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I honestly think there's a lost niche market of magazines.

Like, there's a big oportunity to like reinvent the magazine concept for modern times.

But like what if we use modern tools like godot instead of 1990 file formats like PDF.
Like a 2023 new redesigned magazine experience for the fornite generation.
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You know magazines were paper right
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The problem with the publishing industry, including magazines, is by and large not the publishing industry (although there's too much intersectional slop). The problem is that it competes with mind-rotting shit like youtube, instagram, tiktok, video games, netflix, etc. etc.
If you destroy all that you'll have a literary renaissance.
Your a tard, zoomie
Wrong thread kike. Also kill yourself.
I think you're talking more about the zine thing than an actual magazine, but honestly I don't think magazines are dead because nobody wants print. Have you flipped through the stuff at the newstand recently? It's awful. I had a subscription to Car and Driver for well over a decade after I couldn't steal dad's anymore, but I had to cancel it after every other article turned into ranting about how inevitable electric cars were, culminating with a female editor taking over and writing columms about her minivan. I was fucking boggled— it's suposed to be a cool counter-cultural car mag— why am I being forced to read about the cosmic reality of the impending Prius hell, instead of articles about keeping the passion alive?
The same could be said about newspapers. I'd love to get a daily paper, but it's too expensive to justify when every mind in the writer's room pales in comparison to the vast intellectual quality of the mighty bonobo.

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If there is only one God, who are these "gods of Egypt" in Exodus 12:12?
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Hyksos/Hebrews pushed the one god thing in Egypt (it’s in their one world religion/government). Set/Seth was the god of these foreigners. Others with multiple gods had a hierarchy, with one god above the others. Generally one god refers to the creator with the others being a facet of the one.
That's how you do civilization.
Abrahamic religions are not actually monotheistic all they say is that our God is above your gods, thou shalt have no other gods before me. The polytheistic religions of the times (~year 0) spread by absorbing gods, your god is actually a part of our theology, here's how. Abrahamic religions skipped the explanation and just said your god does exist but your god is insignificant compared to God.
Not exactly, gods exist but it'd be the same as calling them demons or principalities.
>He has one super power: what he says goes. And hes pretty bad at it.

“God of the Geese”

Starring Adam Sandler

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Refute this without sounding mad
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you have to be pretty seething to make, save, and repost an image like that in the first place.
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There are people who say they like Tolkien for being black and white, and there are people who say they hate Tolkien for being black and white.
Neither group can contend with the existence of Boromir
To be fair, a lot of the 'grey morality' we see in books and other media today is either a situation where both sides are evil and the writer/fans pretend one side isn't evil or a situation where one side is clearly evil but the writer/fans try to justify their evil.
>And he is a jew?
Kek unironically this. It really is every single time, huh?

True. Atheism is only moral grey (objectively meaningless material), but Tolkien's Catholic view has black and white (a grand scheme of God/Truth/Love v no God), grey (sin from the Fall of Man until the Second Coming), and blue and orange moralities (the mysteries of God and angels).

Best books about influential families that continue to be massive financial and power brokers today?
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doesn't she steal Ryan Dawson's shit cuz he's too radioactive to cite
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Good lord
Protocols of the elders of Zion
Does it name specific families
Just read this website

He talks about David Rockefeller and his family to no end, meticulously detailing how he created the all encompassing NGO network that serves as the engine behind the globalist movement that's hijacked Western politics

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This reading group is set at a very leisurely pace to emphasize discussion and retaining. Last week was the preparation, this week is the start. This week is just to line 2070, and covers the meeting and agreement between Faust and Mephistopheles.

The literary impact of this work is a tremendous as Paradise Lost when it comes to popular conceptions of the devil. Goethe presents him as an urbane, philosophical, and charismatic gentleman. The devil character from The Brothers Karamazov as well as the Master and Margarita are two clear conceptions drawn from Goethe, the black poodle is even overtly featured in the latter work.

The discussion on this week’s reading will be posted next week.

This is the /lit/ poetry discord if you need it

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He is. He's just a little bit ahead.
I'd try it but my favorite Russian buccaneering telegraph network doesn't have it. I went with Luke but I can see why people say it's too anachronistic.
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Is this a good translation?
no, it's too hung up on muh accuracy
There's youtube lectures by John David Ebert I was thinking of following.

I think every nhilistic philosophy should be scaled with India's harsh environments and then we could call it nhilism because the "Categorical Imperative" cannot be applied in such a ruined society therefore it is already expelled from this rule which is honestly imperfect but reasonable. But I think Mainlander is atleast somewhat excusable regarding to his life but still Kierkegaard didn't whine even tho his life was sad too.

I remember a person who found a book of an Indian criticizing Schopenhauer.
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>another /pol/ faggot who replies without reading to satisfy his pathetic ego
Do me a favour and leave this website until you become 18
Grow up
Why the fuck no one answers a question in this thread instead of derailing it
welcome to /lit/

i have masturbated 6 times today
>Categorical Imperative
Thrasymachus btfo of every moral philosopher, including the guy who wrote him into existence. Morality is advantageous to the stronger

What are some essential /controversialcore/ writers?
With that I don't mean writers whose work itself is considered highly problematic, but rather authors who are non grata for their stances/behaviour.

Until recently we thought nothing ever could top Lovecraft, until JK Rowling made a Twitter account.
hitler, you git.
Barbara Gowdy
Any writer who named the jew

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previous >>23440287
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Day one of eating healthy (meaning very few carbs). I've been walking more often, too. I slept until 6pm (gotta work on that) but all I've had to eat today is a chicken breast baked in the oven with some olive oil and spices. I'm going to a party (it's basically one of those gigs SoundCloud rappers perform at where there's weed being smoked everywhere - total Instagram clout type shit but my buddy is performing and it's actually a lot of fun) tomorrow so that will be a good opportunity to be active on my feet. After that I'm quitting weed. Please pray for me anons, that I lose weight (and keep it off) and that I'm able to stay off the pot. Oh and also that I find a frickin job. Thx bros <3
NEW >>23447091
Felt like it was the start of a night of partying. I offered him a beer. We chatted. I thought we'd play games but then they didn't invite me to join in with them. They played a little bit while I sat at a slight distance hoping they'd invite me. The vibe disappeared. He went back to gaming alone on his computer.
I shouldn't care so much but I feel as though I'm the problem. I killed the buzz.
I haven't felt that sense of togetherness with someone else forever. I'm so terribly lonely but I can't let it show.
Sometimes I feel like my life has no worth. Like I'm just waiting around to die
If humans got raptured and only a small group of people were left
they could potentially restart human civilization with enough genetic diversity by using sperm banks, can't they?

And one their children are all grown up, they'd have to find ways to travel to other countries to hunt for foreign sperm to avoid inbreeding
You should look into the history of genetic bottlenecks

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You have to be a soulless hollow shell of a human being to write this shit lmao, I guess that's what 400 years of historical torture will do to a people. Russians are the most mindbroken race on earth after the Chinese
That passage is extremely based also he is right about sport being a ritualistic sacrifice of energy. This is precisely why a dude on a surfboard can function as a mythic figure for you lot.
This reminds me of that passage in The Republic where Socrates says the musical styles he doesn't like should be banned lmao
Fatass cope

"(...) As for Things of Process — or for Eternal Existents whose Act is not eternally invariable — we must hold that these are due to Cause; (...)".
(Third Ennead, First Tractate)

>variable act

What is a variable act? How can an act be variable? It happened in the past, no? So how could something in the past vary/change? I don't get it, anons.
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So why did you affirm that "all acts within eternity are invariable."
No, space-time is a self contained reality continuum. Eternity is outside of any bounds, including that of concepts.
OP's book has the first note on the topic in question saying "§1. All things are caused except the first.". What did I miss saying that he is a determinist?
Literally contemplate on the footnotes in the Gerson edited translation, the firsts are hypothetically entertained but not actually needed in Plotinus's system. Other people may extrapolate to throw in all sorts of henads immediately after the indistinguishable One as it is done in Late Neoplatonism.

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He's looking forward.
that's why we get high
My philosophy: Be honest, decent, and hard-working, but not because it's the right thing to do, but because it'll really cheese everyone off.
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mon philosopie

What are the best Sagas?
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i liked the saga of the volsungs
Came to post this
That’s not an icelander saga.
Saga of Erik the Red has both adventure and magic. Many of the sagas are just boring soap opera episodes, but Erik's is based.

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Hey /lit/ can I get a torrent or direct download of Mike Ma's Gothic Violence audiobook? I don't think one exists currently, if a litizen has one they can upload it. I have a long car ride and I want something to laugh at and keep me on edge. I don't listen to audio books often I just don't want to have the same fate as Camus
>I have a long car ride and I want something to laugh at and keep me on edge. I don't listen to audio books often I just don't want to have the same fate as Camus

this is one of the gayest things ever typed. no way am I sharing my download with you.

do you consider audiobook listeners /lit/?
does it even count as reading>?
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Only if you do it while doing nothing else, like if you're blind or something.
i wonder why we have two different words? it's almost like they describe different things? do you consider it reading when you listen to a song or hear someone honking their car horn?
>Sounds like you're an NPC.
>ive definitely engaged deeply with marvel slop films. Ive learned a lot about my life and my world from it.
>m-maybe if i use buzzwords like NPC theyll be pressured into thinking how i want them too!
Audiobooks like all auditory stimuli is for lower lifeforms. You ever wonder why people constantly have to turn on the tv, or music? its because they cant stand silence.
Audio books require just as much cognitive work as reading.

With audio you still must process and understand language, just as with reading.
Only difference being that it is delivered orally vs visually.

The illusion that reading is better than listening is born of the reality that reading prevents you from multitasking.
It requires your whole attention, only in that you cannot look away from it. Otherwise, your mind wanders just the same.
In other words; It is only more binding, in that it restricts your mind from operating at a higher level, which is an allowance given by audiobooks.

By this logic, audiobooks are the superior form of literature.

The idea that audio is lesser is the result of terminal brain rot.

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Do you consider cyclists to be curlers?

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Which Jack Black wrote this? The fat stoner actor? There's multiple Jack Blacks.
Lots of banal stuff from a not so banal perspective which allows banal people to pretend they are not banal.
Probably the Jack Black who wrote one book with the same title. Suppose it is possible one of the other Jack Black's wrote a book of the same title and if that is the case OP is a fag he is.
Realized I made it sound like it is banal, its not and is quite good. I was making a comment about society, not one about You Can't Win.

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