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if you could establish a future colony on a terraformed planet (Mars, Venus, etc.) what political system would it function under?
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That avoids his central point.

I strongly doubt any government could maintain control over even a single orbital station in it's lagrange points if they didn't want to be ruled over, let alone disparate colonies on far flung moons and asteroids. Even the 250k miles to the Moon is a fucking massive, almost incomprehensibly huge distance when you really fucking understand it, let alone 172m miles to Mars or 160m to Venus. A human colonized solar system will very, very quickly devolve into massively decentralized station/colony-states with competing ideologies and systems. They will at best, have loose alliances with the big powers, but its going to be absolutely impossible to project power over such vast differences at our current tech level, particularly when you consider how easy it is for a space colony to drop shit "down well" compared to how difficult it is to go the other way. Also the fact that any disgruntled saboteur can fuck a station over just by leaving some random airlock open or damaging a single solar panel.

The future of our solar system before our tech gets to Star Trek tier is going to be fucking wild wild west.
If it was so comfy and kino why did the French Revolution happen?
The Catholic church will setup Diocese' on various planets just like they did in real life. The Vatican obviously doesn't have direct control over the church in Argentina but it's still in association with it. In other words space will become Latin-America tier
Okay, and in what fucking way does that enforce uniformity of law or even religious dogma? Like that other anon pointed out, Christians couldn't go without a major schism or religious war over a span of a couple hundred miles on the same continent on the same planet. What makes you think it will work over vastly greater distances? Why do you assume anyone would willingly want or care to join such a religious empire?
Should be ruled by the emperor of terra

>ummm ackshually hugo boss made clothes for the nazis so yeah im not supporting them
How far into the future are the crimes of one’s ancestors still publishable on the descendants?
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>Nobody says this
clearly you never went to school
I've heard nothing but praise even from the most liberal fags regarding Nazi uniforms.
>murican uni
>How far into the future are the crimes of one’s ancestors still publishable on the descendants?
About five minutes.
No we aren't nigga
Deuteronomy 24:16
Parents are not to be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their parents; each will die for their own sin.

>*pans in to Vaush convention *
>Camera shows Cobson struggling to suck off five BBCs as...
>*Record scratch* *Freeze frame* *zoom in to Cobson's face in anguish*

>Flash cut to Cobson despondently walking in the rain
All around me are familiar faces
>"Oh man troonjak satisfied so many black bvlls again, at this rate I'll never be mod of r/rickandmorty"
>Book drops on Cobson's head which reads "Blacked Note"
Worn out places
>Cut to Cobson in room with Jefre Cantu-Ledesma
>"Yer' sayin' every name I write in here gets BLACKED?"
>"Oh my Zelensky...racism is fucked"

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>Russian file name
Typical Slav melt down

Who was the better man? Achilles or Agamemnon?
Achilles was a pedo who raped his underaged cousin, so the choice is easy

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>At no time will suits be worn in the pool and boys will not need them any time during the entire program.

>All family members are invited to attend the final swimming session to watch the boys that pass the test receive their YMCA swimming certificate.

Why did they let girls watch boys swim completely naked at the YMCA?
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Testimony never mentions this
This newspaper and other newspapers did
This says they watched the boys receive their certificate, not swim.
>all family members are invited to attend the final swimming session to watch the boys that pass the test

It implies they will be watching the boys swim
But didn't state it outright. Combined with the lack of any such mention in testimony, it seems that usually no females watched the nude swimming.

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Why couldn’t Italy unify until so late in history after the fall of Rome?

Northern Italy at least was always wealthy, heavily populated centers of trade.

Once you’ve locked down the north, gradually pushing southwards shouldn’t be as hard

I can see Austria being a pain because they occupied a significant chunk of north Italian lands populated by Italians and would fear a unified Italy. But France would back them naturally you’d think. Both as a buffer state and for the above reason to be a thorn in austrias side.
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>they weren't exactly heavily urbanised
Classical Syracuse was as populated as Athens and the inland mountanous areas were low density
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OP is just seething for no reason, no one denies the south was full of Greeks. But he's some sad Italian nationalist that NEEDS this area to be always Italic even though the Greeks there were very much Italian in every way
Syracruse was not a massive metropolis in the Middle Ages so it doesn't really apply. There was no one city to skew the demographics of all of Southern Italy in this period like Constantinople and later Medieval Paris did for their regions. The closest thing to that was Palermo which was a mix of Arab and Greeks.
>appened. The Norman rulers didn't slaughter people nor did the Arabs, who really only had a significant presence in Sicily and even by the 11th century the majority of the island was still Greek speaking.

Greekling "males" were massacred and their women used as breeding machines by the Italics BVLLS.

>TAfter a lengthy eight-month siege which brought great hardship onto the defenders through hunger, and with parleys in progress, an Iberian captain named Moeriscus, one of the three prefects of Achradina, decided to save his own life by letting the Romans in near the Fountains of Arethusa. On the agreed signal, during a diversionary attack, he opened the gate. After setting guards on the houses of the pro-Roman faction, Marcellus gave Syracuse to plunder.[8] Frustrated and angered after the lengthy and costly siege, the Romans rampaged through the citadel and slaughtered many of the Syracusans where they stood and enslaved most of the rest. The city was then thoroughly looted and sacked.

>The then-small band of desperados came across the walled Greek settlement of Messina built on a strategic location on the north-eastern tip of Sicily on the strait between Sicily and Italy. Together with the fort Rhegium on the toe of Italy, it was the crossing point between Italy and Sicily. Being a peaceful people, the inhabitants allowed the travelling mercenaries into their homes. After a time, the mercenaries became restless and plotted to capture the town. One night, the mercenaries betrayed their hosts and killed most of the population, who were unprepared. In this way, they claimed Messina for themselves in 288 BC. The surviving Messinians were thrown out and the property and women divided. After their victory, the mercenaries named themselves the Mamertines after the Oscan war-god Mamers.



Was it kino?
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Why are you people lying like this?
western north Africa was noticeably poorer than Iberia.
All the ancient works describing it like Strabo describe the Southern part as extremely rich producing every kind of goods with the best mines, the best textiles, the best wine and oil, the largest merchant fleets next to Africa, all backed by archaeology
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Just described India, congrats you produce raw materials like an other turdie cunt
Iberians still were richer than you tho

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Explain to me how an intelligent person with no knowledge of Christianity can read the Bible and study, let's say, the first 500 years of church history, and decide "ah yes, papacy, veneration of saints, theosis and perpetual virginity of Mary are all apostolic practices".

The only way RC and Orthodox practices make sense, and this is what happens every time when you talk to converts, is if you get taken in by their aesthetics and simply decide "I like this, this makes me FEEL spiritual" and then interpret everything backwards from there. Words like ancient and apostolic are reduced to buzzwords taken at face value.

Christianity being true gives these faiths enough credibility to stay afloat, but the truth is that if you strip away all unnecessary tacked on bits, you'll end up with a bunch of dorky Baptists reading the bible in a refurnished barber shop. But that just isn't mystical or interesting enough for npcs who only want their desire for ritual fulfilled and their desire to worship gods that look human.
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But papacy, veneration of saints/martyrs were the norm in the first 500 years of the church along with Eucharist, sacrifice of mass, priesthood structure, prayers for dead souls, use of sacred imagery…etc
Btw, this started out in Protestant seminaries
Christians never believed the Bible. That's why there was hundreds of years of debate as to what belongs in it, what it is, and how literal or metaphorical we should take it. That's why concepts like Apostolic tradition were invokes so people can have a final verdict on the matter. Sola Scriptural naturally lead to Universal Unitarianism, Mormonism, and ultimately atheism.
It is amazing how early Christianity almost collectively seems to change quite much from the early 300s to the early 400s AD.
>Explain to me how an intelligent person with no knowledge of Christianity can read the Bible and study, let's say, the first 500 years of church history, and decide "ah yes, papacy, veneration of saints, theosis and perpetual virginity of Mary are all apostolic practices".
Most Christians don't do that, if they did most wouldn't be Christian. One only has to read Saint Augustine to see how retarded Christianity is as a concept
>You know all those ancient Roman heroes our ancestors praised for their strength and virtue? Well actually they were all immoral for what our ancestors praised them for and if anything we should look down on them.
>You were tortured so you'd tell people where your riches are? Why do you care so much about riches that you need to be tortured to say where they are?
>It's good that Roman women got raped since now they won't be sinfully proud of their chastity.

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why are the islanders still kneeling in 2024? what's their CRT?

I consider myself right wing, but even I am seeing just how utterly depraved some "Christian" right wingers are getting online. Like, when I'm on Twitter, it is extremely common for me to find posts like Christians defending Hitler, supporting or denying genocide, whether it's regarding Jews or some other group like brown people or whatever. They'll say stuff about blood curses and say certain groups can't be Christian, etc. I think this shift really began to occur when Elon Musk bought Twitter but has really accelerated as of recent. Like, it's not uncommon for people on there to say the most heinous and disgusting shit that goes against the teachings of scripture and then calling them out on it they'll just call you a Jew or some other name they chose. I really don't understand what's behind this shift. Again, don't get me wrong, right wing politics aren't bad. But it seems most of these people don't actually care about Christianity at all and just want to use it as a scapegoat to support the persecution and murder of their enemies. I've even seen accounts that try to say "Joseph Goebells was a Christian". Or when they're not engaging in political squabbles they're harassing eachother over petty disputes. What's going on? How can actual Christians respond to this kind of rhetoric in a way that is effective? I've had online friends who have become uncomfortable with Christianity due to some of the stuff these people say, and that's really sad. It's demonic rhetoric.
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>Pointing out the motte and Bailey and the autistic loophole if papal infallibility means I’m autistic.
Sure buddy or it’s just an indefensible false doctrine.
He decides which statements he considers infallible.
Of course if God tells you to kill, you kill, but just because he has told other people to wipe out certain groups in the past doesn't mean you get to make the judgement call on what peoples deserve to live and die.
Only God can decide what is infallible
Even in the Bible we see Peter himself was not infallible.
>when I'm on Twitter
I think I see your problem

10 years ago you had academics saying shit like this unironically.
Now everyone is denying it was ever said and calling you a "conspiracy theorist" if you claim it was being taught at university.
What changed?
How did historical concensus change so rapidly in just a few years??
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Anti-whites always lie.
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>t's been around since at least the 1910s
curious what gets you to that decade, i always thought it was the product of what Marcuse and Horkhiemer were writing in the 50s and 60s.
You talking about Gramchi?
That would make sense but I usually think of his work as more proto-critical theory or the foundational critical theory rather then its application to the concept of race (but i haven't read everything he wrote!)
>Israel is neither red nor blue
Is this a subtle joke or something?
Unironically this I'm much more proud of my ancestors' collective actions to subjugate and dominate other peoples than "well this one guy 500 years ago invented calculus."

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Were free blacks in the new york quite prosperous and well-educated in the 1840s or was solomon northup a unique exception? What factors do you think led to black poverty in the decades after the civil war?
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american niggers doni't have enough human admixture
25% is not enough, it might make them acceptable to lower whites but that's it

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Why is holocaust denial becoming more popular?
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This article seems like it has been written by holocaust deniers
>Treblinka is one of the most mind-boggling. Historians estimate that about 900,000 Jews were murdered at this concentration camp in Nazi-occupied Poland over a mere 16 months.
>the victims were sent to the gas chambers, which were pumped full of exhaust from tank engines. Within about 20 minutes, some 5,000 people inside would be killed by carbon monoxide poisoning. Corpses were initially buried in mass graves
>The largest of the mass graves as revealed on lidar was 63 feet by 58 feet in size (19.2 by 17.6 meters).

For comparison picrel shows a crowd of 1000 people

>Jews were sent to Treblinka II on trains, told they were simply going to a transit camp before being sent on to a new life in eastern Europe. The deception was elaborate: Nazis erected a fake train station in the remote spot, complete with false ticket-counter and clock.
>The gas chambers were the only brick buildings in the camp, Colls said. The excavations also revealed orange tiles that matched eyewitness descriptions of the floor of the killing chambers. Chillingly, each tile was stamped with a Star of David, likely part of the Nazi subterfuge that the building was a Jewish-style bathhouse.
i thought the population dip happened in 1915? weird.
Sorry, phoneposting.
>your meme is nonsense
>proceeds to justify the extinction of Palestinians
>However, the "soap from human fat" rumor is one that was so widespread during the war that even Himmler acknowledged its existence and ordered investigations into camps because he thought that was too far.
When he first went to the camps, that is Himmler, he began to feel ill and threw up in front of everyone, weird figure. You'd think he would stop the killing, but he didn't.

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I've heard modern Jews are not the same as Biblical Jews.

Can someone briefly explain why and the differences between the Torah, Talmud and Tankah?
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Karaite Jews are followers of the syncretized lore gathered together after the Ptolemaics ordered them (Israelites, aka, the previous vassals of pre-Alexandrian Egypt) to unite their lore.
Rabbinic Jews rely largely on later comments made by Rabbis, whereas Karaites hold the original syncretized text as their words to follow.
Levites are the only tribe that actually went out of egypt, whereas Dan is a descendant tribe of Danaus of Egypt. Judah on the other hand, was the local Sinai priests, likely of the same people that Moses married into, prior to the unifying of "Israels" lores and arrival of Levite priests from Egypt. Moses was a Levite that married a daughter of proto-Judah.
Judah has tried to insert itself as being a pre-Moses part of Israel, which would technically be true IF they EVER were acknowledged by the pharaoh as vassals of his priesthood of Osiris.
But as the bible says, the desertwives of Moses were NOT fond allies of Egypt, neither of the time of Moses nor prior.
So just as Jesus observed, Judah got married into Israel, but was NEVER a TRIBE of Israel according to their namegiver.
I asked what Karaite Jews do differently from Rabbinic Jews, in practice.

Also ironically a good chunk of Karaite Jews are the actual Khazar Jews.
"Salvation is of the Jews" stems back to the fact that Judah housed Moses when he needed shelter, and helped save Levites from the tyrannic pharaoh who did not honor them as descendants of Joseph and Enoch. The priestly Levites of Moses, together with the Royal Judahites of his wives family, rounded up the vassals of Egypt under an alliance that eventually led to the "12 tribes of israel" under a joint priest-king leadership under Levi-Judah.
The schisms on wether to be ruled by a priest, king, both or a priest-king stems back to Levi and Judah having different rulesets.
Judah, leading up all the way down to Jesus, raised up a mentality among Israel that began to look exactly like the royal tyranny that Israel had fled Egypt from in the first place.
This was Jesus' legitimate criticism of Judah. Yet he STILL commended Judah for HAVING saved Israel in the past.
And he, as the legal heir of Judah, aimed at uniting and saving Israel YET AGAIN, much to his dismay and disappointment of his fellow Jews' ignorance.
>do differently from
>are the actual Khazar Jews.
well I guess you partly answered your own question;
They tend to separate church from state, like Levi-Judah originally was. Today we see symptoms of stockholm syndrome and confusion as a cause of all the sideswitching and statelessness of Israelis throughout time, but the schism between Levi-Judah still looms over jewry. Netanyahu is the living example of the royal/military leader, and has always been the pawn of the american-israeli lobby, of course of heavy ashkenazi influence. The top-dog rabbi of any given time serves as the priest-leader of those who lean towards having a Levitic priestly state instead, and is the demographic in which you find anti-zionist jews.
tldr; Karaite is today leaning towards american jews, whereas Levitic/Rabbinical leans towards orthodox or maybe even Messianic/Awaiting jews.
it's all a whole mess of schizophrenia if you don't go back to the fact of WHEN the texts and tribes got merged.
very shortly;
The Karaites formed to fill the void left by the loss of the Sadducees, and viewed themselves as 'more learned' than the hiveminded Pharisees or superstitious Essene/Christian derived jews.

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What the hell is the "white race", anyway?

I mean, what would you even consider to be the earliest documentation of "white people" in history?

When the Kassites first began showing up in Mesopotamia around 1700 BC?

I just noticed that Arabs have sometimes been considered as being "Mediterranean" which is supposed to be a "sub-race" of "Caucausoid". It's weird because it is sometimes said that Indo-European-language-speaking peoples originated from somewhere in the Caucasus mountains region hence why they're often referred to as "Caucasoid" or "Caucasian" but Arabs speak an Afro-Asiatic language and is more closely related to ancient Egyptian and Hebrew. Since Arabic is a Semitic language like Hebrew, this implies that speakers of Arabic and Hebrew are descended from Shem, one of the sons of Noah. Those who speak Indo-European languages are I suppose descended from Japheth, another son of Noah. Japheth’s descendants supposedly migrated to Europe, Ham’s to Africa, and Shem’s to Asia.
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What are some significant differences between NW Europeans from the rest of Europe to warrant such a divide, besides being clustering more tightly together?
What are Finns, Eastern and Southern Euros if not white?
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octoroons of differing varieties, Iberians and Italians have negro dna, Finnics have east Asian
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“Octoroon” is not a race
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Coping with memes wont change the reality of the blood in your veins

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