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Previous Thread: >>22633741

>How to get into KR and where to start?

>List of subbed series

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>/krg/ archives

>RideChemy Card Database

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How was the episode?
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who's the most based rider?
>Maybe try again newfag becuase Saber is full of CG garbage, same for Wizard, Revice was just underwhelming in general
You clearly haven't watched them if you somehow think the amount of CGI in them is significantly more than their contemporaries, and that they all didn't have great choreography to more than make up for it.

>>not even mentioning Kuuga when it has a fuckton of amazing stunts
I just don't find the action to be as consistent as the other Phase 1 shows I mentioned, plus I feel like the overall choreography is lacking. Its highlight were the bike scenes.

>be less obvious with your samefagging
Cry harder, fag.
Will we ever have another Odagiri effect?
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Spanner would have become a monster from inheriting Gigist’s flame, but instead he retains his human form… for some reason.
Anon, the Odagiri effect has been happening every year since Kuuga.
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Does anyone have the songs the Gotchard cast sang during that stage event?
The problem is budget.
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He turned into a Malgam with a physical suit before
Beverly likes to sing about sky for some reason.

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That suit was pretty much a kitbash from several other suits. Toei is not willing to make one off Kaijin suits nowadays, unless it has long lasting usage.
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From Color

>Theatrical Boss Mode is when the handle is closed.

>When the handle is pulled away, it transforms into TV BOSS mode

>Because one of the features of the new belt is that the empty circle in the middle of the handle is filled into a panel

>The content of the panel is the three eyes of Gigist, and the circle around the LED screen is changed to a tail-biting snake.

>So it's reasonable to suspect that Gigist will be using the belt with the changed colors and molds to turn into a new boss to fight!

>And the theatrical version of the BOSS is very likely to be Geryon now, after all, the side card slot has a golden Rubik's Cube exterior.

>The new belt changes the silver areas of the original Dread Belt to a brownish-red color, and the door, Tesseract Exterior, and tube are gold.
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I'd step on
Hmmm, maybe it belongs to Daybreak’s Geryon.
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Yay my favourite form is back
Why does he have breasts?
me in the back
Does this mean Legend is the actual secondary rider?
Mammalian vs Reptilian child rearing symbolism.
Thanks anon
Tune in next week for Hopper1's crazy adventure in the Japanese shopping center
Spanner Final Form soon
Hopper1 sold me fentanyl behind Ichinose Kitchen.
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Chesis being the most relatable Gotchard character despite being a crazy doll with homicidal tendencies.
- Secchan
Kyoka parading her around as her new experiment/daughter hybrid is oddly cute.
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Well, she isn't funny but at least she's adorable.
>she's adorable.
I'm getting banned for posting this as a thread on /h/. It was worth it.
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omg it's finally got a date yay
I don't like Rinne as a character but anons convincing themselves that she isn't hot is one of the biggest copes in this general.
Get some taste and maybe you'll see for how she really is.
Kitazaki just shrugged them off while untransformed. They literally did noting to him. Meanwhile the OG Faiz exceed charge actually hurt/killed him. Therefore OG > Next.
Literally >>22637449
>Kitazaki just shrugged them off while untransformed
He got knocked back and decided he needed to transform into Muez, which can predict Next Faiz's attacks.
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Get *all* the Nijigon cards, anon!
He didn't get knocked back, he just shrugged it off.
Nigga, he did, I literally rewatched the movie.
He doesn't, he literally just tanks it and it doesn't faze him.
Gives me God Gundam vibes
If you wanna redo Zenkaizer-Twokaizer dynamic, yeah.
child-bearing hips
its already a decade knock-off, why stop there?
One correction: Gigist is the creator of the Primordial Chemies, he's not a Chemy himself.
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While I love Hikawa and Ozawa, you could remove everything G3 in Agito and the narrative would not be impacted ar all.
The show would lose something, but they mean nothing to the overall story and are a hold over from it being a Kuuga sequel.
>Floor tiles
Sides lost
Nigga Hikawa's TADA NO NINGEN opened the way for Agito to Rider Kick God, without him that never would have happened
Well no shit, Geryon won in Daybreak's timeline
It would have happened without him.
Dude the whole point of G3 is showing the potential of normal humans being about to forget back the Lords without any special Agito powers. It definitely does impact the narrative.
It might not change anything when it truly comes to the main plot but something would be very much lost without the police department crew and G3/G3-X. I wouldn't want Hikawa, Ozawa and Hoji gone at all. Especially Ozawa that beer-chugging goddess.
I wish G3 would make an appearance again or something similar in concept.
>green highlights on card
>no green on the form
It really wouldn't, they are inconsequential.
Same. I think the closest Rider to feel like G3 in concept, and even that is still far and even reaching, is Birth.

God I just want a Shinkocchou G3 already, with the weapons.
One small thing I really liked about Faiz is how he had to manually strap the belt instead of it being created out of thin air by the driver, I wish a new series would do that again.
Predict this form's number of appearances in the Reiwa Phase 1 Anniversary. I'd be laughing if Xross Saber and Gavv's final form is somehow used more than Rainbow
Master Hotaro as Gotchard Black in Gavv please
We already know about GT, anon
Yeah they really put effort into making the first non-attached or magically appearing belt feel like a real tangible thing.
a shame this pic isn't available in a higher resolution
could use a cute smiling as my phone background
plus dem thicc thighs
Same, in later episodes you can see the actors just lugging around the belts on their shoulder and I honestly love it.
Amazons did that....we need another separate rider show.
New Kamen Rider Sabela gravure.

Until Gigant Liner is revealed it might be UFO Fighter.
Black Sun.
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Yeah I'd love to have a powersuit Rider again and not just "We managed to copy the main Riders driver to a degree"
isn't hotaro (the character) underage
You're not entirely wrong but the problem isn't with G3, it's with everything else about the show.

Except for the part where they never let him win fights.
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even better
>You will never have a harlot rider gf
In the start of the show he's 17 but I think he turned 18 at some point despite no birthday episode.
>rider show with politics weaved into it to the point you can't really skip it and just watch the cool action
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Specializes in supernormal space alchemy, which is considered to be a far superior forbidden art originating from the Arcane Arts.
>magiranger M face guard
>weird wizard movie rider hat
what is this design
I hope he's still the final boss even after he loses to Rainbow. Cool voice.
He does have a pretty cool voice
His rider form will debut way later so he not going anywhere soon
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>His rider form
Are you sure about that?
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Short-hair or long-hair Chesis?
There are 2 rider mode.

Read the thread ffs >>22637706
Finally, we are free from Lachesisniggers
Always been a fan of short hair.
He reminded me more of Zetton
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Now hold on a second…
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What an idiot. Newfag doesn't know.
shin kamen rider was such a boring movie
I liked it. It's just disappointing that it doesn't make a good intro for Rider at all. Anno clearly made a movie assuming the audience was already familiar with the origin, with the way the movie rushes through it at the start.
Shin KR was a movie by a turbo fanboy for turbo fanboys. It never made any illusions that it was anything else. Hell, that applies to Ultraman as well.
Imagine a giant troop/swarm of Hopper1s...
You really should kill yourself
You're not funny and this is FB SEA Group posting tier cringe
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>I don't like Rinne as a character but anons convincing themselves that she isn't hot is one of the biggest copes in this general.
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The skateboard only wanted to have fun...
No, they're not. He just explained to you why they're important
>Lost his color
It's not like G3 did any damage with its power regarding that resolution, it really was more about normal humans standing up against the overlord's will. So, yeah, you could play out that plot without the G3 armor as long as you had some normal human in the main cast helping Shoichi.
That's a Custom, not a proper upgrade.
Do you not know what "knocked back" means or are you just pretending to be retarded?
t. someone that hasn't actually watched Agito
>Dat face.

>'Trying to make me laugh? Former-Master Geryon's tirades about mankind's extinction are way more funnier, and 95% of those end up with him screaming and moaning 'I LIKE GOOOOOLD!' like he was getting a pineapple shoved up his ass... i'll let you imagine how the other 5% of those end up'
I hate that every new Kamen Rider season got to have a Kamen Rider as the final boss.
Space alchemy?
As in spatial manipulation (hence him changing locations and opening portals).
Geats didn't
Anyone else feel the egg stuff should have come up earlier?
It did you retard
Oh, okay. I guess Warptera was more special that I thought.
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don't tell me... they've been spelling "worm", "warm" this whole time...

how did I not notice this sooner?
Could KRG be performing Gigist’s rider theme? Like Evolt
>everyone talks about fat main rider, women main rider, anorexic main rider etc
When is it the midgets turn? I need a little person rider.
That's Kouta, Newfag-kun
He isn't a midget!!!!
He wasn't.
And Neon.
>gotchard still has no subs
Nice to see that the sub groups hate this show as much as me
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It was a fun ep though.
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I laughed.
It means they’re close by.
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If there was a Chemy based on coral would it be animal, plant, or artifact?
I haven't continued Gotchaed since Supana became a rider. Did it pick up since then?
No. That and the wrestling episode were the best in the show.
Damn. I've been mildly keeping up with updates and I know that Lachesis swapped sides now at least. She and Clotho are still the best characters in my eyes. Is it worth maybe seeing them in action still?
Flame had an emergency so yknow /shrug
Coral are animals
Legend crossover didn't save it :/
Geats crossover movie was preddy gud though
Yes, it did.
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I was going to back it up to my harddrive after having seen it already a while ago, but can't decide between EXCITE and Turn Up Scrubs.
There are things I like about both but might end with Turn Up for subbing things like insert songs and more text seems to be subbed.
What does /krg/ use for older series?
The shinning moment of G3-X in that sense was in the finale when it beat an El, way after the point where the Overlord of Darkness had decided humanity in general had to go. So, yeah, the armor's power had nothing to do with it.
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This guy went from the most annoying characters to one of the funniest
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>Same. I think the closest Rider to feel like G3 in concept, and even that is still far and even reaching, is Birth.
What about some of the ones from Kabuto or IXA?
>Is it worth maybe seeing them in action still?

Not at all. The show is just bad. At this point I'm just hate-watching it. All Gotchard proves is that all those people clamoring for an episodic motw show after Geats got what they wanted in the worst way possible like so many people said would happen.
I will take the worst of Gotchard over whatever the fuck that last quarter of Geats was
I still think it is a tiny bit better than Geats, but the bar is so low it is pathetic that Gotchard even gets that close. Once characters start losing and regaining powers with zero explanation and get personality disorders that cause them to act out of character for no reason it will be worse since one thing I will say about Geats is that the acting wasn't distractingly bad and annoying. Geats had a very predictable story too, Gotchard at least has me slightly guessing only because I don't even think the writers know what the fuck they are going to do next.
Geats is the only 1/10 on my ranking of riders since there was basically nothing I liked about it besides early Keiwa and Neon's dad (and even then only barely since he is attached to Neon), but if Gotchard manages to be worse I might move it up to 2/10 with Revice since I cannot in good faith put Geats in the same tier as something as bad as itself but with shitty acting too.
Kinda but not really? Theres more things happening now and it isn't as paint by numbers as it was but its still pretty bad. Not ghost bad though.
>unironically hate-watching
I thought that was TM Revolution
>Not ghost bad though.
Ghost had a more charismatic cast compared to Gotchard though. There's tons of plot things you can shit on Ghost for but the only weak characters were Makato and Takeru off the top of my head. Oh, and the villains.
Meanwhile it's easier to list characters who aren't shitty in Revice and afterwards.
Saber was a mixed bag in a ton of ways but I at least liked a couple of characters even if I thought it was bad over all, it was more of an entertaining/funny bad where I was morbidly curious as to what was happening next episode compared to Revice and onward where I just want the fucking show to end.
I reiterate: >>22638440
If you like those two, then yeah, maybe you will enjoy it because they are among the few good things in the show. But don't hold your breath for anything else, because Gotchard's writing is still very middle of the road.
I'm glad it's doing its job of filtering retarded plotfag newfags extremely well.
The next/the first were better than shin kamen rider
Neon is hotter than Rinne so Geats is better
>muh water crystals

i should watch agito again, it's been like ten years
The kabuto finale is so fucking good holy shit
Yeah. Agito is still the template of how multiple riders should interact with each other, I believe.
Agito is the weakest out of Kuuga-Blade for me, but that is like saying Nerva was the worst of the 5 good emperors of rome
The "worst" of that bunch is still good and better than most shows that came after it
>child* hips
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>looking through my favorite smut artists on pixiv
>apparently he got the Shin Kamen Rider bluray
>made a whole comic to draw out the Shocker Rider tunnel scene because it was completely too dark to comprehend in theaters
Black Sun doesn't even have cool action. Sometimes it feels like it's embarassed to be a Kamen Rider because of how brief the fight scenes can be.
Where's the damn subs
As far as length of action, it's not really very different from early Heisei. Often you could have episodes that only had action for a cliff hanger and then a quick resolution at the start of the next week. That said, yeah, the action that we did get would usualyl flashier than Black Sun's.
From what I get, the dark sisters' tangential plans or specials will not be audio only from now on. Wonder which filming studio they will use. Thanks to Lachesis switching sides, they can use hero and villain's hideouts, and nobody would bat an eye.

Hotaro's family's restaurant would be a funny pick.
With the whole "snowflakes are alive" and "I need to stalk my student" autism Hongi had? Yeah, no.
Yeah the action scenes were really lackluster and the gore didn't exactly make it any more exciting.
when hongo starts gay wrestling with kamen rider 0 in shin kr i lost it.
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Behold, the god of Kamen Rider
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Missing the G-Driver.
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Back around 2013 Wizard subs always came before Kyoryuger while in the SHT airing Kyoryuger is before Wizard.
Now when Rider and Sentai switched airing order, Sentai got subbed first before Rider.
Like damn, are the fansubbers just don't like SHT airing order or something?
>den-o is train autism

No, the simpler answer is that they don't like Gotchard.
I can imagine an anniversary series monster with this motif
Is it true the G Bike got made into the Build Bike?
I mean it's train themed, but it's mostly about time travel.
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Rage squad
Not that far of from what Kamen Rider has become
Yeah bro I miss when drivers barely did anything or made like a beeping noise. Wanna go back to the old days...
I like how G was meant to be like a parody project, but ended up being one of the coolest things ever
Well he was PLEX designed and everything
Did Revice subs come out before Zenkaiger & Donbrothers?
Why is GoSHART so fucking bad, bros?
I know japanese, which season do i watch first
The first one. Then the second one. Then you keep going in order until you've watched them all.

Or just watch whatever one you like the suit of the most. It's not like the order matters.
He was based from the beginning, what are you talking about.
i love this suit but i'm not getting my hopes up for a night action scene
Hibiki is a good bet. The one person I know who refused to watch Kamen Rider until I tricked them into it and they started liking it tried watching Hibiki on another person's suggestion years earlier and hated it for some reason.

I like the show, but it'll either turn people off, or they'll get pissed at the production switchup, or they'll hate that other stuff afterwards isn't like it.
Unironically got less night scenes than Ex-Aid. You get exponentially more shots of it in the OP than in the show. There are even night shot scenes I remember where Zero One isn't shown or doesn't glow, iirc.
Good call. The only time you see this is in the movie.
ex-aid was fucking ridiculous but i loved it, how do you explain that
People have different tastes and opinions. That’s how.
Make it a twitter link anon so it embeds.
Elon killed twitter.com domain it's only x now
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Yeah cause that is so much better
Episode 37 preview
pretty cool
God I wish Reiwa was better. I keep trying to get invested - the middle of Saber had me excited and then Revice...I fucking hate Revice. I was so fucking invested and loving it until every single part of the show I liked was forgotten, subverted or removed.

Geats had some elements I liked but didn't really fully catch me, if there wasn't a Purple Rider with a zombie form that fought with a Chainsaw i'd probably dislike it even more.

Now Gotchard is...well, it's a middling season. I'd probably like it more if not for watching it as it comes out but damn, it's crazy to me thinking back that some parts of fucking Zi-O were more fun and engaging for me than most of rider content afterwards for the next 5 years.
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do rider helmets have a softer stunt version or something? some of them seem very pointy
Thanks, it works.
Love when Hopper1's VA was allowed to let her inner Secchan out again

Loads for me just fine.
what the fuck lol
Yeah you're in the...well, let's just say this period of the show is kind of a slump.
The Hurricane is a Honda XR250. The Machine Builder is a Honda XR230.
>the middle of Saber had me excited
Did you finish the show?
Not that anon, but it's fairly common to see people who dislike Storious and were hoping he wasn't the final villain, so that hurts the entire end-game.
I feel like Geats would've been much more engaging if they continued the survival game aspect without as many resets that the main four survive each time. The inter dimensional reality show things is a very intriguing concept but that's kinda where it fell off for me when they revealed that and Suel was just painfully boring compared to Girori and Niram or even Jitt really.

Gotchard would be better if it knew how to keep it's momentum. There's no denying that the show has some really good moments and build ups that peaks your interest like with Dread's arc and the confrontation with Geryon, but then immediately follows with something else or a status quo side adventure like the village arc or the Romeo and Juliet shit. It doesn't help that Hotaro and Rinne are objectively uncharismatic leads.
>but it's fairly common to see people who dislike Storious and were hoping he wasn't the final villain
I'm not sure what you're on about because I remember during airing, it was definitely the opposite. People were hoping for Storious to become the final villain and it wasn't until he started doing the retarded raspy voice that people were off put.
It still had good stuff, don't get me wrong. I loved Primitive Dragon being relevant in the final fight, for example. It just lost a tiny bit of steam for me. For me, HONESTLY, if Storious had just kept the voice he'd used for the first 3/4ths of the show, I would've rated the show like 15% better, unironically.
Yes, I agree with Suel being completely lacking in charisma compared to the other game masters, 100%. Even Jitt had a ton of charm, especially before he got a Rider suit and was just beating people with a fucking baton. But yeah, the future reality show had some cool ideas but a lot weren't fully explored. Mostly just lots of wasted potential, in my opinion, overall I liked the show well enough. The only season in Reiwa I didn't at least finish was Revice.

I pretty much agree whole-heartedly with Gotchard, as well. It has a lot of good stuff, and all it takes to at least keep me watching a show is a handful of good suit designs and at least ONE character I like to latch onto, and it has handled that at least, but I was honestly expecting more out of the show. The constant peak of new interesting idea followed by slow stuff certainly isn't great, but I feel like that might be ameliorated by watching it once the entire show is out and not week by week.
This episode has lived rent free in /krg/'s mind for years.
Really? I barely remember anything about that episode, I couldn't even give a basic outline of the plot, it just get lumped in with the slop that was the job arc for me.
Because "black guy yelling."
I knew it would the moment I saw the preview as Zero-One was airing.
I dunno I feel like you're overstating how much people talk or care about Chekera. If anything, the only reason he does is that a black actor in Kamen Rider stands out amongst the repetitive arc it was a part of.
Clotho's going to make a wonderful stepmommy for Nijigon!
>There's no denying that the show has some really good moments and build ups that peaks your interest like with Dread's arc and the confrontation with Geryon, but then immediately follows with something else or a status quo side adventure like the village arc or the Romeo and Juliet shit
Are you new or something? They're called breather episodes, shows usually have them after reaching a climax while they set up the new status quo in the background.

Rider didn't continuously ramp things up without any breaks until the Gaim format came. This is a mostly episodic show, not a serialized one.
It's mostly because the episode was fucking awful, the black Humagear being the only one to chimp out on his own and not get reconstructed afterwards just added fuel to the fire.
Remember when Heaven's Tornado was considered one of the worst arcs?
There's two reasons for that: first, standards were a lot lower at the time, and second, W is almost perfect. W is monstrously better than at least the previous five years of Rider shows that came before it, and Heaven's Tornado only stands out because the rest of W is so good.
>Monstrously better than
>Decade: Okay, I can see that
>Kiva: Yeah, I personally love it but it's at least popularly hated
>Den-o: Many people would disagree
>Kabuto: Many people would disagree
>Hibiki: I guess so

>Heaven's Tornado is the only slump in W
>Kabuto: Many people would disagree
You’re a contrarian
>the black Humagear being the only one to chimp out on his own and not get reconstructed afterwards just added fuel to the fire.
to be fair, the human actor storyline also had an awful and abrupt ending
the guy got shot by a humagear he trusted and that's it, his story was over
the man never reappears or gets closure
>W is monstrously better than at least the previous five years of Rider shows that came before it
Kabuto flubbed the ending but I think almost everything else was done better in it. Den-O I think is strictly better than W. I agree with the rest since even though I think Kiva is about the same level of quality as W it lets me down a bit. Though I don't think W is especially good either, just okay.
>It's mostly because the episode was fucking awful,
I remember it as being hilarious specifically because of the chimpout
>Gotchard would be better if it knew how to keep it's momentum. There's no denying that the show has some really good moments and build ups that peaks your interest
I hate that possibly the most interesting aspect related to alchemy, the homunculi, isn't the main focus of the show. Don't get me wrong, I still like the 3 sisters and for the most part their few scenes have been good. It's just that every character's screentime and development comes to a halt or is forgotten for multiple episodes because the "over 100 Chemies" gimmick gets in the way of the narrative.

I think having to shill over a hundred pieces of cardboard is probably the most intrusive and troublesome objective any writer has had to deal with when working on a Rider show. Whatever writing effort that could have gone into the story or its cast, went instead into the Pokémon knock-offs. I think this is the reason Gotchard cannot keep up a momentum.

Take Geryon as an example. The formerly main bad guy showed up just to get replaced by villains who had as a gimmick using the powers of old Riders and now by a super rare Chemy they need to shill. Or how about pausing the plot for Legend shilling. As if having to sell over 101 Chemy cards through Gotchard's series wasn't already troublesome enough.
Even if some people today claim Kabuto's plot is good, which it's not, they certainly didn't think it was good at the time. Kabuto was a show that was recommended as many people's first Rider circa 2010 for two reasons: first, because the suits are still the best the franchise has ever had and had the special effects to back them up. Second, because the plot is a mess and people wanted new fans to be aware that Rider shows would very often turn into a mess. Between the last five years before it and the fact that older shows like Kuuga weren't subbed until years later, the reaction on /m/ to W when it aired was genuine shock that Rider shows could actually be good.
This is why this guy refused to be rebuilt. He genuinely hates Hiden Intelligence, which disqualified them on the spot.
Glowing suit fight is one of those things that never got past the OP because there's just no budget or time for it.

...until the movie where it got both the extra budget as well as it being delayed giving the production team additional time to really nail the choreography. I really fucking hate the V-Cinema because it squandered all the goodwill RealXTime brought back for Zero One for me, I was willing to forgive the show's issue purely off the strength of that movie, and then Takashi shat out the two V-Cinema
Then Outsiders overridden those endings, and it could result in Aruto returning a broken mess from losing everyone. Just watch.
This. I'd also add in third that its the first show with decent quality raw and sub (for TVN obaka-san-tachi standard anyway). Faiz, Blade and Hibiki had some horrific TV rip raws, with Faiz being borderline unwatchable. Fuck them for raising donation for the DVD release and then stalling at the halfway mark for half a decade as well.
The Chemys are technically homunculi.

>The formerly main bad guy showed up just to get replaced by villains who had as a gimmick using the powers of old Riders and now by a super rare Chemy they need to shill
Gigist isn't a Chemy and he was clearly in control of the situation when Hundred came to Gotchard's world. It's also not like they didn't set him up long before we even saw Geryon.

>Or how about pausing the plot for Legend shilling
It literally wasn't, it kept advancing despite the weird setup and Legend might be important later on since they don't seem to be done with him.
Way to miss the point, anon.
>Even if some people today claim Kabuto's plot is good
I didn't claim that, I said they fucked up the ending and that isn't even bringing up some of the bizarre pacing, but I get the rest of your point regardless. I like Kabuto for the characters, suits, and decent chunks of the plot up until Hyper Zecter.
That being said though, I don't think W's plot or pacing is particularly great either.
It is more consistent than Kabuto's (until the ending where it make a similar bunch of strange decisions even the final villain for Kabuto had more build up than W - for Den-O and W it was about the same from some random showing up), but for the beginning portions it takes a long time to introduce Terui and scarf man is basically never brought up again for some reason, while the middle portion is really good up until Terror dies and the house burns, but the rest of the series after that feels like it doesn't even need to be there or that it would have been better for Foundation X to have not been the main villains and instead for the sisters to take that role with Foundation X supporting instead of the other way around. I also feel like they sideline Shotaro for pretty big parts of the ending to focus on other stuff (even literally scarring him off from fighting), and I think they could have paced it much better. Den-O I feel had much better pacing as a slow burn type of series that mostly focused on MOTW and characters.
That being said I could at least see there being a debate on what is better between W and Kabuto. Not with Den-O though, I consider Den-O to be better in almost every way.

Also for personal taste, I don't like most of the W suits since the colors clash too hard except Accel and Fang. I wasn't particularly impressed with Den-O's suits either but I still like them more than W and for Kabuto - well you already said how goof they are even if I don't think they are the best (I think blade has the overall best suits myself).
Go back to /pol/
I also didn't like the v cinema. For me, the movie is the true ending and epilogue of Zero One.
I'm catching up with gotchard and honestly his Fire Gotchard rider kick in 18 might be the first main character rider kick I can think of in years that I thought actually looked cool.

chaining self to ground to power up engine and then just launching incredibly fast to do a relatively straightforward jumping kick instead of turning into a cgi prop or doing 40 sky flips, honestly refreshing.
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I didn't mind the first one because I liked Kamen Rider Zaia a lot, very charismatic enemy, but it was better when I assumed the Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai thing (which was stupid at the time) would at least have a decent payoff or solution in the Fuwa V-Cinema, but instead it got a shit payoff AND they killed off Fuwa for no real reason.
Usually I consider movies to be noncanon since they basically never matter, make no sense, or are bad - but I actually like the Zero-One movie and think very much the same of it.
It is a cool finisher for sure.
What was the last kick you though was cool? There were a couple from Zero-One that I liked, but the one I always think of as cool is the Drive one where he ricochets off of Tridoron a bunch, for some reason I just really like it
I don't like Gotchard because they called the homunculus "chemys".
Fire Gotchard has some pretty cool scenes even after the debut.
It's been at least since heisei that I remember one I really like. I'm sure Zero One had one or two that were decent, and I know for a FACT that Zero One, Saber and Geats had some FINISHERS that I thought were cool, but none of those were rider kicks.

My favorite is still Kabuto after all these years, mostly because non-jumping rider kicks are always really cool to me. Agito's base form rider kick is still one of my favorites after all these years, in terms of just a very basic Rider Kick done well.
I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe. Gavv, please bring him back.
>My favorite is still Kabuto after all these years, mostly because non-jumping rider kicks are always really cool to me
His is pretty decent. Kabuto in general feels like one of those characters in a fighting game who mostly uses those parry special moves to counter attacks and then hits back really fucking hard.
For me my favorite is probably the Faiz kick or Fouze drill kick - both are basically the same and I don't feel like I need to explain why I like them
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I can totally get behind putting either of those first, no explanation needed, yes.
Their "relationship" is so fucking forced.
I can't believe the last non-rider enemy that I can remember that both looked cool, was intimidating, and had a defined personality, without the monster form just being a stepping stone was fucking five years ago.

Revice got close but then it threw any attempt to use Deadmans and their forms into the dumpster less than halfway through.
They work as polar opposite friends.
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You mean four years ago.
she's so cute bros. she's my wife.
>You mean four years ago.
Not him but final boss was a rider in Saber
/fitlit/ a best
The forced Saber hate in here is gay and stupid.
Hm. I forgot about them. I'll dock some marks for Storious getting a rider form, but desast only got one in side media later and Legiel and Zoous never did.
I saw more saber the other night. still in the first arc, pre ep 15. kento is kind of cool. I kind of actually enjoyed eps 5-8.
Still, it being 4 years instead of 5 really isn't much better. The point still stands.
Yes, but 3 of them (plus Charybdis) remained as monsters throughout the show.
Trash design and character
>Forgot this guys name
Looks cool, most unmemorable character of all time.
Meh design, good enemy to Blades
Looks cool, was cool
2/4 are good
Watch the Retsudens/Swordsmen Chronicles, they enhance the Q1 experience.
>Yes, but 3 of them (plus Charybdis) remained as monsters throughout the show.
One of them didn't even last until the half way point, I will give credit for the other two even though one of them got a suit post show.
I will never forget Storious' glowing eyes.
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What about the Archimedel, Daichi Kekera and Beroba?
None of those were intimidating. I would fuck hag but only to demoralize her, not because I would enjoy it.
Archimedel was only a threatening enemy for a few episodes, Daichi had a Rider form, and Kekera and Beroba also technically had rider forms even if they were cgi monstrosities.
>then immediately follows with something else or a status quo side adventure like the village arc or the Romeo and Juliet shit.
Serialized Rider has spoiled you people. Are the shows not allowed to let their characters be themselves without the plot being present? I argue that some of the breather and comedic episodes actually make the characters more memorable and not just walking plot advancers and exposition machines.
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Forget coomer or waifu posting, Lachesis is legitimately my favorite Gotchard character at this point. She's more than pretty looks, unlike Beroba, and already better handled than Aguilera.

If more females were on par with Izu or at least Lachesis and Tsumuri tier, fans wouldn't mind seeing more girls get prominent roles in Reiwa KR.
So proud of her experiment daughter
>Daichi had a Rider form, and Kekera and Beroba also technically had rider forms even if they were cgi monstrosities.
All of them stopped being Riders when they became kaijin (well Beroba transformed one last time into her Rider form afterwards, but she barely used it anyways).
>Tsumuri tier
So a female character that barely does anything at all?
>Forget coomer or waifu posting,
I don't do this and I still don't get what makes her standout for all you people. Not saying she's bad or anything but she's just okay. I like Gotchard a lot but I don't see how people make her out to be the "Only reason to watch the show" thing.
They didn't look cool
Sex with Neon.
where does that fit in the continuity. I never watch any of the extra stuff but I just might if its good
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Erm, what the sigma?
Watch Buster and Slash's between episodes 8 and 9, Kenzan's between 9 and 10, Espada's between 13 and 14 (it chronologically happens during episode 13), and Blades' between 15 and 16.

You might wanna watch The Phoenix Swordsman short movie too, it's kinda plot relevant, after-credits scene included. You can watch it between episodes 10 and 11.
No episode this week? Where's the link? Nyaa results in bringing up nothing.
It's alright Ei, you guys have been working hard and deserve a 1 month break from Gotchard. Just continue to sub the short anime and Tangential Plans series plz thx. =)
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Just got done painting Gotchard.
Nice stuff, the armour has a cool battle worn look to it
Looking good anon
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What a magazine…
There's tabloid slop in every country. Japan's tabloids are also VERY sloppy.
She's not "hot" though. Izu (before she got fat) was hot. Rinne's just a normal Asian girl.
Her face is better. Ep1 Izu still has a jellybean face.
Rinne has fish face so nah. Pretty much all the main girls in Geats were hotter.
Izu is cute but I wouldn't say that she's hot
No one ever called Izu hot during the original live run. It was more like she was a 3D anime waifu that everyone (mostly) liked cause she did anime girl-esque things.
>kento mind break incoming
holy fucking kino
I have got to get my hands on a SH figuarts of Calibur. such a great suit.
That's not even his worst (and most kino) mind break.
shit. i'm excited.
despite the lack of character development this kind of sucks
>Kiss Your Spanner
But I don't have one?????
>Houtaro: I want to be a chemy-mon master. Gotcha!
>Rinne: The plot telling me, I was made for Houtaro's dick
>Supana: I am am cool Chad who needs no one.
>Kyoka: Please Lachesis, fuck my step-son. So, he stop being edgy incel.
>Lachesis: Supana will make a cute dog.
>Atropos: Rinne, you should kill yourself now!
>Clotho: (Angry noises)
>Geryon: I love gold !
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Stop trying to make "OH MY GOTCHA" a thing.
It's never going to be a thing.
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Me if I were a Japanese toddler who got close enough to Lachesis's legs during a Kamen Rider event.
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>all signed up for amazon japan
well RIP my bank account.
So much toys
I started saying it from time to time. Sorry you don't have a Gotcha anon.
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Man, dragon knight was so good up until the last few episodes where it just shat itself
Nice, finally an animal rider after so long
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simple and cool, someone color it with the leak color theme
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GAVV vs. Gaoranger when
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Don't even joke about that.
They usually public the logo like 2 months after the trademark. Production seem to moving fast this year.
The chink leakers have fucked up their schedule
Oh my GOTCHA!!
Nice and cool.
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Gummies do have a color split
/m/ users are terminally horny due to no woman in real life wanting to get within 50 feet of them, so that's why.
That was fun and had a concrete meaning. Gotcha isn't even a fucking word
Because they're drones, like you. And they have to find a reason to watch this dogshit
>Gotcha isn't even a fucking word
Holy ESL.
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Geats is an animal
An animal logo, not an animal rider.
Since we have no info on Rinne’s upgrade form, I guess it might really be a Wind retool?
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it'll be Kamen Rider Lose
Purple Wolf main rider?
graperape flavored
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That thing is TERRIFYING, I love it.
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... I don't know man, it's like a shittier KIVA.
oh no...
bet it talks too
Hell yea, I've been wanting another sentient belt for a while
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>the yellow teeth
Man I live for this shit, also it looks like it has horns maybe it's a chameleon or something
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Lizard belt that eats bug themed kaijin and riders.
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>Gotcha isn't even a fucking word
Wonder if the gimmick will have moving parts like the fullbottle pistons for when the mouth opens
I don't believe you.
What is it then, anon?
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A bit sus, if this were legit there's gonna be watermark covering this. There's a chance the image is fake like gotchard gummy.
Forgot to say, I'm waiting color's thought on this
okay im back to watching zero one today, honestly if it goes downhill after this rap episode i'll just zero one wasnt even that great before this. The action is mostly unremarkable, aruto can't put up a fight at all until he gets a power up again. there wasn't even a single good fight with his base form after it's debut
Nothing is true.
Everything in this world is a lie.
Don't trust the first person wearing green nor the fourth wearing pink.
uh oh
Anons went wild when this episode aired
Nice logo
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Color scheme maybe?
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this is peak violence against women
Gavv is unbreakable
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I love how gross it looks. The most unique rider belt for a lead in years.
I hope the belt goes "gabu gabu" when you crank the handle
What's the worse belt design we've gotten?
The one on page 5 of your English textbook, SEA-kun.
ghost is by far the worst
its huge, cluncky, and the pose for it is bad
Maybe the ghost belt for being just a big grey block
Please tell me that ryoutarou stops being a fruity bitch at some point in the series. Its so obnoxious.
i'd say ghost is poorly executed, if you remove the cover you can see a very nice design, it should have been a yokai focused season and not whatever that mess was
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The Swordriver and the Revice Driver were pretty unique imo.
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A belt that's designed so that its big eye is always looking straight at you no matter which angle you look at it from could never be the worst design.

The cover is transparent though.
I'm starting to think that Takahashi killed off Fuwa because Okada approached him and told him he'd like to quit showbiz after the show concluded.
This is one of my favorite drivers. I love the goofy sheet over the spooky face
its also 8 inches thick from your waist
and the majority of the belt isn't dedicated to the part that is actually the transforming part
It from the same dude that render Gavv before
>its also 8 inches thick from your waist
You can't pull off the creepy eye gimmick I mentioned without some depth space.

>the majority of the belt isn't dedicated to the part that is actually the transforming part
It's not empty space though, there's intricate molding all over it.
The Swordriver looked ugly as fuck, especially when the big books are attached.
Even if fake it's very similar to Color's leaked design >>22640140
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You were one rider too early for the worst looking belt.
The color and driver base are all wrong.
>easy to use
>giant arm that swings across the entire body
>collectable in plain view and easy to activate
incorrect senpai
Visual cancer
how can reiwa be saved
No more Takahashi or Takahashi influence series
More Takahashi shows
will they finally top the ghost driver for most ugly belt next season?
Just make a Gaim rip-off.
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More Takahashi. It would be surprising if he isn't writing Gavv.
When are we getting Zi-O's version of Legend that can use RideArmors of any Rider regardless of forms? It can be like DecadeArmor for the non-base forms
Never because his actor got too big for rider.
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It would be though. Writers usually get at least 2 years break (Inoue not withstanding). He was working on Ride Kamens as well. I'm a Takahashi fan and even I wouldn't really want his shows back-to-back or every odd year.
>Takahashi fans
Worst posters in this general
No as in a new Rider that directly copies Zi-O like Legend is to Decade
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2016: Ex-Aid
2019: Zero-One
2022: Geats
Takahashi is coming back for 2025, just in time for the 2025 Rider to celebrate the franchise's 55th anniversary in pre-September 2026.
Impossible. Lachesisfags are worse than Takahashi fans.
But he will miss his chance to have his favorite color be the main character.
Erasing revice and blacklisting the cast and crew.
Be what Kuuga was to Black RX and Show.
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2025 yeah, not 2024. His last two shows have had cool designs/theming. I kinda want to see him tackle something zany again like Ex-Aid
Another legacy Rider that uses cards but this time it's RideArmors and with no stash
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Can't believe the thing I'm most excited for this year (Gavv not withstanding) in Rider is the Premium DX Geats IX buckle. Rest of the year has mostly been a snorefest and taking a break from the franchise.
Can't wait for ANOTHER"dark rider" arc that virtually changes nothing for a character once it's over. And the shitty CEO hamming it up, doing horrible things but then "redeeming himself" because the character was popular thanks to everyone else being significantly more lame than him.
Can't wait.
this but unironically
Color confirm the belt is fake
More Taka-P/Hasegawa/Fukuda trio shows.
Shut the fuck up already, Geatshill.
The main body is red, and then there's a big button on the left side, and the lemon dude drawing is closer to the real thing than the draft drawing I posted earlier, whichever is the lemon one
You really hate Geatsfans with a passion, huh
Enjoy your slop
>and taking a break from the franchise.
Then why are you here
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Re-normalize the concept of villains transforming with belts, but they aren’t Kamen Riders
Why? It's his worst written and worst looking show.
You're way too eager to announce you got scammed by Bandai into buying a better version of a toy you bought just months ago.
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Was never a thing.
Ex-Aid is his best-written show.
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Takahashi better write NTRKINO again
It's not.
Just saying. It's interesting when the writers have to come up with some wacko world-building bullshit to contextual the toylines with weirder motifs. Takahashi's had it easy with Zero-One and Geats being cool tech (not a bad thing), but I'd just like to see him tackle something weirder again. I'm not saying he should do another Ex-Aid wholesale.
That's easy. Just get Ohmori.
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So the purple on the left is a button, not a belt strap.
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Biggest giveaway that it's fake is them just straight up using the build driver handle.
I will never forgive Ohmori for the job arc. He can stay gone. Zero-One would've unironically been even better if Takahashi could've just executed the ideas he wanted for the show.
I was about posted the lemon guy sketch but yeah, this sketch from lemon guy is closer to the real one according to color
It's the only show of his that doesn't go to complete shit past Q1. At most it just drags when Masamune comes around.
Yes, that was part of the leak. You turn the handle and the belt munches on the snack.
Ohmori left Toei.
>It's the only show of his that doesn't go to complete shit past Q1
It will have a unique handle, not a reused one.
The only good part of Ex-Aid is Q2. The rest is middling to dragging unless you're all-in on Kuroto's/Masamune's nonsense
It's over...
>unless you're all-in on Kuroto's/Masamune's nonsense
They're way more fun than any of the villains in Zero-One and Geats, so yeah.
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>dude fun lmao
Good-fucking-good for you. I hated the two of them overstaying their welcome. We're still cursed with Kuroto to this day
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You mean Blessed.
Your levels of shit taste are maximum.

>I hated the two of them overstaying their welcome
As opposed to Gai, Daichi and Beroba overstaying theirs?

>We're still cursed with Kuroto to this day
I hate it too, but I'm only talking about the shows themselves, not any of the side content that came afterwards.
Kuroto but as a heroine/anti heroine rider.
>Gai, Daichi and Beroba
They all overstayed their welcome to different extents, but they weren't a suffocatingly constant presence to the same extent Kuroto and his dad were. Even Gai, he may have overstayed, but he mostly became a side show punching bag, whereas Ex-Aid made every effort to continue focusing on Kuroto and Masamune
No, definitely five yers ago saber was trash
in this years? saber
I think people expected him to be the final villain once he still was going "just as planned" in the background even while Solomon was about to destroy the world, but I don't remember people -liking- him.
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That'd need way too many new props. Heck, when the Ride Armors didn't have some part of their design obviously limiting their abilities (like Build having giant rabbit tank bottles), they already mixed up the alternate form powers sometimes (like Ghost Armor summoning spirits of the alternate Ghost forms).
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Ride Armors are no where near as iconic as Decade literally turning into the rider.

Also they’re all shit and lazily designed. all of them are just put the collectible as shoulder pads and call it a day
Both equally suck
Why not just turn into the Rider but with the Japanese name faceplate and without the shoulderpads
i hate how horobi appears and after that hes involved like twice before he gets btfo'd and the show goes into job arc. it looks like horobi's back now, i'm on the episode after fuwa gets rampage vulcan, it's a cool suit i like it.
Be less obvious, faggot.
Why are no subs? Dod I miss a memo?
I liked the debut fight where he just absolutely manhandles Yua
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And when he just styles on Gai.
He's talking about Rampage Vulcan.
Same arc.
You mean same ark.
Susbs doko.......?
There were definitely some people rooting for him to become the final boss.
Is there subs for Outsiders Ep. 5 yet?
Toei ninjas ate them
I dislike Gotchard but damn do I love the cards.
There were absolutely people that preferred him to be the final boss and the Megid trio were generally really liked all the way through.
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Back to sleep then because Gotchard's plot is slower than Wizard's
>Gotchard's plot is slower than Wizard's
Does anyone still have the link to the list of Riders from the Legend Chemy Ballot by chance?
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Belly Bag looking ass nigga.
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All I found were these.
Purple and white color combo would be great for Gavv. Basically Rogue all over again.
Now that I look at it, I cannot see how the Chocolate Rider's chocolate gun will fit in the belt. But he most certainly will get the belt either way I bet, it has a different color scheme than Gavv's color scheme so there'll probably be more than one.
Let's see how many functions will be implemented in the gun and whether it has any potential to hold power-up items.
Biggest giveaway was that it was orange again.
Yeah I was trying to see the list with all the options before the votes because I can't access it on the toy bandai site anymore. I know there was a Twitter post with screenshots of all the lists but I can't find it anymore.
How did Dragon's Knight's story end up being better than Ryuki?
It didn't
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Whoa, 3 hour gap.
I bet you haven't been to /jp/
Get Koichi Sakamoto to direct a full season, we'll get great fights (Both in and out of suits) and a bunch of thigh shots, it'll be great.
>Hopa... Pa...
When are we getting the Ultraman treatment for the Anniversary Riders? As in using a fusion of multiple Riders for their forms.
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In other news
Koyomi is married
A director can't do every single episode of a show, Sakamoto was head director of Fourze and he only directed 12 of its episodes.
How can a pink rock get married
Probably never, imagine the suit costs and just the hundreds of initial designs Toei needed to do, they'd avoid it like a plague.
>Purple Wolf main rider?
Colorful on Twitter back at it again with the dope fan designs. We had an Anniversary Rider literally transform into the old Riders. We had an Anniversary Rider that had the trinkets on his shoulders, I'd love for an Anniversary Rider to have driver buckles like Color made here.
>yellow teeth
certainly not a Kamen BRUSHER
oh hey it's Sharivan
>Still no subs
lmao gotchard is so shit, it made the subbers stop subbing
It's out.
don't post that.
takenoko pls take your subbing laptop into the bathtub with you
This place will improve when the casuals are filtered by no subs
Based. Thanks for the link, bro. Hadn't noticed it was out
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I think this was a good episode and. I really like Gigist but I really wished they had any other chemie than Skebows.
Where's the Zi-O fanboy, Kamen Rider Zi-Yuu?
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Don’t forget that he made them in response to kaijingenso’s belt monsters.
Geats basically stole the gimmick already, but I think it could be done better since in Geats' case they were just decals. Basically a Rider where the collectible would be based on past belts and then you combined them in the belt to create combined Rider forms.
Wait 10 years, I guess.
that's pretty sick
You just reminded me of those JP youtubers that slapped Rider belt parts onto buckles for the Desire Driver.
>I want you guys to make Lachesis laugh because there is something human about laughing
>episode starts with the Abyssal King laughing
Come on bro
Chemy can laugh, homonculi can’t.
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The writing is a mess but Kyoka likely wanted to find something that makes Lachesis laugh which isn't... Human suffering. She wants her to experience real joy from the bottom of her heart and not just malice, unlike most of the other homunculi they have fought so far.
metsuboujinrai.net ft. Masaya Kakehi
A genuine laugh, not a theatrical evil one. Kinda like how Yodonna laughed a lot but in a fake way.
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Kyoka should just have told Rinne to make a face of pure despair
I remember reading, back when Gotchard started airing, that maybe Rinne being bad at emoting was due to her being a homunculus. Ironically, fans were right about homunculi being part of the show's lore but they guessed incorrectly which characters were actual homunculi.

Seeing this webm after all this time and recent episodes, made me realize that Lachesis makes an awkward pause after she smiles but before she laughs. And that's intentional, because just like the 3 dark sisters not aging, this was an early hint of them being homunculi.

Then again, Rinne being a homunculus is still a theory that hasn't been entirely discredited.
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C-can I draw you anon? I need a model for my art class
New bread time?
New bread

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