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> spam /biz/ 24/7
> shit on every apu thread
> has a copy named "Pepoclown" launch that in 2 days does 30x more daily volume and is treding #1 on dexscreener

KEK, how are they going to cope?
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They basically started every single apu hit thread. You could tell that was what was happening. Fuck honkler. New spurdo has memes that are 1000 times better than honker anyways.
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$Pego is a legit froggy coin with a Lego vibe.

Renounced and locked

Fuck Apu
Did apu launch the honk token?
Looks like some apu whales are dumping apu to buy honk?

But the team offloaded all their tokens

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Bitcoin snail is pegged to bitcoin. We're hitting 1T by the end of the year, nigs.

bitcoinsnail (dot) com
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gonna be big! snail not smol snail big@!
The whales finally sold and now the distribution looks clean. The slow and steady climb to 100k begins.
why base? fucking jeet chain
checked. good idea for a rugpull-scam

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what do you think he meaned by this?
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clg was came here in 2018 and was late. he then went and made himself a name
now this
It's just LinkedIn boomer posting about work in general.
Anyone else remember getting this letter in the mail with the cube dice?
sorry stinklets
he meant us
XRPchads rise
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The look on Serg’s face lmao
>how dare this man be portlier than me

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Since the frog meta is clearly in, I have yet to see Hypnotoad on base. can someone make it please
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This is the real hypnotoad
Andddd rugged.
Can't believe I saw this at 10k and didn't buy. buying rope instead i guess
top 10 people have literally 50% of the supply, no thank you.
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I only know of one frog where the team never sells. Guess.

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Where are we?
I'm guessing just passed media attention.
Not there yet, we just experienced the bear trap. Media attention requires new total mcap ATH
return to normal
Take off (because I don’t believe there will be a real bullrun)

stop buying shitcoins
No. I like frog coins.

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fuck you
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Yes goyim, buy my MONDO MEGABITS nfts instead!
If i spend $100 on 100 shitcoins one will moon and i will be rich

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The most obvious, immediate use case for crypto is in gaming. Aviator is going to be that token. There isn’t a project out there with devs that are as intelligent and focused as Aviator’s development team. As people are becoming more skeptical of meme coins with no use case, projects that have lively, energetic communities with coins that actually have a use case will see dramatic growth. Aviator will be one of the top.
Get out of meme coins while you’re still ahead. Get out before you get rugged and put those gains into projects that have value and purpose. Look into Aviator and be a part of something
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ew gross another avi shill tread
Jacking off to avi threads again, champ? Your life must be Korbover...
Join us and get in while the MC is low. I have no doubt that this project is going to explode.
Say what you want but there really isn’t another project out there, from this cycle, that has as much potential as AVI. Aviator has figured out the use case, and scalability issues that other projects have while solving the security issues that other projects couldn’t.
Korbros.......we've never lost....not once

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Just picked these up today.
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what's so special with the fancy cases? easier to sell 3rd party? all of mine are ugly and dull in those plastic tubes, but pretty sure they worth the same $ at a legit bullion shop.
The dealer at the store just told me that *if I ever wanted to sell it (I told him I don't plan on it) then the case would provide a marginal benefit to me since it is rated and certified as pure bullion. Opening the case doesn't change anything except that it's unsealed, but he said he can just re-seal it if I ever wanted to.
According to him anyway since it's a common buffalo, there's not really much need to have it certified. Only if I wanted maximum return on it, which he knew I didn't care about.
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How do women write with these nails?
and I picked kermit today, I don't care about making it anymore, now I just want a comfortable life with the most ridiculous thing possible
Fake just like your nails
She was flaunting her simp gains on reddit.

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You are artificially inflating the demand for housing and thus pricing out people who need it
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My mother is a delusional narcissist, egomaniac, and hoarder whose mind has been rotting for the last 25 years.

Living with family is only an option for people with two mentally healthy parents.
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Imagine actually refusing independence just to contribute to your deranged idea of "the housing market" you're a slave to the system and you dont even know it, i have more respect for the village-tier fags that invest in lfgo because at least they're trying to make their own lives, you're just a good little boy with a chain in your neck doing what little papa state told you arent you. What a fucking stuck up suck up you are OP, you disgust me. Do us a favor and use this
>lose a sizable chunk of revenues
As long as it's profitable though...
Don't forget it is probably also going to appreciate in value.
if they are old, sick and you're single then yes
If your parents are still alive and...

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Post tokens that seemingly bottomed out but you still have them in your folio because you developed a sentimental bond with them and now you cant bring yourself to sell them and even buy more of them. I'll start: KERMIT, i bought it because my brother told me to, he passed away a couple of weeks ago, so i refuse sell it. If it dumps, im going with it
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>tfw bought all of these shit tokens
Only holding GURT now though. It's over btw.
Pretty sure we're just baggies now.
whats the contract address or website?
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$Pego on Base

Renounced and locked 20k mc

Teach me your ways, senpai

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previous thread: >>58519424

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


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WTF you talking about? Don’t like the way I write or what I had to say? Fine. But don’t try and pass me off as some copypasta meat-gazer or Kike-bot. You can definitely go pound sand with the rest of them, fucktard. If I held a bag and believed in it anymore, I would want more people to buy to pump that bag, being intrinsically motivated to do so. I hold a huge bag, and am warning people of my fucking folly so they can protect themselves against my bags and my own self interest. You can eat my Publix grade middle class chemical filled micro plastic laden shit.
rope yourself kike shill
Wow nice i bought xrp yesterday and now its back to 49 cents
Or you can be like this retard and blow your wealth and end up like the many bankrupt lottery winners.
Careful anon, we're only allowed to make positive comments about Ripple and xrp.
We should also be indulging in elaborate fantasies about citadels and the good guys having already secretly won and constantly praising riddlers, who are infallible, and 100% benevolent.
Even when their prophecies don't come true, we should continue bringing up years old riddles and try to reinterpret them for the current year.
It's always a good thing when riddlers get our hopes up and disappoint us over and over again, because it just gives us more time to buy more xrp.
And anyone that has even the slightest criticisms should just sell.
The endless crabbing and disappointment are good, because it weeds out those who are spiritually weak and don't have enough faith.
We want only strong hands to survive.
It should be obvious that we are correct based on how smug, self righteous, and condescending we are.
All of this is obvious for anyone that has eyes to see and ears to hear.
Now let us bow our heads in prayer and give thanks to our holy riddlers, and never question or criticize them ever again.
/end of sarcasm

I'm sick and tired of this religious spiritual bullshit being applied to xrp and Ripple.

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I had friends in school but I was more of a loser than I realised at the time. I wasn't invited to any of the parties as a teenager and I didn't go to my school's prom. I remember playing online video games on my Wii on prom night.

I ultimately resent my time at school because I shouldn't have been anywhere near at least 50% of the kids due to me being academically inclined. There was no benefit to being near most of them.

I was a totally friendless loser during four years at university. I was really distressed about it and also mystified, until I was r9kpilled and then incel blackpilled (including lookspilled). The latter pill nuked my brain. It was top of my mind for at least a year and I was being rejected from lots of job interviews at the time.

I hated my degree and felt like a total loser during the entire time at university while surrounded by young people having the times of their lives. In retrospect I should've worked harder and used the time to learn more, rather than moping. But it's easy to say that now. It was a total blackpill overload.

I become the ugly loser nobody talks to within the first week of all of my jobs, both part time ones during university and office jobs. I currently have a laughably pointless, low work, overpaid, wfh bureaucrat job.

It feels really humiliating having zero friends, no interest from women ever, living in a boring part of the UK. Life is boring.
these longass retard posts feel like someone asker chatgpt to write a 4chan post in incel style. saged and hided either way
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go to the pub
Fuck Apu
> Business & Finance

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Anons, this is my first cycle and I'm worried that I might become too greedy and hold through the top.
I did my research and realize that I can't time the exact top.
What I want to know from those of you who made it strategies on exitting.
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Based on the last 2 bullruns the optimal time to sell should be around late Q3/Q4 2025.
You'll want to plan ahead of time so you don't get caught up in bull euphoria. Something like selling 50% of your BTC at $100k, then another 50% at $120k....
Planning to sell everything at once puts you at risk of missing the peak. Better to take profits along the way.
Depending on the size of your portfolio, it may be wise to have at least two bank accounts and two CEX accounts which are linked and kyc'd ahead of time. We've already seen Coinbase conveniently go down at times of heavy volume this spring.
You either baghold past the top to the bear market bottom or you sell too early, either way you're ngmi. This is just how it works as a newfag until you get one cycle of experience since you frankly don't know how it feels to be in euphoria and whatever signs appear you WILL ignore them preferring to believe that your folio will do another 10x in 2 more weeks. That said, what you should do is set a target and when that target is reached, you DCA out of the market, maybe selling 10-25% of your stack a week. You won't remember this though, as I said newfags need to learn the hard way.
Many believe this will be a left translated cycle and we'll peak much earlier. I'm not counting on a full 18 month bull like we had in the past. I'm taking a majority of profits before the US elections in November and holding moonbags of everything.
Mature thinking, you will make it. There is nothing wrong holding up and down, imo crypto is a secular trend going until at least 100T and you want to always have a position.
Personally I have segregated my stack into three parts. Staking (50%), HODL (20%) and sell (30%). I will sell staking rewards + my sell stack during the next year, my plan is to sell 10% after new years eve, 10% in Q2 2025 and the final 10% if we get a blow off top in the latter half of the year. My goal for this cycle is to have enough in boring investments in order to passively cover my living expenses (~700k), after which I will consider resigning from salaried work

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There's nothing like it.
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I also sorta feel this. Sadly its like 50 cent said
> “ Sunny days wouldn't be special if it wasn't for rain
Joy wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for pain”
If i won the shitcoin lottery i would go back to my neet ways. And id just waste away i think. I only usually do as much as i need to anyway, and if i wasnt forced to uphold a decent job (if i worked a shit job id need to work hard for less pay) then id likely amount to nothing.
At least when i place myself in discomfort doing intellectually stimulating work (IT) i feel like im contributing to society and being a specialist at least in something, and get to rly feel like my days off matter.

Anyways what kind of startup you on anon? I tried AI automation but i sorta gave up on it xD
He’s not part of the in crowd that the boss takes to lunch everyday, and charges it to the company.
>Wtf, how many Brits do this? Do people actually have second families?
Why is it that it's mostly in the UK that billboards are taunting the people? And that for decades. What's going on there?
It's what happens when you live in a country where the sun never comes out. Messes with peoples minds

Does link solve the problem of subjective oracles? Does Link make Kleros obsolete?
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Federico here.
I have no such plans for Klerosl. Btw, when do we play AOE?
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Fake screenshot. Also, that doesn't grantee that your little scam coin will be accepted.
>it's fake, but even if it wasn't
You do realize you can go look for yourself?
Just stay mad you lost money. I bought the bottom in a sea of red and will reap the rewards.
It's actually the only solution to Escrow in the crypto space. Crypto has had scam "Escrows" for over a decade and Escrow was the PRIMARY problem people were trying to solve after Bitcoin. Kleros solved it. That alone is worth about 300 Billion.

Additionally, Kleros is a core protocol to the future financial system. One could argue it might be just as important as Bitcoin if not more important, since Kleros reaches across traditional business, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. While also enabling for Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency to be a full-featured financial transaction mechanism.

It is the product that was dreamed of for Bitcoin since 2011. It's legit coordinated FUD that this project is not top 10.

Kleros will be used in place of traditional courts, Kleros will be used for Web 2.0 companies, Kleros is needed for a full featured Web 3.0 financial system and Kleros will help the world economy in the coming years when human beings struggle with finding out what value they can provide in an increasingly automated world.

Human beings are unique with respect to automation because we can make decisions in time. We transcend the undecidable problems of mathematics and computers that cannot be automated.

Computers and AI cannot and can only use precedent for decisions but cannot make new decisions.

Kleros is one of the biggest events in the history of humanity.

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Best stealth wealth signifiers? Casios get mentioned a lot, what else?
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hobbies like running, fly fishing, skiing
White gold or platinum watches. Most people will mistake them for stainless steel
That has 350hp n/a in a sub 2800lbs platform and pulls on just about anything while being completely umodded on the outside.
>plain clothing made of excellent materials, with excellent detailing, and that fit perfectly
>not having certain kinds of insurance (because they're wealthy enough to self-insure)
>having extra of certain kinds of insurance ("umbrella insurance" in the US, for example)
>frequent vacations
>frequent haircuts, massages, facials, etc.
>reliable stuff that requires minimal attention (like the Toyotas and Casios mentioned above)
Look kid you're losing the plot when you start trying to signal wealth with consumption, and fully lost it when you think budget apparel is how to do it. No one in their right mind is looking at a dollar store watch and thinking, secret millionaire here. Likewise for genuine luxury products, people think you're financing it, or it's fake, whatever.
You wanna look rich? You look clean, well groomed and healthy. Like you haven't been bathing in leaded water for 20 years, like you have a dermatologist, like you've been to the dentist in the past 3 years, like you don't eat frozen supermarket goyslop and fast food. Like you have time for fitness and money for adventure sports. You can tell a richfag and poorfag apart even when they're completely naked.

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People unironically pay hundreds of dollars of month to be told by Karen’s how to live their lives.

Why do people do this?
The land of the fee.
The problem is you don't really have a choice, or atleast a better choice available to you most of the time.
And even if your living your innawoods fantasy you're probably still not as free as you think.
They're cucks. The people who sit on HOA councils are power tripping boomer retards.
HOA horror stories are mostly overblown. Anyone who isn't a retard will consider an HOA fee that matches their personality. Do you want a relaxed HOA that will let you and your neighbors be as niggery as you want? Find a place with no or low HOA. Do you want your neighbors kept on a tight leash so your neighborhood looks like an uncanny movie set? Find a place with a very high HOA.
Anyone unhappy with their HOA is just a retard that can't think for two seconds before making a decision about a life changing purchase.

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Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org

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just returning to it's dollar peg at $150
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It's pumping because it's a disruptive technology that is insultingly undervalued.

What I will never understand is how these gigantic money inflows and outflows are possible given its current illiquid conditions. How cryptocurrency prices are gauged in general makes absolutely no sense to me.
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anyone seen this?
made me think about in person transactions.
They show how they scan the code and when they actually send the xmr to the other party so you can shake hands and walk away even when the transaction is still pending.
But that would be kind of bad with failed transactions so anything that's not insured by both parties (like in xmrbazaar) could get lost.
Also someone could literally snatch your phone out of your hand and would be able to access your opened wallet.
Having a widget or something for your wallet that scans the QR and requires a pin to send the transaction and having the transaction be ensured by the equal amount of monero from both parties until confirmation without having you to open the wallet would be nice. like a "in person transaction mode"
Not bumping your view count. It wasn't long ago unverified personal checks were common. Don't open your wallet around niggers and only carry what you could reasonably spend.
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But I was told that LN makes Monero redundant.

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This is good right?
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i am honored homelander but i am not pengo
Dont you need to damage control in apu threads?
coinbase/Kraken/Binance listing
Yea, ask Stixil if he sold his soul for all these Coinbase connections that he has. It sounds like he is just a puppet that becomes a millionaire doing what CB wants. Idk if he even is the one at the wheel.

So, there are two possibilities. Either we miss the onchain summer, which sounds probable but not so much. Or we will wait for all the other projects to pump like crazy with the coinbase wallet integration system and then everything gets launched to syphon every God damn profit from every crypto coin there is.
Nigger fuck APU baggies I masturbated when they dropped to 0.004. I cannot wait for them to get rugged into oblivion. A harsh lesson many need to learn for their next cycle.

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>Payment processors are shitting on many different porn sites
>Site where people spend tens of thousands of dollars from whales to see Arbok coiling Toitsukaze has its own crypto that will be used as payment
>Lower MC than most pump and dump scam coins at 750k
>If US CC companies shit the bed on this site as they did with Fantia, DLsite, etc, this will likely start gaining a ton of traction
Take the skeb pill. At this price, it would be no surprise to see it easily go up to around a cent should the above scenario play out.
Sounds like a gritty to me
I don't believe that this has any involvement with Skeb and it's not uncommon for pump and dumps to appear as if they're associated with an actual company. I believe this also happened with Jasmy.
If you look at Skeb's website there's no mention of this shitcoin and it's in Japanese.

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