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Aistenijus the angry, leader of the clan anger management here, we a few free slots in a lvl 8 clan! active and high lvl players only. The only req we have: do your dailys and ALWAYS participate in clan expeditions for maximum rewards to all of us! dsc: https://discord.gg/ZMnUUAMm

Also, Survivor io clan recruitment thread I guess
im not playing this
Good job, your links expired

>That Feel When:
-you didn't fall for the ACR meme. Nobody gives a shit about some badge you got for all that time you wasted grinding for.
-you didn't fall for the "Mii Meta" meme. Just a waste of rubies and an obvious scam to get you to buy more rubies.
-you didn't fall for the Gold Mii Suit is good meme, that shit stayed at level 1 for me ever since I got because it never covered any tracks I didn't already have a driver for.
-you didn't fall for the LARGE HITBOX meme. You can do perfectly fine in rank without buying big karts.
-you didn't fall for the Gold Mario is the best Driver meme. Game was already Over when he released, So he's useless, no need for investment in him.

Anyone who spent money on Karts & Gliders was a fool.
Anyone who spent money on Premium Challenge Cards was just straight up retarded.
Anyone who still continues to buy the Gold Pass for a game that's not getting any new content anymore, just...what in the fuck is wrong with you???

In my opinion: F2P games should stay what they are- Free-2-Play. I had my fun with Mario Kart Tour and will continue to do so until its eventual shutdown and glad I was able to do so without needing to empty my wallet on it.
I'll also always miss the Gacha aspect of it, felt good not being a Lucklet!
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Seems like a fine aesthetic to me. I enjoyed it more the Rosalina's Ice World. Man Rosa fans got fucked over with that shit.
Daisy Circuit, Ice World and Rome really hurt wave 6 for me, Rome was inevitable but nobody was really asking for the former two and it’s especially weird that they sacked PP Pipeline for Ice World when every other Tour track was in the DLC; Circuit over Mushroom Bridge or Airship Fortress was really questionable too
Oh, and Rome comes back in a month, not particularly looking forward to its return
What is the rank cup for next week anyways?
Of course it's never a cup I have a track I can put out a nutty score on.

Why do you play mobile games instead of real ones?
I've spent over £150 on epic and like £100 on steam games. Paid games are just ad mid desu
I used to be pretty good at finding actual games with actual gameplay on the app store I swear these were actual games.
>instead of
Real games can be found on mobile too, it's just that most people don't even try and are fine with whatever as long as it's free.
>Why do you play mobile games?
I'm away from my PC most of the time nowadays, but my work involves so much downtime that I had to find something to keep myself busy.
I don't really care much for the graphical differences nor cinematic cutscenes

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Good Morning, CRGietnam! Hope you're up bright and early for a thread full of various Cookie Run Games! You've got questions, we've got answers! Be there or be square!

>Meet Sneedball Cookie - here to crack your most precious items like Handball 17!
>Time Relic Chaos - enjoy your yearly TBD CBT!
>Tough Cookie returns! Are you the strongest?
>Doughnut Ball Technical License - Come on, it's just a little jumping!
>Splashing Festival - Do literally everything for exactly 1k Rainbow Cubes!
>Treasure Mastery - Time Weaver Scissors - Snibbidy Snab!
>New Legendary Treasure - Hourglass of Asternus Tempora - No more, please!
>Meet Marble bread Cookie soon!
>Meet Caramel Choux Cookie and Street Urchin Cookie in the Town Square!
>Visit the Cuckoo Town Square - Tons of events and a gathering place it's practically a 12 hour job!
>Caramel Choux and Street Urchin Town Square Tour to obtain rewards by completing missions in the Town Square!

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Same, just wanted the rewards. Going to be grinding the chests untill the 400 crystal mark, so that I can finally nab and 305-pot starch noodle. Also got almost 300 rainbow crystals, feeling the fomo for pitaya dragon's legendary costume, my ananas dragon however, underleveled, but 60 more rainbow crystals does sound interesting...
Yup, she gets a pink dragon onesie, pretty endearing! Easily gained from the sheer mean grinding done in TR and breakouts, alright. Think today's Day 7, have you fellas ran the 15-cookie-and-pet combi long main breakout yet?
I got you covered, anon! This breakout's gotta be managed easily with this setup, >>1469709 with
hakka monkey delivers! Also, inb4 "T" = Treasures...
>01, Tiramisu w/ Conductor Trifle
T - Winged Jelly of Resurrection, Starlight Nightlight, Lucky Clover Earrings
>02, Butter Squid w/ Golden Actorpus
T - Luxury Red Carpet, Haunted Snuggly Bear, Giant Superbean
>03, Pond Dino w/ Starflower Smoocher
T - Gigawatt Cube, Bubble Wave Shell, Eternal Wish Meteor
>04, Crowberry w/ Eggsquisite Brooch
T - Peaceful Dove Bun, Ion Microchip, Pop Pop Photocard
>05, Schneeball w/ Ammonite Roll
T - Red Egg of Resurrection, Rainbow Bear Roll Cake, Paradise Compass
>06, Cyborg w/ BB Battery
T - Thunderdrum, Bountiful Scarecrow, Bubbly Submarine

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Will need to find an alternative to Crowberry and Lollipop, they've been scoring way lower than the expected 500M points needed even for a rainbow i rank. That section with the eight eyes guarding the longan palace, the jellies help with the running and landing. Takes multiple tries, alright. Hoping to get Mala Sauce get her 500M for that 1B bonus at the end of the run.
Already finished mine, got only within the rainbow rank. Will hope to get that 3 cookie breakout plus our guild's seasonal performance. Also hardmore trials of the new cookies, like starch noodle & flat tofu. Just about 4 copies away to max pitaya dragon

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What we do here is go back
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looks like next crossover event might be gits again
Motoko with Ailement pierce will BREAK the meta
Ailment pierce will never be a thing because it's intrinsically unbeatable. You can already add Ladon to deal with Apsu, so they should just add more bulwark breakers.
>Ailement pierce
Why not Mortal pierce at this point? Character just fucking kills you and there is nothing you do about!
Ailment pierce and mortal pierce will come through spirit chains, that way they can be countered by the spirit chain cleanser.

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Anyone playing this game? I started this game recently and been having fun with it but have no one to talk about it with
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The combat seems good like it's simple enough to not be a chore but complex enough to be entertaining
Is there a website compiling the sexy animations?
im not playing it

News when
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>8 fig
Through Blumine, unity.
I remember when reception towards Yostar was always especially positive, what the fuck happened? That BA-Mahjong fuck up I read above?
Think it was around the moment they let hypergryph into their background.
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in China it started well before
It started the day Yosar announced Arknigths during an Azur Lane livestream (I think it was AL JP's Anniversary)
and later the CN players started to notice that Yostar rarely talks about developers,
>on many goodies, Yostar is written in big and the name of the devs written in small in a corner
>in azur lane ASMR when you launch ASMR it just says that Azur Lane is a Yostar game but without mention of Manjuu or Yongshi
>in Japan many people think that Yostar are developers and AL, BA, AK are made by them,
when Azur Promilia was announced a lot learned that AL was made by Manjuu and not by Yostar

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Welcome to my thread, here we recommend games that follow some of these crtieria
>no ads
>no energy system
>no microtranscactions
>no online requirement
>no gachashit

Tower defense
>PvZ 2 Eclise / Grind Thousand
>Infinitode 2

>Phantom Rose
>Night Of The Full Moon

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Are you looking for outright porn games that are actual games or just suggestive ones?
Either one. Mostly something that is fun and the girls are hot AF. I played a couple recently like "hero by chance" "beautiful mystic defenders" etc that have an actual game to them.
any good jrpg (or similar themed) games that have been ported to mobile? looking for more modern stuff, so no reccs like the classic FF games or anything like that
i'm patiently waiting for saga emerald beyond to be cracked, i liked the last game, scarlet grace

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Hello ! Bored looking for a game to spam what's the best and more popular spicy slight nsfw game atm is there something really good out there or is NIKKE the only way to go ?
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For now yes while resting my dick after fapping to h-games
If only there were more option of a no-male roster
Is it free to play friendly if like I try hard it ?
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Yes you are talking to 1 right now, just be deligent early on and push as much content as possible for maximum gain and use of boxes since it scales on outpost defense aka how much you push.

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Will this lead to something good or they will just add Candy Crush there and remove the game from everything else?
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> I use qooapp to play JP games not available on the playstore, I see zero reason to use another third party store for any reason
Tap tap is heavily used, but that is mainly due to some games being locked on that launcher for a while before they go on the play store.
Gonna be shit, horribly bloated and designed, full of bugs and mandatory updates that no one wants just like windows 8,10, and 11 instead of spending money on making windows 7 better.
pajeetsoft was ruined the moment they let in pajeets who cant code or pajeets who inherently lack creativity unlike other races
M$ was always run and made by pajeets
wtf microsoft is male?

Cuántos cristales tienen reunidos para el festival?

Have you ever played a mobile sports game before?
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I tried installing Baseball Highlights 2025 because I liked the boardgame and there was a phones only digital version, but my phone is too new for the app.
are there any good tennis games for iOS?
any good badminton games?

The Campaign.

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why did it flop?
objectively the best and the most original moba for mobile devices
insane potential wasted
too hard for your general moba brainlet.
>moba for mobile devices
inherently flawed concept. mobage should never be sweat fests because phones suck as controllers
>best and the most original moba for mobile devices

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I finally got to king level 15
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Also apparently, if you already have max elite wild cards on the princess tower, you get 50,000 of them for free
F2P or not? Your gem count seems F2P desu
sucks that I can't play the damn game (>>1460225)
It’s F2P
How are you still playing after all the Pay2Win updates?

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