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Places for explorer kino
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thanks in advance
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In Senegal there are many regions (Dindefelo/Bandafassi, Oussouye, and there's a cool circuit north of Dienoun Diala) where you can hike through the jungle between thatch-roofed villages. If you want to camp near the village you're supposed to give the local chief a gift like some sugar or cash. It's extremely safe, no one fucks with tourists there. I didn't even have to bribe the police when they caught me camping illegally in the national park, they just laughed at me.
I didn't think to wear a pith helmet, seems a little melodramatic.

Become one of those “urban explorer” fags that explore derelict abandoned buildings in the rust belt that may or may not be filled with mentally broken crackheads, gang members, asbestos, or black mold. That’s the closest you’re going to get in the modern day to being a European explorer plunging into the dark heart of the Congo.
I'm the undeliverable one, this one should finally work then at456@yahoo.com
Thanks a lot

IT guy who just had their office shut down moving to full remote from now on(we only had an office because the lease wasn't up till next month and had to come in for the Execs). I make about 82~87k/yr and am told I can work anywhere in the 50 states so long as I am online and available per my normal time of 9am PST. Is Hawaii a big meme? It's been kind of a dream to move there and looking at apartments it's not more expensive for a studio than where I currently live on the west coast.

Looking at a 300 sqft studio is 900-1200 or so, and cooking at home I suppose I could save some money. I've traveled there a few times for a week or two each and loved it and my lease is up in July and wondering if I should look to move out there. My concern is that I might run out of shit to do and just be stuck on the island and that if work ever cut my position looking at tech jobs in Hawaii it seems like shit pickings. Has anyone lived there? I like the beach and mountains but worried that after a year of exploring the island I'll either be stuck in a situation where just rich enough to island hop but not rich enough to take long excursions to places like Japan or Asia on those cheap flights.
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Why not just buy an address mail box?
>unreal nature, hikes of all shapes and sizes
>food is VERY good yet expensive
>like living in a hypothetical world where America has conquered Asia

>everything is expensive
>dating is blackpilled. So many either military or tourists that probably just want 1 night stands yet it’s hard cause Honolulu doesn’t have much of a nightlife
>homeless here are legitimately crazy. Really most non-natives have a tinge of insanity that leads to them eventually becoming methed out hobos with maggots in their wounds
NTA but many jobs don't allow that anymore post covid for a slew of reasons. Some thing I've seen and know a few people who simply can't get their company paid for healthcare without a perm living address. PO boxes also don't factor in the residence address for things such as taxation on the state level.

The bars are dogshit but can be enjoyable if you know how to properly pregame. The biggest wallet drain isn't food:
>Get a crock pot
>Get frozen (meat), beans or that cheap tube walmart ground beef
Shredded chicken, pot roast, chili, tacos, slow roasted shredded beef, etc etc is good protien
>get some frozen veggies in bulk or order bulk dehydrated and rehydrate them
>learn how to make shit in that
Boom done, if you're spending over 75 a week for food you've horribly fucked up

Bars on the other hand are airport prices regardless where you go, 5 dollar happy hour beer days are loooong gone. 7 is a good happy hour price with 8.5-10 for most beers, wells might be around 8 with some shitholes doing 6.


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Wailea in Maui was the most expensive place I've ever been on vacation. When it was all said and sone, we spent $5,000 for a 7 day trip.
the place is hell. dont go

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What is wrong with working for a few months, saving money then running off to SE Asia for mindless escapism for months on end? If you have no career prospects and zero chance of a relationship at home, why would you voluntarily endure wage slavery with no hope of any kind of happiness? Why not just say fuck the system and live like this instead?

If you've got a career or wife, good for you. But if not, why not run away to pleasure island in the sun every few months if thats all you've got to look forward to? Thailand is pretty much the perfect destination for this

Too many men today are gaslighted by outliers like Jordan Peterson telling them to suffer like dogs and just accept it because its fucking noble or something. There is nothing noble in being a hapless slave in a society that hates your guts. Live for the moment. Travel is one of the few things that is still reasonably cheap and accessible that offers potentially high levels of happiness and pleasure. That is the kind of thing you need to help get you through in this day and age.
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The vast majority of americans are insufferable lefists.
Then who voted for Trump? (*゚ロ゚)
Sad you don't receive or can give live in your life. Hope it gets better for you anon.
Woman confirmed.
Trump backs demonsreal and supports trannies.
I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong but there’s so many better ways of doing it that it’s valid to question your reasoning. There’s remote jobs, online business, FIRE etc. All the dudes I’ve met traveling SEA that were applying your method were just continuously coping

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What's the best state fellow europeans/Americanaians?
>North and South Carolina
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I used to live in Southern Ohio and I regularly saw people with nazi tattoos & patches.
New Hampshire

Live Free or Die

Low crime, low population, low stress

Laxest gun laws

No income or sales tax

Unspeakably beautiful for 40% of the year

Fishin’, Huntin’, Gamblin’, seething about Massholes

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That’s why you don’t get it. In America, universities are like cities. They have hospital networks, sports teams, the works. I just looked up my university. There’s 50,000 employees.
like FL but cheaper and less congested
good too
>no state nannies
you can get a gun, do whatever really
Depends on the time of year.

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What's your unpopular traveling related opinion?
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Travel obsessed people are shitty people. If your entire life revolves around the next stamp in your passport, you’re a shitty person.
>bullshit detector when they travel to Yemen

Are you talking about Drew Binsky? I watched his Yemen video and he talked about near-death experiences and unsanitary conditions then did a 180 and said it was good
>normies deserve to have a good time as well and can be excellent friends.
living in gleeful ignorance

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Worth a trip or no? Is it really as dangerous as some people say?
definitely worth a trip. as far as danger goes it's pretty safe. it's the same rule as the rest of America: don't go to black neighborhoods and you'll have no problems
Avoid northwest Minneapolis (bounded by mpls city limits on the west and north, bounded by the river on the east, bounded roughly by highway 55 on the south). Thats where niggers constantly shoot each other. Avoid there and you'll be fine. Its a great area if you like nice trails by the rivers and lakes
Any recommendations? Looks like there are a ton of them.
What about downtown? Is public transit decent or would you suggest a car?
I never use public transit, I just bike so cant advise much there. In Mpls/St Paul, I think there is a fair amount of options for public transit, maybe less so in the suburbs, but I wouldnt want to use public transit in any major city in current year.
Downtown Mpls is fine, you might have a few people begging you for money but I've never encountered any violence there even late at night.
As for trails, if you want something that feels like being out in the wilderness despite being right in the city, the trail along the river from Minnehaha Falls to Fort Snelling is really nice. Really all of the trails along the lakea and rivers are nice. Lots of rain lately means lots of mosquitos right now though
If you want a great view of downtown check out Ridgeway Parkway Park in northeast Mpls after sunset, downtown Mpls is all lit up at night (just leave the park before 10pm or cop fags will harrass you)

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>Last Thread: >>2648804

>"remember, we parked the car under rollercoaster C" edition.

>What is this thread? Why are there two generals?
/rcg/ was initially created as a way for the roller coaster enthusiasts on here to discuss all things roller coasters and theme parks. While roller coasters are the main focus of these threads (and the title of the general) there is also discussion on other theme parks, their rides, as well as the parks themselves and trip planning too. That's where /tpg/ comes in.
>Can I talk about Disney/Universal parks in this thread?
Absolutely! Disney discussion of all sorts including rides/resorts/dining/trip planning is OK.

Thread Tip Pro: When in line for a coaster with a bunch of normies, feel free to autistically infodump to them every single iota of information you know about the ride you are about to go on: opening date, manufacturer, # of inversions, stats etc.

Roller Coaster Database:

Amusement Park News Sites:

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It’s a massive downgrade. Massacring one of their best rides for political reasons was stupid but the attraction they put together in its place is one of the worst re-themes or retrofits ever. The only thing I like about this is that the skeletal framework and flume are the same as the original attraction.
I wanted to like the ride, but I honestly don't. The story is a neat one, the music is good, and the finale is pretty detailed but it's ruined by the sparse areas between the animatronic scenes.
And that section after the first lift hill is really dead. Yes Splash's was too, but it didn't have an animatronic calling you to action immediately beforehand.
Regardless of any /pol/ reasons it's just a servicable ride at best, and a definite downgrade from Splash. It would definitely have done better as a brand new ride rather than using the bones of Splash.
Too shaky.
>inferior Takabisha
managed to get in Raging Bull, X-Flight, Maxx Force, and Goliath before the rain got too heavy. Goliath was pure kino but the rain ruined the experience for me.

This was also my first stab at a red-eye flight followed by an entire day at the park and taking the last flight back home. I held up fine despite running on 3 hours of sleep. If only rental cars were cheap and I only fly to cities with parks nearby then I could probably do one of these trips every month

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I feel like one of the hardest things about travelling is finding out how to spend all your time.
Once you realize you have 16 hours a day to fill, and you have no access to your home hobbies, you spend as much time as you can "exploring" what you came on vacation for, maybe a couple hours getting food, but it is unrealistic to have enough energy to be out all day every day.
I find myself sitting in the hotel room, watching shitty boomer tv shows, just because I'm too exhausted after being out all day. All while being frustrated with myself, thinking "I spent so much time and money planning this trip. why am I just sitting around?", wanting to go back out, but my legs are dead, and its only 6 PM...

Am I the only one feeling this way? Some places I travel to feel like there is just not enough stuff to do to fill the day, others have lots to do, but I don't have energy to be on my feet for 12+ hours a day...
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you over considered that your phone has more space for books than the backbag. Low IQ issue.
Why the fuck are you not spending the time learning the local language so you can thrive when you go out?
>hurriedly learn a new language through an app in your hotel room
>go out into the public
>blurt out horribly butchered phrase
>local gets this annoyed look and condescendingly responds in English

Alternate ending:
>manage to construct a passable sentence
>local responds in a fluent flurry
>you don't understand anything because you're not at that level yet

Many such cases!
Have you tried a book? Those can be really insightful as well. I recommend Summa Theologiae by Thomas of Aquinas.
I'm just out all day every day

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How many plates at the hotel breakfast buffet is too many?

>me, be
>use small portions, eating slowly and methodically as I play vidya on my phone
>like to taste test, trying very small amounts of different things, separating them on the plate so they don't touch, using space
>go get another plate whenever I finish
>often end up eating for 1+ hours with 5 or more plates
>get looks from staff, scowls with longer stays

Is it too much? They seem to just be counting the plates and think I'm eating like a pig. I've had multiple times where I thought managers were going to approach me.

What is the appropriate way to go about this?
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If you are white 2.
If you are black 10.
It is linearly distributed by skin color.
Most hotel breakfast buffets have a narrow window to begin with, like 8:00 to 11:30. With it so close to being lunch, I can't see myself eating so much.
Ideally, I would eat breakfast at 6:00 and lunch at 12:00.
I'm in SEA and the buffets usually run from 6-6:30 AM to 10:30. The selections are typically huge.

The top shelf ones may also have lunch and dinner buffets.
Good to know. I typically stick with breakfast at hotels. If I just woke up and I'm feeling hungry, time & distance are more of a concern than money or taste. A 6:00 AM hotel breakfast would be perfect for me.

I almost never eat lunch or dinner at hotels because I'm actually one of those silly niggers who wants the "local experience." I would eat lunch/dinner at the hotel if it's already paid for, or if they have any specialties. But if I'm in a foreign country, chances are good I'll be outside for most of the day, and not always near my hotel. Lunch and dinner are usually outside.
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When I mean "top shelf" I mean 6-star level and some of them have entry fees anyways. Most others are Ala Carte. It's usually just the breakfast that is free and that's the only one I'd utilize anyways, except for shit like the Marriot Marquis of Bangkok which is otherworldly. I much prefer my $2 pad krapao, duck noodles, and tomyum.

You sound like you haven't been to SEA yet, it's a must-go not just for sexpats, Thailand is world class for most everything at dirt cheap prices.

You could never explain the feel of moseying down to the buffet in your bathrobes and sandals and leisurely trying some of the dozens of dishes they have that day. All prepared fresh, no "intercontinental" packaged junk like in America.

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This general is for serious travelers chasing every country in world. Discussions to make it possible. And finding friends to share the journey. Yes, it is possible.

>How strong is my passport?

>Visa Requirments

>How dangerous is this country to travel to?

>Travel insurance search engines

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In the US and the UK at least, you can get an extended passport with double the visa stamp pages.

Though if you're travelling enough you'll still need to get it replaced before it expires if you fill it up.
Got mine stamped at Machu Picchu. Wouldnt normally have bothered if it was any other place or the chances I wont get to visit again.
no it doesnt
I don't even get stamps anymore. I'm from Germany and my only stamps are Korea and Scotland, of course I won't get anything from EU countries but not getting stamps from the US (Las Vegas) and Japan sucks. Do I have to specifically ask for that shit now?
I thought the term "stampmaxxing" was just a figure of speech, I didn't think it was about literal stamp collecting. I was under the impression that the core tenet is to travel to every country in the world.

Though technically speaking, the fewer marks on your passport, the better the situation you're in.
No stamp or visa = Your destination country trusts your country greatly. You can visit them very easily.
Fewer stamps in your passport = Longer passport life. You can travel more without renewing, which you would have to do if you run out of pages.

>Do I have to specifically ask for that shit now?
Yes. A lot of countries will actually oblige you. Lots of stamp-collectors do this on purpose.
Another thing to look out for are e-gates. They are faster, which is great if you're qualified to use them. If you want a stamp, you'll have to wait in the same queue as the third-world faggots who aren't even allowed to use them. If waiting in line is worth it for a stamp, all the best.

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I just landed for a month in South Korea.
Figured we should have a South Korea thread, just in general.

Could you believe I can't even order delivery without a "residence number" or something? Ridiculous.
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South Korea fucking blows, dude. I spent a week there and even that was too much. Complete waste of a trip.
>ordering delivery in another country
take a walk you fat lazy nigger
Certain things are just better by delivery, like packs of bottled water or bottled tea. That's just a fact.
I'm here for work but I'm trying to make the best of it.
Uber got cucked and I think grab broke down.

Honestly ordering deliver in Korea is brain dead stupid with how many shops are around

Nigger there are supermarkets EVERYWHERE. Holy shit you remind me of my coworker who went there and only shopped at CU24 and No Brand burger, not realizing 2 fucking grocery stores were right next to him,

Where are you living. Spent a few months there over the years, going back here in a month, probably doing the DN visa.

What prepaid visa/cc did you get, most those apps will show where they have deals and point out grocery stores and such
>Nigger there are supermarkets EVERYWHERE
Regardless, liquids are just better delivered because of how heavy they are. If I want a stock of bottled water, cool tea, or milk I'd have to take multiple trips to the grocery on my bike and carry it up to my room. In Japan, I could order such things and have the whole lot delivered to my doorstep where I'd lug it a short way to my apartment.

>What prepaid visa/cc did you get
Well, none. I have a prepaid currency card from back home, and I was given a T-Money card on-arrival but nothing else.

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For a long time, Vegas was known as the place where poor people could roleplay being rich, as rooms and food were affordable for so long.
These days, it feels very different. Everything that shouldn't cost money, does. And everything that costs money costs A LOT. The word 'complimentary' doesn't even exist there.
Everyone is trying to get into your wallet. Even just walking down the strip, you get harassed by beggars, photo whores, ticket sellers, Asian "gifts".

I went a few months ago to check out the sphere.
>show was at night
>gotta kill time during the day
>every little "museum" exhibit on the strip is $50 and lasts <1 hour
>every place that sells food is at least 2x normal price
>spend all day walking the strip, sightseeing
>finally time for the show
>go into Venetian, as there is a bridge to the sphere
>convention going on, so bridge is closed
>they tell everyone to walk down the back sidewalk
>10,000 people walking both ways to the sphere, on a tiny sidewalk, spilling into the road

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Has anyone counted cards, or seen someone get thrown out for counting?

It was weird how for a couple of years there were stories about kids getting rich off counting, and if I recall correctly, the stories ended with the casinos switching from 4 decks per table to 8, or something like that, to completely kill the 1% edge the counters had. It was some kind of stupidly easy fix, don’t know why the casinos didn’t do it earlier, I thought the whole thing might have been a publicity stunt for the house but the stories seemed legit
The latest (((game defense))) is continuous shufflers. The machine can hold 6-8 decks and all the played cards are reshuffled back in every few hands. It’s like playing with a new shoe every hand
Yep, if they think you're counting, they'll shuffle constantly
I recently went to Vegas for the first time and loved it. Before going I got the Wyndham business rewards credit card which allowed me to status match to Caesar’s diamond. I stayed at a Caesar’s property and got no resort fees. Went Sunday through Thursday and paid about $40 bucks per night. While I was there I got a $100 food and beverage credit from Caesars then was able to status match to Fountaineblue for another $150 food and beverage credit, I was also able to status match to Wynn for platinum and MGM for gold. I gambled about $3500 over the trip, mostly on video poker and some slots. Ended the trip down about $700. Now I’m getting a bunch of offers for comped rooms at Caesars properties and some for MGM. So I think if you do it right you can do it relatively cheaply. I also went to CVS and packed my fridge with beer and ate at In & Out burger a few times. I’m not sure if I’ll go back soon but maybe.
Anyone have book recommendations about the history of Vegas? I’m reading through “Winner Take All” right now. It’s an interesting look at the history up to 2008, especially being able to look back and see what the thought was pre-financial-crisis

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What are the most dangerous feeling places you guys have traveled to?
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>maoist guerrilla

Was this in India? You were talking to a Naxalite?
I’m always amused by people who say American cities are the most dangerous when they ventured into the ghettoest hood imaginable. People who venture past Midtown in Detroit, or Kensington in Philly, South Central/Skid Row in LA. With the exception of Jackson, Mississippi, all the American cities mentioned in this thread have thriving pleasant areas, just don’t be a retard and wander into the hood
I walked from the bus station on the outskirts of Timisoara to the city center and passed by what I presume are either gypsies or old babushka type ladies selling stuff and no one bothered me even through I was tugging a suitcase for 30 minutes. Never had a bad experience in Eastern Europe and their women indeed are gorgeous
Tijuana strikes me as a bootleg version of Downtown Vegas mixed with New Orleans
I’m sick of retards claiming New York is dangerous, when it’s literally one of the safest big cities in the US

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Turned 18 a few months ago and have been saving up some money for a while to go traveling.

Undecided on the country so far, thought Japan but gonna cut through my money fast. India is very interesting to me culturally and geographically. Would really enjoy going to New Delhi/The Himalayas and see a tiger in the wild if it went perfectly.

I have heard though that there's a high risk of food poisoning, pickpocketing etc In India so I was wondering if any more experienced travelers recommend building up some experience before going to a place like India, or if it’s actually just a really pleasant country to visit regardless of travel experience, age etc.

Please don't respond if all you've got to offer is /pol/tard tier spiel and jokes about how much the country or the people suck. Save it, I don't want to hear it and I will filter and report it.
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Lot of good answers already here OP, I'll just add my 2cents. I backpacked India for 6 months 19 years ago when I was 22. It changed me. No smartphones of course back then so you were just winging it on foot/bus/train with a lonely planet. I couldn't handle it now that I'm old and soft but facing those challenges made a man out of me. If that's the kind of experience you want go for it. You might not love every second of it but you'll gain a lot in the long run.
India isn't worth it. Filthy, annoying people, high chances of getting sick from aforementioned filth.
I agree. I'm Indian myself and feel this could be a great way to explore India.

If you book through a reputed and well-reviewed organization, you're likely to have a very good experience of India as there will always be people around to guide you or help you with anything you need. And you're much less likely to get scammed this way.
If i were you, id go to easiest short travel country destination to not demoralize yourself for life, then when you know how to use transport systems, get spicy about it, if you get lost in India youre kinda fucked in my opinion. Its bigger than greece.
>and cherry picked videos
Speaking of Cherry picked, why not show what the surrounding area of this enchanted place looks like

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For whatever reason, I've always been fascinated with Montanita. I may actually go next year.

Have you been there? How was it?
I'm just trying to go visit a South American beach and chill for a week.

I'm not super familiar with South America in general, much less Ecuador. Is the crime worse than Mexico and Central America?
Is it safer to get from Guayaquil to Montanita by bus or taxi? Are there cars to rent? Checkpoints like in Mexico?

So many questions

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