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In this world silver is a cursed colour: the colour of the Adversary. It’s also the colour of your hair. But cursed or not, you are Argia Candente, and you will make Master proud, earn your glory and help your family in your quest to become a true Knight of Ansàrra.

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The horned woman stepped into the huge hall, carved inside the dead tree. She walked from one end to another of the hall, checking on the shelves upon shelves, each of them holding a glowing sphere.

“Hmm, what to do, what to do,” she muttered to herself, rubbing her black horns with her fingertips. Her crimson eyes jotted between the spheres. “I was going to take half a day for myself, and here I am wondering whose story I would like to relive… I should have asked Helias for help.” She shrugged, reaching instinctively for the closest one. She had never been a creature of impulse, but the past six hundred years had taught her a little chaos went a long way.[/I]

The woman picked up the sphere and peeked through it. “The fall of the Purpura bloodline. Hm.” She pursed her lips, and put it back on the shelves, her slender pale hand reaching for the next one. “White Knight Bradiamante…” she smiled this time. She had always been fond of the steadfast girl. But this kind of tale did not really scratch the itch she needed — unless… perhaps another Knight?

She allowed herself a grin as she crossed a whole section of the hall and picked up a certain soul sphere — most of the others swirled with colours, but this one glistened like the purest mercury.

“Ah, yes,” the woman’s vermillion gaze looked fondly at this specific soul. “Argia Candente, the Silver Knight.” She chuckled and pulled the sphere close to her mouth. “And to think I did not even play such a large part in this. For all the good it did to her.”[/I]She parted her lips and bit deep into the soul sphere.
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Rolled 99 (1d100)

99 and dubs? anon leave some of that good luck for others. now let's see if someone rolls a crit
Ansarrà protects
Rolled 73 (1d100)

Nat100 incoming
regrettably so.

she usually does. she ATTACC only twice so far. it wasn't pretty either time.

there's always next time anon

# # # # # #


5 (bruh--), 105 (99+6 bonus for dubs), 73. check definitely passed. will write as soon as I get home

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The pale green sun sits upon the throne of noon like a baleful tyrant. He keeps for himself a place at the crest of the sky, the head of the heavenly table from which he can look down upon his subject. Highest are the greater planetes, whom each he gathers at his side: three in number and his closest confidants. Reflections of his majesty glitter upon their faces like the light of stars in day. Beneath them, lower to the base earth and broader in their girth are the fat ramblers, who meander about the horizon like great marbles, each the size of a hundred mountains. Painted blue, and red, and white, and green, they tumble across the lower sky in some grand cosmic dance that only high scholars understand the meaning of.

The glare of summer brings a baleful heat to the garden where you lay down in the shade. Twice so because this year is the Sun King's Conjugal, where the Night Mother comes round to her lover and he surrounds her with his light. It happens like clockwork every eighth turning of the sun, and for that turning of the seasons the days become half again as bright, the seasons warm and lustrous. Winter becomes spring again, spring turns to summer, and summer becomes a devilish season too hot and humid for decent clothes, until at last fall arrives and the Night Mother slowly drifts away, to return again in eight turnings.

Summer shall remain for two more turnings of the moon yet. The only reason you can bear to be outside is because the devilish season has yet to reach its zenith, and even so you feel as though you may soon melt.

"It's hoooooooooooot..." the voice of a young girl complains. Your voice is that of a girl born eight turnings past, a child of the last Conjugal Summer, born as the season waxed and the heat at last began to wane. Conceived as the Sun King embraced his lover. An auspicious birth.

"Then go back inside," another girl not one turning older than you tells. Another daughter of the palace where you live, born to a maid and content with her lot. Not like you. For one, she takes better to the heat. "It's nice and cool in there, ya wimp."

"No way..." You refuse. After all, this is nothing. If a little heat can make you give up and cower in the palace halls, where icecloth hangs among the tapestries to turn the heat of hellish summer cool, then you have absolutely no chance to...
a) master the blade
b) master magic
c) inherit the throne
d) visit the planetes

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>e) Trick Sieg into pretending to be your fiance, securing an alliance between your two houses.
>a) Take to the waters off the coast and bring back a Kingfish.
>d) Take a boat trip to the savannah and bring back the pelt of a lion.
>b) Arrange for the catering of your debut yourself.

>A man who knows how to conquer in battle also knows how to give a banquet and organise games.
-- Aemilius Paullus
>b) Arrange for the catering of your debut yourself.

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Salutations noble sirs and fair ladies, the time has passed and spring came since the last update of our adventures but I finally came back on my white destrier. We will continue to follow the adventures of our brave Charles de Villeroi, a noble frenchman of the late XIIIth century transported by foul magic or God's will into the kingdom of Bifuria who is obviously in India as the presence of dragons and many gods can attest. The last time you learned that a Guelph had to be your new baron and you were visiting the garden of the castle of Pleasantville, castle of Count Careless the liege lord of your liege lord, with his second son, Isnott Careless, a strange young man who read books instead of waging war and your lovely Lady Rose Takable, your fiancée.

For those of our bannermen who spent too much time carousing and tourneying for following our adventures I shall give you the links to the first threads. They will see how our right and proper feudal society is growing in India with the help of God almighty and the swords and axes of the frankish chivalry.

>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5085315/ thread 1
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5134375/ thread 2
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5194246/ thread 3
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5314154/ thread 4
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5422744/ thread 5
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5422744/ thread 6
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5561322/ thread 7
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5561322/ thread 8
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5702984/ thread 9
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5785267/ thread 10
>>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5920163/ thread 11

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>I want a normal sized wedding with maybe one hundred or more guests of their nobility.

>Don't you have some friends from the nearby nobility that you would want to invite ?
>I met the sister of the Red Baron, lady Scarlet Red, we could invite him and her brother, not forgetting her husband. She is a most charming woman.
>I met once the old Gamergatek Iper, lord of Eljies and Castellan of the Gates of Pleasantville, and his uncle Lord Grognargatek of the Gammer Gates, a funny old man. We could invite them and their close family.
>I once met lord Ulrich Notalich, representant of the baron Notavant Pyre in Pleasantville, we could invite him. And maybe his liege lord and their family.
>We have neighbours on the other side of the plains, the rulers of Podunk, I do not remember who they are but I think that we should invite them, it is a question of principle.
Habile and even if the people decided to live like true lords you have a great knowledge in economy.

Since I am still in a terrible battle with my computer over connection I am not able to post much. But I have answered, good sirs. Phone posting is better than no posting. But it is as horrible as going into battle on foot.

This is spoken like a true knight. And since you voted for 200 people you shall need to invite everyone anyway.


You decided to tell your beloved.

-We shall do things in great, a marriage is for life my lady and for the sake of love I shall offer you the most beautiful one in the realm. 200 guests and a tournament, of course.

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He cleared his throat and began to tell his tale.

-A young man was made a border guard, who was charged with search and seizure of illegal trade coming across the border. Anything of value had heavy tariffs, so the guard had to be wary of smugglers. On this new captains first day, a man approached to cross, who had a horse drawn cart with a mountainous pile of hay. The guard searched every straw, but fond only hay. The cartman gladly payed a paltry fee and went on. The next day came and the man with the horse and cart arrived again with a mountainous pile of hay. The guard thought, "He thinks because yesterday I searched and found nothing, that today I will not search." So he searched through every straw, and found nothing but hay. Again, the cartman gladly paid and continued on. The guard met the cartman again, same as the day before. He thought "I know that the day I don't search his cart is the day he will have smuggled something." And so the guard searched every straw, and found only hay. This continued for week, week became years, years became decades. Finally, the guard grew ill, and on his death bed called the cartman to him. The guard swore on his honor and soul, he would not tell another, but he had to know, was it only hay this entire time? The cartman confessed that it was more than hay, for every day he had driven a different horse across.

It made the audience chuckle a bit and then he juggled with some taumatoes and ate them, it was messy, a true explosion of red. It made the count laugh, you decided to eat some of these Pautatoes and Taumataux, too since they served some and it tasted awful, you did well to not have them in your lordship, they died easily and were awful, even the pigs should not want it. Then a minstrel began singing with a lute something about love and a city, as if burghers were interesting. But the ladies seemed to enjoy it so you acted as if you liked it.

You had finished the first service of fruits and the second of "rôts" or roasted meat, then the third one with a huge choice of poultry was delicious, you were helping lady Takable cutting her swan with your dagger when Godefroi told you, from one of the secondary tables, screaming over the people who screamed like it.

-Monseigneur, look what we found, they have giant birds here, as big as a boar !

He showed you a part of a gigantic bird and cut a piece with his dagger, throwing it to you on the other side of the hall. If the man was a good swordsman his aim with poultry was maybe not so good because he almost touched the Neutral lord who looked terrified, fortunately, swift as wind you caught the poultry mid air and bite into it. It was indeed very good, as a big chicken. You proposed some to lady Takable who was chuckling after this and she refused, then to the Neutral lord who looked not too keen on it. Well, if they do not know what is good. You remarked that your men and you ate with appetite, while the rest of the population if you excluded the count and his son Veryon were not as prolific. It was probably why these people liked burgher so much, they loved to save money, even on food, live poorly and to not have strenghth to exercise. The guelphs were the worst, they ate almost only greenery. How could you trust someone who would not eat meat ? Look at the saracens and the jews, they did not eat pork and were already heretics, imagine not hating beef and mutton too, it was an ill omen. You then listened to the guelph witch singing, very well, a love song in a foreign language. You decided to liven up the banquet before reciting some poetry with a conversation concerning more than banalities or your lady Rose's particularly witty commentary on how lady Sue looked in her dress.

>Ask lady Rose if one of her cousins was a boy of 12 to 14 years of age, you needed a squire and what is better than family in this case ?
>Ask the Neutral Lord why did the Indians ate so little.
>Try to reach for someone else on another table. (who ?)
>Try to reach someone on the lordly table. (who ?)
>Other (write in)
>Ask the Neutral Lord why did the Indians ate so little.
>Try to reach someone on the lordly table (a Guelph, to ask the nature of their dietary restrictions)

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Suial the Third saw his concubines as mere objects, mere decorations to flaunt his wealth, power, and influence—like furniture, used, broken, and replaced without a second thought. You are not like the old tyrant; you recognize the value of the women you've claimed from him.
This morning, you wake up beside Queen Jocasta, the old king's only legal wife and now his widow. Last night, you claimed the older woman for yourself, seizing yet another possession from the tyrant. Even in his death, your disdain for the man lingers, mixed with a perverse satisfaction in stripping him of all he cherished. Nearing forty, the queen is old enough to be your mother, yet your carnal desire for her only intensified in the face of this taboo last night.
As you dress, you reflect on your next moves. Unlike Suial, who treated his concubines as nothing more than playthings for his perverse pleasures, you see them as potential allies and advisors. Lana, the green-eyed concubine, first shared your bed after Suial's death, impressing you with her bravery and quick thinking. Jocasta, the queen, offers a strategic alliance with House Chion, the most formidable of the noble houses.
Then there is Inaja, the dusky-skinned concubine, whose insights have deepened your understanding of the kingdom's internal politics and religious traditions. Each of these women provides you with new tools to keep the kingdom united under your rule, leveraging their knowledge and influence to fortify your reign.
You ponder your next move, considering how best to utilize the tools at your disposal to stabilize and strengthen your control over the kingdom. To secure your rule, you consider meeting with the palace’s guard commander to gauge his loyalty and reinforce your defenses. The ancient right of conquest brought you here, but what stops another from claiming the throne the same way? You also think about visiting the dungeons and torture chambers where Suial imprisoned and tortured those who spoke against him. Understanding how the old tyrant held onto power might help you keep the throne. You also consider learning more about the boys he kept as catamites for his perverse pleasures.
Perhaps a discussion with Queen Jocasta about solidifying the alliance with her house could be beneficial. Consulting with Lana on security matters, or with Inaja on political strategies could also be wise. Alternatively, engaging with another concubine or a courtier about the impending grand gladiatorial tournament might reveal more about the kingdom’s morale and loyalties. Today is filled with potential: for alliances, for reforms, for strengthening your new rule.

> You arrange a meeting with the palace’s guard commander to assess his loyalty and review the security measures.
> You explore the dungeons and torture chambers to understand the dark legacy of the old tyrant and to plan reforms.
> You take a moment to relax and clear your mind with a long, contemplative bath, joined by the queen or a concubine.
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>Consult Lana for her insights on making the event more impactful, recognizing her sharp intelligence and proven loyalty to you.
> Consult Lana for her insights on making the event more impactful, recognizing her sharp intelligence and proven loyalty to you.
> Request Jocasta's public blessing before the event, as her support will not only honor her status but also strengthen your legitimacy as the rightful ruler.
> Invite influential nobles and merchants to view the spectacle, using it as an opportunity to secure political alliances and demonstrate your power.
> Incorporate traditional religious ceremonies into the event, elevating its importance and aligning it with the kingdom’s cultural practices.
All of these are very important in my opinion.
>Divine Retribution
>Public Blessing
>Invite & Demonstrate
>Traditional Ceremonies
Although we should make it clear that the only human lives to be sacrificed are to be the captured assassins.
>Incorporate traditional religious ceremonies into the event, elevating its importance and aligning it with the kingdom’s cultural practices.
Divine retribution prompt feels too over the top. Divinity should be shown by the rituals and our actions, not the words of a hollow priest. Also why not ask Lana what she thinks?

I think we agree that it should be a legitimizing spectacle though.

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Rabbi Jabob Shmuley Boteach is a member of the Chosen People, which means he can do whatever he wants. And what he wants is to torture and murder goyim children in the secret tunnels under New York City. His tribe has been doing this for centuries - William of Norwich, Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln, and Simon of Trent are merely a few names that the goyim are aware of. The rabbi remembers his tribesman, Leo Frank, who had raped and murdered a 14-year-old white girl named Mary Phagan. The goyim lynched him for it so the tribe created the "Anti-Defamation League" with the sole purpose of defending the Chosen People from such prosecution. "Never again!" The tribe has made it illegal for the goyim to blame them in any way - dismissing all accusations as antisemitism. "No one can stop us for we are the Chosen People!" The rabbi's laughter echoes through the sewers but suddenly he hears his guards screaming death screams. A tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan man has broken into the secret tunnels! Who is mad enough to challenge the Chosen People? "No! It can't be!! You were killed in 1945!!!" The rabbi cowers in terror like a rat when recognizes the sacred symbol on the man's chest.

>> Your tribe tried, yid, but I lived!
>> And yet the white man marches on!
>> The night is the darkest before the dawn!
>> Write-in
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/pol/tards suck at everything
I look forward to it. Bro.
>It's a shame this quest was
so badly written. The content could've been good.
Agreed. Does anyone want to start over as QM?
I can do anti-jew, but not natsoc
Sounds fine. The concept of Yiddish Catacombs is so good that I'd play even if it's pro Jew.

Hi /qst/, want to solve a mystery together? I'll be running the first case of the board game Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective here on 4chan.

>Courtney Allen, the president of a prominent gun manufactory, was found shot to death behind the alley of his office on March 9, 1888.
>you will play the role of Wiggins, young apprentice to Sherlock Holmes
>as his long-time errand boy and sometimes-spy, it's now YOUR turn to step up to the plate to solve the mystery!

At your disposal are:
>a map of 1888 London
>the day's newspaper, which may contain important clues (or not!)
>the London directory

Intro in next post, followed by the rules of the game:
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Thanks for running! Will you do this again?
1. Who killed Courtney Allen?
>Lord Ragland

2. Why was he murdered?
>Because he discovered Ragland's plot to sell secret documents and took the documents with him.

3. What was the significance of the message found in Courtney Alley's notebook?
>It's a copy of the message to Lord Ragland from Alexi Meshkoff. Courtney Allen intended to show it to Egan

4. What was the reason for Richard Camp's visits to the French Embassy?
>He visited his fiance

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45 points even with a perfect score D:
1. Who killed Courtney Allen?
Lord Ragland (25 points)

2. Why was he murdered? (25 points)
He had discovered that Lord Ragland was about to sell SP#10-A to a foreign power. (25 points)

3. What was the significance of the message found in Courtney Alley's notebook?
It's where the sale of the SP#10-A to Alexi Meshkoff took place. (25 points)

4. What was the reason for Richard Camp's visits to the French Embassy?
He was visiting his fiancee, Annette Zobar (25 points)


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Thank you for playing, anon. I had fun too, because I had never seen the solution of the case until today, and I'm happy that I was also able to answer the main questions, at least. I may run case #2 again sometime in the future, but re-typing everything from TTS was honestly pretty labor-intensive.
>the absence of a folder marked SP#10-A in the briefcase
Okay, how the hell were we supposed to deduce that?

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You are Noel Tiberius di Hazaran, warrior-queen of the highland nation whose name you share and former single-digit monster slayer of the nameless Organization which now threatens your homeland from the north.

At the moment you and a team of three of your close companions are in Sakia, your northern neighbor, with a contingent of Hazari soldiers. With their help you’ve created a foothold within the port town that the Organization’s military arm initially seized in their invasion – a foothold within a foothold. After sending a message to all the enemy forces scattered about in and around the town, your team quickly responded when one unit started shooting at each other.

You gather there’s been a tension building there, between two distinct groups of soldiers with different goals in mind and reasons for being here. The first of these are predominantly officers, and a small number of “true believers” in the Organization’s goals. Drawn heavily from the more wealthy families on the continent, many of the officers are career-minded and results-focused. They’ve found some support in a number of other soldiers who are here because they either genuinely hate the ‘Dragon-kin’ of the far-off continent, or else believe in the goal of rekindling the war between those beings (which you have yet to meet or see any direct evidence for) and humanity.

On the other hand you have a group comprised mostly of enlistees and lower-ranked officers, who joined this effort to escape poverty or to learn technical skills (to escape poverty) – and definitely not to start a war against silver-eyes witches like yourself, or to die in what to them must seem to be the middle of nowhere.

After leaving the aftermath of the fight you broke up to Valentina, you manage to sleep about ten minutes before Serana gently rouses you.

“What is it?”


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Rolled 9, 3, 7 = 19 (3d10)

You decide to immediately fall back, and not a moment too soon – the fire starts coming back your way, not just from the loyalist faction but a few stray shots from the flanking group as they come up from below the seawall. So after blocking a few bullets with your sword, and taking a rather painful piece of shattered bullet to your left eye, you find yourself back in cover on the ground floor of a nearby building. You’ve had to jump through what was left of a window to do so, and you crawl away from the broken glass across the front parlor of some family’s apartment to get around onto the safer side of the back wall.

When you turn the corner you find the family sheltering in their modest kitchen – a mother, son, and daughter, with the children each being somewhere in their teens you’d guess. Then you glance down, realizing that the mother has a shotgun in her hands as she motions for her children to get behind her.

Carefully, and painstakingly slowly, you return your sword to the holster slung across your back and hold your hands up over your shoulders. “Okay, I think we got off on the wrong foot here.”

“Mom,” the daughter asks nervously, “why is her eye doing that?”

“I don’t know, Jessie,” the mother insists quickly, in a state bordering on panic. “Hush now, the both of you.”

“It’s healing,” you inform them.

“Now, I don’t know what kinda demon you are miss, but… I’m sorry?”

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>>Is there any other way out of your apartment I could use?
>>Is there any other way out of your apartment I could use?
>“Okay, I think we got off on the wrong foot here.”
>Is there any other way out of your apartment I could use?

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You are Uzumaki Shiki, a jōnin from the hidden village Amegakure on indefinite loan to your larger ally Konohagakure, Currently you’ve been assigned to protect Kae-hime, the princess of a nation friendly to both your homeland and to Konoha, while her father sorts out an apparent problem within the ranks of his own government. Probably some disgruntled ministerial-type who thinks his career would progress faster if he just kills a bunch of people so he can promote himself to what he thinks his appropriate station is.


Hana-sensei, the teacher in charge of Kae-hime’s class during her stay at the Academy here in Konohagakure, seems like an awkward but well-versed and well-meaning woman to you. She gives you a strong impression that there’s not a mean bone in her body, which is nice. It’s easy to relax around people like that.

Throughout her subsequent lesson, you’re able to chat with Sumirin as she watches through the classroom windows from a nearby building.

[How did you do it?] you ask with a slight frown on your face – you don’t really need to listen to the lesson, since you basically mastered all this information before coming to the Academy the first time. All you really need to do is make sure you’re not so distracted that you can’t answer a surprise question.

“Seventeen degrees,” you answer when prompted by a question involving practical mathematics.

“Correct,” Hana-sensei replies. “Good job, Shiki-kun.”

[Do what?] Sumirin replies.

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>>You have a ball. Kae-hime doesn’t. Cut a burger and split it with her to give the rest of the class the right idea.
You decide not to let this mistake continue to unfold until it turns into a shouting match between Kae-hime’s classmates – part of you thinks it’s not really your problem, and you’re definitely not here just to make sure that Kae-hime’s time at school is pleasant or anything. But there’s too much of your parents in you (one hundred percent, in fact) to ignore the fact that some of the kids in this room may be your future genin and chūnin subordinates, or the fact that you know for a fact that Himawari-chan has the kind of potential that makes you want to nurture it.

So even as the students in your class make their first bids for hanging onto the objectives Boruto and Sarada set for them, you draw a kunai from a holster on the back of your belt and grab a bag off Hana-sensei’s desk with a burger and a smaller bag of fries inside. Then you take the burger out, unwrap it, and slice it in half cleanly while the stunned academy students around you watch in complete non-comprehension.

“Kagerō-kun,” Himawari-chan asks you curiously. “What’re you doing?”

“Skipping ahead,” you sigh, handing half the burger to Kae-hime and dumping out fries from the smaller bag into the big one until they’re about equal. Then you hand that to her too. “Here.”

“… thanks?” she replies, glancing at Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki, who have yet to say or do anything in response. “Why, though?”

“Nobody said we couldn’t,” you reply calmly, glancing over at Himawari – who also has a ball still. “You can do the same, you know.”

She glances at her brother and other cousin, before doing the exact same thing you did with similar results. “Huh.”

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>>Leave it be for now, but keep an eye on how things go for the rest of the week just in case.

Let's see where this goes. Gotta let this baby birds fly on their own.
>let boruto know about his mistake privately and anonymously, sometime later
>>Point out to Boruto that in not giving your class a common goal he accidentally stacked the deck against you.
Can we do this privately?
Its not expected from a kid our age and might blow our cover, but its still important to point out the flaw in their Setup.

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The Eldar are quite fond of their webway travel. What scattered and barely readable records you have left indicate that mankind had been envious of such capability, to such an extent in fact, that the only reason why you could find this information is due to it being present in your own system. One of the reasons of your construction had been due to humanity’s endless drive and ambition of improvement. Only your masters could look at a webway network and think to themselves that they can do better. Unfortunately, it is not the time to espouse the greatness of your masters. The orks are coming.

In the mean time however, you must begin means of dealing with the Eldar. The first thing that had come to mind were specialized drones capable of detecting warp quakes, even the most minute ones, since the webway relies upon warp travel at least to a certain extent, it cannot be completely hidden. However, you know for a fact that you will need at the least tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of such drones to locate the minute quakes that may or may not appear, you do not possess a truly deep comprehension of Eldar technology, so you will simply have to brute force your way through this.

As for other options, you had considered unleashing and endless swarm of nanomachines, but the needed quantity is vastly greater than the bots, and even those will take too long to produce, Eldar of this era seem to be particularly fond of flimsy, but agile style of fighting, preferring to deliver a punch before one can be given back to them. And you shall show them why your masters’ jaws evolved to take punches.

Then you still possess rather esoteric psyker technology that you still have no idea how it functions, even though you had clearly gone over its basic functions. Employing these weapons while not knowing their effects, especially against a race naturally gifted in psychic powers is just hoping for a disaster. Maybe it will cause the Eldar to spontaneously explode, or maybe it will super power them and allow them to commence “foul acts of sorcery”. As some of your imperial records would put it. As such, you will (despite your own curiosity) not be employing this equipment.

Lastly, you had the thought to refit the investigation drones with dedicated anti-sniping equipment, however, the reiterations you would need to undertake to modify the drones in such a way would take time, it would take time to refit or simply make new drones, yet again, you run into the issue of time, if you had time, you could do it. As such, rather than split your attention, it would be far more effective if you simply concentrate on a single solution.
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This might be a stupid idea. But since we got a second grey goo missile and are inside the planet's pieces. Why not drop it into the broken planet and watch as the entire planet's mass goes into a massive grey goo?
Agreed, let the whole Kabal converge on the planet, and then launch the missile at the planetoid and then jump the hell out of dodge as the rest of the Kabal die by a swarm of Nanobots.
That is what, I presume is the MAD plan one of the options is talking about.
Maybe we can leave behind a automated becon that once it’s detected the Dark Eldar gone would send the kill single to the nanobots.
Presumably that would need to be a write-in, but the idea of that happening is going to need to have the DE not follow us the moment we leave the planet’s core to rescue Ithaca.
>The Eldar crossed the line. They will for a MAD scenario ? You will give them one, unleash your full arsenal. Who knows if you will survive this, but the Eldar too shall certainly perish.

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Last time, you did unforgettable things inside a hotel... Like turning Carol into a ball, the ball you’re carrying home. You technically didn’t, the others did, but you’re complicit, a monster who turns a blind eye to people being turned into circular beings of backpack-like proportions. What would anyone who respects you think if they saw you now? Better not to think about it and instead look ahead to what this day has to offer! You’re visiting Carol’s family!

The only downside is that you’re still a little tired. Not that it will affect you in any way. You’ve been told you act somewhat odd when you’re exhausted, but that’s all lies at this point; yesterday, you did a lot of things that you would’ve done even if you were at your best.

You have no idea why you’re talking about this like you aren’t outside. It is a fairly conventional and cozy two story house, with a well-maintained garden and welcoming vibe. The entire neighborhood is like that, everything from stores to transportation is at a walk-able distance, greenery everywhere you look, well maintained public spaces. It’s just a nice part of town, and it has a dinosaur motif for some reason. Maybe a museum is nearby?

“Hey, Carol Ball, we’re here.” You wake up the tired idol. She slept through most of it.

“...What did you call me?” Carol snaps out of her tired state rather quickly due to your comment.

“We’re not having this conversation again.” You refuse to get entangled in a meaningless discussion.

“Sure…” Carol doesn’t care for petty conversations either. “Place me by the door, and ring the bell. Then leave. Bye-bye!

She wants you out of the equation.

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“Neat Qilin. It’s for good luck, right?” You noticed it’s not an actual dragon. It’d be too on the nose if that was the case, right? It doesn’t look that valuable, you’d see it in any antique shop around, you’re in the special neighborhood for those.

“For good monetary fortune.” Suan De succinctly explains, her harsh tone softens due to the mild surprise of you knowing something she cares about. Is this present the beginning of her warming up to you? Or is there a secret meaning behind this thing? “It’s better for the owner of the household to have it, so it can spread its influence.”

“I’ll keep it in my room, thank you.” Secret meaning or not, you’re going to take care of it! You’re gonna name it… Betsy. Suan De short bows to acknowledge your gratitude. “So cool, what else did you bring?”

“You won’t be interested.” Suan De has determined you’re one kind of person that won’t gel well with her interests, and there’s little you can do to change that. “It’s personal as well.”

“Eh, give me a shot as long as it doesn’t make you uncomfortable.” You’re going to engage with her as long as she’s willing to open up!

“I suppose you must be concerned if I concealed any kind of weapon.” Suan De comes up with an excuse to pull out a box from under the coach. She takes a smaller box out first. “You’re a nerdy kid, you must know what Rich Sirens is, right? I have two Traditional Floral Decks to play with.”

“Never played it, but I’d be happy to do so if you teach me.” You’re open up to new experiences. Suan De doesn’t entertain your words but she will consider it.

“A Du-kwa Brush.” Suan De shows you the next object. It’s the same type of brush Chio wears behind her neck! Neat!

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Hold on… You’re apartment 301. There are no apartments next to yours from this side. 302 is Ajna’s and it’s on the other side.

What does this mean? Aside from explaining why there weren’t any windows on that side…

Sadly, this is all we have for this thread! Thanks for playing and see you next time!
Thank you for running QM!
Thanks for running. Also more space for apartment!
Very nice thread, thank you QM

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You uncomfortably shift the tie around your neck, the tightness of it is ever greater as it feels like it suffocates you. It is an odd sensation seeing as how you had continuously loosened it up. Still, no one could blame you for your nervousness, after all, the opportunity before you is a rare one indeed, and one that would see many a man drenched in their own cold sweat. Your own wet back makes you think whether or not your actions so far were truly wise or not. After all, every single fraction of your wealth had been expended upon this.

As you walk down the plain grey corridor illuminated by bright white lights, you reach a window, and through it you see your investment. The “Outwards bound”, an older class colonization ship capable of housing a few thousand people and years’ worth of various supplies. The distant stars are quickly swallowed up by the planet coming into view, a jewel in its own right. From all the way up here, you can see how many lights are illuminating the night, how many millions, if not billions live upon the planet. Perhaps you will never witness such a sight yourself of your own world…your own, just that thought brings a smile to your face.

“Sir ?” A young woman’s voice draws your attention. “They are waiting for you, sir.” She smiles at you having clearly arrived to hurry your pace. A pretty enough young woman, though judging by her looks, clearly lacking any visible cybernetics or genemods.

You simply nod and turn to walk ahead. The meeting you are about to attend, never had you felt so much dread, so much fear having to face…

>The Royal Expansion and Colonization Service. It is a rarity for the R.E.C.S. to even consider granting the rights for expansion, much less actually granting them, truly, this is probably a once in a decade opportunity, if you are being optimistic.

+ Official part of the Unbroken Empire
Being officially sanctioned by the Empire means that you can expect protection from the navy and the army. Should great disasters occur within the colony, chances are that nearby systems will send you aid. Establishing trade relations between imperial systems will also be that much easier.

- Official part of the Unbroken Empire
Being officially sanctioned by the Empire also means that most likely your colony shall be subservient to whatever random noble gets granted the rights to your world. It also means that you will be expected to pay your share of taxes and provide your share of manpower and material in cases of war. Not to mention, the politics of the Empire, more specifically the commanding noble, shall have a direct influence upon you in terms of control and regulations. Atop of that, any frontier states and statelets will view you as nothing more than a further extension of the “Tyrants’ reach”.
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>You’ve got some resources on your hand, and you are quite tired of slippery rocks. Time to put down the most apparent sign of an advanced civilization – roads.
Fleet-anon might be onto something.
>Set up an advisory council. It will be made up of, interesting individuals, but they are probably the best you can get on this occasion. Though whether or not all these strong personalities will actually work with each other, or if they will spend their days arguing remains to be seen.
>You’ve got some resources on your hand, and you are quite tired of slippery rocks. Time to put down the most apparent sign of an advanced civilization – roads.

>Set up an advisory council. It will be made up of, interesting individuals, but they are probably the best you can get on this occasion. Though whether or not all these strong personalities will actually work with each other, or if they will spend their days arguing remains to be seen.

I think some kind of meritocratic Stratocracy may be the endgoal for government. Our boy will have to rise from the bottom of the ranks to rise to our level. Of course he will have advantages, but in this way shitty rulers can be avoided and other people can be in charge

Please vote dams next. It will give us free power and protect us from flooding. With all our rain... we could also shift the river under ground. With tunnels or by breaking the bedrock so it can sink further down. Also we should go for hydrogen fuel cells. Since we have endless water.
>I think some kind of meritocratic Stratocracy may be the endgoal for government. Our boy will have to rise from the bottom of the ranks to rise to our level. Of course he will have advantages, but in this way shitty rulers can be avoided and other people can be in charge
I like the way you think. That sort of government seems like a good endgoal for surviving this world.

>Please vote dams next.
Alright I will.
Do it like the greeks (or at least inspired), maybe? Democratic forum, you don't have to pay taxes unless you want to vote (and in this modern environment, access government services, maybe? Barring the fire department at least.)... in which case you must.

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The Nation of Ferrovia has fractured with the death of king Harold with three successor states and a bandit kingdom now fighting over the nation's future. King Elric, the king's brother backed by the landed nobility of the country, wages war in hopes of holding up the monarchy and by connection with the landed gentry. As he styles himself now Lord protector Baric attempts to halt the Monarchists and reformists from harming the status quo with the backing of the army his force is small but well trained and armed. The last of the main contenders is Queen Meredith the sole child of King Harold and devout reformist backed by merchants democrats and communists alike she must lead this dispraite force to victory.

You are Sir Edmund ”The Crow” Drayton, a recently Knighted Yeoman, the leader of the small monarchist sub faction of the reformists. In a feat of tactical and somewhat suicidal ambition youve defeated and captured Prince Elric the leader of the monarchists defeating them wholesale. Afterwards some time is spent in the Wartime capital of Nevefar finding the potential reason for an earlier coup attempt. The last few weeks have seen you fighting in the mountains of Kresh before finally subduing the Kresh bandits and moving toward the frontline.

Past Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=BrinkQM

The morning of july 12th 1285

The day is already starting to heat up as the sun comes up lightning the flat plains of southern Ferrovia. Your men are already loading up and preparing for a day that will spent undoubtedly fighting their fellow country men. Your western flank ends in the sea while your Eastern flank is covered by Norton and his new found horde of former criminals. Due to the situation on the northern front you will have no reinforcements or replacements for some time. How would you like to push the enemy line?

>slow and cautious
>fast and Brutal
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>>keep pushing
>keep pushing

3d100 best of three
Rolled 68, 99, 27 = 194 (3d100)

Rolled 75, 60, 13 = 148 (3d100)

Rolled 10, 36, 58 = 104 (3d100)


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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice

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We have a lesbian daughter, but with a single mom and barely any visitation time, its par for the course.
I'm just really happy that we finally got Towa, Maza, Milha, and Koruza out of the No-Fun eternity box. After so much back and forth with the Tard Patrol and dubious deals with demons and backstabbing chaos gods, that shitty pink imp can't do shit anymore. I just wish it happened sooner so that they could've had a childhood, you know? And it's a shame Mira had to go into the cuckshed and die too i guess

Milha likes what she likes.
That they didn't get the same childhood as others may be seen as a downside, on the other hand they have all the freedom in their adult lives. We'll have to wait and see what they do with it.
It is time! >>6022798

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You're Princess Eliana of the Kingdom of Brithnia. You lived a happy and peaceful life with your parents in the Brithnian palace until the day the kingsom fell to the forces of the evil witch Sinistira. You escaped the palace disguised as a commoner.
You began searching for the chosen one, the hero prophesied to defeat the witch and save the kingdom. But the forces of the witch are looking for you. You need to move in disguise.
You disguise yourself as the masked mercenary - Blade. Sinistira's agents will be searching for a Brithnian princess not a masked mercenary from the east. This disguise lets you move through the kingdom and search for the chosen one without being captured.
"The chosen one will find the sword of heroes and wield it to free the kingdom from the servants of evil. Then he will reign as the once and future king" the great wizard Kindalor the white made the prophecy before he disappeared twenty years ago.
"Where will I find this hero?" Your father had asked but there was no answer. Now it's up to you to find the chosen one.
As the legend foretells, the chosen one will wield the sword of heroes, marking him as a master swordsman. In this age, most great swordsmen make their living as adventurers.
"That's where I will start," you resolve to look for him in the adventurer's guild.
Upon your arrival, you introduce yourself as Blade - a mysterious masked mercenary.
The adventurer's guild has no shortage of colorful characters, many of them with their own secret identities, making you blend seamlessly into the crowd.
As you observe the throng of adventurers, your mind races, analyzing each one's potential to be the prophesied savior. "Could one of these adventurers be the chosen one?" you wonder, your gaze sharp and calculating, searching for your kingdom's only hope.
Prince Galiant - the proud second son of the petty kingdom of Phule catches your eye.
He most resembles the sort of heroic princes you grew up hearing tales of. He stands tall and confident. His blonde hair is styled impeccably, framing a face that seems sculpted by the finest artists. His eyes, a striking shade of blue, captivate all who meet his gaze.
His skin is clear and fair. A strong jawline, coupled with a well-defined cheekbone structure, accentuates his masculine features. His attire is nothing short of regal, meticulously tailored, and made from the finest fabrics, accentuating his physique.
"My brother, being the eldest, inherited the throne, so I set out to carve my own legacy," he confides in you after you share a drink.
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>Ask Galiant what motivates him beyond his quest for legacy
> Ask Galiant what motivates him beyond his quest for legacy
> Ask Wart about his past and how they shape his current fears and aspirations
Why not both, if we can? Just Galiant, if that's not allowed.
> Ask Galiant what motivates him beyond his quest for legacy
> Ask Wart about his past and how they shape his current fears and aspirations
>> Ask Galiant what motivates him beyond his quest for legacy
>Ask Wart about his past and how they shape his current fears and aspirations

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You arrive in Elder Hollow under the weight of an overcast sky, the chill of early autumn clinging to the folds of your coat. The narrow road that led you here vanishes behind as the village reveals itself, quaint cottages and ivy-clad walls whispering of an England long forgotten. As an outsider from London, your arrival is met with curious, if not wary, glances from the locals who linger by the road, their eyes shadowed beneath the brim of worn hats. You sense their scrutiny like the touch of cold fingers down your spine. This place, with its thatched roofs and silent, watchful inhabitants, clings fiercely to its old ways, and as the village elder approaches with a guarded smile, you can’t help but wonder what secrets are sown into the fertile soil of Elder Hollow.

>Choose backstory:
>Thomas Harrow, a 30-year-old horror novelist seeking solitude and inspiration in Elder Hollow after the tragic death of his wife.
>Jamie Carter, a 15-year-old boy whose family has relocated to Elder Hollow in search of a simpler life away from the city's bustle.
>Daniel and Elizabeth Greene, both 25, newlyweds eager to plant their roots in the rustic grounds of Elder Hollow, far from their urban pasts.
>Ethan Frye, a 50-year-old priest sent to Elder Hollow to reestablish a long-dormant parish in a rural community that holds deeply pagan traditions.
>Henry Mallory, a 45-year-old retired police detective, relocates to Elder Hollow seeking a quiet retirement after a disturbing case.
>Write In
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You'll be saying that for a really long time. I kinda feel sorry for you to be honest
>You decide to talk to a blind old man who, along with his wife, moved to Elder Hollow long before you arrived.
If you’re obsessed why dont you remake the mazela quest instead of polluting all the other quests?
>>You decide to talk to a blind old man who, along with his wife, moved to Elder Hollow long before you arrived.
>You plan to visit the village library in search of books and old newspapers that might shed light on the origins of these ceremonies.

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