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Angry crossbowmen for hire edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News
Last chance to save Grombrindal from a roundie fate

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6

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Well, I'm not sure anyone is actually buying, but the prices are insane, true
Also GW sometimes makes the weirdest market decisions
>Morr Garden is hard to associate with AoS, discontinue it
>But it sells?
Abandon your dream of sculpting soulful oldhammer models anon, become The Nutshaper.
it's just so they could sell different graveyard terrain for Warcry
I got 10 pikemen too
Where can I get Wood Elves without selling my first born to Moloch?

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Has anyone played BLKOUT? I'm sick of Killteam taking as long as a 2k 40k match and from what I can tell it's way simpler with rolloffs for each activation and much more kill-y gameplay.
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I don't even play warhammer.
Vets make great advisors if you want to get the little things right, but why anyone would assume a veteran is skilled at writing, game design, or anything else just because they are related to the theme of the game/wargame is beyond me.
Sounds like you're too retarded to understand context. Specifically, the context for wargames is 40k being the runaway market leader, which takes a lot of time (and space) to play.
>just imagine Killteam with every unit having 1 wound each, alternating unit activations and way more terrain in a 2x2 grid
KT is already alternative unit activation

We post art made for the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons or third party products that use the 5e label
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Is it insensitive to portray the Fey as neurodivergent? I think its an interesting under-explored historical parallel but I can see it potentially making some players uncomfortable.
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Schizophrenic is a base fey ability. The border between real and the fairy world.

Well, they put up with the Boston Celtics and the Lucky Charms guy. I think they're hardier than OP thinks.
It's not insensitive, it's just a fucking stupid idea. Neurodivergent vs neurotypical relates atypical people to the norm of their own species, fey aren't fucking humans so they can't be "neurodivergent", whatever they behave like is *their* neurotypical.

What's next OP, you going to run a Planet of the Apes game where you "portray the Apes as black people"?
It's insensitive for you to be such a faggot
This is a silly semantics argument, obviously what OP means is that he wants to portray the Fair Folk in a way that is modelled after what is, in humans, actual neurodivergent behaviour.
One that may well have its origins in pervasive developmental disorders

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Ave, true to Caesar edition

Last Thread: >>92948572

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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>roman larpers use roman symbols
Oh no, what're we going to DO?
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>>Artificial intelligence breaks when you try to bring it across space using FTL and nobody knows why or knows how to stop that from happening
I'm cheap so I marked out the hexes and made the hills myself, roads are MDF hexes painted black on one side for tarmac and various shades of blue on the other for different depths.

It's not the prettiest but is infinitely (almost) changeable so I'm dead pleased with it.
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Painted my first battle armour, sloth and standard suits. Painting so many small dudes is definitely a different experience to painting a mech.
Nice. My cheap[ish] idea was to cut hills out of 10mm cork board then rough it to a more "natural" shape.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
Backup Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping3
Horror Movie Hour Edition
Previous Thread: >>92951858
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If there is one, I'm gonna make a scythe wielding bratty vampire loli build, inspired from one of my ultramodded CoomSkyrim characters.
we have multiple TES CYOAs, even a warlord one.
Post them.
Too large to post. It's over.
Why does this need to be so retardedly complicated? Do you guys have nothing better to do than calculating the percentage of your sonic resistance?

Why don't wizards rule every fantasy setting when they are practically gods?
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So how do you keep others from learning magic?
If a knife can cut your skin you're not really strong at all.
Not every fantasy setting is D&D
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What are the pros and cons of a magocracy in a fantasy setting, I'm considering adding one to my next campaign and I want to make sure I consider all the angles first.
Now that I think of it, Wizards specialzed in Enchantment should be rulers everywhere.

All rulers should be from charisma-based classes. Bards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and such. It just makes sense.

It's Da PDF Share Thread!
Get ready to stuff your hard drive like a cosplay hooker at a con!

<----- That image is not an image, it's a PDF.
It will answer 99% of your questions about this thread. If you haven't read it, we will know.

Please exhibit good manners. Threads start sliding off the board after a certain number of posts. More posts wasted on being rude means fewer posts available for sharing.

Request, share, stay awesome!

Previous thread:

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Do you use an AI for a ham sandwich?
>Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Vive La Resistance
publisher trove
Requesting the "Star and City" core rulebook, by Joel Happyhil. I'm half-curious and half-weary of buying something claiming to mix both some manga, project moon stuff and Supernatural of all things.
Link to the thing here: https://joel-happyhil.itch.io/star-and-city
what is this image from?
the one with 9644 free copies at the link you provided?

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Infinity is a 28mm tabletop skirmish game produced by Corvus Belli, and includes the related games Aristeia, Defiance, TAG Raid, REM Racers, and Acheron's Fall. Corvus Belli also produces the fantasy games Warcrow and Warcrow Adventures.

>Latest official updates:

>Rules and missions:

>Beginner FAQs and guides:

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Its all good. I have upgrade sprues.
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That will help, just saying there are a LOT of units in each Infinity faction. So you might have to get pretty creative.
You have a bunch of varied Haqqislam units there, all of them playable. Enough to build some generic (vanilla) Haqqislam lists. So that you can try some games and decide if you like it.
Thanks mate. Will read up on rules and see if anyone at the LGS playa

On a scale from 0 to 10, how much dnd brainrot do you have? And for those who do not want to understand what dndbrain rot is here is the explanations: the desire to adapt into dnd what cannot be adapted, the desire to play other systems as if it dnd, unwillingness to accept anything that isn't dnd, ignore roleplay and treat the world exclusively mechanically.
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>I really don't want to use their 'super unique' attributes and skills that don't make as much sense
you say that as if dnd's make any sense in the first place, you're just used to them
Are they good?
They both describe a character and his aptitudes well and account for almost everything I'd expect him to attempt.
They work well enough for our group. They're relatively rules light and narrative which our group likes, and relatively low powered. Like Dungeon World it has a hard cap of how many "gear slots" you have which includes weapons(though any "weapon" slot can hold two hands worth of weaponry, so a greatsword, 2 daggers, or a sword and shield all take up 1 Weapon slot).
Magic items are also heavily limited to a hard cap of 4(which was an arbitrary number the GM ran with), but magic items tend to be very powerful in return.

They're fun though.
I wonder if you'd benefit from trying out some dedicated rules lite systems and implementing philosophies from them instead of the D&Ds.

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Viable Strategies edition

>Previous Thread:

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Critical Ops
>Rules and Teams


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How hard is it to kitbash HOTA from the kabalite kit? From a cursory glance it looks like the only difficult operative to build would be the Skysplinter Assassin. Hard to justify buying the team when that combat patrol is so sweet
You'd want a wych kit to kitbash the melee ones but at that point you may as well just buy HOTA.
There is only a few unique parts like the grenade arm, the bird, the wrack helmet for the melee specialist and the underslung rifle/medic pistol so you could do it pretty easily honestly though you probably like suitable melee weapons for BOTH melee characters.
marines is the starter army. their 40k win rate isn't amazing.
people look at KT and see that they can just grab 6 intercessors and start playing
thus, low win rate.
same reason any starter box KT would have a lower win rate.
is the HOTA kit an upgrade sprue? might be able to buy combat patrol + the upgrade sprue alone from ebay

This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

The Fall of Gondolin edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>92892700
>Thread Question: Have you added mass combat to your games?
>Have you added mass combat to your games?
It's a core part of the reason it's designed the way it is. Based off of Warhammer Fantasy and Mordheim, which are basically the same.

I wanted battles to be able to scale up without abstracting soldiers like most mass combat and wargame systems do and Warhammer is the only one that I know that pulls it off. Each soldier is their own entity with HP (1) and an attack.

Also has the benefit that combat always feels dangerous. Even if I go through an encounter with an ogre without taking any damage it still feels close since my party tank only has 2HP. That ogre did flatten my tank but they recovered.

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Is there "good" and "evil" when it comes to Magic?
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Magic is just a tool, like a shovel or a gun.
>I'm so sick of normies telling me it's evil to resurrect the dead.

It's inherently evil to resurrect the dead
Of course, farmlet, but it's le hecking good and moralistic to rally against me with torches and stop me from solving life threatening, dangerous problems by utilizing dead corpses that suffer no loss or pain at all from being resurrected.
In the end your actions will cause pain and suffering and more death, mine will do the opposite, but if it pleases you to keep a grave where your grandma's skeleton slowly rots, then by all means have me executed. She would have wanted that. She would have wanted you and your parents and your children to be killed by the same bandits that killed her on the road, if it prevents me from defiling her grave, you're right! Hecking empowered!
I'll be in a cave adding to the list of threats you will have to launch adventurer quests at, and I will have a skeleton specifically dedicated to bringing a flag that reads "you did this" to every single invasion. Enjoy.
“Necromancy” does not mean solely “raising the dead to do your bidding”.
I am not sure why this fake argument is had a million times when often the reason necromancy is evil is because it's essentially shipping nuclear waste into the mortal realm.
That and the undead are innately hostile when uncontrolled, so good luck if your necromancer friend happens to have a stroke.

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>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

>Mechanics doc (For the making of color pie appropriate cards)

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But its giving something away, so Green?
>Sacrifice a land you control. Create three wastes.
What's an appropriate price for this? Preferably green or black.
I think 4cmc would be the rate for Explosive Vegetation or similar cards which can search up two basics. Saccing a land as a cost to get three wastes nets you a similar amount of ramp.

3cmc and you start getting closer to Harrow. At best I could see a justification to make the card 1BG and Sorcery speed, which might add up to enough drawbacks by comparison.
Overall though it's probably much safer to have it at 4cmc with some slight upside. Cards like Map the Frontier and Circuitous Route basically do the same thing as Explosive Vegetation, except can also search for some specific non-basics. Or there's Migration Path which can also cycle.

If it's meant to be more Eldrazi themed in specific, then a higher cmc card with an Emerge cost could be an interesting way to handle it. Though that assumes you're using Wastes for that reason, rather than just for the general downside of not making colored mana.
Shouldn't power drain also tap all artifacts (or just vehicles) too? It shuts down vehicles AND disrupts shields in the games after all.
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Is this good card design? This is my first time making customs and I fucking hate how much the FIRE design has mindrotted me. The original idea for this card was to create a generic artifact token and have it be passed around between players yet still maintaining control of it but that seemed too complicated so I switched to phasing instead.

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>The trope of the magic user needs to wear the lightest armor possible even barely wearing shoes only foot wraps or sandals in order to cast magic better

This is fetish writing that somehow is still followed.
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That's not fetish writing, that's logical writing. Do you seriously think that a magician who need to do a lot of precise and complicated hand waving would do well in a fucking plate armor?
On paper, there are feats that exist for that, but it's never used as it's not the meta, worse, it's very subpar to be generous.
>but the clerics and paladins
Different kind of magic. Also weaker and less independent. It also make sense from a gameplay perspective as they as focused on support and healing. You don't want your healer to get oneshot by a stray arrow when it's getting close to an ally to heal him.
Bards were always weirds.

And even if it's fetish writing? Good. Before was better than Now and fuck you and shut the fuck up for thinking otherwise.
Have you tried playing with psionics?
It was a balance thing for D&D that mages can't wear armor, being left vulnerable is a tradeoff for powerful spells. Caster have still always been rather overpowered in TTRPGs, even in olden days they only really struggled in the early game.
Female spellcasters wearing battle lingerie instead of just light robes is a fetish thing but it is based so I accept it.
If casters can wear heavy armors it makes martials redundant.

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