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You uncomfortably shift the tie around your neck, the tightness of it is ever greater as it feels like it suffocates you. It is an odd sensation seeing as how you had continuously loosened it up. Still, no one could blame you for your nervousness, after all, the opportunity before you is a rare one indeed, and one that would see many a man drenched in their own cold sweat. Your own wet back makes you think whether or not your actions so far were truly wise or not. After all, every single fraction of your wealth had been expended upon this.

As you walk down the plain grey corridor illuminated by bright white lights, you reach a window, and through it you see your investment. The “Outwards bound”, an older class colonization ship capable of housing a few thousand people and years’ worth of various supplies. The distant stars are quickly swallowed up by the planet coming into view, a jewel in its own right. From all the way up here, you can see how many lights are illuminating the night, how many millions, if not billions live upon the planet. Perhaps you will never witness such a sight yourself of your own world…your own, just that thought brings a smile to your face.

“Sir ?” A young woman’s voice draws your attention. “They are waiting for you, sir.” She smiles at you having clearly arrived to hurry your pace. A pretty enough young woman, though judging by her looks, clearly lacking any visible cybernetics or genemods.

You simply nod and turn to walk ahead. The meeting you are about to attend, never had you felt so much dread, so much fear having to face…

>The Royal Expansion and Colonization Service. It is a rarity for the R.E.C.S. to even consider granting the rights for expansion, much less actually granting them, truly, this is probably a once in a decade opportunity, if you are being optimistic.

+ Official part of the Unbroken Empire
Being officially sanctioned by the Empire means that you can expect protection from the navy and the army. Should great disasters occur within the colony, chances are that nearby systems will send you aid. Establishing trade relations between imperial systems will also be that much easier.

- Official part of the Unbroken Empire
Being officially sanctioned by the Empire also means that most likely your colony shall be subservient to whatever random noble gets granted the rights to your world. It also means that you will be expected to pay your share of taxes and provide your share of manpower and material in cases of war. Not to mention, the politics of the Empire, more specifically the commanding noble, shall have a direct influence upon you in terms of control and regulations. Atop of that, any frontier states and statelets will view you as nothing more than a further extension of the “Tyrants’ reach”.

>The meeting of executives. You’d expect one of them to control such a large project, yet it was you who got the majority share in it. No doubt they will expect great results, but you had reached your position through plenty of skill.

+ Corporate support
Corporate will not let its investments sink so easily, while unable to provide you with military aid on any large scale, the corp has plenty deep pockets, and plenty deep connections.
Start with additional funding.

+- Another kid on the block
You are just another newly formed statelet, the local governments will not actively fight you, but they are unlikely to help you out either. Though pirates will always be a threat.

- Not officially part of the Unbroken Empire
You are just another traitor; your people are just other traitors. If they are not busy, the frontier nobles will try to put you in line the moment you grow big enough to be worth the effort.

>The council of elders. Your house has fallen, no ifs or buts about it, you are one of the few chosen to lead the effort in ensuring the survival of the house. Your colony is not the only one launched by the house in its desperation, but they are putting great hopes upon your shoulders.

+ House support
While most of the house’s resources had been spent in the downfall and now the desperate rush for survival, it is still a noble house. A small, but dedicated and loyal force shall protect the colony best they are able to, and they shall lay down their lives if need be.
Start with a small elite fleet and an army division. These forces start at the highest tier of loyalty possible.

+- Noble obligations
Should you succeed, the heir-apparent shall arrive upon your world to rule from it, not to mention there will be plenty of lesser nobles sent alongside to assist you. While their expertise is great in many fields, they expect certain privileges and that their voices will be heard.

+- Blue bloods
While the aristocratic states outside of the Unbroken Empire may decry it as nothing more than a bunch of tyrants, they are all too eager to get some proper blood into their bloodlines. It will certainly make diplomacy easier with any aristocratic realm. Conversely, those fleeing nobility shall find you repulsive and a matter of ideology to exterminate. This means that establishing relations with democratic states will be much harder.

- Not officially part of the Unbroken Empire
You are just another traitor; your people are just other traitors. If they are not busy, the frontier nobles will try to put you in line the moment you grow big enough to be worth the effort.

>The democratic committee. To carry forth the torch of freedom and liberty, to stand against tyranny of one’s fellow man. A great burden for you to carry, and greater still your duty.

+ Federation support
Some would proclaim that the Federation is dead, those men are fools. The ideals of equality had withstood the transition into empire, they had withstood the chaos of the numerous civil wars. Many of the richest coreworlds are not under any direct noble control and still are first and foremost members of the federation. They shall fund you best as able, despite the risks. And numerous volunteers shall flock for this chance for freedom.
Start with a larger population and basic resources.

+- Freedom comes at a price
The people expect to be heard, while they understand that the beginning will be rough, eventually they will want representation. To rule without the will of the people will soon make you an example of what happens to tyrants. Still, if the people agree upon something, they shall dedicate their full wholehearted support to it. The difficult part is actually getting it.

+- Sic semper tyrannis
You are an enemy to any and all aristocratic states. No blue blood will willingly deal with you unless you somehow prove yourself to them, but even then, your people will be outraged unless they too see no other means. Conversely, democratic governments will undoubtedly wish to provide at least token support. After all, ideological comrades such as yourself are a rarity.

- Not officially part of the Unbroken Empire and an existential threat
You are not just another traitor; your people are not just other traitors, but seditionist and a threat to the ruling order as a whole. If the empire finds you, they will dedicate what can be spared, and perhaps even more if you are dangerous enough, to utterly exterminate your state.

>Your old friends. They believe in you, some even chipped in, but this is most likely the last time you shall ever see them. There are far more dreaded stories of failed colonies than ones that had succeeded, especially those started by a single man.

+- Frontiersman
You are not beholden to anyone, but yourself, and the colonists you suppose. While you will not have any means of support or a safety net, it also means that no one will be able to dictate to you how your colony should be run and what should be done.

+- Another kid on the block
You are just another newly formed statelet, the local governments will not actively fight you, but they are unlikely to help you out either. Though pirates will always be a threat.

- Not officially part of the Unbroken Empire
You are just another traitor; your people are just other traitors. If they are not busy, the frontier nobles will try to put you in line the moment you grow big enough to be worth the effort.

>(Write in)
Must have at least 1 negative aspect with every 1 positive aspect. UP TO QM VETO
With the start of this quest I will have to bring some bad news. I simply cannot figure out how to continue Renovatio Imperii. I wanted for it to be a civ quest with more meat on it, but it was taking way too long and the time passage was simply too slow. So maintaining the agency of you anons and rapidly advancing the timeline while writing up a bunch of stuff had simply proven impossible. I still wanted to run a civ quest, so I made this instead. I apologize that I am unable to continue Renovatio Imperii.

Twitter for updates:

>The council of elders. Your house has fallen, no ifs or buts about it, you are one of the few chosen to lead the effort in ensuring the survival of the house. Your colony is not the only one launched by the house in its desperation, but they are putting great hopes upon your shoulders.
>>The Royal Expansion and Colonization Service. It is a rarity for the R.E.C.S. to even consider granting the rights for expansion, much less actually granting them, truly, this is probably a once in a decade opportunity, if you are being optimistic.
>(Write in)
>T̴̉̽h̴̯̿̌e̶̥̩̕̚ ̸̛̻D̷̞̭̍à̵̡̺m̶̖̉n̷̹̳̓̈́ē̴̳̊d̶̜̃ ̸̹̜̐C̵̫̗͒͝o̸̟̹͝l̷̬͆́o̷̞̹̍ǹ̶͉̮͝y̶͉̼͂.̵̭͎̀̈́
Colonies whose practices or basic fabric of being exist are extremely radical and different from humanity, society, and technology.
Possession of powerful radical technology and radical culture.
The Damned Colony will be viewed by the very large majority of humanity with immense distrust, fear, and hate due to its extreme-radical, inhuman technology and inhuman culture.

(Inspiration by https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/space-mecha-redshirt-worldbuilding-and-snips-saga-of-legends-discussion.1078869/#post-90969318)
>Your old friends. They believe in you, some even chipped in, but this is most likely the last time you shall ever see them. There are far more dreaded stories of failed colonies than ones that had succeeded, especially those started by a single man.
Welcome back NEWB. How are you doing?

>Your old friends. They believe in you, some even chipped in, but this is most likely the last time you shall ever see them. There are far more dreaded stories of failed colonies than ones that had succeeded, especially those started by a single man.

We're just some goy.

Honestly the democratic committee looks really appealing, but the idea we're just some random bloke who decided to start a colony is too funny.
>Welcome back NEWB. How are you doing?

Terrible and still stressed the fuck out. Managed to cobble this quest and 40k A.I. quest during what free time I had while doing my Uni thesis. Just because I'm not having a good time does not mean that I should keep it from you anons, so here we are.
We all suffer together my guy. Am also suffering master thesis now.
>>The democratic committee. To carry forth the torch of freedom and liberty, to stand against tyranny of one’s fellow man. A great burden for you to carry, and greater still your duty.
>(Write in)
>The Damned Colony 2.0
The Damned Colonies whose practices or basic fabric of existence are extremely radical different from humanity's current society and technology.
+ pursuit of inhuman science without any ethical restraints.
Psychics, radical transhumanism, devouring swarms, hive minds, reality manipulation technology, etc. (Radical tech will be subject to sub-vote.)
+ inhuman culture.
Hiveminds collective, radical transhumanist society, clone state, literal devouring swarms, psychic society, extreme social engineering of the entire population, etc. (Inhuman culture will be subject to a sub-vote.)
+ extreme isolationism.
The Damned colonies are settled in a faraway sector of space, far away from any human civilization. Only a few human colonies are nearby the Damned colony.
- complete lack of trade with any other human colonies or nations.
- The Damned colonies will be met with immense distrust, fear, and hate from any human colonies and nations due to their relentless pursuit of inhuman science without any ethical restraint and it inhuman culture.
- The Damned Colonies, if found by the Unbroken Empire, will be subject to full focus by the Unbroken Empire. The Unbroken Empire will wage total extermination against (with immense fear and hate) the Damned colonies because the Damned colonies pursuit inhuman science and it inhuman culture.
Fuck yes, Newb is back! And still insane enough to run two quests at once!

>unable to continue Renovatio Imperii.
I'm sorry to hear that, but it's understandable. You think you'd ever go back to continuing it someday? I know you wanted it to be more of a civ quest but I quite enjoyed the character driven parts.
>The council of elders. Your house has fallen, no ifs or buts about it, you are one of the few chosen to lead the effort in ensuring the survival of the house. Your colony is not the only one launched by the house in its desperation, but they are putting great hopes upon your shoulders.
I like being the last hope for some fallen house. Also, whereabouts on the timeline is this in comparison to Broken Empire Space & Ground?

>I'm sorry to hear that, but it's understandable. You think you'd ever go back to continuing it someday? I know you wanted it to be more of a civ quest but I quite enjoyed the character driven parts.

Maybe, I do have an idea in this setting for a full on character driven one about you anons being just a random merc trying to survive day to day. That'd be pages long sort of updates story. Since Renovatio has a lot of stuff working on it and a lot of moving parts, I would have to massively cut all of that down to continue it in any other fashion.

>Also, whereabouts on the timeline is this in comparison to Broken Empire Space & Ground?

Currently going with a floating timeline, since I do not know how long this quest will last. Currently in my mind it is set somewhere roughly ~2800. I am doing so because turns will take years and time will pass pretty quickly.

Current tally:

Elders 2

Service 1

Damned colony 1

Friends 2

Democratic 1

Total 7

Okay, this is a lot closer than I thought. Will give it another couple of hours before posting next segment.
Anon. We can potentially play as a devouring swarm of hiveminds radical transhumanist hyper-fanatical "idealistic" vampire assimilator hell bent on absorbing all humanity for peace, unity, and utopia. If we choose the Damned Colony option.

>The democratic committee. To carry forth the torch of freedom and liberty, to stand against tyranny of one’s fellow man. A great burden for you to carry, and greater still your duty.
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>Your old friends. They believe in you, some even chipped in, but this is most likely the last time you shall ever see them. There are far more dreaded stories of failed colonies than ones that had succeeded, especially those started by a single man.

we can find out how we rule as we go.


I hope it gets better sooner rather than later for you lad. You've always been one of the best writers on here in my opinion. Unbroken Empire was the first quest I ever got really into, and you don't understand how much it means for me to see it back again. Even if not as a straight continuation
Alright, with the few more votes in, it seems that the indomitable spirit of human expansion wins You are just some bloke trying to start a colony, to make it rich or die trying. You have ultimate freedom and the danger that brings.
A few days later you find yourself sitting upon a synth-leather chair in a corner of a quiet bar. Over the dim plays an endless series of songs. With it now being five in the morning, station time, most of the patrons had long since departed, leaving only the occasional spacer drowning their sorrows or some late shift crew of the station itself unwinding after a night of hard work.

As a new song comes up, in a rather sombre mood, through the implant in your eyes linking your brain, you are continuously writing up letters, sending final messages that will probably take weeks if not months to reach their recipients, those being:

>Your old war buddies. You had smoked out rebel hideouts in the Dredan asteroid fields. The rare ore deposits made the asteroids too valuable to be simply blown to bits and cracked open by the navy and their shiny ships, so they had to go crying to ground-pounders such as yourself. Claustrophobic environments, endless amount of booby traps, brutal tunnel fighting. It took you half a year and seven divisions to finally subdue the rebels. With more than 60,000 casualties, with about a quarter of that being dead, you managed to survive. If anyone asked, they’d know you as a damned skilled fighter, and through the simple fact of having your COs constantly injured, a skilled commander to boot.

>Some distant friends you made in university. You always felt that numbers were your muse and you had carried out numerous projects and even conducted quite a bit of research concerning micro and macroeconomics. Sure, some would call it boring, but no one can deny your expertise when it comes to planning, forward thinking and dealing with economic woes. Very few in your year would dare to proclaim themselves as better administrators.

>Your political backers, some you might dare to call friends. Despite the treacheries of political campaigning, courtly intrigue, you had managed to survive all of it thanks to their guidance and assistance, and in turn they raised you into someone who not only possesses a silver-tongue, but rather a golden one. With just, but words, you could undoubtedly end a war…or maybe start one.

>(Write in)

“Your drink sir and/or madam.” An artificial voice intones and you turn to face the expressionless robot, six legs holding up a large box housing the robot’s sensors and internals, at the top of it, securely held by clamps, is a tray housing your and other patron drinks. One of the artificial limbs extends and puts the glass of whiskey on the fake-wood table. “Enjoy your mean and/or drink.” Speaking out another line, the robot begins to walk off. A rather cheap thing if it is not even capable of recognizing your appearance, even much less so what you are having. The barkeep must have cheaped out and went with probably the least expensive option that could still operate autonomously enough. You doubt that it is run by even a rudimentary V.I., instead probably just a basic script is keeping it running.

You take the cigarette still smouldering in the ashtray and take a whiff of it, before gazing at the liquid still rocking in the crystal-clear glass. You see your own tired expression; you had not slept well for quite a few days being busy trying to ensure that nothing goes wrong. I look like shit. You think to yourself with a tired, quiet chuckle. Putting down the cigarette, you reach to grab the glass and see as your face becomes clearer revealing…

>A short cut black beard with strands of grey in it, a hardened face of a man in his late thirties, despite the clear appearance of aging, the man’s looks like he had come straight from a Greek statue. A strong jawline, a straight nose, clear and piercing azure blue eyes, the short-cut straight black hair upon the man’s head is still luscious and full, though even that is filled with a few strands of grey. A clear product of genemodding, the man’s noble blue-blooded nature is clear for all to see. What is not as clear is the fact that the man is already in his late sixties. It is always difficult to gauge the true age of nobles. For most, the man gives the feeling of someone who’s authorative, but clearly callous, yet he also exudes the aura of someone who’s ambitious and unlikely to merely rest on his laurels.

>A clean shaven man, with a cold looking face in his forties. The man’s features are not exceptional, but his eyes draw attention, completely cybernetic and lightly glowing blue, the eyes allow for instantaneous analysis of the man’s surroundings as well as easier interaction with the various other hidden cybernetic systems. Another thing that instantly stands out is the artificial arm, finely crafted showcasing the work of humans, a piece of expensive human craftsmanship inscribing beautiful patterns into the plating protecting the inner workings, clearly only a member of the upper corporate class could afford such cybernetics. Brushing aside the neck reaching curling brown hair, the man’s expression remains unchanging, giving people the feeling that the person is patient and unlikely to jump at something without careful consideration due to his clear intelligence, though the cold eyes gazing at someone give one the feeling that the person is quite arrogant.

>A scarred looking man in his late thirties. The scarring appears to be from hard labour rather than anything acquired from battle, overall, the person, due to the scarring, could be described as below average in looks. The unshaven face is dotted with bald spots caused by the scars. The man’s eyes are brown and unremarkable, but they do give a feeling of gazing upon someone whom has weathered much in life. Combined with the short-cut balding blonde hair, the person comes off as any other worker, easily lost in the masses. This person is clearly a commoner, having risen to his position through hard-work, luck, and maybe something else. Overall, the man comes off as trustworthy and empathetic, but they also exhibit a strong feeling of boorishness that has come from the rough living.

>(Write in)
UP TO QM VETO. 1 free positive trait, for every other positive trait a negative trait must be taken. At least 3 traits must be taken.

Having taken a sip, you set the glass down and suddenly feel your stomach gurgling. You had not eaten in a while; the nervousness of your situation clearly having suppressed your appetite. With a touch, you activate the table’s in-built menu and choosing something to go along with your drink, you simply put your hand over the interactive screen and with a quick chip scan, it takes what few piconeutrons are left in your bank account. You once again find it amusing that you had to pay in piconeutrons for neutronium to fuel your journey across the stars. You no longer find it amusing having remembered the expense of just that.

The screen flashes green and a quick artificial voice intones. “Thank you for your purchase…”

>Ram Miloš

>Severin Rocco

>Aslan Elchin

>(Write in)

Glad to see you again, fleet-anon. Do not worry, if the colony manages to survive long enough, you will need a navy to build.

>Your old war buddies

>A scarred looking man in his late thirties.

>Cledwyn Griffin (First name is welsh, meaning Hardy and Fair)
>Your old war buddies. You had smoked out rebel hideouts in the Dredan asteroid fields. The rare ore deposits made the asteroids too valuable to be simply blown to bits and cracked open by the navy and their shiny ships, so they had to go crying to ground-pounders such as yourself. Claustrophobic environments, endless amount of booby traps, brutal tunnel fighting. It took you half a year and seven divisions to finally subdue the rebels. With more than 60,000 casualties, with about a quarter of that being dead, you managed to survive. If anyone asked, they’d know you as a damned skilled fighter, and through the simple fact of having your COs constantly injured, a skilled commander to boot.
>A scarred looking man in his late thirties.
>David Smith.
Because the last name is so common.
Old veteran commoner who simply wants to settle down and edge out a small place to retire in peace.
Same opinion as the rest, hope you get better from all of the stress you got for completing your uni. I do hope you can find it within yourself to accept what flaws you think you made for Renovatio, even in spite of the trouble you feel o er not knowing what’s the next best step in writing it. And same thing as well for the 40k AI quest.

Till then, I’ll be cheering you on, and you’ll have a enthusiastic audience joining with you for the fun of the whole experience.
Eh, if you wanted you could publish those stories and write about that Nerc trying to survive, just keep it as a side-story kind of thing, where the person in question, if he really does survive, goes on to tell about it in a tavern to his drinking pals, 4 cups into his wine and he starts rambling about the gauntlet he needed to run through as a wet behind the ears mercenary that nobody really gave a shit about to begin with. And any other stories as well, if not having those stories play out, without needing to getting around to the empirical management part by us the protagonist. Nobody is ever the center of the world, despite many people’s desires to the contrary.
>Your old war buddies. You had smoked out rebel hideouts in the Dredan asteroid fields. The rare ore deposits made the asteroids too valuable to be simply blown to bits and cracked open by the navy and their shiny ships, so they had to go crying to ground-pounders such as yourself. Claustrophobic environments, endless amount of booby traps, brutal tunnel fighting. It took you half a year and seven divisions to finally subdue the rebels. With more than 60,000 casualties, with about a quarter of that being dead, you managed to survive. If anyone asked, they’d know you as a damned skilled fighter, and through the simple fact of having your COs constantly injured, a skilled commander to boot.

>(Write in)
A pale woman; nearly six feet tall with a body corded in muscle. Red hair fell in waves past her shoulders, framing a face dominated by green eyes, a straight nose, and full lips. Lines of dark ink stained her skin, accentuating the arch of her cheekbones and the delicate line of her jaw. They flowed down her neck and disappeared beneath the hem of her dress, sketching out the hard lines of her powerful limbs. This woman is clearly a Noble who could afford extensive genemods, perhaps in her late 20s. It is obvious that she is Strong, and Attractive. Her records also spoke of her inspirational Charisma on the battlefield. Yet a closer look into her eyes betrays a hint of Cruelty beneath her Prideful stare.

Catherine Vogel
>Your old war buddies. You had smoked out rebel hideouts in the Dredan asteroid fields. The rare ore deposits made the asteroids too valuable to be simply blown to bits and cracked open by the navy and their shiny ships, so they had to go crying to ground-pounders such as yourself. Claustrophobic environments, endless amount of booby traps, brutal tunnel fighting. It took you half a year and seven divisions to finally subdue the rebels. With more than 60,000 casualties, with about a quarter of that being dead, you managed to survive. If anyone asked, they’d know you as a damned skilled fighter, and through the simple fact of having your COs constantly injured, a skilled commander to boot.
>A scarred looking man in his late thirties.
>David Smith.
>Your old war buddies. You had smoked out rebel hideouts in the Dredan asteroid fields. The rare ore deposits made the asteroids too valuable to be simply blown to bits and cracked open by the navy and their shiny ships, so they had to go crying to ground-pounders such as yourself. Claustrophobic environments, endless amount of booby traps, brutal tunnel fighting. It took you half a year and seven divisions to finally subdue the rebels. With more than 60,000 casualties, with about a quarter of that being dead, you managed to survive. If anyone asked, they’d know you as a damned skilled fighter, and through the simple fact of having your COs constantly injured, a skilled commander to boot.
>A scarred looking man in his late thirties.
>David Smith.
>Some distant friends you made in university.

>(write in)
>a young-looking albino woman in her early 30's. She is 190 cm tall(6.2 feet) and relatively thin. Having been born a natural Albino, she is often mistaken for being a noble dabbling in gene-modding despite her (Commoner) birth. Her (Sickly-) childhood and bookish interests (intelligence+)had led to a more lithe build and scholarly pursuits. As she grew older and became interested in people, she noticed the hedonism of the nobles and the costs their wars brought to any world within the empire. Seeing the untold pain, blood and cruelty being wrought as nothing else than personal gains for glory-hounds was simply too much(empathetic+). Having become disillusioned with the empire. She vowed to save anyone who wanted her help out of the madness. She would create paradise. even if it meant soaking the stars in blood(idealistic-).

Sickly = Damaged more easily in combat. Any natural healing process will be slightly slower.
Idealistic = She will not be pragmatic about some things when it comes to dealing with the empire and its nobles. Instead always leans towards that which will hurt the empire most even if it isn't benefitting her more to do such.

>(write in)
>Madeline Andonova.

Red eyes are used by nobility to distinguish their elite guards. A means of ensuring that no one breeds super-duper ultra assassins and just continuously escalates the situation. So she would be confused for a merciless killer with those eyes, which I think adds to the irony.

Anyways, it seems like there are some creative things here, currently commoner David Smith is in the lead. I will probably give it another hour and fifteen minutes till I call the vote and move onto the next part.
potential another image for her.

That works quite well for her. Since, as a bit of context.

I wanted to go with a vampire baroness theme and someone more ideologically driven than someone driven by the prospect of wealth or power. Her wanting to change the playing field, instead of getting to the top of it.
Someone who could easily be vilified by her opposition and used by her allies as a banner. A very recently made common example of this type being Paul from Dune.

I am thinking as well that, her nickname from her family and close friends would be Garnet. As a metaphor for despite her commoner birth origin, her natural genetic flaw always made others think she was someone else. In the same way, a lot of garnets are thought of to be rubies.
Supporting either of these. I don't want to play a commoner again.

Oh, one more thing anon, you can add one more positive trait, since all chs get one for free without having to take any negatives.

Since there are some cool options here, I think I will leave the vote open over night and when I get up then tally it and upload the following part which will concern the planet you will be colonizing.
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Oh. If that's the case then I'll add:

Promised paradise = Though her main study was economics. Madeline also partook in a side class specializing in habitation and terraforming of dead worlds. The motto of the class being

"We cannot bring the dead back. So we will choke the stars with the living"

She is not a specialist. But she knows how to make good of a bad situation.
>Your old war buddies. You had smoked out rebel hideouts in the Dredan asteroid fields. The rare ore deposits made the asteroids too valuable to be simply blown to bits and cracked open by the navy and their shiny ships, so they had to go crying to ground-pounders such as yourself. Claustrophobic environments, endless amount of booby traps, brutal tunnel fighting. It took you half a year and seven divisions to finally subdue the rebels. With more than 60,000 casualties, with about a quarter of that being dead, you managed to survive. If anyone asked, they’d know you as a damned skilled fighter, and through the simple fact of having your COs constantly injured, a skilled commander to boot.
>A scarred looking man in his late thirties.
>Ram Miloš
David Smith is the most boring name I've ever heard, therefore I will pick this based South Slav name, even tough I've never heard of the name Ram.
Alright, having tallied everything up.

You are David Smith a commoner and a war veteran. Whilst not pretty and lacking in grace, you are someone most men would willingly follow.
You nurse the headache you are currently feeling. You should not have drunk so much after the meeting, but the bar was nice, and you felt in a drinking mood. After all, you shall soon abandon the known and set for the far more feared unknown.

Still, the place you are going to, your brand-new home, home for which you shall sweat, bleed and cry for. Though you hope there won’t be so much of the latter ones. You think back to the holographic projection of the planet, the exploration crew’s reports about it and the fact that it is still untouched by the hands of man. Not to mention, the system itself might have something interesting, though you shall have to wait and see, space exploration is expensive enough.

The planet itself has a few things of interest:

You have 10 points to spend

>Scarce common ore deposits (1 point)
>Normal common ore deposits (2 points)
>Rich common ore deposits (4 points)
>Ultra-rich common ore deposits (6 points)

>Scarce rare ore deposits (2 points)
>Normal rare ore deposits (3 points)
>Rich rare ore deposits (6 points)
>Ultra-rich rare ore deposits (8 points)

>No atmosphere (Gain 2 point)
>Thick, deadly atmosphere (Gain 3 points)
>Thin atmosphere (Gain 1 point)
>Normal atmosphere (3 points)
>Breathable atmosphere (6 points)

>Far too close to the system’s star (Gain 3 points, cannot take Breathable atmosphere, cannot take any water quantity)
>Close to the system’s star (Gain 1 point)
>Within the goldilocks zone (5 points)
>Far to the system’s star (Gain 1 point)
>Very far to the system’s star (Gain 3 points, cannot take Breathable atmosphere, any taken water is frozen)

>Traces of water (1 point)
>Normal quantities of water (2 point)
>Large quantities of water (3 point)
>Water dominates the planet (Gain 2 points)

>Half of Earth’s standard gravity (Gain 1 point)
>Near Earth standard gravity (4 points)
>Two times the Earth’s standard gravity (Gain 3 points)

>(Write in)
Plan: Gaia
>Breathable atmosphere (6 points)
>Normal quantities of water (2 point)
>Within the goldilocks zone (5 points)

>Two times the Earth’s standard gravity (Gain 3 points)

I want the ideal planet for life to have formed. Imagine the buff ass animals that would exist on this plant with 2x gravity and it'd be more entertaining than going with the standard min-max ore heavy planet.

In this setting humanity has not discovered any other forms of life outside of Earth. Still, early seeding and terraformation programs were carried out, so with the stuff you chose anon, the world could have very well been an old forgotten Federation terraformation project in at least some state of actually having life.
>Ultra-rich rare ore deposits (8 points)
>Rich common ore deposits (4 points)
>Very far to the system’s star (Gain 3 points, cannot take Breathable atmosphere, any taken water is frozen)
>Half of Earth’s standard gravity (Gain 1 point)
>Traces of water (1 point)

+1 to Gaia
Just a reminder. We need pressure suits to get thd bloodflow to the head going. Double G's are no joke
File: Hephaestus Prime.png (311 KB, 1514x659)
311 KB
311 KB PNG
>Rich common ore deposits (4 points)
>Ultra-rich rare ore deposits (8 points)
>Thick, deadly atmosphere (Gain 3 points)
>Close to the system’s star (Gain 1 point)
>(Write in) no liquid water (+1 point )
>Near Earth standard gravity (4 points)
>(Write in) strong volcanism (+1 points)

>(Write in) molten moon ( gain ?)

...Forgotten explorer log: Hephaestus Prime

"Hephaestus Prime is a diamond in the rough. The world is only a few hundred million years old and lives up to what that means. It is a volcanic world constantly on fire, with a moon in the sky glowing with a still molten surface. The world's carbon content and metallicity are unusually high, which shows in its atmosphere. The atmosphere is mainly made up of CO2 despite its already quite high solid surface carbon content. The atmosphere also contains large quantities of nitrogen and a surprising amount of water vapor. The atmospheric pressure at the surface is 21.231 Earth atm."

"The surface temperature of 400 Celcius means lakes of molten metal have formed on the surface of this planet. Tin, Lead, Bismuth, and Zinc are the main metals making up these mirror-like rivers, with some precious metals having dissolved into the liquid metals. This also has the effect of a higher than recommended mercury content in the atmosphere due to any surface mercury vaporizing almost instantly. The potential resource extraction of carbon and metallic ores of Hephaestus Prime is highly sought after despite its distance from most core world's"

"The moon of Hephaestus Prime is still in its forming stage and thus still has a partially irregular shape to itself. It is around 1.15 times the size of Earth's moon. Making it and Hephaestus Prime great candidates for earth-like re-creation"

"Terraforming candidacy-wise, Hephaestus Prime, if cooled down the water vapor would likely crash out and form simple oceans. The world will need constant shielding from sunlight with mirror shades. But if one can get past that hurdle, then the planet has the potential to become almost like a second, albeit temperamental, Earth."
Agree with you anon, besides... We have a space ship... And space exists. Full of space rocks and space things.

Things like water, minerals, etc etc is a hellova lot easier to come by in space then somewhere that won't flat out kill you for the high crime of existing. That said twice the gravity will fucking kill people from strokes, heart attacks etc etc unless we dive *heavily* into cybernetics and genemodding... And we do not have any backers like that. 2g's undo everything you've tried to make and will force people to binge blood thinners, wear pressurized suits etc etc to just not have their heart give up on them. So unless you got a plan for that I propose:

>Normal atmosphere (3 points)
>Within the goldilocks zone (5 points)
>Normal quantities of water (2 point)
That kind of a planet will be a rare fucking gem... Good name that. Gem.
I like the "old terraforming project" idea too, but it clearly wasn't finished.

If you do not take any gravity modifier, it will be randomly determined.
...Bugger. That was to easy, wasn't i?
So I need to find 4 points somewhere to make the place reasonably inhabitable.
Hm. With a less robust atmosphere, that might mean more energy from the sun. More energy means funkier weather. Storms or a penalty related to that?
Makes things that things might get weird if one stops the terraforming halfway through

>Normal atmosphere (3 points)
>Within the goldilocks zone (5 points)
>Normal quantities of water (2 point)
>Near Earth standard gravity (4 points)

>Buggered weather (gain 2 pts)
>Already mined (2pts, easily accessible ore deposits where drained by the first colonial effort. Doesn't affect ore deposits (or it does, up to you bossman) but makes the remaining ones deeper and thus more difficult to find and exploit?)

I'd be willing to give 3 points for already mined. The world however will be barren of ore resources. Extreme weather gain of 2 points is fine.
In that case I do suppose my suggestion becomes:

>Normal atmosphere (3 points)
>Within the goldilocks zone (5 points)
>Large quantities of water (3 point)
>Near Earth standard gravity (4 points)

>Buggered weather (gain 2 pts)
>Already mined (gain 3 pts)

Extra point goes into more water, which feeds the weather. Most self destructive! Still actually survivable.At least people won't randomly die, or starve... Get immolated, radiated, choke etc the moment someone opens a window. But I know a lot of anons seem to want piles and piles of ore on the planet so if anyone has other ideas I'd invite them.
Changing to buggered weather. This stuff will be better then double G's.
>Normal common ore deposits (2 points)
>Ultra-rich rare ore deposits (8 points)
>Thin atmosphere (Gain 1 point)
>Very far to the system’s star (Gain 3 points, cannot take Breathable atmosphere, any taken water is frozen)
>Normal quantities of water (2 point)
>Half of Earth’s standard gravity (Gain 1 point)
Lol. Space mining is a horrible hassle. Like people don’t understand the logistics of mining space rocks and how most of them aren’t worth the effort.

I'll change to this.
>Thick, deadly atmosphere (Gain 3 points)
>Close to the system’s star (Gain 1 point)
>Rich rare ore deposits (6 points)
>Near Earth standard gravity (4 points)
>Normal quantities of water (2 point)
>Normal common ore deposits (2 points)

I want a deathworld with a lethal atmosphere and temperatures that'll give us a rich amount of rare ore. The environment will act as basic security while we get to mine the place and build our colony. Also I like gasmasks, gasmasks are a must.
The world you plan to settle is a rarity, managing to check most checkboxes for life. It has a large quantities of water, not only that, but it also has a normal atmosphere, whilst not breathable, it is thick enough to provide natural protection from radiation. Finally, the world is within the goldilocks zone, meaning that the temperature on the planet ranges from -100 degree Celsius at the coldest extremes at the poles and around 60 degrees Celsius at its hottest. Usually, the temperature roughly stays around -10 to 20 degrees Celsius in the areas where settlements could be easily established.

Of course, everything's not perfect. Due to the position of the planet it was a subject to the Federation’s seeding program and even before that, corporate interest had stripped the planet clean of ores to fuel other colonies deeper corewards. As such, no matter how deep you dig, you doubt you will find anything worth the effort. Finally, the aforementioned terraformation attempt had failed. The equipment used compared to today is ancient, the outbreak of civil war and the economic woes beforehand had seen the attempt not only fail, but run out of control. Flash floods, endless fog, winds capable of reaching hundreds of meters a second speed could and do easily rip apart anyone not careful enough. Tornadoes and even tsunamis are quite common. The planet also seems to possess a diverse microbiome, with the large oceans being slightly tinted green due to the large-scale presence of algae. Due to this, the process of filling the atmosphere with oxygen is already undergoing, slowly, very slowly, but it is happening.

“We’re all set to go !” A man shouts out next to you, over the dim of the space station’s hangar, drawing some attention from the locals.

Flinching, you turn to regard him. A fit looking middle-aged man, balding hair and a bored look. Rather greasy looking space suit of an older generation, but still effective and expensive one, considering it is in the hands of a civilian. A crude fellow commanding a cruder ship, but he came recommended by many for his skill and discretion, last thing you need is some pirates intercepting your journey. “Captain.” You put down the bottle of water you had been using to deal with the headache. “Are you sure everything’s in order ?”

“As sure as I can be.” The man hands you over a simple tablet. “Everything you requested is here. The colonists are all eager to go as well.”

With a nod and a grunt of exertion you reach out to grab it and eye everything on the list, first of all looking over a couple of thousands of souls that you will now be guiding:

You have 10 influence to spend.

>A collection of simple people, drawn by your ideals for the colony, perhaps more prone to risks and adventure, as well as self-sufficiency than most, but they lack any sort of specialization, though that is not necessarily a bad thing. (0 influence)

+ The teeming masses
Humanity counts many individuals, too many for any accurate data, but clearly more than enough to find numerous desperate, brave, or foolish enough to abandon the comfort of their home. Such people, should the colony thrive, would certainly attract more colonist as time goes on.

+- Bountiful optimism, crushing reality
Some people that join these ventures have a tendency for…naivety, exploring the unknown, taming the wild frontier, living a life of excitement…fearing that the air recycling system will fail, running out of water, meaning you hadn’t showered in months. Undoubtedly, should the situation be under control, the enthusiasm of the people would allow for more to be done faster, but should the situation prove crushingly realistic, outbreaks of depression would be the least of your concerns as some would certainly try to leave.

- Greener than grass
Enthusiasm is cheap. Expertise is not. And you will find a lot of enthusiasm in these people. So what if they don’t know which side of the screwdriver to hold ? The screw’s as tight as it could ever possibly be !

>The Unbroken Empire is a vast place, with large quantities of people, and where people gather, crime comes. These people, for one reason or another, could not just be simply executed so their governments had to find different ways to rid themselves of these troublesome rabble-rousers. And you gave them an offer they could not refuse. (Gain 5 influence)

+ Shit changes, shit stays the same
These murderers, thieves, rapists, political dissidents and whomever pissed off someone they should not have, are all used to rough living. Cramped conditions, limited food and water, strict schedule and back-breaking tasks are all commonplace at the frontier, just as they were in prison. You doubt much will affect these men and women.

+- Increased security
Naturally, you had hired some private security for a permanent deployment to keep the prisoners in check. These heavily militarized prison guards could act as a small impromptu militia in times of need. However, should discipline slip and protocol go lax, who knows what the “civilian” populace would do. Plus, if the impromptu militia were to suffer any large degree of casualties, things would get interesting, very fast.

- Hardened criminals next door
At any moment, the prisoners could riot, kill the guards and torture you to death if not worse, and then promptly die off. They are criminals after all, you doubt they’d care to plan that far ahead for that not to happen. Atop of that, attracting extra colonist might prove ever so slightly more challenging. Though you could always lie and deal with the fallout as it comes, or simply import more prisoners.

>And God said to him, “I am God Almighty; be fruitful and increase in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will be among your descendants...” With those words in mind, there are many religious folks willing to risk it all for their own piece of Eden. (2 influence)

+ It is all a part of God’s plan
To suffer in life is to be redeemed in heaven. With such thoughts in mind, these people will be hard to break, they will toil in order to better the land in order to guarantee a better life for their children. Not to mention, most religions will encourage their followers to reproduce, thus undoubtedly increasing the growth of the colony.

+- Religious services
At the cost of already limited resources and space, the people will demand their places of worship, they will demand for their priests. And all of that will be a drain without any direct gain. But spiritually, it will certainly help to keep group cohesion high and allow for the colonists to help each other in hard times. You just have to make that there won’t be any troublesome priests around, just in case.

- “Do you worship my God ?” “No ?” *BANG*
Religious groups tend to hate other religious groups, they also tend to hate those who are not religious. Attracting more colonists will be difficult, most likely causing friction between the various groups unless the new migrants are screened, but that will certainly slow the colony’s growth. After all, only the most zealous of their faith will willingly risk death so far from home or help.

>Leave the difficult task to the professionals. You had spent a pretty penny to hire a couple of thousand experienced colonial experts. These men and women know exactly what to do and how to do it. (5 influence)

+ Professionals, experts even
The new colonist will be able to set up the basics by themselves at a fraction of the speed and a fraction of the cost. Undoubtedly the colony will reach self-sufficiency quite rapidly or accomplish any reasonable goals you set with speed.

+- Oligarchy in making
While most of these experts will leave, some might decide to stay and settle the colony with their families. This means that much of their expertise will remain, especially concerning running complex machinery, but there’s always a chance that these experts and their families shall use this expertise to hold control over the newer colonists.

- Limited contract
Unfortunately, so many people are expensive to keep on retainer, and none wanted to form a permanent contract. In 10 years’ time, the experts will see a ship arrive and escort them back home, meaning that your colony’s population will massively decrease and gaps may form in the amount of people needed to run things properly.

>Nothing to tame the frontier like some good old-fashioned discipline. Every year there are hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of soldiers leaving the service in close enough surroundings for you to source a few thousand willing to risk it all for a chance of having a plot of their own land. (3 influence)

+ School of Hard Knocks
These men and women had seen it all, fought it all, and bled across a dozen worlds. They are used to a rigid command structure and to obey orders as they come. The needs of the battlefield also mean that a good few of them know medicine, repairs, construction, and other miscellaneous tasks and expertise they would have picked up through their years of service.

+- A rifle behind every blade of grass
The entire populace of your colony is going to come heavily armed, and they wouldn’t have any other way. With all of your colonists possessing military training to boot, your entire population could be turned into a very angry beehive with a lot of sting. On the flipside, should disagreements and rifts form, your populace is quite prone to physical confrontations and they all possess enough explosives to level a city block.

- Shoot first, ask questions later
A subtle, diplomatic, velvety touch is not one that involves explosives. Sure, getting into a fight will be easy, closer to foisted upon you rather than anything, but anything besides total victory will hardly calm the people down, at least without a couple of generations of active effort to stamp this down.

>(Write in)
Must have at least 1 negative aspect with every 1 positive aspect. UP TO QM VETO

Having finished your inspection of the colonists, you quickly switch the page to inspect the cargo manifest as well. Naturally you had taken a few basic things such as 10 years’ worth of food and water, basic heavy machinery, and basic prefabs for habitation. However, there were still other bits and pieces you went out of your way to acquire:
>Basic terraforming equipment. (5 influence)
It might take centuries, maybe even a millennium, but if given enough time and resources, and presuming the environment isn’t too hostile, this basic terraforming equipment is able to turn any place Earth-like.
>Advanced terraforming equipment. (10 influence)
Requiring a gaggle of scientists and engineers (with every single one having a PhD at the bare minimum) keeping the things running and a buttload of resources, such equipment is a massive investment, but it can turn most worlds habitable in mere few centuries, decades perhaps if the world is particularly easy to terraform.
>Advanced prefab equipment. (8 influence) (Will replace basic prefabs)
A swarm of pre-programmed self-replicating nanomachines. Simply choose a location and watch an entire city pop up, alongside all of the basic infrastructure already in place. Of course, it is only one time use, the inbuilt DRM protections limiting the machines to only make one city.
>Advanced heavy machinery (4 influence) (Will replace basic heavy machinery)
Much more complex to use requiring trained professionals, these machines nevertheless can easily outpace their more primitive and cheaper competition with gusto, being able to work ten times better than anything else. Just don’t check the maintenance costs.
>Basic mining equipment. (2 influence)
Good old diggers, automated drills, enviro-suits meant for hard-labour. With the numerous tunnels, refining facilities, rest rooms, and of course mandatory safety helmets, your mining venture shall kick off easily enough.
>Advanced mining equipment (4 influence)
V.I. commanded main control vehicles and a large swarm of mining bots commanded by it allows for a few dozen to do the job of hundreds if not thousands, higher-quality and strength refining will also make processing ores easier and will make processing rare ores actually possible to an acceptable degree of purity, thus reducing waste.
>Basic farming equipment (1 influence)
Tractors, combine harvesters, trailers, trucks other assorted equipment and gear necessary to not only harvest, but to also refine produce. Sure, unless you are truly absurdly lucky, most of this gear will just collect dust, but maybe it will come in use once the world is in a better condition. That or you could sell it off for a profit in the frontier, new equipment is always worth a premium out there.

>Advanced farming equipment (2 influence)
Simple flying bots that can spread seeds and pesticides alongside large and bulkier automated machines to do much of the work, just put in the instructions and watch them go. Though the intense labour and a lack of adaptability means that they will be needing oversight and expensive maintenance.
>Basic prefab defences (4 influence)
A few dozen spaceship-rated railgun turrets surrounded by some laser turrets. Enough to scare off any would-be raider looking for easy pickings with the ability to intercept most attacks. Alongside that are a few more hundred railgun turrets set up to slice through infantry and lighter vehicles or outdated tanks but it will hardly hold up against anything truly dedicated in space or ground.
>Advanced prefab defences (8 influence)
A large planetary defence M.A.G. cannon that will easily blow through most ships up to a heavy cruiser, and even that will hesitate to duke it out with this one, add to that nearly a hundred varying calibre spaceship-rated railgun turrets, laser defence arrays and a few missile launcher platforms with high-yield nuclear warheads (The organization you sourced that from would like to remain unknown) will make even a dedicate space force hesitate. As for the ground, V.I. control defensive redoubts filled to the brim with M.A.G. cannons, railguns, lasers, missiles and a couple of hundred bots in total will make any attacking force that is not at least a couple of proper divisions bleed.
>Small space station (6 influence)
You barely have enough space on the ship, but you somehow managed to scrounge up the components for a small spacestation, a few smaller calibre M.A.G. cannons, some missile launchers and a few laser turrets will let the station stand-up to small raids, but most importantly, decently sized hangars could be used to house spacecraft, or alternatively be employed to assist with conducting trade.
>5 years of food and water (1 influence, can be taken more than once)
What it says on the tin, more food and water is always good to have. While your prefabs have greenhouses and water reclamation, they could always fail or something else terrible could happen. This would be another bit of a good buffer; besides, military rations never expire.

>A patrol boat (1 influence, can be taken more than once)
Technically a military vessel and as such illegal for you to acquire within the Unbroken Empire for the purposes of export…but it’s not like that has stopped anyone before. These small vessels will be attached to the hull of the colony ship and even then, the captain gave you weird looks. These sorts of ships are lightly armed and armoured compared to any proper warship and they lack a neutronium reactor, meaning they cannot move out of system by themselves. Still, they are fast and excellent for system control against smuggler or in-system pirate forces. Atop of that, they are exceptionally easy to maintain and their small size means that they are capable of landing on planet.

>(Write in)
>>The Unbroken Empire is a vast place, with large quantities of people, and where people gather, crime comes. These people, for one reason or another, could not just be simply executed so their governments had to find different ways to rid themselves of these troublesome rabble-rousers. And you gave them an offer they could not refuse. (Gain 5 influence)
>Advanced prefab defences (8 influence)
>Advanced farming equipment (2 influence)
>Basic terraforming equipment. (5 influence)
>The Unbroken Empire is a vast place, with large quantities of people, and where people gather, crime comes. These people, for one reason or another, could not just be simply executed so their governments had to find different ways to rid themselves of these troublesome rabble-rousers. And you gave them an offer they could not refuse. (Gain 5 influence)

>Basic terraforming equipment. (5 influence)
>Small space station (6 influence)
>Basic prefab defences (4 influence)

I think the space station is basically a requirement since we don't have any ore. Either trade or space mining is basically a must. The terraforming is nice too since it shouldn't take too much to really terraform this planet into shape.
>(Write in)
>beginning of Damned colonies.
+ masses of Damned.
inhuman and radical transhumanist refugees that came from radical transhumanist isolationist colonies that get exterminated by the Unbroken Empire, to radical indoctrinate refugees people that come from radical colonies practice extreme social engineering on their population and later get brutally invaded by the Unbroken Empire, to refugees mysterious cultish people that have uncanny in-depth knowledge on anomalies and they come from sectors of space that are full anomalies and later get quietly exterminated by the Unbroken Empire, etc. They offer many benefits, unique skills, special resource, and knowledge that wider humanity doesn't have.

+- Special need.
Many radical people will request or demand special needs.

- inhuman point of view and culture, biology, psychology, etc.
Many of them held radical beliefs and they radical biology, psychology, etc. that would cause big problems on the colonization mission, and their existence and radical beliefs made others strongly worryingly, fearful, distrustful, and hateful against them. Heavily malus on diplomatic relationships with other colonies, nations, etc. and special attention from unbroken empire if unbroken empire find out the existence of damned colonies.
+1 support this. Space station is mandatory given our complete lack of ores.
Question QM. How many point influences will the Damned colonies have?

It'd be free. The downsides are really major and could easily result in a game over if you are even slightly unlucky. Though I am unwilling to give points cause you'd get some really brilliant, if immoral people that could do a lot of interesting things.
Right, since this is a custom setting, if you anons are unfamiliar with it I would strongly recommend reading the Broken Empire quest.


The first thread from 2021 has a general timeline outlook.

Of course, if you anons are not interested in reading all that or just want some specific questions to be answered about the setting I am more than willing to do so.
Have people created the Devouring Swarm bioweapon? And does esque-phase tech exist? (Starsector: Phase Tech)

>Have people created the Devouring Swarm bioweapon?

No. There's a general taboo of pushing biotech too far out of fear that it would divide humanity even further to the point where separate species might pop up. Of course, this limitation only really applies within the Unbroken Empire and there are some extremists who do not believe that with their own little statelets outside of the empire's borders. Though it is a dominant and prevailing opinion even within anti-empire states, since unfettered bioengineering can be quite...disturbing.

>And does esque-phase tech exist?

It does not. The shift to the 4th dimension is complete when it is carried out, otherwise the great risks of being stuck in between sees whatever ship attempts that destroyed.
Will the colony ship remain with us, or will it drop us off and then leave? Very important that, as access to a giant hauler or not should shape our other decisions

>Will the colony ship remain with us, or will it drop us off and then leave? Very important that, as access to a giant hauler or not should shape our other decisions

It will stay around long enough to allow you to set up the colony, after that however, it is up to you if you want to try and persuade the captain and his crew to stay as you had only charted a one-way trip.
>Nothing to tame the frontier like some good old-fashioned discipline. Every year there are hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of soldiers leaving the service in close enough surroundings for you to source a few thousand willing to risk it all for a chance of having a plot of their own land. (3 influence)
>Small space station (6 influence)
>Basic farming equipment (1 influence)
We can take harvest the algae and sell algae paste for a cheap price. While also being quite defensive.
>beginning of Damned colonies.

>Basic mining equipment. (2 influence)
For space mining and off planetary-mining
>Basic farming equipment (1 influence)
>Basic prefab defences (4 influence)
>5 years of food and water (1 influence, can be taken more than once)
>A patrol boat (1 influence, can be taken more than once)

The reason why I don’t put the terraforming option on this list is because we have a group of refugee radical mad scientists that can find a radical new way to terraform our planet in maybe a few decades or centuries.
We have an army of Damned refugees that are fanatics motivated to do anything for the Damned colonies because they have no way else to go and their homes get brutally occupied or exterminated by the Unbroken Empire, and they are strongly fearful, distrustful, and hated by wider humanity. We can do a LOTS of things with fanatically motivated radical refugees, our Damned colonies will grow very fast.
Why do I want two patrol ships? To keep people out of our border and establish strict border control, I want to remain secretive as long as possible from other colonies and unbroken empires until our damned colonies are highly developed and have a stockpile of radical tech weapons, but if we want to do trade with other people, do it secretive, under the table, do black market, and in a backdoor deal because of our heavily diplomatic malus.
We will get a nice defense bonus because our inhuman and radical transhumanist refugees will mostly be our soldiers, and their radical transhumanism augmentations will be a big benefit to our defense, and they will do great in the space mining industry because of radical transhumanism augmentations.
Thank you!

So priority must be at least one space capable vessel that can go out there and supply us with materials, unless we wanna be stuck on the ground as soon as the good captain leaves. Or mining drones to do the same
Don't think you need the extra food, planet should be plenty arable... mostly its the damned thing, I haven't gotten the "weird culty" feeling from us so far, but repressed fringe groups are also traditionally the sort to fuck off and do their own thing so, I guess, sell me on it anon.
How'd we go from ex military to radical cult technocult leader.
I mean drop the "fanatical and damned" flavours and it makes a lot more sense to me at least.
I mean, do you want a generic colony quest or a FUN colony quest to become a (stellaris) crisis? I want to unleash eldritch horror on the Galaxy because it's a lot more fun.
>Nothing to tame the frontier like some good old-fashioned discipline. Every year there are hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of soldiers leaving the service in close enough surroundings for you to source a few thousand willing to risk it all for a chance of having a plot of their own land. (3 influence)

>Basic prefab defences (4 influence)
>Advanced prefab defences (8 influence)
>A patrol boat (1 influence, can be taken more than once)
>Nothing to tame the frontier like some good old-fashioned discipline. Every year there are hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of soldiers leaving the service in close enough surroundings for you to source a few thousand willing to risk it all for a chance of having a plot of their own land. (3 influence)

Skilled, motivated and disciplined men and women unified in the pursuit of a better life? Sign me up!

>Basic farming equipment (1 influence)
I too enjoy survival!

>Two patrol boat (2 influence)
I can't think of a way to afford the space station, but do I want it, but at least these can deliver (small amounts I reckon) to and from the surface and keep us safe from the occasional raider etc.

>Advanced mining equipment (4 influence)
This seems to be as close to space-mining equipment as possible. Drop the drones off, have someone on the patrol boat control them and... I dunno, drag a container behind it?

>Nothing to tame the frontier like some good old-fashioned discipline. Every year there are hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of soldiers leaving the service in close enough surroundings for you to source a few thousand willing to risk it all for a chance of having a plot of their own land. (3 influence)

>Basic prefab defences (4 influence)
>Advanced prefab defences (8 influence)
>A patrol boat (1 influence, can be taken more than once)

+1 to >>6012130

I'm sad Hephaestus Prime wasn't voted for. Though it is what it is. It would've been cool with cloud cities draining lakes of liquid metals to fuel massive production in sky-docks while the planet would be terraformed. I even mentioned it was an opportune terraforming candidate :/

>I'm sad Hephaestus Prime wasn't voted for.

Don't worry, anon. The untaken characters and planets may have an impact later on.
Its a neat idea, but waaaaaay out of our budget to set something like that up. Besides... How on gods green earth are you supposed to terraform a monster like that without, at the very least, a massive sun-shade kind of thing, or dragging it away from the sun to cool it down and get the tectonics under control?
I hear ya on the aesthetics being neat, but that's kinda where it ends.
Prisoners 3
Soldiers 5
The damned 1

Basic mining equipment 1
Advanced mining equipment 2
Basic farming equipment 2
Basic prefab defences 3
Advanced prefab defences 1
Advanced farming equipment 2
Basic terraforming equipment 3
Small space station 3
Food 1
one boat 1
two boats 2

Alright, soldiers seem to be winning, I did not count the equipment for >>6011941 and >>6012141

You cannot take advanced and basic defences, taking soldiers costs 3 influence, it does not give 3 influence.

Will give it a few more hours, so that the two anons can hopefully fix their choices, as it stands no one plan is currently winning over others decisively enough, so the most popular equipment will be chosen until it fits the influence cost.
“Everything’s as expected ?” The ship’s captain asks, lighting up a cigarette.

“Pristine.” You reply getting up, as you regard the basic farming equipment and advanced mining equipment within the ship. You still remember the captain’s annoyed expression when you showed up with two patrol boats. He swore up a storm when he had to attach those.

“That’s good. We’re cleared to depart, in fact, flight control wants us gone within the hour, some large freighter’s coming in and we’re hogging one of the few big berths.” Through puffs of smoke the captain informs you.

“No delaying it then, once everyone’s onboard, we will depart.”

“Aye, aye, sir !” With a mock salute the captain departs, going through final minute checks with the crew, judging by how his head started bobbing.

As you make your way to the ship, stepping upon its passenger umbilical, you give the station and the world below one final look, before taking a deep breath and entering the confined insides of the ship.

Soon thereafter, you locate your own room, a cramped closet, but at least it is yours alone, unlike with most passengers that have to cram themselves in such rooms in pairs, if they are lucky. As time idly passes by while you are still conducting your final rechecks, you feel the ship lurch as its engines come online. Closing your eyes, you turn on your bed, soon enough you shall be jumping into the 4th dimension, or “riding the abyss”, as spacers like to say. Not that the eternal lack of anything is of interest, besides, this is not a warship, nor an expensive vanity project, as such there are no windows across the ship, so if you even wanted to, you could not watch the jump.

As you begin your rest however, you are startled awake when the ship lurches again, having finished the jump after flying as close to the system’s star as possible, and in your half-awake state, you feel something, something like…

>The strands of fate twisting and turning, as if some cruel God is playing a game of chance, with your destiny on the line. Showing you the chance of something you could never change (Anons roll d100 best of 3 when requested by the QM, DC is revealed by QM as well modifiers)

>Fortuna herself smiling upon you, but like the fickle mistress she is, you can never know when that smile shall turn to someone else. (Anons roll d100 best of 3 when requested by the QM, the DC and modifiers are not revealed)

>Luck showcasing itself to the mortal perception only to disappear as soon as she had come. Nothing more than a fever dream, surely. (Rolls hidden and conducted by the QM when needed)
>>The strands of fate twisting and turning, as if some cruel God is playing a game of chance, with your destiny on the line. Showing you the chance of something you could never change (Anons roll d100 best of 3 when requested by the QM, DC is revealed by QM as well modifiers)

it would be harder. But not by much? The planet was/is meant to be like a Venus colony. It would have cities flying in the sky that would sequester CO2 into carbon for construction while being tethered to the surface. Such a planet would likely also have a Goldilocks zone within itself like Venus, which has around 26 degrees Celsius temperature at one atmosphere of pressure. It would be different on Hephaestus Prime. But you could probably do the same. Just at a lower height.

Pic related. Graph showing pressure vs temperature of Venus's atmosphere.
>Luck showcasing itself to the mortal perception only to disappear as soon as she had come. Nothing more than a fever dream, surely. (Rolls hidden and conducted by the QM when needed)
>The strands of fate twisting and turning, as if some cruel God is playing a game of chance, with your destiny on the line. Showing you the chance of something you could never change (Anons roll d100 best of 3 when requested by the QM, DC is revealed by QM as well modifiers)
It's a classic.
>>Fortuna herself smiling upon you, but like the fickle mistress she is, you can never know when that smile shall turn to someone else. (Anons roll d100 best of 3 when requested by the QM, the DC and modifiers are not revealed)
>Fortuna herself smiling upon you, but like the fickle mistress she is, you can never know when that smile shall turn to someone else. (Anons roll d100 best of 3 when requested by the QM, the DC and modifiers are not revealed)
It was fun while it lasted anon. Really captured the brutal zeitgeist of the time. No doubt the time and labor required to keep track of everything and maintain its coherence was a massive undertaking. Respect.
Log: David Smith
Date: year 0 month 0 day 1 since arrival
Title: Arrival
I took us seven months of travel to get to the edge of nowhere. Almost had an unfortune run in with a naval patrol guarding the border. Luckily, the captain knew the locals there and they let us through, despite the two combat ships attached to the hull. The captain didn’t tell me how he knew them or why they were so happy to let us go, though I did not ask myself. I just didn’t feel like he’d be willing to share. Anyways, we finally reached the system and spent a few days travelling from its edge to home, sweet home. The captain already launched controlled drones to look around the planet to find some good spots for setting up.
Signing off, Captain David Smith, former Imperial army.

You get out of your bed and stretch having finished writing your log. A habit you’re trying to pick up, putting your thoughts to paper, so to say, should help in keeping you from going insane. Worst case scenario, maybe someone will stumble across it if the colony fails. It’d be a shame if all these service men and women would just be forgotten to the void.

Stepping out of the room, some of the colonist notice you and give quick salutes, a second nature to them by now. You quickly return it before continuing your journey to the bridge. Your reputation of having risen through the ranks and honourably leaving the service certainly had made these fighting men show you a lot more respect than they would in most cases.

As you walk down the slightly rusted walkway, you duck under a jutting pipe that appears to have been repaired with duct tape, spit, and prayer. The slightly leaking steam is ever so slightly disturbing, but you were never one for ships and well, a superfreighter like the “Argonaut” is damn expensive to hire. The kilometre long ship, as far you were able to tell, is sluggish, lacking in armour, barely possessing enough weapons to blow apart some small asteroids, but can it haul cargo, and do you have a lot of cargo.

Walking up a set of stairs you quickly note two guards standing in front of a door. Clad in simple body armour, nothing more than a metal alloy below some Dyneema as well of some ceramic plating. Cheap and light, you doubt it would stop a proper rifle though. You do miss your service rifle and protective suit, both were heavy and bulky, but they made you feel safe and powerful, though you never envied those in power armour, the large bulky backpacks were barely enough to power all that artificial musculature.

Having reached the top, the guards ignore you as you enter the room. You do feel a tinge of annoyance, no one should ever be allowed onto the bridge without inspection bar the commanding officer of the whole ship. Though, this is not a military ship. You’ll have to try and get out of that mindset.

Entering the bridge, you find the room to be well lit and the chamber itself, if showing signs of wear and tear, is surprisingly clean. The room itself is filled with numerous monitors that the bridge crew is using to keep an eye out on the surroundings and to ensure you don’t end up hitting anything.

“Captain.” You call out. “How’s the search going ?”

“Ah, David.” The man responds rising to his full height from having observed one of the screens. “Come and look for yourself.”

You do as he says, and quickly look at the screen as one of the crew members controls a drone rolling on the ground. The sight it reveals is an interesting one. While there is a delay of perhaps a minute or so in terms of sound being returned, all that you can hear is a howling wind and an endless barrage of rain that seems to be moving so fast that it is nearly horizontal. The speed of the impacts could kill, quite easily so. Whenever you step out, best you make sure to bring your spacesuit. Other than that, you see that the ground itself is made of nothing but rocks. Most likely lava spurted upwards, got cooled down and formed the bedrock layer. Occasionally, you spot the beginning layers of what might eventually become dirt. Simple layers of algae and moss had formed, then died, then began to decompose and saw more algae growing atop of it. So there is something you could vaguely describe as arable land, if uneven and haphazard.

Suddenly, the camera feed shakes and begins to cut out as it is thrown around.

“What happened ?” The captain asks looking annoyed.

“One moment.” The crewman begins to work on his screen. A few seconds later another camera comes to life, this time upside down. “Got diagnostics. Something hit it really, really fast, knocked the drone on his back.”

“Wait.” You point towards one point on the screen. On it, there's a part of the drone, still sparking. And in the centre of it, appears to be a rock.

“Rocks travelling at the speed of bullets. You sure know how to choose them David.” The captain remarks.

“Nothing is that is worth doing is easy.” You reply.

“I’ll make sure to say that when you get hit by one of those.”

You cannot help but chuckle.

“Right. We’ve found a few good spots, maybe.” The captain begins taking out a cigarette and offers one to you. You take it and also take his offer to light it up. “About sixty, maybe seventy percent of the world is just water. We’ve got three super continents that had only recently broken up from each other…”

…there’s a nice large bay, would be perfect if you wanna farm the algae or build some ships and spread out. Though you’ll probably be hit by tsunamis quite often. The ground is slightly hilly the further you go inland, so there might be some issues if you wanna build and spread out a lot.

Next up would be some flatlands. Place is wracked by tornadoes, so you can expect a lot more of those rocks, but everything is nice and even, plus, no idea how, but there’s a lot of dead moss there to the point where you’ve got a few centimetres of arable ground, should you be able to ensure that the grain doesn’t get swept away, I suppose.

There’s a nice valley surrounded by damned tall and sharp mountains. Rains there nonstop, so you’ve got a few lakes of water, but besides the thin valley, you won’t be able to expand and good luck trying to make roads through them. Still, you’d be safe from tsunamis and tornadoes.

>Shallow ocean.
Our readings indicate that there’s a shallow area in the ocean, if you really want to, you could set up there. No tsunamis to worry about, no tornadoes, plenty of water and algae, but, uh, you’d be living underwater, so good luck, I guess.

>(Write in)
Still need a deciding vote whether or not to reveal the modifiers.
>>The strands of fate twisting and turning, as if some cruel God is playing a game of chance, with your destiny on the line.
>>Fortuna herself smiling upon you, but like the fickle mistress she is, you can never know when that smile shall turn to someone else. (Anons roll d100 best of 3 when requested by the QM, the DC and modifiers are not revealed)
Our fortress where we can start
>Fortuna herself smiling upon you, but like the fickle mistress she is, you can never know when that smile shall turn to someone else. (Anons roll d100 best of 3 when requested by the QM, the DC and modifiers are not revealed)
Idea for the future. We can send our ships to collect some algae for in the lakes

> Shallow Oceans
>Shallow ocean.

potentially good place to hide. going dark if anyone unknown enters the system could be a good way to protect ourselves until we've got defenses set up.
Is it possible to repair the old terraforming devices?

From the initial reports you received, the terraforming equipment was taken away, the biggest reason why the planet's weather is so unstable.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Valley is 1
Shallow Oceans is 2
“Prep your shuttles captain, we’re going to the valley.” You say after a moment of consideration. You had entertained all ideas, even leaning towards going down the ocean, but eventually, the far more defensible terrain without the fear of pressure buckling and breaking your settlement wins out. Sure, they can be damaged, but as long as someone has a stable oxygen supply, survival in the environment is not only possible but likely.

“Well, you heard the man, put your backs into and prep those shuttles !” The captain shouts out and the bridge jumps to with controlled chaos descending all around you. “Well, Captain David. Once more into the breach ? First through and all.”

“Might as well, I led the people here so I think I’ll take the first step.” You say a few puffs of smoke and a moment later.

“Best of luck, don’t let the rocks smash.” The captain waves you off with a grin before turning about and continuing to give out orders.
You climb the ladder leading up and quickly turn the hatch. You can hear the sound of hissing coming as you undo the seal leading directly into one of the patrol boats. The thing was built to allow for easy docking and access, besides, adding an airlock to it would take too much space for an already small vessel.

As for the patrol boat itself, it is an ugly thing. Built to be as cheap as possible, it is nothing more than a cube with a lot of thrusters all around it with some wings attached to it to allow flying in atmosphere, if clumsily. Despite being decently manoeuvrable in space, the damnable thing only has a small calibre ship-rated railgun capable of spewing a good couple of thousand of rounds in a second. Enough to destroy any civilian craft and scare corvettes and make frigates think twice to simply plunge in and do what they will. A destroyer though, well, that is a wholly different matter.

Having opened the hatch, you grab the hand extended to you by one of the ship’s crew, an ex-navy man. You managed to snag a few hundred of those, so if nothing else you won’t have to worry about keeping the things running.

“Sir.” The soldier salutes the moment you rise to your full height.

“At ease, we’re not in the military anymore.” You say with a smile and simply extend your hand.

“Still not used to it.” The man responds taking your handshake.

“Is the ship ready to go ?”

“Yes, sir.” The man nods with military professionalism. “We’ve got it stuffed to the brim with crates full of food.”

You nod at that and indeed, you see a bunch of crates filling the already small chamber. “Right, tell the ship’s captain that we’re to undock, call for the Argonaut and get the coordinates, it’s going to be a long day.”

“Right away, sir.” The man klicks his feet and runs off.

You feel sweaty even now inside of a large and bulky spacesuit as you sit on the floor of the small cargo bay. The entire ship shakes as you hold onto some handlebars and almost without pause, the entirety of your hearing is filled with your own breath and the endless impact of rain capable of acting as bullets with the occasional loud thud of flying rocks impacting the vessel. You truly wish that these things had thicker armour plating.

You hear a buzz of static in your helmet. “Approaching the surface.”

You grasp the handlebar tighter. “Landing in 30.”

Suddenly, you can feel your own gut going upwards as the bottom facing thrusters engage. You hate that feeling, probably why you never made navy. “Landing in 10.”

“Touchdown.” The whole ship shakes and you are thrown around.

“Beginning air cycling procedures.” You hear fans engage as the breathable air is quickly cycled out of the chamber, in a minute or two, the planet’s air will fill it.

“Lowering ramp.” And finally, with those words you see your new home.

With measured and controlled steps, you walk down the ramp and set your foot onto the planet for the first time. The endless downpour quickly obscures your vision, but you can still make out the tough and harsh rocks underneath you, whom appear to be quite slippery. The mountains, despite the constant rain, are covered in snow as they jut kilometres into the air. Just in the distance, barely visible due to the rain, you can make out a vast lake easily reaching the circumference of perhaps two kilometres, which is quite a lot now that you look around and see just how narrow the valley actually is. To further add to that, there is a rather rapid moving river quite close to you which seems to connect with the lake and undoubtedly move throughout the remainder of it.

“Sir ?” You hear over the comms and as you turn around, you see a part of the ship’s crew also stumbling out.

Just as you are about to reply, you hear sudden noise over you as the first shuttles from Argonaut begin to descend, smaller in size than the patrol boat, but with much greater cargo capacity, they are carrying the heavy machines and prefabs that you will use to start up your colonization efforts of…huh…you never thought about that. With you settling here you actually have to think up of a couple names. One for the world, and one for your new home.

When it comes to the world:


>New Ares


>(Write in)

Finally, your new home and the potential capital of the planet:

>Soldier’s rest

>New Avalon


>(Write in)
>Thunor (old English for Thor. With it being a stormy warrior's planet and all).
>Soldier's rest
Support, but change Soldier's Rest to Valhalla
That Valhalla suggestion is good. I support that capital name instead of Soldier's rest.
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...There is a massive opportunity for a shitpost.

>world name: Skyrim

>capital name. Windhelm

A rim by itself can mean the edge of something. We are on the rim of the Broken Empire. And it is a planet of stormy skies.

Helm by itself can mean the leading part of a machine. Like "taking the helm" of something like a ship or bike. And this city is a shelter from the wind.

Todd, no
World's name:
Home's (and potential capital's name):
>Soldier's Rest

kek, we should totally make a city on one of the mountains and call it Skyrim.
“Pilot.” You say speaking into the comm.

“Yes, sir ?” The patrol boat’s pilot quickly responds.

“Do you have the system’s and the planet’s charts ?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I want to you to mark down the world as Thunor and mark down here, the very first settlement as Valhalla.”

“Right away, sir.” The pilot cuts the connection as he busies himself with entering the data and sending it back to the ship in orbit.

“Sir.” One of the crew outside with you calls out through the comm. “Permission to speak freely ?”

“You don’t need one, citizen.” You try your best to remind him that the absolute discipline is no longer a day-to-day necessity.

“Ah, well. In that case, si- I mean, uh, Mister Smith. Did you recently watch some historical dramas ?” That results in some chuckles from the gathered crew.

“Who knows. Just thought it’d fit. After all, we’re all soldiers whom had bled and fought before. Don’t you think the names are quite fitting ?” You ask as a massive storm rages overhead with lightning bolts flashing endlessly and thunder rolling onwards with fury, almost as if greeting you for the new name you had given it. “And I don’t know about you, but retiring in a mead hall doesn’t sound like a bad fate to me.” You finally say with a smile as the first digger rolls out of the shuttle and begins to crack the rocks in order to lay the very first foundation.

“Doesn’t sound bad at all.” Another crew member responds.
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Log: David Smith
Date: year 0 month 0 day 15 since arrival
Title: Valhalla
About two weeks of damned intense work later and our new home is ready. Built up some basic prefab homes around the nearby lake. Built some much bigger warehouses where we put the supplies as well as both the farming and mining gear. Afterwards, we laid down some fresh cement made from the stones of the planet to make some landing pads for the patrol ships. Folk had picked up on the names I had given the planet and the town and some even began to refer to themselves as Vikings, though they stopped once everyone laughed at them. For now, still, the Argonaut is preparing to leave the system and us here.
Signing off, Captain David Smith, former Imperial army.

There is much to be done around to keep everything running smoothly, as such you find it rather difficult to dedicate people to any task other than survival, but you are certain that you can issue 1 command to the settlement. It will draw people away from important work and the process will take a damned while, but you can do it. Of course, as the leader of the colony you can take 1 personal action yourself without it interfering with the day-to-day governance. With you being in charge, there are a lot of tensions you need to cool down.

Settlement action:

>Seed some algae into the lakes and rivers and start farming them.

>Start ground reclamation. The hills are steep and your expansion is limited.

>Start a dedicated exploration effort of the system, you might find some useful resources out there.

>(Write in)

Personal action:

>See if you cannot convince the captain of the Argonaut and his crew to settle Thunor.

>(Write in)
>Seed some algae into the lakes and rivers and start farming them.

>See if you cannot convince the captain of the Argonaut and his crew to settle Thunor.
>>Seed some algae into the lakes and rivers and start farming them.
>See if you cannot convince the captain of the Argonaut and his crew to settle Thunor.
>>Seed some algae into the lakes and rivers and start farming them.
>>See if you cannot convince the captain of the Argonaut and his crew to settle Thunor.
Alright, seeding algae is auto pass due to favourable conditions.

Trying to convince the captain, 1d100 best of 3
Rolled 31 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Wotan grant us luck!
Rolled 59 (1d100)

Rolled 36 (1d100)

Damn, late by seconds. Oh well. It was a bad roll anyways.
Walking down the riverside clad in the bulky suit, you listen to the splattering of the rain and the rushing speed of the river as it flows further north towards the second lake within the valley.

“You sure know how to say your thanks.” The ship’s captain dourly says struggling down the slippery rocks.

“What is it captain ? Legs grown weak from being aboard a ship this entire time ?”

“Ha, ha.” The captain says sarcastically through ragged breaths.

Finally, you reach the edge of the lake and watch as the almost crystal-clear lake continues to shimmer with more and more water pouring into it.

“A beautiful sight, isn’t it ?” You ask admiring the view.

“Personally ? I prefer somewhere warm, where I can breathe, underneath some shade, a drink in my hand and a woman’s mou-“ An enormously powerful bolt of lightning strikes the lake instantly evaporating a chunk of water and turning it into vapour. “Fuck me all mighty ! That was close !” The captain begins to swear out.

Your laughter rings out. “I thought the name I have this world was fitting, don’t you think, captain ?”

“Oh yea, smashing.” He says sitting down and a few moments later throwing some small stones into the lake. “Anyways, I doubt you dragged me all the way out here for tea and biscuits. What is it ?”

“Your help, captain.” You state sitting down besides him yourself.

“Don’t know how much more I can help, besides, you’re out of cash from what I heard, mister, erm, you’ve got a title or something ?”

You chuckle. “No, and no.”

“Right, but you get what I am saying.”

“I do, captain, I do. Still, there’s one thing I can offer you.” You state extending your arm forwards and pointing towards the ridgelines of the valley.

“This ?”


“I prefer the lack of weather to this.”

“But it would at least be yours. What else is there for you captain ? More smuggling runs dodging patrols ?”

“Never said I was that.”

“Captain, please.” You hear a sigh coming from the captain. “And your men, do they have anywhere else to go ? You could still command your ship, help the colony thrive, expand throughout the system. Actually make a name for yourself, as not some smuggler or trader, but a brave pioneer.” You had noted from your conversations throughout the months that both the captain and his crew were tired, smuggling wasn’t paying as well with the Empire now fully concentrating on internal matters, who knows how long the captain will have.

It takes a couple of minutes of silence, before you see the captain’s suit dip and rise. “Fuck it. Fine. You’ve got a trustworthy look on your face David, can’t help, but trust ya.”

“Heard that one before on the field.”

“Probably why you got those command positions.”

“Probably.” You agree rising to your height. “Well then, captain, will you take my hand ?” You state extending said hand to the still sitting man.

“Well, look at you, a noble already in the making.” He responds grasping it and you quickly assist him in rising to his full height.

Log: David Smith
Date: year 0 month 1 day 0 since arrival
Title: New friends
The algae seeding process went well, the environment seems perfect for the buggers, give it a few months and the lakes themselves will probably be green, hopefully the speed of the rain and the river flow keeps the lakes from drying up due to the algae. On another good note, through some talking, I was able to convince the captain of the Argonaut – Stellan Dragan, though I felt like I was able to do so only by a hair’s breadth. Still, our small fleet was now expanded by a kilometre long cargo ship that is utterly worthless in combat, but should prove good for most everything else.
Signing off, Captain David Smith, former Imperial army.

Settlement action:

>Start gathering the arable lands from the flatlands. It will take a long time, but you could set up actual farmland within reach.

>Start ground reclamation. The hills are steep and your expansion is limited.

>Start a dedicated exploration effort of the system, you might find some useful resources out there.

>(Write in)

Personal action:

>(Write in)
>>Start a dedicated exploration effort of the system, you might find some useful resources out there.
Might as well now that we have a ship.

Can't think of what to do personally.

Settlement Action:
>Start Ground Reclamation

Personal Action:
>Get a briefing from the captain and anyone else who may have relevant knowledge, of the nearby inhabited systems.

We’re new to the neighborhood and I like to figure out if there are any potential opportunities, or threats in our neighborhood of space before we continue on.

Dream scenario in my book is there’s another young colony not associated with the broken empire who we could raid for resources to help boost our growth. We do have a small fleet and a militant populace I see no reason not to better our position through force
Settlement action:
>Start gathering the arable lands from the flatlands. It will take a long time, but you could set up actual farmland within reach.

Food production needs to be secure before we begin thinking about anything else. Starvation is the quickest way to die out and have rebellions occur.

See, I liked the start of your Personal action idea. But making enemies seldomly creates value. What I'd suggest, Is if we were to find another small unprotected colony not associated with the broken empire, we vassalize them. We let it stay politically independent for the most part but offer protection with our small ships and free trade between the colonies as a way to grow ourselves. We are a new born fish in a very big ocean after all.

(With the added kaviat that we will integrate them into our Administration over time.)
>Start gathering the arable lands from the flatlands. It will take a long time, but you could set up actual farmland within reach.

Food first, other stuff later
>Start gathering the arable lands from the flatlands. It will take a long time, but you could set up actual farmland within reach.

>Get a briefing from the captain and anyone else who may have relevant knowledge, of the nearby inhabited systems.
>>Start gathering the arable lands from the flatlands. It will take a long time, but you could set up actual farmland within reach.
>Get a briefing from the captain and anyone else who may have relevant knowledge, of the nearby inhabited systems.
>>Start a dedicated exploration effort of the system, you might find some useful resources out there.

>Get a briefing from the captain and anyone else who may have relevant knowledge, of the nearby inhabited systems.

More knowledge is always good.

I proposed a raid for a few reasons, firstly I think it’s evident we made some sacrifices for our military power. Thus I think we need to leverage said military power to make up for those sacrifices.

I suggested a raid as opposed to a conquest or occupation, as I doubt we would have the capability to sustain any such venture with only one interstellar capable vessel.

(At least I assume the patrol boats aren’t capable of interstellar travel as they were transported aboard the merchantman)

Vassalization provides an interesting alternative I hadn’t considered though again I would be concerned about leaving a garrison on our vassal world with our limited logistical capacity. This whole discussion may however prove a moot point we could be surrounded by empty space, the empire, or powerful independent neighbors
Lets raid the raiders!
While I do agree that information of the "neighborhood" is a solid move... Our patrol boats are not FTL capable.
Well, we know FTL is an option as we get to keep the freighter. Thus, we can transport the patrol boats anywhere via said freighter.

Of course, that also means that if the freighter is destroyed while in another system with the patrol boats. Then they are stranded with no recourse.

Of course, local garrisoning would likely be problematic. Buuut we don't necessarily need to worry too much about such either. After all, we can just give them the offer of becoming a protectorate, and in exchange, we will have small tariffs on the private citizen's trade between our worlds.

As long as our military development is stronger than the other worlds, we can slowly mold them into a puppet state through soft power. Essentially becoming their military.

But yeah. This is all speculation. But at least talking about it means we've got a better idea of what we want if it comes to be the case.
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“You wanted to see me, David ?” Stellan asks entering your habroom. A small space barely able to fit in a small table and a chair alongside a bed and a wardrobe. The overall room is spartan and primarily coloured in dull grey. You simply hadn’t had the time to work on the place, besides, such frivolities would be too much to bear this early on.

“I did.” You respond, pouring some coffee into two cups as you look through the small window in the room providing a limited amount of illumination. “Since you are a man who has travelled a lot, I want to know if you have anything to say about our surroundings.” You say turning around and offering one cup before seating yourself on the bed.

“I did travel a lot, yea.” Dragan responds taking the cup of coffee and seating himself on the chair. “A while back traded some travelling logs, though nothing about the worlds themselves. We’re roughly seven or so months of non-stop travel from the Unbroken Empire. Each jump around six days, probably need like three until we can jump again. So we’re roughly twenty jumps, each one calculated to be as far as possible. We’re in what can easily be considered deep space, David, never travelled that far before, I can give you the basic outline of the general area, but besides that, I’ve got nothing.”

“Unfortunate. That means we’re blind out there.” You respond.

“That we are.” He nods. “No.” He responds after looking at your gaze. “We’re smugglers, not damned explorers.”

“You are the only one with a functioning ship, captain. Glory and adventure awaits.”

“Yea, but what about pay.”

“You already got paid in land, captain.”

“Funny. In all seriousness, if you are truly, fully, one hundred and ten percent certain, I am going to be needing more people, and supplies. If you want me to explore, I doubt you’ll be able to do much of anything.”

“I’ll take that under consideration.” You respond finishing your own cup.
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Log: David Smith
Date: year 0 month 10 day 13 since arrival
Title: Farmlands
Took us nearly 10 whole months, but we managed to drag back all of the farmland with non-stop shuttle and patrol boat rides as well as a lot of shovels since the diggers themselves were simply not enough. Laid it all down on a few of the free areas we have next to the river and lakes, just in case there’s a need for irrigation, but mainly because those were some of the few flat areas where we could lay it all down. Now, we just need to actually plant some seeds, and figure out how ensure that it does float away, literally. Oh, on another note, we had the first Thunorian (?) born, with hopefully many more on the way.
Signing off, Captain David Smith, former Imperial army.

Settlement action:

>With the arable land now present, time has come for trial and error. You’ve got to figure out which seeds will stick and which will not. Unfortunately, none of you are farmers, and you can’t just shoot the ground to make it grow crops faster.

>Start ground reclamation. The hills are steep and your expansion is limited.

>Start a dedicated exploration effort of the system, you might find some useful resources out there.

>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

>(Write in)

Personal action:

>(Write in)

Settlement Action:
>With the arable land now present, time has come for trial and error. You’ve got to figure out which seeds will stick and which will not. Unfortunately, none of you are farmers, and you can’t just shoot the ground to make it grow crops faster.

Went through all the effort to transport the soil might as well put it to use.

Personal Action:
>establish a system of inventories so we can keep tabs on the needs of our young colony. Basically I’d like an update on where we stand for food stuffs and other critical supplies I would like to be able to guesstimate how long we have until we need to be food self sufficient.
>>Start a dedicated exploration effort of the system, you might find some useful resources out there.
Settlement action:
>With the arable land now present, time has come for trial and error. You’ve got to figure out which seeds will stick and which will not. Unfortunately, none of you are farmers, and you can’t just shoot the ground to make it grow crops faster.
First food security then we can look for other actions.
Personal action:
>establish a system of inventories so we can keep tabs on the needs of our young colony. Basically I’d like an update on where we stand for food stuffs and other critical supplies .
Logistics may be boring, but damn it's important for a base layer.
>With the arable land now present, time has come for trial and error. You’ve got to figure out which seeds will stick and which will not. Unfortunately, none of you are farmers, and you can’t just shoot the ground to make it grow crops faster.

supporting the idea others mentioned.

Also, something I got to thinking. Would it be an effective idea to scrap the two current patrol boats and use their parts to upgrade the Argonaunt? The size of the ship is a form of protection itself against hitting critical systems on top of the extra armor from the patrol boats, a lot of the bad systems within the argonaut could likely be repaired or given redundant life support systems, and the extra PDF lasers would likely make the ship a lot more effective in its exploration of the nearby systems when we choose to do such.

>Also, something I got to thinking. Would it be an effective idea to scrap the two current patrol boats and use their parts to upgrade the Argonaunt? The size of the ship is a form of protection itself against hitting critical systems on top of the extra armor from the patrol boats, a lot of the bad systems within the argonaut could likely be repaired or given redundant life support systems, and the extra PDF lasers would likely make the ship a lot more effective in its exploration of the nearby systems when we choose to do such.

Potentially. The engines could be used to give more overall side thrust to the ship and giving it the two railgun cannons would actually make it armed, if still horribly underarmed for the ship's size. The extra armour from the plating would help somewhat to guard the most critical systems. For a proper remake and to ensure that everything works however, you would require a drydock, not to mention that in this case you would sacrifice the patrol boats' maneuverability and small size, meaning you are not hiding the superfreighter. And if the freighter does go down, you no longer have any space assets.
That is true.

The overall reason I am thinking about it, is because the Argonaut opens opportunities to be our main platform in space.

It is our only exploration vehicle currently, as it is the only FTL-capable ship we currently have. If we wanted to have it come back alive, we'd likely still need to attach the patrol boats to tag along when out exploring anyway.

It is the only important thing for the patrol boats to guard as of yet. as it is likely the vessel our asteroid mining activities will happen through. it has the cargo capacity for ore extraction and retrieval.

...Also sometimes, "it is the thought that counts"
People within the ship would likely be less stressed by having two rail guns. Even if that doesn't matter in an actual combat scenario. Cope cages are a prime example of a useless tech existing more so for mental health purposes.
Inventory system is an auto pass due to the populace.

Please give me 1d100 3 times to determine how well the farms go.
Rolled 100 (1d100)


Okay...wow...uhhh, no other rolls are needed, writing. That is a crit success.
Who needs farming experts when we have luck?
You go through the cycling process of the airlock that takes a good few minutes. It is surprising how much longer it takes to cycle atmosphere rather than simply to depressurise and repressurise chambers. Finally, when the process is complete, you must take your time to get out of the spacesuit which takes another two minutes or so.

Finally, you manage to enter the large warehouse after the long hassle. Inside you find the large collection of former logistics officers. A dead-end position in the military, while safe, has absolutely no prospects for advancements and as such is usually crewed almost exclusively by either commoners or the unambitious, or just greedy. Even you had dealt with quartermasters for extra gear that could have been written off as lost or simply expended.

Upon noticing your presence, the nearest former officer gives you a salute. “Sir !”

“At ease, what’s our situation ? ”

“Everything’s in this tablet, sir.” The former soldier gives you a simple tablet. “Everything from our section had been detailed and marked in the standard inventorization system, sir, as you had ordered.”

You simply nod and look through the gathered information. You had busied yourself for the past few months implementing the system and finding its usage. Thanks to your military training, you at least had an idea about what you are doing, but really, the logistics personnel that had come with you carried the day. Who knows how this would have turned out without them being here.

The overall situation is as both you expected and far worse.

First of all, you quickly noted that your food supply situation remains similar to the one you had prepared for, even with the extra couple hundred you got from the Argonaut, the ship itself carried plenty of food and supplies to support the crew.

One thing that did come as an unfortunate shock was the spare parts situation, or closer to the lack thereof. The intensity of labour that was needed to transport the fertile land had seen the ships run back and forth without stop as well as nearly all of your heavy equipment. Your mechanics and the few military engineers that came along had seen them carry out standard maintenance procedures which burnt through a bunch of spare parts you had brought along. The situation, as of right now, is not critical, especially if you don’t push your gear too hard. You do have equipment needed to refine raw materials and process them as well as. Though your pure manufacturing ability is small. Problem is the fact that you have zero access to any sorts of ore you would need to even begin the process of making spare parts. Of course, you could have the mechanics institute laxer standards for maintenance, but the number of ships you have is limited and any loss of life is morally unacceptable, your own empathetic personality will not allow you to risk the lives of your people for such petty reasons. Of course, if the situation grows truly dire, you have numerous types of equipment that you could cannibalize for spare parts, though that would certainly put all of that out of service.

With a sigh, you hand back the tablet. “Thank you, make sure to keep me informed about the spare parts situation especially.”

“Will do, sir.”
Log: David Smith
Date: year 1 month 5 day 4 since arrival
Title: New year, bumper harvest
Officially a year had passed since we first set foot on this planet. We had a shooting competition to celebrate with the best marksman getting both bragging rights and having double rations issued for the week. It got surprisingly competitive at the end. In the meantime, we planted the first crops and tended to them for about half a year, plenty of time for them to go through their growth cycle. And it just so happened that those old ideals of farmers soldiers turned out to be true. The very first harvest was a bumper one, easily giving us enough food to sustain ourselves to the point where we had to erect extra granaries to store of the excess. We will not be starving for a while, and most importantly, we won’t be living off military rations anymore. That had certainly helped morale. In other news, the seeded algae fully bloomed, the crystal-clear water had actually turned green. Soon enough a lot of it will probably die off and fill the bottom of the lakes and rivers, starting the cycle of nature.
Signing off, Captain David Smith, former Imperial army.
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Settlement action:

>Begin farming the algae, it will slow down their growth, but more food is always good.

>Start ground reclamation. The hills are steep and your expansion is limited.

>Start a dedicated exploration effort of the system, you might find some useful resources out there.

>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

>(Write in)

Personal action:

>With such a bumper harvest, the folk would like to have a feast, maybe some games. You could certainly organize it, but it might be more prudent to hold onto what you have already.

>(Write in)
>Start ground reclamation. The hills are steep and your expansion is limited.

>With such a bumper harvest, the folk would like to have a feast, maybe some games. You could certainly organize it, but it might be more prudent to hold onto what you have already.
>>Start a dedicated exploration effort of the system, you might find some useful resources out there.

This will be critical for apare parts for sure.

>>With such a bumper harvest, the folk would like to have a feast, maybe some games. You could certainly organize it, but it might be more prudent to hold onto what you have already.

Let people blow off steam
>Start a dedicated exploration effort of the system, you might find some useful resources out there
So we can use our advanced mining equipment to get resources for refining and the creation of spare parts and equipment. This will lead to a full base of self sufficiency
>With such a bumper harvest, the folk would like to have a feast, maybe some games. You could certainly organize it, but it might be more prudent to hold onto what you have already.
We are valhalla after all.
>>Start a dedicated exploration effort of the system, you might find some useful resources out there.

>With such a bumper harvest, the folk would like to have a feast, maybe some games. You could certainly organize it, but it might be more prudent to hold onto what you have already.
Please give me 2d100 3 times. The first roll is to see how well the festivities go and the second one to see how well the system's exploration goes.
Rolled 79, 91 = 170 (2d100)

Rolled 89, 23 = 112 (2d100)

Rolled 40, 35 = 75 (2d100)

You watch as the combine gathers up the remainder of the genetically modified wheat. You really lucked out with your deals for them. You can still no believe your chance to stumble across the old man selling his stock all the way back home, potatoes, tomatoes, rice, wheat, strawberries, lettuce, beans, corn and everything in between, and everything modified to be as hardy as possible. Whenever you have some sunlight, the entire place glows from the reflections of the fresh fruits and vegetables. What also helps is the large quantity of carbon dioxide in the air and favourable temperatures.

“Captain !” One of the workers shouts out as he gets out of the large tractor. “We’ve finished clearing one of the warehouses.”

“Good news.” You nod in turn, or rather, wobble in the spacesuit for it to be visible. “Grab a few men and set up tables, I’d say forty or so.”

“Right away, sir.” The man salutes before hopping onto the tractor and speeding off.

You yourself quickly activate your comm connection. “This is David. How copy ?”

“Good copy, sir.” A woman’s voice comes from the other end.

“I am hereby granting access to inventories of B11 through C01. Mobilise some men and women to turn the foodstuffs from there into proper meals, we’ll be having a feast at 2000 hours. Gather people from hab block 3 and 5 for this.” You quickly and rapidly organize the festivities as if you were carrying out a military operation.

“Understood, sir !” The woman quickly responds, as if you were back in the military.
With the sheer effectiveness of your people, the preparations go on smoothly with people dancing and cheering. You’d like some more meat rather than just veggies and fruits, but honestly, you would take anything at this point over rehydrated MREs. With plenty of food and whole situation looking up, you won’t be particularly surprised if there’s going to be a lot of people later on celebrating their birthdays around nine months from now, as you can already see couples sneaking off. Maybe by this point you too, should look for a wife.
The party of course served another reason, the reason being send off for the Argonaut and your patrol boats, they’d split up to conduct prospecting operations. It would take days to travel from one planet to the next and easily it would take months if not a year or two for the few people that you have to look through everything in system ranging from planetoids and of course, numerous asteroids.
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Log: Stellan Dragan
Date: year 1 month 11 day 23 since arrival
Title: Exploration report
I don’t know if the corpo that plundered Thunor was blind, incompetent or just so single-mindedly concentrated on plundering our new home, but there’s a lot out here.

The ice giant in system is loaded with nitrogen and other heavier trace materials, might be worthwhile, though in terms of fuel to burn for in-system movement or power generation. At the end of the day, the stuff there is still hard to get so at best the volatiles are rather sparse.

The gas giant itself has around thirty moons, out of those only three are worth mentioning in terms of size, the inner most of the largest moons has some sparse common ore deposits. The middle moon appears to be a frozen ball of ice, so there’s plenty of water there if we need it.

Finally, the outer most of the large moons actually had something interesting in it through our searches. There appears to be a facility, still relatively intact though lacking power. We breached into its outer most layers and the thing seemed pretty ransacked, from what we were able to gather it was the local corp HQ for the system. There might still be deeper floors still, but if there is anything left of worth, the corpos probably didn’t cheap out on some automated defences. Since we were able to access some of the files, looks like the corpo beat a hasty retreat at the outbreak of the Fed civil war, unable to extract everything.

Moving on, the planet closest to the system’s star is loaded with iron and copper, potassium, sodium, magnesium and other things that could be classified as common ores if you want to use a catchall term, overall, the quantity could be described as common throughout the galaxy.

The outer most planet has been bombarded nonstop during the systems formation, even right now it gets slammed quite often which is risky, but due to that it has scarce amounts of rare ores. The fact that it is still here is already a lucky break in and of itself.

Finally, the moon orbiting Thunor has nothing or import, the same goes with the asteroids, most are made of silicates and the occasional iron or carbon one, but the lodes we were able to find were hardly worth the effort to dig through.
Signing off, Stellan Dragan, Captain of the Argonaut.

Settlement action:

>Begin farming the algae, it will slow down their growth, but more food is always good.

>Start ground reclamation. The hills are steep and your expansion is limited.

>Start a dedicated mining operation within system (which planetoid ?).

>Gather up the most skilled of your colonists and prepare an expedition to the local corp HQ, you might find something you could use.

>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

>(Write in)

Personal action:

>You are not getting any younger and after all, you are here to colonize, time has come to find a wife.

>(Write in)
>>Start ground reclamation. The hills are steep and your expansion is limited.
>You are not getting any younger and after all, you are here to colonize, time has come to find a wife.
>Start a dedicated mining operation within system (the planet closest to the system's star)
automated mineral gathering so we can set up some workshops for spares production and other crafting.
>You are not getting any younger and after all, you are here to colonize, time has come to find a wife.

Settlement Action:
>Start ground reclamation. The hills are steep and your expansion is limited.

Before we start any sort of mining operations on any of the other planets and planetoids in this system we will need infrastructure in place to optimize the planet side offloading process. With that in mind we clear the land this turn build a spaceport and industrial sector next turn and the turn after that we really get rolling with industrialization by starting up the orbital mining operations.
>>Gather up the most skilled of your colonists and prepare an expedition to the local corp HQ, you might find something you could use.

Lets open the lootbox TM

>You are not getting any younger and after all, you are here to colonize, time has come to find a wife.

And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth..."
I forgot about the personal action

Personal Action:
>Have Some Fun

We will want an heir or two bouncing around but I suggest we avoid marriage for the time being in the future we may be able to find a politically advantageous marriage. For the time being just use our personal charisma to well make as many bastards as we can for the time being.
>Start a dedicated mining operation within system (the planet closest to the system's star)
>You are not getting any younger and after all, you are here to colonize, time has come to find a wife.
reclamation 2
mining 2
corp 1

wife 4
Fun 1

Need a tie breaker
>Start ground reclamation. The hills are steep and your expansion is limited.

2d100 best of 3

First one to see if the reclamation effort goes well.

Second for finding a wife.
Rolled 28, 69 = 97 (2d100)

Rolled 28, 82 = 110 (2d100)

Rolled 88, 16 = 104 (2d100)

I will never grow up and I'm not apologizing for what I'm about to say.
>69 to find a wife
That has to be a crit.
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The word of your looking for a wife spread like wildfire, you blame your drinking buddies, oh, you now have alcohol as the fermentation processes finally came through and now you’ve got plenty of wine and beer, still no proper distillation or time for stronger stuff.

One day, after engaging in some recreational drinking, you found yourself stepping out of your hab’s airlock to only find a horde of women waiting for you. You of course, politely declined the advances that would have seen you overwhelmed, but mainly tried to defuse the situation of a potential fight breaking out.

However, about a week later, through events best left unsaid and actions taken by your brand-new wife also best left unsaid, well, you found yourself a wife. A strong woman named Celyn Chanda, or you suppose Celyn Smith now. She was a sergeant in imperial intelligence corps, she found out your most favourite meals and specially worked on MRE packed meat to make it fully palatable, you have no idea how she managed to do it. Though you did note that most of the women you had conversed with throughout the week soon enough stepped back and tended to excuse themselves a bit before Celyn approached you.

You had a small, but lovely ceremony, more like means of establishing a connection rather than anything truly religious, she insisted on it.

On the other hand, with nearly two years since your arrival, two unfortunate things had happened:

First of all, the massive farmlands that you have had resulted in some unfortunate circumstances. Seeing an opportunity for it, a few “entrepreneuring” colonists of yours had managed to squirrel away a few choice seeds. And those seed had borne fruit, said fruit in this case being narcotics. Unfortunately for them, a former sergeant had found it, and the planters of the drugs. The three men and one woman responsible for it are currently in a holding cell awaiting judgement. Naturally, the word of this had spread throughout the colony and the colonists are leaning towards having the perpetrators executed. Many of them who had gotten out of service had either fallen themselves into the habit or had some former comrades ruined by it. As such, there’s a fear that before proper judgement can be passed, the criminals might be killed by an angry mob.

Secondly, the first murder had occurred. Playing a game of cards, one person cheated, this, naturally, enraged the man who was cheated and in a fit of rage, he had pulled out his sidearm and shot the perpetrators straight in the chest, killing them instantly. Opinions here are far more divided with most leaning towards having him executed, but a large minority wants him to be imprisoned instead, mainly though, that’s because a lot of them were also probably cheated on in a card game. To further complicate the matter, both the killer and the cheater had come here under your command with their entire platoons. The cheater’s platoon mates are baying for blood, threatening to kill the man who slew their comrade. The killer’s friends are naturally fully supporting of him, threatening to shoot anyone who even thinks of touching him.

Worst part, both incidents happened at the same time.

Log: David Smith
Date: year 1 month 11 day 4 since arrival
Title: Reclamation
The heavy equipment was put to work and we spent the next half a year just levelling some hills and pushing all of that the remains to a few larger piles. Now if only other issues wouldn’t have popped up, it would have been nice.
Signing off, Captain David Smith, former Imperial army.

Settlement action:

>Begin farming the algae, it will slow down their growth, but more food is always good.

>Continue the ground reclamation.

>Use the remains of the reclamation to build more habitation blocks, not necessary right now, but a good future investment.

>Gather up the most skilled of your colonists and prepare an expedition to the local corp HQ, you might find something you could use.

>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

>(Write in)

Personal action:

>Deal with the entrepreneurs, who knows what will happen to them if the matter is not addressed, you will also need to make a decision about narcotics production, if it should be banned wholesale, regulated or simply left alone.

>You have to deal with the fallout of the card game. Who knows how the situation might escalate, and even then, it could get worse even with your direct involvement.

>(Write in)
>Continue the ground reclamation.
>You have to deal with the fallout of the card game. Who knows how the situation might escalate, and even then, it could get worse even with your direct involvement.
>Use the remains of the reclamation to build more habitation blocks, not necessary right now, but a good future investment.
Future proofing.
>You have to deal with the fallout of the card game. Who knows how the situation might escalate, and even then, it could get worse even with your direct involvement.
A law against shooting a person not in self defense must be put applied.
Wouldn't it be more pertinent to start the offworld mining operations? Preferably before our machines start breaking down due to a lack of spare parts?

As a bonus we can use that to separate the two groups. The shooters platoon can go operate the remote mining stuff we brought.
It's not a punishment, but it gets them out of here and defuses the situation.
While they are off doing that, which will take a while, we can use the reclaimed lands to start setting up the start of an industry to refine and use the metals. properly.

>begin offworld common ore mining.

>Deal with the entrepreneurs, who knows what will happen to them if the matter is not addressed, you will also need to make a decision about narcotics production, if it should be banned wholesale, regulated or simply left alone.

I'm terribly sorry, but we don't have the luxury of prisons and nonsense like that here. But I also don't wanna execute people for being incompetent. Here is my suggestion.

We gather the colony, everyone, and adress the situation. Not one but two cases of fuckery that could cause things to spiral out of control and kill every man woman and child here.

Corporal punishment (beating/whipping), painful but not severe, for the entrepreneurs and announce that the next time someone decides to put the colony in jeopardy there's a bullet with their name on it.

Give people a chance, but make it absolutely certain that we will *not* accept this kind of behavior. We might be civilians now, but we're not savages.
>Continue the ground reclamation.
>You have to deal with the fallout of the card game. Who knows how the situation might escalate, and even then, it could get worse even with your direct involvement.
changing ground reclamation to
>begin offworld common ore mining.
apologies my post is
Apologies other anon. haven't slept that much.
>>Gather up the most skilled of your colonists and prepare an expedition to the local corp HQ, you might find something you could use.

Lets open the loot box and see if we get colored knife or blood and shit

>You have to deal with the fallout of the card game. Who knows how the situation might escalate, and even then, it could get worse even with your direct involvement.

Lets make Casino and outlaw killing thats not self defence

>>Deal with the entrepreneurs, who knows what will happen to them if the matter is not addressed, you will also need to make a decision about narcotics production, if it should be banned wholesale, regulated or simply left alone.

Test and regulated now otherwise we will find that blackmarket growing in our backyard.

NewbQM If dont mind sharing what kind of wife would we have got with 100?
> Make the argonaut capture a major metallic asteroid for processing around Thunor
It could be very useful if the argonaut took a large metallic asteroid and hauled it into Thunor orbit. The men who have supported the killer will be sent as the team to break this asteroid apart. Not likely an enviable job. but it gives us the metals necessary for repairs and maintenance.

your idea is gonna be way too harsh. I get we are military, but this wouldn't help.
We have to nip this problem at the stem of addiction, otherwise it'll just continue being a problem when smugglers eventually come to our planet to smuggle drugs.

Law-wise. I think it would be best if we made it so anyone found to be growing narcotics not for medical use will have to pay for any damages that their actions have caused. This includes rehabilitation worker's bills, substitutions, and requirements to get the victims back on their feet. As well as a month of prison labor time for anyone who was affected by their trade. Owning narcotics should be a month's prison time, but anyone who comes forth about owning narcotics will be excused with no prison time. Anyone affected would be able to partake in rehabilitation programs.

This means that selling to 10 people is nearly a year of prison. And if anyone is found to have an addiction then all treatment costs lie on the dealer. If a death happens relating to an overdose. Then 15 years of prison labor for each death.

We should not make the meaning of the law to cause pain unnecessarily. The moral purpose of the law is centered around trying to help the victim and make the dealer give back to society for what he/she has taken from it. It will also make people trust the new government more. As it shows our interest is to focus on helping good people rather than just hurting bad people.
Am I?
We don't have the infrastructure to hold people, we don't have prisons. Or hospitals, or doctors. Medics, probably, but no doctors.

You are talking about the luxuries of an established society.
These people took one of the single most valuable resources on the planet, arable dirt, and used it to grow drugs instead of food... And considering everyones reaction its not weed, its something pretty heavy to make people wanna kill them.

This is a legitimate threat to the entire colony, and we nip that shit in the bud. Now.
Not by setting up a withdrawal clinic, by burning that shit so it doesn't exist on the planet anymore.

Give people a reasonable punishment, that's a warning. Anyone tries something like that again they're trying to kill everyone in Valhalla and get a 9mm retirement.

Once we're no longer a bad harvest away from starving or nibbling on mre's we can talk policy and being nice to the "justice impacted people"
But right now its about survival of the colony, not paying medical bills.
>Gather up the most skilled of your colonists and prepare an expedition to the local corp HQ, you might find something you could use.

>You have to deal with the fallout of the card game. Who knows how the situation might escalate, and even then, it could get worse even with your direct involvement.
Drugs are a long term problem, a lynching is immediate.
yeah... we need to get some better infrastructure. One of my major points was that even if we burn it now. (Which, yes we should as well) As soon as we come into contact with the outside worlds, it'll just be back again through smugglers doing their thing. If we are to begin enforcing our will with an iron fist, people will get that impression from our rule for a long time.

yes, Currently, it is easy and going to be effective to enforce the death penalty. But setting the penalty to depend on if it is convenient to us will make any ruling we make seem more based on our demands rather than any form of blind justice. Our rule over the colony will be much easier to question the legitimacy of. Since we will be acting like nothing more than a budding dictatorial regime. Which, technically, it actually is currently, but we don't need to remind people of that.

(We need to begin discussing what kind of rulership we are planning on wanting to go with. I am in favour of constitutional monarchy)

It will also make it such that getting people to talk about their addictions and dealers will be nearly impossible. After all, who the snitches on their dealer if they are afraid of the law coming onto them and have no support system? Airtight drug rings thrive where law enforcement is hazardously harsh. Since once you are in, trying to get back out will probably just land you in a worse situation.

Also, on the topic of what they were growing, I would hazard a guess at it probably being a strain of poppy seeds, which might've been modified to increase the amount of heroin to become the main if not singular opioid within the plants. But with genetic modification, they could be anything after all. Since they'll have needed to be genetically modified to have grown alongside our food stock crops. Their reactions likely are so strong because it's a common fact that a lot of ex-military people get ruined by use of such as heroin. so they react stronger than something like the pirates would. It likely wasn't that much land either, if we didn't discover it until it was harvest time. Since probably EVERYBODY was watching over the farms almost religiously.

Sorry for the wall of text. For i do understand it is a hard to currently accomplish thing to say we should do here in the early settlement period. This is just what i think is important to think of as well :)
I'm not arguing to kill them friend. I'm arguing for pain, and a warning (so that everyone is aware and it doesn't come out of the blue) the the next time someone pulls something like this we will be executing.

There won't be a drug ring, there are no smugglers.
First we secure a functioning society, then we can care about and worry over the increased problems that entails. But for now we have to be harsh.
Once we get out from under the sword of damocles I'd be happy to entertain all kinds of ideas.
Continue the ground reclamation 2
offworld common ore mining 2
corp HQ 2
argonaut 1

card game 5
entrepreneurs 2

Alright, you will deal with the card game personally, I now need a determining vote about the three-way split


>NewbQM If dont mind sharing what kind of wife would we have got with 100?

A woman with extensive genemods that would have been passed down the future generations, the kids wouldn't be as effective as the mom due to random genetic chance, but they would certainly be above average in everything, essentially.
>>Gather up the most skilled of your colonists and prepare an expedition to the local corp HQ, you might find something you could use.
You had cleared a large area in one of the warehouses where the trial would be held, unfortunately, none of your colonist were lawyers or particularly skilled in matters concerning the law. As such, this sort of hasty thrown together procedure is all you can do. You shall be sitting as the judge, one of the murderer’s friends as his defendant, one of the cheater’s, whom was murdered, friend shall act as the persecutor. Naturally, the trial is public, mainly because its not like you could stop people from looking into it, as everyone came strapped and ready to go on a moment’s notice.

Celyn is in charge of the proceedings as a whole, being former intelligence, she had apparently taken part in a few trials here and there and know how they should go…she also informed you that most of these trials had their outcomes decided long before they even began, so with some winks she had suggested in pre-preparing the situation, but you opted out, your no one will view you as trustworthy if this gets out, and it will get out with so few people, you dread to think what would happen then.

As the proceedings go on for almost the entire day, you hear out both sides of the argument.

Naturally, the man who cheated in the card game was killed unjustly, or so his friends claim. It was nothing more than a low-stakes game involving alcohol rations with the grand total of three litres of beer being at stake. Apparently, the reason why the man had cheated is because one of the fellows in his old platoon was planning on getting hitched and they wanted to hold a big and proper celebration, so one of them decided that the best way to secure more booze was through gambling. And eventually he paid with his life for that attempt.

The friend of the murderer deemed the situation to be entirely reasonable. Cheating is a sign of low moral character, and from the world that they originally come from, cheating is considered one of the worst possible crimes, as the planet is a far worse hell hole than your new home, where relying and trusting each other is a necessity for survival. As such, being cheated had really enraged the man.

When you look around the gathering, there seems to be a wide gap, similar to the one before the trial, where the murderer’s friends stand steadfast alongside him, the cheater’s friends want him executed and the gathered people either leaning towards execution or to some form of imprisonment, a few floated the idea of exile, pretty much a delayed execution if anything.

At the end of the day, as the highest-ranking officer, and the colony’s founder, the final decision falls to you.

>Sentence the man for execution before a firing squad. Murder cannot be tolerated, not matter what circumstances.

>Have the man exiled. He will be given basic supplies and gear, if he is lucky enough, he might survive, emphasis on might.

>Sentence the man to hard-labour. You cannot really imprison him, not without wasting your limited resources. Still, a few years of all the hardest task of the colony falling onto the man should hopefully make him less short-tempered.

>Pardon the man. Trust is a rarity and of exceptional import for the colony as a whole.

>(Write in)
Also, please give me 3 1d100 best of 3 to see how the investigation goes.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

>Sentence the man to hard-labour. You cannot really imprison him, not without wasting your limited resources. Still, a few years of all the hardest task of the colony falling onto the man should hopefully make him less short-tempered.
Rolled 48 (1d100)

>Sentence the man to hard-labour.
Rolled 88 (1d100)

We’re military guys they won’t complain about a hard sentence.

>Sentence the man for execution before a firing squad. Murder cannot be tolerated, not matter what circumstances.
>Sentence the man to hard-labour. You cannot really imprison him, not without wasting your limited resources. Still, a few years of all the hardest task of the colony falling onto the man should hopefully make him less short-tempered.
>Sentence the man to hard-labour. You cannot really imprison him, not without wasting your limited resources. Still, a few years of all the hardest task of the colony falling onto the man should hopefully make him less short-tempered.

Hmm, a few years seems a bit short compared to it being a murder charge and acts of civilian vigilantism. I would say anything below 5 years is way too little. With 10 years being more reasonable to me. It is after all a straight-up murder he committed.

"The court, taking into account the defendant's reasoning found the murder unjustifiable despite cultural differences. The court reasoning that no matter if the prosecutor's client had cheated or not, the action taken was unreasonable compared to the theft thought done to the defendant's client."

Hmm, fair enough lad. We'll simply have to see as the situation evolves.
>Colony action
Support expanding the mining to the best common ore location. In this case, that seems to be the planet closest to the star.

>Personal action
Support corporal punishment. Lashes are effective, for drugs I'd nominate 5 per person.
For what's effectively heat-of-the-moment murder or a criminal assault 50 lashes.


I'm really happy that QM is resuming the unbroken empire.
Missed the update.

>Sentence the man to hard-labour. You cannot really imprison him, not without wasting your limited resources. Still, a few years of all the hardest task of the colony falling onto the man should hopefully make him less short-tempered.

Or flogging. His choice.
I support giving him a choice between the two.
You stand from your seat and raise your hands to calm everyone. “I had come to my decision. The defendant is found guilty of murder.” That once again sees an eruption of noise across the entire chamber. “However !” Your powerful voice, trained through years of command silences the people once again, more out of instinct rather than anything else. “What was said about trust is correct. We must all have trust in each other for we are few and far in between, to kill another one of us few would be an even greater crime. As such, after much consideration, I had decided that the defendant shall be given thirty years of hard-labour. Be it in the farming fields, or the levelling of ground or the production of new buildings. Whatever task there is, this man shall be working there.”

There appears to be some confusion in the room, with most expecting execution, but you end up seeing most people are indifferent with the judgment, bar for those directly involved. Those who wanted for their friend to get off scotch free are still outraged, those who wanted to see him shot are just as equally enraged, but your decision is made. The man will work hard, and as a criminal he will lose possession of his firearms and see himself barred from alcohol rations.

By the time you are done with this matter, you quickly find out that the drug growers had mysteriously disappeared, the guards swearing up and down that they just up and vanished, everyone nearby also keeps to the same story, though most people, mainly does not involved in the trial you note, are not particularly bothered about the disappearance.

With a sigh, for the moment there’s not much to do as most of your truly loyal men are abroad, you shall have to wait for their return.

Log: David Smith
Date: year 2 month 2 day 7 since arrival
Title: Corp HQ
After arrival, the men sent to investigate the corp HQ had spent nearly a month just excavating the collapsed tunnels and of the superstructure. Once they managed to get inside however, they had found some collapsed rooms, but a decent number still remained. The current haul ended up being some computers and other office tech, it has some utility and is of some value, even if extremely outdated by modern standards. Also, seemingly someone had a bunch of games in a rec room, those spread like wildfire once it was brought back home. On a more serious note, it seems that the structure goes even deeper and is in need of further excavation, based on the findings, the lower areas are high security and restricted. There were also reports of automated turrets still functioning after all the years, though no bots, which allowed a few grenades and missiles to knock them out without much issue.
Signing off, Captain David Smith, former Imperial army.

Settlement action:

>Begin farming the algae, it will slow down their growth, but more food is always good.

>Continue the ground reclamation.

>Use the remains of the reclamation to build more habitation blocks, not necessary right now, but a good future investment.

>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.

>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

>Start a dedicated mining operation within system (which planetoid ?)

>(Write in)

Personal action:

>It will certainly ruffle some feathers, but you’ve got to figure who did the druggies in. You sincerely doubt that they actually somehow managed to escape.

>Spend some time with your new wife, you really should get to know her better.

>(Write in)
>>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.
I'm still in favor of opening the loot box.

>>It will certainly ruffle some feathers, but you’ve got to figure who did the druggies in. You sincerely doubt that they actually somehow managed to escape.
>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.

>It will certainly ruffle some feathers, but you’ve got to figure who did the druggies in. You sincerely doubt that they actually somehow managed to escape.

can we also have the argonaut gather a large metallic asteroid and set it into orbit of Thunor while the corp HQ is plundered elsewhere? shouldn't be that complex of a second objective.
>>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.

That level of security means there is SOMETHING worthwhile here. Even if we can't use it outright, we can likely barter it or scrap it for what we do need.

>>It will certainly ruffle some feathers, but you’ve got to figure who did the druggies in. You sincerely doubt that they actually somehow managed to escape.

We absolutely cannot under any circumstances tolerate vigilantism, or we could up fragmenting into a bunch of warring tribes. We have to maintain monopoly of force.
Settlement action:
>Start a dedicated mining operation within system
Inner planetoid with common ores
I think we missed a settlement update earlier because of the tie here

Personal action:
Establish a civil service, interview for a judiciary and guard.
>Use the remains of the reclamation to build more habitation blocks, not necessary right now, but a good future investment.
>Spend some time with your new wife, you really should get to know her better.
>>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.
>Spend some time with your new wife, you really should get to know her better.
No need.
We have automatic drone miners and things like that, and it's a grant hauler.
Park it next to something you wanna mine, dump drones, return to vallhalla. Dump ingots for use.

That ship has sailed before we even got here.
Everyone is armed, and well trained in their use. The best we can do is convince people to hand over people to us rather then putting two in the back of someone's head.
we spent a lot of influence points on bringing advanced mining equipment with us, the faster we can put it to use, the better. we can set up a mining operation on the planet closest to the system’s star to get common ores, and then we can start to set up some industry and fab facilities to make use of it and expand further. this should be on the northern lake, so as to not risk contaminating our water supply (the river flows north). in any case we should take care of the environment now that it is pristine

as for food, algae should be the basis of our diet since it is plentiful and kinda grows by itself, and farmland should be only supplemental. farming also demands more manpower per unit of food (correct me if i'm wrong)

QM, could you describe how we produce power currently, how much, how long for us to run out of fuel, and so on? and the same for other basic resources like food, i think right now we have plenty in store but idk for how long
As someone who is currently researching algae as a replacement for food oils used in everyday cooking. I can say for such a small colony, the farms we currently have will be much less work to manage compared to mass algae consumption.

Generally, you could eat the algae. But honestly? eating algae fucking sucks. It is normally only taken as a food supplement because it tastes a lot like grass without heavy processing. And you need large areas of land to desiccate it. It only makes sense to do this on a larger scale with massively automated systems for industrial purposes.

I've been looking into algae oil specifically because after their cell membrane bursts, the collected oil will usually not carry with the taste of the algae itself. It is about as neutral as sunflower seed oil. As well as the fact that it can be used for a lot of industrial purposes that other dirtier oils are used for in the modern day.

If I were to recommend something, it would be that instead of eating the algae directly. We instead release shrimp into the water supply. Possibly carp as well. Since both of these creatures are Algivore bottom feeders. they eat the algae, and we get a source of meat onto supplement our farm crops. Any colony-starting kit with algae in it SHOULD have these creatures' eggs in it as an easy, reliable food source.
>Continue the ground reclamation.
>Spend some time with your new wife, you really should get to know her better.
>We instead release shrimp into the water supply. Possibly carp as well.
Soon we will dine with caviar!
>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.
Very important.

And I don't really care about the personal action much. If there's a tie I guess you can put me as a 'spend time with your wife' vote
>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.
>Look at the possibility of raising shrimp, carp, and other food sources.
>Algae oil
So you are telling me our main food source is gonna be fish & chips? sign me up lad.
you ok newb?
Have I voted yet?
Okay, not for this vote. Then:
>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.
>Spend some time with your new wife, you really should get to know her better.
corp HQ 6
mining 1
habitation 1
reclamation 1
Argonaut 1

Investigation 3
civil service 1
wife 5
More food 1

Okay, further looking into the corp wins as well as spending time with the wife. I will need 3 2d100 rolls.


>I think we missed a settlement update earlier because of the tie here

You went for the first exploration attempt of the corp HQ, its outcome was written up in the personal log.


>QM, could you describe how we produce power currently, how much, how long for us to run out of fuel, and so on? and the same for other basic resources like food, i think right now we have plenty in store but idk for how long

You have basic cold fusion reactors, since you have access to water and basic plants for fuel production, it is enough to keep the settlement powered. Though for extended infrastructure you would need either easy and direct access to hydrogen and helium without the rather time consuming and expensive process of making yourself extra fuel or you'd need neutronium reactors, which are very powerful, but hot and expensive to build, maintain, and fuel.

As for food, you have roughly 10 years worth of it still thanks to the bumper harvest with nearly 9 years worth of it being military rations. As the population increases, this number will decrease.

>as for food, algae should be the basis of our diet since it is plentiful and kinda grows by itself, and farmland should be only supplemental. farming also demands more manpower per unit of food (correct me if i'm wrong)

Farming is more intensive, since the algae collection can be automated, but the amount of calories you get from farming is greater.


>Any colony-starting kit with algae in it SHOULD have these creatures' eggs in it as an easy, reliable food source.

You did not take the terraforming equipment, the algae you used had come from the already existent ones in the planet's oceans. Since the terraformation process takes a while and the people responsible for it left, only microbial ecosystem was developed.


Yes, just busy.

Finally, I'd like to apologise for not updating for a while, I was busy writing my thesis. Update will come tomorrow.
Rolled 62, 6 = 68 (2d100)

Rolled 16, 88 = 104 (2d100)

Know the thesis pain my dude. Also busy with it.
Rolled 91, 84 = 175 (2d100)

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Good roll lad.

No need to apologize. It would just ease the feelings of some to know if you'll be occupied for a while at a time. So no need to worry :D

Also, secondly. Yeah, we didn't get the terraforming suite. But didn't we get any "Colony 101" kit? Where else did the seeds we have come from? We at least seem to have some variety of food sources that we picked for the colony. So I am just kind of confused about the lob-sidedness of the priorities. Since modified algae and simple creatures able to feed off of the algae seem like a no-brainer to me, at least when it comes to giving variety to our foodstuffs. Especially if we knew that the world was going to be this habitable before we left.

>Where else did the seeds we have come from

They came together with the farming equipment and as of right now, while there is oxygen, it is still not enough to actually accommodate larger lifeforms bar a few areas of water where the concentration of it is higher Keep in mind that it will still take a good few thousand years for that if the process goes on naturally. And of course, I should mention that basic hydrophobics did come with basic prefabs, another reason for having seeds, but not much else.

As for lob-sidedness, yes. You anons had a shoestring budget to get things rolling, and the decisions made certainly did not help your funding situation, but hey, the entire point of a game is to have a challenge to overcome.
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fair's fair then. However, I think as soon as we find the ability to trade with the open market I think we should get the trout eggs then.

Also, you might not know this. But the fish could probably already live in the water with the algae after a few months. 2 years max. Even if the atmosphere is made up mostly of CO2, the algae will already have significantly increased Oxygen levels in the lake. You'd be surprised how quickly algae sequester oxygen and multiply when there is near-infinite CO2 and no predators.

Most algae in lakes have periodic growth and death cycles because algae at the top will absorb the CO2 faster than it can diffuse into the water(Especially in still water). So the algae will starve itself until the population is lessened. And then grows back to that overconsumption over and over again. Which leaves layers of dead algae on the bottom which animals feed on. It is actually quite fascinating. (Sorry if i am over explaining)
W̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶?̶ ̶W̶a̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶o̶i̶n̶t̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶f̶i̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶a̶r̶a̶d̶i̶s̶e̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶f̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶o̶t̶ ̶g̶e̶n̶e̶m̶o̶d̶e̶d̶ ̶w̶o̶m̶e̶n̶ ̶o̶n̶ ̶b̶e̶a̶c̶h̶
Yeah I have no idea why anons voted for the equipment they did. Not getting terraforming equipment and a space station or farming equipment made absolutely zero sense at all with the world chosen. There was no synergy at all
We do have basic farming equipment but Advanced would have been better but in Anons defence i dont think most thought that planet would SO hostile in a sense. Not that having adv. farming instead of one patrol ship would not better in my opinion.

And terraforming equipment was expensive.

Now we need to get industry to run so can make stuff and logistic for that industry so it can get the ore it will need in future. Hopefully we can find some good tech in corp HQ
Would not have being better*
>Now we need to get industry to run so can make stuff and logistic for that industry
this. please let's prioritize putting our Advanced mining equipment to use, it was expensive as hell and it's been sitting there doing nothing

another thing we have currently doing nothing is the 2 patrol boats, right? why can't we put both of them on exploration duty, instead of (or additionally to) using the Argonaut? exploration of this star system and also of this planet in particular
None of the equipment plays to this planets strengths at all. We might as well have just have gone with an ore-heavy world if we wanted to go with this equipment. The benefit of choosing a planet that’s almost earth-like is that it’s easily terraformable, that even with the cheaper basic terraforming within a century or too the planet will be livable without any extra equipment.

We get literally zero benefit from this planet in comparison to another one because we decided to not play to its strengths at all. All we did was badly compensate for its weaknesses that we decided put there to create its strengths. I don’t get it.
You take careful and measured steps, your visor trying to compensate from the sheer amount of light impacting your face, as today is a rarity in your new home – a day without rain. The orange star shines brightly, you had seen some recordings of Earth, everyone does in basic schooling, probably as means of making the homeworld seem more important than it actually is for most people. Perhaps one day, the skies will be blue as well and you shall see this orange star without having to have the suit on.

A grunt of exertion behind you snaps you out of the numerous dreams and thoughts running through your mind. Extending your hand, you grasp the other figure in the suit as you continue to climb up the mountain. You had kept up with your exercises, so the quick set up camp tent feels easy enough, but your brand-new wife is clearly not as used to roughing it out like you, that is why you assist her. Though, she seems to be far weaker than you hoped, or just simply lacking in endurance, but maybe it’s just the bulkiness of the suit, since you had seen her during the journey on the Argonaut body a man nearly twice her weight in the training ring.

“Are you alright ?” You ask Celyn.

“Oh, yes, just not used to this sort of travelling.” She says with a smile in her voice, you can easily imagine it behind the visor. Despite the difficulties she is facing, you do quickly note that no matter how she stumbles, she had a good enough sense of balance to the point where she had not dropped anything she had carried as well.

Finally having reached a nice and even footing in your climb, you quickly set up the tent, allowing it to construct itself, then using some heavy tanks and the small power generator, you quickly fill it up with breathable air and check to see that the decompression chamber is functioning and that no holes had formed. Shortly thereafter, you find yourself inside of the tent as you had finished working through your suit, Celyn quickly goes through the supplies you had brought together, most importantly, she gingerly pulls out a bioplastic bottle of wine, the oldest batch you have from the very first harvest.

You had specifically gone out of your way to find a see-through tent, for a bit of privacy you had taken up some sheets you can put up, leaving only a single wall exposed, allowing you to gaze at the sunset, and most importantly, to the galaxy at large during the night. The lack of light pollution allows for some breath-taking views, that just don’t feel the same when observed whilst being in space.

“Darling, here, take a sip.” Celyn gives you a cup of wine and you take a small sip, regarding the sparkling eyes of your wife, the lovely green accenting her light brown curling hair as light illuminates her.

She smiles, exposing her pearly white teeth. “What are you looking at so intensely ?”

“One of the most beautiful things in the galaxy.” You respond with a rather cheesy line.

Of one thing you are certain, and that is that today…well, today is a beautiful day.
Log: David Smith
Date: year 2 month 4 day 7 since arrival
Title: Further investigations
The investigation team began their insertion through rather, imaginative means of clearance, but after the facility stopped shaking from the explosives, they were able to enter the restricted sections. Seemingly, these areas housed the facilities of the bigwigs, safely tucked deep below, most of the rooms were barren having left only the heaviest or least valuable of knickknacks, something a gold statue of one executive that he had placed in his own room, the thing was far too heavy to move on a short notice so now it has made its new home in the Argonaut’s hull.

Other than that, the investigation team ran into serious resistance, outdated, but still functional bots and drones were activated out of their idle positions after the breach and more than one door had to be blown through, but much to my pride, every damned man there is a professional, best of the best of the army and they easily swept aside some rusted pieces of metal.

Once that job was done, they had stumbled across some armouries, pilfering them of what munitions and weapons still remained and were in good condition. Further down the line of the restricted area, the reports indicated that the investigation team ran into storage houses, luckily, most of the appeared to be intact, again, they were hard to fully evacuate in a moment’s notice.

Overall, the grand total that came from the storerooms came up to be:
About 5 standard units worth of common materials, including parts, circuits, processors, gears, things of such assorted nature.
1 standard unit worth of rare materials, including top of the line processors, conductive materials, neutronium isolation alloys and the like.

However, I must admit, I nearly had a stroke when the investigation team, after a month of fighting, overcame what seemed to be an entire damned regiment of bots.
A collection of civilian DRM blueprints.
The only issue is getting the production facilities up, but these are time tested and true designs and thanks to them, we can start setting up whatever sort of basic prefab we want, ranging from factories, to habitation blocks, to power generators. Granted, everything’s out of date by a century or two, but from now on, we won’t have to figure out how to make fire from scratch anymore.
A beta A.I. core.
Now that was the biggest discovery. The damned thing was commanding the bots and was not too pleased to be removed from its housing. Seems like the corp planned on returning so they left this precious thing behind. A thing like this could run the entirety of Valhalla a hundred times over, efficiently operating anything. In fact, if it could be integrated with the advanced mining equipment we have, the whole thing could be fully automated and run with unprecedented efficiency. Just one issue though, the damned thing wants to kill us. Maybe blowing in the door was not the best idea as the A.I. now considers us illegal trespassers and is currently threatening legal action against us. Unfortunately, no one knows how to reprogram the damned thing, and from what I was able to gather from some techies, reprograming itself will be damned time consuming and expensive.

Overall, the things we found were damned worth the effort, especially considering no one was injured in the process.

Signing off, Captain David Smith, former Imperial army.

Settlement action:

>Begin farming the algae, it will slow down their growth, but more food is always good.

>Continue the ground reclamation.

>Use the remains of the reclamation to build more habitation blocks, not necessary right now, but a good future investment.

>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.

>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

>Start a dedicated mining operation within system (which planetoid ?)

>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. (Which building ? Write ins are acceptable, will make tokens for more buildings later on.)

>The techies hadn’t ruled out the possibility of breaking the beta core. You’d have to expend the resources you just got to set up a special facility and you’d probably suffer from brownouts, but they hadn’t ruled out the possibility to reprogramming the core, if highly unlikely.

>(Write in)

Personal action:

>It will certainly ruffle some feathers, but you’ve got to figure who did the druggies in. You sincerely doubt that they actually somehow managed to escape. But, you are months removed from it now, you doubt it will be easy to find anything worthwhile.

>The previous incident of disappearance has caused some concern, you need to sit down and create a proper police force, before crime actually becomes a problem.

>(Write in)
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>Also, you might not know this. But the fish could probably already live in the water with the algae after a few months. 2 years max.

Oh yea, your lakes and stuff like that have enough-ish oxygen to support small fish, but the oceans themselves are nowhere near enough.


h̶o̶r̶n̶y̶ ̶j̶a̶i̶l̶


>another thing we have currently doing nothing is the 2 patrol boats, right? why can't we put both of them on exploration duty, instead of (or additionally to) using the Argonaut? exploration of this star system and also of this planet in particular

The PDF boats are not FTL capable, but they can be attached to the Argonaut and assist in system scouting and act as an escort for it.

>Forgot to post the pic.

Well we are here already so lets continue with corp HQ

>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ

If we can do more then

>Start a dedicated mining operation within system "the planet closest to the system’s star is loaded with iron and copper, potassium, sodium, magnesium and other things that could be classified as common ores"

Afterwhich, assuming this follows S̵t̵a̵r̵s̵e̵c̵t̵o̵r̵ common logic. Refinery to make ore to alloys which will be use to make more complex things

>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. Refinery

As the PA

>The previous incident of disappearance has caused some concern, you need to sit down and create a proper police force, before crime actually becomes a problem.
NewbQM could you tell us what do the buildings do and what do they need to work.
>Start a dedicated mining operation within system "the planet closest to the system’s star is loaded with iron and copper, potassium, sodium, magnesium and other things that could be classified as common ores"

>The previous incident of disappearance has caused some concern, you need to sit down and create a proper police force, before crime actually becomes a problem.
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Damn, it would've been great to have had a mineral-rich world that had massive terraforming potential and would've been able to turn at least somewhat habitable while letting us build with whatever resources we needed at the time. That's would have been a crazy cool idea!

Yes, I am getting sassy about Hephaestus not having been chosen when you say this. Because I set up the world as being initially inhospitable at the surface with large potential for Venus-like terraforming and colonization at the start. Many of its negatives could've been mitigated with some simple solutions that just required patience.

Close to the system's star? Putting solar shades in front of the planet would've slowly lowered the temperature of the planet. Allowing the air pressure to drop as the water crashed out of the atmosphere. Floating habitats would need to be exchanged for surface habitats. But after a few decades, the world would've been almost as habitable as our current world is with the benefit of all of the resources still being there and the metals being easy to access from the molten lakes having frozen over.

If it was not for the fact that the world is already named it would take great effort to uproot ourselves, not even to mention the uproar from the colonists. Then I would genuinely advocate for us to uproot the colony and move somewhere else.

>Start a dedicated mining operation within system "the planet closest to the system’s star is loaded with iron and copper, potassium, sodium, magnesium and other things that could be classified as common ores"

>The previous incident of disappearance has caused some concern, you need to sit down and create a proper police force, before crime actually becomes a problem.

>NewbQM could you tell us what do the buildings do and what do they need to work.


The basic factory takes common materials, which includes processed ores, processed food stuff, plastics and the like and turns them into basic goods such as consumer electronics, civilian vehicles, clothing, stuff like that. Due to your low population, a separate reactor is not necessary to run a factory, however if you want to use it fully and increase production massively, you will need a separate power plant to actually provide enough energy for it.

The refinery is meant for large scale ore processing, while your mining equipment allows for it, it is potentially capable of mining way more than it is capable of outright refining, so an extra facility will help in terms of scale. Power requirements remain the same as with the factory, as all buildings have their own separate power source, due to the nature of the frontier.

Cold fusion reactor needs water, lots of it and a lot of energy to actually make you hydrogen needed to run the reactor. To make a reactor run at full tilt would require energy in excess for conversion purposes, so your best bet would be to either import or mine it directly from a gas giant.

Neutronium reactors require coolant, lots of it, the better coolant, the more power you can output as the neutronium being consumed is very, very hot, but the potential energy output makes one neutronium reactor nearly 100 times more efficient than a simple cold fusion reactor. It's just that getting neutronium is expensive and hard.


One settlement action only, same with personal.
>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ

>The previous incident of disappearance has caused some concern, you need to sit down and create a proper police force, before crime actually becomes a problem.
Then just for clarity

>>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ
>Continue the ground reclamation.
>The previous incident of disappearance has caused some concern, you need to sit down and create a proper police force, before crime actually becomes a problem.
>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.
>The previous incident of disappearance has caused some concern, you need to sit down and create a proper police force, before crime actually becomes a problem.

Guys I suggest we make some hydroelectric dams for power. And seed the lakes with fish and crawdads/shrimp.

After we get our mining stuff up and running. We also have lots of water we can do rice patties.

Also we should look for a left behind security pass. Then we can unlock the AI.
Is there a reason we can't do other stuff while still having a token force atleast map out the rest of the corp HQ? I mean we took out the AI core that was controlling most the defenses there can't be that much resistance left outside maybe a strong door or two.
You decide that you shall keep annoying Stellan by running him and his crew ragged, you don’t think you might be able to find much in the ruins after such thorough pilfering, though you might order another sweep, just to be safe later on, but for now, you need to address a more pressing issue, that of resources. That’s why you have the Argonaut load back up the mining equipment as well as some volunteers who will oversee the mining operation. While it is automated, it still requires oversight on a far flung and isolated outpost. They’ll have to keep running repairs and maintenance around the clock and keep a track of supplies and production. A damned boring job, but an exceptionally important one. Of course, thanks to the advanced tech, you can do processing on site, which means that when the Argonaut will have to make supply runs, that will be one headache you will not have to worry about. Though if something out there breaks, that’s when something interesting will happen, as the techies are used on working with tanks, and guns, but these things ? These top-of-the-line drones and robots, now that will be an interesting thing to fix if something serious breaks, not to mention expensive. Hopefully they are as reliable as well advertised, or else you might make a return journey just to throttle the bastard that convinced you to buy it.

For now though, you have a more important task to carry out. You need to get an actual police force, you are not lacking in experienced volunteers, it’s just the need to figure out whom is actually fit for that position. Thankfully, since your ex-soldier colonists include a few folk whom had the stint of being military police, you already have trained experts, and your own empathetic nature makes it damned easy to set up a police force made up of folk that are both trustworthy and respected by the rest of the colonists, but most importantly, loyal to you. You’d like to prevent another disappearance incident from occurring again, especially when the guards you placed were oh, so blind.
“From this day onwards, I hereby appoint you as the head of police.” You continue on with the appointment ceremony of the first two dozen police officers of not only Valhalla, but Thunor itself. “In your hands I entrust the carrying out of justice and the maintenance of peace.” You nod towards the man whom is still saluting you, standing tall and proud.

A strong-jawed, clean shaven man, with perhaps too small looking blue eyes for the hard face, showcasing scars of battle and a crooked nose that had been broken one too many times. He towers over you, head and shoulders taller, and to be fair, most people. The sheer height and muscular build of the man naturally made him a favoured pick for an MP appointment.

“I will not disappoint you, sir.” He says with a deep, booming voice that fills the chamber. You had a dance here, a trial, and now an appointment ceremony. This particular area of the warehouse seems to have become the unofficial official central plaza of your colony.

“I am sure you will not.” You nod and place a trio of golden chevrons on the man’s suit. It is magnetized and so sticks quite easily; you had the gold chipped off that garish statue to make the badges for each police officer as means of quick identification. Were you back on the battlefield, that would not be possible, well, it would, but that would just be inviting enemy sharpshooters to take up the challenge of putting one right between the officer’s eyes.

With a salute of your own, you take a step back. “From today on, let it be known that Laurenz Reinhart is in charge of justice ! Should anyone feel slighted, or feel that there has been a miscarriage of justice, these just men and women shall be there to assist you !” You finish your proclamation. One that you believe in, Reinhart, from what you heard, is as strait-laced as it gets. Enforcing regulations to the letter as ordered, not particularly creative or diplomatic, but everyone knows that the man won’t be swayed by emotions or personal connections, he’ll keep it to the letter of the law.

Though in this case, the law is good old fashioned military discipline. You’ll need to set up a legal code sooner or later, though you have no idea how to do any of that. Another future headache.

Soon enough, applause fill the chamber and every new officer puffs out their chests, you have to stifle a laugh thinking how they look like overly fed chickens. As you regard the surroundings, you also look at your wife, and as your eyes meet, you cannot help but move them down to regard her stomach, and the life forming therein. That picnic was truly blessed, though you do not know if it is still a girl or a boy, but you feel a certain mixture of both nervousness and happiness. You’ve gotten another damned good reason to make sure this colony succeeds.

Log: David Smith
Date: year 2 month 7 day 1 since arrival
Title: Mining
Stellan complained that I am running his ship ragged without proper maintenance. I told him to put up with it. He told me to go fuck myself. I told him that is an interesting way of requesting to be cut off from alcohol rations. Shortly after that, he more than happily went off with an extra keg of beer that I had to let go, reluctantly, but I must, as the leader, make tough sacrifices. It took a about three months to set it all up, but once up and running, the mining was more or less being carried out by only a few dozen people.

Though that raises another issue at the top of my mind, as of right now, the Argonaut is set up to shuttle supplies and materials back and forth, it takes a damned while to travel, but if the ship ever leaves the system, the two patrol boats will have to takeover that duty, and their cargo capacity is vastly inferior to the Argonaut’s.

Due to that, some of the techies and Argonaut’s maintenance crew, through what I can only assume was a massive drinking binge, came up with an idea of using the Argonaut’s large cargo hulls to act as an impromptu shipyard. It’s large enough to make up to patrol boats.

Speaking of, they are requesting permission to disassemble one and figure out how it works. An idea I would have shot down instantly due to DRM in place that corps have for everything they make, but so far out here ? I doubt anyone will bother to come over and stop us, especially for something like patrol boats.

Anyways, they want access to a load of resources we got from the HQ and a bunch of the colonists to help with the disassembling and construction, since we’ll have to make everything by hand.

In better news, it’s a boy ! I am going to have a son in but a few months ! Though now Celyn is now badgering me to get a good name for the kid, even though it is still months away.

Signing off, Captain David Smith, former Imperial army.

Settlement action:

>Begin farming the algae, it will slow down their growth, but more food is always good.

>Continue the ground reclamation.

>Use the remains of the reclamation to build more habitation blocks, not necessary right now, but a good future investment.

>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.

>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

>Let the insane techies do their thing. You just hope that they will be able to reassemble the patrol boat once they take it apart.

>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. (Which building ? Write ins are acceptable, will make tokens for more buildings later on.)

>The techies hadn’t ruled out the possibility of breaking the beta core. You’d have to expend the resources you just got to set up a special facility and you’d probably suffer from brownouts, but they hadn’t ruled out the possibility to reprogramming the core, if highly unlikely.

>(Write in)

Personal action:

>(Write in)

Ah, you better not forget or your wife will kill you, seriously, she was an ex spook, she actually might. You need a name for the boy.

>(Write in)

>Is there a reason we can't do other stuff while still having a token force atleast map out the rest of the corp HQ? I mean we took out the AI core that was controlling most the defenses there can't be that much resistance left outside maybe a strong door or two.

The HQ is still potentially a dangerous place, and even a dozen or so people is critical at this point and time of the colony as everyone is usually pulling double shifts just to maintain what you had already set up. Once there's an excess of population compared to the need just to maintain things, you anons will be able to take more actions.
>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. (Which building? Refinery):
Personal action:
>Start setting up military style laws which are a bit laxer and reasonable
>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. (Which building? Refinery):

Personal Action:
>Create some stratocratic laws. It won't be pragmatic, but you can't have any vigilantism happen ever gain.

Boy's name:
>Let the insane techies do their thing. You just hope that they will be able to reassemble the patrol boat once they take it apart.
it's a bit of a gamble but it could pay off greatly

>Personal action:
>get to know your colony. mingle with officers, chief engineers, managers, and whomever stands out. you need to start compiling a pool of reliable people among which you could designate a board of advisors and officials. Reinhart freed you of administering justice but there's other things you could delegate both in order to make them run smoother and to allow you more time for other work
i'm hoping that this gets us more actions per turn, we could do something ourselves and also direct an official to do something else at the same time

>name for the boy.

We should setup some dams for power next. We could make a much bigger lake for fish.

>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. (Refinery)

After this one we should build basic factory as both can run without reactors and basic factory will useful for morale and stability.

Personal Action:
>get to know your colony. mingle with officers, chief engineers, managers, and whomever stands out. you need to start compiling a pool of reliable people among which you could designate a board of advisors and officials. Reinhart freed you of administering justice but there's other things you could delegate both in order to make them run smoother and to allow you more time for other work

Boy's name:
>>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. (Which building? Refinery):

>(Write in)
Daggry Thunor

Specifically, because it's Danish for dawn. "When the sunshine of a new day appears" has a nice symbolism to it.
Also, his last name should be Thunor. Since he will be its first-born and raised lord.

Also, i am gonna post a major idea about infrastructure. Autism inbound.
File: hammering out the details.jpg (3.87 MB, 3608x7131)
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3.87 MB JPG
I have here a proposal for what we should work towards in terms of the layout of the canyon city.

Firstly, I've made a major road network. This network helps move agricultural goods and people around. It snakes around the river with the white parts being dams for generating power.

I thought of moving the industry and spaceport area up and away from the population centers to lessen noise pollution and to separate industry from living areas. The building with blue in it is a new police station. Meanwhile, the building with yellow on it is our living space.

I expanded the farms massively, with a storage area specifically for our crop yields.

I wanted to visualize all of this. So that we might have a common idea of what we should be working towards. Other than roadwork, the order of how these things could be done shouldn't matter too much, so we can just vote as normally. I just wanted to see if we could agree on a general "goal" to hear what people's expectations and thoughts are.

What do you all think?
(also, THANK YOU Newb for using standard MS paint colours. Blessings upon thee)
I was more thinking dam the middle one. Either north or south to make it even bigger. For our fisheries and shrimp.
Remember making dams backfloods the area behind it. Gotta account for the additional water.
Its fine other that being overkill for our current population in the factory side.

Anon, space is a luxury for our colony and you want to use lot of it for a dam that may or may not be as good as cold fusion reactor.
Well...not by a lot? If it is kept as a simple small reservoir then it can just be a relatively small one. Especially since we aren't expected to use them for anything else than power and potentially maybe agriculture. we don't have a water problem with the planet's constant weather.

and yeah, it is quite a bit. This is not a "By next years end" plan. With the actions we've taken as of yet, it would probably be like this:

x3 farm expansions
x4 road construction
x2 factory
x2 refinery
x2 dedicated storage
x2 cold fusion reactor
x4 dam project
x2mini starport project
x5 housing project
x2 land reclamation

In total, we've taken 10 actions as of yet. So 28 projects worth of effort would probably take 3 years at the least if not closer to half a decade of just colony-focused projects.

I made the visual, specifically such we could discuss how the layout of all of these future projects might be. As to not step over each other's potential ideas and plans when looking at the bigger picture.
You watch over about a hundred men currently busy swearing at each other and at everything around them in general as they drag about heavy crates, various alloy beams and try to steer clear of the heavy machines laying down the foundations or moving literal tons of material. The building process is going quite well, while what you can mine right now is pretty limited and the advance equipment capable of processing it, it pays to be prepared and set up this in advance, if nothing else, you’ll be able to send a message to the outpost to pick up the mining pace.

Speaking of which, after the mines got set up, you were able to establish a process for transporting 1 standard unit of common materials each month, as such you are glad you took that equipment, for its size, the pace of production is impressive.

Satisfied that the work is going well as it is, you turn around and begin marching to the impromptu plaza of Valhalla, you had been busying yourself for months now simply talking, conversing, and to be fair, being as empathetic as you are, it had come to you naturally as breathing. While you were doing so with an ulterior motive, trying to figure out whom would be useful in forming a sort of proto-government, your continuous interactions seem to have overall improved the confidence of the people in you, an unexpected outcome, but a welcome one.

To sum up the months of effort, there are plenty of smart people out there, a good few of them appear to be rather okay folk, reliable and well, you are sure they will keep corruption to an appropriate minimum, you do know from personal experience, that once corruption sets in, it is quite hard to root out. Half the reason it took so long to smoke the rebels out back in the day was due to poor logistics, your division and others were mustered when you were not supposed to be for at least another year, you can image how livid the general was when there were mismatches in simple amount of munitions you had available.

Shaking your head, you move past old memories. You think you were able to find enough people to form a council of sorts. A doctor-general, a medic with a lot of chemical skills beyond his position, how he got all of that experience you decided not to push, nor why he was dishonourably discharged from the service. When it comes to head of research, heh, you doubt that such a title is befitting the folk you found, most are either insane, mainly those who came up with the idea of turning the Argonaut into an impromptu shipyard, or they are “creative” when it comes to solutions to engineering questions such as, and you quote spit and duct tape is enough to fix a reactor, if it leaks, maybe you shouldn’t hit so much. On the job learnt experience. There are plenty of other miscellaneous positions you think could be filled up, but one thing became clear, no normal person had come with you to the edge of nowhere, and to be fair, you are probably the most insane out of them, since you’re the one who organized the damned thing.

Log: David Smith
Date: year 2 month 11 day 13 since arrival
Title: My boy
Little John was born fine and healthy. The little bugger held onto my finger with quite the grip despite his small size. The whole ordeal still feels weird to me, but I really couldn’t be happier, well, I could, he keeps crying in the middle of the night and it is driving me insane, but I suppose that’s what babies are supposed to do.

His birth, had resulted in something I hadn’t expected. Something that had left a foul taste in my mouth. Reinhart had to crack down on quite a few fistfights, apparently, everyone’s celebrating John’s birth and they decided to go drinking. Naturally, this led to a lot of loosened tongues and loosened tongues led to a lot of clenched fists.

It started when one group started toasting to the young prince. This led to another group proclaiming that they didn’t come here for kings and monarchs, but to be free men on free lands. Then a third group, seemingly looking for a fight, proclaimed that the ideas of both sides are stupid and that military men should command, merit through service, that is why everyone’s gathered here. Unsurprisingly, this resulted in sixteen injuries and nearly thirty arrests. Reinhart threw them into an impromptu brig and sentenced all of the arrestees to five lashes each. Most find the whole ordeal stupid, but I’ve noticed a lot of hushed conversations ending the moment I was spotted, it is, disconcerting to say the least.

Signing off, Captain David Smith, former Imperial army.
File: Valhalla 5.jpg (3.13 MB, 3608x7131)
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3.13 MB JPG

Settlement action:

>Begin farming the algae, they had fully populated the lakes and rivers, to the point where they are choking them up, so harvesting them is not going to affect much.

>Continue the ground reclamation.

>Use the remains of the reclamation to build more habitation blocks, not necessary right now, but a good future investment.

>Continue the exploration of the local corp HQ.

>Send out the Argonaut with the supplies and personnel it needs. You need a clear picture of your surroundings.

>Let the insane techies do their thing. You just hope that they will be able to reassemble the patrol boat once they take it apart.

>You’ve got some materials and some blueprints; you could easily throw up some buildings. (Which building ? Write ins are acceptable, will make tokens for more buildings later on.)
6 standard units - common materials
1 standard unit - rare materials

>The techies hadn’t ruled out the possibility of breaking the beta core. You’d have to expend the resources you just got to set up a special facility and you’d probably suffer from brownouts, but they hadn’t ruled out the possibility to reprogramming the core, if highly unlikely.

>You’ve got some resources on your hand, and you are quite tired of slippery rocks. Time to put down the most apparent sign of an advanced civilization – roads.

>An idea had come to you – dams. The amount of power you’d get from those is tiny compared to a fusion reactor, but on the upside, you don’t need fuel to keep the turbines turning. It would also help with any unexpected flooding, while it rains, it could rain a lot more.

>(Write in)

Personal action:

>Set up an advisory council. It will be made up of, interesting individuals, but they are probably the best you can get on this occasion. Though whether or not all these strong personalities will actually work with each other, or if they will spend their days arguing remains to be seen.

>Step up to stop the rumours running wild, you might inflate the situation though, so you’ve got to be careful, of course, keeping things absent might be better in the short-term, as means of keeping everyone united.

>(Write in)
>You’ve got some resources on your hand, and you are quite tired of slippery rocks. Time to put down the most apparent sign of an advanced civilization – roads.
Fleet-anon might be onto something.
>Set up an advisory council. It will be made up of, interesting individuals, but they are probably the best you can get on this occasion. Though whether or not all these strong personalities will actually work with each other, or if they will spend their days arguing remains to be seen.
>You’ve got some resources on your hand, and you are quite tired of slippery rocks. Time to put down the most apparent sign of an advanced civilization – roads.

>Set up an advisory council. It will be made up of, interesting individuals, but they are probably the best you can get on this occasion. Though whether or not all these strong personalities will actually work with each other, or if they will spend their days arguing remains to be seen.

I think some kind of meritocratic Stratocracy may be the endgoal for government. Our boy will have to rise from the bottom of the ranks to rise to our level. Of course he will have advantages, but in this way shitty rulers can be avoided and other people can be in charge

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