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Riding season started above the equator Edition

FAQ on buying a bike that nobody reads anyway:
> What good bike can I get for under $500?
a stolen bike. Possibly a newer used entry level hardtail but don't expect it to survive rock gardens, jumps, or drops. Or an older mtb which won't be as good as newer ones and will still have a front derailleur, but it'll be good enough.
> What good bike can I get for under $1000
Good used hardtail, new entry level hardtail
> What good bike can I get for under $2000?
New Hardtail, decent used full suspension
> What good bike can I get for under $3000?
Used full suspension, decent entry level full suspension but prepared to put more money into it.
> What are the excellent value brands?
Marin, Commencal, Canyon, Polygon, YT, Propain, Kona, and many more. Sometimes the expensive brands have an excellent alue bike
>> What are the differences between an XC, Trail, Enduro, and Downhill bikes?

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You think an electric hub motor is too heavy but a hydraulic motor wouldn't be?

Is an ebike boomer teir meme, nobody is improving ebikes in their current form.
He genuinely seems to have a deathwish even by freerider standards. So many massive crashes and he doesn't give a fuck.

Proper riding form definitely increases comfort and flow but suspension seatpost is still nice for longer xc rides and cruising. Don't bother with an expensive one, it doesn't matter how much energy it saps. A dropper is overkill because it's not cut out for single track due to the lower BB and you can still lower it manually (+100mm~) if needed.

I don't really understand what you mean about frame flex interrupting shifting. I can't tell if you've installed it or not, but there is a shift sensor you can fit, also a brake sensor which can be used as a clutch, they help with shifting for me.

My point about the suspension is that a cheap coil doesn't require any maintenance where an adjustable air shock does. The motor and battery make it 15kg+ heavier and you ride a lot more. Assuming that is a straight steerer and qr wheel you are pretty limited on decent upgrade options as well. You could use an adapter for the steerer to get something more heavy duty but you would probably have to buy another wheel.
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Death trail thread
It depends on what terrain you want to ride.

That looks like a good bike for pavement and gravel, but do you want to go over roots and rocks, like MTB trails?

MTB bars are short for a reason, so you don't get them caught on things, and if you plan on doing MTB trails, you should have at least front shocks, and heavier tires.

Everything depends on what you want to do.
anyone watching red bull hardline today? looks like a wicked course

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No link to old thread edition
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Anybody get any good pick ups with memorial day sales?
(Autism Update)
I ordered the same deck, again straight off the TM website. Even the sticker on the board said 14.25" wheelbase, but once again it was 14". It's the same square/full shape that I was looking for though.
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE - This board is actually accurate to the description's 31.75" length, unlike the last one which was 31.5". I measured the nose and tail and the nose on this board and the nose is .25" longer.

I think I'm done rambling now, I really like this shape but I do wish TM would sort out their specs and descriptions. Tactics has even more strange measurements for the board.
Im still debating my next board. I havnt been skating because its fucking hot out, but pretty sure im going from 7.75 to 8.06. I also ride 54mm spitfire conicals and thinking of switching to classic shape when i need new wheels.
I was between these 2 boards and went for the oval one for the shorter tail.

If I noticed this was a twin tail, Id probably have gotten this, but too late now. Im hoping the board I got is what I want and itll just stay in production. The smallest changes and it changes my timing entirely.


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where is he cunt. its just these other ATT dickheads
damn caseoh really fell off
Discord is only used by autistic normies who can barely use google search.
>not guilded

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>this kills the grappler
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Cage size usually heavily favors grappling at the amateur level. If it's a ring, it'll depend a lot on how reset heavy your referee is. All that said, if you're not in an area known for its competitive wrestling, you'll probably be fine.
The grappling to pro wrestling pipeline was simply guys wanting to keep the money coming in without fucking their bodies up so bad without realizing faggots would overtake the sport (""sport"")
Real matches took very long and the performers were constantly injured, so they decided to start working the matches to make it easier for themselves and make the matches more exciting to watch, which brought in more money.
From there it quickly snowballed into the absurdity that is today's pro wrestling
The whole point of MMA it's being good at both
>shane carwin: 12 first round KOs in a row
>couldn't touch jds for 3 rounds
>jds gets rag dolled by cain for 9 rounds

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boxing general

ITT we talk about boxing, not focusing on fights and events but talking about training, techniques, gym shit, injuries, our sparring and fights, ask for advice etc
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>just started sparring again
>significantly larger than anyone at my gym
>coach always tells me to keep the power down because of the weight class difference
>always do, sparring is practice, don't want anyone to get hurt
>didn't really mind, have a good jab so I can keep most people away
>fight a guy I haven't seen before
>"keep the power down, but he can fight!"
>lol okay, jab time
>slips my jab and hits me somewhere in the chest
>entire body locks up, chest becomes stone
>still standing, but I cannot stop myself from making this 'HHHHHHHHHHHH' sound
>feels like my lungs got paralyzed on an exhale and I can't adjust the rate of air leaving my body
>coach stops the spar, gives me time to breathe
>chest finally unlocks can breath normally again

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once he started beating you you should've started to fight properly and stop pulling your punches, sound like a liver shot but usually those hurt so idk.
why would it be over, it's good that you found some guys that pose a challenge to you, if you're always fighting guys that are weaker than you you'll never learn shit

how tall are you? what's your weight?
6'4", 280, so it's pretty rare I ever see someone at the gym near my size.
I agree that if you never fight anyone better, you can't learn. Essentially everyone I've sparred is better than me mechanically, so I really enjoy seeing some of the moves people pull. I've gotten the privilege of sparring some professionals in the past, and I've learned a lot each time I get a chance. Unfortunately, I find my sparring to be mostly pulling punches because I outweigh everyone so much. I've landed a straight on someone when I intended no power behind it and it nearly knocked him out with a helmet on. It feels bad when we're supposed to be working with each other. I'm big enough that with good form, any punch is dangerous.
The reason I ask "Is it over?" is because I feel like I'm at a crossroads. Stop pulling punches so much, and potentially hurt my sparring partners at the gym, or sacrifice my own growth and brain health and just roll with it. I can't gauge whether the punches people are throwing are just matching the weight of my jab or if they are just throwing this hard because I'm in a higher weight class. I can take it, as much as anyone else like taking a punch, but it is frustrating to not be able to dish anything back until I get the go ahead.
just go technical and then if they start going hard go hard in return, they will either give you more respect or keep pushing in which case you're in for a nice slugging
talk about it with your coach too

I'm 5"7' 170lbs, I usually spar guys my own size or bigger, like 6" 180/187lbs, atm I just re started after a long time off, I used to be in the amateur fighting team at my gym years ago before stopping, I noticed that my coach makes me work with the top guys from my course bc all the others aren't good enough, and in the end only one was hars for me, the others I didnt dominate, but I was better, which annoys me bc I feel I didn't do well enough against them.
but the really tough guys are in the other course, where the fighting team is.
months ago I went for a couple lessons, and I noticed that even if I was a lard that hadn't worked out for a year, when I sparred some randos in the gym I still had enough technique to bust them up because they were just "casuals" that didn't take it that seriously, some guys may have been going to the gym for 1 or more years but just treat it as fitness, while others have been going for just 6 months and they're much better, like the guy I said that gave me problems in sparring
I appreciate the advice.

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Realistic conditioning that people from MMA, Kickboxing and Muay thai do to get stronger and take shots without dying

What is one on one text book conditioning for fighting, I am weak af and can't take shots easily at all
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same logic as by shooting myself with smaller bullets I'll eventually work my way up to being resistant to larger calibers
Like that pic for example. See what he fucked up was... Letting it hit his leg..lol. I mean I don't know what else to tell you but seriously, you practice avoiding it entirely & failing that, you catch the blow in a way that diminishes the impact. But there is no such thing as just conditioning your anatomy to not respond to stimulus same as anyone.
And all that will do is get you used to the feeling, it's not going to make you tougher, and over the years you will be destroying the blood vessels that would help you heal. Pro thai & glory fighters that buy into that conditioning crap are all hobbled cane users by their mid 40's to 50s. This is what I meant. This conditioning doesn't make you damage resistant.
Do you even need to get used to the feeling? In a fight you're gonna have endorphins flooding anyway, you'll barely feel a thing
Your training & sparring should be preparation enough. Toughness/hardness conditioning is a harmful meme. Time is better spent learning how to avoid shit altogether.

Tall half white half mexican freak girl savagely beat me up in muay thai class today.
I'm 5'6 while she's easily 6' plus. My nose was bleeding earlier today, one tooth from my upper jaw is loose, while my sides are still hurting from her roundhouse kicks. She humiliated me in front of everyone. I couldn't do shit, just fucking overpowered. She kicked my ass while wearing the most girly clothes possible, a pink gym skirt barely covering her asscheeks, black top with visible sports bra straps, and pink gloves. Our instructor fucking hates me, and I think he intentionally paired me with her to give her a good practice punchbag. She looks sexy though, when she bends, her ass looks shapely.
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Found the dyels
yea same here.
I'm 165 and lean at 5'7 bro you just need to do legs.
genuine skill issue i'm afraid
post a pic of her

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Weight classes.
>Proper men
Solved your weight class system, thank me later.
It makes sense but it's too complicated
Delete anything after .
you could round it to the nearest 5

>be me
>practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu twice a week for 2 years
>train with people who haven’t been there as long as me for the 2 days I was there this week
>They know the fucking technique better than me
>Rub salt in the wound by trying to lecture me how to do the techniques properly instead of getting a more experienced gym member
>Feel shame for my godawful Jiu-Jitsu
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Do not quit. Talk to your coach and ask him for advice on how to improve. I’m willing to bet you’ve hit an early plateau and need to work through it. It may require you completely change up your game and get “worse” in rolling for awhile until you get better.
Some people just have a knack for it. Some people are athletically gifted. Some people are younger than you. Some people have fewer responsibilities and train way more than you do. Some people come to jiujitsu with prior experience in other forms of grappling. There's any number of reasons why one person might progress more quickly than another person. Don't get butthurt, just solve the problem. Train smarter.

This right here.
You suck dude. Probably still a white belt.
Get john danaher free solo training video from bjjfanatics

I really doubt you spend time on the ground out side of class(normal)
That's why moving your body on the ground feel weird
>Talk to your coach and ask him for advice on how to improve
ayee jus keep showing up to class my fren

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which board does footbag belong on? I'm just starting out. Decided to document my progress.
Anyone good, My record is 8 kicks with the help of the wall and 6 outside. I cant seem to stall the bags I have tho. What are your favorite footbasgs?
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today i got 13 kicks.
yesterday i only got 9
today was rainy but i kicked indoors a bit. might do more tonight
raining again today :(
Been regularly doing footbag since february this year, my record is 68 kicks for now. Other than that I learned to stall and ATW on both legs semi-consistently.
Sadly my balance is trash, so for now i have a hard time combing kicks, stalls and all that into cool routines like pros do, but I'm working on it.
Honestly finding other footbag enthusiasts here is so cool, don't give up dude, we can make it!

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>Boxing is useless in a gun f-ACK
Sucker punching works too well
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Bro it's Brazil, you are allowed to run down motorcycle bandits with your car
Rent-free. That happened in Brazil
>kill the guy on camera
>point his gun on him
>can't invoke self defence
>go to jail for life instead
What a stupid cunt.
It is ridiculous the amount of people that don't understand what a "sucker punch" is. OP, that wasn't even remotely close to being a sucker punch, educate yourself.
He has to get caught first, the video quality isn't enough to identify him. Hopefully he wasn't stupid enough to upload the recording he was making.

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Lmao if I can deadlift 500lb I can just pick you up and slam you on the fucking ground, all you're little bjj and wrestling bullshit doesn't mean jack shit XD
Okay. Now go to an mma gym and try that theory out
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>throwing a shark into the ocean
You're in my world now...

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Asking for a dwarf friend, what kinda of risks and injuries are there. Would 6 months of training be good enough?
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Dwarf boxing is extremely dangerous. 6 months of training will not be sufficient to prepare your friend for the risks he'd be taking. Risks such as:
>Accidentally being trodden on by the referee
>Getting lost in his boxing gloves
>Hitting himself with his ice axe as he ascends the ring
>Traumatic brain injury
>Fending off enemy gnats
>Slipping through the molecular bonds of the canvas
>Being kidnapped as a Warwick Davis substitute
>Fed to the manager's pet tardigrades if he loses
Dwarves can be really tanky. Tell your friend to roll up a paladin and he’ll be fine.
I don't know much about dwarf boxing, or even regular boxing, but from what I've seen, their large heads, short torsos, and short arms all combine into rendering body-shots almost useless. When almost all hits are to their heads, it becomes much easier to guard themselves against them, so I image it may well be safer that full-sized fights. Also, if knocked out, the fall to the ground isn't as high, so injuries from that are probably lesser.
>Would 6 months of training be good enough?
I’ve had my dwarf for a year now, and he still pisses on the carpet and wrecks things while I’m at work.
You really need 2 to keep each other company and a lot of room for them to run around.
They don’t need training to fight, just don’t expose them to other dwarves.
Tell Warwick Davis he's going to get his ass kicked.

How do make finger skatign EXTREME
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Shove the finger board up your ass and set your house on fire. Now THAT's extreme
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/ck/ is having a get together and cookout in Grapevine, Texas and /xs/ is invited. Come out on June 1st 2024 at noon to coordinates seen on Pic related and enjoy a burger and new frens:
>meeting 4chan autists and presumably also federal agents in real life and then fucking EATING THEIR FOOD
Now THATS an extreme sport. If any /k/ommandos show up, don’t eat the brownies. Trust me on that.
Razors go round the outer edge.
Board explodes if it drops below 50mph.

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Do you think the rising average age of female gymnasts has effected the expected skill level?
Are people expecting higher skilled but less physically demanding performances now? Or has the change in training resulted in the peak performance for women reaching a later age?
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At least when it comes to some of the events, like rhythmic, there's quite a few 20+ year olds that take the Olympics and the world championships.
Both Russians in rythmic in 2016 and 2020 were 20+, for example.
And Sanne won the balance beam at 26 years old, and Jade won the 2020 at 20.

Overall the winners are getting older too it would seem.
she's a fake blonde with doodoo eyes just like my mother
all I know is russian gym and balet coach is swimming in underage pussy.
GOD i fucking love women so much
Yea, she doesn't give a shit about the sport, she only does it for the ass compliments.

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