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Why was he so adamant at helping neocons from a nation ruled by whites bomb brown middle eastern people even though said nation oppressed him through his childhood and a big chunk of his adulthood
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Fact: Condi Rice was childhood friends with one of the little black girls killed in that Birmingham church bombing.
She really betrayed her people for neocon BWC

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Is it possible to secularize Buddhism and retool it as an atheistic philosophy of life? Or does doing so result in it reducing to a suicide cult, since without a doctrine of rebirth you could just escape suffering through death?
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OP is obviously an anti-atheist shithead. Which is why he immediately goes into the worse fucking case scenario about what could possibly go wrong.
Zen Buddhism is inherently atheistic. You clearly haven't looked into Buddhist sects if you're even asking this question. Also:
>bro let me just re-appropriate your cultural and religious traditions for my totalitarian social engineering programs
Fuck off you Maoist half-wit.
>for life is suffering
No, that is not what buddhism says
Buddhism says life contains dukkha not that life is dukkha, and the correct translation of dukkha isn't even suffering but uneasiness or inspiratoryness
The whole "life is suffeting" BS is derived from a mistranslated from the 19th century
>Zen Buddhism is inherently atheistic.

No, it is not. Zen is part of Mahayana Buddhism and it is a subsect of Pure Land Buddhism. They highly revere Avalokitesvera and Amitabha Buddha to godlike status.
secular buddhism is retarded and there is no point in it, because putting a bullet in your head is the equivalent of nirvana so why even bother?

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Can we agree that culinarily speaking, Western cuisine was at an all-time low in the 1950s and that most of the food eaten from WWII onwards was pure industrially processed slop?
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>the 50's created the 60's
Keyed. The Beatles and Jefferson Airplane wouldn't have existed had Chuck Berry and Beat Generation poets not flourished in the previous decade.
>In 1954, Ray Kroc joined the McDonald's chain by offering to assume responsibility of operating McDonald's franchises out of California
>Two years later, Ray Kroc hired Harry J. Sonnenborn to come up with a model for franchise management which is nowadays ubiquitous amongst fast-food restaurant companies
This tastes good tho
And healthy for joint & hair health
Dude rheumaweed lmao
Go back to reading blogs for pregnant women

Black Americans. Southerners tried desperately to imitate their Anglo ancestors, but now they're eating black eyed peas and okra, two of the Blackest vegetables.
>italian, spanish and french food

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What did these people call themselves?

Why do historians and anthropologists use these retarded ass names?

Why not big nose culture for jews?

Hairy back culture for arabs?
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Big nose culture
Retard. They also had more EHG.
Well, nobody knows. And that's why archeologists give them retarded names.
At least get familiar with the idea of a MATERIAL culture first.
It's like asking, what did all the owners of iphones call themselves?
>big nose
>hairy back
Because those features do little to narrow it down. For example Armenians have bigger noses, and many groups have hairy backs.

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"Attracted by the ideas of black separatists such as Marcus Garvey, Bilbo proposed an amendment to the federal work-relief bill on June 6, 1938, which would have deported twelve million black Americans to Liberia at federal expense to relieve unemployment.[39] Bilbo wrote a book advocating the idea. Garvey praised him in return, saying that Bilbo had "done wonderfully well for the Negro,"

"Bilbo continued to pursue the idea of repatriating African Americans, with support from black separatists such as Mittie Maude Lena Gordon, founder of the Peace Movement of Ethiopia,"

"On April 24, 1939, Bilbo presented the bill to the Senate. It proposed relocating African Americans to Liberia and further suggested the purchase of 400,000 square miles of West African territory from France and Britain, credited on debt form World War I, for the emigrants.[47] The movement was to be funded through federal expenditures, initially suggesting $1 billion, and encouraged support from "any country in Europe that owes us a war debt"."

Why did the jews, yanks and euros shut down the Chadfederate Southern attempts to repatriate blacks to their own homeland and give them a republic + reparations?
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The French-Algerian war was such a bloody affair that Brits were scared out of the idea of fighting to suppress the coming independence wars.
If they wanna actually be German, then sure.
This, only South Florida mimics true tropical weather.
Because it'd be like sending all of the whities to France and Western Germany
It wouldn't be like that at all

Plus most whites in the southern US do not descend from french or germans

I’m going to post this every day until you remember it
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One hundred fifty are besieged by five thousand;
Not only the provisions but the ammunition is all gone.
Thirty-two men hear the news and hurry to the scene.
The heavy strokes of their sabers lead them into the fortress, through the ranks of the enemy to see
The commander of the fortress wet with blood,
And his men reeling against the walls with exhaustion but with swords in hand.
Now comes the dauntless South Carolinian,
Knowing that if he does not answer duty's call, disgrace and shame will be his.
Returning he rides into the siege on a white charger,
Salutes the besieged with a smile, and says, "We die together."
They bind up their wounds and fight in higher spirits.
Speak not of the bravery of Chang Hsun at Suiyang, for here the one hundred and eighty-two corpses were laid; not one surrendered.
The people of the twenty-four states get inspiration thereby,
And learn for the first time that unanimous cooperation is superior to geographical advantage.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Shiga (Juko) Shigetaka

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It's obvious that some Europeans are superior to others. Like the people who are descended from the Romans or the Greeks have all the right in the world to believe themselves to be superior to the descendants of mere Barbarians
we're not equals.
Exactly. Bring back national chauvinism.

Are the United States a country of micks masquerading as Anglos?
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They're all euromutts from Northwestern Europe which is basically the same place anyway.
Reagan and Kennedy were the only ones of Irish Catholic paternal descent. Spain has had more prime ministers from Ireland or of Irish descent than America.
>Same goes for the rest who aren’t JFK or Biden
*or Reagan - I forgot that shitbag, my bad.
To be frank alot of presidents before Truman aside from Kennedy look like they're worthy to be president.
The United Slaves of Israel

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Is the Indian colonization of Canada is no different from the vast number of migrations throughout history where one tribe or another simply conquered the other by just moving in with larger numbers? If I'm not mistaken, the American settlers themselves outnumbered the natives when they became very involved in international trade
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Its starts with immigration, ends in conflict, the more powerful side wins. That's how it happened in America and practically ever where else where where the same lands were shared between peoples
Lmao ranjeesh, conquer my Uber Eats Delivery. You shitters were ruled by 20k Anglos, and now because retards import you all as cheap labor this is some sort of victory? You'll inevitably be driven off just like how Indian bureaucrats were booted out of many of post colonial British territories in Africa (Uganda).
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bro is probably an indian that was cucked by a Canadian an their BWCS
It's very different. Most civilizations don't personally invite the conquerors. Canada desires to die and it deserves it.
Amerijew detected, go let your girl be fucked by those Chileans.

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is bhuddism low t? im reading a free book i found on the curb by this guy, called "the way to a meaningful life", and the first couple chapters are about how everything is secretly poison. he wants you to focus on the th "reality" of tgings, like how food turns to poo in our stomachs, and how pretty ladies are really just spooky skeletons on the inside. i dont really see how that is closer to reality than viewing things how we interact with them in daily life. it seems like you are suppose to think your self into crippling nihilism, then just be a boilerplate nice guy and focus on your breath u til you die. no thanks baldy, it sure must be easy to refrain from coitus when your penis dont even hard any more
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Mongol Buddhism is Buddhism on a diet of broccoli and chicken (and tren, clen and SARMS)
Dumbass gnosticist.
it’s about getting over yourself and enjoying life as you are living it now, simple to understand yet seemingly impossible to achieve
Why does he look like Colin Powell
>a meaningful life
Is meaningless. Nobody can tell you what you will find meaningful

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How would Zhukov fare in leading the Russians in Ukraine? Are their failings the result of poor leadership or are they just a result of the fundamentals of russians equipment and tactics being flawed? Surely the man who stormed his way into Berlin could wring a victory out of this whole mess for them again.
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It's just the result of Ukraine being pumped up with NATO weapons and equipment to the point that they are effectively a peer to Russia's military. Any near peer war is going to be awful and bloody for both sides.
>Surely the man who stormed his way into Berlin could wring a victory out of this whole mess for them again.
Ivan will win anyway, Ukraine is steadily running out of meat for the grinder.

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Why do Girardians get rich?

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As Piero's health grew worse, it became increasingly important that Lorenzo should get married. Normally the families of high-born men and women looked within Florence for their children's prospective spouses, but Lorenzo's parents were about to go completely against the norm.
Lorenzo's mother, Lucrezia Tornabuoni, began searching in Rome for the woman who would marry her son. She settled on the Orsini family, who were exceptionally powerful in Rome, with members on the highest rungs of the Church ladder. Marrying into the Orsinis would enable the Medici to extend their political reach, even if it did put the noses of Florentine nobles out of joint. The young woman chosen was Clarice Orsini, and in 1467 Lucrezia travelled to Rome to get a good look at her. She reported:
>She is fairly tall and fair skinned. She is gentle in manner without the sophistication of a Florentine but she should be easy to train .... Her face is on the round side, but pleasant enough .... I could not judge her breasts, for the Romans keep theirs well covered, but they appeared to be well formed.

It sounds as though Lucrezia was shopping at a cattle market, which is not far from the truth. The bride had to be perfect. Not only did she have to bring a powerful alliance and a good dowry - and be good-looking - she had to be able to continue the Medici line. A further meeting between Lucrezia and Clarice showed the Medici matriarch that her prospective daughter-in-law was rather shy. Not that it mattered to Lucrezia. But Lorenzo showed little interest in the woman who would become his wife, preferring to spend his time with his amours. Nevertheless, he agreed. He knew a wife's only real use to him would be to provide children and he could seek emotional and sexual fulfillment, and perhaps love, elsewhere.
What can I say OP?
well.. first. Where is the fucking patriarchy in all this? bonobos? Why the fuck did the mother choose and determine the dowries? and "matriarch" comes from a very specific function that is not very patriarchal, you know?
This seems very strange to me.
But anyway, I wonder if women really are the "providers of health"? I mean, is it really something they force themselves to do? Why not ask a friend? My friend already took care of me when I was in prison. I love him.
And regarding Pierro's conclusion about the feminine, it is not necessarily wrong. It's simple and not romantic.
Ultimately, women are responsible for reproduction and for being caretakers of the home or emotions. sex, however, may be something to consider. but we would be losing our civilized hierarchy.
not prison, weakened haha
His father was known as the gouty. So he was probably bedridden from gout and unable to travel to Rome to find a wife for his son.

10 years ago you had academics saying shit like this unironically.
Now everyone is denying it was ever said and calling you a "conspiracy theorist" if you claim it was being taught at university.
What changed?
How did historical concensus change so rapidly in just a few years??
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>Conveniently forgets to mention the Mali Empire, Mongol Empire, Ottoman Empire, Arab Caliphate, Aztecs, literally all Chinese dynasties, WW2 Japan, etc...

Why can't they simply just say that they hate white people? It's not that hard.
see the blank spot in the fertile crescent in op's picture? That's why.
From a purple state, just graduated this year, and yeah still taught. It's not called CRT and it's less overt than some of those horror stories back in the day, but they still say being white is inherently privileged, you can be unconsciously racist and that you should promote racial equity in the workplace.

Truth is CRT wasn't a fad and didn't start in 2010s. It's been around since at least the 1910s and so rooting it out of unis will be a hell of a job if even possible.
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Anti-whites always lie.

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I've heard modern Jews are not the same as Biblical Jews.

Can someone briefly explain why and the differences between the Torah, Talmud and Tankah?
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So you are a Jew? I see that you are biased, just like /pol/.
>and sort of ignore the Old Testament
Definitely not, the Old Testament isn't an "Old" Testament to them, it's just the one and only book that forms the foundation of everything pertaining to their rituals.
The Talmud is more like a Law Journal article with comentary by "experts" while the Torah is the law itself.
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You guys still don't get it do you?
It's not about the ethnicity or race of Jewish people.
It's about the fact that Rabbinic Judaism is a complete meme and cope and that only Karaite Jews are properly observing actual Judaism.
This is a worthless schizo thread that is roughly 80% samefaggotry.
What do Karaite Jews do differently from Rabbinic Jews, in practice?

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