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Assuming you didn't have to share the table with any activist or dudebro and the DM wanted to do roleplay that's not virtue circle jerking or ERPG.
Only if it's as manly as it is gay.
>Assuming you didn't have to share the table with any activist or dudebro and the DM wanted to do roleplay that's not virtue circle jerking or ERPG.
Uncertain of what this would even look like.
Largely because of fags like >>92829303
who can't help themselves and have to fuck everything up.
>not ERPG
Not interested.
No, that is gay.
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Sure, I'll play 5e!
Define "gay campaign", please
What system fuckhead?
DnD but the PCs and NPCs are all twinks and tomgirls and every woman is a villain - except the moms and sweet old ladies.
I guess any campaign where the party and NPCs are predominantly LGBT and/or that deals with LGBT themes - whether queerness is repressed, an accepted part of society or predominant in your setting.
Yet another lazy bait thread.
I'm doing a Touhou campaign. What do you think?
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Ah, a Yuri connoisseur.
Sign me up.
All modern campaigns are gay campaigns. If you want a heterosexual game, invent time travel
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Isn't...isn't that just being straight with extra steps?
If the primary defining aspect of your world is something to do with how gays are treated, then your world is shit.
I wouldn't RP any romance, so even less that
that pic is essentially what Gawain and Yvain had.
All of my characters are canonically lesbians, but sex never comes up in gameplay.
>who can't help themselves and have to fuck everything up.
What'd they do? Exist?
Thank you for participating.
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All of my games are gay campaigns. I exclusively play romance-heavy solo ttrpgs with my husbando.
Every campaign is gay as far as I'm concerned.
Also I'm too lazy to post the Spigot I'm ripping off.
I'm already playing one and having lots of fun.
Care to detail?
>If the primary defining aspect of your world is something to do with how gays are treated, then your world is shit.
Dude's never heard the joys of an all-female, all-lesbian setting.
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Should I repost the enbies vs Adam & Eve campaign idea for those who are morbidly interested?
>t. interestedly morbing
>man makes a gay character
>Husband had a mysterious disappearance
>Is joining my campaign midway through
>Drop hints about the husband, make a scenario where his healing skills gain them a new ally
>Guy complains his choices don't matter and there's no rp
Fuck gays get the fuck off my table
Okay essentially
> Alien world similar enough to ours
> Dominant species is asexual humanoids with magic powers
> One day a two-headed Demiurge from space named Adam and Eve takes over the planet and forcefully splits the inhabitants into men and women, severing their tie with magic
> Centuries of lies and oppression later, individuals who identify as non-binary (the PCs) discover they possess the long lost magic, learn the truth and start forming a resistance to overthrow Adam and Eve and restore their kind to their pure, uncorrupted form
> Proceed to fight hypermasculine and hyperfeminine robots and cyborgs, including a Frank Horrigan clone named Jack Heracles, using enbie magic
I was suggested to set it on an alien world instead of an alternate Earth to make it less inflammatory. Maybe it would work better as a webcomic (with lots of disclaimers) instead of a campaign no sane man would want any part in.
Meant to tag >>92831360
Thank you anon, that sounds like an adventure most bizarre
No. Explaining why would be off-topic for the board.
Hello yes sick idea but I have 2 quick annoying questions
are Adam and Eve insane post-apocalypse humans/transhumans who tried to alter the planet inhabitants out of a combo of having a god complex and the sadness of losing their old world to some disaster? Also do they sometimes alternate between who talks so they finish each other's sentences in a really jarring and creepy way?
>not ERPG
then what's the difference between it and a non-gay campaign? If there isn't cock-swapping and bottom-topping it's just regular fantasy with 'unresolved tension'.
I can't even play a campaign period.
How gay we talkin here?

Personally I think I'd feel more comfortable roleplaying a lesbian than a gay man. I mean I think I could roleplay being a gay man, I just don't think I could roleplay an active romance aspect, too awkward for me I think.
I have 2 fujos at the table. Occasional gay male NPCs are mandatory, especially if they hit enough yaoi points.

Frankly IDGAF. I make a "Kinsey scale" roll for characters if it becomes relevant. 2d6, take the lower. Double 1s gets a 0. NPCs act appropriately for the time and era and their own personal ambitions.
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And now that you suggested it, yes.
>all-female, all-lesbian setting.
What hooks could you derive from that premise, whether men and heterosexuality exist or not? I got three that come to mind.
> Political intrigues in Dyketopia
> The first boy in centuries is born and must be protected from political figures who either view his existence as an asset or a nuisance and fanatics who worship the kid and/or want to sacrifice him
> Dyketopia is threatened by what is essentially Caesar's Legion, bent on conquering and "fixing" its population
> Frank Horrigan clone named Jack Heracles
> You *cough* You haven't won here. You and your enbie bastard friends are gonna join me in a big old mushroom cloud sendoff.
>grudging respect for a rival turns into homoeroticism
You're gay if you *don't* do this.
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Sure, Maid RPG is fun.

Local sorceress can't stop harassing other witches.
Asa a deeply closeted gay man i would never do this
>I was suggested to set it on an alien world instead of an alternate Earth to make it less inflammatory.
Better yet. I'd play an architect game. (Assuming every PC and major NPC is a cute chubby girl)
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The only reason to run a "gay" campaign is for virtue signal activism or faggy ERP. You've invalidated your own premise with your preconditions.
I would roleplay my male character flirting with a man to get information if that's what you're wondering. I do it with chicks too so it ain't a gender thing.
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Of course
Hope you can come out eventually - assuming you don't live in Russia or Iran.
I’m a GM and have been running a gay relationship between a PC and an NPC, and it’s going quite well.

I’m just unsure how to write in the relationship department in general so it can be quite awkward.
Hmm, not a campaign but I might shoehorn in Theban band expires into my psychopunk setting. The idea is that the engineered love encourages perfect cohesion and chain of command, there's a narcissistic aspect to it as they're a little like Endless Space's Horatio and run overlays of each others semi-uploaded minds (else grief would cripple them). Don't play nice (or else TOO nice) with other military structures but capable interstellar condottiere otherwise.

Also mecha-knight meme warriors often suffer from "Dulcinea complex". Projecting the hallucinated waifu onto some hapless bystander is the usual response but sublimating it into rivalries like OP isn't unheard of either. Not "gay" in the sense that genitals of the same sort are involved but in going against cultural expectations.

I played in a mini campaign involving steampunk Soviets. It wasn't supposed to be gay, but a fellow player accidentally flirted with some male KGB boss (after some jokes by other players about how flirty he sounded, the player decided that his character had fallen in love at first sight with the dude).
It did veer into uncomfortable at various points, but it was also very funny. By the end of the campaign, it felt like the beginning of an actual romantic relationship between that PC and the NPC.
There was no reason for this thread to go on beyond this post
Trust me, I love the absurd idea of an alternate timeline where something as natural as the existence of man and woman is an insult to creation. It's just harder in the current climate to view the concept as no more than fiction.

I'd love to hear more LGBT-themed worldbuilding like that, but enbies vs Adam and Eve is probably as weird as it'll get.
We all know you're never going to play it anyways, you're just a nogames daydreamer looking for internet asspats for your heckin wholesome chungus and valid worldbuilding slop
Sweet. Steampunk soviets are something I haven't seen before, barring alt-hist they're diesel by default though I guess they couldn've overthrown and grown from a different tsardom.
Pff, I've implemented weirder shit at the table and in any case spitballing setting stuff is fun and inoffensive compared to outright shitposting. Cope and seethe faggot.
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are we talking a gachi campaign? fuck yes
No. That sounds disgusting.
gay characters?
>are you the ass guy or the dick guy?
He said gay not trans anon
>Would you play a gay campaign
If you want to play, you don't have to be shy.
Sure we can play gay Fallout if you want to give it a try, anon. You know it's already an RPG from the 80s, right?
>political intrigues in dyketopia
This is the most interesting option by far. What's the point of introducing men back into the setting if you took them out to begin with?
t. 100k+ words into a plotless webnovel-style dyketopia story
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What's the point of introducing men back into the setting if you took them out to begin with?
Agree with the boy premise. However, the enemy nation seeking to destroy everything Dyketopia represents could make for a pretty engaging and satisfying war campaign, especially when killing or capturing pos rapists and slavers who keep talking shit to you.
> t. 100k+ words into a plotless webnovel-style dyketopia story
This is my favorite Bad RPG to drop on people who have no idea what it is.
Humiliation ritual thread
why my weanor hard
Ain't the shark guy married to a shark girl in the sequel?
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Only if we're doing cool shit.
no, i want my char to be the token gay of the group
Only if it's a full on Greek tragedy.
>Group based on the Sacred Band
>Game starts with their Last Stand or some oracle prophesizing their doom
>Entire game is then basically flashbacks explaining how they got there, building up the stakes and cranking it up to 'Rage against the dying light, save our people' mode
>Depending on how well they did in the flashback adventures they might succeed
>But one thing is certain; everyone is gonna fuckin' die
>Would you play a gay campaign?
if this is just a funny fantasy adventure: gimme source
if it is actually gay: dont
It is both. Sorry.
Eûge anon though I'd say that the framing device could be the sole survivor lamenting their lost love and battle brothers. The flashback's success would reveal a tale told to a receptive city in awe of their sacrifice, failure to a mocking torturer as they await execution by the enemy and in-between as they weep into their sour wine. Bereft and abandoned like so many soldiers once their service is done.

Since the setting >>92835871 is in revolves around long-term cultural degeneration (which the PCs nudge to personal benefit) the Theban band could well be survived a single heartbroken war god a few centuries down the line. Dunno if you've read Second Apocalypse but the Nonmen there strike a cord. With their womenfolk long dead the menfolk turned to each other for solace and as mortal minds in immortal bodies became addicted to the trauma of lost love (PTSD is the only durable stuff in their sea of dementia). Another thing to toss in the pot for me. Thanks for the inspiration!
sigh fine
I think this is the only way I would do a "gay" campaign. I don't usually deal with anything sexual at my table otherwise.
>gay furries
Not a gay campaign per say, but in my setting there exist dual cultures of not!Vikings and not!Amazonians.

>Vikings are all gay males
>Amazons are all lesbian females
>Vikings raid Amazon villages to capture surrogate mothers
>Amazons raid Viking villages to capture sperm donors
>male babies are shipped off to Amazon villages when they are born with released captive females and vice versa

It makes no sense, but I just wanted to insert a piece of my magical realm into the setting.
Literal hatefuck culture
Funny concept
Hell, give me the source either way, please.
Absolutely not, under no circumstances. Homosexuality is not my thing, and I'd rather not see it in my escapist entertainment.
Kings of Hell, anon.
Basically it’s:
>MC dies in a car accident and wakes up a thousand years in the future
>men were obsoleted by advancing science-baby technology
>public nudity and sex are accepted as normal so long as you don’t do it where kids can see- portions of the city are designated as either ‘family-friendly’ or not for this purpose
>MC quickly hooks up with a historian who she can give firsthand accounts of the “ancient past” to, all while gorging herself on all the babes she can get a hold of
>polyamory is relatively common so MC quickly decides one sexy nudist gf isn’t enough
>further devolves from there
It’s a blatant excuse to write about my deepest, most unrealistic fantasies and I assume my readers understand this/share in said fantasies
i think most gays have a dick and an ass anon
Tell us more about it, anon. Maybe we can help you out.
ywn be a knight rubbing his junk plate against another knight’s junk plate
>Would you play a gay campaign?
>Assuming you didn't have to share the table with any activist or dudebro and the DM wanted to do roleplay that's not virtue circle jerking or ERPG.
Then there wouldn't be any gay shit to begin with, faggot.
yeah I can't think of anything else, unless you're doing like "roll for insertion" "you rolled a 1 so he fucks up and you now have a hemorrhoid" type shit or just a straight up group cooming session
Nah, none of them survive.
The tale is instead told by the reinforcements who get there hours too late to find the shattered remains of their enemies and a pile of bodies, the last of which is still holding the banner of the band upright.

Make sure the reinforcements include characters they met through the game and have everyone pick one and say how his civilization went on/was influenced by what happened.

Glad it inspired you though.
Probably, I have very low standards for games.
Honestly there was one campaign which basically ended with my character and another's walking off into the sunset. I always envisioned it more as a brotherly comradely thing but if there was a fujoshi in the group...
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What system works best for this? You'd basically be space inquisitors, so Dark Heresy comes to mind
I wouldn't play in a sexual game, so no.
I will happily join on the condition that an evil campaign for the Dark Lady is an option
Yeah, I'd play this. Man-motorcycles and nudity for power.
>I will happily join on the condition that an evil campaign for the Dark Lady is an option
Then it's not a Dark Lady, it's a Dark Ambush.
I have a friend 100% straight guy who only ever play lespians. If anyone at the table plays a female he he's 100% gonna flirt with them no matter they're played by a dude or not.
There can only be one

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