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>Soviet scientists who refused to renounce genetics were dismissed from their posts and left destitute. Hundreds if not thousands of others were imprisoned. Several were sentenced to death as enemies of the state, including the botanist Nikolai Vavilov.
>Lysenko's ideas and practices contributed to the famines that killed millions of Soviet people; the adoption of his methods from 1958 in the People's Republic of China had similarly calamitous results, culminating in the Great Chinese Famine of 1959 to 1962.
>It is widely regarded as the deadliest famine and one of the greatest man-made disasters in human history, with an estimated death toll due to starvation that ranges in the tens of millions (15 to 55 million).
Can you imagine being able to wield this much power?
>chink hanlets cause chinese famine #150925827 for stupid reason
>50 gorillion ching chongs die
>"dur its the russians fault"

>eat grits and cornbread
>drink whiskey
>live in wooden cabins
>beat their wives up
>have a tendency to follow charismatic Christian preachers
Why exactly did po' white folk in the South believe they were somehow superior or more entitled to good facilities and participation in politics than po' black folk? Is it fair to say that contemporary definitions of the terms "white" and "black" tem not from so-called racial science (which had many more categories, such as Ethiopids, Sahelians, Nordics, and Alpines) but rather from legal definitions employed by Southern lawmakers in the so-called Jim Crow laws?
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Only in certain areas. Otherwise there are still many places in Houston where you can live closer to nature away from the city though that is every city
First of all, I'm not claiming there are no differences between humans in terms of skin color, skull shapes, nose length, eye shape, etc., but I believe it should be reasonable to say that the limits marking the difference between one race and another aren't all that clear. For example: Are Georgian people white or just Caucasian? Are Crimean Tatars Mongoloids or Caucasians? Are Ethiopian people black but Caucasian or are they something altogether different?
In today's America, you can find people who claim that Italians and Greek people are white, but then again, in ancient times, Greek peope saw themselves as members of a race not as white as people living further up north but not as brown as Egyptians, and definitely not like Nubians (Sudanese people).
I'm not saying race has no basis in nature, but I think you might be able to agree that it's not really as much of a set-on-stone solid fact as 19th century Southern lawmakers could've made people believe.
Racists don’t deserve to be alive desu
True, but that doesn't mean that race isn't real, e.g., continuum fallacy.
Read black red necks and white liberals by Thomas sowell

If the Russian revolution never happened or didn’t succeed, would the Russian Empire have fared worse or better than the USSR against Nazi Germany?
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assuming they still lost the Great War then Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, and the Baltics would become independent. now the question is would imperial russia respect the new states or just invade them like the soviets did?
Invade them probably, say what you want about the reds but they were savvy enough to pretend they were sincere about the "nationalities question"
Tsarist Russia would never look by as Germany conquered France and twiddle their thumbs while German forces started piling up on on their borders.
USSR was much better. Russian Empire would lose within a year. Without Stalin there's no mass purges to prevent mutiny as millions of soldiers die. Without Stalin there's no industrialization to build weapons and vehicles by the thousands hourly and lend-lease cannot make up for that.
>regional power
>a sovereign state that exercises significant power within its geographical region.[1]

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How can Christians believe there is only one God when Jesus is God and he has a father.
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>Well the concept of Monotheism wasn't really a thing until the 17th century after the enlightenment.
Stopped reading right here, Muslims were reeing about muh Polytheism in the trinity in the 7th century and others well before that
Pretty sure the main reason the trinity exists is it was a kind of compromise between all the different retarded sects that sprung up during early Christianity.
All authority in Heaven and Earth was given to Christ, by His Father.
See above. A father shares what is his with his son, it is right and good.
Therefore Jesus is another god, got it
>A father shares what is his with his son
Even as an adult, I am not considered a peer of my father, due to the gap in age and life experience
The main reason honestly it that people were deifying and worshiping Jesus in apostolic times already but it's impossible to get around the repeated exhortations not to worship any God but YHWH in scripture, so the Trinitarian doctrine was a cunning way to skirt around that.
It's kind of like the Marian cult in the past few centuries rapidly turning into undeniable goddess worship but they used the trinity cope already so I'm not sure the contradiction will ever be fully resolved.

Did the Persians have a European phenotype before the Arab and Mongol invasions?
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Holy mogged
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Those can look fairly european, depending on the level of inbreeding and individual
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because his eyes protrude from the orbital like gooks
Persia was established by white Aryan conquerors.
Yeah and it went through multiple phases where an even more Aryan group would take power once the previous group became mutted and weak. Medians came and buckbroke the semites, then Persians came and took it from the mutted Medes, then the Greeks came and took it from the mutted Persians, then the Parthians came to take control from the mutted Seleucids. This process should have continued but the cycle was broken because the steppe Iranians, the original source was mutted by the Turks and then Islam came

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Could you kindly explain to me why German expansionism was bad, but Polish expansionism was okay?

[Source is Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof, "The War that Had Many Fathers"]
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If Berlin became a majority Turkish city in say 2060, would it be acceptable for Turks to invade it once it became german again?
Except Danzig wasn't Polish.
Dishonest rat. And what the Germans did? Did they take Danzig, like Poles took Vilnius? Or maybe they signed a pact with the Soviets to split the entirety of East Europe into spheres of influences?
See above. Poles took Vilnius by staging a mutiny.
The mutiny was fully supported by the locals. Maybe a dozen of Lithuanian soldiers died. Compare it to what Germany did. Thousands, later on millions of Poles killed, attempts at complete eradication of Polish identity and language, complete destruction of many Polish cities, robbery or Polish art, incorporation of majority Polish regions and deportation of Poles.

You guys are legitimately disgusting. How can you be such dishonest pieces of shit?
>Uses some weird alternative history map that shows there's more poles than there ever actually were
You're half correct in that it was larger than majority polish-speaking lands, but the other areas conquered still had a minority of polish speakers
If the Germans in WW2 stopped at the 1914 border, or even just a little further beyond, they could be considered the same. But the germans conquered all of Poland and hoped to conquer all the way to Arkhangelsk and Astrakhan, where they had no business to be
Anyone who starts writing about Polish-German relations from 1918 is a propagandist. Even if you write about the interwar period you simply have to mention the partitions because otherwise it's not possible to understand why German-Polish relations were so hostile.

Take this map for example:
Majority German, right?
>Frederick had nourished a particular contempt for the Polish state and people. Germanisation was enforced to assimilate residents.[16][17] He brought in German and Frisian workers and peasants, who in his opinion, were more suitable for building up his new civilization.[18] Frederick settled around 300,000 colonists in the eastern provinces of Prussia. Using state funds for colonization, German craftsmen were placed in all local Polish cities.[19] A second colonization wave of ethnic Germans was pursued by Prussia after 1832.[20] Laws were passed aimed at Germanisation of the Polish inhabited areas and 154,000 colonists were settled by the Prussian Settlement Commission before World War I.
If Poles did something like this the Germaboos would call it a genocide.
Napoleon also created a free city of Danzig

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why are dutch such weak cuck race?
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>North African Muslim political presence in Iberia for several times longer than the Spanish ever controlled the Netherlands
It's over. Now Spaniards and their New World rapebabies cope about their eternal Moor blood in English.
>battle of Gemmingen
Iberians have an identity crisis where half accept that they’re brown and the other half just think it’s a tan, even though it never goes away
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>be the most powerful empire in the world
>fail to put down revolting cave dwellers (pic related is how the average Dutchman lived until the 19th century)
>empire collapses while the Dutch Republic becomes the new hegemon
Embarrassing tbqh

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> be Geng Yanbo
> Hate living in communist "architecture"
> Decide to become mayor of datong
> Start a "tourism centered redevelopment project"
> Summarily bulldoze 200000 homes
> Actually uses money to reconstruct the city and restore it to its MING glorydays
> Run out of money halfway
> Resign
> The economic aftermath still causes coping and seething to this day

Any other based autists with sovlful goals in history? The only other one I can think of was Saddam when he was trying to restore babylon.
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Also his giant mosque in bagdhad that Americans ruined
How did he balance islam with whatever he was trying to do Nebuchadnezzar 2 electricboogaloo. Like I feel thats a lot of mental gymnastics but I think Iran does the same.
Im kind of tilted that they didnt finish restoring the pyramid. It was a cool project and they were only going to restore the most damaged one.
>Tfw you will never see a pyramid the way the pharaohs wanted, in its glistening, ostentatious prime
C'est la vie
Egyptian revival was always goofy but Id love to see it come back.

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>how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".”

Why do christcucks lose their shit when you remind them that they worship a jew who was king of the jews, from a religion invented by jews, that was originally restricted to jews, with a holy book written by jews which is entirely about jews from cover to cover and the first pope was a jew?
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Judah isn't mentioned until Genesis 38. There are entire books in the Bible like Job where jews didn't exist yet.
>i-it's not all about Jews, just mostly
We don't. You're thinking of Protestants. The reason Jews are so systematically evil today is because all the faithful, virtuous Jews chose to follow Jesus. The people calling themselves "Jews" today are not the real Jews of antiquity.
>Revelation 2:9 CPDV
[9] I know your tribulation and your poverty, but you are rich, and that you are blasphemed by those who declare themselves to be Jews and are not, but who are a synagogue of Satan.
Those aren't Christians. They're /pol/trannies.
They don't. It's true they often forget, but that's because they mostly just don't think about it. In either case, it doesn't bother them.

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Redpill me on this /his/. Did the CIA literally come up with 638 different ways to kill Castro? How did they do it? Did they have some discussion panel that met every week to brainstorm new ways to kill him?

Were these all actual attempts or are the overwhelming majority of them schemes that never made it past the drawing board? Why did they fail?

One of them was to try to make his cigar explode

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It has come to my attention that the so-called "atheists" of /his/ and other media are not actual atheists in the strict sense of the word, yet they continue to engage in conversations as if they were in fact atheists. They do not make a claim about the existence or nonexistence of gods, but simply state their belief or lack thereof. In order to avoid this confusion due to poor terminology, I propose a new categorization method:

Theism: The claim that a god exists (with supporting reason and evidence).
Atheism: The claim that no gods exist (with supporing reason and evidence).
Weak theism: The claim that there might be a god (with supporting reason and evidence), but we don't know.
Weak atheism (Agnosticism): The claim that there might not be any gods (with supporting reason amd evidence), but we don't know.
Fideism: The claim of belief in a god (without supporting reason or evidence).
Infideism: The claim of nonbelief in gods (without supporting reason or evidence).

Modern "atheists" are not only unwilling to defend the claim "there are no gods" with supporting reasons and evidence, they even go so far as to avoid making the claim itself in order to avoid having to defend the claim. These people are not properly "atheists" (people who make the claim that "there are no gods"), but are actually stating a position of infideism (people who claim nonbelief in gods). These people add nothing to theistic / atheistic debate other than stating their personal "nonbelief" with no supporting arguments. When asked to defend their "nonbeliefs", they simply refuse to defend them, or restate their belief. So from now on, whenever I see one of these "atheists", I will inform them that they are actually infideists, in that they merely posit an unsubstantiated lack of belief.
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We make good and evil exist based on our values. That’s why something like slavery might be neutral or even “good” for thousands of years and now it’s evil. We made the change based on our values.

Good and Evil arise from free will. It’s a classification we invented to weigh the relative value of a given thought/action/event on its intent and outcome. From that, we then apply it to natural things like an earthquake that kills thousands of people “evil” or a 5 year old child who gets brain cancer (evil). God set the parameters, but didn’t set the values or morality. That’s on us.
I don't care about philosophical people
Lmao you just outed yourself as a heretic. Good and evil are a huge part of abrahamic religions. If they are wrong about one thing when they claim to be the one and only truth what else are they wrong about? And abstract concepts do exist, just not physically. Put down desert fairy tales and pick up Plato.
You are claiming that morality is subjective which is again, contrary to abrahamic religions. See how foolish they are? You can't even reply to my argument without completely abandoning fundamental abrahamic beliefs.
Everyone in the world falls into one category of atheism or another.
a lot people have what I would call "soft spiritualism" where in they do kinda believe there might be some God or Gods that punish and reward and that there might be some kind of afterlife but they just never think any deeper than that so it's like some vague outline of agnostic theism where there isn't any specific god or religion that is real

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"I have a list of 32 known communists working in the State Department."

"Alright, Senator, may we see this list?"

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Do they still?
McCarthy was also probably gay with Roy Cohn
>Statistically speaking, there are certainly at least two or more commie plants in American government during the Cold War
>to deny this would be willfully ignorant at worst and retarded at best
>*snaps fingers*

>I got it! I'll call all my colleagues commies to further my own political career. They can be skeptical of my list, but they can't deny the probability of at least one commie being on it. If they do, they look like commies trying to de-escalate suspicion!
>Meanwhile, the actual commies among them will walk on eggshells and stress out under pressure of being caught!

I have to admit, it's pretty genius.
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>I have on me a list of the enemies of the revolution that we will guillotine today.
>Some of you are on that list.

>I declare Robespierre an enemy of the revolution, let's guillotine him right now!
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>Marshall was like the Milley of the time

One key difference (pic is Eisenhower but Marshall was instrumental to winning WWII as he was).

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I've slowly come to realize that all of history is a lie. All of it. Historical persons, timelines, battles, all of it. Discussing history is no more legitimate than arguing over Star Wars expanded universe canon. It's autistic play pretend. My question is, what do I do now that I've realized this truth?
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> No source
>likely doesn't account for all the illegitimate ways the elite of communist society gain material wealth, receiving perks like free cars and houses from the state

One day when you're grown up you will look back at your silly communist phase and think. 'wtf was I thinking'. I hope that day comes sooner rather than later for you.
>what do I do now that I've realized this truth?
Argue over Star Wars extended universe canon?
That's nice but you really haven't gone far enough. What reason do you have to believe that the rest of the world exists? The entire European continent could be fictional. How would you know?
Because it’s fun! Give it a try!
I've been all over the place.

>Humans think anything different than them is wrong when irl its just different and it ends there
Morality is fake, Mental illnes are fake being Good is too fake.
*murders you*

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Tab016 seems to be an original Etruscan and he has haplogroup G2a2b2a1a1b1a1a1a and very low steppe admixture

The few imperial samples as usual cluster with the Eastern Mediterranean samples
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>suggest her early life was in an area different to Tarquinia.
So she was a nordic slave/cumdump for meds, fucking kek
I think there's a bit of confusion here.

There are three Nordic outliers now. The old skull of a male from Moots et al (he's on G25), Tarquinian girl and now AGOS001 from the Italian thesis - this is also a female.
I guess MAR012 and CAS041-1 could be also quite Northern.

Anyway, about AGOS001, google translate:

>From the T.18 it comes, instead, a female outfit with comparisons with the Ligurian and Versilia area (it is remembered in this context the theme of the Celticization of the Ligurians [144]).

T.18 F AM AGOS001 Rocca petrosa cal BC 769-516
what are you retards even arguing about
Italian thesis about Etruscans. New samples from Iron Age and late antiquity Italy. From Bologna.
Yes I know, but which point is controversial in particular
From what I see this study confirm what was already established knew about etruscans:
1. mostly R1b (P312, then U152)
2. south western european genetic profile similar to present day spanish
3. some higher steppe outliers likely due to contact with the celts, likewise some eastern / high eef outlier due to contact with other meds cultures

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