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Anon, what is essential to know if you want to travel to Malta?
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A Maltese friend invited us to his house in Gozo, and we stayed there for 4 days
I really, REALLY loved the country

its like its stuck in time
its not exactly cheap if you arent looking for cheap stuff specifically, and cheap stuff is extremely greasy for some reason
I was gonna write some stuff up but the leaf here >>2660651 is like spot on lol
>use public transport, it's cheap and can literally get you anywhere, BUT keep in mind sometimes the buses change their routes on the fly. This was jarring as fuck to me, but it never caused issues.
>ignore the main beaches - there are some fantastic hidden beaches worth visiting way more than the touristy ones, you just might need to get off the beaten path, but it's extremely worth it.
>there's an extra AC charge in a lot of airbnbs/hotels, it's not a scam
>Rabat is really chill, i recommend spending a couple of days there if you just want to relax
>Eat at hole-in-the-wall restaurants, it's cheaper and the food is fucking great

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For context, I have a friend there who is looking for a roommate they said I don't even need a visa to stay permanently: I tried working through the constitution but can't find anything that explicitly confirms this(Not legally trained, could just be a dumbass)

Is anyone able to confirm this? If it's not true, how much should I expect to drop just to get a temporary residency?(Assuming we are using USD)
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How much do apartments in Buenos Aires cost? Like a 2 br in a good neighborhood.
I want to buy a small vineyard near Mendoza…

that's the best part of hte country. but the other side of the border is also nice and doesn't have all the problems of argentina. the only thing about chileans is that they will eat piles of ground beef completely raw so you have to be into that kind of thing or else ngmi
kukas mugrosos NO VUELVEN MAS
If you move to spain you'll starve when the financial system collapses. Argentina will ironically be better than most of Yurop

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Is it just me or singapore is really overrated? Everything is just so pointlessly expensive, consumerist and boring.
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I've been in big greenhouses at nature reserve type places before, is it like that but just really hot?
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Honestly, why anyone would ever want to go somewhere like Singapore is beyond me. They should go somewhere tolerant, multicultural, trans friendly. like Canada. Nothing is more disgusting and racist than the ***shivers*** CCP!!!!!
Its not about geylang its about the combination having a buffet of grills from all over asia and little competition
Like >>2667126 implied, the cooming is not with the singaporeans, (who are all already locked in unspoken /pol/-approved ethnic marriages), but with the rest of Seamonkeys.

Basically SG is the dream destination of every thirdy in the area and when a filipina, a pajeeta or a malaysian gets a shitty graphic designer or receptionist job and move there they think they made it and start roleplaying as a Sex in the City character. Add their inexperience with western-type hookup culture, the lack of competition/meekness of other Asians and you will be amazed of what you can get away with a little bit of assertiveness.

Im what /r9k/ would call a cyborg and yet in SG I fucked in public toilets near Clarke Quay, got blowjobs at the beach at midnight and banged at the bird watching tower in Pasir Ris. Passport bros are spending their savings buying wives directly from their shitholes when you can fuck their 1%ers in Singapore for free lmao
Also 2 non-cooming comments
>1- The food scene is top tier, that alone is a reason to visit
>2- Changi is ridiculously overrated. Its just an airport ffs

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Me and my gf are looking to take a vacation next year. We are split between

>Chile - Santiago, Valpa
>Argentina - Buenos Aires

In Chile we’d probably spend a few days in each, taking a bus to the coast. Argentina we’d just stay in BA. We both are looking to explore the scenery, do hikes, and sight see in the cities. Normal touristy stuff. Eat drink, local culture, etc.

Which do you think would be more enjoyable? Taking into account the locals, safety, value, things to do, etc.
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Also forgot no matter where you go bring 1-2k USD in cash as a lot of Hotels expect a cash payment in USD, anything above the $100 price tag is often only sold for USD/EUR cash etc.
You can almost everywhere pay with CC but having some USD on you makes life a lot easier.
Thank you for the tips
My advice. Dump the hole and have a good time. Your girlfriend will make that once in a lifetime trip a nightmare. Don't believe me? Go ahead.
If you have a LOT of time (a month to 6 weeks). Go down south and road trip it from Puerto Montt, down the Carterra Austral, spend a few days in O'Higgins, take a ferry to Puerto Natales, do Torres del Paine, drive to Ushuaia, then head back up the Argentina side and hit El Chalten, Bariloche, and Calafate. You won't be disappointed.
Cover Patagonia especially Torres Del Paine

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>Early 30s and married, no children yet
>Mixed race, wife is White, both Muslim (we both keep to ourselves, none of this "sharia law everywhere")
>From the UK
>Wealthy due to inheritance, would no longer need to work. Money in Swiss bank account as well as bullion
>Highly qualified as a chartered aerospace engineer if I needed to be sponsored to get residence
>Speak French, Spanish, Arabic and Japanese (I was a weeb, still am to an extent)

Where in the world would you suggest moving to?

>I believe that climate change is real and going to get worse which rules out most of the countries between the tropics, access to natural reserves of water is a must so no arid climates
>Relatively safe, I don't want to worry about people breaking up into my home or threatening my family so places like South Africa are ruled out
>Similar culture to the UK. Sure SEA may be beautiful to visit and have a very low cost of living, but I'd like to raise a family and integrate with my host nation which will be very difficult in countries like this
>Not a tiny country as I want to be able to buy some land and be as self sufficient as possible

I've considered the US, and places like Maine/Washington would suit me I've been warned before when I've asked here that unless I'm a White Christian, and a specific type of Christian, then rural areas won't be fun. Canada is completely fucked, worse so than the UK. Argentina seemed like an option until Milei took over.

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That sounds awful in all honesty. The usual /pol/ racist I can deal with, and they tend to keep to their own communities. Can't stand the "white guilt" racists, it's as if they're saying "you can't do it yourself so you NEED our help". I've actively avoided them here so I'd rather not be anywhere near them in the US.
That's what concerns me. At least in places like the US/Canada/Aus/NZ there's a shared common language, but in Malaysia there won't be much. Even with Arabic they'll know a few verses from the Quran but that's it, not enough to communicate.
I've lived in Malaysia, didn't meet a single person who didn't speak English.
>mixed race
>shit skin

maybe Iraq?
That’s such bullshit lmao. There is no cucked rural area in America except maybe Vermont. The only cucked places are suburban. NY especially is not cucked. People are outright white nationalist neonazis in the rural northeast.
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>white country
>white country
>white country
lmao no go back to your muzzie shithole

>Spring and Autumn will soon become a thing of the past and we'll have scorching heat and drought for 6 months of the year and then bitter cold and torrential rain for the other 6 months
this is complete bullshit that just came out of your ass. the current prediction for "climate change" for 2100 (you will be ash by then and your kids will be old farts) is an average increase of 2° to 2,5 °C mostly concentrated in the poles and affecting little the equatorial and tropical region. It's not turning Morocco into some apocalypse it's maybe raising your average hot summer day from 35° to 36°. Probably less because well before 2100 every country will have adopted nuclear power and nuclear fusion will become an option too

zero idea why anyone would dedicate time and money to visiting germany unless they're into the berlin hip culture
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Good selection of bible study available in pretty much every big city
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Because you're on 4channel anon. . .
Yes, it's a group of people I know in Halle. I didn't get get quit the same vibe when I passed through Cologne and the other parts of West Germany, though I didn't interact with the locals much.
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I took >140 photos and 6 videos of Dresden today alone. Kino as fuck parts of the city.
Are you going to the Bayerischer Löwe? It's the cream of the crop competition for schuhplattlers.
You do realize that map was made as a shitpost, right?
I travel to Berlin in 1 week.
What should I kmow?
I want to see DDR and cold war stuff. Went to Cologne last year and enjoyed Nazi stuff there so not really looking to explore that again too much. I just like the country and the people.

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Up to what age are you allowed to stay in a hostel? When I think of hostels, I imagine backpackers up to 23 years old, traveling across continents during a 2-3 month uni break. I find it hard to picture regular working adults using those kinds of facilities
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i'm in my 50s and love going to hostels, all the autistic travel faggots that spend their days reading reddit or cliche books usually stand in awe as I get down pounding the young room sluts in front of them. I absorb their testosterone through their smug copes and channel that to the next hostel.

this is from a guy who has only stayed in hostels for the last 18 years, i hope you guys keep being autistic losers and literal homosexuals for another 18 years - im swimming in pussy.
I'm 85 years old and stay at hostels regularly

The good thing is you can always ask the volunteers for help changing your diapers.
I'm 28 and stayed in hostels for most of my trip. Nobody cares about your age as long as you act mature and are a nice to be around (and aren't a gypsy, a jeet or Israeli.)
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No...no I very much so stay in hostels because I can't afford comfort. I make 200$ a month. Some people here eat at places that would cost me half a year to save up for, on a whim, and that's normal.
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Damn suck for them. I'm starting my work holiday at 27 gonna be in a hostel as I get my bank and phone set up as I look for work. It is what it is

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I'm a very well traveled guy, also a resort manager, been in different situations. However, I've just found out that Airbnb reservation can be canceled by a host just like that, two days before arrival. "Here's your refund, off you go". Mind you, this is Memorial weekend, everything is booked, prices are through the roof by now.

If we cancel a booking from Expedia or any other OTA (say, due to a rare overbooking situation, an issue with a room or something), the OTA looks for an alternative and we have to cover the guest's relocation cost to a comparable (or better) resort. Not the case with Airbnb, you get zero support, you're on your own.

So imagine: you have a flight overseas with your family and friends, and boom, the host cancels. I'm definitely going to be more careful when booking Airbnb in the future, now that I know this is their policy.

What's also interesting is that Airbnb actually charges the host a hefty penalty for the cancellation, they just keep the money while you're left to overpay for your stay now.
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>If we cancel a booking from Expedia or any other OTA (say, due to a rare overbooking situation, an issue with a room or something), the OTA looks for an alternative and we have to cover the guest's relocation cost to a comparable (or better) resort
You're talking about walking a status holder because of oversold rooms, right? Why on earth is your property/chain doing any shit for OTA customers who are all scum anyway? How weak of a bargaining position do you have to be in to be forced to pay an actual OTA to walk a bottom of the barrel guest aside from their enormous cut of your room rate?
Airbnb isn't any cheaper than a hotel or a guest house. Was it ever cheap?
all depends on where you are
my mom is heading to Corpus Christi, TX next month. i found her a lovely airbnb room with dedicated bathroom in a private home for $85/night. Even shitty hotels with horrible reviews were asking more than that.
This one time my mom booked an Airbnb but it got cancelled by the host like 3 days before checkin. They also didn't intend to give my mom her money back for a month because they were selling the place and apparently the host was right about to become a super host and didn't want the refund statement to block her from becoming one (since you need a perfect track record). Mom instantly got on the phone with Airbnb, got her money back that same afternoon and the host was perma banned. Eat shit slumlords.
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I stopped using AirBnB years ago. Hotels are literally cheaper these days.

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There's good food everywhere, but some places simply seem to have an over abundance of it. What are some places you've visited and/or are familiar with that you can say with confidence: "If you go there and don't eat well, it’s your own fault."
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As long as kebab makes people fuck off because you have it at home then its all good. I wish every place gets all the same services so you stop acting embarrassing in foreign places and maybe idk go there to teach in university over just fucking around in Subway because you wouldnt do that in home, but how about someone elses home. Well now they hate you.

Biggest L on tourism: People live here.
Oh I don’t blame kebabs. They are hardworking and trying to make money from something that is popular.
I am more pissed by the fact that French are absolutely crazy about Asian food while Asian food is absolute dog shit in France.
>wanting to eat fatty, greasy foods all day in a fucking furnace of a desert

I'd KMS.
>or anywhere RyanAir flies
Thanks for filtering the rest of your opinion out. I don't think I'll be skipping Venice, Milano, Napoli, Rome, Alghero, Ancona, Bari, Bologna, Brindisi, Cagliari, Catania, Crotone, Cuneo, Genoa, Lamezia, Olbia, Palermo, Parma, Perugia, Pescara, Pisa, Reggio Calabria, Rimini, Trapani-Marsala, Trieste, Turin, Verona though.
I lived in Japan for two years and had two dishes that I didn't like: crab innards (tasted and looked like wet sand) and natto. I can't remember having a terrible meal either.

Is it possible for an anglophone to find work in Montreal?

I don't have a lot of work experience, I'd like to go back to school. I studied in Montreal for about a year when I was younger and loved it. I want to return, but I only really have work experience in retail. Has anyone else lived there extensively? Is it possible for Anglos to make a living?
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Are you dense?

We have English cegeps, with many trade school options.

We have many trade schools in English.

We have McGill and Concordia. McGill in particular is very well known and 100% English
> You would learn some basics of the language of any place you live, no?

Then why do French people move to Montreal and not learn English?

Montreal is bilingual, not French. Quebec may be French but the city is not.
Definitely pick up some French phrases. I find that the locals appreciate any effort to speak French even if you aren't fluent
I definitely have a basic grasp on the language, it's just that I don't know that I'm fluent enough to communicate with anyone for extensive periods of time.
Seething BetaFrog

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Why is no one talking about RUSSIA in this thread? I've wanted to visit russia forever but I guess becuase it was always so nearby and relatively easy I just let other things come first. I'm british and apparently I need to get a visa from one of the offices in the UK.

What I'm asking is, will this really work? Does anyone have experience getting a visa to russia from an enemy country since the happening? Or will they just accept my application then have it on pending forever or something?

Any tips on anything russia related would be good. Especially post-chimpout experiences.
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If your goal is to spend time in a Russian prison it sounds like a good plan
Breh I'm an aristocratic type whose biggest problem is boredom
It's as shithole
Russia is having a rough time right now because of the war. Not worth visiting
Anyone investigate traveling from Japan to Vladivostok?

Any DN or techie fags that can give me some tips for gps spoofing?

My work (sales) reports thru an app (GoSpotCheck) for check-ins. I'm supposed to physically see X number of accounts in person per day and "checking in" on the app when I'm there.

For years I've been doing 50% of these faggy check ins from home or hundreds of miles away on unauthorized vacations-- well, they finally noticed the average disparity of hundreds of miles apart from my physical location and where I pretend to be.

Went into dev settings on my android to install a mock GPS spoof, but it doesn't seem to fool the app as it keeps reverting to my actual location.

Apologize if this is the wrong forum, casual lurker who just doesn't wanna be a cucked wageslave.

Looking for answers from the tech bros who find workarounds-- im not a boomer retard or terminally online zoomer, just a reasonably competent fag looking to exploit my employer to the fullest bc I'm an American retard and would rather kms than work 50 weeks per year
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Retard his job requires him to be in certain areas meeting with clients and he’s blatantly lying while not doing his job. Go back to r/antiwork
>his job requires
yeah you still have the wrong mindset anon
the answer is to get a better job. this is not "anti work" or whatever.
make a thread in /g/ and /wsr/ or go on reddit saying youre a teleworker abd dont mention any of thr stuff about not actually doing ur job someome will help
Are you sure it's using gps? If the app works without it they are likely using IP instead.

A bit smarter way would be getting cell tower info and checking it against public databases, but the average dev would just use GPS instead unless they needed to be completely sure with multiple sources to verify.

Really it's probably IP and you need to setup a VPN to your home network and use that as an exit node.

Tailscale is good enough on their free tier and normie friendly to setup, you'll need to remember to activate the exit node, out of the box it only connects to your local network.
If you don't have a spare computer, old phone at home buy a raspberry pi and put it on that.
Reading your other posts, scanning wifi isn't very common, public wifi lists with locations are incredibly fickle but it definitely sounds like something pajeet devs would try.

I'd keep it in airplane mode, using WiFi with a VPN to your home network. Would be quite hard to prove you weren't there (besides calling a home phone or something)

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All about travel to Central Asia.
Ever been there? Want to visit? Discuss it here.
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First-world prices IMO. Go order an English breakfast or bowl of ramen or cocktail in Almaty and tell me how much it cost. Similar to back home in London. They have Soviet-style canteens, apartment blocks, and decades-old cars with no safety features. That brings some costs down. But for first-world QoL in Central Asia you're not getting any discounts.

You can't compare their much worse standard of living and say it's 'cheaper.' Not if you normalize for quality of life.
I'm going to Astana for the world nomad games, excited to go. after that i'll be doing hikes in kyrgystan and visiting soviet/silk road cities in uzbekistan
Thinking of going to central asia someday, but doesn't need to be soon. Samarkand in Uzbekistan is probably #1 for me, and my wife has some friends in Kygryzstan.

Would knowing Russian help immensely? My wife has been thinking of learning it (she's Polish so it shouldn't be too hard for her), so if she does decide to learn it, we might wait on going there until she has a decent level in it.
My brother did a trip across all of them into the Hindu Kush or Altai (I can’t remember, he ended the trip in China).

He said it was fun. The people were anccomodating and the landscape is incredible apparently. That’s it.
Anon that's a picture from Indonesia, not Pakistan

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What are the best things to do in San Diego? Going to spend a few days here
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Let the aids blow through your hair
Lived here for 12 years. Go to:
>Balboa Park
Cozy park with lots of museums, some of them are free. It’s also right next to:
Truly a remarkable zoo. Some parts of it are like walking through a jungle. Well worth the time.
>North Park, Pacific Beach or Gaslamp for going out at night
>Ocean Beach
Pier is closed for demo now, this is a scummy hippy area but the farmers market and drum circle on Wednesday nights is great people watching
>La Jolla
Rich white boomers, not much going on here besides the beautiful coast line and watching sea lions and seals, whole area great for snorkeling
>Torrey Pines/Blacks beach
Easy and scenic hiking. Blacks is a nude beach but its only gay or hippie or old dudes, or shrek lesbians. Ive never seen a sexy nude person here. The mushroom house is cool though
>Old Town
Tourist trap but has some decent mexican restaurants and little historic landmarks

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GTA looking bullshit city wtf is that map
eat at the good spots, hit up the zoo, leave cuzz its sd
Rent a Kayak at La Jolla and go see the sea caves. Skateboard the boardwalk at mission beach. Go see the Coronado Hotel. Rent electric scooters and go drunk bar hopping. Go to the False Idol tiki bar

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