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Post cool inspiring terrain you've found or made, talk about your terrain projects, post what you're planning and working on, share tips and techniques
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Maybe try a sculpting clay you bake over air dry.
I made a large crater with an old pie pan, appropriately bent, and coated with air dry clay. For several years it was great, but the air dry clay eventually got incredibly crumbly to the point it eventually fell apart
spent the day putting this together. its a good kit, a shame 4grounds is now defunct
Does it have that stinky smell you get with some wooden kits?
I assumed that was just me

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What system could allow me to run a game based on early-to-mid 2010s Gmod videos?
Everyone is John, but instead of John you are the video itself, or the guy editing the video.
Every player is encouraged or required to make use of all the characters in the video.
Actually fpbp this sounds super fun
do this on an actual gmod server for true kino

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I've been thinking of getting into running online games for shekels. I've learned there's apparently a huge audience of lonely fucks out there willing to fork over $20 per session. The real question here is how do I advertise my games? I already put in a lot of effort with maps, assets, PDFs, handouts, etc and even make my own music and sound effects. Nice and high quality as far as online tabletop goes. However, I'm an adult and my games are only for adults. No children are allowed in any of my groups.
I'm just not sure how to advertise this without attracting hordes of degenerates thinking I run erotic games after they see 18+ only.
I also refuse to bend the knee to any of that politically correct SJW inclusivity nonsense. My games do have adult themes, violence, alcohol and other substance abuse, harsh language, etc..

So how would you guys go about advertising your games?
Anyone here with experience in the matter?
I've been Gaming for about 15 years, but almost always with friends aside from the occasional random someone invites. I've never played with JUST randoms, let alone the reddit crowd, which seems to be the primary audience for paid campaigns.
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Not OP, I like the idea of paid DMing because you're selling entertainment and storytelling. Not in the sense of "here's the story im going to tell the players", but "I'll provide the environment for them to experience their story."

People want to know the outcome of stories and if you get the players invested then you have them by the balls without them even knowing it. You're a whore but you can leverage the suspension of disbelief and the willingness to get invested to get leverage in. Also if you get a good group going then peer pressure and social commitment are also at play as points of leverage and influence.

I'm not really that huge on the presentation and "premium" experience in terms of art and effects and stuff. But I run very strong and engaging games where the world reacts and the players operate on real choice and consequence. I'm genuinely really good at DMing (and playing) and players beg me to run campaigns/games.
you better be worth my fucking money if you're charging retard
If you have more fun playing for free then go for it. Imo any DMing is worth the paid price for the most part. Id pay for D&D if I was guaranteed the types of games I want.

I'd pay $100 a session to the right gm if I got to play solo.
>already hating your customer base and everyone involved before playing some 5e campaign module while being obligated to do so because od money
Sounds like hell.
>I'd pay $100 a session to the right gm if I got to play solo.
Put your money back in your pocket and use Mythic. It's better than you might think it is.

Space Cake Edition

>What is Genesys?
Released in November 2017, Genesys is a pen-and-paper generic/universal RPG system and toolkit by Fantasy Flight Games and EDGE Studio, using a refined version of the system presented by their Star Wars RPGs (Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, Force and Destiny). Its central mechanic is the Narrative Dice System, using pools made of specialized dice to create narrative results. The intention is for the system to be a highly flexible narrative system, adaptable to most any conceivable setting and premise.

>Twilight Imperium: War for the Throne, a new adventure campaign book, launched April 12
>After an extended delay, official physical dice packs are now available (tip: get 2-3 packs, preferably 3, to cover all potential dice combinations)
>Twilight Imperium: Embers of the Imperium, the space opera sourcebook, is now available
>A map for TI:EotI has been released

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Yeah, the average Genesys combat encounter is about 3-5 turns, so anything that takes longer than that is typically not worth tracking or fussing with.
That's why I added a ranked talent that removes needed meter. It starts at rank 3, so the enemy still has to roll some Threats, but it makes supers actually useful.
This is surprisingly comprehensive.
Turns out retelling a story in an interesting way is harded than giving a summary. I'll see what I can do.
Pic rel served as the inspiration for the main race of the setting. They're called Banduins and exist in several breeds. For this I reflavoured aristocrats average Joes and labourers. I added constructed golems (aka Golems) as an extra and added magically inclined fish people based on the Hylar, called deep ones.

PCs are:
>Two deep one twins called Quip and Quap
>Quip is an expert in arcane Quap in primal magic
>Power is a female Banduin (brawny type) wielding a claymore into battle
>Jorge is our silver tongue, a Banduin (aristocrat) of questionable background
>Fifth and on and off PC is a Banduin called Andal (RIP) specialized on marksmanship

Notable events in chronological order.
>Intro advanture set by a deep ones research outpost at a river mouth. A beacon was driving the personel mad. The PCs turned it off, but killed most of the deep ones in the process. Quip and Quap suffered lasting mental damage (fun for dissadvantage whenever they're casting spells)
>Beacon was eventually sold to a passing noble called Gulliver III

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Palladium Games and Rifts General! /PGaRG/!! The True Reason for Glittering Edition.

The world is a broken, post-apocalyptic wasteland destroyed by the eruption of inter-dimensional portals, rifts in the fabric of space-time and ley lines which crisscross the world. Demon & alien invaders have poured out of the rifts to destroy human civilization and claim the Earth. Now the wasteland has had 300 years to partially recover, and civilization has returned to the world; but not just human civilization: alien empires, monster kingdoms, lost time travellers, lands of mutants, demonic overlords and wizards have arisen from the ashes, all trying to rebuild the world in their own image!

Talk about:
>Heroes Unlimited
>Palladium Fantasy
>Beyond the Supernatural
>Dead Reign
>Robotech (lol)
>TMNT & Other Strangeness + After the Bomb
>Savage Rifts

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You can fix rifts balance very easily by making MDC work this way instead of the dumb way it works:
>an "MDC" substance or armor effectively has an A.R. of infinity.
>an "MDC" weapon or attack ignores all A.R.
>everything is SDC
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You'd have to rebalance structures a bit then since going by the number SDC things have more SDC than MDC things have MDC. So in essence a loophole here is just having heavily armored SDC things and tossing AR rules to the wind.

It does make SDC viable but it would need lots of editing as it would make the Chipwell power armors the best in the game RAW.
That doesn't look like it fixes or solves anything. A better solution is to just have MDC = SDC x 10, rather than 100.
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I wouldn't say it's a bad idea in itself. Like for a settings where it's high SDC, straddling MDC it's a good solution. Heroes and After the Bomb for example are SDC but you can easily have damage and hit points ranging into the thousands.

For those times I would think it would be better applied. It's basically saying the bullets and lasers are doing supernatural punches but I think it would be great to separate extreme or alien weapons besides adding dice values.

But would you still have MDC completely resisting SDC of its just 10 times better?

>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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i'd be lying if i said it wasn't the power. the sheer superiority of being exalted, what it does to a human being, and the implications of what it takes to drive a person into godhood despite themselves. also the setting is pretty neat
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The unfairness of the setting. One minute, you're enjoying your life, being a peasant farmer and raising your kids safely. The next minute, a giantess loli has used a sorcerous working to shrink your entire village into a snowglobe and she's shaking it for her entertainment. There's nothing you could've done to stop her, there's nobody comin to save you, you and your family are now the toys of a bratty girl who doesn't deserve her power purely because you were born inferior.

That's SUPER hot if I'm being honest.
>there's nobody comin to save you
Unless there is, which is generally even worse. In play, it wouldn't be unusual to come across an immense giant using some town as a lego set and it's people as dolls and have to work out how to deal with that. To the people of the town, when you, who think of yourself a glorious hero and who they think of as an uncaring demigod more powerful than they can hope to stand against, enslave the giant and settle the town back together on top of a mountain for some esoteric reason (a nice demesne, maybe), their perspective is just that feeling of helplessness and existential uncaringness up another level.
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The power fantasy, the cool themes of all the core Exalts (ones present in 2e, but also including a lot of their 3e lore), the pseudo bronze age leaning setting and most importantly the fact the game strives to let you have power fantasies outside of being the good swordsman or the good wizard.
I don't know if it's any one thing. I guess the number one place on my list of my favorite things about Exalted would be shared by non-combat Abilities being pretty fleshed out and powerful, the way gods and demons are handled and sort of the way the game handles power in general. By the last part I mean that the characters are cool and powerful and get to affect the world in big ways, and there's a lot of very enjoyable power fantasy going on, but the game doesn't pretend that power is the same as wisdom or morality, or that power solves everything. I don't know if it'd be accurate to call that realism, but I feel like Exalted at its best at least puts some thought into nature and consequences of power, letting players go wild with their but not treating them with silk glove when it comes to the consequences of their actions. Of course that's ultimately more of a matter of how the ST approaches things, but still, there's a certain default tone I like that the game's going for.

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Is there such a thing as over-explaining a setting?

Like, if you're designing a mecha setting for example, is it better to go with the Warhammer 40k route where you leave things up in the air and have a bit of mystery? Or is it better to go the Battletech route and explain every little detail about the mechs and how they function down to the smallest justification?
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Do you *want* to explain every detail about the mechs? If so go for it, but if not you really don't need to.
I am literally programming a mecha vidya game based on a 2 year campaign I was in and the (modified) setting is largely in broad strokes.

Admittedly it's also sci-fantasy / magitech game.
>it doesn't list every single atom and how of each in the mech, it's not detailed.
Nigger shut the fuck up.
>Is there such a thing as over-explaining a setting?
Yes, especially in the context of a game.

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and there is nothing you can do to stop me
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Calling out the absolutely based Sword World player. Real recognizes real. Right now, I've been RPing with a mousegirl mage chatbot (Maggie over on chub, though I found the art for it, pic related, was actually done by Bumblesteak, and there's more of it), and am working up to creating fellows of the chatbot's character along with my own.
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Are vulpera just chinlet propaganda?
Do it, pussy.
Why is he holding the hedgehog like that isn't he gonna get stung and shit

Thread 418: Truly Old and Busted Edition

Bushi-Navi EN: https://www.en.bushi-navi.com/
Deck Log:
https://decklog.bushiroad.com/ (JP)
https://decklog-en.bushiroad.com/ (EN)
Beginner guide, decklists and other info: https://pastebin.com/QxKQRhrQ
Up to date fanmade PC online games, 3DS/Switch emulation and Mobile games: https://pastebin.com/7Fj8VqA2
Cardfight and Buddyfight matchmaking server: https://discord.gg/6xVFD4r
Weiss/Schwarz Resources: https://pastebin.com/sk2iSjW1

Bushiroad Spring Fest 2024 Info: https://en.bushiroad.com/events/bsf2024/

Release Schedule (Vanguard):
- DZ-BT02 Illusionless Strife: 6/28

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Is it normal that Weiss Schwarz events get better turn-out than non-Commander Magic events? Anecdotally I witnessed a Pioneer tournament at the LGS only get 8 players. Weiss Schwarz (at a different nearby LGS) got 16 players. As someone who used to mainly be a Magic player it is a bit wild to me.
hard to tell - magic players move between competitive formats and variants (ie commander) like water. you might have seen what you saw because pioneer just isn't that popular in your area.
Are the pull rates really that bad?
nta, but buying singles for the cards you want is probably cheaper than buying a whole case even if you sell all the chase rares and cards that you don't need.
>vanguard community is a little more based than other cardgame ones
Lol no

>ITT: Post IC as a Vampire from VtM. Namefaggotry is encouraged. Need more info? Refer to /WoDg/

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Now you have a plan going. Just make sure your kine actually can pull this off, and have a plausible fake justification for how and why he was attacked.
we are currently dealing with a rather nasty sabbat infestation so I'll just find out whatever iconography they would use and slap it onto the kine.
>I'll make sure whatever gang of monsters I can scrounge up do the entire deed from start to finish without me ever being present.

I turned my parrents and ghouled my cousins and uncle to prevent this from happening.
Fuck you
If you were in the Sabbat, you could have challenged that Brujah to a duel for your honor.
This is why dueling is the more logical and humane choice for conflict resolution.
The kine should also legalize dueling for them as well.
Perhaps if you're going to go through with such a plan, don't post about it on the internet.
Besides that, you're leaving a record that can be used against you if such Brujah gets found in the latrine with all of his mortal friends and family dead.
And fuck you for this, leatherman. Don't pull us into your gay retarded tsundere love affair.
I've been around for over a thousand years and let me tell you fledlings something

it never gets better, it's a constant spiral of self-destruction and loathing until you finally can't take it anymore and walk out into the sun. if you can't stand what it's like now you might as well just kill yourself so that you may be spared from the endless torture that is being a cainite

3 DON for blocker
1 DON for power reduction
-3 DON to bottom deck a character
0 DON for free any red or purple card in the game

How is this game balanced in the slightest? I can’t attack with Rebecca leader but this guy just auto wins against any deck that plays characters.
Yeah they're clearly in the early stage of figuring out what's balanced and what isnt. At least they've shown theyre willing to ban shit.
How many of you guys play in the Sim? I haven't played since last set, but I feel like every set they're just releasing hella busted cards everywhere nowadays
-3 don is supposed to be a major setback that's why the effect is so damn powerful, problem is he can now completely negate the -3 don with great consistency. It's definitely in a league of his own in terms of what other leaders can do.
There are a ton of avenues to tweak him, you can increase the -don requirement or increase the power threshold or decrease the play from hand. I just hope they do it and are faster about than they were with Sakazuki.
And I hope that they would nerf the leader isntead of hitting the character cards like Reiju or Maria because other decks are very dependent on them right now.

Do you think Slaanesh knows sex causes babies?
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Babies being born is nothing but blood. I am sure Khorne loves a woman in the bloody throws of child birth fighting for her life, in her highest purpose. Some women even get cut open with blades if the baby can't come out so think of all that flowing blood. And nothing beats the rage of a hormonal mother or an angry sleepy toddler.
...Could Khorne be a woman?
Bro, you've clearly never seen hyperinflation/hyperpreg artwork. Breeding is definitely a fetish.
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"What even is to be male or female? I am a chaos god, I am above the mortal concept of "gender". I can manifest as any species with any characteristics I wish.

But yes, my primary avatar is that of a female body."

Previous Thread: >>92843980
For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and examples of play (Greentexts)

>Don't post or ask for "Looking For Group".
>Don't sperg about Hentai logic or Artists.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation), 2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>92892700

>Solo RPG Toolkit

>Official Thread's Discord

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Fuck off
Link to adventures in previous threads so I can find them on an archive site and start from the beginning?
If you have 4chanX you can technically go back to the first ones which are pretty old. the other solution is the greentext channel in the Discord (either the one for this thread or the Labyrinthus one)
Thanks for updating the rentry link with all the materials
imagine being so jaded. You might find someone someday, anon.

Has anyone played it? Is it any good? I picked it up from a local game store cause I love the videogame (the first one at least) and I've never seen a dice system like the one it uses.
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Then actually play the games then. No one fucking cares that you're window-shopping for the series and blogposting about it.

>Muh Muh Limited Time
make time but don't come in threads about the series and contribute nothing except how much you wish you could play them. You're an adult act like one
Woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something, anon?
>never seen a dice system like it
Play more games then.

Go actually learn how to act like an adult yourself retard.
The 2d20 one from Modiphius? I've read it but not played it.

I really love their Conan system, but reading through the Dishonored book was a bit disappointing. Unlike Conan's talent trees for every skill, with like 2 dozen skills, Dishonored streamlines the talents and all but does away with skills. I mean, skills still exist, but now they are specialties of a major stat, rather than being the primary thing you roll. And the talents are... weird, very focused on the stealth and action stuff found in the video game. But it seems a missed opportunity, because Conan even had stuff that made scholarly skills useful, or ways to work social tricks into a fight.

One bright side is that the Dishonored book has plenty of setting material to work with. Modiphius games tend to be great for that.

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Ok. Well, your movement rate is 0 then.

Your retainer is carrying 3000 gp, huh? Ok, his movement rate is 0 too and his new hernia reduces his CON by 2.

Any questions?
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OP is so retarded and nogames that he has to fantasize about owning his players instead of just playing a game that just does weight calculations by default.
most melee weapons are like 2kg on average, so carrying a lot of them will only be a problem insofar that you have to deal with a ton of long objects that can potentially get you stuck in tight passages
>most melee weapons are like 2kg on average, so carrying a lot of them will only be a problem insofar that you have to deal with a ton of long objects that can potentially get you stuck in tight passages
It's called encumbrance instead of weight because it's supposed to account for how unwieldy something is. An average STR character is easily strong enough to carry an empty 26" diameter wine barrel if you strap it to their back. But your ability to fight or do any physical skill would be effectively zero.

You can carry 7 daggers but you're not carrying a longbow and 6 polearms in the dungeon.
i have never known a player who tried to carry 7 weapons or an unreasonable amount of weight
you are arguing with ghosts because you have nogames
>Your PC is carrying 7 weapons?
Wrong, on all three counts. The first one is carrying two; a hammer and shield, the second one a greatsword. The third is going unarmed, but has ranged grudge powers to fall back on.

>your movement rate is 0
Wrong. Having had to walk everywhere for my entire life, and having worked in a number of fast-paced jobs, I can move at a fairly decent clip.
Not sure what that had to do with my game, either.

>Your retainer
I don't have a retainer.

>carrying 3000 gp
Fuck, I wish I had access to that much gold, with no strings attached.

>his new hernia reduces CON by 2

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