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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

George RR Martin used the War of the Roses as scaffolding for GoT. What other historical event would make for a good fantasy parallel?
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Any writer who doesn't rip off history is leaving a lot on the table.
>The life of Timur
>The Hundred years war (any phase)
>any Sultans reign in the Ottomans first 300 years of expansion
>The Pelopenesian War

My personal pick is the 30 years war, critically underrepresented for how significant and climactic it was.
It's really cool, but I'd say that's only half a thirty years' war because sectarianism isn't as big in it as a revolution against Assad and the realpolitik of Iran and Israel. Now, the Congo is absolutely a 30 years' war, or at least a French Wars of Religion.

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Best book on Japanese history?

Why do you think third world countries are so rife with rape and misogyny?
Conservatism holds that women are only good for fucking and aren’t real people
That's a norm in many "enlightened" and upper skilled workplace environments.
Imagine living is a shit hole like picrel, anyone would end up hating everything.
>rape and misogyny
Opiate of the masses

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>/his/ has finally outgrown being seduced by aesthetics and taken the protestantpill
The truth wins.
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So God according to you is confusing?
Here is another one

Daniel 7
>The Son of Man Is Given Dominion

>13 “I saw in the night visions,

and behold, with the clouds of heaven
there came one like a son of man,
and he came to the Ancient of Days
and was presented before him.
>14 And to him was given dominion
and glory and a kingdom,
that all peoples, nations, and languages

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He said before Abraham was born, and referred to the physical Abraham
>It can be a title of god it doesn’t mean Jesus is God
I’m not using this passage to prove Jesus is God
I’m using to prove that the Holy Spirit is God

Do you have problems comprehending information?? I’ve repeated this twice already

>the word exact is added in by translation
Here is the original Greek
χαρακτὴρ meaning exact expression
No one can be the exact expression of God’s nature
Explain why it is, and explain why it calls Jesus the light in John

This is talking about the son of man returning to earth during what's described in Revelation
>Which only God does
Where does it say that?
>Jesus claims to be the son of man
He didn't claim to be the son of man in that verse

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They're half Aryan. What common features do these peoples have in common?
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you next 50 generations will all be cleaning toilets
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imagine believing this chart
we're 75% Aryan or a bit less
except a few of the groups on there who aren't even comparable to the others
Get away you filthy animal

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/his/ cannot refute this
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Just make women reproductive vessels who can guarantee 100% reproduction with 100% of males. /his/ will hate it but a lot of the reasons violence occurs is due to lack of vaginal access. You may seethe now.
the earth is already level
How about you ban pedophiles in your organization first, Papa Frank?
I don't get the joke bro
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he should read this short fiction

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I'm in awe of the Hamza Yusuf / Hakim Murad type of neo-traditional Islam. It's so intellectually lucid, traditionalist and classy.

Is it alive in some place in the Muslim world or is it just a western LARP?

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How often do you think about Ancient Greece?
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I do have my books from and about ancient Greece and Rome on eye level on one of my bookshelves, so I get reminded of them daily.
I refuse to believe this thing actually worked. Seems like an overcomplicated prototype. Classical greece was smart but they weren't THAT smart.
Every day. I wish I had died at age 19 under Troy’s fair walls. That seems a more glorious life to live than anything the modern wage slave era has to offer.
> Greece
swarthy losers

From a purely historical perspective, it's honestly impressive how well the Jews successfully mythologized their own history, so much so that scholars today are still unsure what events did and didn't happen. Certainly it's just fascinating how such a small group created such a well-crafted larger than life mythology about their origins, and later this became the unquestioned main historical record up until recent centuries. Of course I'm not saying all of the events are merely mythology, instead, there is certainly much exaggeration and liberties taken in the Tanakh/Old Testament that point towards a greater meaning and glorify The God of Israel's covenant with the Israelites.
They were an irrelevant minority group whose priestly class decided to go full chud and fabricate their history to craft a narrative where they are totally going to rule the word when the messiah comes in two more weeks, also they are better than everyone else because of their BASED god. It was literally just a LARP of some disgusting old Jewish priests back in 500 BC that caused all this. Chuds here should learn from this and rethink their ways, LARPing as superior hyperboreans whose White savior is going to emerge from the underground pyramids of Antarctica could have serious consequences in the future

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American patriotism is the most idiotic, jewish trojan horse and low IQ idea ever
USA was founded by liberal freemasons, libertarian protestans and jews. There is nothing worth saving of USA. As Evola and Ezra Pound wrote, it's like trying to save a virus
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keep sitting in your room timmy and shill for niggers
cause god knows you're the only person between humans and a genocide
even SEAMonkeys would wipe out nogs if they were left alone
Fuck you gon do bout it? Recordin brothas and storin that shit on yo hard drive to win internet arguments?
>even SEAMonkeys would wipe out nogs if they were left alone

by racemixing? sure
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put literally any race against nogs in an open environment
they're all way better than nogs at coordination and strategy, it's clear even in south africa
that's what makes them human, there's a reason why they couldn't find the islands on their shores that SEAmonkeys inhabited
Why does the US make apartment dwelling poor people seethe so much?

Would icons and statues be considered idolatry? I know we shouldn't make graven images of anything in Heaven but Christ reavealed Himself in the flesh so that shouldn't be a problem. Even the arc of the covenant as well as the tent had depictions of angels and that was constructed by God's own instructions. I just need help coming to a conclusion.
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strictly speaking we do not see any "likenesses" in the prominent place in the tabernacle.
so I wouldnt do it.
You retards need to more strictly define what phrase you’re arguing about.
We'll use the Torah then.
>“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
You don't know the purpose of the icons. When you make an icon of a saint and kiss and bow to the icon, you are showing the saint you love them and are devoted to them.
If I were a saint I wouldn’t care about people going through the motions of kissing pictures.
I would rather they emulate my life.
If you’re pleased by people kissing pictures of you, well, let’s say you may not be embodying a humble servant.
>And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.
>Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.

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The ranking of European countries where the French feel closest in 2024, according to a survey:

1. Spain
2. Germany
3. Belgium
4. Italy
5. Portugal

We also find a political criterion:

- Jean-Luc Mélenchon (Far left) and Marine Le Pen (Far Right) voters feel closer to Spain.
- Emmanuel Macron, PS (Moderate Left) and Républicains (Moderate Right) voters feel closer to Germany.
- Reconquête (Far Right) voters feel closer to Italy.
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>- Emmanuel Macron, PS (Moderate Left) and Républicains (Moderate Right) voters feel closer to Germany.
The South is Mediterranean, the North isn't.
It's a stupid poll because it likely varies a lot by region. I'm pretty sure people from the Nord region feel extremely close to Belgium with whom they share a considerable amount of culture and dialectal idiosyncrasies. Same with Alsace and Schwaben, Savoie and Romande Switzerland, the Nice county and Genoa, the French Basque country with the Spanish one or Languedoc with Catalonia. The overwhelming majority of French territory has been conquered from neighboring ethnocultural areas after all.

Was actually insane or just a basement NEET who wanted to commission artists all day?
Broadway's Nicholas II.
His castle outshines those kingdoms
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He was too good for them. They did not deserve him.
But he had excellent artistic taste.
To this day his Neuschwanstein Castle ended been ideal of the fantasy castle.

Prostitution is the only moral form of sex.
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>But how do you measure how much value the choices have? If human rationality is the source of value then is any act moral as long as I rationally weigh the pros and cons? To use an extreme example, is it moral for me to smash an infant against some rocks if I've rationally justified it beforehand in choice of doing or not doing it?
Value is given by the decider so yes if you rationally decide to smash an infant against a rock that is a valuable choice. However you conflate several things here: Moral value is different to our choice value. For example deciding between vanilla ice or chocolate isn't a moral issue. Moral value precisely arises from the conflict between what we WANT to do and what we SHOULD do.
Thus the mere fact that you value smashing an infant... doesn't justify it morally.
>I could argue [...] because it comes with physical, mental and sometimes social benefits.
The question isn't can sex be good. The question is can sex ever be justified against the insurmountable damage it brings necessarily whenever down for irrational purposes.
THEN ON TOP OF THAT we need evaluate whether rational sex can justify subjugating our human intellect under our animal nature and I don't think it can.
Sure it can help you relax but so can meditation. And meditation doesn't force you arouse in yourself or your partner this rationality consuming carnal desire.
Let's take an extreme example: Consensual sex. A man and his wife are alone together. No rational impulse will make the two have sex (procrestion in this example excluded).
If one of them said they need relaxation they could take a bath or meditate or massage each other. This would also help with pair bonding and happiness.
In fact they might not even find relaxation that valuable at all. They might fux the roof clean the dishes do their taxes, educate themselves for better future prospects etc.
The choice for sex will always be the carnal desire overriding any rational impulse. By default you have to sacrifice all other alternatives you have to use that time to spend it on sex. Then you also have to subjugate your rationality to your carnal desires. And you have to degrade your partner to a means to fullfill your sexual desires (they xould do their taxes instead too) etc. You sanctify this destructive in the nth degree force that is our desire for sex. And lastly you spend your time not in rational (that what makes us human) pursuit but in instinctual lust. You lose your humanity for half an hour.
Now tell me can this price ever be worth it?
>I also disagree with the framing that people are unable to engage in sex in moderation and that it is a serious problem that people become sex addicts.
It's not that people become sex addicts. It's that our animal impulses are so strong they can overwrite our rational choices.Even someone who never has sex but craves it might devote himself to pursuits that are contradictory to rationality. I'm not a lawmaker trying to demonize or outlaw sex. I'm trying to debate and show how much damage sex does in the first degree (having sex) second degree (things we only desire because they help us have sex) third degree (things we do to attain the things we want to have more sex) ... to the nth degree.
If a moderate would say sex between married people can sometimes be justified I wouldn't ostracize him just trying to point out why I think it's wrong.
Should add as a conclusion behind nth degree:
*thus not sex addixtion is the main danger but sex justification that will lead people (as we can see all around us) tp shape our lives not by rationality or even our own personhood but to a large if not overwhelming degree by our indirect and direct means to get sex.
>The question isn't can sex be good. The question is can sex ever be justified against the insurmountable damage it brings necessarily whenever down for irrational purposes.
But it doesn't do insurmountable damage. People have sex every day and they don't regress into maddened animals incapable of rational thought, it's just something you do because you enjoy and once its over you go back to being a rational person.
>If one of them said they need relaxation they could take a bath or meditate or massage each other. This would also help with pair bonding and happiness.
>In fact they might not even find relaxation that valuable at all. They might fux the roof clean the dishes do their taxes, educate themselves for better future prospects etc.
>Now tell me can this price ever be worth it?
It's absolutely worth it. People are not machines that have to be productive 24/7, in my opinion a healthy live has a balance between work and relaxation. You have to take breaks from work to maintain your physical and mental health and sex can be one way of doing so.
There's an argument to be made that the second and third degree 'harms' of sex are actually good because they encourage men to be very productive in order to find a mate and the gigantic economy and all the technological advancements we enjoy today are a result of men working to get some pussy down the line.

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