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How did we get here? Did WfM REALLY save the franchise?
It got plamo sales up and fresh eyes looking at Gundam, so it kind of did, unfortunately. God knows what this means for the future of Gundam -- lesbian Vtubers?
G-Shit faggots are delusional.
You seem to forget that Gundam is the most normie franchise from Japan. Even random popular youtubers know what Gundam is. If anything, stuff from G Witch is already forgotten at this point.
>Before G-Witch, Gundam has several giant statues
>After G-Witch, the most popular statue in the bunch has been decommissioned due to mysterious financial problems
Coincidence? I think not.
Normies know more about Justice Zgok meme than whatever happened in G Witch. Seed saved Gundam.
>Did WfM REALLY save the franchise?
No build fighters did, Gundam has been seeing massive growth throughout the 2010s.
Couldn't that be because AMAIM and Synduality bombed?
>iPhone tourist
Both of those shows got renewed for a sequel, so i don't think they bombed. Current Kyokai Senki is selling well with some budget reduction on top of that. Synduality has a spin off videogame. Atleast in Japan, they got some modest popularity to make Banrise putting them on life support.
I'm just joking about the statue. However, G Witch is like what happen when you blew more budget than necessary into a mediocre 7/10 project. Result might look good for outsiders, but inside the corporate office meeting, the result did not meet the expectation.
Build series is just a cheat code. Banrise reused bunch of old molds to cut corner and still make billions.
>Current Kyokai Senki is selling well
Lying is bad for you.
Yeah, you could definitely tell it was cancelled. It was probably going to be 39-50 episodes when they planned it but because they wasted too much budget on the first season (which was mostly SOL yuri antics), they cut it down to 24 and rushed to show all the mobile suits they had to in the second season. The yuri crowd didn't like the second season because "too much mecha", which indicates that if they want to make a Gundam for yuri fans, they need to do what """sci-fi""" shows like Mahoromatic did and keep the mecha stuff skin-deep and something that can be resolved in 40 minutes total. This should terrify you as to the future of Gundam -- we're going back to 2000s ecchi garbage but with a "safe, feminist, and progressive" skin this time. It also doesn't help that modern writers can't write war well -- IBO was mostly inspired by gangster movies.
>which was mostly SOL yuri antics
Such as?
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>Banrise reused bunch of old molds
As the series went on most of the molds have been original actually, or even updates of older molds which has lead to 1.5 releases of stuff like the Rick Dias.
I'm still sad we didn't get an HGCE Aegis yet though or an HG Exia revive.
This series is so weird, I thought it was full of shelf warmers. Is it stuff from the Obari-directed OVA that's selling out?
The school commercial thing, for one. You could hardly say it's yuri though since IBO and 00 had gayer side characters.
They do have new molds but that won't downplay the amount of old molds they have been using so far . It is a much more cost effective strategy than making bunch of new molds like G Witch only to sell somewhat similar amount.
Ah yes, the commercial for the company made to save the Aerial from being dismantled after three other companies fail to defeat it and try to scrap it though business means while Miorine spends most on the episode finding the old medical tech data of GUND that was scrubbed from public records. Totally SOL antics.
It's only "selling out" because they made so little of it because the main show sold so badly.
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Yeah, the kit line that was designed by Ebikawa and Yanase. It is still releasing new stuff and selling pretty well.
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>Is it stuff from the Obari-directed OVA that's selling out?
Not really
Anon, those were from the original tv show.
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>because they made so little of it
They are not P Bandai, anon. Also yes they are selling pretty well.
They don't have to be p-bandai to be made in limited stock. And they still are only doing well because not that much was made to avoid the shelf-warmer issue of the main show.
>I thought it was full of shelf warmers.
For Okuyama's designs, yes. They looked so goofy and weird.
>Sold out
More like retailers don't even bother stocking them
Anon, It is not like they only print 3 copies. You can even buy current Kyokai Senki kit from oversea. They have large enough quantity to be distributed around the world.
But that's true
Not very large apparently.
I think it created a good amount of WfM fans and only time will tell how much that translates to Gundam fans. I think some people aren't used to how the franchise tends to do different things for different fans. The Seed movie was for Seed fans, Hathaway movies are for Tomino UC fans, UC2 is for modern UC fans, etc.
I'm having several Kyokai Senki kit right here. Wow, so limited.
>I think some people aren't used to how the franchise tends to do different things for different fans.
The other reason is that most modern anime fans are used to studio's cranking out shows constantly.
Good for you, you got some of the limited supply.
You do know that toy companies print things when the retailers pre ordered the stock, right?
If Bandai wants to make limited stock, they would have put current Kyokai Senki kits into P Bandai instead of retail.
Thanks to Unicorn OVA 7, not build. Iron Blooded Orphans also sold pretty well in 2015-2016.
I feel like " modelkit fans" are still the most important fans because they actually support Banrise with money. Thinking a lesbian yas kween slay story can pay for all of those expenses is just delusional.
Nah, they knew people wouldn't pay more for them if they were p-bandai, so they made them limited retail.
Pretty much. The Proto Gouyo appears to be selling a lot better, given it looks way better than the actual literal toys from the TV show. It looks more like a war machine for a show about territorial disputes on the ground in a failed Japanese State. The setting is supposed to be a little more serious than space opera, but the mechs didn't match it in the TV show, but the ONA designs are way better
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>G-Shills coping over Seed Freedom mogging the shit outta them.
Not quite. IBO kits had a quite negative reception due to their poor quality and a large chunk of the line got discontinued with no reprint. Unicorn? Too many new molds, even if you count the color swaps.
>I think it created a good amount of WfM fans and only time will tell how much that translates to Gundam fans
Probably not a whole lot. The Aerial couldn't even beat the Unicorn in sales, which is why they had to qualify it by saying the Aerial had the most initial sales of any TV lead gundam.
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Love him or hate him, atleast Ebikawa knows how to provide a digestible design. I will pick him over Okuyama any day.
It is not easy to beat Unicorn. To the Japanese, it is one of the staple of the franchise and even has a giant statue for tourism.
>It is not easy to beat Unicorn
Lies, Unicorn is on of the worst selling gundams.
P Bandai is production by pre orders. It is a very safe strategy, which Bandai would have done that if current Kyokai Senki doesn't sell like what you are saying.
>IBO kits had a quite negative reception due to their poor quality
I want what you're smoking. IBO did extremely well for Bandai and the HG IBO series is the longest running continuous merchandise run of any gundam AU with retail releases every year from 2015 to 2022, that's not even counting the P-bandai releases, which continued into 2023. If the game movie comes out this year we might get 2 more releases, for the new Hajiroboshi form
Kyokai senki doesn't sell though. >>22636494
Anon, that chart shows the IBO period ( 2015 - 2017 ) literally stagnated the stable growth of the franchise and only got better once Build Divers Re Rise came out.
Kenbu Zan, Byakuchi, Jogan were from the original tv show. Protogouyo is not like those bitches and actually sells.
Bandai fiscal years start Q2 the previous year and ends the year it's labeled. So it's actually from 2016-2017, starting April 2015 and ending mar 31st 2017 for 2016 and 2017, which is when IBO ran for, starting october 2015 and ending april 2, 2017. So no, it wasn't IBO that broke the trend, it was actually Unicorn OVA 7 which came out april 2014, which would have fallen into FY2015, from April 2014 to april 2015. And that stable growth is just all Unicorn.

>Build Divers Re Rise came out.
No, until Narrative came out as a sequel to Unicorn.
No, they usually announce the full report in the next year, but the report still contain the data of its respective year and how much it made specifictly. That chart shows "annual sales", not "when financial report ".
I don't remember it having that many kits.
The 2015 FY revenue doesn't include IBO either way, whether you think it was only for 2014 or whether you think it goes from Q2 2014 to Q2 2015. But a fiscal year is just a 12 month period, it's not a literal year on the calendar. My company freezes hiring and projects into february while the accountants are continuously collecting and compiling data and trying to come up with new costs to tack on. A fiscal year doesn't end in december and different companies have different fiscal year periods.

Anyway, the 2016 on the graph is for Bandai's 2016 fiscal year, which covers most of 2015, not the calendar year of 2016. 2016 on that chart is what captures IBO's release, because the 2016 fiscal year reports earnings for most of the 2015 calendar year.
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The retard is just coping. There were 3 Narrative HGs released in 2019, Narrative C Pack, Silver Bullet and Phenex gold coating. There were several other AU kits and 8 Re Rise kits in 2019. Believe the tiny amount of Ntv kits can make the number spiked up that much is fucking delusional.
>My company
Not Bandai. Skip this argument.
>The 2015 FY revenue doesn't include IBO either way
Proof? Or it is just your schizo headcanon said so?
>Proof? Or it is just your schizo headcanon said so?
The 2015 FY report was literally made public on May 8, 2015. When did Iron Blooded Orphans start airing? Answer.
Re:Rise came out in October 2019 retard, it literally CANNOT be included in the 2019 fiscal year which ended March 2019.
Most of them already left now that it's not the current FOTM, also the hardcore yuri fans will never become fans of Gundam as a whole because they refuse to tolerate anything except yuri.
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There were several HG IBO released from october to december of 2015. It counts. You should remember that every year, there are big releases. IBO period had alot of big shots. In case you want to dismiss Build or Unicorn, IBO also had alot of factors that i can use to dismiss it.
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Bandai's fiscal years run from the previous year to the year the report is filed. December 2015 would fall into the 2016 fiscal year, because the 2016 report covers Q2, Q3, Q4 of 2015 and Q1 of 2016. The chart >>22636573
is just reporting the data from Bandai's fiscal years that Bandai reported in their annual financial reports. That means that 2015 on the chart is covering Q2 2014 through Q1 2015. December 2015, which falls into Q4 2015 is part of the 2016 fiscal year. Companies can't see into the future to make financial reports, they can only report a time period that has already passed.
>queer feminist
into the trash
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Ok, so that means, the 2018 collumn is the IBO season 2 ( ended in 2017 ) and the 2021 collumn is Re Rise season 2 ( ended in 2020 ). Got it!
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Then you do realize that Build Diver Re Rise's section is 2021, right? The 95 billion yen one since the show ended in 2020 and got financial reported in march 2021.
Ibo Season 2 ended on April 2 2017, most of it wouldn't have been captured in 2018, but in 2017, which runs up to March 31st of 2017. I really don't know how many more times I have to repeat how fiscal years work to you.

2020 was when lockdowns started and contributed greatly to sedentary hobbies and was fully covered in the 2021 fiscal year. If, and that's a big if, Re:rise was responsible for that big jump in revenue, then that means it also surpassed Unicorn. Can you prove that Re:rise is more popular and successful than Unicorn and it had nothing to do with the global lockdowns? I'm not claiming IBO surpassed Unicorn, but you are claiming Re:rise did.
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Oh so now you are arguing that Bandai didn't " capture" IBO season 2's numbers and blame the "Pandemic" for influencing hobby space. You might sound reasonable at first but now you are just trying to show you are an IBO faggot. Wake me up when Barbatos has a giant statue.
So you believe covid had nothing to do with stay-at-home hobbies doing exceptionally well?
You are speaking all of these mumbo jumbo without thinking that, i dunno, Gundam is a huge brand and Banrise sells more than just HG of their respective tv shows? For someone who is partially intelligent, you are strangely naive and retarded.
>Did WfM REALLY save the franchise?

It didn't save it. No new entry saves the franchise. They sustain the franchise by bringing in new fans which WfM inarguably did.

I've never seen dumb shit like what you posted but I have seen a bunch of people finish WfM and jump straight into 0079 and fall in love with Char.

>inside the corporate office meeting, the result did not meet the expectation.

We have actually financial reports and direct quotes from C-Suite officials saying that much of the strong growth in the gunpla sector was thanks to G-Witch sales specifically citing strong sales of the HG Aerial

You're very stupid.
>So you believe covid had nothing to do with stay-at-home hobbies doing exceptionally well?
People were losing their jobs during the time and had no disposable income. Most of stuff people bought during that era were food and fucking toilet paper instead of useless toys.
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Yap yap yap. Where is Barbatos's 20 meters tall statue?
The upper-middle-class people whose jobs moved online had lots of disposable income, and since they weren't going out to restaurants or on vacations, they bought stuff instead. The big AFOL set boom for Lego is a result of this. Before the lockdowns, the big trend in parenting was "give your kids experiences, not toys", but toy sales skyrocketed when all the kids had to stay at home.
So you also think that the game industry adding +20% to their revenue after years of slow growth is just because in 2020 everyone decided they loved games and had nothing to do with covid and lockdowns? Also, since I have to explain it every time I talk to you, this isn't a fiscal year report, this just an analyst's report on the game industry and is based on a calendar year.
I'm not that anon you fucking schizo

I fucking hate IBO
>We have actually financial reports and direct quotes from C-Suite officials saying that much of the strong growth in the gunpla sector was thanks to G-Witch sales
Is that why most G-Witch kits these days have been relegated to P-Bandai?
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>G-Witch did the bare minimum and Aerial sold well in a specific parameter.
P-Bandai is for generating maximum profit not sales. That's why all those PBs are existing kit + a few new runners or are flat out recolors like the Aerial Permet 6 and Calibarn Permet 5. The only "new" one is the expansion set for the Pharact, Michaelis, and Daribalde.
Interviews specifically say the 24 episode count was decided on before they had even finished drafting the plot, it definitely wasn't canceled and the only people who say that are the ones who want to pretend the writers were good and corporate just forced them to make a bad show

No, that's because the only things left are random grunts and expansion sets only hardcore fans will buy.
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G-Witch is fine, it made the company money. Don't know why people think it did the opposite.

People are convinced that Bandai has been lying about the show's success for some reason
Conspiracy rightoids think Blackrock investors are forcing Bandai to lie about WFM's success to push their gay liberal jewish agenda
>No, that's because the only things left are random grunts and expansion sets only hardcore fans will buy.
If the show was as popular as it’s been said to be then that’d be enough of the public to not restrict them to p-bandai, no?
I don’t think anyone can deny that it made money but as a long standing entry, the only thing it has going for it is lesbians and nothing else. It’s been so quickly swept under the rug that despite making money, it comes off as not having done as much good as they wanted it to.
G Gundam is the only series you can argue actually saved the franchise, everything else is your typical ebb and flow. Some people try to manufacture a crisis in the Gundam franchise so they can pretend their favorite series swooped in and saved the day. These same type of people may or may not try and rig twitter polls to make their series more seem ubiquitous than it really is.
I call these types of people "troons", which is shorthand for transgender goon.
>Both of those shows got renewed for a sequel
One is an ONA with only 6 10 minute-long episodes, the other is a second season that was planned from the start.
Weebs don't realize nips see the gay liberal jewish agenda as hip and cool, another evidence of how advance the west is compared to Japan. WfM is pretty much following the western trend
No, People are just seeing through other outlets overinflating the show's success.

The specific wording on Aerial's selling tells me plenty that it didn't sell as well as others hyped it up to. Not that Aerial didn't sell.

G-Witch did fine, but it's pretty clear that Bandai's focus was on Seed Freedom. It's not gonna hang around like to the degree IBO has.
Bandai's strategy right now seems to be making a bunch of a successful series' later products P-Bandai exclusives to maximize profits. They've been doing this for Kamen Rider, which currently has a considerable portion of its toyline as P-Bandai exclusives compared to the failing Super Sentai.

And if you look around, you'll see that more and more kits from other Gundam shows also end up as P-Bandai exclusives, so it's not just G-Witch.
>The specific wording on Aerial's selling tells me plenty that it didn't sell as well as others hyped it up to
What and whose's wording?
Remember to lift with your back when moving the goalpost. Enjoy the (you)
>It’s been so quickly swept under the rug that despite making money, it comes off as not having done as much good as they wanted it to.

>Bandai Hobby Still making kits
>Tamashii Nations making MORE figures than when it originally aired

I hate IBO, doesn't mean I have to be retarded and act like it didn't sell well.
Buddy, I didn't set the goalpost you speak of.
They've just gotten better at predicting what will sell well at retail and what will shelfwarm. For the most part I think they nailed it finally.
Judging by the Dengeki Hobby best-seller rankings, seems like a bunch of the other kits were doing well too, especially Calibarn.
At least for Rider, they've also purposefully made stuff that will definitely sell well as campaign and P-Bandai exclusives. Their practices are getting increasingly jewy.
I'm clearly just talking about the Aerial and the Aerial is at #12.

I don't deny that the line did fine, but I am dubious about it being an overall gangbuster or it was the main Gundam doing a hard carry into it doing it's job.
I need to see the source for this image because this feels like bait.
>If the show was as popular as it’s been said to be then that’d be enough of the public to not restrict them to p-bandai, no?
Selling people random grunts and variants in a fomo manner is precisely why P bandai exists anon
SEED and The Origin saved Gundam
>the absolute STATE of G-Shitters
More like Gundam SEETHE.
>modern writers can’t write war well
Most likely, the only major conflicts the writers had any frame of reference for are Iraq and Afghanistan where fixed battles were very uncommon and asymmetric counter-insurgencies being the norm.

Ukraine is really the only major conflict happening at the moment. So give it time and we may see some of that influence seep over.
But only weird fans like to buy grunt kits, and they can make more money off those fans through P-Bandai. New character figures are still being made for general retail (though I’m not sure if they’ll keep doing that since they’re out of really prominent girls after Nika)
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They have at least one more.
The wording seems pretty clear? It sold more than all other TV main Gunpla during their airings, but not as much as Unicorn. But that isn’t even really a hedge because Unicorn “aired” over a period of like six years so it’s not comparable.

Also it almost certainly will get supported as much as IBO. IBO hasn’t really been getting that much support.

The Aerial is at #12 because it came out in 2022, so a large chunk of its sales are going to be missing from a list that’s specifically covering sales in 2023.
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>Check 2022 rankings.
>Aerial is at 13.
>Absolutely mogged by the Entry Grade Nu Gundam at 1.

> It sold more than all other TV main Gunpla during their airings

How much more did they have to spend on marketing in order to achieve that though? Not to weigh in either way, because it could have been a normal amount, we just don't know.
Does it even need to be based on a real-life war? I know that's been the norm since SEED, but they're really limiting themselves if they can't use their imaginations more. I've come up with several war-like Gundam premises myself, and I don't follow IRL wars.
>I've come up with several war-like Gundam premises myself, and I don't follow IRL wars.
Such as? I'm interested. G-Witch really disappointed me with its scenario.
Oh look, the single braincell in the entire thread!

>Interviews specifically say the 24 episode count was decided on before they had even finished drafting the plot

That and devising story arcs that should never been touched if not taken seriously (corporate dystopia that turned Earth into a slum world, everything about Mercury, and Delling and Nortrette) are what made me sour on WfM in my eyes.
One and two cour are the standard in anime. If they can't develop a story along those constrains, then fuck off. Bandai will never allow a garbAGE to ever happen again.
Probably depends on the series comparison, a few Gundam series even had game tie ins either during or prior to the anime's airing, Aerial only really got featured in one arcade game while S1 got aired iirc, and only got put into other games after S1 ended

Then why didn't they even try?
One is where life on Earth is awful and life in space (in both colonies and planets) is marketed as an amazing paradise, and the elites of space take advantage of this to draft unwitting Earthlings into their brutal space wars (sort of like Narutaru). The other premise I've come up with is that the authorities fully fell for the "[insert timeline's superhuman] are the future" bait and put these superhumans in many positions of authority, but it's discovered over the course of the series that the superhumans aren't the answer and that regular humans have their strengths too.
Those sound boring as shit.
The real killer is that all these arcs sound amazing and they would have been great if they treated them properly. But that didn't happen because we can't take the focus off our bland space lesbians!

Had we not given up on 50 episodes because of AGE, just have Suletta and Miorine be dragged in al of those story arcs (you explore the post-Drone War world WHILE keeping the yuri fans satisfied).
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(>>22637196 here, not >>22637231, who's an asshole)
>One is where life on Earth is awful and life in space (in both colonies and planets) is marketed as an amazing paradise, and the elites of space take advantage of this to draft unwitting Earthlings into their brutal space wars (sort of like Narutaru).
That premise reminds me a bit of this trilogy I'm reading. The big question is, who are they fighting? Are the wars kept a secret from the populace?
Its kind of a misplaced complaint anyways since Suletta and Miorine's relationship took a backseat to almost every plotline that popped up in S2, only really at the end does it actually become important
>The other premise I've come up with is that the authorities fully fell for the "[insert timeline's superhuman] are the future" bait and put these superhumans in many positions of authority, but it's discovered over the course of the series that the superhumans aren't the answer and that regular humans have their strengths too.
It could work, depending on how "super" are these transhumans compared to your regular homo sapiens, and which positions of power they hold. I'm thinking of the backstory for IBO, with the descendants of the Gundam pilots from the Calamity War becoming Earth's hegemons for centuries.
The wars are kept secret from Earthlings because the battles take place in space, and they'd be fighting an ideologically-opposed faction based in space. The first faction keeps these wars secret because most people had already left the Earth sphere to escape the fighting, so to keep a fresh supply of soldiers they have to trick people into drafting.
>so to keep a fresh supply of soldiers they have to trick people into drafting.
You really should keep up with some recent news, then

>It's not a frontline infantry post, just shooting rockets from a distance!
>You aren't firing a rifle, it's just digging trenches and concrete defenses!
>It's a lot of money, and you only have to drive a truck to the supply post!
Are we sure those WfM fans are young people though? WfM basically kicked young female viewers in the face when Guesule crashed and Suletta's cuteness appeal to the same old 40 something guys buying gunplas rather than a mainstream taste
Lots of young women liked WFM for "strong diverse """de-sexualized""" female protagonists". You'd be surprised how many women like kawaii/moe characters since they like cuteness and they think anime is inherently kawaii/moe.
SEEDbros keep winning.
>Lots of young women liked WFM for "strong diverse """de-sexualized""" female protagonists"
Those are in the west, not Japan except for some unfortunate cases but even then, those cases aren't into anime because Japan is the land of conformism so when something doesn't appeal to them, nips prefer to drop it rather than trying to change it.

>You'd be surprised how many women like kawaii/moe characters since they like cuteness and they think anime is inherently kawaii/moe.
The kawaii aesthetic born in shoujo after all but moe as we know it today is too related to smelly otakus for girls to get into it, with some exceptions like K-on or Love Live but even then they're a side-audience at best
It still takes you over 1 hour to watch entire Ultra Steel Ogre ONA. Pretty much a spin off movie.
Always have been. The newer politically correct crap have no chances againts the classic.
Suletta appeals to those stinky unshaved faggots who are still watching mahou shoujo genre. No one truly cares about her "empowerment". All they care is yuri shipping faggotry and moe.
>Lots of young women liked WFM for "strong diverse """de-sexualized""" female protagonists".
Both yumes and fujos watched it for Guel first and anything else second though.
SuleMio was a sideship for a subset of fujos at best.
Unless by young women you meant western queers, then yes, you'd be correct, those mentally ill fucks love everything yuri.
>SuleMio was a sideship for a subset of fujos at best.
Are you dumb? Fujos don't care about yuri in the slightest.

Stupid question: what's the status of Gundam as a whole at >>>/y/? I won't go there even if you paid me to do so
I don't understand why WfM wasn't shoujo gundam. It was the logical next step to having a female MC. Maybe Sunrise was too afraid of alienating male viewers
Plenty of fujos are lesbians themselves and there's lots of yuri made by/for lesbians.
Yeah, probably. It's quite disgraceful that they made the female protagonist a moe blob and let the most interesting character be Guel.
>there's lots of yuri made by/for lesbians.
I am aware. It's fucked up shit.
>Fujos don't care about yuri in the slightest.
There's some overlap in audiences of BL and female oriented (non-moe) yuri and girls in general are more accepting of this stuff.
You'd be mostly correct to say that the main reason for them to support it would be to bring more legitimacy for their boys ships.
Because the staff wouldn't be able to pull it off and they certainly wouldn't invite anyone like Okada for example after IBO.
I blame Love Live, personally.
Pretty sure Fujos are sitting pretty thinking Guel is going to fuck his brother eventually
>It was the logical next step to having a female MC
Might as well be an argument against having a female MC in the first place. Mecha has never been successful with girls and it never will.
Mecha was VERY successful with girls, since, like, Grendizer at least.
Sure, they are mostly into hot guys (or shotas depending on the demographic), so having a female MC is retarded indeed, but still.
Yeah getting its sales split across two years absolutely fucks up the attempt to chart its sales

I didn't see more marketing for it than usual, it got a few videos and that's it. If anything it's undermarketed compared to other gundams because of how much promotional stuff just focuses on the girls
>One and two cour are the standard in anime
Only recently. They're only the standard now because its cheaper production. 50 episode series used to be far more common.

Would it have been expensive to do two cours of 25 episodes like 00 and IBO?

If we do get an Ad Stella sequel, that should be it?
Honestly, the less G Witch crap, the better.
Out of all the criticisms that I've heard about SEED, this is the most retarded one I've seen yet.
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G-Witch made money, Seed Freedom made money and even if those two flopped the Gundam franchise would have been fine.
Let's be real, Gundam is not some sort of dying franchise like Super Sentai. It got too big to fail at this point. If things gone sour, fuck it, just reuse old molds to cut production cost and put them in Build series.
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Or Shaddiq
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They already drew that
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When I went to Japan like two weeks ago it seemed like there was a good amount of WfM stuff, but nobody I saw was buying it. People just wanted SEED kits.

Also a lot of G-Witch merch is like acrylic stands and T-shirts and stuff and like less traditional Gundam merchandise. I can't explain it well. It is easier to find a shirt with Suletta on it than Char at this point, but you can buy 9000 Char Gunpla kits. A lot of really cool non-gunpla UC merch went wayside once the Gundam cafe in Akiba closed.
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FYI the best Gundam merch I saw in Japan besides a $300 Master Asia jacket were these Haro plushies that were too big for my carry on.
In retrospect I'm a little mad that I wasn't a Gundam fan in 2019 when I went. The exclusive gunpla shit alone that I didn't know the value of that I could've gone for, but didn't. It haunts me like the force ghost of an indian lady haunting my dreams.
>Feminist gundam
that's a stretch when Guel is still the best character
How isn't Zeta feminist when it has men and women in equal combat roles?
It is not feminism when women can equally die along with men. Feminism, not Equalism.
>Multiple characters talk about how awful it is for women to have to be soldiers, how it isn't their place
>All of the women in the show are retards
>Some of the women are ACTUAL retards
No, they do no.
If they appealed to young women they would had made female-ordered merch of commercial collaboration with brands aimed at women.
The only sucessful "female-aimed" merch was the character perfumes, but the only relevant thing was guel's perfume going sold out on pre-order, the cafe was kind of a flop because had two items and no original merch to sell along with.
Fujos are still making doujinshi and organizing events for him and his ships (mostly with his brother and the terrorist guy).
Some of the men are actual retards too? Are YOU an actual retard confusing characters being unlikeable with bad writing again?
last big doujinshi event athrun/cagalli had 89 circles, and i think is a pretty good number after the movie released and might increase over time.
on the other hand gwitch if it's not for comiket, it's as usual guel hegemony
Is the GOAT skirt-tsuki still making doujin?
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Dude you honest to fucking God need to go outside and touch some fucking grass I am not even being funny in the slightest you schizophrenic freak
>Bikini Yukari isn't allowed
The P3 remake came out like three months ago.
Do u think Yawata(Disney plus exec)'s word will affect all anime including non Disney+ jail ones?
Well it objectively didn't affect that, considering it came out and had the exact thing in it your image said it couldn't have.
But dame dame 8 and P3R got fucked up by localization.
I meant for upcoming animes. I worry if TV animes will be affected by Yawata's word including ones are not disney+ exclusive.
Well maybe your image shouldn't show things getting banned that clearly weren't.
But Demon king misfit got Sasha and Misha's swimsuit censored as gender neutral burkini(long sleeved zipup shirt+pants) from Bikinis in LN while Anos and bois still wear boomerang pants due to SDGs.
Then put those in your image.
Or Olcott
Or El0n
Guel was truly the ship bicycle of the series
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Don't u feel betrayed like Shinn Asuka who believed Zaft as based but betrayed by Dullindal's destiny plan which is literal wokism in cosmic era after Yawata the exec of Disney plus announced to make all upcoming animes to comply on woke standard? Japanese anime is dead. Korea and China never kneels to wokism for having 5000 years of history. Korea is like Compass, China is like orb.
While Japan is like Foundation. Kishida as Aura, Kawakami as Orphee, Inada Tomomi as Shura, and Takaichi as Ingrid. Destiny plan=SDGs.
>"mysterious financial problems"
>contract just simply ended
Stop being autistic anon
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While IBO is not woke and more like right wing which glorifies war.
SEED Freedom's financial success off ticket sales alone seems to have been what pushed Bandai to straight-up walking back on their old statements to never revisit AUs again, and instead start capitalizing on select successful AUs, such as SEED, and possibly 00 and IBO.
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Is seed freedom anti-woke agenda? Athrun is literally alt right coomer who is balding. Fukuda is anti-woke since he is netouyo. Fukuda would oppose on Disney plus exec, Yawata's word. Will Tomino agree on Yawata?
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>guy ranting about how the Moonies are taking away bikinis in anime again on the giant robot board
What a time to be alive.
Are Moonies involved in USA too?
>bikinilad taking a dump in the gbitch spammers
He might not be so bad after all.
IBO's mobileshit game is getting an anime adaptation I believe
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Yawata, exec of Disney plus announced DE(st)I(ny) plan on anime to get rid of bikinis from anime. It is national authority level of Policy,
It's humorous that it wasn't successful enough to make it to the intended ending, but not enough of a failure to just shutter like most other Gundam mobile games. So the next best option was to just animate it and somehow adapt hours worth of content into a coherent anime.
At least maybe we'll get kits of all 72 gundams this time, and probably will actually make more money instead of only drawing in viewers.
For some reason bandai has high standards for their mobile games even though they're all pretty low budget looking. Gundam is never going to do waifu gacha numbers unless they make a waifu gacha, which sunrise obviously doesn't want to do looking at how frumpy most of the female characters are, except Lacus in the GSF.
Is Meiryn being ugly in seed freedom due to wokism? She looks like 40 spite being 17. She makes Suletta looks cuter.
Watching you twist and squirm to try and find some reason why HG Aerial's success isn't genuine is truly something. What do you gain, where did life go so wrong for you .
>50 episodes because of AGE
You fucking retard, IBO got 50.

The issue is industry wide. Decades of low wages and poor working conditions along with the exponential growth of new anime new after year have done this. God damn you're stupid.
/Y/ had better, more thoughtful and coherent discussions than /m/ ever did while WfM was airing.

This board is truly brain dead and is full of gunpla faggots and /pol/tardd
>Breaker Mobile had multiple qt pilots prime for waifuing
>only tried to do a limited swimsuit ver. gacha once in four years
>no other holiday costume gachas ever attempted
they aren't ready for the waifu big leagues
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Make that three.
These two could even get p-bandais for the school uniforms. That seems like a real bandai move.
You are right, you should leave while you still can.
I mean when you compare the climate wfm came out in…is that not enough to already give it a boost? It’s a show coming off of covid when a lot of people got into gunpla/gundam and anime as a whole is far more main stream combined with cute girls. It’s definitely successful but not because the show was good. It just capitalized on specific trends that many consumers were into including being a pretty decent snap build.

>You fucking retard, IBO got 50.

Fifty episodes in one cour. Each cour for 00 and IBO was 25 episodes each. Though I agree with you that because of how the industry's changed, we'll never get 50 episodes, 2 cours of 25 episodes or not. We need something to go back to that and it turned out, counting on WfM to revolutionize that was a mistake I made.
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>which sunrise obviously doesn't want to do looking at how frumpy most of the female characters are, except Lacus in the GSF.
I do think they want to dosome of that, given the girls from Arsenal Base, UC Engage, Code Fairy, etc.
Honestly, with a bit of tweaking G-Witch could've been Blue Archive but instead of guns everyone just had mobile suits. So maybe more like that muvluv gacha.
>UC Engage, Code Fairy
They're ugly
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Not really, but you're free to think that.
>actual, distinct appealing designs
Compare that to the brown gbitch blobs, grim how the same franchise could have such disparity but thank god it flopped.
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>Compare that to the brown gbitch blobs
Who are you trying to convince besides yourself?
WfM was never going to be what did it. 2 24 cour shows exist but they largely are only given to something that will succeed in a large way and will be able to continue at such a pace constantly. It’s not going to be given to a new ip which just means AUs are most likely screwed unless there is just that much faith behind the show itself, the additional sidestories it produces, and of course the gunpla sales. Its not going to be given out to something that’s merely good enough.
Yuck, I hope they fired the intern that thought those designs were fine.
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Please tell me I'm not looking at a Twitter post. Surely we haven't fallen that low.
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You're free to be gay, but I'd rather you get from around here while you do it.
>Tomino is Anti-Woke
Tomino literally had staff members quit because he made Guin gay You stupid fuck. He's talked about his racist feelings and how he worked to undo them. The dude is a huge wife guy. Neck yourself
>not woke

>Openly gay characters
>Not woke

Woke really doesn't fucking mean anything huh. You don't even know what it's supposed to mean. Don't you feel shame in being an empty minded parrot?
No. I'm going to kill you with hammers.
Keep tying knots in your little noodle brain and your going to cut off the oxygen and have a stroke

Least unhinged gbitch "fan".
>he made Guin gay
You're leaving a few details out. He made Guin a gay groomer who tried to gaslight a teenage boy into trooning out.
Nah you are just an obtuse faggot.
Get out of the house you fat loser
there's a difference from having one note operators like almost every Gundam game does, and taking the steps to turn them into waifu bait

I cant think of any game that actually tried to make waifu mascots since Gundam Card Builder, who started out by asking Mine Yoshizaki to make to qts for the game
>OVA is nothing but fanservice
First anime, huh?
Female hands made these posts.
>Fifty episodes in one cour
You absolute idiot, you don't know what a cour is or means
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>he thinks feminism is about equality
There's a few female characters in Zeta that tick all the boxes but that doesn't matter. If you allude to reality a single time feminists will never forgive you for it.
That's why you still get people bitching about Zeta because it's depiction of women wasn't flattering enough.
The opinion of westerners is irrelevant because it is always the wrong opinion.
Woke is about writing in characters of certain identities and plot points for the sake of political activism, through the representation of minority groups as virtuous and powerful and straight white males and malicious or ignorant. Tomino doesn't see art as just a means to make political gains - so he isn't woke, Gundam isn't woke, and non Western media is rarely woke.
Woke is Judaism
"Woke" has a legal definition: https://www.fox13news.com/news/what-does-woke-mean-gov-desantis-officials-answer-during-andrew-warren-trial

On the other hand, this is utterly subjective post-modernist Calvinball.
>Ron Desantis defines woke
Can you provide a non-biased source? I'm not trying to start a fight or be rude, I would just like a non-biased source of info please.
Why does this board hate Witch so much anyway? It doesn't feel like a natural hate, it feels like the kind born out of a totally unrelated mental illness and people are just fixating on the show by circumstance.
It brought a ton of secondaries who only watched it because twitter and tumblr gay memes so people here feel the need to shit on it to make it clear that they're not tourists. It's retarded but here we are.
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I drink black coffee. I make pour over coffee that I buy from whole beans that I grind every other morning.

Now imagine watching others drink Starbucks, and the people who like Starbucks coming up to me and going "I love coffee just like you! Starbucks got me into coffee!"
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In such a situation, I would go "I'm glad you're enjoying it." because I am not insane.
Bro dead ass said

>Ewww girls

Actual kissless virgin behavior. Beyond pathetic.
wrong, Suletta is cute and she appeals to me (also cute)
It is more like: Your favourite and familiar black coffee brand introduced a queer feminist-type of coffee. Then some newfags love this new flavour and claim people who doesn't like the new flavour as homophobic and sexist. You cannot criticize the new flavour, despite how it objectively mediocre and overrated.
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NTA, but where do you think we are?
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I can't be glad for people who like slop. Like if I see you consuming junk like McDonald's and I can't be happy for you. WfM is cheap junk. I get that you like it, but it isn't GOOD.
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That's your problem, not anybody else's.
Your post might have some weight behind it, if not for the fact that your response to the show was literally to bitch and moan that it had homos and women in major roles - everything they are saying about you is true by your own admission, and you can't be reasonably assumed to be making a valid criticism of the show when you already hate it by principle.
I get that, but you asked why people hate WfM. That's my reason. It's a fucking awful mediocre show that people treat like it's this fucked over masterpiece, and I have to share a fandom with those people.

I'm glad people went on to watch actual good Gundam after, but it sucks that you had to eat Olive Garden before you got to an actual Tuscan meal.
Bitch i have more obscure yaoi manga than your regular stinky fujoshi. It is not that i hate G Witch's story content because it has carpet muncher and YAS KWEEN SLAY in it. Gundam doesn't need such thing. And on top of that, even the Gundam mechs don't look like Gundam anymore, might as well dismiss these new gen shows as something else entire.
>Tomino doesn't see art as just a means to make political gains

Tomino literally made G-Reco to show the foolishness of Japanese remilitarization efforts.

Tomino said he felt defeated when making the Zeta movies because it didn't stop Japan from changing their constitution to allow for more military growth.

To imply Tomino is right wing is to say you don't know shit about the man and have the media literacy of a star wars youtuber
Normal people who were properly socialized as children would say "Cool, if you like X you should definitely try Y"

Instead of being a pathetic faggot
I'm gonna be honest with you, chief. I'm so sick of Tomino and everything about him. Okawara has more credits in making Gundam popular than Tomino ever wished to be.
And normal people who were properly socialized as children wouldn't hang out on fucking 4chan to begin with what is your point you mouthbreather?
Hi AkumatsuT!
So we're never getting 50-episode Gundam again unless it's a SEED Astray/Crossbone adaptation?
I like some of the G-Witch mecha but Aerial looks like that thing from Valvrave. Speaking of Valvrave, the biggest issue with G-Witch is that it's a classic trainwreck mecha show like Aldnoah.Zero and Valvrave, except people are insisting it's an amazing Gundam show rather than a cheap way for Sunrise to appeal to moe/yuri fans.
I know a guy who is an autistic Transformers/Thomas/Gundam collector and has a double digit body count and has had multiple long time GFs.

With how normalized anime has become being a weeb is no longer an excuse.
>why people hate WfM
Yeah people. Not deeply insecure freaks that use arbitrary niche interests as a way to claim superiority over complete strangers.

Get help
>arbitrary niche interests
You mean Gundam? The same arbitrary niche interest we supposedly both share?
>Okawara has more credits in making Gundam popular than Tomino

Just say your a Gunpla only faggot and that you don't actually engage with he franchise outside of your dolls.
You're such a sad little freak, instant turnabout and denial of the praise you yourself gave the instant it clicked in your head Tomino wasn't the fantasy you'd imagined him to be.
Yeah except I engage with it because I enjoy it. Not to delude myself into believing I'm better than other people I've never met.
>instant turnabout and denial of the praise you yourself gave the instant it clicked in your head Tomino wasn't the fantasy you'd imagined him to be.
I watched CCA movie and instantly knew he was a faggot from day 1. His stuff is just not good even before i know more about him as a person.
I don't think I'm better than strangers. Just G-Witch fans who I KNOW like shit.
>Gunpla only faggot
Yes i am. And i don't fucking care about these gay anime. I enjoy Okawara, Ebikawa, Yanase and to some extend, Wataru Inada.
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Uh huh, sure anon, that's why you were harping on about
>T-Tomino isn't woke!! He's against all the things I hate!
bullshit 10 minutes ago. You already made a fucking fool of yourself, you should just stop posting.
>With how normalized anime has become being a weeb is no longer an excuse.
And it never should have been normalized. We're in this mess of constant G-Witch slapfighting because the majority of the new blood are ironic fans obsessed with being "weebs/anime nerds", "mid vs peak", "taste", and 3x3s. They don't care about quality because they don't actually like anime and they're only interested in it to feel special, so they like G-Witch purely for being something popular in a fanbase that's niche within the "anime community", even though if G-Witch came out 10 years earlier it would be as hated as something like Star Driver, AGE, or Aldnoah.Zero. These G-Witch secondaries will never develop an actual taste for mecha outside what they think will impress people online. If anime was still uncool, we'd have higher quality discussion rather than these stupid slapfights because the fans wouldn't care about looking more impressive/enlightened than each other. We'd have *gasp* actual discussions about the stories and characters from an in-universe perspective! I swear, this idiocy makes /m/'s old spammers like Clawshrimpy and even Duel look like model posters.
Prove it. Show me somebody who started with Witch and is saying that it's the only good Gundam so they won't bother watching any others. Find me the person. And don't just drop a burner Twitter account of yours with zero likes or retweets as "proof"
Go back to fucking reddit then
I've seen multiple people of Twitter start with GWitch and move onto 0079. You can't even get Gunpla tards to do that
Sorry to disappoint you, anon, but i don't even care about his personal political views or how he has a half white grandson. He is a faggot because his works is all barks but no bites, non stop yapping with no substance.
I unironically enjoy tranny shits and can show you my bookmarks and stuff i bought if you are curious. I'm more left leaning than you could ever wanted.
ESL making /m/ a shithole, what a surprise.
That's not at all what I said. Plenty of the G-Witch people will get into other Gundam and mecha shows, but again, it will all be ironic and they'll be going through the motions of enjoyment to look cool online because they're now "Gundam nerds". Maybe some genuine fans will come of G-Witch -- I've seen a couple of genuine long-time Gundam fans who liked G-Witch, so it's not impossible -- but they will be in the minority. If you care about this board and community, this should scare you.
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Do you ever wonder if this dude having constant spergouts over Witch is the exact same one as the guy who kept calling IBO "felcher gundam"?
Faggotry lead to another faggotry. No surprise.
>but again, it will all be ironic and they'll be going through the motions of enjoyment to look cool online because they're now "Gundam nerds"
So you're saying EXACTLY what I said you were, and you're trying to doublethink yourself into imagining you're smart.
Is your back sore from moving the goalposts? You said that they'll NEVER watch any other Gundam/mecha, which I didn't say in any of my posts. I just said they may watch it, but ironically and insincerely.
>the guy who kept calling IBO "felcher gundam"?
That was Duel, pretty sure. Not the same guy.
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When it's not the spics, it's the SEAnigs. Can never catch a break these days.
That is you literally admitting I'm correct that they'll go on to watch other Gundams, but still trying to convince yourself it "doesn't really count" as watching them and can pretend your false assertion was right.
Gundam is like, you watched 1 show, you watched them all. Boring shits.
Shinsengumi gundam.
Why so worked up? It’s a legitimate factor to consider when you talk about how something sells. Climate surrounding its release plays a huge part in what is expected/achievable.
Have you seen mainstream "anitwt" or anime subreddits or "anime Tiktok" or big anime Youtubers? They're all ironic fans obsessed with throwing buzzwords at one another and impressing one another. The fact that the biggest anime Youtuber is freaking Gigguk speaks volumes. He's so obviously fake, yet people think he's a good source for anime discussion.
>"Grifters exist! That means everyone who's ever watched this show is a fake!"
That's totally unrelated to the discussion, anon.
It’s incredibly rare that we do even in that circumstance. The best thing anyone can hope for in this environment is the return of OVAs cause that’s the only way we’re getting any longer stories told with the industry as it is.
75% of new fans ARE grifters and fakes, though. And I didn't say "anyone ever"; I said that there are some genuine fans of the show who are also genuine Gundam fans, but these aren't the majority.
Gunpla only people is the true Gundam because they are actually faithful to the brand, unlike anime fans who watch one show then forget it the momment the next show comes out.
If OVAs returned, they would be direct-to-Netflix, which is never good. But if it resulted in another Konpeki no Kantai or LOGH where it's several episodes released over several years, I would be happy. It seems they're doing that with that new Junji Ito anime; hopefully it will inspire more high-quality, long-wait shows.
The people who do that tend to be the ones who will call previous gundams boring or mid and laud wfm as being the peak of the series in everything from animation to characters to sound and mech design etc etc. The issue people have with wfm “fans” is they say that kind of thing and genuinely mean it. It’s a different kind of faggotry than some gundam fag jumping from newest entry to newest entry declaring the most recent one the best and all others bad. There is a genuineness that permeates their belief about their shows own superiority and they only watch older gundams so they can further go “g-witch definitely took this old theme from zeta and did it so much more justice” as if it is the pinnacle of every gundam ever and they will mean it.
Honestly, OVA nowadays have more nigga tranny slops than corpo anime stuff. This is the modern world we are living in now. I think it is time to move on from story-based hobby and go on to physical hobby. Buying the modelkits, merchandises, read books and play sports, etc...It is much healthier for us.
They look generic as fuck.
They are better than Code fairy designs. BUt the best girls are from Build fighters and 00.
They’re actually doing that somewhat with the new LOGH:DNT. I think that format has its place but it’s not ever going to be able to replace what was lost. The wait means that unless they can keep merchandising or they have a way to keep it in people’s minds, something like guncafe with its events, the fall off over time is going to be rough.
No one claimed Tomino was right wing though you should go read his Zeta interviews where he is pro gender essentialism and thinks that women being in the military is bad for them emotionally, lol). Having a political message in your work isn't the same as only making art for the sake of pushing that message. Also, "wokeness" is about positive representation for minority groups and "inclusivity" as a primary goal of making art - views on actual national geopolitical issues like remilitarization have nothing to do with it at all.
They both look like absolute shit
Ahh here it is. This is what Zeta is about.

"Women are fundamentally unable to become pilots because their nature is aligned with preservation.

This inherent inclination is also a primary element of survival, and women have no reprieve from this role.

Once born as a female, even if her nature deviates from its natural course, women will either assume this role or yearn for it.

This puts women on equal footing with men.

Women aspire to be equal with men in stature. This aspiration is what separates women from men.

We won’t be debating the validity of this aspiration.

At the same time, it is because of these women that the men, as pilots, are able to face their deaths.

Accordingly, these women serve an important role in conveying what it means to be a pilot.

Women aspire to convey the hopes and desires that will be inherited by their children, and future pilots.

This is the primitive expression of the “species.”

This is a future when this natural course has become warped…

This is the age of “Zeta Gundam”, and the pilots who lived in this era."

Tomino is someone who likes a lot of leftist ideals, especially environmentalist ideals, but hates leftism as an ideology, which breaks people's brains. If his work has one political message, it's that all extremist ideologies, even the ones that have a morally correct foundation, are just tools that power-hungry individuals use to control people, and anyone who says they have the answers to life's problems doesn't have your best interests at heart. It's a viewpoint that's disillusioned with the idea that revolutions ever really succeed in anything besides simply changing who the oppressors are, and historically speaking, there's not really any evidence that he's wrong.
No wonder he felt frustrated while working on this show lmao. The most popular thing came out of these shows are exaggerated manifestation of masculinity aka giant hulking robots, meanwhile mommyboy Tomino wanted to tell stories about YAS KWEEN SLAY. What a fucking cuck.
He is wrong about everything, though. The concept of "goody twoshoes will give us better future" is fucking delusional.
Yes - Tomino is anti ideology and fairly critical of large political institutions .A Japanese boomer's views aren't going to fit into neat categories defined by terminally online western zoomer political squabbling, that's my point. Tomino isn't woke or anti-woke, he's not part of that conversation.
>meanwhile mommyboy Tomino wanted to tell stories about YAS KWEEN SLAY.


>Women are fundamentally unable to become pilots because their nature is aligned with preservation.

>This inherent inclination is also a primary element of survival, and women have no reprieve from this role.

>Once born as a female, even if her nature deviates from its natural course, women will either assume this role or yearn for it.

Gen Z can't read.
He made several stories that dismissed these points, you fucking mongoloid.
You're literally gen z perm zoomer cut jew style black cube on head
Like what? "Women have stopped being mothers, and men have let it happen" Brain Powerd? Victory Gundam? Where a genocidal dictatorship uses resentiment against patriarchy as justification to dominate people and all the female pilots are either insane, die, or are redeemed by being pregnant? G-Reco where Mani follows Luin no matter how wrong he is and the one notable enemy female ship commander takes down her whole ship in a suicidal frenzy over her teenaged boy lover?
>Can you provide a non-biased source?
There's a direct quotation. What more do you want?

Ron Desantis didn't define woke, but his high-powered legal team did. As far as I can tell, their definition hasn't been challenged in court, so it represents the best American conservative thought has to offer on the matter.
Hell let's consider Turn A? Who continually makes combat needless erupt due to personal pettiness and puts everyone at risk, more than anyone else?. Sochie and Poe. And this is the same show where a brown gay man abuses his political power to make a minor act out his sexual fetish.

Tomino is pro environmentalist, against millitarism, but not at all politically correct when it comes to gender and sexuality. He manages to trigger both sides on that.
This is definetly gynocentrism, and while there's a lot of overlap with feminism they aren't the same thing. I guess that's where people are getting tripped up.
The whole point of Zeta is that giving women formal equality, like equal roles in male dominated institutions, won't alter the essential differences between the sexes, and a bunch of new tensions and issues will arise from it. Which we constantly see in Zeta with characters like Reccoa and Fa - and even Emma, she wanted to just be a soldier, but the Raddish chose to sacrifice themselves for "Miss Emma" their words - they still saw her as a woman until the end. "Equal is dignity but unequal in role" isn't really gynocentrism.
Nice digits. It's the particular role being given to women that has me convinced.
>Accordingly, these women serve an important role in conveying what it means to be a pilot.
>Women aspire to convey the hopes and desires that will be inherited by their children, and future pilots
The idea that women form the bedrock of every soldier's mentality/value system is about as close as you can get to the definition of gynocentrism while still keeping the story about the soldiers themselves. I'm not saying there aren't other themes that are more central to the story, but this type of thing isn't rare in Gundam.
Oh ok - so it's not about gynocentric political domination - but more so "women being able to nurture the next generation is our reason to fight" - that's 100% a Tomino kind of view. It's the benevolent service oriented aspect of patriarchy.
>hates leftism as an ideology

He has never said that. He's said he doesn't like Marxists/Communists (and even then he was referencing some edgelords in college) but that isn't leftism. That's one specific ideology, you mental midget
Maybe they should have tried by reviving Mai-Hime/Mai-Otome instead. Then slowly expand into the Banrise Waifu-verse from other series.
Unironically. It is a healthy way to entertain yourself.
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I'd like to add that I think it's less that ideologues in Tomino's eyes are always people who are just looking to exploit you, even if many of them are. He has the same frustration anybody would have when looking at political movements, especially ones he agrees with, ultimately fail and realizing the lack of sense in wanting to create a more free and accepting world, and wanting to create an organized movement designed to enforce that world. He wouldn't go as far as to say that revolutions are never justified, but that they are inherently contradictory and that corrupts us as humans.

It's also pretty in-line with the cyclical view of history that old Asian historians tended to go with (and many still do) desu.
These politics shits are so boring. When will Gundam get good?
G Gundam
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Based taste
So you like retards? Gotta keep you far away from child institutions and care homes.
>Plenty of fujos are lesbians themselves
This doesn't even make sense. Or is this what that girl who rejected you told you? That she's a lesbian? Dude. Learn to read the room.
And the Gundnode
Old school fujos are mainly straight, its the new western ones that tend to be lesbians to the point that even the yaoi they draw has the characters being cuntboys. Fujos have fallen off so far from their glory days that you can hardly even call this new wave fujos to begin with.
>that tend to be lesbians
You mean 'political lesbians', which is just straight/bi, but need the lesbian label for oppression/feeling special points?

>you can hardly even call this new wave fujos to begin with
If you draw art of two guys, but make one of them a girl, it's just self-insertion.
You are delusional.
>You seem to forget that Gundam is the most normie franchise from Japan.
Pokemon, Dragon Ball, and Sanrio would beg to differ on that.
>the director of the movie that made them a GORILLION DOLLARS should be fired
These fags are so delusional lmfao
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Do you suppose Aerial sold the best due to them using better materials on it?

This might be just me, but most of the grunt suits felt pretty cheap when holding it.
Yawn. When will your brain develop some power?
>He is a faggot because his works is all barks but no bites, non stop yapping with no substance.
You wouldn't know substance if it bite you at the end of your little micro uncircumcised penis. All your posts have been nothing more than a white underage hipster's sound & fury. Get your head of your ass & plug your mouth with a pacifier. The adults are talking.
>My only opinion on the Seed IP
already invalidated
>big queer feminist gundam show
which was half-assed
>singlehandedly revitalized the franchise
it didn't. SEED did.
>sidelines and sexualizes all the women
It's consistent with the show
>focus on the cisnet male lead
Yes, that's the point of the main character
>deserved to get fired/demotion
If anything, he deserves a promotion

Out off all the complaints I've heard about SEED, this one is by far the most retarded .
When i watch something that is not Gundam.
Stick to A/Z
Sounds like a (you) problem & not "gundam"
I am Gundam.
Elan supremacy!

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