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What is the best place to move to if you’re an introverted quiet average looking man and want a wife who will be nice to you and will not treat you like a subhuman because you’re autistic?
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Yes, I am saying that economic difference should be enough incentive for her.
You seem to be echoing that sentiment but with a bitterness that makes it sound like you suffer rejection even in Thailand. I sympathize with you my Bharati friend, but I cannot relate.
No one asked what you think people "deserve"
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Chuds shouldn't get married or have children so don't even try. Travel can't save you
>he just wants to get his little, meek, 5 inch pecker played with in privacy

I understand anon
Unironically the American south or even Utah if you’re willing to convert to Mormonism

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What should you look out for when buying underwear if you're out and about on the road, in the hills and mountains, etc?

Did about 12 hours combined of walking and cycling over the weekend, and the inside of my thighs and inside of my ass cheeks were hurting like a motherfucker towards the end.

Any advice on what to look out for in terms of:
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Not really, they're basically the same as regular underwear. Maybe the price depending on what you currently buy and what brand of bamboo underwear you're looking at? They're pretty reliable though, I've had pairs last a long time - I keep wondering if I should buy new ones but there's really nothing wrong with the ones I have now.
I should note I wear boxer-briefs rather than loose boxers, your mileage may vary with other types.
Definitely wear something that is breathable so you dont get swamp ass.
I really like my Gymshark boxer briefs
athletic compression shorts
yeah they're made of fuckin plastic and ruin your sperm or whatever but at least you will never chafe again

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What are some jobs you can get while travelling?

I so tired of always waiting to have money saved up to go away, instead of doing it while I'm travelling. At the age of 30, I'm open to being a digital nomad, work at a party hostel, be a teacher or whatever. As long as I'm not here.
Just to be a TEFL teacher. I spent $1200 to get a TEFL and then just never even tried to get a job because the two practicum classes at the end of the course were so excruciating and stressful I knew there was no possible way I could be a teacher. Too much social anxiety.
>it’s supposed to be hard in the beginning
Ok then I’m a failure
kek, youre a coward. imagine caring so much about what people think of you that you cant push through some social anxiety. when people stand between me and something i want, i imagine them as worthless flesh bags that i could cut down like the grass, if i so chose. but im basically a sociopath so its always been easy for me to bullshit in front of an audience.
I dropped out of University (free tuition though). I've done certification and training in numerous courses, have more training and qualifications than most senior managers. Even completed my thesis work.. Still not certain why TEFL has a university degree requirement. Is it so people can pay off their college debts? Boggles the mind. If anyone knows of any good English teacher positions without a degree requirement, I'd appreciate knowing.

planning a trip to Nice for 3/4 days, any recommendations on things to do?

in total around 500 eurobux
seeing nice things, food, trips to neat places, walking tours, spending time with locals
>Level of understanding of the local language(s)
basic french from school, je suis anglais
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The ticket machines at the airport are a ripoff, they charge 10 euros for what costs 1.70 euros anywhere else in the city.
Walk for one stop (really easy, flat and well paved) and buy a ticket at the next stop or install the Lignes d'Azur app if you're that way inclined.
Nice is paradise for day trips, Monaco, Cannes, Antibes, Frejus, Eze, mountains, etc, but also half-day trips to the neighbouring towns are easily done.
Nice city, especially the Promenade d'Anglais is best experienced in the morning with fewer crowds and later evening after dinner, easily walkable.
No need for tours along the coast, you can do it as an individual with public transport easily.
thanks anon this is useful, will prob do four days then with a day trip to cannes and monaco or maybe the mountains
day trip (train) to Cannes, much better beach and promenade
is a day in cannes enough?
not really bothered about beaches so much as the ambiance and nice places to eat
Go see the ancient Roman arena. It's completely free and there's no walls or ropes or anything.
There's some really beautiful churches around too if that's your thing.

Many of us have travelled to different countries that have a huge culture shock where it feels like almost everything is different to home.

But I'm wondering about the little things. What are some really small things you found to be a bit of a "shock" in another country despite being insignificant/small.

For context I am from Australia. A few of my own.


• Being able to buy cigarettes and alcohol at pharmacies. And being able to buy alcohol at gas stations. Both of these are unheard of back home.

• Hearing people refer to main meals as entrees, and to Italian pasta as "noodles". In Aus the word noodle is strictly used for Asian dishes.


• Having clothes washing machines in the kitchens. I've never seen that before I went to England.

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>I'm in Rhode Island right next to Massachusetts, and in both states there's no alcohol sales in grocery stores or gas stations
Curiously, in my old hometown in MA, when Whole Foods showed up, they somehow got a licensing pass to sell beer and wine. None of the other supermarkets can.

>pharmacies in IL still sell alcohol and tobacco, or at least the chains that haven't decided to stop
Curious to know which chains predominate in IL—I thought I remembered reading that CVS and Walgreens both got rid of tobacco, at least, nationwide, and they dominated the drug store markets in the two US states I lived in. I remember the stores in California replacing their cigarette cases with nicotine gum cases quite a few years ago. But I rarely went into other chains, and don’t live in the USA anymore, so I don’t know the deal nationwide. When I go back to visit I’m usually in CA (where they definitely don’t sell tobacco anymore, but might still sell booze) or MA (where they definitely don’t sell tobacco anymore, and never sold alcohol).
I'm from America. There's a million ways to do just about anything. There hasn't been a single thing that I've experienced in different countries that has shocked me.
not having homeless is communism so we just push em to a few containment zones per city
All the west coast you can get beer at least at gas stations Washington sane California have liquor sales in grocery stores Oregon still has a state monopoly on liquor but you can get beer and wine anywhere
>Imagine if a bunch of slav's materialized close to france.
As a Belgian that has visited quite a few former USSR states, could you clarify that one? Just curious.

I'm heading to Spain in September for 2 weeks. The plan is to do 2 nights each in Madrid- Toledo-Cordoba-Sevilla-Cadiz-Ronda-Malaga

Were taking a train from Madrid to Toledo and then to Cordoba, and then taking a rental car from Cordoba through the rest of the stops and dropping it off in Malaga. I already have the rental car taken care of.

Is there anything along that route that we should absolutely stop and do? Were into rafting, waterfalls, wine, castles, shopping, old buildings, mountain overlooks, cool towns, beaches, hikes. For food, we all go for seafood over anything else. We usually don't do museums or anything with a line. We all hate ham.
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Well in Toledo go see the painting in the Iglesia de Santo Tomé at least
We're doing a road trip. We can stop wherever we want along the way. Who could know every small mountain town in central Spain when 90 percent of the information online is marketing posts on Instagram? There's a reason why most people end up waiting in 5 hour lines for the Coliseum in Rome. The smart way to plan is to ask people on a travel forum. I've done several of these trips and gotten better advice on here than anywhere else.
....Although I do find that Europeans have a hard time grasping road trips since most of you don't own cars.
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>Were into rafting, waterfalls, wine, castles, shopping, old buildings, mountain overlooks, cool towns, beaches, hikes
Sounds like Tenerife is your place. Amazing wine, good food, very reasonable prices (maybe too reasonable,) insane uphills to the good places that can be challenging to most, beaches, decent shopping if you're into traditional attire. Just don't go to the resorts in the South whatever you do. Spend your money on the local businesses.
Make sure you eat cocido in madrid and salmorejo somewhere in Andalucia.

I’d also heartily recommend to, at some point, go to a random small town on the side of the road and ask locals around for the best restaurant in town
Looks awesome, but it's a road trip in central Spain. And Tenerife is adjacent to Africa. I should also mention that we hate blacks.

I'm going to Spain during July for 11 days. The tickets were 700 for the roundtrip.
I'm not interested in getting drunk or going to places to dance/fuck.
What's the best museum on Madrid for a one day experience? Is it safe to sleep on buses/trains going from Madrid to Alhambra?
I got family on Murcia, Irún and Santander so no motels/hotels there in fact I want to make my vacation as cheap as possible.
I don't like my family who lives in Murcia that much so I'll only stay with them for two days.
My family in Irún says that from Murcia to Irún is cheap to go in plane and only takes an hour is that true?
Is this whole thing reasonable?
One of the best museums in the world, The Prado, is located in Madrid.
Even when I went to the Boston museum for two days I felt like so much was missing to experience so I hope to not feel that again.
>What's the best museum on Madrid for a one day experience?
Not a museum but the Valley of the Fallen was my favorite part of my stay in Madrid.

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Hows Mexico City? Thinking about going there for two weeks to a month

Hows the mogging scene there?
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American, regardless of race. If you're blonde you are downgraded to wero

>Will I get murdered for being English?
Interesting, I may visit
Everything outside of the yucatan should be nuked and repopulated later on
price of democracy
>wtf is a DN?

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Or is it all just a waste of money. I mean completely solo, meeting people at your hostel and doing things with them no longer counts as solo.
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yes traveling solo can be great, cause traveling with others would usually fall in three categories
you have to do what everyone else want to do, everyone will make sure you know how much they hate the thing you want to do when you finally get them to do it, or they expect you to be the one who plans everything while they get to relax
Thanks dude
try sticking to the actual advice or location specific threads and not the doom-posting threads like these that are half real board content and half bait from permanently online anons who don't travel.
What's more believable?
The dude who spent his time contributing to the discussion by writing all that text in a response to 5 different anons
a /pol/ spil-over post 1 liner?
My worry is that I'll sleep until the afternoon every day and spend way too much time in the hotel room.

Going to punta Cana in Dominican Republic, anything I should know or do?
Sights ? Safety ? Women?
Did passport bros and sexpats already ruin it
How good is the English there my Spanish gas gone to shit now
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Incels were more obsessed about Rotherham pigger
You white and gay bro
Still makes Rotherham look like a Catholic Church groomer
Gotta go east on whites or it’s muh anti white woke fags
Pretty pathetic . Think the loli fapping incels are jealous that those girls didn’t approach them for bjs for smokes
Otherwise if they hated pedos why not the biggest groomers like sexpats and Catholics
You’re the mong and your people that allowed in the first place ,law enforcement council and shit. That’s why it went on for so long Of course the parents “didn’t know” or are crackheads. Normal families know what’s going on

Maybe if the groomers were mostly white you’d say it’s progressive European values
Ya they must be
Half the whites in west got ruined by libs
Other half is cuckservatives
>white shit is too far
Too sensitive this is 4chan where nigga paki chink kike is said freely
Don’t be the autist in the ivory tower or glass house or whatever
>13 year old girls who grew up in squalor get groomed raped and trafficked by pakis, it’s covered up by councils and police and you blame the kids and parents, hilarious. One day…

Yes you do simple as likely those idiot parents knew and don’t care to get blamed like not knowing their autistic son will shoot a school
White values

Not as bad an 8 year old sold in a third world slum by some norf man fag

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Anyone have the Bangkok superfuture guide? I’m going to Tokyo and Bangkok next month, someone posted the Tokyo one and I liked it.
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thanks anon
Sounds like some cringe, Hypersocial zoomer faggot content. I’m passing
Not really. It’s a pretty cool guide albeit suggestions lean towards people that like fashion and art - so these things tend to have a high cost. Obviously, a different style of traveling if you’re looking a for a cheap getaway, but still pretty cool imo. Hopefully someone will have other cities as well.
Damn I totally misread. My bad

If anything its too millenial. Sufu has been around since the 2000s

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Does anybody feel like going to a grocery store of a country you're visiting is one of the best cultural experiences and highlight of the trip? Y'know trying their local delicacies and snacks and such.
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japan's greatest gift to the world is Daiso
it's utterly incredible. a colourful wonderland of cheap junk that you never knew you wanted
i can go in there specifically to buy one thing and come out with a sack of stuff that i will almost certainly never use
yeah I can go into a japanese grocery store and immediately feel depressed when returning to canada.
>wow, everything is so cheap
>wow, they have alcohol (to be fair even the US has this figured out
>wow, decent quality premade meals for cheap
>wow, all the produce and meat and fish is high quality
>wow everything is clean and fully stocked and the clerk actually helps you
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Food of the Gods.

You arrive in some backstreet in Bangkok after a long haul flight. You wander into a packed 7-Eleven, grab a big water and a couple of these babies. You retreat to your room and savour the first sweet, squishy bite. The good times have begun...
>processed goyslop
>food of the gods
mate, you've had a corpotrain run through your brain.
>visiting UK, go to knightsbridge to scope out supercars
>check out supermarket expecting LA levels of absurd $50 salads
>rotten fruit, half the place is liquor, good section dedicated to bread, barely any snacks or prepped meals
>guy outside with a free palestine flag
>coked out backpackers loitering around the bread aisle

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So, basically, I got an invitation to live/work in Japan. I work in software engineering. I'm not a fanatic about Japan, but I think it could be a great experience in my life.

white male, 32yo

I speak some Japanese, and I can understand most conversations. However, I have some doubts about what to expect regarding day-to-day life. I'm taking a small preparatory course about the customs, but most of the content is related to work place or work related manners.

I'm going to live in a place around a big city.

I would like to know what the nightlife is like, the day-to-day life, and what I can really expect from my coworkers. What do people usually do on weekends? How is the dating scene, and how should I really behave on a first date?

Most of the info videos on this topic lack of useful information; some are overly positive, while others are just blackpilled. If anyone knows of a more realistic source about what to expect when living in Japan, I would appreciate it.
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is this not just some indian food or culture event?the only place i have seen indians was at the cash register. seems like ragebait desu
Who is he? Does he have a youtube channel?
This place is basically just /pol/ sometimes, /pol/chuds seethe at the sight of Indians being better than them.
im saying they're abnormal compared to white people in general, you thirdie nigger. learn english. monogamy, or at least the illusion of it is normal in white countries.

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recency bias, but i can't stop thinking about this balık dürüm i had in Istanbul last month. I could see the little storefront from my hotel window and there was a line out the door day and night. amazing fish wrap with fresh veg and pickled peppers. i want to doublefist 2 right now.
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This crispy pork belly bahn mi I had in Canada. Holy fuck it was good.
I used to live on the Persian gulf and excellent shawarma was abundant. I’ve found two places in the U.K. that do good shawarma (not as good as gulf product but scratches the itch). One of them is this dodgy AF place a short walk from Stratford station in London. Looks like a front for drug dealers. There’s also bizarrely a decent one in that depressing shopping centre in Kent. That’s it.

That’s basically a lemonade shandy - take a bottle of generic lager and mix 50:50 with lemonade (the euro version, kinda like sprite). The French insist on calling it a cocktail “panache”. No need to import it anon just make it at home. Excellent on a hot day with a light lunch
the butter chicken and naan from BEER HUT on soi buakhao, pattaya

perfect in every way that the dish and side can be
Sounds good anon
Ayran. Especially Turkish Ayran.
I enjoyed having it for breakfast while I was in the Balkans.

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I'm looking to spend this coming winter overseas, just chilling and doing some minor sightseeing while have as low cost of living as possible. I've narrowed down the options to Spain in Thailand. Which one would be better overall? Thailand seems cheaper and has the possibility of extending the stay without a visa. Spain is a first world country, bu it would be colder. The main factor is cost though. I want to live as cheaply as possible.
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>i can’t decide between some arbitrary location and the location where I thinly try to voice a desire about sightseeing and “chilling” but in actuality I’ve already decided I’m going to to where I can get my 5 inch pecker played with for a price

These low effort threads are so easy to discern
I'm actually a DN, never been overseas, want to give "slowmading" a shot. It's TECHNICALLY not traveling so I tried to be a little vague in the OP.
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>Spain is a first world country
Fuck you dude
its like 1.5 world

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