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Last week I've seen a thread (>>>92898366 ) about people complaining on mtg current state.
The answer is very easy, and if you managed to read until there I don't have to explain much more than this.

>Keep being creative, dude. Fun doesn't have to be bought and sold.
Thank you !
I'll never stop making my own tabletop props.
Wood and paper are cheap and anyone can use a knife or pencil to create.
>Thank you! Closeups like this are tons easier to read, I appreciate it.
>When/if you get time to do more, please do. (I love the Crucible of Worlds art, btw).
Right now !
I don't have anyways to contact you, so here we go ! I'll post the remaining of my cards in this thread.
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Here have the proportions again.
I have been doodling since forever in the margins of my notebooks while being bored from middle school to university.
I had to learn colour on the fly though.
So it's more than 10 years of """experience""" you could say.
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Thank you !
I did try to. It was a game where everyone shared the same deck and had to discard cards in order to play them.
Also the battlefield would be cut in two, a Red and a Blue zone, where Summons would only be able to interact in their respective zone.
You're welcome !
I understand the will to have a more "finished" and clean product like that.
On th >>>/ccg/ there has been people like you making full set as well using AI at times.
Also, is it your name on the bottom left of that Graveyard Warden ? I suppose not since people aren't that clueless to share their name on the net but still be careful.
If I had an industrial card game printer, I would instantly make my own TCG or a bunch of custom cards.
Enjoy the custom waifu token, as I do.
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Found another one of those animation I made
I've long since lost them but when I was a young lad I used to draw cards on those little cardboard squares in reese's cups. All they had was power and an "element" (a circle which had zero effect on the "game" and also zero consistency. It could be whatever I felt like at the time.) There were no resources or tributes or limitations of any kind. The cards had no written effects. They did whatever I felt like they should be able to do, like an airship whale that could fire the missle monster to destroy things.

I kept my "deck" of around 18 cards in a deckbox which was one of those little plastic protective cases you put gameboy cartridges in.

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From where do you take inspiration when designing campaigns, creating characters and building worlds ?
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I'm torn on that, since I really dislike Harry Potter but for incredibly petty and childish reasons.
>To be Frank that movie has the weirdest mix of amazing writing and terrible but awesome writing.
Guess it really is just like the video game.
Always loved this scene. Chun is trying so hard to get a rise out of him and he simply doesn't care at all.
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you must really like boats

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Arbites edition

>Emperor's Children Index:

>Chaotic Detachments:

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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Looks really nice anon
It's a little uncanny seeing them acknowledge this on official stuff
>grey knights
>he painted them actually grey
Shocking how strange these models look to me when not painted in metallics, i think thats because I don't think I've ever seen them in flat colours before though

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>be me
>playing tabletop RPG with friends
>DM decides to introduce a new NPC
>it's a talking squirrel named Sir Nibbles
>Sir Nibbles has an aristocratic British accent
>entire party trying not to laugh
>decide to talk to Sir Nibbles
>"Greetings, Sir Nibbles, what brings you to these parts?"
>DM does squirrel voice
>"I seek the acorn of ultimate power."
>mfw we're on a quest for a magical acorn
>try to take it seriously
>party's bard asks Sir Nibbles if he likes nuts
>DM gives bard the death glare
>Sir Nibbles explains the acorn is guarded by a dragon

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SOVL but also Badwrongfun.
that sounds tite. And for just a second I let myself pretend I was back in 2012 reading >be me stories here. Thanks for posting

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Where did the split between occult psychic powers (spirit mediums and such) and the futuristic space wizard psychic powers occur and why is it always considered it's own thing separate from other forms of "magic" present in various books and media?
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Oh it's this idiot again. lol
Oh gosh, not this undergraduate student again.
"Testament of Brother Pallas, Temple Avesti"
So a member of the only sect of the Church which -might- think technology is witchcraft because they actively distrust education.

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Norway Chess 2024 edition

>Official website:

>Chess websites, tools, videos and books:

- Dubai Open | May 25th - June 2nd
- Norway Chess | May 27th - June 7th
- National Open - Las Vegas International Chess Festival | June 5th - 9th
- Teplice Open | June 15th - 23rd
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Romania Chess Classic | June 25th - July 5th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Croatia Rapid & Blitz | July 9th - 14th

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built for Big Indian Cock
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I haven't had one of these in a long while.
what opening was that?
>page 8
>one week bump limit



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this is the current position of the same game

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>Still no multi-system accepted term for fighter-mage beyond "gish"
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>but they use more than swords!
Class restriction: sword

Cry about it, nogames
Spellblade then
what's the difference?
>Just because you're uneducated doesn't mean the word is obscure. It just means you should lurk moar, faggot.
Only d&d niggerfaggots use that term, and even then sparingly because most have at least enough sense to know that nobody will have any fucking clue what they're talking about, so it's not unreasonable for an anon to have not seen it before.
magic fighter
magic warrior

everything else is shit

Which setting has your favorite rendition of the undead? Tell me about it. Do you prefer your undead to be forces of evil or just neutral monsters? Should players be able to play undead characters?

Personally, I love it when a setting leaves room for neutral undead who maintain their independence and (at least part of) their humanity like the Forsaken in WoW. I like the idea of a kingdom of the undead, thinking about the logistics of it makes me excited.
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I think the origins of the word zombie, West African and Haitian vodou practice, had a good idea of how to emphasize the scariness and evil of the undead. Which was focusing on the aspect that a zombie was a form of slavery which transcended mortality, denying any respite or release. It doesn't matter what you do the necromancer owns your soul. A lot of horror can be added to the undead by portraying them not as mindless but fully aware of what is happening to them just unable to articulate or do anything but suffer, follow orders, and hope someone manages to kill the one who raised them.
My favorite rendition of undead is actually very simple. Skeletons in rusty armor, in large groups, pouring forth, and a plethora of various specialized skeletons smattered throughout; Skeleton Archers, Skeleton Champions, Burning Skeletons, Frozen Skeletons, Skeletal Mages, and so on and so forth.

This can be done in a lot of different fantasy settings, but it's honestly not very common that it's depicted that way, at least not in TTRPGs. It can almost always be done, but it seldomly is. There's a few examples I can think of in different media.

I want to do it in my own game at some point, but sadly I'm not sure it'd fit as a major threat in my own setting, which is definitely an oversight on my part, but it just doesn't fit with the core conceit of the setting.
Where in Fantasy are undead "neutral, perhaps even somewhat friendly, but dangerous"?
Tomb Kings?
Well theres Warcraft's Forsaken who were sadly absolutely botched concept
Undead dragons are pretty based, wish we saw more of them, have you ever used any?

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Who's the "artist" for your character or setting? If you don't picture them as a real person, who in your mind's eye is their illustrator? For me, my fantasy characters are imagined in the style of Boris Vallejo, pretty basic bitch I know but I play OSR so it fits. For my modern setting characters, the artist is Huke, best known as the creator of Black Rock Shooter and illustrating Steins;Gate

Obligatory: Neckbeardia and all other content thieves deserve the rope.
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I wish I could see your face when you learn about the Dungeon Meshi anime.
>For my modern setting characters, the artist is Huke, best known as the creator of Black Rock Shooter and illustrating Steins;Gate
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A mix of Urs Graf, Jean Blanche and Jean-Leon Gerome sort of stuff.
lol John not Jean.
Adding more surreal and fantastical but still gritty stuff to it.
and this sort of stuff.
Melodramatic, great costumes, still very personal.

What is elven cuisine like in your setting?
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>dwarves seethe when people drink beer wrong or drink shit quality stuff
Ofc, the circle of autism goes round and round.
sarcasm: the post
you failed the assignment, here's your new home

what the hell?
Dark Eldar
>My repast consisted of hydroponic fruits grown in the atmospheric recycling chambers of this very ship, a few memory clusters from a Medusae who had accompanied me on my foray into the Black Ship, and a dram of Aqua Vitae that had been bottled on a Croneworld prior to the Fall. I cleansed my palate between each sip with a soft, creamy cheese made with milk from my pet, spread over water crackers that had the remains of a necrontyr mummy mixed into the flour.
The pet is a Sister of Battle
You don't want to know where he got the enzymes for the cheese
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>now fighters can enchant their weapons themselves
>problem with balance solved
Only retards don't want to use this simple solution.
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DMG of several editions say you are wrong. Try not to get butt hurt about it, just start using the correct terminology from here forward.
>you don't need an enhancement bonus to attack
>when the only remotely competitive martial specs rely on incredibly swingy -5/+10 modifiers to attack in a bounded accuracy system
No depth.
The books are wrong. I am the authority on language.
set an example for us

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Good job, Reddit.
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Like poetry
I recall a GM I played under several years ago at my LGS who had a similar (but less extreme) breakdown. Said GM had a lot going on in his personal life and (most likely) wanted to take back control of the one aspect of it he directed, so he lashed out at us and imposed like 4 or 5 of the rules on OP's list, as well as a no-phones rule.

Ultimately, what happened is that the game fell apart shortly thereafter. While many of these rules/concepts are perfectly valid, they're the sort of thing you agree on before the campaign starts rather than after. We were all friends and remained friends even after the game died, but when the game felt more like an obligation rather than a passtime, it became no longer fun.

I suspect the GM in question is not only real, but in a similar spot. His players will probably leave him soon, and as some anons have remarked earlier, that's probably a good thing for him too. It sounds like he's got some stuff he needs to work out.
Breaks my heart to see him making such good points. I've seen a handful of other people take on this list and this fat beanbag of a man caught the one thing that none of the other tryhards did: Rule 3 guarantees that the game falls apart immediately and demands all interactions with the game end in this whiny faggot DM going home. Even his attempts at being sensible conflict with his attempts at being a hard-ass, because it all comes back to him wanting to run home crying if he gets the smallest amount of pushback.
It's possible a few of those were made by an autistic stickler of a DM, most of them are clearly fake, being added to the list by Iedditors who can't decide of the game is in-person or over chat, but just want to be "le ebic memers" with more and more hostile and toxic rules as it goes on.

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Previous thread: >>92894127

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

Thread Question: Have you ever used the Job rules?

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What is the appeal of being a GM? What do you get out of it? Every time I see people give GM advice it's always "do what your players want", so where's the fun for the GM?
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Its fun
>Every time I see people give GM advice it's always "do what your players want"
Like the many people screaming this is wrong, I add my advice to the pile. You as GM and your group need to match on some level Combat groups with Combat GMs, social groups with social GMs, so on.
But at some level, the group has to adjust to you, not the other way around. Let the players decide what's going on, and they will turn into the pickiest of bitches. Fun as GM comes from throwing scenarios you design and make up, the shit players would criticize if they had the chance, but fuck you, it's fun to throw you in the situation anyway. You essentially are the story, which is nice to tell some what you're wanting as GM.
>Fun as GM comes from throwing scenarios you design and make up
That's just storyshitting and railroading though.
What do you think a "scenario" is?
Fuck off with the buzzwords already, you're obviously so insufferable that no one would want to play with you anyway.

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People here don't seem to like dividing elves into a bunch of subdivisions like Wood Elves, High Elves, Dark Elves and the like. Let's ignore them and just come up with and talk about a bunch of different types of elves anyway.

What inspirations do you like the best for different elven civilizations?
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dreadful, at least pretend it was an original thought next time
there's a pretty significant difference between domesticated and civilized
Additional Biome types work. Sea Elves, Snow Elves, Sand Elves.

I think having them based on astronomical phenomena like in your pic also works. Sun Elves, Moon Elves, Dawn Elves, Dusk Elves, etc.
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Any other naming conventions that you like, such as what WoW does with "Blood Elves"?

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