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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Tales of Yore Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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What does this have to do with inheriting a thing?
I inherited a mystical curse/blessing

The background says you can consult with your DM about making it a minor ability that can grow over time.

Is it just me or are her arms kind of fucked proportionally
Unlikely. She's all about brutal femdom and vagina spiders. You'd get bitten in the dick by about a dozen brown recluses if you even tried.
ask if your dm would have allowed you to get the boots of springing and jumping instead of the background feature
if not, then he will regret it because they do basically the same thing

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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My nigga, companions often get CP and origins when imported, it's incredibly easy and if he jump the right jump even free to give her a body.
I wanted to use Generic Magical Girl to go to a specific magical girl setting so I can try to seduce the main character, but I just completely forgot the name of the setting

It's the one with the pink haired catgirl protagonist
It's so fucking hard because I forgot PDF compression is a thing, so fucking thank you because I tried to push the thing through but it's been stuck at 35% for 5 minutes.

Takes me...I dunno, 3 minutes? I read quick tho
Oh huh, 63% now.
... I never said it wasn't easy to get her a body. She's literally just sealed in your body so any method of getting rid of a possessing spirit would work in addition to any jump with a human racial option

I was pointing out that she's a headvoice in setting and the jump doesn't say anything about her being removed from your body post-jump.

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A good friend of mine is about to start running a game - this is what we've been provided about his setting (truncated due to character limit).

>The world is one where various realms have fused together following a catastrophic event where all planes collided into one massive modern city and the lands around it, merging realms that embody elements like Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The resulting world is diverse, featuring locales from dinosaur-ridden jungles to high-tech cities with weather-altering powers.
>The central hub is a sprawling, class-based city surrounded by mountains. The city features advanced technology and magic, especially in its central areas, while the outer regions resemble medieval Europe in tech level. This city is culturally diverse, with various beings integrating into its society over thousands of years. Magic is common in the outer regions but less so in the inner areas.
>The surrounding realms are equally diverse, including wetlands with rocky giants, radioactive swamps with plant-like beings, mountains with prophetic moth-creatures, ethereal realms with ghosts, volcanic lands with fiery beings, and black-and-white grasslands with 2D shadow creatures.
>Playable species include non-magical and magical humans, magically enhanced beings, rocky nomads, plant-like dwellers, moth-like prophets, ghostly entities, fiery beings, 2D shadow creatures, sentient candy beings, and apple-like forest creatures.

I'm more the sort of person who prefers a core central theme to base a character around (I am uncreative). When "anything is possible and you can be whatever you want", how do I come up with something that would mesh with the theme? The GM says he'll come up with the adventure once we've made our characters, so I can't make a character who might suit a particular type of adventure thematically either.

Also, what does /tg/ think of "anything can happen and you can be anything you can think of"-style settings?
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Make a perfectly mundane human redneck from a perfectly mundane modern setting who's not happy about the realms merging, and copes with it by taking the piss out of anything "weird" he comes across. Maybe he's a fan of Robert E. Howard and knows every Conan tale by heart, so he mantains a positive, outgoing attitude during his adventures in "Weirdo Country", just as Conan scoffs at civilization but has no real problems adapting to it.
Male human fighter.
OP here, the issue with this is that the realms merged 2,500 years ago so it's long long ago (and the oldest creature in the world is maybe 600 years old).
go for the fundamental basics

>mage/ tech-scientist who wants knowledge
>military/ merc guy who wants revenge
>shady guy who wants money
>nature/ eco guy who wants to protect somthing
Or just rip off some media you like and create fake Geralt of Rivia, fake Captain America or fake John Constantine. If you feel very creative, add some little spin or twist of your own.
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Ok, so you make a medieval country bumpkin with the exact same outlook as the modern redneck I've described: he doesn't quite like that the world beyond his village is so damn weird, but he interacts with magic, high technology and different cultures and races as if they are challenges that he can and must overcome because he's a badass that takes no shit from everyone rather than outright hatred: like Conan, he thinks that, back home, people are tougher and more resourceful, so he trusts he has what it takes to adapt and survive no matter what. He cannot resist mocking in a playful way everything that would be foreign (or outright alien) to his little podunk village out of cultural pride, but, due to his worldview, he's not the stereotypical hick, so he could pragmatically pick up skills other than farming and hitting people really hard during his adventures, and would be difficult to amaze or intimidate with technological or magical displays of power.

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Rat Slayer edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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Noo need a better res and can't see the traits ect
Note that the spearhead warscroll has no anti-infantry and no moonstone hammer, and the passive ability is completely different.

Cities is about weak normal humans being supported by artillery and magic.

With Seraphon you either focus on heavy spellcasting and lots of weak but cheap little skinks or go all in on tough as nails dinosaurs riding dinosaurs.

Kruleboyz is sneaky orcs who can't be seen from a distance, they set traps and do lots of mortal wounds, provided you get sixes.

Of the three I'd say Kruleboyz or Dino heavy coalesced seraphon are the most noob friendly, cities and spellcasting seraphon are considerably more complex and require more understanding of the game.
Nah, push fit somehow always have huge very visible gaps that you need to fix before painting.

It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

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>Fantasy Earth ---
Basic Rules 129pg
Book of Magic 154pg
Essential Fantasy Earth 82pg

ufile 5lju4flr

capcha GNNGNN
I know where to find it.
In this link.
There's the PDF of the book, and a bunch of character sheets, some of which seem to be form fallable.
The link would really help in this instance.
ufile m4vp6gwg
I don't suppose you could spare a poor anon the World of Killers pdf, pls?
Thanks. Means a lot!

I’m not on my PC or I would send it in to NewVola. I’m sorry. I’ll send it later if no one else has.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
Backup Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping3
'The Return of the King' Edition
Previous Thread: >>92820460
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>MHA Rentry

> Timeline: Just Another Story
> Location: Japan
>The Hero Students are at Shiketsu.

Instructions + Template for Making Cards: https://pastebin.com/NQ6JNH8r

>New Stuff:
The beast is being posted because I care about it, what else shall anons post?

>The Archive Link so you can keep using the funny numbers for builds (use this before complaining about dead links)

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>Chihiro Mitsurugi HN Ascetic Sword Hero: Yako
>Soujyuuro Imai HN Wise Eye Hero: Mahoudeva
>Bobby Samson HN Sunlight Man
>Sora Tanaka HN Area Denial Hero: Orbit
>Kaylee Suzuki HN Flying Force
>Shinkan Sen HN Crazy Train

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>Students (Cont.)
>Class 1-C (Shiketsu)
>Okimoto Chisaka
>Isabela Nakahata
>Lilinah ‘Riri’ Inoue
>Ysmir Dragonborn
>Daniel W. Rain

>Class 3-B (U.A.)

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>Unaffiliated Heroes
>Kenji Shako HN Strongest Shrimp Hero: Magnum Shrimp (and Water Fowl Hero: Flamingal)
>Yuusei Atsushi HN Spring Dragon Hero: Seiryu
>Kalianne Sato HN "Flame Strike Hero: Honoken"
>Ryuji Inoue HN Transport Hero: Rescue Ray (Principal - Sunray Troubled Youth Center)
>Akagi Sanpatchi HN "Popsy"
>??? HN Birdy

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Skinny Nurglite dition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News
MTO O&G, new Grombrindal if you ignore the siggypiggy base

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6

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>if the next army is Beastmen
Speaking of, what do you guys think that one will include? I'd personally be surprised if we didn't see options for taking marked (besti/)gors and one of the lists of Infamy being for a Minotaur army.
Then again, they might save marked beastmen for a mono-god 'Hordes of Chaos' list in WoC's Arcane Journal.

While a long shot I wouldn't entirely count out the possibility for a Beastmen of Ind-list.
Whoever wrote it seemed to enjoy stripping Calard of any joy in the world. Hell even when he duels Egil's son, he notices how he resembles his dead fiance.

It's been over 50 years at that point. It would've been better if Calard had a Damsel lover or something like that at the end
looking better!
quick tip too, if you do ever have small overspill like the other anon pointed out *and* it's only on corners of things *and* you're planning to add a shade to your mini (agrax, nuln etc), it tends to hide the overspill.

>Lost twice to chaos demon 500p demon prince lists at 1k and 1.5 respectively. But lost hard.
thanks for the write up anon. what build of daemon prince?
My guess is instead of marks we are going to get a Chaos "troll" army (think Throgg) focused on ogres, dragons ogres and chaos trolls and the other list will be gor/ungor focused on abusing ambush.

The kind of PCs that breaks the mold of what you usually see in the game or have a particular quirk to them.

I have recently created a Goliath barbarian (or "half-giant" here) as a spare character for a 5e campaign. She has a hand prothesis and fights exclusively with her fists. The DM agreed to give her the Unarmed Fighting fighting style (in exchange of taking away Stone's Endurance for the sake of balance), so her damage rolls consist in 1d6+3 for one fist 1d8+3 for both - which is the same amount of damage as if she used a Morgenstern. As for her profile, she's a a happy-go-lucky mountain dweller who wrestles monsters to cook them and make trophies of them. Beside her massive stature, she is recognized by the fur and wolf head she wears, sewn from the beast that bit her hand off.

I hope to have the occasion to play a two-headed human Paladin: one head is that of a beautiful woman with flowing blonde hair, the other is that of a groaning and moaning zombie. The idea is that two inseparable Paladin sisters were KIA and what was left of them was sewn together before they were revived. As dark as that backstory is, the character would be pretty light-hearted.
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I get it, but stone's endurance is a massive damage sponge at low levels, especially with your damage resistance from rage.
The DM did say I could get Stone's Endurance back instead of taking ability the score improvement at every fourth level, so if my current character has reached level 4 by the time he dies or I get bored playing monk, I can always start with it.

DM is a cool dude with 10 years of experience who encourages and rewards creativity and roleplay, so I don't feel like arguing with him, even there could have been a better deal.
>She has a hand prothesis and fights exclusively with her fists.
Nothing that is already a class in Pathfinder counts as a unique PC in my mind.

Anyway, I guess my most unique character would probably be a halfling-sized disembodied head riding around inside of a slime minion which he had only mostly under control. Spheres of Power, in case anyone was wondering.

A gnome wizard who used hypnosis so people would into getting inside a dimensional box forever.


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War calls edition

>Previous thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]


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They're not spryers dummy
you're looking to buy physical models, or stls to print?
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I need numbers on Nucromunda sales and popularity and I need them NOW.
Whenever I see the new coolest shit around being released for Nucromunda my brain is melting. I have never seen anyone playing it and in the past 5 years I've been an active tabletop player in 7 different LGSs across 3 countries.
Is Nucromunda simply THE comfort-zone kitchen-table game and people play it exclusively at their places?
>I need numbers on Nucromunda sales and popularity and I need them NOW.
get a job at GW then, because they are the only ones who know.
Orrus was always going to be the most difficult to reimagine and they did an okay job of it, I guess. I do echo >>92835303 though, spryers are probably never going to satisfyingly integrate into the base game.

Assuming you didn't have to share the table with any activist or dudebro and the DM wanted to do roleplay that's not virtue circle jerking or ERPG.
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I played in a mini campaign involving steampunk Soviets. It wasn't supposed to be gay, but a fellow player accidentally flirted with some male KGB boss (after some jokes by other players about how flirty he sounded, the player decided that his character had fallen in love at first sight with the dude).
It did veer into uncomfortable at various points, but it was also very funny. By the end of the campaign, it felt like the beginning of an actual romantic relationship between that PC and the NPC.
There was no reason for this thread to go on beyond this post
Trust me, I love the absurd idea of an alternate timeline where something as natural as the existence of man and woman is an insult to creation. It's just harder in the current climate to view the concept as no more than fiction.

I'd love to hear more LGBT-themed worldbuilding like that, but enbies vs Adam and Eve is probably as weird as it'll get.
We all know you're never going to play it anyways, you're just a nogames daydreamer looking for internet asspats for your heckin wholesome chungus and valid worldbuilding slop
Sweet. Steampunk soviets are something I haven't seen before, barring alt-hist they're diesel by default though I guess they couldn've overthrown and grown from a different tsardom.
Pff, I've implemented weirder shit at the table and in any case spitballing setting stuff is fun and inoffensive compared to outright shitposting. Cope and seethe faggot.

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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Return to TESTERON edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>92743849

>Thread Question: What makes a man?
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just GPT 4 (was previously GPT3 but they've bumped up 4 to free since the reveal of GPT4o), although ive been using the same session for a month or two so its got a decent data set to work with.

i write out my basic notes and when i want input or want to use GPT as an oracle i just copy paste my notes and then explain either what i expect to happen or ask it how the scene will continue. i also make sure to say that i dont want it playing out the scene but to create a situation that i have to react to
why is that
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Why yes, I did read 'The Outsider', how could you tell?
I'm sorry to hear that guys. Solo gaming has been one of the most enjoyable hobbies and distractions for the past few years. For me, it's become more enjoyable than playing in a group.

What is it about solo that doesn't seem to work for you?
I have this problem every time. For me, if I play a big, burly barbarian man, then I can't help thinking how cool it would be to be a mage. If I play a mage, I keep envisioning a big fighter guy. If I play as multiple heroes, I can't help but feel like focusing on one would be better. If I play a fantasy game, I keep getting inspired to do sci-fi stuff, and vice-versa.

I have this "Grass is always greener" thing that prevents me from just sticking with one thing for too long. And don't even get me started on RPG systems...

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Why does 30k Admech look so much cooler than 40k Admech?
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>Because I play Orks, Guards and Templars
The Imperial Militia is a faction there, you fucktarded airhead.
Exact same aesthetic.
I adore every bit of the model but the spider legs. Seriously, it wouldn't kill GW to add metallic legs like those of the enginseer...
>Imperial Guard regiment with robes and no tanks
No, that is what they *should* have been. The idea that the AdMech maintains a completely separate-but-still-consistent-across-the-entire-galaxy army and supply network, instead of just using the same tanks and equipment they already produce for the IG, is so incredibly stupid. AdMech should have never been its own army.
>using the export version of your weapon system
You don't sell Ford class Carriers to your allies.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92813454
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No, a banana split
How are you spending you weekend?
I'm supposed to be working on my novella but I'm a hack
Creating a framework for my cyoag program and writing a build encompassing Laboratorim/Mind Overwrite/S.H.I.N.E/Motes/Science Meta/Ruin+Bless Anon's Adventure & Iterator.
>straight up moralfagging in the drawbacks section
i can't wait for the day this breed of authors die out

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