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Orientalism Edition

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
>Mega II (also containing fanmade games)
>WoD5 Mega

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Werewolf without the spirit junk is a very, very boring game. There's a very good reason they still add it and use it. All you do from session to session is kill random strangers, that's it. There's no risk of spiritual corruption, there's no Pentex, there's no acting out rituals and praying to the sun or whatever, there's less tribal tension because a few of the tribes are becoming unbalanced and you just ignore all of that. Obtaining gifts and the roleplay associated with that (whole stories go by just going on spirit quests to obtain powerful gifts) and the ability to talk with your spiritual ancestors. Like, without the spirit stuff and the mission to protect Gaia werewolves are exactly what they were in VTM first edition: Geography.
I've thought about making my own werewolf game before, and I figure the best way to handle it is it's basically Hunter. As a werewolf, you're driven to hunt and slaughter, and by doing so, you can keep control. So, you pick acceptable targets and take them down, and what target is more acceptable than other predators who feed on humanity?
Can stygian steel be taken to the skinlands
I'm the same anon who mentioned it before, but I feel you can do pretty much the same thing with mutant/freak Slashers with the atavistis merit who happen to look like giant wolves. Slashers are generally pretty bad, but you can play them to be like Dexter types, at least for a time. Freaks also happen to have the talent of Natural Weaponry, which helps larping as an agonistic werewolf. You may also want to have the Damnable Certainity merit.
Deviant also has Variations like Animal Transformation and Monstrous Transformation.

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Horses should be as iconic as swords in your quasi-medieval fantasy world. But I know you don't use them. Your 12th level Local Lord fighter walks to the dungeon.

I know the real answer but I want to see if you can admit it.
There are no horses in my campaign, only centaurs.
No, I will not explain why.
Difficult terrain in the wilds makes it impractical to use horses everywhere.
(and I don't like running mounted combat)

What's /tg opinion on Kult Divinity Lost?
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There's this Kult "universe" book, anyone read it ? Any good? It's funny because it's published by Free League.
I'm afraid not I was a wee baby at that time. So play it like it Hellraiser? I still feel like I need >>92948034's Clive Barker fans to play it. Most groups would probably never be comfortable playing with me again if I pitch the torture hell realms the way the game wants me to.
Well, the art is great and the setting quite unique.

PbtA is a special thing though since Apocalypse World was so cool and fresh but then everyone wanted a shot at it without necessarily understanding it.
It's what happened here. PbtA is supposed to be simple because it's unclutered. For Kult they raised the core stat from 5 to 10 so it would match the Archons numbers. And now as a player you're constantly looking at your sheet and as a GM you're trying to remember all these Moves so you won't miss one when a player tries is best to not ruin the atmosphere by not spelling it out to you.

Also the first editions of Kult featured a Sanity system where you could disconnect from Humanity either by becoming more and more monstruous but also and quite cheekily by becoming more virtuous. As you slowly ascend to Godhood it's hard to keep tabs on friends and family or even eating or sleeping. You're outcasting yourself but do you even care at that point?
They get ride of that for a really classic "you're losing it" and that's a waste.

As far as I'm concerned this edition didn't keep its promises. Never tried to run it and when I'll eventualy do I'll just use Trophy Dark's rules I guess.
>Also the first editions of Kult featured a Sanity system where you could disconnect from Humanity either by becoming more and more monstruous but also and quite cheekily by becoming more virtuous. As you slowly ascend to Godhood it's hard to keep tabs on friends and family or even eating or sleeping. You're outcasting yourself but do you even care at that point?
Can you talk a little more about this? I like Sanity systems in games but they do have a tendency to act like a spiral and it's all very homogenous. I like creativity in the insanity.
RPG Pundit have a quite thoughtful system in The Invisible College where he really digged into what insanity implies and how it can manifest without removing away player agency. In a magical setting like his own game or Kult one of the outcomes might be ego tripping to the point you consider non-awaken characters as cattle or pawns.

Kult's first editions go the same way but not really naming it. Anyway:
-Sanity bar starts at midpoint for normies.
-You go down and starts to have mild effects like pets hating you. It's also easier to pierce the veil and you gain some magical powers. At the extreme you're a psychopath and demons get to boss you around.
-You go up and starts to have mild effect like birds resting on you. It's also easier to pierce the veil and you gain some magical powers. At the extreme you're a living buddha with no attachment to anyone or anything and get to dispel demons at will.

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>been working on prepwork for a campaign for a while now
>over time workflow has gradually diminished to a near stop as I lose enthusiasm
>get mopey and pessimistic about the campaign thinking that whatever I would put out would be shit anyways
>friend starts up a campaign in one of my favorite systems (deadlands classic) and invites me to it
>have actually become excited/enthusiastic about TRPGs now that the prospect of participating in one again
Is there anybody else here for whom that prepwork such as worldbuilding and the like is a poison to your enjoyment of the hobby after a certain point and primarily enjoy actually running things? I mostly see the opposite around here at least judging from the amount of threads purely about prepwork related stuff.
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>All this faggot bullshit
>To get attention of others
Fuck off, cunt
>come up with idea
>get excited to write it, start putting it down on paper
>on to the next idea
>think about previous idea
>think about how my shitty players will just make fun of it
This is what kills my motivation.
>get cool idea
>run it
>10+ sessions in
>get another cool idea
>know from past experience I cannot handle running two games at once
>have cancelled too many games to consider ending this one early
>repeat for the next game when I do eventually finish this one
has happened 3 times in a row
though I did cut one short at a "good enough" ending point cause I was fucking sick of the rapidly escalating bullshit that happens when you reach level 9 in pathfinder
How much prepwork do you really need?
I just do the first couple floors of a dungeon and a hexmap and call it a day.
>How much prepwork do you really need?
Strictly speaking, only what you'll need for the next session and only what you know you can't improvise. I personally like to prep a lot more because it makes me feel safer and because I like it.
>I just do the first couple floors of a dungeon and a hexmap and call it a day
Very based.

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Office Goblin Edition

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone is welcome.


Main Gens: https://e-hentai.org/g/2556775/f1669e072b/
Imgchest backups(not sorted): https://imgchest.com/p/na7ko9dky8d
Legacy Charts: https://imgur.com/a/IRtoHXh
Side Quests: https://imgur.com/a/7euVXRT

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What kind of rules are you using?

Starting from Gen 1?
what's the artist for these 3?
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I had this huge long description typed up, which the board just ate. So whatever, here it is, check it out:

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also, yeah, the cantrip mechanic is fun - altho I think my favorite mechanic is Numina.
Give me an elevator pitch in 5 sentences or leave. There are hundreds of people like you spilling their foul (un)creative guts all over forums and boards. If you cannot explain what this does different or better than what we already have in an abstract it is probably AA tier dog shit.
Congrats on finishing it; the layout and art are great. Others complain about AI, but the joke is that every major company is using it, so why should you be forbidden from using the same tools as your wealthy competitors? Regarding the system, I'm really not seeing how it's that much different from what's already out there, desu
NAYRT but this anon here basically nailed it
It's a pretty decent "blend" of old school D&D with the clean up and modernization of 4e and 5e.
It looks nice and cute, but doesn't seem like to treads any new ground, it's very very dnd in it's mechanics so it's difficult to justify playing it over dnd. particularly as the setting seems generic western fantasy.
Overall, it's cute and looks comfy, doesn't really have anything wrong with it, just uninspired I guess.

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My brother wanted this game for his birthday. I like it, but I get frustrated when I can't get the cards I want.
do you also not get him a deck of cards because you hate go fish, you dumb fucker?
first post is right, get him a Dune themed deck of 52 standard cards
First post is right. You have enough card games, why not go fish with your brother? Some time outdoors will bring you closer together.

>Everyone is having fun
>Characters have grown and have had arcs where they're all vastly different than they were before they started their adventures
>They've accomplished goals
>They've foiled evil plots
>They've even fostered a revolution
>I'm considering bringing it to a close since at this point it would just be random new big bad of the week to keep things going
>Players are still excited for new long term plans and goals even if they haven't fully formed yet
>Realize no one else is going to realize the campaign should be finished until it's shoved in their faces

While I know I just need to talk with them about ending this campaign and starting the next one, I was curious about how other GMs of /tg/ realize and handle it when their campaigns come to a natural conclusion point.

Do you just end it, do you do a send off session, do you always end with the big bad being slain?
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Have a major character die, introduce a new galactic threat, and leave it off right at the start of a major battle like The Animorphs.

On a serious note you just tell people that the campaign has reached a natural conclusion. Theres no trick or gimmick to it. Anyone e who isnt a spaz will just say "oh ok" and ask what you have planned for the next campaign.
It's weird to me that you haven't had a conversation about this yet. I guess I'm used to shorter stuff, but it's always like "we probably have 2 or maybe 3 sessions left, and then I/another GM wants to run [game]."
Skip forward in time a century or two.
Why "should" it be finished?
I say at the beggining of the campaign that it will last for 10-15 sessions and then ievitabely wrap up by itself. Bad guys and events don't really wait for heroes.

But I am about to try to GM an unlimited campaign, Adventure Time style.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #542

Judgment of the Forbidden Edition.

Previous Thread: >>92877821

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/

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If you were dueling against this deck, how long would it take you to realize that they're not authentic?

Havent been around for a while. Anything good from the 25th anniversary tin?
Dark Magician support bay bee
Master rule 6 should roll around that unironically just basically replaces nib with a new clause that hardlocks everyone into special summoning a maximum of 5 times per turn, the more I test it the more it seems like just a good way to bruteforce creativity through limitations with a slightly less frantic and spammy pacing BUT with the increased toolset and power of the modern card design. Its a good blend of making a playable board on turn 1 and actually planning forwards towards reaching your proper checkmate

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I Love Skeletons
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now for an actual skeleton
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>(or about 10% for a typical rpg enthusiast)
bro they're just big-boned

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Sveta edition

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Norway Chess | May 27th - June 7th
- National Open - Las Vegas International Chess Festival | June 5th - 9th
- Teplice Open | June 15th - 23rd
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Romania Chess Classic | June 25th - July 5th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Croatia Rapid & Blitz | July 9th - 14th
- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: Event 3 | July 17th - 24th
- Open Internacional Vila de Sitges | July 22nd - 30th
- Sparkassen Chess Trophy | August 10th - 18th

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round 6:


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Was it ultimately a woman moment or a cleric moment?
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You have to move on, anon.
Dragonlance sounds based. Because being evil and raping women is based.
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Reminds me of picrel

>geriatric leper mc gets isekaid to fantasy land
>rural qt worships him and takes him to her village
>mc meets her parents and eats their food
>mc goes on moonlit walk with qt who worships him
>mc proceeds to fly into a rage and struggle cuddle her
>qt doesnt tell her mother so that she will escort dipshit mc on his journey
>reunites with mc in sequel as an old woman and still worships him
I just started reading the books in earnest because of this thread (I read some of the comics when I was younger and already know a bunch of spoilers).
But does Raistlin give acknowledgment for how much Caramon looked out for him because as I'm reading the first book (Cave Chapter), so far it just seems like Caramon is a protective and supportive older brother.
Since you asked, yes, Raistlin definitely acknowledges that Caramon has been supportive their whole lives--and he totally resents Caramon for it. I think there's a scene where Caramon becomes weak and Raistlin let's Caramon lean on him for a while then just abandons him to die. Something like that anyway. Don't recall if it's the nightmare in the forest, or in the second trilogy. Pretty sure it's not the short story where Raistlin takes the Test of High Sorcery because iirc Caramon doesn't get a chance to become weak in that one.

As for spoilers and knowing how things go, knowing spoilers can increase enjoyment of at least some stories according to this: https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/spoiler-alert-spoilers-make-you-enjoy-stories-more

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Starlight Velocity edition

Previous >>92924550

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>ST17 Double Typhoon questionnaire

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ShadowSeraphimon ACE BT18-071 SR <04>
Mega | Virus | Seraph
[[Digivolve] [Seraphimon]: Cost 1/ [Sephirothmon] w/[Mercurymon] digivolution card: Cost 4]

(Hand) [Counter] <Blast Digivolve>
[On Play] [When Digivolving] <De-Digivolve 3> 1 of your opponent's Digimon.
[All Turns] (Once Per Turn) When an attack target is changed, 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -5000 DP for the turn.
[(Rule) Trait: Has [Three Great Angels].]
ACE: <Overflow (-4)>
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Been thinking about "Black Hybrid" again lately which makes the new black hybrid reveals even funier.
Cooked this up for current format yesterday but had no chance to test it yet against anything.
Of course it is gonna get curbstopmed against any competitive deck but its also just meant as a palette cleanser for me.
Funilly enough I have won locals before in bt12 with it.
Ooh I wonder if they'll give us Ophanimon FM Ace for the hell of it.
there is one of your reasons to use the new one vikemon aswell
Or MegaGargo Ace, since he has Blocker naturally.

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How short do you usually make short races like goblins?
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like mongol warrior height
Typically 3-5' tall or so. Short enough that they're usually identifiable and would have physical difficulties, but not so tiny that they look like literal toddler or something like some media does it.

The only exceptions are things like fairies and other races that are very tiny by necessity
>How short do you usually make short races like goblins?
just the right height
Yes, and?

What are you even on about? You sound like you need your meds.
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1m to 1'5m for my Goblins.
Lots of small races are just ex Titan-spawn than got into a covenant with the equivalent of Gaia so human would stop murdering them, in this pact they get a longer lifespan, a decrease (and some time increase) size to be about 0.5m to 1.6m and a very curated breeding rate and lot less agresive, basically becoming tamed. then they becoma vassals to humans to not being killed be other titanspawns. Humans protect them for benefits and because they are blessed be the not-gaia, and making angry the lady of the crops is extremely retarded. The majority of furry races than haven been exterminated belong there.
Humans can get into that too, and they become the equivalent of the Halfings/kokiris, defenders of gaia but in a small pacage without interest in sex, like eternal peter pan.

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Welcome to the June Thread of Homebrew discussion on /tg/. This is part of my effort to get people discussing classic homebrew and assist the board in general when it comes to their game design endeavors.

>Who is this namefaggot?
I'm just a dude who helps facilitate discussion, but usually I pop in once in a blue moon to wax about my own projects.

>Why should I homebrew?
/tg/ products are fairly unique in that it's actually pretty simple to make them these days, with a plethora of products to assist in making and playtesting your game. Making your own games helps understand why games are made the way they are, as well as being fun to do.

>What you should post
Ideas for games, games you're currently making, updates to your own games in broad strokes, and any homebrewing for existing products that don't get much attention. Discussion about the above is welcome. Post good, be good, and look over others products, they care if someone looks more than anything.

>Oh No! The Thread is Over!
Have no fear, the thread will resume at the first of every month. If you want to make another during the month, go for it. I can't, and won't, stop you. If you want to make a thread on your own game, go for it!
One suggestion: Don't add General to the name.

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I want to make a furry dog expansion based on racism.

The idea won't go away.

The idea is that all the furry people were made by advanced humans. A rumor is spread that in fact humanity through one means or another actually is one of the furry species and all the others are just genetically tweeked mutts. This all the species tribalize believing their species is the true humans and everyone else are lesser beings.
What...uh...what kind of game is this going to be, Anon? An expansion to what?

Uplifts: Heirs of the Future. Probably should have opened with that.
It does feel kind of weird to just roll in and say: "I want to make furry racism!" Without even dropping the name of the game.
How do you guys feel about creating homebrew systems for map interaction and tactical combat in games that are designed for theater of the mind and story telling?

I had the idea to do a mapped version of BESM recently and started looking into it and was hard pressed to find evidence of anyone ever trying to do this. Which is too bad, because as weird and overly anime as BESM rules are, there are some okay concepts thrown into the game. Work shopping the concept has been pretty okay, but I feel like it would've been a lot easier if I could've found other people trying to do the same previously. I'm also a little back and forth on how to play test this because it requires so much additional concepts and data be shoved into the system that weren't originally there. I'm worried I'm just creating a shambling mess.

For the time being, I'm just grabbing shit from D&D and Pathfinder and stapling it in haphazardly. I let things sit there and run them through my head about a hundred times until I decide if I like them or not. Then I remove them or change them if they kind of don't fit the way I wanted. Which I guess is just a process. But it feels like I might be going at this the wrong way, I don't know. As far as this sort of base system goes I built it as follow: A grid system, initiative rolls with modifiers based on stats, 2e 3-Action system, and then I just tossed in some basic rules for additional actions outside of attacks and spells (Moving, Mounting, Carrying, Grappling, Shoving, Disengaging, and Melee Attacks of Opportunity). Currently I'm kind of working with those additional actions and not sure about how to go about creating a basic set of spells for players, but I have some ideas.

Does anyone think this is a bad idea, though? I honest to god am dying for input on stuff like this, but most of my friends (even my TTGing friends) are a lot more versed in playing games than they are in building them. I usually have to build a lot of the homebrewing stuff alone.

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