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"Heros of the Future" edition.

Welcome back to /usgen/.
It is dedicated to discussing universal TTRPG system that are to small to have its own general.
We discuss Basic Role-Playing, Fudge, Open D6 and Savage Worlds, but other systems are also welcome.

/usgen/ rules:
1. We discuss only universal systems and related settings, which didn't have its own general. (So no D&D, no Genesys and no GURPS, except conversions for different systems)
2. If you talk about specific system write its name down to avoid confusion.
3. Player-made settings for existing systems are encouraged.
4. We only discuss universal systems that were published. So ask about your "WIP system".
5. Try to limit off-topic discussions to minimum.

Player resources (so far):
Fudge - https://pastebin.com/R4gk2t95

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Unisystemchads rise up!
Use BRP /thread.
Still stuck with trying to figure out mass combat. If anyone knows a system with 17th century weapons, terrain, and pinning musket fire please tell.
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I am not sure what are you looking for, but I try to help.

If you are looking for a system with fast and easy mas combat system my first bet would be Savage Worlds.
Although I didn't know about any XVII century setting for SW, but there is "the Savage World of Salomon Kane".
It is set in XVI century and have rules for black-powder weapons.

If you want something more tactical, I am not sure if you gonna find it here.
Most TTRPGs focused mostly on personal combat. Even if system have mass combat rules they are usually quite simple.
If we try to make it as detailed as possible, we would go into a war-games territory.

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Was it ultimately a woman moment or a cleric moment?
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Surprise Anal
The aborted sex scene spells it out: hubris. The King-Priest brought about the cataclysm by saying lots of things including that he was going to eliminate evil from the world. His hubris, not pride, let's be big people and use the proper word especially given its religious meaning, was instrumental in bringing down the wrath of the gods.

Crysania says to Raistlin
>You are more powerful than Fistandantilus. I am stronger in my faith than Denubis! I heard the Kingpriest’s demands of the gods. I know his mistake! Paladine will answer my prayers as he has in the past. Together, we will change the ending…you and I.…
She's convinced that she knows better than the King-Priest and is more faithful than Denubis (the white robe priest who went with Fistandantilus), and she may well be. She is convinced she is capable of changing the results of others because she is better than them and that she can redeem Raistlin too: that's her hubris. She doesn't have to be mentally deficient, just hubristic and very misguided. It's a trope at least as old as the Greeks and I think it's a good tragedy as tragedies go.
You have to move on, anon.
Dragonlance sounds based. Because being evil and raping women is based.
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Reminds me of picrel

>geriatric leper mc gets isekaid to fantasy land
>rural qt worships him and takes him to her village
>mc meets her parents and eats their food
>mc goes on moonlit walk with qt who worships him
>mc proceeds to fly into a rage and struggle cuddle her
>qt doesnt tell her mother so that she will escort dipshit mc on his journey
>reunites with mc in sequel as an old woman and still worships him

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He just wanted to build castles.
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I don’t know about Ferrus beyond Medusa being a shithole with some kind of necron bullshit on it with the whole metal serpent he had to drown in magma, but Dorn grew up on an unrelenting ice planet where a single fuckup in the environmental seals meant everyone in the clan was freezing to death or a single lapse in focus while outside meant your ass was falling down an ice canyon and dying.
Vulcan had it pretty shit too, landing on an irradiated hellhole that also happened to be a favorite raiding ground for Dark Goddamn Eldar.
Corax grew up a slave and his first post-tank memory was ripping a grown man’s head off to stop him from raping a slave girl.
Jaghatai was found and raised by barbarian raiders who immensely disliked him for wanting to do more than just ride horses and be raiders forever.
Mortarion had it pretty shit in a toxic hellpit ruled over by a nurglite sorcerer-daemon and his fucking zombie legions.
Fulgrim grew up literally dirt poor, and the initial reaction of the people who found him was to kill him so he wouldn’t be another mouth to feed.
Most of the Primarchs had some really shitty starts in life, meanwhile you have Guilliman and Perturabo who grew up in the highest echelons of their respective societies.
Yes, but using another person being bad at their job to excuse away the other person being bad at theirs is deflection and shows a lack of personal responsibility. It's like when an otherwise good worker starts being a shitty worker because he sees his coworkers being lazy. Just because the people around you are pieces of shit doesn't mean it's okay for you to be a piece of shit too.
>Fulgrim grew up literally dirt poor, and the initial reaction of the people who found him was to kill him so he wouldn’t be another mouth to feed.
And then he became a union boss and took over the planet.

Workers of Chemos, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.
not surprising
Nothing happened by chance.

All the fallen primarch were always a part of chaos. They were always the hotel's caretakers.

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My brother wanted this game for his birthday. I like it, but I get frustrated when I can't get the cards I want.
do you also not get him a deck of cards because you hate go fish, you dumb fucker?

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Gun Knight Edition

>Last Thread:

>Thread question
What's a historical period you wish the world had more content (rules and/or models) for?

>Community Summary of Wargames:
>List of Historical Tactical, Strategic, and Military Drill treatises:
>ZunTsu Gameboxes:

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Barons War has rules for Normans, Vikings, Saxons and Welsh, maybe Irish too.
very nice. appreciate the advice!
Bullshit. At this point they're sitting ducks for your crossbowmen with pavise. Plus everybody is shit in rough terrain except for elite; so either you drown them under waves of 1 point shitty troops or you plow them down with your flexible elite that are unbothered by terrain and hit like a truck.
It reads like you took a look at the rules and theorycrafted like an autist instead of playing the game two or three times with a friend.

Also the author really encourages you to play scenarios instead of face off and throw in a dozen of them in Lion Rampant 2nd Edition, so sitting in the rough won't do you any good while your supplies are being raided or the duke is escaping on the other side of the table.
All my friends are completely set in the ways of playing Warhammer AoS and they won't budge, half of them aren't even enjoying playing the game anymore yet they still don't budge on playing something new. I have been so tired of GW and warhammer for the past few years, and have been really interested in the SAGA range, and that got me wondering if you could get away with playing it solo? I've seen that games like Silver Bayonet have a solo campaign, does SAGA? Just downloading all the books now - thank you to you Chad's who have uploaded them - so if my question is completely retarded and obvious, feel free to ignore it.
I think it entirely depends on what armies you want. Personally I've been eyeing Island Assault for ages but then again, I've heard it's just best to just two opposing boxes from either Warlord or Wargames Atlantic and then making a 500 point list from that box. Here's a website that tells you what you can build for an army in a single box. In fact, it may even be 1000 points. I think it is, actually.


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You find out your real father is Cthulhu.
What do?
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Child support is sexist extortion. In an era where women have thousands of forms of birth control, there is simply no good excuse for them allowing themselves to become pregnant. Any woman who gets preggers out of wedlock is absolute trash.
Ask mom about the fish rape.
Team up with my human dad to kill it.
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Tell him that, even though he's my "real" father, I'll always consider Yakub to be my real dad.

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How short do you usually make short races like goblins?
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Dick sucking height.
like mongol warrior height
Typically 3-5' tall or so. Short enough that they're usually identifiable and would have physical difficulties, but not so tiny that they look like literal toddler or something like some media does it.

The only exceptions are things like fairies and other races that are very tiny by necessity
>How short do you usually make short races like goblins?
just the right height
Yes, and?

What are you even on about? You sound like you need your meds.

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Post game master advice and experience.

Relatively new GM, only ran like 3 games. One thing looking back is that I think I said a veriety of "You should" too much instead of "There is". Kinda pushing prerogatives more than just laying out the situation and letting the players do what they do. One specific thing I said was "You should prepare for a siege" instead of "Prepare for a siege". The first is a command, the second is more of a statement of what WILL happen, weither or not they prepare. I felt the first was noticeably too hands on.

Write whatever you want concerning GMing, DMing, Judging and whatever fancy word your system uses for the referee.
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There’s different styles of playing which will influence how you run your games. I’ve gm’d the same group of players for 4 campaigns now over about 13 years, and played as a player in the same group. Our particular group has much more fun with a lot of improvisation, especially when it comes to “plot”. Not every group will want the same thing, but I learned pretty early that you need to let the players guide the plot beats whenever they are around. Your villains and npcs can do things in the background, but if they take the stage with the PCs everyone will have more fun if you go along with what they want to do. In general for myself I prep lore and in universe stories, things like that, but don’t worry about being meticulous about what monster is where in a dungeon or planning the exact route a quest could progress. Focus on what the groups current goal is and let then decide how to take the next step, then either make it happen or have a fun scenario emerge from them being retarded (it’s always the second one).
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Just for you:

And you never called me a Kurwa.
Depends entirely on the kind of campaign you're planning to run. If it's mostly combat why the fuck is there lore? If it's location based the players will want every edge they can get, and will ask for historical capitals, battlefields, hideouts, and symbols. If it's mystery they'll take the 60 pages and ask for more.
Most of the people who are mad that they can't push their loreshit run D&D, PF, or another heartbreaker. Coombat brain.
How exactly does my post give the impression that I think people are reading my mind or constantly laser focused? It’s literally advice for what to do when that doesn’t happen. Clearly I’m aware of the possibility

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modeling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep your prints and files about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed newfags
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)
- Look after small artists/studios

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see pic, it's not how i would actually print this but it servers its purpose as an example

basically, i believe you need to increase the amount and size of supports at the start of the print. angle of the model is fine tho
you have all that space on the inside of the shoulder pad that is going to be hidden from sight once attached to the model, so you may as well utilize all that space with medium sized supports to take the brunt of the weight.

my comment about '2 supports 1 stem' is to try and help you from creating a frankenstein of support stems that end up bunching together and making a thiccc stem. i've done it myself and can sometimes fuck up a print by ruining the intended weakness of another supports tip by clipping into it.

also consider utilizing the mirror supports option if possible (doesn't always work well tho, especially with scanned parts)

hope this helps
sorry if this is seen as 'spoonfeeding'
i needed help in my early days of printing, and now that i've got abit better i want to help others
>sorry if this is seen as 'spoonfeeding'
I think that line refers to helping people look for files more than tech support.
Im using lychee auto supports plus a few of my own placed supports. I was doing lights with a 0.15mm tip, but I usually do medium with a 0.30mm tip.
Thanks so much for the in depth help, im reading and rereading it as I re-do my supports. Here's hoping third time the charm.
I really don't get auto-supports for resin, they barely seem to work.

Maybe it's because I started with the first version of Chitubox and have never used anything else, but learning to do my own supports puts the onus on me when it comes to failure and I respect that

Start with your heaviest supports at the "lowest" points, these hold the weight of the world on their shoulders. Sometimes you just need one fat heavy on the lowest point(s)

Then your mediums on lesser load bearing areas and places that will share some of the strain from your heavies.
Then just sprinkle lights on little fiddly detail bits and hope for the best
I dropped a popsickle stick loaded with 6mm dudes. Broke the body from its ankles.

Before that, I dropped an ork shaman. Broke his hand off.

My saturday has been very sad.

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Why did this campaign leave imperium fanboys seething over it?
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Tau won, innit?
Wasn’t Damocles the first couple attempts to advance the narrative
In a minor sort of way. It advanced it entirely within the context of the relatively minuscule part of the Galaxy the Tau are active in. I don't think people even considered it "advancing" anything for awhile since mostly it was more like just giving the Tau some sort of history in the area since they'd otherwise popped up out of nowhere.

And especially since the end result in both was basically a cease fire to any active border movement. Neither Crusade resulted in anything appreciable being advanced for either faction, Imperium or Tau. Especially since the only thing that really happened, in the second crusade, was the Tau head Ethereal getting got. And then it got covered up so it basically didn't happen anyway.

Phil Kelly can go straight to hell.

The problem is that the Imperium fanboys tend to get their lore from YouTube and would never, say, crack open a codex to read about Abaddon's first 12 black crusades or the Tau society. So they assume the Imperium is superior because they're stans.

Thread for discussing Warmachine and the Iron Kingdoms, be it mk4, mk3, or the various RPG systems.

>What is Warmachine?
Warmachine Mk4 is the newest edition of PP's wargame, and it focused around a warcaster or a warlock commanding an army against another player.

>What is Iron Kingdoms?
The Iron Kingdoms is the setting of Warmachine, which also exists as a a series of RPGs in DnD 3.5 and 5e alongside their own 2d6 system.

>Mk4 app. Contains the core rulebook alongside all the game rules for free.
https:// warmachine-mkiv.s3.amazonaws.com/desktop- installers/Warmachine+App+1.2.08004+Installer.exe

>Thread Topic
Get all the hate out if you need to, it's cool. But if anyone's trying to ask or discuss the game try and at least be reasonable with your complaints. There's plenty to hate about the company, but the game's stuck around for a reason.
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Vinter was done dirty, Magnus the Judas deserves to be soul reaped and Stryker nailed to a cross alongside the senile fool called Nemo.
Vinter was a stupid asshole who couldn't see past his own need for power. He got away with it by being perhaps the greatest swordsmen in the world, but also because he was using armor that was essentially cheating.
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I wonder if they are going to reintroduce Feora's army as a Cadre for the future Protectorate army due to some contrived reason.
She escaped into the desert as a fugitive after her coup failed, so I don't see that. I could see her leading her own faction in some fashion, however.

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Is this worth playing or is it a meme game?
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>Alien: Romulus

he's studied its biology
A self-contained story which will end with 90% of the cast dead and the site destroyed so the status-quo remains.
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The shotgun kill in Aliens was point blank tonthe brainstem. Even that shot impliednthe outer carapace was stronger.

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Avatars Edition

Tell us about your horror settings, games, etc. Share inspirational art, prompts, etc.

>List of games:
Call of Cthulhu, Chill, Cold and Dark, Degenesis, Delta Green, Don't Rest Your Head, Dread, Esoterrorists/Fear Itself+Book of Unremitting Horror, Fall of Delta Green, GORE, Into The Shadows, KULT, Little Fears, Mothership RPG, Nemesis (free on Arc Dream's website), Nights Black Agents, Silent Legions (Mostly for the tables), Stalker: The SciFi RPG, Symbaroum, Ten Candles, Trail of Cthulhu, Unisystem (All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Witchcraft, Conspiracy X, etc.), Unknown Armies, The Whispering Vault, Vaesen

>Inspirational stuff:
Caitlin R Kiernan, Castlevania, Carnacki the Ghost-Finder, Doom Watch, Fear & Hunger, George Romero, Ghostwatch, House of Leaves, I Am In Eskew, John Carpenter, Kolchak the Nightstalker, Laird Barron, John Langan, M.R. James, Nick Cutter, Old Gods of Appalachia, Quatermass, Ramsey Campbell, Remedy Series (Alan Wake, Control), SCP Foundation, Scarfolk Council, Shaun Hutson, Silent Hill, Stand Still Stay Silent, The Evil Dead, The Magnus Archives, The Secret World, The Stone Tapes, Anatomy, Thomas Ligotti, Twin Peaks, Vault of Evil forums, toomuchhorrorfiction

Other News:
"Call of Cthulhu: Arkham" has been released.

Current Book Club Topic:

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It's accounting horror
>keeping track of air, food, and water
The game has like one paragraph of rules for what happens if you're starving/dehydrated/asphyxiating. Why is that the thing you fixated on? It's hardly integral to the average session, just something you pull out if it becomes relevant.
I mean, if you think about it, the bad shit wasn't really via the deep ones themselves, but via Obed. If they'd just kicked people out, or fucked off up the coast, it's whatever. All of the second generation innsmouthers though, I can see it from a certain side. It's fucked that they murder outsiders, for sure, but they're also born into this fucked society where they are told (probably rightly) that they'll be totally murdered if any outsiders find out the truth, and they have several decades of painful transformation that they're going to go through. I think it's an interesting pov to look through.
Reading The Wide Carnivorous Sky right now. City of the Dog is pretty good. I like how it doesn't explicitly tell you what's happening, but it's still really creepy even if you haven't read Pickman's Model.
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Not him, but resource scarcity is a staple of space/sci-fi horror, especially if the PCs are spending any amount of time in EVA or on a ship without the proper atmo.
Personally, I'm cribbing Alien's resource dice system for the Mothership + Dive game I'm planning. Accounts for that little bit of chaos and keeps things fair and freaky.

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>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

>Mechanics doc (For the making of color pie appropriate cards)

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That makes sense. Lots of good space to explore here. Mono color is better you're right

Kind of the opposite of stuff like that Burn spell that deals more damage the later you draft it
But its giving something away, so Green?
>Sacrifice a land you control. Create three wastes.
What's an appropriate price for this? Preferably green or black.
I think 4cmc would be the rate for Explosive Vegetation or similar cards which can search up two basics. Saccing a land as a cost to get three wastes nets you a similar amount of ramp.

3cmc and you start getting closer to Harrow. At best I could see a justification to make the card 1BG and Sorcery speed, which might add up to enough drawbacks by comparison.
Overall though it's probably much safer to have it at 4cmc with some slight upside. Cards like Map the Frontier and Circuitous Route basically do the same thing as Explosive Vegetation, except can also search for some specific non-basics. Or there's Migration Path which can also cycle.

If it's meant to be more Eldrazi themed in specific, then a higher cmc card with an Emerge cost could be an interesting way to handle it. Though that assumes you're using Wastes for that reason, rather than just for the general downside of not making colored mana.
Shouldn't power drain also tap all artifacts (or just vehicles) too? It shuts down vehicles AND disrupts shields in the games after all.

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Welcome to Mecha Monday! Here we dedicate ourselves to mecha RPGs, war games, and board games alike. Here we start games, tell campaign stories, share resources & assets, and seek advice for our games and homebrew.

Let us know what needs to be updated with the pastebin.

Assorted Mecha Goodness:

Previous Thread: >>92843496

Thread Question: How advance do you like your mecha's AI to be? Near-sentience, sapience (and a friend), dumb as a rock, or lifeless?

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hmVqc5bg-Y
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>Why the fuck is everything just a big grey pacific rim bootleg?
It's like THE western mech to most people at this point I think
>Well, at this point in Didney Wars more Jedi survived Order 66 than were killed, and there probably were about 20 new Sith Lords introduced during the time of A New Hope. So that’s a thing.
Yes, that's the very same sort of problem. My point exactly.
Whoa, pic flipped.
Anyway, that's pretty unique! Redheads, huh. Sweet. I'd give the head's lower 'lip' a slightly different shade tho.
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The old EU was far worse about this

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