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The kind of PCs that breaks the mold of what you usually see in the game or have a particular quirk to them.

I have recently created a Goliath barbarian (or "half-giant" here) as a spare character for a 5e campaign. She has a hand prothesis and fights exclusively with her fists. The DM agreed to give her the Unarmed Fighting fighting style (in exchange of taking away Stone's Endurance for the sake of balance), so her damage rolls consist in 1d6+3 for one fist 1d8+3 for both - which is the same amount of damage as if she used a Morgenstern. As for her profile, she's a a happy-go-lucky mountain dweller who wrestles monsters to cook them and make trophies of them. Beside her massive stature, she is recognized by the fur and wolf head she wears, sewn from the beast that bit her hand off.

I hope to have the occasion to play a two-headed human Paladin: one head is that of a beautiful woman with flowing blonde hair, the other is that of a groaning and moaning zombie. The idea is that two inseparable Paladin sisters were KIA and what was left of them was sewn together before they were revived. As dark as that backstory is, the character would be pretty light-hearted.
>The DM agreed to give her the Unarmed Fighting fighting style (in exchange of taking away Stone's Endurance for the sake of balance)
You got robbed dude, you would have been better off with a dip or taking a feat for it.
Eh, it's my first 5e session (I only ever played a few sessions of 3.5 before that) and it's just a spare character. I can always go back to that sheet or reexplore the character in another game. Besides, I don't know if multiclassing when starting at lvl2 is necessarily a good idea.
I get it, but stone's endurance is a massive damage sponge at low levels, especially with your damage resistance from rage.
The DM did say I could get Stone's Endurance back instead of taking ability the score improvement at every fourth level, so if my current character has reached level 4 by the time he dies or I get bored playing monk, I can always start with it.

DM is a cool dude with 10 years of experience who encourages and rewards creativity and roleplay, so I don't feel like arguing with him, even there could have been a better deal.
>She has a hand prothesis and fights exclusively with her fists.
Nothing that is already a class in Pathfinder counts as a unique PC in my mind.

Anyway, I guess my most unique character would probably be a halfling-sized disembodied head riding around inside of a slime minion which he had only mostly under control. Spheres of Power, in case anyone was wondering.

A gnome wizard who used hypnosis so people would into getting inside a dimensional box forever.

A redditor would do something like OP, and come up with something pointless and demand special exceptions from the rules. I just used the rules provided to create something off the wall.
a halfing rogue who crossdresses because his mother pulled an Ed Wood on him (simplified to cut the requisite tragic backstory short)
currently king of the pirates

an equal opportunity racist elven wizard who talked like Dr Smith in the original Lost in Space
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I have nothing but respect for a man who just goes to the table and decides his character will be a crossdresser.
No, the reddit is thinking your incredibly boring and forgettable character is "off the wall". You aren't interesting or special or creative.
A spoony necromantic favored soul of Persephone. Loves to playfully joke with bar maids willing to humor him that he's the "neck-romancer".

As the afterlife's "cruise director", Persephone has a vested interest in making sure everyone enjoys their afterlife; but that can be tough if your life ended in a tragedy so unjust that they can't get over it. So my character resurrects them as an ally, so he can help them take justice for themselves, and return to the afterlife they always deserved in a state ready to enjoy it.
if that were a comic book I would read the hell out of it
>You aren't interesting or special or creative.
Yes, I am.
I had an elven Scout in Earthdawn that carried a massive shield. He would paint the outside of the shield to blend into the local terrain, and observe whatever needed observing. Or, he was supposed to do that, except the GM railroaded me into Kratas, the city of thieves, had all his money stolen so he couldn't even stay in a room while in town, much less buy, say, a Health Potion or Last Chance Salve. Wound up having to use the reflective, parabolic inside of the shield as a signal beacon to call for help as things went sideways for someone who was confronting the big-bad all alone. Wound up getting killed. "Your character won't be in Kratas long enough for it to matter.", he said. Wouldn't give him another salve to be brought back after saving the town. That GM killed off two more of my characters too, and without anyone else having died, either. And that's why I don't play with my brother anymore.
Glad it got a warm reception this time around. Last time I posted it, I got a whole bunch of crap about necromancy being inherently evil, and anyone being raised from the dead that way would also be inherently evil and also slaves, and the usual "I've only played one game system with one way of handling things" crap. D&D has had Greek gods before, it can have them again, and this concept is thematically appropriate, regardless.
No you're not.
Stop samefagging.

Is it practical? No. But it's hilarious.
That's just The Wall
>(simplified to cut the requisite tragic backstory short)
What's the full backstory?
>Is it practical
Depends on the ruleset. I've used it to great advantage.
>notices the drawing style
uru, what's this?
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I played a tabaxi once.
I virtually don't play fantasy settings (unless adventuring pulp counts), which significantly narrows down the variety of what the characters can be. And it's not due to some retarded bullshit, but because I simply for years had a GM that was running Twilight 2k and then another who was big fan of Hollow Earth Expedition. So it's humans of different professions
I had a really, really fun campaign as a sorcbarb halfling with charisma dumped. I had special permission from the DM to multiclass into sorcerer even though I had dumped (8) Charisma. Magic was used only for skills that do not depend on modifier, for example Sleep, Light, Mage Hand, Color Spray, Shield, etc. This was a game where we were permitted to take a magic item of our choice upon reaching a certain level (I think it was 8 or something) and I took a Staff of Power and even with bad spell DC, like 15 free spells a day is ludicrous (Wall of Force a big winner). Of course, no concentration while raging, but Staff of Power is so grossly overpowered that it gives +2 all saves +2 AC at all times would justify it anyway.
Based op picture.
for 5e have always had the idea to take the noble background and act as the retainer instead (to the two noble followers). Never gone through with it.
Red Dragon anti-paladin dipping into barbarian.

Council of Wyrms is a fucking riot.
I played with a lot of special snowflakes who try to colour outside the line, so my bog standard fits the mold character is unique and quirky in not deviating from standard.

When I was younger I played a dwarf who wasn't an asshole.
One character ive played recently was a shine megami tensei themed campaign, I played a PTSD afflicted combat medic armed with a metal pipe desperately trying to keep his shady cop best friend and a delusional high school girl alive while fending off a second character I made who was a crazed woman that was raised by terrorists and eating demons for fun, I don't know why the GM had me do two characters but it was fun
I didn't read the OP but the picture makes me wonder
where does the idea that elves are physically weak (as in str not con) comes from?
They were stronger, faster, better in general than humans in lotr
they are same str in D&D
same str as humans in warhammer...

Is there any RPG or fantasy setting where elves are actually physically weaker than humans?
OP says 5e
it's right there did you even read it?
>They were stronger, faster, better in general than humans in lotr
Not everyone agrees with Tolkien's anti-human humiliation ritual.
If it were me giving the compliment, I would have said anime or manga. Not that into regular comic books. I suppose I aught to call you out for being a little too desperate to call out "samefagging". I feel pity for you that you think it's so impossible for people to just like things; I can only conclude it's because your capacity to enjoy the world is simply deficient. Good luck clawing yourself out of that well of disappointment, buddy.
Not the other guy, but I do; humans are the worst! Just go outside and see for yourself!
Tokein elves were partially based on the Celtic tuatha de danann demigods from across the sea.

Of course they would be portrayed as stronger.
I want to explore playing chubby/fat characters but I'm always afraid I'm gonna get weird because it's not the typical hero physique.
*weird looks
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What do they look like is almost never relevant, and several archetypes can work perfectly fine as chubby or outright fat characters, such as (5e) fighters, clerics or artificers.
There's nothing unique anymore. Fiction is solved. It's just a matter of twisting and combining your influences and touchstones.
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I can see it for cleric or an artificer. A brilliant but lazy artificer could even create a spider tank or a hover chair to carry them around no matter how fat they get. However, I have a hard time seeing a fat fighter who isn't strongfat or doesn't rely on some sort of magic or simply suspension of disbelief - not that any of those explanations are bad.
>I hope to have the occasion to play a two-headed human Paladin: one head is that of a beautiful woman with flowing blonde hair, the other is that of a groaning and moaning zombie. The idea is that two inseparable Paladin sisters were KIA and what was left of them was sewn together before they were revived. As dark as that backstory is, the character would be pretty light-hearted.
Why wouldn't they just let them stay dead?
As long as you remember how slow and ungainly they’ll be, because they’re always effectively carry a massive amount of additional weight as well as all their equipment, which means their momentum is much harder to get going, arrest or alter, and they’ll tire much more rapidly.
I mean you get classic tales of fatties like Friar Tuck in Robin Hood. A big chungas can often be the strong-fat archetype, and is typically associated with being high in charisma, good at cooking and a decent salesman.
Just ensure you treat it as a character flaw, not a trait. You don’t get fat without being a glutton, and you don’t stay fat unless you’re eating more than you’re burning in calories. Obese people simply aren’t as physically capable as thin ones, outside maybe muscle mass, depending on what type of obesity we’re talking about.
So yeah, a fat character is fine, just don’t be weird about it and make it a virtue signaling denial of physical reality.
I meant a strong fat fighter, the "bear" type is a typical NPC/enemy, no reason to not make it a PC. Or just a chubby dwarf
Just go full strong man and play into it be the fucking strong look like a power lifter mave some blubber concealing your Rae power
An test-tube shapeshifter made to be a corpo's body double that got thrown out because the guy got murked and his assets liquidated. With nowhere to go and no sense of identity, ended imprinting on idol culture, eventually becoming a double-for-hire for celebrities.
I once painstakingly researched the clergy of Artemis to try and add more life to a Cleric I made. It was fun everyone in the game appreciated it even though they didnt know how to react to a few things

A college group I played with also loved a Monkey themed Summoner I put together who REALLY shouldnt have told me that the game was brutal and I needed a strong character because they were not prepared for /tg level autism. The next character I made for them to avoid overwhemling the DM was a Mermaid Oracle just because I thought the SeaSinger ability would be fun to work around and a funny flaw from Oracle would be cripple giving me a 0 movement on land. Just took Nature mystery for bonded mount and I was reading it to the group verbatim I read off the "A Medium oracle can select a camel or a horse" and all they heard was camel before the entire table was laughing imagining a camel riding mermaid and I just acted like thats what I intended all along. Turned out to be a good choice most of the board was utter shit at putting together characters and my Camel had to carry a lot of the early battles
As far as I know, spellcasters don't necessarily need to be peak physical condition. Their wisdom and charisma are their greatest assets. Besides, some extra weight might help absorb some hits.
>has to take a point of exhaustion for every 50 meters of continuous travel
I guess it fits with the frequent long rest playstyle of casters
An obese mage who stores surplus mana or whatever as fat? Thus incentivized to keep up the weight despite the obvious physical disadvantages and the adventuring lifestyle's inherent tendency toward fitness.
Not how it works in my setting. In fact, in my setting adipose tissue has the magic-negating properties as heavy armor. You'll also be rolling at disadvantage for all spells with a verbal or physical component since fatties will run out of breath just from talking or moving their arms around.
I love when guys like you try to houserule fatoids with>>92846046
tons of negatives like it'd disincentivize fat-fappers from wanting to play. The more uselessly sweaty and out of breath you make their character the more their weiner will move.
Only thing that comes close is when I scoured through every 3.5 sourcebook I had to get my wizard character, who I wanted to wear heavy fullplate, to have as low a spell failure chance as possible. Just to see if 0% was an achievable thing by only using book-in material and no DM shinanigens to help If I remember right I got to 5%.
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Sign me the up. This would make for interesting mechanics and comfy foodie campaigns.
Not sure if this counts as unique since it's an official class, but I played a summoner in PF that had a persistent eidolon companion. That campaign lasted maybe 3 sessions, but it was fun while it lasted.
The other unique character was my LE Changeling Sorcerer that was born from primordial ooze. He knew nothing about society, but he would follow any rules that the party would teach him. Fun character, but I only got to play a single session as him.
That's fine. They still die in the first encounter and then get kicked from the group. Cry harder, vorefag.
>so rattled he fucks up his post
This is why magic carpets exist. catering to fuck magi
Could be the work of a wicked Necromancer trying to add another freak to his undead army, only for the sisters' powerful faith to protect them from the brainwashing.
A pixie berserker helping herself with fairy dust to lift and swing a bastard sword. A clan of barbarians found a wounded pixie with no memories and nursed her back to health, and then for some unknown fucking reason decided to train her. The clan got massacred and she swore revenge, but didn't know agains whom, so she went on adventures as an excuse to go on a killing spree and maybe randomly kill those responsible for the death of her friends.
Her name was Hermenegilda Hacknslash and she was known as the Reverse Tooth-fairy, "Takes your money and leaves your teeth behind".

We also had a suicidal Vampire-Paladin who kept killing himself with his holy protection spells (lousy rolls), only to wake up later and complain about exp, and a dry-drunk dwarf druid whom we had to try and keep away from booze, so he could remain somewhat useful as a leader of the party.

This was one of those "loose interpretation of the rules" type campaign for 3e. We started it to just fuck around a bit, but it turned into a multi-adventure series that dragged for well over a year, because our GM was pissing himself laughing at our retarded party bumblefucking our way through his maps. He even called the campaign his favourite sitcom.
>Breaks the mould.
I only really have two I can immediately think of, as most of my characters tend to be either fairly traditional for the genre, or don't really pay much attention to moulds.
The first actually came about from having >>92844143 as a thought, and from seeing some greentext about a mead monk that was decidedly non-combat.
Long and short of it.
>Half-Orc, 43, female.
>Ex-Barbarian turned Artificer-Alchemist and pastry chef. It was a character feature that all of her potions came in the form of confectionaries.
>Absurdly high Con, used some variant rules to give her 20ft MOV and +2 AC.

The other one was the result of rolling my character stats via 1d20 (19 or 20 rolls over into other stats).
>Vampire Monk. Aristocrat background.
>Mostly fairly good stats.
>Strength score of 2.
>He became a 5'5 monk twink. Good cardio, good dex, but barely had the carry capacity to lift his own spear and aristocratic clothes without being encumbered.

I never even got to play the second guy, which is a shame, because I was actually quite looking forward to that PC.
Made a Wood Elf barbarian for a Ravnica game. BIG CON, 16 STR, 14 DEX/WIS, and using a beta-Tasha's UA to swap Danger Sense for Medicine/Nature expertise. Tall awooga Amazon because tribal fertility potions are a hell of a drug and no one notices a magical realm when you don't bring attention to it. Gruul clans are radical anarchists, and fitting the elf is odd for being a moderate that tries to heal people with medicine like some sort of shaman instead of letting things scar up all manly-like, only having begrudging respect for being a medic during a big disaster. Additionally, natural lean towards DEXfaggotry due to being an elf gets her guff from the manly tanks that no-sell attacks, and especially gets roasted for her insane idea of stealing civilized armor and tactics so that the tribe can extra-no-sell attacks. If 4 normies can take on one barbarian because of armor and tactics, surely if they use those armors and tactics it'll take at least... a lot of dudes to take out even one of them. Basically, she's an Arminius that can recognize the upsides of civilized technology and strategy, and they hated her because she told them the truth.
Fast-forward into the campaign, latent Druid powers the clan elder adopted her for unlock, letting her to Beast path, and local Simic geneticist finds the chimeric transformations fascinating, offering to do back-alley experiments on her to make her stronger, which miraculously don't kill her. She spends some downtime learning how to cook because it seemed like a natural progression of her proficiency with botany and nutrition, and DM lets the Chef feat taken later count for Expertise because it's weird for Chef feat to give proficiency in another tool.
So between quests, this socially-inept, massive spear + shield barbarian woman spends most of her time volunteering at various clinics and hospitals making food, performing surgery, and mixing medicine to the tune of +10 on each check.
He combined aspects of a system in an unorthodox yet practical manner. By definition, he is creative, and, unrelatedly, you're one of those dim-souled retards that come here specifically to thicken the atmosphere.
Seems like a lot of effort instead of just telling your player not to play a fat guy.
>vore loving fatcuck balks at the thought of even a modicum of effort
You're the guy giving the dude who you supposedly don't want at your table material to jerp off their pongis to later, man. It's a good thing no one on /tg/ actually plays games or else it'd be concerning.
>i-it's YOUR fault I'm a neuron-fried gooner faggot!
Leave it to a fatcuck to be unable to take personal responsibility lmao
Not sure if she fits the bill, but one of my characters is a doctor who specializes in "other" ailments (curses, vampirism, undead, ect), and isself defined as neither an exorcist or alchemist, using mysical arts and chemestry and pharmaceutical to cure her patients and team.
Its the equivalent of saying you don't want any subs in your game and yet you keep having leather clad drow elf dominatrixes capture the party and pour hot wax on their balls for 1d3 damage and then wondering why guys keep showing up to the game with the intent of getting captured and having their ass cheeks shredded with a cat-o-nine-tails.

You're silly.
I don't think being Naruto's Choji is an unique character, by virtue of being just a character of a very popular series.
Same here.
Acquired disadvantages over a campaign plus genuine food mechanics? Especially in a B&P fantasy game? Sign me up.
This isn't even the fetish brain talking, it's just shit I've wanted to see implemented in games for ages beyond lingering wounds and magic edibles.
>stilly squealing and blubbering over being mocked
Only proving me right tbqh
Why do people say dumb shit like this?
okay, you asked for it:
I swear, most of this backstory was the end result of interpreting randomized background generation followed by rolling for character sex at the end

Pathfinder (regretting asking yet?)
Sis Shadowmore (funny thing is the name was the first result in a random generator) was born a slave in Cheliax. His mother dressed him in girls' clothing to protect him from the harsher slave assignments and the master paid little attention so they got away with it, until...
One day the master sold Sis to a brothel in the capitol that specialized in providing "child" courtesans for the nobility, where a combination of high dex and cha made Sis very popular. Sis found solace in a new god (Calistria) and eventually found opportunity to escape (someone forgot to check his weapon), slaughtering the patrons and staff in the process (instantly putting a price on his head).
He fled to the coast, stowed away on a ship and eventually made his way to the Shackles (for Skull & Shackles). Became ship's captain via charisma abuse and worked his way up to pirate king, dueling to the death the infernally-reborn Captain Harrigan after he kill-stealed the previous pirate king.
I think what really solidified him as a crossdresser was the whore's boudoir in the first book, where you can find a very nice wedding dress worth 500 GP that just needs a little cleaning.

Come to think of it I can reuse the character for Hell's Rebels if I treat it as an interstitial chapter in his life.
Cool backstory. It's always nice to see tomgirl characters who aren't just eye candy and mean business.
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When I first started playing I would roleplay as the Heroquest barbarian, the actual one you would have played through a campaign (which filled his backstory). It helped that every time I looked at the box art I would see my dad swinging a sword.
neat. Was your dad the actual model or is it a kickass coincidence?
would be really cute and funny pic if she wasnt drawn to be fucking fat. really tired of all the retard "thicc" faggots who call obesity as "thicc"
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Proper strong people are almost always at least chubby, to protect and fuel the enlarged musculature beneath. That 80's shredded muscle barb look is a myth.
It's especially common in female athletes/fighters though, when they're not ranked by weight classes, as women naturally have more subcutaneous fat, and put it on more readily.
Food mechanics would be a whole book of autism I imagine, but I know DnD has a variant rule about obesity, where you can drop something like 5ft of MOV for an extra point in AC or something.

But I don't just mean fat characters. I remember reading an idea someone had for a bondage themed system, that boiled down to implementing a whole bunch of exchange bargains.
You get empowered one way, but you lose the capacity to do something another way.
>Ballet boots. Can be used once per day to cast "Fly", but reduce your Mov speed by 15ft.
>Iron Corset. AC+6, Grants Sanctuary permanently, but enforces disadvantage on all physical checks.
>Gloves of Holy Prayer. Advantage on all Cleric spells plus you upgrade your die to a maximum of d20. Wearer can no longer perform any action involving the use of their arms or hands and has disadvantage in contested strength or dexterity checks. This does not affect spellcasting. This item cannot be removed by the wearer.
Overall the benefits are greater, but by the time the PC's become truly powerful, they start needing retainers/followers that they can trust, to fulfill things on their behalf.
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Carnal people confuse boldness and confidence in the Holy Spirit with arrogance because they can't tell the difference. Friendly reminder that every setting that has evil elves had at least 1 (one) dev actively dabbling in the occult, referencing satanic, theosophic or anthroposophic writings.
My most unique is a mentally ill elf-hating dwarf the party has to escort and the local dwarf population has exiled over his mentally ill elf hatred. This serves as my gatekeeper against 'that guy'.
Is this the thread?
I hope that the elf twink absolutely obliterates the orc bbw’s cervix and impregnates her several times
Nonsense, there are plenty of new and unique ideas. Show me a preexisting good guy spoony necromancer who brings the dead back to life so they can take justice for themselves, and finally rest in the afterlife, secure in the knowledge that they can freely move on?

I'm not saying there's not a lot of unimaginative dreck out there, because there sure is, but saying that nothing is unique anymore is just plain nonsense.
>Show me a preexisting good guy spoony necromancer who brings the dead back to life so they can take justice for themselves, and finally rest in the afterlife, secure in the knowledge that they can freely move on?
That's literally how Diablo necromancers work
>Food mechanics would be a whole book of autism I imagine,
I'm trying to think of how an advanced food system would work, and while a list of dishes with different prices, calorie values and potential status effects sounds easy enough to write, it's the cooking and recipes that sound like a lot of work. You would need an extensive list of monsters, plants and other ingredients to complement recipes and that could probably take half of a 100 pages gamebook.

One pretty accessible rule I could see is that, for each defeated monster, you have a dice table of dishes you can cook from them, each with its own calorie value and how it is split among PCs depending on party size. The closer your roll gets to max dice, the more fattening and likely to have status effects your dish gets. A dice curve system could also be implemented with a Cooking skills stat for PCs.

One way to complexify the recipe system and incentivize gathering ingredients would be that, with each ingredient added to a recipe, the dish is more likely to gain higher calorie value and/or status effects. With that in mind, players might want to gather ingredients before cooking the monster they defeated or before venturing into regions populated with certain beasts to make the most out of them.

> but I know DnD has a variant rule about obesity, where you can drop something like 5ft of MOV for an extra point in AC or something.
I'll have to ask my DM about that cos that sounds pretty interesting. The bondage is also a pretty good reference for a bargain system.
No, the Necromancer from Diablo II just raised expendable footsoldiers. He wasn't a bad guy, he was certainly heroic; but he was neither spoony, nor was he helping the undead he was raising in any capacity.

Cite a more specific example.
A Kenku Druid. He basically saw another druid turn into a bird and fly and said "I. Want. That."
AFTER they get married.
I don't get to play terribly often, but

Engineering student in an oligarchic urban hellscape world, forced to sell herself to protect her family from debt when it turns out nobody hires plebs no matter how skilled. Is the control core for a military logistics mech. Started the campaign with combat paralysis, no weapon skills. Already had enough dissociative trauma from her state of being it wasn't surprising that by the end of the short campaign she was covered in weapons and had learned to love killing people.

Before we got her targeting software and some skills, actually had a lot of fun only being able to contribute to fights by rearranging the terrain. Turns out a barricade of wrecked vehicles isn't very good cover when a construction mech charges it and just flips the whole mess over ontop of you. Body checking buildings full of dudes to shut them up and other fun things.

Despite that, the M2, and a space Mk.19, still didn't match the catgirl's killcount.
Play Savage Worlds and be fat for the extra damage reduction.
There's apparently a shitton of Diablo lore in novels and what not, so I'm assuming he's referring to that.
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You're insanely overestimating how much other people care about what you say your character looks like.
That an actual manga or just a one shot?
Plenty of players and GMs will quibble over details like that. I had one tell me I couldn't play an old character (even a monk, despite old masters archetypes like Roshi or Wu) because, according to him, 40 is as old as an adventurer gets.
>t. Lorelet
They're spirit detectives who commune with the lingering dead and help them solve the issues that keep them anchored to the mortal plane. Which, yes, expresses itself in gameplay by summoning the revenants of the wrongfully slain so that they can exact vengeance with their own undead hands.
>b-but he wasn't a le Whedonesque quipcuck who was heckin spoony and *HOLDS UP SPORK* t3h penguin of DOOOOOOOOM!
Get better taste
Looks like a one-shot, but that image is omitting a minor page.
You've persuaded me, I would quibble over something like that. Who's going to accept a 60 year old level 1 monk into their party?
and my idea for a BECMI character I had in mind...

He's a Blackmoor native who was given permission to travel to present day Mystara, taking along a decent chainmail armor, a period-accurate Mystaran' garb, and a gifted Blackmoor Phaser for "just in case". And after a good month or so of traveling, found his way to Karameikos, to hopefully, find something to do, and maybe if he's willing, ascend to Immortality and find a way to help save Blackmoor from it's eventual destruction, or if not, preserve it's legacy.

Or something like that.
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>Aarakocra Paladin of Vengeance
>He's a penguin Aarakocra so he can't fly
>Seen as the lowest caste of Aarakocra society because of his inability to fly
>Develops incel rage from getting bullied by the other Aarakocra
>Swears an oath of vengeance against anything with functioning wings
I played him as a normal lawful good paladin 90% of the time, but anytime we encountered harpies, imps, dragons, or other winged flying creatures, he would instantly start hurling javelins or climbing whatever he could to reach them. He ended up getting insta killed from falling/crushing damage after he grabbed onto a rising wyvern and killed it while it was 800 feet in the air.
A straight elf
So an inverse of the BS that caused the Elfslayer Chronicles story.
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I like playing weirdos. Some of my favorites in no order.
>A changeling mercenary ship captain themed after Landsknecht, with an mind flayer tadpole in her brain giving her migraines for psionics and a bad habit of sex, drugs, and rock and roll to stunt the pain
>A loxodon barbarian whose ancestors cling to him demanding revenge for his tribe, but the quest has gone on so long it is starting to turn into almost comedic sniping from old relatives, at least until the ghost of his brother separates from the pack
>A decaying magical mask left in an abandoned wizard tower whose magic has partially decayed and awakened him (if he or she wasn't just a sentient being sealed inside to begin with.)
>The remains of a battlefield sewed together with the corpse of a war horse that shifts between horrifying violence and babbling half-remembered snippets of their constituent parts
>Goblin that collects holy symbols and prays to anyone who will listen, begging to keep him alive and sniveling every time he sees his own shadow
>An undead lizardfolk whose name is an anagram of Bass Pro shop
Whatever strikes me and fits or can work in a short one-two shot.
>1hp halfling bard
>black orc barb-sorc who hated magic but random casted when enraged
>knock-off don quixote that accidentally exposed the bbeg was a death knight by challenging him to a duel (and almost won)
>masked wrestler mage who only used spells for pizzazz
>the fur fondler
I try to be as much of a hipster as possible when I make a character just because it's funny
Nowhere in the actual damn game do you raise up a skeleton or golem from anything other than something you yourself killed; which, by all appearances, invalidates your point. If there's some external media you're talking about, you're going to have to be way more specific about it. But that would open you up to the risk of being proven wrong, now, wouldn't it? Which is probably why you've been so damn obtuse about the whole thing; you're trying to win an argument without the required facts. So either give us something verifiable, or shut up about it. Which you might as well, because your worldview is still demonstrably false, regardless of whether it's this goal post or that one; you'll just run out of excuses eventually.
this one is based
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In 3.5 I made probably the deadliest belly dancer ever inspired by picrel.

>High CHA, DEX, and STR
>used Sandstorm's half-janni template
>was Ranger 5/Dervish 10/Cloaked Dancer 5 by the end
>Maxed Dervish gives you an extra 15 ft. of speed, dancing with twin scimitars up to five times a day, and Spring Attack, Cleave, and Great Cleave as free feats
>Ranger for two-weapon fighting track and backstory, also got a free camel. You also needed a +5 attack bonus to start as Dervish
>Cloaked Dancer basically lets you sneak attack, just not as strong as a rogue
>Can also scare enemies or make them exhausted with Cloaked Dancer dances
>Used Sand Dancer and Sand Spinner feats from Sandstorm to let her blind enemies at close range.
>Half-Janni lets her turn invisible, grow or shrink, or talk with animals and plane shift once a day. She's also resistant to fire and heat effects, and can plane shift once a day.

Everyone thought she was just bait until they saw a half-naked chick running invisibly into battle with 45 ft. of movement, launching a sneak attack, and then swirling around with twin scimitars and blinding people. It was hilarious
Loxodon Spore Druid.
He played like a Barbarian, using Halo of Spores and Symbiotic entity on himself, used Shillelagh, and then just walked forward, swinging, screaming, and casting healing word on himself.
He killed eight kobalds, armed with heavy crossbows, by himself. He was level 4 iirc.
He was also explicitly unarmoured, and couldn't speak common, requiring he communicated through signing, and to only specific members of the party, much to the extreme ire of one player/pc.
He acquired a gem that let him speak any language, and only used it once, to speak to an Archfey to exchange it, for free passage, causing exceptional anger.
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Nah, I have nothing to prove to some whiny faggot who thinks his shit doesn't stink. I already gave you the QRD, you can look further if you want or languish on in self-inflicted ignorant self-importance. Just know your le heckin speshul snowflake necromancer is in no way original. Hell, they even made a shitty TV series with the same basic concept.
Replace her sword with a war hammer and she's basically a paladin PC from one of our campaigns.
Played a misfits game where everyone was just not a good X. I played a druid that had mastered wildshaping into a badger, but couldnt turn back. I spent most of my turns burrowing or scratching.

I did save the party once though. We were fighting a skeleton knight on skeletal horse and our nearsighted archer couldnt hit it (of course) while the fighter with a bum knee couldnt get into range. I burrowed and dug a hole, rolled a 19. DM rolled, the skeleton horse stepped into the hole I made and broke its leg, flinging the skeleton knight off onto the ground. I scratched at the skeleton horse while my party took care of the knight laying on it's back.
Muck off, ye damned lug!
Honestly, hand on heart, I usually find out what the campaign is about and try to make the most logical character to fit into that campaign. We played Rime of the Frostmaiden. I played a Raghed Ranger because it makes sense that the party would travel with a local tracker with survival skills who knows the area.
Most off the wall character I've ever ran was a Halfling Jew because it made sense that a merc company would have one.
I meant Paymaster/Cook....
Yeah, you can't bring receipts for shit.
As far as that T.V. show is concerned, he's not bringing them back to resolve their own issues with moving on in the afterlife; just to get enough information to solve the case of the day. And the dead aren't taking justice for themselves to resolve their own issues; they're just a novel plot device to solve odder mysteries than usual.

It's like you can't tell the difference between purple and magenta.
I was a grimlock grave digger in 3.5. The party took more than a few sessions to adjust to the fact that I was blind and couldn't read things they handed me.
that reminds me i ment to rewatch "the wall" darksouls vid. thanks.
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I don't know if I'd say unique, but one of the funnest and most memorable characters I played was a black half-dragon ranger who had a personality like Cruella DeVil crossed with the Crocodile Hunter and a bit of Pink Season Furr. He was a feisty and flashy guy that wanted to trophy hunt/poach all sorts of beasts, flaunt the loot, and sell the magic bits to unsavory buyers. Made a bunch chinese jokes because he would eat anything, and a bunch of nigger jokes because he was black and committed crimes. "Black faced, flat nosed, ugly pos spitting everywhere and eating people's dogs".
I miss my old group :(
shut up bitch
>make a normal conventionally attractive woman tall and green
>call her an orc
You sound like a whiny cunt in denial
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>Green skin.
Let me guess. You need more?
>H.P. Lovecraft's Catgirl
A cat that had learned to walk on TWO FEET! TWO FEET! due to experiments by DARK-SKINNED elves. She was a comically racist schizophrenic who was uncomfortably interested in pain.
We eventually met Lovecraft, who was himself a drow and also just Uncle Ruckus.
She's kind of fat, which I don't like. But there's way better female orcs even made pretty in an anime style compared to this.

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