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Anniversary (July 27) and collab (Live A Live) anticipation thread.
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And here's Cygna the Incarnation of Evil, she'll be here praying for your good fortune.
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Who here got Ogen? Enjoyed the hell out of his story.
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Shall we take bets on who’s gonna be the featured character on the week of Emberflame 3?

My money’s on it being the Nier Automata crew (2B, 9S & A2). Theirs is the only banner that hasn’t been rerun and I got a feeling that they wanna get all the crossovers out of the way before they give us Live a Live.

Bravely Default was already released three times and Triangle Strategy had a sudden and unceremonious rerelease last month. So this month, it’s time for the androids to come out!

Glory to Mankind!
>Have been inside three best girls
Sazantos is so lucky...
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I did Yang Long's story
It was fine overall but I have few problem
>he was labeled as "assassin" somewhere, but he was more like a war monk
>where the fuck are his crows? you would think they will play a part in his story since they are taking 50% of his portrait but no. They only show up in his battle
BTW..... God help us in his EX3 fight
We gonna have to face these motherfuckers
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Retard from last week here. I worked hard putting together the best possible team I could and I just beat BoA Chapter 8!!! My team was
>Canary/Alaune EX
>Nephti/Primrose EX
Yeah, pretty meta but I pulled hard for all of those except Prim who I got as an offbanner chasing Bargello. Elrica is incredible, glad she lived up to the hype. Prim did almost nothing, she even died in the second (third?) last phase of the fight when one of the final 3 rings charmed Elrica and she nuked Prim. but it was fine without her, so more of a 7 man clear. Also used several Hell Valore NPCs to top off and extend debuffs here and there.
Holy shit, I might as well uninstall now (I won't) because no way are they topping this. That was the best jrpg final boss fight I've done since Lavos back in the 90s. Incredible stuff, it's a shame so many people, including Octopath fans, will miss out on this because it's in a gacha game.
Spoilers for BoA Ch8:
Also, I gotta say, Sazantos' Utopia might be the best take on turning the world into a utopia while still being the "real world" and not Heaven that I've seen in fiction. I can't really side with the MCs on this one, destroying/rejecting it is ten thousand times worse than the ending of Gundam Seed Destiny. At least in that anime, the MCs' side was sympathetic because they were fighting for free will but Sazantos doesn't even remove free will to make things perfect. It's not even a perfect world per se, it's just straight up better than the existing one. I thought he was going to remove ALL desire from humanity but nope, he just moderates it so there's no excessive desire ie greed and seems to have rid everyone's hearts of evil as well. I can't forgive him for all the horrible stuff he did leading up before he tried to make Utopia, but once he got that power, he really would've saved the world harder than the MCs or any hero could've.
Was Vide's theme the best video game song of 2023? Are there any bangers in this?
It's always gonna be a matter of taste, but I love all the music in this game. The Octopath orchestra does a terrific job.
>he was labeled as "assassin" somewhere, but he was more like a war monk
Yeah, I was wondering why he was called "the eastern assassin" when he never did any assassination work. At least it sounds cool.
Agreed about the crows. "No I don't know any crows, animals just like me some reason." but you NAMED them. Wu and Siu.
9 more days…only 9 more days until the next Tavern Talk.

Then we get birds and figure out who’s next.
>Destiny plan shilling
You guys need to stop taking people at their word
Is there a reason why everybody's doing Largo clears suddenly? Like in the last few days I've seen 7 already. I get people want to show off their new Ogens but only 3 of those 7 actually have Ogen?? The other 3 are dagger, the last one is a 4-star only clear.
ditraina ditraina ditraina ditraina ditraina
although it's kinda dangerous for me now since ochette was one of the characters that launched with side solistia, right? hope there's enough of a gap between em
Ochette most likely won’t be appearing until November (rough estimate).

Ditraina’s a possibility. The problem is, if we get Ditraina now, who’s coming when Emberflame Story 4 comes out and n September?
You’re probably wondering how I came up with November. Lemme give you a quick run through of how things will likely play out:

>May - Emberflame Story 3
>June - Live a Live Crossover
>July - Bestower of All Epilogue (End of Side Orsterra)
>August - Emberflame Story 4
>September - Ringbearer Chosen 1 (Beginning of Side Solistia)
>October - Emberflame Story 5
>November - Ringbearer Chosen 2

Hmm…actually after comparing the Roadmap, they reverse Emberflame 5 and Ringbearer Chosen 2. So it’s actually…

Ringbearer Chosen 1 (Throne)
Ringbearer Chosen 2 (Ochette)
Emberflame 5
Ringbearer Chosen 3 (Partitio)
2nd Bravely Default Crossover
Milgardi (Montwise Coliseum release)
Ringbearer Chosen 4 (Osvald)
Nier: Replicant Crossover
Ringbearer Chosen 5 (Hikari)
Cross Story (two months)
Yet ANOTHER Crossover
Ringbearer Chosen 6 (Agnea)

Yeah…we’re looking at about three months per chapter release.
(After Ringbearer Chosen 3 that is…)
Octopath games have a weird trend for me. Their final bosses first phases's themes are better than their second ones.
The One They Call The Witch > Daughter of the Dark God
Bestower of All > Chosen By The Light
Vide, the Wicked > Those Who Deny The Dawn.
Funny, I just finished my Yan Long grind yesterday and was gonna start my Largo grind today. Just gotta find a clear that's not too much of a hassle, I don't have Ogen.
Speaking of Largo, has anyone ever used him for anything? In all the countless youtube clears of various pieces of content I've seen over the years, Largo is the only arena champion I've never used in anything, ever.
Nope. Leveling him is a waste of resources.
Believe it or not, I’ve seen Largo used in clears before.

He’s got a move called Special Fragrant Dumpling which provokes all enemies and lowers their attack (15%). Stick some defensive buffs on Largo and you have yourself a decent tank at hand.
Fuck, I forgot about the long Square Enix Bridge maintenance today. Guess I'll play in another 5.25 hours from now.
You folks ready to get Krauser and Rondo tomorrow?

As for me, I’ll be waiting to see what’s happening in Tavern Talk before I make any attempts on that banner.
thanks for putting this together
sometimes i question how slow we get new characters but since I'm just playing casually at this point, the wait doesn't feel as bad
His taunt+debuff move is quite valuable
I missed on Krauser, I struggled in the elite tower because I don’t have one
I may try pulling him up
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My prayer is answered, got the dude on the first pulls
I will definitely stop here and save up until the next big banner
Congrats bro, that's awesome! I wish I could pull for Rondo, he's the missing MT I want the most, but I gotta keep saving. Only got 800 rubies and worst case scenario I'll need 10,500 for Odio-O plus Sazantos/Cygna.
We only have 3 more of the "elite" 4* characters left to go, right? and then I can finally stop watching these ads for games featuring giant fetish women?
Bruh, all eleven of them have been released for months now.
Getting word that Chinese servers have 4-Stars as starters just like JP. Not only that, but for some reason, you can’t reroll!

Remember, in EN you can only get a 5-Star as a starter.
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Well done! I got me a Krauser too. Took two 10-Pulls and now I can get him to A4.

Indomitable Eyepatch here I come!
oh... whoops... ha ha surely my 300 extra elite fragments will come in handy for my dumb ass someday ToT
An interesting approach…There’s a version of the EX Sigrid Banner that uses traveler seals instead of rubies.
I kinda wanna roll for Rondo but its only because he's genki
I already have Elrica and Lars so he adds nothing.
I say you better not to, we’re about to get the other two Sword niggas. His 5 hits AOE sword/light fucks hard but we are all tight on rubies
What are his minimum priorities? A1 then U10 or the other way around?
I would say minimum priorities would have to be A2, followed by U10. Krauser is the type of person you wanna have 4 skills for since two of them will only be used once.

If you got Bargello, you can replenish his Ultimate, Recoup, in turn replenishes his Ultra Attacks.
who plays this
People with good taste in games.
People who are at the end game of Another Eden
just like every other shit enix garbage
saga shit has stopped being from generous to one of the greediest games out there with infuriating powercreep
this game is greedy as shit with one of the worst gacha incomes
final fantasy is a joke

a lesson should be taken to avoid square enix mobile games like the plague
I'm interested in it, it look like FFA and FFA2
People who like jrpgs. People who prefer pixel to 3D graphics. Octopath Traveler fans. People who liked OT1 but wished it had better gameplay and/or story. Mobage fans who want a game world they can actually run around in and explore instead of just a series of menus with a hub and battle screens. Whales.
Gambling addicts and people with an infinite amount of time because doing anything takes an eternity.
Two more days until Tavern Talk…
Hopefully they will release OST Vol 2 in the west soon
One more day until Tavern Talk…
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Btw he is kinda a quirky asshole for being a divine beast
>asks for the weakness
>”Don’t tell him”
Release Phina before Ceraphina
Release Osasuna before Pardis
Ditraina looks to be the only non-rerun we're getting until late June. NieR rerun's coming with 600 rubies and a veteran's seals in tasks, I'm gonna have to finally do an EX3 adversary battle because a quarter of those rubies are walled behind beating 9S? on EX3.
Is A2 still absurdly broke? Never got her in the first Nier, but I have "only" 4.3 rubies and want to save for Sazantos and/or Odio-O
> Osasuna
Let his banner be that clip when he did “Soon!”
Finally ToT
I can go for her then spark for Cannary ToT
She’s still good, but you should prioritize these two niggas over her
In addition, there are more Nier characters coming up, I say aim for those long run
Quick recap of Tavern Talk
Nier Banner. Separate Paid. Free Tribanner. No free 9S pull (that ship has sailed. 9S is not a free unit).
Emberflame 3. Get 4 birds and Divine Beast Simurgh.
Nier Hunts that last from 5/22 - 6/12
General Krauser, Fallen Elrica, Divine Beast Simurgh, Siva and 9S? Added to the Adversary Log
EX Tressa and EX Primrose Awakening Stones added to the Exchange.
Lemaire Added to Chance Encounters.

Special Tasks which gets you lots of rubies. Notably:
Beat 9S? The first time for 200 rubies
Beat EX1 9S? For a Veteran Seal
Beat EX3 9S? For 150 rubies

Union of Memories: Rinyuu/Elrica
Tikilen, Glossom, Varkyn & Ri’tu added to the Adversary Log

Sacred Blaze: Ditraina
2 new Dogs

Next Tavern Talk on 6/24. Meaning we have TWO mystery weeks to deal with before Live a Live.

It also means that June 26 is Live a Live. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say 6/26 - 7/10 is Live a Live Light (Oersted & Streibough) and 7/10 - 7/24 is Live a Live Dark (Odio-O & Odio-S). While Bestower of All Epilogue featuring Sazantos & Signa will occur on 7/24.
> General Krauser, Fallen Elrica, Divine Beast Simurgh, Siva and 9S? Added to the Adversary Log
Dear lord, this is going to be hell
>ex tressa in exchange and ditraina
Seems like we’re in for a hell of a ride.

I wonder how many people will be able to take on 9S? EX3? Hell I’ll Be satisfied with 9S? EX1.
>No free 9S pull (that ship has sailed. 9S is not a free unit).
His main gimmick is low HP but fucked up high attack + the debuff he does right at the start.
I think we need to use Prim EX + Rinnyu + Ophillia together to even stand a chance against the EX3 fight
EX fights are such bullshit.
>Tripple paid banner
>6K pity each
>Tripple shared common banner for more terrible rates

Is this a joke?
Yes, but people still think the devs care after they randomly dropped the TS re-run to fuck people over. Not gonna lie that it doesn't look good.
Also no free 9S for new players.
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Wasn't too bad. I had far more trouble with Lyblac.
That was expected because JP didn't do it either.
He is weak to daggers? This is great
Quite curios: can you share full details on Millard's set? Keeper, weapon, souls and amours? I kinda struggled how to optimize him
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Max hp. Max speed.
huh, all the guidestones in the band log are able to be claimed again? i didn't see anything in any notes about this
Yes, I find it strange too. They quietly gave away free guidestones for the completed travelers again
so if you claimed yours during the glitch or whatever the fuck that was, you will get them again for free
>EX1 9S? is like 10x tankier than rank 3
eh no thanks, i wish the devs weren't so expectant of players to rely on meta travelers
That's pretty much how every jump up from Rank 3 to EX fights goes. First 3 ranks are piss easy with no hp, then it gets amped up to actual challenge levels at EX. I've never gone above EX1 on a fight before though, so I'm curious if there's a significant jump from EX1 to EX3, or if it's just a bit more hp.
>login to do my dailies before bed
>emergency maintenance, end time TBD
What the fuck? Is it because of >>1477961?
If so, fuck! I missed out on freebies again.
Game's back up, 30 rubies for everyone!
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This is what happens when the protagonists from a medieval fantasy RPG get thrown into a post-apocalyptic science fiction setting. In other words: post your CotC x Nier: Automata postcards with your favorite cast of characters!
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Kind of a shame we can’t get these rewards a second time. God knows we could always use the rubies.
Except they don't. The crossover is a total fucking disappointment.
>hey go do these hacking segments
>cool done thanks
Meanwhile Bravely got a sprawling story line and lets you murder Airy repeatedly.
Wish the BP maps did not suck ass, collecting materials there is such a nightmare
Did they add more new maps / materials for the new BP / BS niggas?
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Oh my gods, they killed Elrica again! You bastards!!!
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You have to get in the fucking way, didn’t you?
You have to stare at that ballsack, didn’t you? And now you’re fucked
Fucking Dickard, stop admiring that shit and help me carrying this cun…. wait wait ..WHAT THE FUCK! IS TATLOCH BAILING OUT AND RUNNING BACK TO AFRICA?
das racist homie
The new map for Emberflame 3 has Twilight Gear materials.
Managed to beat EX1 of the 9S fight with little trouble using my team from BoA Ch8. Was disappointed to get a Cecily dupe from the Veteran's Seal, now she's A2.
And there's EX3 clapped. First time ever trying an EX3, wasn't anywhere near as bad as I expected, probably because Elrica is busted as fuck pumping out 1 million damage every break.
Makes me feel like so long as a boss is weak to sword/light/dark, I could probably beat it.
What is the best method to farm money / leaves? I am trying to buy and upgrade my shit but shit cost millions
She kinda did that though for real
No farewell, all off screen
Burn all your conviction tickets on commemorative coins
Elrica's rampage continues! I finally tried the Hell Cragspear Duo for the first time and she mopped the floor with them, one break each. I noticed one was weak to sword and the other was weak to dark, so it seemed perfect for my new beatstick. I doubt I'll get that lucky with the other ones' weaknesses though. There's only three level 100 NPC fights in Hell and one in Heaven, right?
How interesting is the story, and can I get through it all as F2P?
it has some weak points but overall i really like it
compared to the mainlines which rely on each individual traveler. this one revolves around the antagonists instead, so it's a longer, cohesive, sprawling plotline
or if you really like the traveler-based stories, each of the tons of travelers have their own too
square enix is greedy as always so as long as you save and plan carefully, you'll be fine. there's a number of free characters you can earn who aren't bad either
Story is better than Octopath 1 but worse than Octopath 2. You can do it easily as a F2P, after you get a full team only roll on limited banners (meaning crossovers or 'Memory Travellers') with rubies (stones). Early on in game you'll get a bunch of summon tickets (traveller/veteran seals) that you can use to roll on the general pool.
Honestly the real drag is the mid/late game equipment grind, which really only hits in the most recent arc.
I honestly found the dungeons with the "flip this switch then walk over and then do it again 5 more times" dungeons to be the real drag. Compare that to the quick and easy dungeons of the main games it's really unfun. The story chapters take an hour to do because of 45 minutes of boring filler.
Maybe Squeenix is being anal over how Team Asano, the "lesser" studio in the company, should handle one of its prize gifthorses.
Since BD is Team Asano, they can do whatever they want.
Looks like the Hell Valore duo are also weak to Elrica's elements, so her rampage continues! But I'm not sure what to do about the final Hell NPC duo since only one is weak to Elrica. The other is weak to spear/ice, so maybe I could swap Prim EX out for Roland...his damage ain't anywhere near Elrica's though. Maybe I should swap out Bargello too for another spear, probably Krauser.
This is hands down my favourite team comp to date. I wasn't sure I'd like the JP meta of Warriors of the Continent plus 1 nuker, 7 supports, but now that it's here, I've having a better time than ever blasting down everything with Elrica.
Today, I finally cleared the topmost floor of the Master Tower since the two old ladies were unfortunate enough to have light and dark weaknesses; sucks to be them. Now I just have four EX floors of that tower to do, but I'm restricted to using four stars only so things are about to get messy.
I just checked the adversary codex and 11 out of the 12 boss refights on the "Lv.1" page are weak to Elrica, so I'm hoping to sweep those EX3 battles soon, too.
>I wasn't sure I'd like the JP meta of Warriors of the Continent plus 1 nuker, 7 supports.

I don't like this meta at all. The whole "if you don't have these units you're not allowed to have fun" was the reason i dropped other turn based gachas and it sucks this game is going that way.
That has always been the case for gachas, and you're probably better off dropping because you'll miss this meta when Kaine + Tiziano drop.
I still need to get around to doing all the EX Adversary battles. The only one I’ve fully completed was 9S? And that was for the Veteran Stone and the 150 rubies.
Most gacha have a designated meta, anon.
Some sacrifices have to be made to keep up with your progress and rewards, or you can skip those and miss out on stuff or have reduced rewards.
It's just the way it is.
>The only one I’ve fully completed was 9S?
Same, and it was so easy with my Elrica team that inspired me to start trying them. Lemme tell ya though, despite being on the final, highest level page of the adversary codex, this 9S? must be the easiest one. Yesterday I did Tristan and Sonia on EX3 and they had boatloads more hp and damage. I had to reset every Sonia EX fight until she targeted Canary on the first turn because she outspeeds everyone and does 5000+ damage with a basic attack until I've got my turn 1 defensive buffs and debuffs set up. Even with Elrica shitting out damage, Sonia took like five breaks in near-optimal buffing/debuffing settings. And those are the first two on the easiest page. At least it seems like the mechanics are identical to their story battles, just with the stats amped up to 11.
Gonna try Rosso today, and I'm dreading the Masters (Herminia, etc) because I recall they have field effects that encourage swapping rows and two of my dream team's rows are locked.
To be fair, I'm using the newest meta to smash through content from last year. All of the stuff I'm posting is old content that other people cleared seven months or so ago with older characters and older equipment. I just didn't bother with it at the time since it seemed too hard for me and involved making an invested, customized team for every battle. Now that I've waited a year, I can use one new OP team for everything and cut out 90% of the headache. That's the nice thing about this game: it has so much permanent content, if you don't like how things are, you can just put it aside, go have fun with other stuff and then come back to it later when you do have what you need to have fun your way. So no need to get down now, your turn'll come eventually or you can knuckle down and try doing it the hard way if you want.
Help me out what to do the following awakening stones ( one each)
>Nephti go for A1 since her U9 is more than enough
>Elrica go for A1
>Alune EX go for U10
Which of the new exclusive equipment for arena champs is actually worth grabbing? Haven't gotten most of the ones from the codex grind yet.
new what now?
If you are sitting on a stone for each one, here's what you do:
>make Nephti A1 since she has great attacks but shitty attack stats, so she needs every point she can get
>make Elrica A1 for maximum damage. You should be choosing either Elrica, Odio-O or Sazantos and going for A1 on one of those three to be your big dick damage dealer
>go U10 on Alaune EX before A1, unless you're a giga whale you aren't going for her A4 and her ultimate is the only other button in her kit you might press other than her BP prayer
So it looks like you already had the right of it.
Today we got the first four arena champs as refights in the adversary codex. Clearing...I think it's EX2? Will give you a new accessory that has extra effects if equipped with the arena champs' exclusive accessories, much like the yin/yang accessories from Elite Training. It's a way to make these free five stars a bit better.
>ri'tu's A4 accessory is better than her exchange one
>EX2 accessory forces you to use the exchange accessory with it and has some negative stats
well that sucks
just like most of the yin yang ones, i think I'd rather use A4 accessories instead
One of the many reasons I'm looking forward to six stars is unlocking the third accessory slot, so I don't have to choose.
I have 300 Elite Fragments, which should I pick from the remaining six 4-star travelers?
oh a third slot sounds wonderful, but six stars are rolled out in batches so there'll be some waiting most likely right?
strange enough and as I was told by someone: not a single warrior got the 6-star treatment so far.... only Ringabell of all fucking people who is a new collab unit
The 3 musketeers - Odin-O, Sazanto and Elrica - never got it yet
It really doesn't matter as you'll get the other three in the next month or so. Cornelia's A4 is pretty good for Cyrus or other multi-elemental characters to save you time swapping around specific element boosts.
None of the offensive warriors like Elrica, Odio or Sazantos got 6 star buffs. Lars, Olberic, Joshua, Fiore, Lionel, Edea, 2B, Serenoa did, it's just the ones that did aren't great offensively.
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I just realized something: I already exchanged for Levan and Cornlia months ago, yet their seals are still there in the exchange shop. What the fuck? Aren’t these 11 niggas supposed to be one summon for each?
After counting, the reminding ones are Narr, Durand, Kenneth and Efrain
There was a glitch when they were first released that prevented you from getting one if you had already gotten the other, they got around this by refreshing the inventories of both after the bugfix to avoid having to deal with people individually.
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30 turns into Glossom ex 1 and I forgot about the locking everything but the dark weakness gimmick. 29 shields to go and 2b's 2 hit dark is the only one on the team that can shield shave.
I will wait for the little witch cunny ToT before even think of attempting this fucker
Ouch. Gonna use Elrica on him like I use her one everyone else, maybe I'll finally get some use out of her 5 hit dark move.
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>Going blind against Gertrude
>"9 shields? No lackeys? What sort of gimmicks this time?"
>Shieldguard, 2 actions in a turn, recovering over 30,000 HP with an AoE attack, almost immune to all status ailments, 3 actions in a turn after an eternity of depleting half of her HP.
>She literally flexed her muscles after grinding my team's hips to dust.
This gorilla...I love her!
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she's great, look forward to her traveler story once you get her
She's my fave arena champ, the only one gigachad enough to solo (You).
I am not looking forward her EX3 fight
>24 shields+ Shieldguard = fun
>all her stats are up the ass, meaning she can one shot your ass if you did not debuff her
>her healing attack will nullify whatever damage you did
Fuck... wish we get Gloria early
She is hot though
See, shit like this is why I avoid doing the EX Adversary battles unless I absolutely HAVE to.

I still need to get Hammy’s final Awakening stone though…
And that's the EX version of floor 4 of Master Training done, boy was this close. I just barely got the kill here, this old drunk would've started tearing me apart on the next turn. Credit where credit's due, I mostly followed this clear with my own slight improvements:
And there's another hundred rubies from the next floor. Using the same yt channel as reference for my EX master tower clears. That's all for tonight, I'm not looking forward to facing the counter-happy greybeard next, as it looks like the strat involves gambling away most of the party's lives. Might have to work on some fortune bows, too.
Thank you for sharing the link, I truly hate those "Use 4stars or lower" challenges because I have not a single clue about those fuckers.
This will help me starting somewhere
You're welcome, good luck! The nice thing is, everyone has these characters so it just comes down to gear. Luckily, the guy whose channel I posted doesn't use any five star A4s, just the freebie ones, which is what drew me to those clears in the first place. Now that we have better gear than 7 months ago, it should go a bit smoother too. I think I ended up using one gacha A4 in each of my clears, Therion's on Cedric for floor 4 to make him the fastest (Master's Coin is free and gives even higher speed) and Fiore's A4 on Tahir for floor 5 (a 10% sword emblem does pretty much the same thing).
bros whats the strat for ex 9s.....i need that 150 rubies,,,,
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Basically it boils down to break fast then hit hard. 9S? Doesn’t have much in the way of HP. Even his EX3 is one of the easier adversaries. But if you linger in battle, he’ll hit you HARD.
Remember to start combat with your back row characters in the front row, because at start of combat he inflicts permanent res down to all of his offensive elements to your entire front row. So put your party in reverse order and swap to normal order on turn 1, basically. And like the other guy said, go for a burst comp 'cause his hp is extremely low.
guys come on.... >>1484834 those are all the meme units......
how about something for non millionaires?
Canary is the only luxury one there.
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“Silver” my ass
It’s as rare as gold, and I need more of them
Should I prioritize the first beast to the max? Or give to the wolf & the bird? Like a distribution
Also what is the max level of the divine beasts?
10 if you have four of them. 12 if you have 6.

Also you will be able to max out your divine beasts as long as you’re able to raise their affection to the max.

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