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Baghdad Iraqi Arab Sunnis have been raped and sacked by Turks, Mongols, Armenians, Georgians, Han Chinese, Timur I Lang (Tamerlane) (Timurlane), Safavid Qizilbash Turkmen Twelver Shia Alevis.

>Siege of Baghdad (812)
>Siege of Baghdad (1136)
>Siege of Baghdad (1157)
>Siege of Baghdad (1258)
>Siege of Baghdad (1401)
>Siege of Baghdad (1534)
>Siege of Baghdad (1624)
>Siege of Baghdad (1638)
>Siege of Baghdad (1917)
>Siege of Baghdad (2003)

Same with Syrian Sunnis

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Timur i Lang (Tamerlame or Tamerlane or Timur the Lame) invaded the Middle East after his invasion of India. He slaughtered, tortured and raped his own co-religionist Sunni Muslims across Iraq and Syria. Timur's Tatar (Turco-Mongol Central Asian) Sunni soldiers gang raped Sunni Arab women and virgins girls of Iraq and Syria in their own mosques.

This is the story of horror that the Turco Mongol conqueror Timur inflicted upon the Sunni Muslim Arabs of Baghdad, Aleppo and Damascus. His soldiers gang raped girls while their brothers and fathers were tortured and forced to watch in the mosques.


remove the . between just and paste to get the url.


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Timur's Turco Mongol soldiers mass raped and impregnated Sunni Arab girls in Baghdad, Aleppo and Damascus.

All Arab Sunnis carry the DNA of his soldiers.

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In Islam, Allah is all powerful and decreed all affairs. Both good and evil come from him and the devil has no power.

Syrian Sunni Islamists and Iraqi Sunni Islamists try to act tough and screech on how they are going to genocide X people or minority ans brag about their ancestors being tough warriors.

By Allah's decree, these same people have been gang raped, enslaved, butchered for the past 1000 years by Mongols, Timur (Tamerlane), Safavids, Khwarezmians (the Kwarezmian refugee army that fled the Mongols).

Khwarezmians went on rape spree against Sunnis in Syria, then Mongols sacked Baghdad, Damascus and Aleppo and raped all the Sunni women.

The Mongols repeated sacked Damascus and Aleppo again and again.

Timur came with another round of rape for Sunni girls and women in Baghdad, Damascus and Aleppo.


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yes tell me what you mean. really want to know
Probably because someone keeps sacking them

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How did Western communist parties and Marxist intellectuals react to the fall of the Soviet Union and collapse of the Warsaw Pact? Both in terms of how did they try to explain it and what did they think the future for communism would look like at that point?
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This book written by some guys around the Communist Party USA is something to look at. They believed the root case was the formation of a "second economy" tied to the black market which was founded by the peasantry to fill in the gaps of the "first economy" (the planned one) and then developed under Khruschev and Gorbachev which created a burgeoning petit-bourgeois strata who pushed for the reforms that would cave the whole thing in. Makes the case that social democratic / capital-friendly tendencies existed in the USSR from the beginning and their power waxed and waned over time.

What's interesting about it is that it doesn't go for the "evil conspiracy of traitors" with some master plan to destroy the USSR but more repeated "retreats" from socialism becoming the reference point for "reform" in the absence of imagination. Like... opportunistic, short-sighted leaders. Critical of Soviet leaders like Brezhnev tolerating Russian nationalism initially as a bulwark against Western influence but which foreshadowed later nationalist movements.

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Plato's universal truth is spontaneous and eternal, you can access it immediately, but when it comes to specific historical questions that arose due to Plato in philosophy, and how his eternal and spontaneous views manifested, I always defect to hegel and hegelianism: is this not me betraying Plato? When engaging in topics that are basically historical specifics, which arose from Plato approaching this universal truth, am I not betraying the whole premise, that this universal truth is not and does not have to be specific?
First of all, why does it matter if you "betray Plato?"
Second of all, post this on /lit/ instead, you'll get more interesting replies there.
>why does it matter if you "betray Plato?"
Plato is the supreme master of divine knowledge
>post this on /lit/ instead
Fucking dumbass lol
Read Aristotle
Read Spinoza
Read Zhuang Zhou
Read Laozi
Plato has been subsumed by the dialectic as it marches onwards towards the Absolute. Do not fret.

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Astronaut Scott Carpenter and his family visit President Kennedy at the White House, June 3, 1962 after his Mercury mission three weeks earlier.
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that is certainly an odd pose for the president to be in
i've heard of flat ass but this is ridiculous
Trump was born in 46 so he was in high school back then.
beauty standards were not up to modern ones back then

So why do people die in Islam? Does Allah just like killing people?
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Yes it's all related.
It's the peace of the graveyard. Or the peace of an empty mind.
wondering if Islam actually had one besides its overall doctrine of predestination
The real life is in the hereafter, this one is merely for play.

Should they be brought back? Can't tell if I'm retarded or if these are actually good advice.




Can I get a /his/ Psychological evaluation on these films?
No it's good advice
These types of films still exist by the way, they're just aimed at younger audiences nowadays. Today children learn social group behavior by watching shit like I don't know, Bluey or Paw Patrol or whatever

Social guidance shorts for the 2020's gamer

>self conscious is a boss fight that needs to be overcome by gettin' gud so that you can lock in rather than focusing on what your op's think
>If you wanna be a pro gamer @ life, you need to focus up and put in the work by taking on the responsibility sus out the map so that you can have good game sense and hone in those flick shots so that maybe one day you can call the shots
>discord bunnies don't wanna let you in? gamer, there's a bunch of other discords out there and besides. If you want to beat the Covenant on legendary in coop, then maybe you should focus on your fellow gamer rather than focusing on your fellow gamers clan

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>just reject the world bro
How about NOPE, weaklings?
No salvation without christ
Christians suck.
No salvation without sucking this COCK.
Why are they weak? The average worldling flees from the "world" by immersing himself in pleasures. They are the ones who reject the world.

Post men who crossed the Rubicon and got blown the fuck out.
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We will only find out the true story when we get access to the Russian archives. We don't know what really went down in that negotiation with Lukashenko, but it must have been serious.
>We had a good thing, you suka'd son of officials! We had Putin, we had Bakhmut, we had every front we needed, and it was all along like butter! You could have opened your warehouse, sat back, and watched us take as much gain as you wanted! It was perfect! But no! You just had to blow my camp up! You, and your Dubai and your dacha! You just had to be M.O.D.! If you'd sent your ammo, put the extensions on your dacha, we'd all be fine right now!

It's entirely possible that Ukrainian intelligence did it, or did it on behalf of the Russians.
If the Ukrainians killed Prigozhin, wouldn't you think Russia would say that? They could easily have said it anyway, so the fact they didn't at all says a lot. It seems pretty clear that the Russian state did it and that it's meant to send a message to all other would-be rebels.
>It seems pretty clear that the Russian state did it
Why is that clear?

>If the Ukrainians killed Prigozhin, wouldn't you think Russia would say that?
Not necessarily. It could serve them to have it be ambiguous. The action makes Putler look like an unreliable negotiator. It also makes him look tough. Perhaps collapsing things to one side of that binary would be less useful.
Saying that the Ukrainians did it (and providing proof, if there is any) would make Pootles look incapable at providing protection, and make the SBU look based, but could also alienate Russians who liked 'gozh. Anyone could have had motives to do it and to assign blame to someone. Or to leave it ambiguous. And it could have been collaboration. Enemies work together.

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Vasily Blokhin personally executed 10,000+ people by his own hand. What makes someone capable of doing this?
Russian ethnicity.
>What makes someone capable of doing this?
Believing propaganda/being paid extremely well/being a sociopath or psychopath/being threatened and forced to do so.
Just kinda accepting it I guess
Not everyone is a moralfag
I mean imagine growing up in Russia

You either puss out and join the priesthood to rationalize the suffering or you become stonefaced
Well if he was a psychopath it wouldn't really have affected him much. But doing that many personal executions and not delegating it to his men infers he probably enjoyed it somewhat

Is it true that this guy had free healthcare,free education,free electricity and so on like peoples say rn in Libya?
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The Green Book is polcompball tier ideological gibberish that Gadaffi shat out so he could larp as a Lenin type international revolutionary theorist. The Jahamiriyya system as he describes it in the Green Book doesn't even make sense and was never applied, it was very much a one man rule system.
Western democracy is not the only democracy there is. They are other type of democracy too. People like you obsessed over multi-party system. Even though the ancient Greeks don't have it. If we go with Greeks standard of democracy. Yes even china and ussr also a democracy. Libya too. In USSR and china there is democratic centralism. In Libya there is direct democracy by popular committee. Gaddafi often talk and discuss with popular committee all the time.
It was. He ran things in a tent style. Like gather everyone around and then issue various orders based on whatever was ping ponging around inside his head. There was no logic. Gaddafi-era Libya was not a well-functioning system and it collapsed and now here we are.
In theory yes. In practice it's more complicated.
I'm so glad France is getting assraped by African immigrants just like Gaddafi warned would happen.

People who did not believe in the Christian God but have later done so, when was the moment when you started to believe?
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I doubt you would find many on 4chan
Most of us were raised Christian and believed at least as children although I suppose it might be different with very young zoomers
Look, you're the one that thinks the cause of this universe talks to you, and cares about you watching porn
That's not humility
>That's not humility
Yes it is, it's god's humility, you being too arrogant to accept this fact is a lack thereof
Schizophrenia has nothing to do with how healthy your life is, I'm afraid. Take your meds.
It's more like you are so full of yourself you cannot hear him.
He talks and cares about each one of us. Not everyone listens

Try abandoning all internet for 3 days and just stare at the fields. Its wonderful seeing how much he did for us

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Why didn't God appear in the sky to the whole world and announce the news of Jesus' crucifixion in everyone's native language? We can assume that God wanted everyone to know of Jesus' salvific sacrifice by the fact he sent apostles unto all the nations to minister about it, and we can assume from God's omnipotence and previous use of miracles that he could have miraculously spread the news instantly if he wanted to. Instead, by relying on human missionaries, entire generations of entire nations lived and died without ever learning of Jesus. The new world didn't learn about him for almost 1500 years, and there are still uncontacted tribes that don't know about him to this day. So if Christ's passion is something God wanted everyone to know about, why did he rely on human missionaries that would fail to reach so many people in time?
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>How does this picture of Stewie Griffin prove the superior efficiency of human missionaries over direct message from God?
Because then he wouldn't have as many non-christians to burn in hell for eternity. That would be too easy. You need to have an underdog story arc for the plot to be exciting.
Honestly, this farce would've been an improvement from what we actually got
My god was scrutinized more than any man, and he is still god, what are you gonna do about it, that hasn't been done before?
>Angry Sentinelese warriors shooting arrows at the sky
Aim higher Ngubu!

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Assuming biblical inspiration and inerrancy, trinitarianism is the only valid theology of God. Prove me wrong.

The doctrine of the trinity is defined in basic form:
>1. God is one
>2. The father is God
>3. The son is God
>4. The spirit is God

We distinguish between these categories with the terms "being" of God and "persons" of father, son and holy spirit. These are useful, but not necessary or biblical terms.

We are assuming inspiration and inerrancy for the sake of argument. The biblical material is taken as true and cohesive. It can't contradict itself, and other sources that contradict the bible are assumed to be false.

p1 is proven by the shema
p2 by the Lord's prayer
p3 by John 1

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you dispute the trinity is a superior way of understanding a monotheistic god as opposed to the muslim hard locked platonic monad or some pseudo dulaistic cope?
Nice response, yet again dodging anything I wrote.
you deny the incarnation? but wouldn't the incarnation be logically implicit with god choosing to take part in creation of a limited world with selves he wished to preserve?
You mean 2 John 7? I think that's because antichrists were saying Jesus was just an illusion or a spirit instead of a man, later antichrists said Jesus was part God/Man and things like that.
Jesus is referred to over and over again in the Old Testament, it is of Orthodox understanding that when God was walking in the garden of Eden it was Christ Himself.

Not only this, but if we go further, His hands likely already had the holes from the crucifixion when he walked beside Adam.

The human concepts of time, "before and after" and "always" don't apply to God.

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It's best girl's Feast Day today
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Do girls like St. Joan exist today?
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Another Jeanne before I sleep.
Because the Devil, too, took such an unusual interest in France (existentialists).

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>I got an idea, lets subject the entire civilian population of fathers and mothers to images of their boys dying every day
Actual treason
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KEK didn't even notice

what is this crap?
america was the most kino war of all time. I wish I was there
The truth you're too indoctrinated to accept.
If telling the truth is treason then I don't see what's wrong with treason.

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