Granted, I started 2 months ago but, these nuke mages are oneshotting Asc Craig and tanky as shit.
>1510 is already T100 in NA2
Holy fuck Kong fix your game
this kamazone replacement fucking sucks all these new modes fucking suck
The game has been a lot of fun for me recently, lads. I got back to doing the story, finishing world 3 a couple days ago. Now I've finished world 4 too. I like marvin, and i also like how you can choose to either spare certain people or finish them, which falls into the moral system. I also managed to get ara (a character i really liked the design of), which felt good. The dialogue can be quite funny at times
> Reached master with last ticket AGAIN
Glory be to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah Amen

arena or colo? Pretty normal for colo if the competition is brutal.

The ride never ends

MHN Database, contains everything you could ever need such as a set builder, info on monster HP, partbreak HP and break rewards, upcoming event info, and more

Current event - times are your own local time
>Qualily’s Special Quests - Tuesday, May 7th, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, May 12th, at 11:59 p.m.
>Lots of gathering rewards, zenny, and a Wyvern Gem Shard

Upcoming Events - times are your own local time
>Prepare for Zinogre: Ice Element Quests - Monday, May 13th, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday, May 19th, at 11:59 p.m.
>Barioth returns as a Hunt-a-thon monster, and increased Legiana in the field
>Also a Wyvern Gem Shard reward from the quests, and boosted basic rewards from killing Legiana and Barioth. You can expect it to be the first 2 items being doubled like with the Thunder Element event in April

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>Need a Jyuratodous Primeshell to upgrade my water gs to Grade 6
>They're dropped from *6 Jyuratodous
>Mark a *6 Jyuratodous in my personal cat grinding paintball
>Hunt around 60 of them ever since this method was introduced just awhile ago
>Absolutely no primeshell from it yet

This game sucks.
After all this damn time I finally have enough zinogre mats to make one fucking piece of Zinogre gear
And idk which
You mean armor? Because although you could probably build an 8* weapon with the event rewards they've given out so far, you're still going to be limited by HATs.
I built the gloves first, just because I needed to getting Thunder Attack 5. It's also good to have redundant sources to be able to mix and match your other armor skills.
Weapon or armor, doesn't matter.
I have a Tobi SnS and Tzitzi DBs.
I'll go for the gloves.
>not breaking the tail

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Leviathan and new FS chapter soon
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Based anon knows
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Delicious humus
We don't talk about Buno here?
Level 10 summons powercrept Megaflare so bad it's sad.
>Maxed Megaflare does 6,125% damage and takes 4032 points to charge
>1.5% damage per charge point
>level 10 Diamond Dust or Tidal Wave do 3,510% and charge in 1840
>1.9 damage per charge point
>But also Elemental Arcanum and buffs/debuffs exist
It was always kinda niche, just bring it to Crisis Dungeons to delete a boss you didn't like. Now unless they specifically resist Ice/Water you're better off just bringing your elemental shit.

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Only 5 days (5/22/24) till release!
What are you most excited for?
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>They talk about 40 pull 5* guarantee on beginner banner
>No selector announced still
Is it in or not?
Nevermind they let you select after 40 pulls now.
>fry high
Is there a katana or parry character that you can pick from beginner banner?
Calcharo pretty much, everyone can parry, but I'm not sure if any of the 5* are centered around it.

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Only a few days left of the 7th anniversary. Asteria event coming soon.
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dragalia rushed and there were plotpoints skipped, especially for characters that were shown in some cutscenes that never got a chance to be in the story.
symphonia is on sale for 20 dollars.
Dragalia still had several loose threads to the story and some incomplete event stories, they just rushed a conclusion together to the bigger threat, on top of just "restarting" the universe as the happy ending because the villain fucked up the world super hard.
I lost count how many times i jerk off to Edna
>the new robots arc was never finished
>tsukuyomi and zodiac clan leaders were rushed
>aldred's henshin form and the syndicate still unsolved
>northern country's war was completed in Valyx's CHARACTER STORY of all things
>the Lovecraftian group, especially Heinwald's origins
>some character backstories like one guy looking for the ice kingdom etc
At least the main story ended.

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Discuss joseimuke games and those with similar appeal to the same audience.
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Love this cutie
If anyone needs a guild in NuCarnival, NU:Anons has two open spots.
Usually they get taken pretty quickly, but it feels like the game has slowed lately. If I kicked you from the guild before - apologies. I usually preen people when they hit 7 days of inactivity/0 points towards the guild rewards for a whole week.
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What characters do you think are much better if genderbent/r63'd?
New LaDS code:
Gives a few kite themed photo stickers

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Good Morning, CRGietnam! Hope you're up bright and early for a thread full of various Cookie Run Games! You've got questions, we've got answers! Be there or be square!

>Meet Sneedball Cookie - here to crack your most precious items like Handball 17!
>Time Relic Chaos - enjoy your yearly TBD CBT!
>Tough Cookie returns! Are you the strongest?
>Doughnut Ball Technical License - Come on, it's just a little jumping!
>Splashing Festival - Do literally everything for exactly 1k Rainbow Cubes!
>Treasure Mastery - Time Weaver Scissors - Snibbidy Snab!
>New Legendary Treasure - Hourglass of Asternus Tempora - No more, please!
>Meet Marble bread Cookie soon!
>Meet Caramel Choux Cookie and Street Urchin Cookie in the Town Square!
>Visit the Cuckoo Town Square - Tons of events and a gathering place it's practically a 12 hour job!
>Caramel Choux and Street Urchin Town Square Tour to obtain rewards by completing missions in the Town Square!

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Same, the interior design in witch's castle is neat, but their coins, crystals, and event currency are intensely hard to grind for. Was only glad to get that witchberry cookie, very cute. Getting her room to look like this pic is quite too much, and now there's Herb too to deal with, lol
For me, been getting a whole lot of yellow suprise bears. While the run task for them is to start a bare game of TR, or guild runs, or champion's league, or story mode (for lab mats), or my weekly favorite, breakouts. Been getting too much copper crystals and magic powders, the coins are fine, really.
Any epic trophy race combis you recommend?
The in game combi leaderboard is polluted by legendaries
Real liked how you'd reimagine certain non-cookies as cookies, saw the way you drew the candle housekeeping trio of earl grey cookie, mighty cute! Love to see more, along with any tips you've got for Ovenbreak, thanks!
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>OB isn't generous
At least it was generous before they started doing their legendary dump every 2 weeks, I feel sorry for newcomers.

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Tencents big middle finger to EA is available to play and better than Apex legends mobile was. All that is needed to play it is an installation of a sketchy chinese spyware app called wechat. Who else plays it?
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OK. I gave farlight 84 a try. It's not the worst BR I've ever seen but it's certainly not on the same level as tencent and HeH. Theres too many weird vehicles. Aiming feels like crap. Weapons have nonsensical upgrades and shitty scopes.
It's apparent that a pretty small dev team is making this.. also the character voices are annoying.

I appreciate other developers trying to break in the BR scene but this isn't really worth playing. My suggestion for a BR game like this is to have super hot scantily clad fenale characters with huge breasts. If the gameplay is weak you gotta give something else to the players
Ok... imagine DOAX extreme volleyball but with BR. This is my idea. This game could improve a little with updates like that but id never expect it to be able to reach the quality of what HeH is right out of the box..

The game still is better than cod mobile BR. I'll give it that.

I haven't tried warzone mobile.yet but just installed it. It looks pretty polished.
Holy shit warzone mobile is a shitfest. So basically they just ported warzone 2.0 the PC game into a mobile app. The graphics look like poo and it attempts to set your mobile device on fire as you play.
That's a really horrendous launch.
Wow.. that's so bad. Wtf.
It constantly crashes and has numerous graphics glitches.. wow that's unique.

Also, I was completely unawares about the origin story of farlight84. So this is what was made to replace apex legends mobile.

It's really not that terrible. I sorta like it a little.. As I said earlier they really need to slut up the female characters for that game to be any good.. that will bring the players back. I also read about how the devs fucked that game up by over nerfing it and pissing off its player base.. they even made Maggie's tits smaller!
WTF!!?? They nerfed skins to make female characters less hot.. they better re-slut those female characters asap if they wanna make any money.

HeH on the other hand has plenty of scantily clad female characters with huge tits. China really is paving the way for the future of gaming. Good bye western developers. Have fun trying to sell your tranny games.
>All that is needed to play it is an installation of a sketchy chinese spyware app called wechat. Who else plays it?
not me
That is ai
Obvious ai
Mid tablet
>The graphics look like poo and it attempts to set your mobile device on fire as you play.
Most mobile games don’t look any better desu, even the one you are shilling

Also no one cares about le sexuality of the game, it literally has they/them characters in it and the game is marketed towards Brazilians and Indians, not anime comers who are fine with ai slop. The duckside guy for example has they/them pronouns. The biggest problem was its main stand out point, the jetpacks were removed from the game.
Looks even more like ass than I expected

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