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Post the downsides of living in the midwest
The weather, the scenery, the people
there isn't a single mountain in that pic
Ain't shit to do
Other than that it's unironically one of the best places in the world to live and I will defend this position
Northern MI has mountains
Cold. Potholes. Alcoholics. Shitty coke.
>insane freaks in the city, redneck idiots in the country
>bad roads

I keep to myself and overall I really enjoy it, Minnesota is beautiful
I haven't been but it seems way too cold for way too much of the year for me. It also seems like it might just be boring, but I can't tell that one for sure from watching the Weather Channel.
from all my friends that lived in the midwest, its flat and the weather is extremely bipolar
also all the urban centers that arent college towns are decayed and forgotten about
it is super cheap though, and lots of investment has been made recently in the region, especially for STEM shit
>You need a car for most places to be worthwhile or not want to kill yourself with odd bus schedules
>All 4 seasons can reach their extremes in, extremely windy falls, brutal winters, unreasonably hot summers, weather changing within the hour springs.
>If you're an introvert then you'll probably have a hard time breaking into any place that isn't a city of +500k, most decent cities are around 200-300k with good jobs though so pick your poison on where you move
>Things will close down early, places might be outright closed on sundays if that's important to you
>People will remember what you tell them unlike cities, bullshitting is a good way to get you shut out of a lot of groups and screw ups aren't easily forgotten
>You'll often need to be your own handyman for things
>Traveling outside of it is more costly than a coastal city
>Tech jobs can pay less depending where you live
>Places close far earlier than coastal cities so being a nightowl is generally hard if that's your lifestyle
>Roads can get decimated in the winter depending where you live
>If you lack hobbies finding decent women can be harder than the city who just want a $$ lifestyle
>Terrain is mostly the same outside the east and western parts of it
>If you're an outsider you'll need to make a dedicated effort into putting yourself out there to meet people unless in some of the big cities

I get /trv/ has a weird hateboner for this area and never understand if it's a gatekeeping thing or people seriously have not been to the midwest. If you're looking to min/max your lifestyle with an investment in land or housing and not really that much of an introvert it's pretty great given the current cost of living situation in the US. It's not unfeasible for some of the smaller cities to find +20/hr just working at some roadside fast food place where the cost of living for the area might be 1k/mo tops. For travel the summer in the midwest can be fucking amazing with the amounts of shit places do.
As someone who actually spent 3 years in Omaha:
>Extreme weather and temperature
>Impossible to find a skinny girl for a gf, enjoy marrying a braphog
>If you don't like sportsball you're fucked
>If you don't have a car you will have no social life
>No natural beauty to explore, its literally all just pre-barrel whiskey fields and a shitty river or two
>People are either really nice, mind their own business types or really stupid, redneck white trash
>Have fun flying anywhere abroad if you're not in Chicago
>At least in Omaha, there's investment coming in but there's also literal dilapidated, abandoned stretches of street and businesses that are bleak af
>Outside of major cities or college towns, you will find fucking nothing to do or many people to meet
>Lower COL is nice af, modern 1BRs in downtown can be as cheap as $950/mo
>Super safe, I had no fear walking home from bars at like 2:30-3am
>Hard to meet people if you weren't there for high school or college, will need a ton of outgoing personality or you'll shut yourself in at home
>Major cities have their hidden gems that are amazing, borderline NYC tier quality. The Berry and Rye in Omaha being a great example of a high end cocktail bar, Le Bouillon and V Mertz being exceptional for food
You can have a great time if you become a regular somewhere you love. I did this and had a blast, though it helped that I was in law school and knew tons of people through that too. Still, getting invites to do blow and drink from 2am-9am at a bartenders apt once the bars shut down makes for a solid night
everyone is an alcoholic or dating an alcoholic or the child of an alcoholic

all of the women are dating alcoholics that cheat on them and all of the men are dating useless women who are too afraid to do anything at all or who are absolute bpdemons

you'll never make a good wage and your coworkers will valiantly spend all of their life force at their jobs pretending that if they work hard they'll get ahead as they dine on styrofoam plates alone with their two cats and listen to some asshole VP talk about how he spent three days in japan and it was life changing to stand in line at the harry potter museum in london only to break down into tears at work after their supervisor tells them they should do better

basically everyone is constantly paying off debt on new cars or constantly complaining about how their car is about to break down because of the shitty weather and shitty roads and shitty previous owners

everyone is very ambitious despite doing nothing to act on their ambition, they just think decent jobs will land in their lap one day
I never understood the fat hogs mentality, I just moved here from the West Coast and while I only make about 85k with my job I've yet to have issues with meeting good women at the gym or some of the places for weekend drinks. I was told that it was fat women central when I made a moving to Sioux falls thread a while back but I tend to see the opposite. Maybe that anon was right you all go to Applebee's look around and give up.
This sounds more like my time in LA rather than what I experience here in SD lol.
Illinois here
>everything else and Chicago is a drain on the rest of us
If you're an autistic shut-in, the Midwest is the same as any other place. But if you enjoy nice weather, beaches, mountains, skiing, vibrant cities, culture and a lot of variety, you're really going to hate places like Nebraska and Kansas.
What’s a place similar to the Midwest but better for introverts?
>t. Texan
>worst nature in the US
>cold weather for half the year (great summers though)
>bodies of water are cold outside of August
>nasal accents are annoying
>women think tattoos and nose/lip piercings are a uniform
Living in Chicago has done wonders for my career. I don't want to stay here forever though. So flat.
There’s just comparatively less opportunity in general. Want to make money? Acquire property? Get a woman? Have things to do? Leave your mark on something? Basically anything? You’ll have less of it in the Midwest than elsewhere.

That said, the Midwest brings some advantages if you’re down to earth and interested in a rural lifestyle or in Chicago. Chicago is a T1 city in North America but is a lot cheaper and cleaner than New York, Los Angeles, and Toronto.
The people are actually worse elsewhere but k

No shit, it's a map

Chicago is the economic engine of the state that financially supports you low IQ rednecks

Airplanes and cars exist anon. I can fly direct to cities all over the country and world to get those experiences

Chicago, Mpls, Stl, Cincy, Columbus and even Detroit have solid corporate presences with high paying jobs and lower col than the coasts. Maybe you should have studied harder in school if you can't get your foot in the door at a well known multinational company like Ford or GM or 3M or P&G or Nationwide or Edward Jones or many others in the region
My boy Dogshit Dylan is also a mass replyer LOL. Fun never ends
parts of the Northeast
New England is an upgrade over the midwest in literally every single way.
>cold weather for half the year
t. Floridian who thinks anything below 60 degrees is "cold"
>"I can fly direct to cities all over the country and world to get those experiences"

Or you can just live somewhere nice and walk out your front door and enjoy them 365 days a year.
Name me a US city that provides better value and amenities than Chicago without coming with a California or New York size pricetag. You can't.

I earn six figures and get six weeks of vacation time that I can use for traveling all over. I can easily drive anywhere in the continental US including both oceans and the Gulf Coast. I have nearly unlimited direct flight options from two major international airports plus Amtrak for regional trips in the midwest when I don't feel like driving. When I'm not traveling I can enjoy more foreign cuisine options than most cities offer, world class arts and entertainment, an abundance of women to choose from, you name it. I'm happy with my lifestyle even if I don't have some stupid natural attraction in my backyard like some people do. My lifestyle still dunks on most people my age.

Plus I own a lakeshore cottage up in Michigan when I want a peaceful retreat with some nature "out my front door" as you put it.
If you think you have the same opportunities in Cincinnati as New York, you are just kidding yourself.
If you're standing outside when a strong wind kicks up you will get blasted into another state
Cincinnati punches well above its weight when it comes to having corporate HQ's. Is it on the same level as NYC? No but you can easily make a well above average income where your dollar goes much farther. P&G, GE Aerospace, GE Honda Aeroengines, American Financial Group, Kroger and other large companies have corporate headquarters in Cincy.
As a bong, I am confused as to why there's one Florida (N & S v. different apparently) but two Dakotas.
The state boundaries were all set in the 1800s when circumstances were different and Florida was a huge swamp nobody went to but the Dakotas were considered prime farmland ripe for settement and haven't changed since then. ND & SD have around the same population of 700,000 people which is around the same population they had 100 years ago.
Car centric, drug abuse, not many good jobs outside of trades. I suppose it is nice if your desires are simple
Dunno maybe the north east.

There are enough major cities in the midwest that if you can't find a decent job, women, or housing you're basically admitting you have little to no social skills or intelligence.

The biggest hurdle for 4chan to admit to is that they don't have many extroverted hobbies or social skills to make friends with unless it's their insane niche thing that cities with super huge numbers will have enough of a following to 'fit in' with. This is why these threads are always such a clusterfuck on this board specifically because unless you're extroverted enjoy killing yourself or legit becoming an alcoholic. The amount of shit to do in the summer for the midwest with it's insanely long days outright obliterates many places I've lived in the US.

Remote jobs are a thing and if you're in tech can make it far in any place there living like a king in some of the sub <500k cities. I can at least take home more of my pay than I did living out west, my CoL is lower, tax lower, and quality of life much better. I could buy a boat easily if I wanted for some of the lakes out here, and best of all it's not cramed by every other foreign tourist, druggie, or local from FAANG work to fight over.
>B-But 'muh fat women'
I don't get this at all, the board is supposedly filled with crypto millionares or people who own 4 businesses or people who make 150k min. If you all seriously do this, you will cut out 100% of the trailer trash by simply affording the slightly more expensive places, owning a decent, and attending a gym. Where the hell are you all hanging out that everyone is a porker? Do you guys go to the bar at 3PM, only see the welfare queens and go "WELP IT'S JOEVER!".
Both have their ups and downs.
I've lived big city life, it's... fine. I chose moving to the midwest due to the fact it's just much easier to balance my life and work schedule; all while keeping my sanity and personal time in focus.

In cinni I can get an IT job working doing CCNP stuff and probably take to the bank just as much if not more in terms of overall time/expenses/people. Nothing worse than on the east coast where my travel to/from the office was ~1hr min each way unless I wanted to simply live in a hell hole or something absurdly expensive to "be by the office". Jobs were cut throat and so were schedules, holidays were looked more to as a "they might do it but we don't" kinda thing to edge out competition, chasing nickles and dimes all around. Sure I made big bucks, but I was also spending big bucks simply to travel to something and then more to participate in it just for the sake of forgetting the mulling of the concrete jungle; similar to my exp with tokyo but at least the trains were there.

Appose to now where I live in the midwest I have WFH still compared to many of my friends in LA with their bosses trying to justify some lease they have, if I need to go to our office for a client meet it's no more than a 25 minute drive on a bad day, my salary went from about 50-65% CoL in a city down to 20% of my monthly pay, food is cheap, entertainment is often just straight up free or dirt cheap, everyone here is more understanding of things, and so on. Oh no my pay went down from a 144k to 92-98k(depending on bonuses), I have 10 hours of my life back per week minimum, less stress, the ability still to hop on a plane and be around the country, no huge riots fucking up my weekend plans, not having to guess just how much these people are BS'ing me on their life to "keep up with the jones's" and more.

Money seriously isn't everything, it's sure nice but if you're skilled there shouldn't be an issue.
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It's a strange place to be honest. You have to spend time there to get an understanding of it. On the surface it's peaceful with a high quality of life for price you pay. Everything is perfectly just fine.

There is a nauseating and somewhat sinister undertone to it all however. Everyone with ambition or aspirations ends up leaving to one of the coasts. The ones left behind stay because it is the easiest thing to do, the path of least resistance. This stems all the way back to the great migration west where people got to some place is western Iowa or Minnesota and said "yup, this is good enough, we don't need to go further". It feels like everyone there is just trying to distract themselves for another year or two until something changes in their life, it never will and deep down they know that. They drink far to much and care more about sports than any sane adult should.

The nature isn't as bad as people make it out to be, it's mediocre but that only adds to feelings listed above. The worst part I think is that the large cities have no urban growth boundary. Suburbs stretch on for miles and when you get far enough past the dead suburban business parks you have these comical developments with 15-20 houses built on a 30 acre plot of former farm land at the intersection of two rural county roads. The 3 car garages are the whole facade of these house and they just look so out of place. Then you drive along and there is a strip mall with a Panera bread in the middle boardered by farm fields to service all these weird developments in a 20 miles radius.

It's just a place where unimportant people live there lives. There is nothing inherently wrong with that but it's hard to exist in a place where nothing spectacular ever happens. It's almost the extreme opposite of Soviet commie blocks, so much so that the same feelings of dread and hopelessness are everywhere and inescapable.
What >>2632258 said is my wife's family from Sioux Falls in a nutshell. And all their friends too. Keep looking around you, anon
I will add that I have not seen a plethora of fat people in Sioux Falls. About the same proportion as anywhere else in America. That said, I have seen a higher-than-average level of vapidity.
If you can stand living in Chicago, we would not be friends. The thought of living in a place that gets 4 weeks of nice weather every year makes me want to jump off a roof. I spent 3 days in Chicago and I never want to go back. It snowed in May. There were hordes of blacks just wandering around. I never felt safe. At least the food was good. But literally everyone I've ever met would be happier in someplace like Clearwater Florida or Orange County California. You spend some of that disposable income and you can live somewhere that's not miserable.
Ugly girls
Cars rust to pieces
Everything has cheese
Will be outcast if you don’t drink
No public transport
Yawn... I'm not from America but you need to get it together
The weather, the lack of jobs
I'm not sure there's anywhere good in America to move to anymore.
This site is full of copers from Chicago. Enjoy paying property taxes to corruption and niggers
What city isn't that the case?
Dallas Fort-worth area is unironically SSS+ tier
>muh heat
yes summer is hot
>dude heckin concrete sprawl omg so much SSS+ tier!
Shut the fuck up lol
The weather sucks winter sees freezes and snow summer has tornadoes with humidity and thunderstorms

Not many jobs really

The food is bad and people are unhealthy


People are good solid folks on the whole

Good sports teams to follow

Cedar point kings Island enough said

Real estate you can buy a nice home for 400k

The best corn on The Cobb in the world

The Midwest is undervalued because everyone is going to Texas Florida and believe it or not California still even with 1 million dollar single family homes

If you can afford it there’s not a better place in the country than the Southern California coast
>I can easily drive to either ocean
You're one of the furthest people from an ocean in the western hemisphere. This might be the dumbest thing I've seen in this website.
yeah but then you'd have to live in Cincinnati.

That's another weird Midwest thing. Thinking a 26 hour drive straight through is a normal and "easy drive"
Holy fucking gigacope lol, this thread is sad.

I live in Florida, which if you don't feel dunked on enough already, I'm no more than 40 minutes away from a cruise terminal, 30 minutes away from an international airport with extremely cheap flights to North/South America, and the Caribbean. I can be at a world class beach in about 40 minutes including traffic. I can do literally any water based activity you can think of without ever leaving the state. Sports teams at every level within driving distance. I have no income taxes. My property taxes are lower than average because I bought my house before everyone decided to move down here. Minimal tolerance for liberal bullshit.

Why the FUCK would I EVER live in the Midwest?
>Why the FUCK would I EVER live in the Midwest?
I can leave my door unlocked at night
So can I, I live on two acres. Keep the cope coming, I'm honestly loving this shit.
>cruise terminal
El barfo de la muerte
No one is coping? people are just stating reasons the midwest is good or bad? Where are the cope posts? The shitposts seem to be deleted
>no one
>absolutely no one
>not even an ant
inb4 merely 'pretending'
Keep it coming bros. Life in the Midwest sounds absolutely dreadful and I want you stop deluding yourselves you made the right choice to live in the Midwest.
Cruises are gay
I don't really care, the option is there. A cruise is an afterthought for a Floridian. It's a whole summer adventure for a Midwesterner.
see >>2634616

I genuinely love bullying midwesterners.
Midwesterners unironically get dressed up to go to Olive Garden.
Dude I've lived in florida I don't fucking care. FL is fine other than
the mold that finds it's way into everywhere
the boomers who you have to be taxed more each year to support
the olds who can't drive
the cops are seriously that bad
housing prices are in a crisis
"it's not flooding that's just how it is here"
can't walk safely down most streets at night, please tell me what city you live near/in
dating scene is either A) insanely old hags or B) illegals needing an anchor baby
Puerto Ricans

I don't give a flying fuck if where you live hell I am just living in the midwest because flipping a house for passive income is insanely stupid and easy. I'm moving to hawaii so lol. I will say the midwest is basically the definition of "you get out of it what you put in".
Is Hawaii a midwesterners idea of an exotic getaway? LOL
He said he wants to live there not take a vacation there. As a midwesterner who has lived in Hawaii I can tell you it's a very different type of situation. Easily trumps living with all the nasty Florida men and women.
What? I mean to live dude. Hence the "moving" part, at least read the post or is english not your first language? my house back in the midwest will pay for my HOA (which I am sure you know all about) and then some. I can basically get a BS job to shit around and work when I want for some extra spending money if my remote gig takes a nose dive.
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So where's the last place you visited anon?
Wisconsinite here, my cost of living is so low I don't even make 6 figures and I travel to multiple different countries each year.
>I love the place so much I flee from it to other countries multiple times per year
lol cope
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Oh, so you don't actually travel?
I fully understood what you meant. Moving to Hawaii seems like what someone who hasn't traveled much would say. I lived there for two years for work, DoD contractor. I'd never go back.
Oman. I spent two weeks mostly in Muscat and loved every second of it. Probably too foreign for a Midwesterner's taste lol
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Surely a well traveled man such as yourself would have some pictures of your trips?
I do, and I know you're asking me to prove myself to you (lol). How would you know they're my pictures when 4chan strips exif data?
If I had the money to stay there I would absolutely go back. The cost of living is what sucks about it. Everything else there is laid back as fuck.
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>I fully understood what you meant. Moving to Hawaii seems like what someone who hasn't traveled much would say. I lived there for two years for work, DoD contractor
I've worked there off and on, it's a decent long term investment for me to flip a house and have jobs in IT to do. Practically speaking flights to/from asia are stupid cheap and easy there especially during off season.
>I'd never go back.
okay that's great dude but you have multiple anons explaining how they don't care what you think. Again you literally did >>2634616

Personally I'd live in Alsaka bay area but commiefornian faggots fucked it all up. I know hawaii has it's problems but at least I can live alone on the big island without dealing with too much shit.

Housing is usually about investments that pay off long term and aren't just gambling off crypto. You do you anon, good luck.
>okay that's great dude but you have multiple anons explaining how they don't care what you think
Says the guy desperately sharing his life story on why he's involved in the Midwest at all lol.
I mean... you asked...
And if you didn't care, you would have moved on. Thanks for sharing anon. I hope you escape the Midwest soon.
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>How would you know they're my pictures when 4chan strips exif data?
Hey man, what can I say, I like looking at exotic places and if you have stories about them I'd love to hear it. How was Oman? Been anywhere else? A refined southern gentlemen like yourself must've seen at least one thing beautiful enough to take a picture of.
>I fully understood what you meant. Moving to Hawaii seems like what someone who hasn't traveled much would say
Ironically living in Florida is something someone who hasn't traveled much will do. That place is a shit hole, what city do you live in anon? I'd love to see the crime stats.
>get asked a question
>respond because it's reasonable thing to do
this isn't even a fun troll this is just sad at this point
If you start a thread about travel pictures I'd more than happily participate :). This thread is for dunking on Midwesterners.
Out of your tax bracket
Is this what Midwesterners consider banter? Not impressed

Keep it coming midwesterinos, I'm having a good giggle.
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>No pictures
>No stories
>No proof
Last (you) pal. Treasure it.
Is that a no to the thread idea
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>Out of your tax bracket
middle income folk are the only ones who actually care about tax brackets until you get to super rich, which I can tell you aren't because you'd understand the midwest is a fucking gold mine to purchase equity in compared to the rest of the world.
>b-but muh florida
Again like other anons where do you live in FL, I've lived there a while and on the east coast. The montly HOA's to be in a safe zone in FL is enough to negate any possible tax savings.

Oh no you own a home that was 300k for a 2br? and pay what maybe 2000 or so? Great I can own a 1600 sq ft 4br 2 ba for 150 and pay under 1300 a year. Again, no one but middle to lower income care about this until you become a landlord.

Honestly the funniest part of these threads is more the people who aren't in the midwest trying to seethe and make people mad when at the end of the day most threads end up with "yeah but I have more money". To each their own anon but sounds like you're chasing a fleeting dream unless you just wanna keep up this horrible troll.
Totally NOT mad btw guys
I'm just asking where you live and what your grasp on taxes are outside /biz/ level "told me so" degree CPA.

you do you anon, hope you make it in whatever stuff you do now that keeps you in florida.
I've been doing me, anon, but I appreciate your concern. Midwesterners aren't so bad after all, bunch of caring folk :)
May be it's a better spot for people from the coasts?
They wouldn't be able to hack it. Dealing with intense boredom is a skill you hone early in a Midwestern childhood. Mfs who are not from there literally can't do it. Like that Florida fag in this thread rattling on and on about all the things he can do. I don't think he can even imagine just doing nothing. Not even scrolling through shit on your phone to kill the time. Just sitting there and letting it pass. I bet some people would absolutely lose their shit if they were alone with their thoughts for a few minutes.
I'm constantly alone with my thoughts. May be a cityfag would have a hard time, but someone from the suburbs who isn't an npc retard could handle it. We also have the internet, so there's plenty of things to do. Worst case, you drink and find something to do.
Pastba certain age, midwestern man without a family can be a bad thing.
Well imagine being a midwestern boy somewhere between the ages of 7-10. Obviously you can't drink. Dial up internet is fairly ubiquitous but your family doesn't have a computer yet. You have played through all the video games in your small collection. You don't even desire to ask your dad for $3 to go rent one you haven't played, as if such a thing even exists at this point given the small selection of your local video store. Your few nearby friends are away or busy. You don't want to turn on the radio and hear the same 10 songs they always play, as if you liked that garbage the first time they played it. Riding your bike around in circles gets old after about the 5th time. So what is there to do now? For me it was to just go outside and sit. Look at the dirt on the ground, the bark on the trees, the color of the sky, the cars passing through my small town. Listen to the faint sound of the wind. Think about where I wish I could be and what I wish I could be doing when I'm not a kid anymore and have freedom to make my own decisions.

I left that place pretty much immediately after turning 18. But being away gave me a bit of appreciation for what living this kind of way taught me. I spent a few years living back there again and I wasn't itching to leave the same way I was before. I know I can do it because I've done it. Being bored isn't some kind of death sentence. If you ease into it you can enjoy the tranquility of not only having nothing you need to do but nothing you want to do. Someone from NYC or something could never.
sounds like what i did as a kid
What the fuck is with your middle paragraph? Have you been outside of the US? It's the least convenient first world country to get around by far.
If you want the most boring life possible surrounded by red team NPCs it's a great place to be.
The women get knocked up much earlier in the Midwest than on the coasts. If you're into a single bachelor lifestyle from age 25-40, good luck finding single woman without at least 2 black baby daddies and a big old gut in Chicago. Not happening.

If I had to move back east, I'd want to be in Vermont. Burlington is rad. Mostly white, tons of awesome small towns to explore, world class skiing, great brewery scene, relatively close to a ton of awesome larger cities like Boston, NYC, Montreal Quebec, epic mountains to hike, fit women, lots of hot college girls. It's also relatively cheap. $1500/month for a large 2 bedroom apartment is pretty good for such a nice area.
Great Lake states have to put up with Great Plains states being tacked on to them in maps for dipshits.
I don't talk too much about the coastline or the beautiful scenery because I'd rather they just stay ignorant.
I feel like if it weren't for the cold then I would love northern Minnesota or the upper peninsula in Michigan.
but hey maybe with global warming those will be great places to live soon
pic-related is the current forecast for Minneapolis in late-March.
Is the place filled to the brim with fundies or is that just Kansas and Oklahomie?
Right on the money.

Almost half of these are incorrect. Minnesota and Michigan's UP have great nature, Detroit has an active airport, druggies are everywhere at night and bars and college towns are no exception, women of all sizes are common, and 950 USD per month isn't low COL. You're right about the weather, sports, and social life.
>People will remember what you tell them unlike cities, bullshitting is a good way to get you shut out of a lot of groups and screw ups aren't easily forgotten
>If you lack hobbies finding decent women can be harder than the city who just want a $$ lifestyle
These two things instantly kill any anon. If they have to face the same people twice they would realize their larp about investments and life are as solid as swiss cheese.
If you go back and read my post, you will notice that I said places without NY or CA prices. Then you go and name LA and NY as your examples. How stupid are you?

I have driven to both coasts many times. It's smooth sailing on the interstates with high speed limits and better traffic than on the coasts.

Yet millions of travelers are able to do it. What's your excuse anon?
Everyone I know bullshits it's a way of showing trust in how good you are to a woman. Not that you'd know their parents don't want to hear about your financial business where you take in count, they want you to fix their faucet and maybe brrrrrr Ford 150. For free... Literally Jeannie tranny take.
I don't live there but here's what I gather
>minneapolis, chicago (in some areas) and milwaukee are cool
>the rest are either literally nothing, shitholes (ohio, missouri) or typical american boring sprawl
>all the northern ones are cold as fuck
>they think they have good skiing but it's pathetic compared to the west coast
>half of these are incorrect because not omaha, not nebraska, not where you lived and said you were talking about
Can't imagine being so retarded that I tell you the literal state and area within a state I'm talking about and you veer off to literally everywhere else. The general trend exists, you may have nice nature at the great lakes, but most of the rest of the midwest is flat plains.
>Minnesota and Michigan have great nature
I don't give a fuck about Somalisota. Michigan has nice nature, but I wouldn't want to live in a frozen hellhole with muslims ruling the north and detroit as the capital city in the south. The fact that you're trying to sell us on DETROIT of all places is fucking insane.
>950/mo is not low COL
poor detected
>women of all sizes
Tell me, where are all the fats at in this map:
Midwest. And thats for obesity, not overweight. Michigan is at a solid 30-35% obese, with most of the midwest hanging out at 35-40% obese. Yeah, there's women of all sizes everywhere, but we're talking about prevalence, not existence. Most of the (extremely rare) skinny girls are either thots or not single. College towns are the best part of the midwest, higher concentration of thin girls and a semblance of nightlife exists there. Lincoln is kino for that reason (and its art deco architecture).
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Not the anon but your posts seriously came off as someone who had a bad time in Omaha.
>poor detected
you left out context on that rent anon, NAYRT but 950/mo in midwest is loads better in terms of quality of life compared to say 950 in phoenix or some other major city
>Tell me, where are all the fats at in this map:

This is something I never understand why people go MUH LE FAT PPL. Unless you look like the stereotypical anon, you're miles ahead in the market for decent women. Along with a good job/crypto funds you're knocking it out of the park, and just attending a gym? Slam dunk on the good women. Yeah if the only way you get poon is by tinder fats will be higher than average, if you simply go out and do your hobbies, and talk about your travel you'll instantly nail the top10% of women. Assuming you aren't fat or balding or have 0 on social skills.

Like I managed to pick up a decent girls number at the gym just by making small talk and saying how I really needed to hit the gym more after traveling in asia. Talked about how I've been to europe, scandinavia, etc and how I am going back out again this year. Boom done.

I seriously question where and how this board goes about getting women if it's not some SEA chick going HEY MISTAH!! MISTAH!!
Nothing about your blogpost invalidated what the other guy posted. It's like you read something else entirely.
Stay upset omaha anon
>he thinks there are any Muslims at all in Northern Michigan
Wild lmao
I'll translate

The point is fatso's aren't a problem unless you're literally just scraping the bottom of the barrel in effort for some pussy. If your making what anons here claim to make or have, you're basically not going to have to deal with them as an issue. If anything your 100k/yr job or 800k in crypto looks that much better compared to a person making ~40k at best. It's a skill issue if you get run into fatties.

The other part is detailing how anon called 950/mo poor, it's not poor but it's really excessive for most midwest places. about 1k will get you insanely good living within the midwest outside shitcago. A normal apartment might be around 600-700 for decent living.

As echo'd before without a car, the midwest is borderline unlivable if you're not getting some kind of electric bike to get around. That's probably the biggest filter for trv, the ability to own and operate a car.
I survived without a car. I would ride to work and back home in my sister's car on most days. When it wasn't possible because our schedules didn't line up I would take the bus. The bus sucked because to get from the small city where I worked to the rural village where I lived it took an hour and a half. This is a 20 minute car ride. I'd just suck it up and listen to music on my phone the whole way letting the time get killed. The upsides of my life were being around no crime or filth, beautiful scenery, and having a generally peaceful way of life. The downsides were no social life, nothing much to do in my downtime, and you can't forget about the brutal fucking winters. Now I'm in SEA and you'll never need a car here. Even if you live in a rural area like me. I like it this way much better.
It's 100% possible to live without a car here but not very fun, hence why I said e-bike. Seriously if you can't invest ~700 in a proper fat tire e-bike to scoot you around idk what to tell you. Not everyone needs a car I get that but man, it makes life a hell of a lot easier with some kind of wheels.
how do you compare lincoln to omaha? i was in lincoln recently and it was kind of weird, downtown there was lots of new development (luxury apartments) but also whole blocks of vacant street level business spaces
it felt a bit less spread out than omaha, obviously theres a ton of suburban sprawl but it felt like the stuff worth doing was in a more compact area
>fats aren't an issue
When you take out women who are fat, married, or have a child, the US has about 1/8 women left to pick from. From there, you need to whittle out the thots with 20 tattoos, 10 facial piercings, mental illness, political brainrot, in a relationship but not married... The actual amount to pick from is an extremely small pool. Go to Boston though and you're in an extremely thin city by comparison, with an endless influx of new skinny 21 year olds every year.
>you sound like you had a bad time
Not rly, but its just a fact. 1/8 is a national avg, so the odds are even worse in the midwest where the people are fatter. When that ends up bring something like 20k options in an entire state vs something like 200k options abroad, its something to consider. You may only need one, but if you have standards, you're going to be searching for a long time. The last skinny girl I hit on, for instance, informed me within 15 mins of how her psych meds interacted and had her in a state of psychosis for 6 months. When you get past the bare minimum, there's still a ton of sewage to wade through for just one pearl.
>Hamtramck has elected an all-Muslim City Council and a Muslim mayor, becoming the first in the US to have a Muslim-American government.
>Dearborn has the largest Muslim population in the United States per capita and the largest mosque in North America
>Dearborn, Mich., is home to the largest Muslim population per capita in the nation. Yet it didn’t elect its first Muslim mayor until 2022 with the victory of Abdullah Hammoud
Those are in the Detroit area not in the north. I don't need to "cope" I just need to hold out hope that retards like you forget the rest of my state exists and stay away from it.
Omaha has a lot more options, even having multiple squares or "mini-downtowns" for nightlife if you consider Old Market, Capitol District, Blackstone/Midtown and Aksarben. Outside of Blackstone and Old Market, they're really small spots and they're quite spread out.

Lincoln is basically the block west of the university and north of East 0 St for nightlife. Sure you may have a few bars and restaurants elsewhere but that's realistically the place to be. All of Lincoln's non-residential area is compacted into one rectangle, making it easy to cover in a day as that rectangle is surrounded by houses and nothing else. It's why I say Lincoln is really a college town, not a city. Omaha is that but on a much bigger scale, the commercial districts sprawl out further and extend how far residential areas are from downtown proper, but it eventually becomes strip mall surrounded by neighborhood on repeat forever.

They want to bring in more residents and investment, so they're developing new stuff, luxury apts, park renovations, new construction, but its localized and doesn't have the biggest effect on struggling businesses in the area. Because people still aren't there, there's still a wait for newcomers to arrive, so the development isn't bringing enough to sustain existing but struggling businesses so you're going to see more dead blocks as development moves in right next to them. As for these luxury buildings, its gonna go to college students primarily. You can assume it will be out of staters using student loans because a $1100/mo rent for a new construction is chump change compared to an exact comparison anywhere else.

I love Old Market in Omaha, lots of fun and right by the park which is nice. Blackstone is the next popular spot but I prefer Aksarben to it, thinner girls and more recent development make it pretty damn nice. Good food options too. Omaha is a much bigger Lincoln, basically.
Reading all these midwest tips and tricks gives me secondhand embarrassment. Like damn, life sounds sterile as fuck over there
>I haven't been but it seems way too cold for way too much of the year for me.
you're correct, but even more correct 30 years ago. climate change is unironically improving the winter livability of much of the midwest.
>It also seems like it might just be boring
fairly correct, although the "things you do" change significantly when almost every guy you know can have a 2000sqft house + yard + bonfire pit + children.
Are the "things to do" in Midwest the kind someone can just roll in and enjoy as a tourist like this is Tokyo? Naw, but that's part of the core idea: it's meant to be lived in not visited (if we view it charitably).

I ultimately left for economic opportunity and lol when I see comments like >>2632154
>lots of investment has been made recently in the region, especially for STEM shit
it's never the core decision making, leadership, innovation, etc. They'll throw up a datacenter or a place to do accounting/manufacturing or other "compete on price" work, while leadership visits for a week every 1-3 years.

There's a number of reasons for this, but it mainly centers around brain drain from places like Ohio having no idea how to retain cultivated talent + the talent that left feeling disrespected and not incentivized. I earn ~$250k/year. To return to live in my hometown of Ohio, I'd have to immediately accept +$12k/year (even more in household income if I actually committed to a gf) in income tax just to step in the door. Meanwhile a business *owner* pays 0% corp tax.

I'm being overly harsh on the midwest here. It has some great perks and aspects I miss. >>2632226 lays many of them out well
I just really don't see it becoming a STEM hub when even a place like Denver struggles to really crack it, but maybe midwestern policymakers will turn a corner and achieve a critical mass. Ann Arbor is a nice example of some localized success.
What did you get banned for
Recently moved to Chicago 8 months ago from San Diego because GF got into med school. I work remote and was in SD for 2 years. I've lived in alot of different places in the US. I'll give my summary as an outsider.

>winter sucks but isn't as bad as I was expecting. only 3 weeks of negative temps. Not a fan of winter unless I'm skiing.
>Chicago is very segregated. If you have money you don't have to be around blacks for the most part
>2 major airports, non-stops to alot of good places
>Living is cheaper than major cities but I wouldn't say it's a steal anymore
>taxes are retarded here do to corrupt nigger government
>The lake is nice but it isn't the beach
>Native are nice enough but have that classic midwestern/small town thinking
>Chicago girls are as vain as any other city girl, don't expect them to be down to earth
>Most people here are casual alcoholics

I like it for the time being but I won't be here forever. I miss the mountains and the ocean. The lack of real outdoors activities is the biggest issue for me. It's probably one of the best big cities in the US but that doesn't say much. Midwesterners aren't "cultured" by default which can get annoying. Of course alot of them are still team nigger/dem which is always a funny irony.

Atleast in california you pay for access to some of the best outdoors access and beautiful women.
>This sounds more like my time in LA rather than what I experience here in SD lol.
you only networked with losers in LA then. LA has a lot more opportunity
I grew up in a semi-rural part of mid-Michigan.

I'd always wanted to move away when I was younger. Now that I'm in my early 30s, I've spent years outside the Mitten and am generally quite happy. In hindsight, though, there's a lot I took for granted--for instance, we had reasonably easy access to unspoiled nature, quick commutes (outside of Metro Detroit, anyway), and free, DNR-operated shooting ranges.

But, while I miss home lots, I don't think I'd consider going back any time in the near future. IMO, Michigan offers a broader range of experiences than most other Midwestern states--Iowa, Nebraska, and so forth--but it isn't exactly a bustling cultural center, either. Most of the state is flat, and the only very worthwhile nature is a three- to four-hour drive north of Grand Rapids, Detroit, and Lansing (where all the jobs are, and where probably 90% of the state lives).

The same goes for cities, too--a lot of Michiganders love Grand Rapids, for instance, but isn't a very interesting or impressive city taken in the context of the country or region. So your only options for "proper" cities are Detroit--which is still an absolute dump outside of Downtown, Greektown, and a small handful of other neighborhoods--and Chicago, which is, again, a three- to five-hour drive from where most people live.

(although Michigan does have a great and inexpensive Amtrak connection to Chicago--IIRC, it was always pretty easy to take the train from Lansing/East Lansing to Chicago, with tickets typically costing less than $30 if booked during the week or a few weeks in advance during the summer etc)

People can also be a little strange. IMO, bigger cities are reasonably diverse in terms of politics and beliefs, but Michigan's large urban centers--aside from Grand Rapids, and wealthy Metro Detroit suburbs--are crime-ridden and dilapidated. Many folks seem to be unusually aggressive and perpetually on-edge. Rural communities can be more outwardly friendly, but small-town Michigan may as well be small-town Arkansas in terms of drug abuse and general retardation.

And, as another anon noted about Chicago, winter fucking sucks. I guess that might be a draw for people who are really into winter sports, but it can get pretty fucking depressing when 4-5 months of each year are overcast and frigid.

IMHO, places like Michigan--and, presumably, other parts of the Midwest--all have their pros and cons. Michigan at least has a decent-ish economy for professionals and college graduates, and a much lower cost of living than anywhere on either coast. If we were ever to consider moving back, I'd imagine the COL would be a big consideration.
>That's another weird Midwest thing. Thinking a 26 hour drive straight through is a normal and "easy drive"
It comes from a combination of repetitive manufacturing or literal truck driving pedigree + dad's too poor to buy 4-5 airfares to go to the beach, but being OK with the 26 hour round trip of Akron -> Daytona Beach
>Midwesterners unironically get dressed up to go to Olive Garden.
yes we did. we'd literally go somewhere like that before a school dance like Prom
Outside of the big cities, nothing ever seems to change.
I live in a small town in SD and the only major changes that have happened in the last 5 years (which I would say is a generous amount of time) that I can remember off the top of my head is: a new pizza place opening in downtown, a chain resturant closing, a metal statue made by a local that was put up near the river, a Mexican restaurant opening, a new basketball court near the park, pickleball courts replacing some of the tennis court squares, and a new gas station.
The only thing stopping this place from feeling like limbo are the very bipolar seasons and weather we get here.
I guess if someone isn't a fan of change and likes things remaining the same basically forever, then the midwest is a solid option.
Personally I somewhat hate it here and am really looking forward to graduating highschool this May so I can finally leave this place.
Oh, and the people can suck sometimes.
Mostly just old and middle aged people whose kids have moved out (I cant blame em) and the occasional twenty something hometown hero whose got no ambition in life.
I'm beginning to think the states in the South East of this pic (KY, VA) are the better ones.
Forgot TN. Sorry TN.
The biggest downside is having mongs ask about what it’s like there
>almost all criticisms involve the region being "boring" or "uninteresting"
do you mean this by normal standards or "social media addicted zoomer paralyzed with FOMO" standards?
Southern Missouri is not part of the Midwest. It is the South.
>do you mean this by normal standards or "social media addicted zoomer paralyzed with FOMO" standards?
Ohio native here. I left at 18 and would say it is by both normal standards and modern ones. "things to do" typically translates to either hyper social mingling or consumption of cultural output that is either local or coming through town.

>>2634697's monologue on this is pretty dang good.

My most charitable take on the midwest is that it just isn't set up for you to fly in from LA and be entertained like a doped up nigger. To enjoy the midwest, you're probably going to want an introverted hobby or two. ideally one that you can maintain in the winter.

No hotel in the USA gives you a garage with a project motorcycle/car to tinker on. No hotel in the USA gives you a music practice room, but imagine how much there "is to do" if you pick up reading and learning an instrument as as serious set of hobbies. Those two alone could fill your evenings for the next decade. It's also nice to be able to have a house with a basement to put your drumset, instead of resorting to an electronic kit or renting a studio room (these are the cuckpartment solutions).

Now, I will say a place like Denver has way way way more people that show up to the park to play volleyball each weekend. Volleyball leagues for people 22-40 exist in ohio too I'm sure, but no way is the pickup game scene or overall size the same.
my radical opinion as someone who has never even been to the us is that kansas, nebraska, and the dakotas are not part of the midwest
>if you weren't there for highschool you'll be an outcast
This might have been true pre internet but this is far from real now of days unless we are talking about ultra small towns of <10k pop. Midwest towns are so-so now, anyone who's looking to relocate is probably looking at a city with a pop of no less than 100k, doubt any anons are looking for live anew in Crosby ND or Winter MN. It just takes a slight bit more effort to fit in.

>I left at 18 and would
>let me tell you about the culture
Anon no offense but you have a really limited view
>No hotel in the USA gives you a garage with a project motorcycle/car to tinker on. No hotel in the USA gives you a music practice room, but imagine how much there "is to do" if you pick up reading and learning an instrument as as serious set of hobbies. Those two alone could fill your evenings for the next decade. It's also nice to be able to have a house with a basement to put your drumset, instead of resorting to an electronic kit or renting a studio room (these are the cuckpartment solutions).
none of this has to do with the midwest except for really shitty states being so affordable that you can get easily get that cheap house, I can do this anywhere.
You can easily do this anywhere but is that going to be what you actually want to do with your time somewhere else? These are stereotypical midwestern guy things. All too familiar to me.
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I can tell you really lived here before , fucking nailed it
The only downside is that we still have to take shit from "coastal elites" even though we're playing by society's rules. I was born and raised in Connecticut. I'm an ugly fuck who got made fun of everywhere he went by every person. So where do you go if you're in that situation? You got to the Midwest. So I hopped a plane with my savings and moved to southern Missouri. That's the plan that people on the coast made for us. Ugly people go to the desolate places and live their ugly lives and don't have friends or speak to anyone and die alone. That's what I'm doing. I'm playing by the rules. Yet I still have to read shit from people on the coast calling all of us worthless, inbred, unimportant, and worth nothing. I can't exist in a coastal city because of the way I look, so where else am I going to go? This is where you forced me to be, yet you're still mocking me.
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To add onto this
>minorities are in the midwest but they 2000% stick to their own kind for housing, shopping, etc compared to the cities cops do not fuck around
>not owning a car will often get you a WTF look from people thinking you have a DUI or are really poor.
>food isn't cheaper than the cities but the sizes are generally bigger, problem is finding this out is a coin toss as an outsider
>there is a distinct class system, those who shop at target/khols and walmart crowd. There isn't any way to compare it to the city.
>white highschool/college males are probably the most insufferable people you will meet here. So help you if they are part of the local schools sports team.
>drinking after work is almost a normality, not doing it is often seen as a big red flag unless you have kids. Seriously can not stress this enough. It's near Japan levels of "come on out for a beer at X bar" or similar to europe drinking after a days work.
>the shtick of "if you didn't go to highschool here you're not welcome" is old and dead, maybe if you need something to blame being anti social on it is fine to use that
>speed traps are a huge thing more so than the city
>if you like spicy food you're in trouble, 'buffalo hot' is where most people draw the line of things sadly
>getting fired from a job will spread around near instantly unless in a town of over 150k, still expect it to be found out at some point
>many seasonal workers here which is why you'll find so many similar people in winter/fall sitting at the bar doing fuck all due to nothing to work on with the crops/goods transported
>learning to cook and meal prep is almost required
>amazon is going to be fucking weird to get shit to you, don't expect free 1 day or same day shipping like the big cities on the coast
finally, and something that probably filters many anons
>if you're bald/balding you have 0 hope for anything not 300lbs starting in terms of women
Other than that it's fine here.
>MN wants to be like commiefornia
>raises min wage for uber/lyft quoting it hurts the blacks who do it
>blacks cheer
>uber and lyft pull out instead
>blacks and minorities now screeching about how they ain't got no job now

I wish I was joking but Minneapolis is a fucking joke of a place
i thought all parts of the us minoritys were together with the regular us americans
The US is a big place, but it's wildly different than in cities where they will all pop up randomly, think they own the city, and regularly do hooligan acts. Being ostracized or having the cops 'find a reason' is not hard as it is in a city where they might have a fucked up DA dismissing everything+big college school screaming how didn't do a thing killing that shop owner it was the system+just moving to another section 8 part of town so on and so forth. If you are a problem or you fuck up, people will remember you

Outside the big shits like St. Louis, Chicago, Minneapolis, and Kansas City; most all will constantly clot together and try to not raise attention. The cops in the smaller cities and towns won't fuck around to go through the entire neighborhood and reopen any case they have if shit pops up due to a few causing trouble. This causes trouble for everyone they know, not a good look. I am in a metro area of around 200k, you basically know where they hang out, the bars they are at, and the reason you don't go to walmart during 9-5 if in a hurry.

It's hard to explain until you experience it, or experience the lack of what a city has. It's hilarious because unlike when I lived on the west coast seeing just minorities wonder into any and all bars, they really only stick to the main chains out here. Applebees, Buffalo wild wings, Chili's, and that kind of bar/grill for stuff(club if they exist and not shut down), basically where all the fat white women are. It does put into context a lot of people who complain about the midwest outside the megacities who moan about fat white women+minorities; you can tell they stick to the nation wide chains.
>Anon no offense but you have a really limited view
you're certainly welcome to raise that objection. I genuinely mean that. I provided the full context on my opinion, so everyone can integrate it as much as they see fit.

I did not live in the midwest as an adult or since 2011, but in terms of # of years in the area and having a hometown friend circle I have way more exp than a lot of the thread
>The worst part I think is that the large cities have no urban growth boundary.
The lack of an urban growth boundary allows the housing to be cheaper, retard.
outside of dating it's just fomo bullshit, most anons here don't go hiking through mountains or going to events
they're busy going to speed bars testing their pua skills and can't stand to run into the same people who laughed them out the door.
Midwest is peak comfy if you have a gf/wife, but dating is awful since most marry their high school or college s/o. Single mothers or fatties are best you'll get after 25

Unironically sub 80 IQ post.
>they're busy going to speed bars testing their pua skills and can't stand to run into the same people who laughed them out the door.
What is funny is that if anons really had the crypto levels they said they did or the 6 figure full remote jobs the brag about, the midwest is a gold mine for picking up women. Your ability to give them a solid life+travel is going to outweigh most things assuming not overweight and balding by age 25
I live in Minnesota. Stay out of North Minneapolis/Brooklyn Park (aka nigger/somaliville) and it's pretty great. Good hunting/fishing, good forests, decent land prices, good forage, no pay toll roads, nice people (not in cities but this goes for all over the USA), nice scenery (especially in the north), has an alright midwest emo/alt crowd (especially in st paul), really high pay, world's best healthcare (mayo clinic), great schools, etc.
Main downsides are no cool mountains and no ocean (but lake superior can feel like a sea).
I guess my main downside is, while the public transport is great for the USA, it's filled with negros and is basically one giant mobile homeless shelter.
>the midwest is a gold mine for picking up women
I absolutely promise you it doesn't compare to Asia.
I'm talking in context of the US
Which is odd, considering anyone who is well off enough with the things you mentioned isn't going to stick around the US and much less for the women in the midwest

That sounds like gigacope
Visa process shit is tiring and I've done digital nomad enough to be satisfied with my times overseas. I don't know how many people "got a hot oversea wife" and were burned by them jumping ship or basically cheating on the man in the hopes someone else will bring over their entire family. Mongering is one thing finding a partner is another.
>moved to Utah
>hike every weekend that's not near freezing
>waiting for summer to hit up natl parks
>literally have some 2 the top thinnest cities in America north and south of me
>gun rights galore, dont even need to get a license to buy and open carry
>most mormons are actually pretty nice, mormon girls are fucking FINE too if you can convince them to overlook the coffee and booze
>non mormon girls are thots who moved from Cali or Vegas so easy lays
Downside is expense but god damn moving here was a great fucking decision. Midwest is comfy, especially if you don't mind a slow life, but if you actively go out and leave the house then its no comparison. Even the drive is uplifting just because of kino views on the highway.
>goldmine for picking up women
It's a landfill, garbage everywhere but yeah its easy to pick up a piece of trash off the ground.
Utah isn’t Midwest, it’s mountain west. And newfag troons like you who moved to Utah recently are the reason why I moved away even tho I still have roots there. If you’re not LDS you will always be an outsider and treated as such.
>responding to anon talking about how mountains and events are overrated things anons dont go to anyway vs midwest nothing happening lifestyle
>wtf why are you responding to this thing as someone who left the midwest for the mountain and events life?
Retard detected.
>I moved away because people are moving in!
>if you're not LDS you're an outsider!
Project more lmao. I've had no issue meeting with and befriending mormons and non mormons alike. I've not been treated as an outsider at all, I've seen nothing but invites and welcomes from tons of people.
>omg you moved in and that's fucking up my state!
>me moving into your state is a blessing though!
Its no surprise you were unwanted at home and had to flee to the midwest of all places.
Speak for yourself. It was 83 degrees here today in Socal and i spent the day at the beach swimming and playing catch with my dog and chatting up college girls in thongs.
>hike every weekend that's not near freezing
Utah is a big place there buddy where is "not freezing" as half the year most mountains are too cold.
>waiting for summer to hit up natl parks
I too love the parks... until the chinks and tour groups and now absurd prices to park start with any day ending in y
>literally have some 2 the top thinnest cities in America north and south of me
And in UT unless you're mormon you aren't going to get in those pants
>gun rights galore, dont even need to get a license to buy and open carry
Wow... badass over here!
>most mormons are actually pretty nice, mormon girls are fucking FINE too if you can convince them to overlook the coffee and booze
and they are about as exciting to talk to as a stack of bricks
>non mormon girls are thots who moved from Cali or Vegas so easy lays
Not stated 99% of these are divorced or taken, you're not getting them unless sticking your dick in crazy
>It's a landfill, garbage everywhere but yeah its easy to pick up a piece of trash off the ground.
Spoken like a true "yeah I visited once, drove through St. Louis and lotta fat black women at applebees".
not mad btw
>but dating is awful since most marry their high school or college s/o. Single mothers or fatties are best you'll get after 25
You do realize that the Midwest isn't a monolithic region, right? Plenty of young, fertile women of all races in Chicago.

This is also true
>Post the downsides of living in the midwest
Drinking culture is basically required in most the states you posted. Not going out to the bar for a drink or two after work to watch a few innings of baseball or a game of football will shut you out of a lot of social circles. Not that it's every day but at least 1-2 times a week you can count on some people in the office wanting to go to the pub/alehouse/sportsbar/etc to sit and drink for a few that night to be away from home. Conversations are generally just about the game, work, home, news, or random thing going around town that weekend. The vast majority of 4chan related topics would be lost to people unless you're working in the IT 'dorks' crowd as people here like to call them.
>its cold on the mountains
For hikes, but thats what snowboarding is for when it actually is cold. I like being able to hit a slope and go to a lodge to warm up vs "oh i need to trek 3 hours back to the car to warm up".
>omg the national parks with tons of visitors pre-california moving in have tons of visitors wtf
Just idiotic narcissism, no, the world doesnt bend to your convenience.
>whoah we got a badass!
Its not about being a badass, its just a great selling point for anyone right wing when gun control keeps being pushed.
>you cant fuck mormon girls as a non mormon
I really doubt this, Ive gone on plenty of dates with them.
>mormons are boring to talk to
Turns out thats not actually the case. Hell, thanks to missions mormons are great people to talk to about travel, theyre actually some of the most well traveled burgers.
>theyre 99% divorced or taken
Cope. Your entire post proves me right, you're the isolated friendless loser outsider who moved away because you blamed the world for your inability to socialize.
>spoken like a true "i visited once"
I spent 3 years in the midwest. Outside Chicago theres really not much there. Crazy you think midwesterners are more fun to talk to than mormons. If you ban sports from conversation, theyve got almost fuck all to speak of.
>If you ban sports from conversation, theyve got almost fuck all to speak of.
This is so fucking unbelievably true
culture-less mouth breathers that don't vote, or really give a damn about anything about fast food prices. where, boomers are the only ones who can afford to eat out.

T. indiana resident.
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I have grown attached to my /k/uns and my jailbait Aryan gf broke up with me so now I'm going for Jewesses: is OH the best state for me to find Jew broads but not be raped by the state?
Fat women
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>Dogshit roads
>Land locked
I've lived 95% of my life in both the Dakotas, Nebraska and briefly in Iowa. There are more pro's than con's to living in OP's pic but I'm biased. I'll probably never leave.
Good math on the available women. Smaller towns usually had a big chunk of the smarter, prettier women move elsewhere and never come back. Going to any city being even an average man is easy mode.
What’s South Dakota like?
Chicago here; my list of cons:

The weather is rope-fuel for half the year; FUCK not seeing the sun for days at a time; FUCK everything being gray and dead for months; and FUCK polar vortices (admittedly; the weather is truly amazing the other half)

I don't like Midwest culture - people just seem passive aggressivgresse, cold, inconsiderate, and having basic taste. Seems like 1/3 of Chicago is dorky fat white progressives; 1/3 poor Latin American immigrants that haven't assimilated into American culture (don't blame them); and 1/3 is Black people living in Chiraq (South/Far West side) leading violence-filled lives (I feel sorry for the ones who are not retarded gangbangers).

Leading to the next point: half the city is uninhabitable and Afghanistan tier, and IDK how one can have pride in a corrupt shithole city where so many people suffer while priviliged white lameos live it up in Lakeview.

Taxes suck and 0 benefit from paying them.

Public transport (CTA) has gone down the toilet. Not reliable at all, and when you do get on enjoy the stench of feces/smoke and sititng next to mentally unwell homeless people. I have now ended up driving everywhere, which sucks because Chicago is hostile to drivers. (Traffic; wheel tax; city car sticker which costs $100+ each year; nowhere to park; etc.)

Rent used to be OK but now it's starting to get unconfortably high even though other parts of the country (e.g., Texas) are getting rent decreases. I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to pay $2k rent for a 2BR box with outdated appliances; $2k rent in Texas would yield me a spacious luxury 2BR apartment with parking and access to a (relatively) private pool...

Looping back to weather: wildfires make the one part of Chicago that's enjoyable—Summer—complete shit.

So yeah, heavily considering moving back home to Texas. Yes, Texas is a shithole but at least it's cheap and easy to live in; in contrast, Chicago is an expensive shithole that's hard to live in.
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Blue-collar jobs galore, tons of nature but also lots of boring shit plains and native reservation land. Coasties would get bored quick but if you're used to the midwest it's quite nice.
You get out what you put in. However the midwest is really shafted if you are bald or have a bad hair line and not in the best shape. You'd be passed over by any farm hand in a second. The only saving grace would be you're rich and basically show that you're willing to move some girl out who wants to escape.

The thing about a car is spot on, not owning a car is basically a death sentence here as people will assume you have a DUI or live with your mom still. Even if you get a junker it's a status symbol out here. If you don't want that get a good e-bike and just tell people you have 'one of those electric motorcycle things'.

I can't tell what people think of the midwest here half the people assume like the midwest is only towns that are small like Lebanon Missouri. If you're actively looking to live in those small towns good luck, seems to be where the thread is being split.

If you are looking to min/max your life style in terms of cost of living don't bother with any city under a population of 120k. You'd be basically setting yourself up for failure by doing anything lower unless you really know what you are doing or willing to drive to some bigger city and spend 1hr a day in a commute or WFH.

I don't get the hate /trv/ has for this area like people seem to have, it's a fine place but it's not going to hand hold you or make it stupid easy to mix in if you aren't willing to put the effort to go and find things out there.

T. former westcoast faggot
lol take a look at rent again, unless you want to live in lubbock or amarillo good luck on that. Work almost moved me there, skipped for midwest and kinda happy with it. At least I don't have to deal with the people who go "WELL I JUST MOVED HERE FROM CALIFORNIA AND LET ME TELL YOU IT'S A REAL CULTURE SHOCK I TELL YA".
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if you can deal with the lack of good telecom infra, you can enjoy beautiful woods, lakes, cabins, and blonde women of swedish ancestry in Northern MN
>chatting up college girls in thongs.
sure you did
I took a look at desirable locations in San Antonio and Houston and found spacious 2 BR luxury apartments for less than 2K. Maybe that's expensive if you're a poorfag, but the same costs double here in Chicago.

The only saving grace is here that you can buy a 2BR in Chicago for less than $2k but it's going to cramped with old appliances.
>hasn't bought a house
lol... just the absolute state of this board.
>buying with interest rates this high
>tying yourself to one city but posting on /trv/
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Buying a house isn't that hard with the first time home buyer deals, you do have a 401k right? you know you can use that tax free to pay down that house alongside a first time home buyer program. Buying a 150k house in the midwest can get you something decent in rockford. Doesn't mean you are 'tied down' unless you think the only way to travel is 8-12 months at a time. At that point just sell a room off to a friend for passive income.

You're telling me that you'd rather piss away 12-24k/yr in rent alone that doesn't have a dime of equity vs an investment?
>Buying a 150k house in the midwest can get you something decent in rockford

Yeah but then you live in Rockford, retard. Enjoy having to live in a shithole waiting for your shitheap to appreciate such that the investment was worth it. Meanwhile rent chads just get and up and go; much more suited to the /trv/ lifestyle.
I was just using that as a throw away place, do your own research, for what works best. 150k in Houston still goes a fair ways. Again what's stopping you from just giving a friend a room to pay for all the bills+mortgage+taxes+passive income on the side. You do have IRL friends right? Most would jump on a sub 1k.
>Meanwhile rent chads just get and up and go
'yes paying a landlord thousands of dollars a year for no physical possession after you leave is BASED!"
If you buy, you have to deal with property taxes, maintenance, HOA, etc. which will make it incredibly difficult to realize short term profit on your house. The only way you're going to make money--not lose it--is if you stay for at least 5 years (more a decade); you live in a desirable area where housing costs are increasing; and the housing market doesn't go kaputt. Making profit when you buy is far from a sure deal and you're stuck with it for a long time.

If you want to be a parasite landlord, enjoy the stress of all the above and dealing with renters. Meanwhile, my money is growing in the stock market by a faster rate than the housing market, so cheers.
>deal with property taxes
Which is minimal, you know how to calculate this right? Illinios sucks but chicago isn't the only place in the midwest. 150k house would probably be <2k/yr tops
Oh the horror of picking up a screw driver or hammer or wd40 and doing a few things here and there. How often do you damage things? Do you not know home inspections before buying are a thing?
Just don't live in an HOA place? that's seriously not that hard out here compared to the coastal places
>which will make it incredibly difficult to realize short term profit on your house.
Are zoomies seriously this fucking stupid? My house outpaces inflation in value. Oh no I have to pay my neighbors kid 50 bucks for the month I am gone to mow my lawn or rake the leaves...How will I recover with a job?
>you live in a desirable area where housing costs are increasing; and the housing market doesn't go kaputt.
With how many people have moved out of california to the midwest you're not going to lose unless you live in some place like Virginia, MN. Again, what is a car that can drive you downtwon.

>Meanwhile, my money is growing in the stock market by a faster rate than the housing market, so cheers.
I didn't know owning stock and owning a home were a one-or-the-other thing. You called others a poorfag but can't own a home and stocks? lmao, go back to /biz/ for cope, I was only stating 401 loaning, 150k price mark, and first time home buyer because your arguement is literally what most middle-middle to low income family bark on about not being a thing and how maintenance + taxes are so big that it kills any savings. GJ either 10/10 trolling or you call people poorfags and not realizing you should look in a mirror.
another thread devolves into life advice and blogposting, for fuck sake
>threads about the midwest are about living in the midwest
>posts tend to be about how people in the midwest deal with life

No one is saying the midwest is perfect but these threads always bring the most CPA /biz/ uni degree people who don't know much about equity or long term investments. I don't care if you want to live in texas or wherever, personally I am thinking of the portugal digital nomad visa thing for a year. Just don't be a retard spouting recycled garbage.

Not sure what else you expect.
>throws a shitfit because people don't want to live in a depressing McMansion in fucking Rockford just so they can squeeze out some equity after 10 years
>thinks he isn't the retard here

m8... I don't care where you want to live. Just don't be a coping rentcuck about things. Go live wherever hell that house in picrel will most likely double in value given the amount of work moving to texas and how many new people fled california.
Interesting to hear of this since you're basically a reverse of my situation; I moved here to Texas but am originally from the Chicago area. In my honest opinion, Texas isn't cheap anymore. Population growth is exploding here in DFW and housing and rent is getting pretty high. Wouldn't recommend, I may have to head West in 10 years
That lot size is depressing. Seriously if you live on less than an acre just move into an apartment.
Hello. Californian here.

I have no ties in the Midwest, but it appears the best option for wages and cost of living.

Where to go, see, move? I'm an IBEW electrician, and while there are some state requirements to work, I can test out of most of them. Upon realization that electricians in Minneapolis are due to earn more in gross wages than those in Los Angeles, I think that's my breaking point. I've had it.

I've got a university degree as well, and if pressed, I could become a high school AP teacher. If it takes me getting a Class A CDL just for additional job security, I'll do it.

I'm single, in my early 30's, unmarried, no kids, introverted, and spent majority of my time online. No major addictions; I don't drink, don't smoke, am lean. I am non-white (not black), so preferably a big city.

I've got roughly 100k saved up. That's not even close to paying a down payment for a home here. But I figure I can get something somewhere in the Midwest. My online friends have mentioned to live in a suburb of Chicago that's not necessarily within the confines of Illinois. So near Racine Wisconsin or Hammond Indiana. If I want to see the big city, I can drive out there. Or a Big10 city where I won't stand out of the crowd.

It takes me 1 hr to drive to work, and usually 1.5 hrs to drive back home. I've been in scenarios where it's 2.5 hours to drive back home, but that seems to be norm for most working class Californians.I don't want that for my future life.

As for the cold, I work on the flip side of the heat. I live in a region where while it's not Phoenix level hot, I don't work in air conditioning. Working in the heat sucks, and every summer has been miserable. Pushing 90's from June to mid November.

To the Florida guy, holy hell, tradesmen wages are absolutely fucked there.
>To the Florida guy, holy hell, tradesmen wages are absolutely fucked there.
The south is terrible. I've talked to electricians in NOLA, they make less than the beaner labors make for construction clean up work in California.
Beaner laborers take home just about $200 less than electricians do in California. The same as 80% apprentice. That's how fucked up things are. Landscapers earn more than us. Shop TIG welders earn the same wage as McDonalds employees now.

Florida skilled trades pay maybe $33-35/hr tops.
dont tell me you are one of those sissies who thinks 40 degrees is cold
Any time I can't see the sun for more than a day or a day below 50 is considered winter, this is standard in California and standard in the USA.
I have a friend that's an IBEW electrician in Cedar Rapids Iowa making 105k. Owns a comfy home in a good neighborhood that cost him 140k.

225k metro population so we have good shit to eat, drink, and great parks. Great place to raise a family if you stick to Marion, Hiawatha, Fairfax.

You are also 4-5hr from Chicago, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Omaha, St Louis/KC. CID airport has direct flights to Phoenix, Vegas, Denver, Dallas, DC, Miami, Charlotte, Nashville, Tampa, Orlando, etc.

Worth looking at as you could find a solid house now for about 200k in a great part of town that has 3bed, 2bath and a cute little yard.
Unironically Detroit where electricians and other tradies can make a solid income for the area because of a shortage of qualified workers.

>I am non-white (not black), so preferably a big city
Again, Detroit. There's a large Muslim population (Dearborn) and a growing Hispanic population (Detroit and downriver).
Cincinnati, KC, Dayton, Columbus, or greenbay would be far better
absolutely based take
Dayton? Green Bay?

What about Flint, Gary, Youngstown and East St. Louis?
>>if you're bald/balding you have 0 hope for anything
Not bald, but why is that specific to this region in particular?
The food is the worst in the world and there's no culture
Same anon you're replying to.

I'm from Michigan but live in Northern Virginia now--so I don't really have any idea what the weather was like in Chicago this past winter. In the past, when I've gone in December and January, temperatures have been mild compared to Michigan. But when you're hovering around freezing and there's a stiff breeze coming in off the lake, it can feel a whole lot colder than it actually is.

You can, of course, say that "Chicago winters are mild compared to [insert place that isn't that much colder, or somewhere that has a population density of 3 people per square mile]." You'll always a city with more snow and lower temperatures, unless you're looking at Alaska.

But for most people from most parts of the country--who, statistically, likely live in the South, the East Coast, or the West Coast--Chicago winters are pretty fucking brutal, if not as bad as the Upper Peninsula or Nebraska or some shit.
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This was pretty much my life until the age of 14-15. Playing outside, riding on my bike. One thing you didn't mention though. I played a lot with the neighbors kids and my older brother. Did you not have siblings/other kids to play with Anon? If so that sounds like an awful childhood experience to go through.
>so affordable that you can get easily get that cheap house, I can do this anywhere.
Now would you rather use your drumset in a 4k apartment or a 250k spacious home in the suburbs?
>you can do that anywhere
>and they are about as exciting to talk to as a stack of bricks
Thats most women, anon. Most of us are interested in 'other' qualities.
The whitest part of the USA
>Also the most soulless
>Also the most boring
>Also with nothing to do
Great if you're a basement dweller, bad if you want a life, friends, do anything with your life.
Looks comfy as fuck.
>That's probably the biggest filter for trv, the ability to own and operate a car.
>I live in misery..
>Seriously if you live on less than an acre just move into an apartment.
Most people live on less than an acre. I dont think you know how much an acre is.
>is OH the best state for me to find Jew broads but not be raped by the state?
No idea lol
Summers can be brutal but come on houston has a ton of shit to do.
>Not bald, but why is that specific to this region in particular?
The amount of bald people out here is pretty low compared to when I lived on the west coast or east coast. the stereotype of manchild follows balds around. I seriously can't recall the last time I saw a bald person who wasn't a stereotypical section 8, black, or fat/old
yeah like leave
I want you to take a closer look at >>2645295 pic again.
Which is about a 20-30 minute drive to downtown houston...
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There is a joke here that someone isn't understanding and it has been a joy to watch.
Uh okay? This is like a joke someone who is ESL just figured out...
I should have just not pointed it out. woops
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Made a thread about 6 months ago regarding moving to Fargo for work. Kinda surprised how comfy it is here, only sketch area is around the mall since a few unoccupied building you can tell the homeless crash in but it's a far cry from anything I've seen in TX.

People saying you get out what you put in are spot on the money, if I didn't go out I wouldn't have known a W40K store was here or the amount of dorks here was so high. There are definitely a few anons who frequent a barcade here. Sports isn't the only thing people talk about but it's the main ice breaker or default topic to get a conversation going, lots of people who work agriculture tend to have a fair amount of downtime here so sports is just a good way to pass the time.

Food is all over the place compared to TX, there is no distinct consistent flavor followed or cooking style I've seen it's just all over the place depending where you go. Portions seem to be slightly bigger but that might just be how Dallas is going through a huge CoL increase. Overall don't notice too much difference outside severe lack of good BBQ or proper spicy food.

Winters would be hell without a car but I haven't had any issues with the bus service, it's head and shoulders over what was in DFW especially for the price. I can get about anywhere here in ~45 minutes, though it's very easy to find a high mileage car for less than 5k. I don't think I'd take it too far from the city limits but it's surprisingly easy to get a cheap junker for small around town needs.

The biggest draw back I've seen
1) winters suck but I intend to travel during those months
2) tinder is shit for hookups it's 90% baby mama's
3) things close stupidly early we are talking 9-10 in many situations which really sucks
4) people can smell a bullshit story far easier than a city or at least will let you know they smell BS
5) not having a car is going to severely limit your social connections with people even if you don't need a car
you will have way too much time on your hands
>2) tinder is shit for hookups it's 90% baby mama's
heavily appreciate this Fargo write up. would love to see more like this.

I've moved on from online dating nearly 100% in 2024, but I'd 1000% move on in a place like Fargo. I'd pound the payment and day game or try to make a group I'm the leader of.

I'd also get a car ASAP, for sure.
oh forgot to ask:
Do you see at least 1 good looking woman in your day to day walking around routine, daily, or not?

Here in Osaka, JP there's loads of cuties left and right every day. I remember in America you could just go through crowds of unattractive-by-their-own-hand people. What a mess
>Do you see at least 1 good looking woman in your day to day walking around routine, daily, or not?
I see plenty, I don't understand why /trv/ thinks everyone in the midwest is a hambone nation given the talk in this thread. The ratio is probably that similar to the cities I've lived in, it really just depends where you look more than anything.

My company/healthcare gives me Planetfitness for free so outside monday's when all the fatties are clogging the machines, easy to find decent women there. If you head to the 'downtown' you're going to find the better women, and simply shopping at target vs. walmart will eliminate the trash.

Bar scene is also pretty divided, if you go to an irish pub, Japanese place, or craft house you'll get decent looking people. However, you go to a chain like chili's, twin peaks, or so on; the ham planets fester like nothing else but that is largely the same I've seen anywhere.

Probably the biggest thing to come from where I live anyways is like others said, you need to make a real dedicated effort in order to break into the culture here. I think the biggest thing that is going to be a hurdle after reading posts is that it takes a dedicated effort to put yourself out there, make small talk, be friendly, and have an extroverted hobby. It requires a bit of dedication too so people don't think you're another guy just passing through.

>Here in Osaka, JP there's loads of cuties left and right every day.
That's fine I've been to Osaka a few times, asian women can look good. Midwest is more about where you look there is plenty in Fargo at least. The biggest draw back is probably tinder is trash, but it was trash in other large cities I've been to anyways.
Fargo is full of niggers (bulbheads), WTF are you talking about, Paco?!

You have to go back.
>why /trv/ thinks everyone in the midwest is a hambone nation
uh because it's true? so many fat fucks all over America. You get used to it until you travel abroad and realize how disgusting Americans are. And if they're not fat then they have some sort of mental illness they're taking meds for or they have ugly tattoos or piercings. Americans have an ugliness on the inside and outside that is quite apparent.
murica. apart from murifats and some poor jeets, no one likes burgers
Unless you live in westgate I'm not seeing any number of them to bother, this is from a perspective to most places in the US. I think the only time I run into anyone like that is Walmart on 1st and 15th of the month or for some unholy reason a coworker wants to go to Chili's or BWW. Oh the buffets attract a lot but you're going to a buffet... Just go to HuHot to avoid.

Compared to DFW area, Austin, Phoenix, Atlanta, Tampa/Miami, LA, SHITcago, you really aren't running into many on a daily basis unless you're going to their kind of bars. It's night and day in more ways than one, I picked up on where people go within the first month of living here so not sure where you are going wrong.

This is why I can't help but agree that either anons here are gatekeeping the midwest or they simply have yet to travel more than once or twice and use this place a pol/int lite. Comparatively speaking for the jobs available in a town like this you don't run into much issue with people unless you are simply a hard boiled shut in. I don't remember ever saying it's white as snow in peoples colors, but it's a far cry from most cities in the US.

Maybe stop eating at Chicken and fish and move out of westgate
>you're fucking WHITE, you were built to endure winter and make it your bitch
based and checked
Say whatever you want but I'll be living it up in LA with the best street tacos in the world
You're right it's fine to live there if you enjoy a below average life. But it's not healthy. All those things you listed lead to depression. Wonder why the midwest heavily drinks, is fat, and is on anti-depressants.
>this piece of shit thread AGAIN
get some new content
>food is le expensive on the coasts
Uhhh Midwest education proved you all wrong. Healthy freshest veggies burger around I can live off two of these a day and still look good.
Everyone is fat
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Fuck having such a a good time and about to smoke legal tree that I forgot the pic haha.

This everyone looks like a stereotypical redneck. I've seen enough pics on sp to know that it's just NASCAR and football. Which gringos still use the word wrong.
You can easily tell where 99% of the users of this board come from just from the responses on the threads.
>Africa - SHITHOLE
>Europe - SHITHOLE
>Flyover bumfuck town full of white trash and meth heads - FUCKING PARADISE
it do be like that
Bro, Nebraska girls are straight up pigs. They all wear the same volleyball shorts and mens t shirts all summer too. Fuck me it's hard to find anyone decent looking.
>the women are fat
Are people here not part of a gym or something? Seriously curious where you all meet women irl.
Hey ass clown no one goes to the gym if we did we wouldn't be on this board. Do you think literally anyone here cares about shitwest? No I want to monger with women
How long would I need to stay in Rapid City just to see Mount Rushmore and check out Badlands National Park? Can that be fit into a day trip? How’s the food up there?
theres nothing to fucking do here
It for sure can be a day trip. I did it in a day and was disappointed. Well, I camped over on the Wyoming side. In the morning I hit Devils Tower but didn't pay to drive all the way up. Just went into the gift store to take a piss and view it from the parking lot. Then I drove to Spearfish and Rapid City and then to Mount Rushmore, which was packed full of tourists as it was 4th of July weekend. Then I drove through the Black Hills National Forest looking for hours for a place to park my truck to camp for the night. The shitty thing is it's over half private land and not much turnout spots on NF roads. I did see some elk and deer which was nice but the logging done was absolutely brutal to see. So many trees cut down. I never went to Badlands NP but I still think you can do it in a day.
Food is shit and anything you find that's good will be expensive due to tourism. There's an area near Mount Rushmore where lots of tourists go shopping for food and stuff. I forget what it's called but lots of small towns scattered throughout with high price tags.
I've lived in Kansas for most of my life; grew up in a small town and moved to a college town and the city after that for a little while. I've also lived in the Northeast and around Chicago for a little while to compare it to.
We don't really have a strong midwestern identity. The Kansan identity is somewhere between prototypically 'Midwestern' and Southern if you're in a rural area. We probably have a lot in common with people from Wisconsin or Michigan, but we don't talk like them and don't think about them. Same with Illinois and Chicago; rural folks would probably consider them degenerates.
Downsides? Some of the people are incredibly salty for no reason and will take their petty life frustrations out on you. They can't figure out how to improve their life, so they take it out on anyone they think will take it. I'm sure that happens everywhere, but I've encountered it the most here, and gotten into fights because of it.
The winters used to be bitterly cold around February, with just a bunch of ice and sleet everywhere. Hasn't been as bad lately, though. Basically everyone outside college towns or urban areas will be the most main-line Fox News talking points spewing moron. I agree with a lot of conservative opinions, but they really take pleasure in 'owning the libs' and such. If you're out drinking, mind your business and don't try to make friends too hard. That's how I've gotten myself into fights and the cops can be real assholes sometimes.
People here are not very worldly - if they travel, it's to get wasted and/or hit up the tourist traps, get souvenirs, watch NASCAR, shit like that. Young, attractive women will generally leave as soon as they're old enough to go to college and find a boyfriend to move out of state with. Cute college girls already have boyfriends. Young women past college age already have a husband and children most of the time. Dating isn't really great; the most opportunity is in the suburbs of KC as far as I've seen.

I used to live in Louisville Kentucky, but I moved out to southern California 10 years ago. In Louisville, there are plenty of things to do. They have a decent art scene, there are lots of good breweries, there are some amazing bike trails, there are rivers to Kayak, lots of nearby hiking, nearby caves to explore, some cool small towns, lots of large cities nearby to explore like Chicago and Nashville, and you're 9 hours from the beach if you feel like a road trip, so it's not nearly as bad as places Kansas, Oklahoma or Nebraska where there is nothing to do. It's also a cheap place to buy a home. But the downsides of living in Louisville are the bad weather, horrible crime surge, lack of employment opportunities, obese women, pollution, small airport with no direct international flights, and high property taxes.

If you move to a place like Irvine California, you probably won't be able to afford a home. But the perks are worth it, especially if you don't have kids. You're 15 minutes from some of the best beaches in the US. The apartments here are like resorts with huge pools, gyms, spas, bike trails, and parks. The violent crime rate is lower than almost anywhere in the US. The weather is flawless all year. There are endless epic things to explore. Flying internationally is cheaper than almost anywhere in the US. And the variety and quality of restaurant options in SoCal is easily the best of any place in the US.

So would I ever move back to Louisville after living in southern California? Fuck no. I would literally kill myself if I had to move back.
>downsides of living in the midwest
Zero culture and boring. Also the nature isn't as good as the west or Appalachia
There are two kinds of people in this thread
Those who pay rent and utilitiesans
Those who don't
"people" who pay rent and live in apartments or homes don't belong ON A BOARD MEANT FOR TRAVEL. You seething coping butthurt faggots don't get this.

My parents only ask I pay my far share because they aren't niggers and actually live in a good part of the US, (Redondo beach) which is only ~500ish a month. I also keep their dogs(more of a cat guy) fed and walked when they are TRAVELING LIKE THIS BOARD SHOULD DO. I get their back yard converted garage into house, I don't get why people call the midwest cheap unless they are brown. I see listings for income fixed housing every time I go downtown to do something I don't get how you can find it "cheaper" I only work a small part time job off and on for summer at Subway, While I only make about 22/hr+tips it's enough during the rush season for me to fuck off when the weather gets meh and it rains a bit. People who are smart don't live outside the coast cities because they know that's where the talent is that's why NASA is in Florida...
it gets really cold, there's lots of tornadoes, and you live by indiana
stfu. you live with your parents like a fag and still pay rent.
>"I'm an adult who lives in a converted garage in my parent's backyard."
Totally unacceptable if 23 years old or older.
I've spent the last 2.5 years traveling around the US - digital nomad that sleeps in hotels. Its not that bad if you stick around areas with hot springs.

Des Moines Iowa is like going to modern China compared to the rest of the country. People are super nice. Wages are good and housing is cheap. No pot holes, cheap and good restaurants, clean safe and VERY PROSPEROUS. The last good place in the US generally speaking.

Illinois taxes suck but the rural towns are really nice and homey and you'll find homey bars right in the neighborhoods next to houses.

Pizza is amazing.

I live in WA and I was only in Iowa for 15 minutes when I made a bro friend in a hotel parking lot. DO NOT MOVE TO WA.
>don't try to make friends too hard. That's how I've gotten myself into fights
What the ,FUCK, is their problem !?
>Young, attractive women will generally leave as soon as they're old enough to go to college
So do they all flee to the nearest college that has student housing?
Envious of >>2655042 for having a good relationship with their parents. Your father(s) resent you.
Kek bump more midcuck cope please I'm getting bored of this board. At least biz is healing
I think the thread is dead, the last few posts really wrap up what these threads come down to. Those who have to work to put a roof over their heads because they didn't get a house hand me down or just bum with the parents, and those who got a good head start with it.

This isn't to say it's always 1 or the other but the appeal of the midwest to someone who doesn't worry about rent, bill, etc will be lost. While I make just under 100k and could move to the coast there really isn't a drive for me to do so, the midwest hands down has the best value for your money in terms of living.

The downsides have been stated over and over it would just be repeating what's been summed up perfectly by other anons. Let this thread die
I would put my ear on the top of that thing in my front yard and listen to the hum of the transformers. Also I'd watch the ants crawl around on it.
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This explains pretty well
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can we please stop using this image. it's perfect bait for the americans to say "ERM ACTUALLY IT'S A TRUCK STOP AND THERE ARE LE TREES OUTSIDE OF IT", get something like this instead
Wtf the Acropolis looks like that building in the middle? Whoa

Damn nigga are you me?

I also live in Western WA and I've been stuck here for 20 years. This place was a fucking dump when I moved here and it's become a bigger dump thanks to all of the Californians moving to the area. I've been attempting to move to Des Moines, IA for the past year because of how surprisingly based the city is. Unfortunately, with all of the mass layoffs and the recession it looks like I'll be stuck in WA longer.
>sidewalks everywhere for biking
>mostly grid layout
>tons of places for shopping needs
What's exactly wrong with this?
Is there anything to do in Billings Montana? I know it’s not technically Midwest but it’s still flat and next to the Dakotas.
>sidewalks everywhere
where? certainly not on the major roads where you need to go to get anywhere, believe me I've tried, going to places like that on business and trying to leave my hotel carless, or sidewalks in those winding suburbs that purposefully lead to dead ends?
you can put poop inside of a grid and it's still poop even if it's theoretically efficient
>tons of places for shopping needs
by car.
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Everything is better when it's flat.
Up. Down. Why even?
Stay in the city and don't return.
We are indeed, as they say, FULL.
>you do a line and I'll do a line honeeeeyyy.
I lived there 5 years in mid 2000s.
It was a total shithole and getting obviously worse every year.
Anyone that can stand a city the size of Chicago is a not a human.
It's funny though that these places actually preserve nature better than anything as everyone groups in tightly and the rest of the land is preserved and left alone.
>>I get /trv/ has a weird hateboner for this area

That's because /trv/ is a bunch of liberal clinton obama biden loving fags and Midwest is where all the evil Trump voting deplorables live
>groups in tightly
anon I think you looked at the wrong image. there are parking lots there the size of multiple city blocks, maybe you were thinking of japan?
Anon that's ohio it's not limited like a coastal city by water, being spread out and using these things called your legs to pedal a bike or walk or *gasp* own a car that is stupid cheap. Is not a big deal to get to your group of people or things you want.

> maybe you were thinking of japan?
Dunno man Hokkaido's parking lot situations make america kneel at times
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I moved to NC 3 years ago and am moving back to Michigan in a couple months (work). Im so scared im going to hate my home state now

Imagine moving to the middle of nowhere and its not even white

lots of Swedish cuties in Minnesota and Wisconsin

stay in your shithole

Des Moines is what could have been if the US chose racism
/trv/ would lose their minds in the midwest because people would get tired of them trying to shill crypto to them or start calling them out on their tall tales from a week in SEA. People in the big cities can accept and pass bullshit to one another, kinda hard to do when you seem roughly the same-ish people at the bars and clubs every few weeks

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