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“A Knight is Sworn to Valour. His Heart Knows Only Virtue. His Blade Defends the Helpless. His Might Upholds the Weak. His Word Speaks Only Truth. His Wrath Undoes the Wicked.”

Every child in Cantôn knows of the Knight’s Code. From peasant-born waifs playing with sticks in the mud to keen-eyed noble sons practicing with cold steel in the training yard, all have at the very least dreamed of one day becoming a knight themselves. To ride out on errantry into the Five Duchies Kingdom and beyond for God and Glory, bringing the Law of Adam to the wicked and the Blade of Cain to the beast.

The Knights of Cantôn are sworn to follow the Code, to obey the King, to refuse no call for aid honestly asked for, to seek out and destroy the Foe wherever it may lurk and rid the world of evil.

Were it so easy…


Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlackCompany666
/qst/ Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Sworn%20to%20Valour
Our Knight, Deeds and Equipment Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/NcsL5Wtt
Faith, Politics & Intrigue Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Zkumkcg1
Foes, Foreigners & Monsters Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nXwzHGGa

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>But I heard… I heard…
Not sure this confirms anything could just be referring to her hearing her friends and charges fighting and dieing. Also the not sure if the shouting what sin you are isn't something they all do, considering Sanguine didn't do it.
It usually denotes a revelation and historically it's been a Sin behind it though I if everything is going to be a sin I think it makes the lore weaker for it.

Its like star wars, if every conflict keeps coming back to the central force conflict and the rooster of established characters the universe feels smaller for it.
So reading thought this again, we can pick up a few characteristics and speculate a little on them.

-Terror aura
-Flyby attacks with the wings
-Unnatural quickness and and strength
-Armor skin
-Sorcery, middle range requires no touch unlike the inferni but seem depended hand signal that may gives us room for interruption. Maybe we should consult with a Medusae on what she can infer from the description of the Dread Lord and it´s sorcery.

Now what follows is mostly speculation on my part, but it´s Eyes seem note worthy the description and impression they gave Dame Danaca and the way they glow the moment it cast the spell that crushed Sister Dominica. If I remember correctly Anarchy's madness was somehow link to his voice. Perhaps the Terror aura is link to his gaze, since the sisters and brother were struck with terror even before THEY could see or hear the Dread Lord while IT was already seeing them moments before killing the unnamed sister.
Also we should ask Antoninus opinion on the matter, it's nice to have someone like him as an advisor.
Interesting inferences, we should definitely try to make an ally of a medusa. Perhaps we should gift something to the rogue one, since she would be the easiest to leverage, deal with, contact, & curry favor with presently. Plus if something goes awry, the rest of the caste won't have it out fot us.

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The dim, fluorescent lights flicker above as you walk through the narrow corridor, the echo of your shackled feet bouncing off the cold, concrete walls. You're a man who's made mistakes—sure, who hasn't? But as the heavy metal door clanks shut behind you, sealing off the muted daylight, you can't help but wonder if those mistakes truly warrant this harsh dehumanizing reality. "Step right up, fresh meat!" a voice calls out, dripping with mocking cheer. It's a rough welcome, and it comes from a burly inmate with a scar trailing down his cheek. He's leaning against the bars of his cell, a smirk playing on his lips. You keep walking, trying not to meet the gaze of the other inmates, each of whom watches you with a mix of curiosity and appraisal. The guard behind you, a tall woman with a stern face, gives you a push. "Move along," she says, her voice firm and unkind. As you reach your cell, the door swings open with an ominous creak. The space inside is small, the air stale. A thin mattress lies on a metal frame, and a small window high up lets in just a sliver of light. You step inside, and the door slams shut with a finality that sends a shiver down your spine. "Hey, neighbor," comes a voice from the cell next to yours. You look over to see a young man with a friendly face, his hair a tangled mess. "Don’t let the bastards get you down. Name’s Danny." You nod, unsure of how to respond. Your throat feels tight, your stomach in knots. Danny seems to sense your discomfort and chuckles softly. "Yeah, it's a lot to take in. But you'll find your rhythm here. We all do." That night, as you lie on the hard mattress, the sounds of the prison wrap around you—the distant clanging of doors, the soft murmur of voices, the restless shifting of bodies. You close your eyes and think back to the world outside, to the life you once had. The mistakes that led you here begin to replay in your mind, each one a sharp stab of regret. But amidst the noise and the harsh reality of your new environment, you make a silent vow. You're not just going to survive here; you're going to find a way to live, really live, even behind these bars.

>>Keep a Low Profile: Stay out of trouble by avoiding conflicts and not drawing attention to yourself. This might mean keeping your head down and observing the prison dynamics before making any moves.
>>Build Respect: Earn the respect of fellow inmates by standing firm when challenged, yet respecting the unwritten rules of the prison.
>>Plan an Escape: Although risky, if escape is on your mind, it involves observing guard patterns, securing tools, and possibly forming a pact with other inmates for a coordinated effort.
>>Seek Rehabilitation: Engage in educational programs, work assignments, or therapy sessions available in the prison.
>>Develop a Routine: Establish a daily routine that includes physical exercise, reading, writing, or other activities that maintain mental and physical health.
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>>Try to talk your way out
The moment he touches us though…
Absolutely adore your use of imagery in the short story you provided. I could see the smirk and the guy with the scar down his face glaring at you & the natural sounds of prison. The end is pretty cool too. " [ .. ] really live, even behind these bars." Do they allow inmates to use computers at a prison?

"A body with a heart is home." - ???

This is nowhere comparable but I was in County Jail for 3 days and 3 nights a long long time ago for the most ridiculous reason. The caretaker called the cops on me for battery when I didn't even leave a bruise on her. I barely even touched her. I slept in a jail cell nude with a plastic blanket—one of the worst experiences in my life! Well worth it though.
>Try to talk your way out
Nigga, we just playin, I'm from the hood man, don't get loco on me man, we good thug we good, we wearin the same colors young blood
>Talk your way out:
Ask him if he's going to finish the food on his tray. This makes him look unreasonable, thus reducing his tradability with other inmates, and commissary is where they flow of social power is at.
>Try to talk your way out
We don't want to fight someone and add time to our sentence. I'll support this >>6000639 line of reasoning.

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Your beloved leader is dying. You have been in his guard for the better part of your life, always protecting him from harm, defending his image and fully upholding the views of his moral compass. The necromancy team that was assembled, in order to give your leader immortality, finally finds the right incantations but it is too late. He, who was supposed to be the One, is finally gone, silent tears roll down your cheeks.

You proclaim your undying loyalty to him and promise to finish his reshaping of the world, entering the binding circles of the necromancers. You will live for eternity and your only companion will be the cherished memories that you had with

>Tokugawa Ieyasu
>Pol Pot
>John F. Keneddy
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Rolled 11 (1d100)

Alright gents, looks like we will be attempting to meet with the Khanate to see if our bargain still stands. Before I write this up, give me a quick vote on how we approach this.

>Haughty - We are the successor of Timur, they will respect our might or suffer the consequences.
>Humble - Timur is dead, and we are a walking corpse. The Chagatai are our distant relatives, and bear the blood of Genghis Khan; a powerful empire in their own right. They deserve the respect they are due.
>Hateful - We are the rightful inheritors of the Mongol empire, all pretenders will bend the knee or perish.

Also please give me a 1d100 with your vote. I am writing now, but this vote determines the tone, the roll determines the reception.

>Haughty - We are the successor of Timur, they will respect our might or suffer the consequences.

We’re in charge and if you don’t like it, we’ll eat you
roll pls
Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolled 14 (1d100)


Oops I forgot

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A little girl with a gun.
The thought alone jolts you out of your lingering hangover.
"What business does a little girl have, wandering the rain-slicked streets of Tokyo under the cloak of night?" That question haunted you last night, and now, it seems you might stumble upon the answer.
"You there, Kurosawa?" the chief's voice blares from the phone, pulling you back to the urgent matter at hand.
"Yes, chief, I'm on my way to the station right now," you reply, your voice steady despite the whirlwind of thoughts.
As you head out, a rumor you once dismissed flickers through your mind—the one about a sinister government project in a distant country designed to transform young girls into ruthless killers, devoid of emotion and remorse.
Could there be a connection?
No, it’s better to focus on uncovering the truth rather than weaving conjectures.

First thread: >>5964817

>Which country ran the secret child assassin project?

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>Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this. Let's find that together.
>Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this. Let's find that together.
>Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this. Let's find that together.
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"Luna, no one is born knowing only how to kill. There's more to you than this," you assert, your words a blend of conviction and empathy. "Let's find that together."
She pauses, her gun still trained on you, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. For a moment, the hardened assassin facade slips, revealing the vulnerable child lurking beneath. "And what if I can't be anything else? What if this is all I am?" she counters, the tremor in her voice betraying her doubts.
"You can be anything you choose to be, Luna," you respond firmly, stepping closer, unafraid of the weapon pointed at you. "This life... it isn't what you deserve. Let me show you the possibilities that lie beyond this darkness."
Her grip on the gun loosens slightly, and though she doesn't lower it, you see her considering your words, wrestling with the idea of a life not dictated by violence. The seed of hope is fragile, but it's there, sprouting amid the chaos of her young life.
She finally lowers her gun, the tension in her shoulders easing as the weapon hangs loosely by her side. Hesitantly, as if not fully convinced of the safety or sincerity of the moment, she looks up at you. Noticing this shift, you slowly approach and gently wrap your arms around her. "It's okay," you whisper, offering comfort with a warmth that has long been absent from her world.
Her body stiffens initially at the unfamiliar embrace, but gradually, she allows herself to relax into your arms. The cold, distant facade of the contract killer fades, and for a fleeting moment, she is simply a child again—vulnerable and in need of reassurance.
"You're not alone anymore," you continue, reiterating your promise to help her find a new life—one filled with hope rather than despair. And for the first time in what feels like forever, you realize you no longer feel alone either.

Damn was hopping for a longer story as we teach the assassin how to live again while dodging gang fights and our new daughter has to go killing to keep us safe. But good job OP at least this quest gets an ending.

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In an age before recorded history, Man eked out a life bound by blood and tradition across his ancestral homeland of Thulzar.

And in this harsh realm where iron and sinew forged the path to glory, flowed the lifeblood of the Whispering River. It winded through desolate hills and past crumbling ruins, a serpentine ribbon in a land that brooked no weakness.
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Are you genuinely surprised? QM was actuvely trying to get banned or buhleted, for some reason.
>Comes back
>Baits a ban
>Doesn't elaborate
Sasuga Cegremo.
Jannies can't take away the spicy images from the archive. We still won.
I'm emailing lord licorice to delete those tasteless, pornographic, unsafe images
archived.moe isn't run by licorice LOL

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Previous thread here:

All threads:

In the last thread we convinced Tim to not report our extrajudicial killings, and enthusiastically participated in Pahan-Hys' maturation ceremony. After undergoing uncertified 'medical' procedures, we are now healthy again, if slightly stranger from the experience.
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Hope everything will be okay QM
The curse is real
Oh no
Sorry everyone for the sudden disappearance. I was discharged from the hospital earlier this evening after an idiot cyclist rammed into me at full speed while I was running errands for my wife. I got badly bruised but thankfully no bone was broken. Just when I thought the curse was finally over, too.
It's never over. Just waiting until you let your guard down.

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Your name is Joey Donuts.
You are Grel (half elf, half human}
You are a student wizard. You haven't picked your major and you're not licenced to use magic in areas owned by the Grand Ternion Unity.

You have SIX spells

Blast - Does 6d6+20 energy damage. -MP 20
Draw- Drain 10+2d6 mana from a target, providing they have mana -MP 5
Wrack - DO 10 damage to yourself to gain 12 MP -free
WIZARD HAAAANDS - Manipulate an object you can see but not reach. As strong as you are - MP 10
Douse - Extinguish any fire up to the size of a campfire , includes ignitions from matches and guns - MP 5
Hells Heart - Instantly double the damage of any attack (ranged, magical, or physical) by charging it with magic -MP 16 Joey has improved this skill and can cast it on another party member while still performing an action for 20 mana. He can also cast it on himself and one other person while performing another task for a cost of 41 mana.
Earths Honesty - Tell if someone is lying about the thing they have just said. MP 6

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Jorn's not a bad pick. She can read people pretty well and is familiar with those who are underhanded.
We could also consider Burstock who could keep us in a prolonged fight. If things get really hairy she could probably get us out as a Rinkan if need be.
See you, Karl. But only if you let me.

Well, it's getting late. I'm thinking maybe we head back to the SL ourselves, take a shower and a load off, eat some dinner.
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Karl waves as he walks off down the street.
"Could you listen to him talk all day or what?"
Richter nods.

Jorn turns to you.
"This is me wearing my business advice hat, skip. When we make the product drop take me and Burstock with you. You're the face of the company. Burstock is both clearly a grel and clearly a wizard - so they'll like that. And I'm an elf that, even though I'm a wizard and a tussler I LOOK like an accountant."

Jorn winks and bows into the blade of one hand like a famous fighting character.
"The more you fit their aesthetic the more they'll think you're sympathetic to them even if you're not one of them. They'll see us arrive via a spyglass then they'll probably leave us alone. So long as we don't wake anything in the cave we're good."

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>"Could you listen to him talk all day or what?"
Yeah, I could. I think I'll be bragging about having known him for decades.

>This is me wearing my business advice hat
I've never seen you in a hat, Jorn. Just hairbands.

Heh. Pretty soon Richter won't be the only one making thunder.

>Save Game and end Current session?
Save to a new slot
I was thinking about one or two places to still visit, but none are critical and I don't want to hold up the quest. Stuff like talking with Wildrider again about their ammo research and all that.

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In the world of Hainei, something terrible is about to happen. It will come fast, nobody will see it coming. It will make people loud, with fright. Bone will be ripped free of flesh confines, souls will be scratched and scarred. Darkness takes flight.

This is what will happen, right from the start, to the finish...



This quest is a side story that takes place in the universe of Chaos: The Quest for Redemption. New readers are encouraged to start from the beginning to grasp the context of what you are about to witness.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Levelman
Questcord: https://discord.gg/BHk6RfhGTw
Wiki: https://chaosquest.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page
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No, forget the swine. Fulfill the destiny.

The Chosen One forgot battle completely, even as it raged around him. He raised his bident with the one hand he had and strode forward towards the altar the Head Necormancer used to lay his curses and seals by tongue with. The Killer Worms had achieved symbiosis with their bodily armor. Corpse strewn plates, with each body being a strip of fleshy lamellar to conceal them. Each body full of Death and Impurity, ready to be released, and to gather more. That was what the towering curses brought on with its gestalt driver. Death. Death would fell more, and create even more Death. A recycling machine of meat for Death. It would spread far and wide, ringing.

He looked up to the Rotgut corrupted sky past steel spears and jagged ridges of destroyed apartments and favelas, planting the very end of his bronzed instrument into the dirt. Then, he turned it upright, and shoved it into his own gut. His blood was wicked, and strong. Spilling blood to ask for the Devil to act was the way of life in a Damned one's existence. Now by spilling his, it was over.

"Uuuugg... B-Bring your poweerr... to Hainei."

The staples pressed down came undone. One by one, they each popped loose of his eyelids on their own, falling down, until his eyes could finally close. Richard rejoiced, he didn't have to see his objective anymore, it was gone and done. His euphoria blinded him, he didn't even feel the Zerem stabbing him in the back over and over again with a combat knife in the belief they could still stop what was to happen.

There was no stopping it now. The Necrotowers began to stir, before the grey ones could even hope to activate their Dark Matter charges and destroy them.

The Death Knell rang, and all was black.
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Across the lands of the Siran Region, a paleness of fog descended, bringing in its wake torrents of curses without limit, whitening the land and the people with a shrill touch of Death. There was no chance of outrunning the fog, it spread further than any who could see it would even be able to run. It was better to simply accept what awaited upon seeing the fog.

Three towers scarred Hainei.

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The rest of the gods can buckle in fright. The list is big but they are all on it. Richard has made him proud. He can have a reward now for this after all, for all his efforts and assistance, one that is actually just more punishment. He can sit in the Afterseas, in a pit of boiling excrement, forever. Isn't that just nice?


Ray Peat did it, even though he’s now in the talmudian hell. Millions will die, billions even.
That was neat! Did we do anything that you weren't us to do?

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Earth. Fire. Air. Water. Seventy years ago, Avatar Aang and his friends heroically ended the Hundred Year War, and transformed the Fire Nation Colonies into the Federation of United Peoples, a society where people from all over the world live and thrive together in peace and harmony. They named the capital of this fifth nation Union City. Avatar Aang accomplished many remarkable things in his life, but sadly, his time in this world came to an end. And like the cycle of the seasons, the cycle of the Avatar began anew.


Welcome to Avatar: The New Age! As the opening and name of the quest imply, this will be taking place in a similar timeframe as Legend of Korra, though Aang died a few years later and a lot of the stupid shit from the comics and Korra won’t be making an appearance. I’m not saying this will be a fixfic, but I am saying that the only good part of this franchise is the original series. A couple of Korra episodes and like 2/5ths of the contents of the novels are okay too, I guess. What I’m saying is, don’t expect rugs, dykes, enbies, or to be able to metagame too hard. Now, without further ado:
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Rolled 20 (1d100)

Congratulations, you've gotten yourselves noticed by the Equalists!
Dunno what the fuck we're doing but damn if it's not going to be interesting to find out how we're going to get out of this mess
But we have 2 rolls over 35?
Our plan was apparently to get caught by them, so things are proceeding as planned

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The solution to no earthly secret is beyond the grasp of your little elvish head. After living for thousands of years only boredom and the road are your constant companions. Oh, Adelyle too. People always assume that she is your caretaker because of your short height but then they notice the leash around her neck. She is a tall and slender demonette, lead on a leash after loosing her eyesight privileges. She overboiled the potatoes the other day. She is now complaining but it's not your problem.

Humans approach you constantly with offers to buy her, as she is the last of her kind. The attention that she always gets irks you a bit. Just slightly. Now you feel guilty and return her sight. A hopeful potential buyer approaches you again and you enter tirade mode. You start a convoluted story, which is an allegory to a verbal representation of saying that you are a collector too. Then you proudly show off your other, non-person, collection. It is the string of seashells that form a necklace around your neck. Each seashell is taken from the shores of a different sea. Great way to fight boredom and existential dread, you have found.

My goal is to collect a seashell from every sea! Now this is a reason to keep on living! you say with childish enthusiasm.

This is stupid Adelyle murmurs to herself. You are forced to take her eyesight again. She puts on her leash with a sigh.

So in short, no, she is not for sale. Keep moving, pal, not my problem. The nonsensical verbal barrage repulses the buyer successfully.

Adelyle is very loyal, Stockholm syndrome you assume. One time, after another fit of existential anguish, you let a group of drunk humans to put their what-nots in your whatever and once the demonette learned about your clandestine endeavors, she pursued the men for several days in search of retribution. You went chasing her, concerned about her potential collector value dropping, oh, and her safety, only to find her innocently sleeping under a peach tree, covered in someone else's blood. You took her eyesight privileges for a few weeks, you recollect, she made something that wasn't your problem, your problem, after all. After that whole ordeal you started calling Adelyle Aids, but you do it sparingly now because she tends to cry after hearing her nickname for some reason.

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>>sell the rights to popping Adelyle's maidenhead as blood tax for you popping the drunkhead's head
Rolled 1 (1d2)

1 for >>5998703 | 2 for >>5998987

least obnoxious Not My Problem enjoyer
Rolled 37 (1d100)

>throw the young noble knight under the bus about the murder
trying talking only first
QM really said "Not my Problem"
True to his name

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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice

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Not even close. There are many planets with more sentient beings than Earth, and Chaya has the devotion of hundreds of worlds. She's rapidly leaving behind 'lesser' deity status and quickly approaching conceptual deity levels.
Oh yeah, she was considering readying one against Beerus, when you and Meloka transformed. But after seeing his Hakai erase their attacks, reconsidered. And reconsidered again when Meloka's attack pierced through and injured him. Such an attack was a last-ditch, however, as it would most certainly consume New Salda, and even possibly the entire system and its star in the blast.
Ha. Chaya using such an attack would be universally-biblical in scale.
Also Soon
Oh sweet, so we can maybe boost her to being Anti Darkseid?
>Ha. Chaya using such an attack would be universally-biblical in scale.
>I call upon the universe for a single second, and I can erase you faster than Beerus
Woo, something to look forward to since my car broke down.
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>since my car broke down
I know this pain all too well. Good luck friend, I wish you nothing but the best in dealing with this.
It's time!

The year is 1374 DR. Sixteen years have passed since the Time of Troubles, when the gods were made humble, and forced to wander the Realms as mortals. With the ascension of the mad god Cyric, Prince of Lies, and the recent return of the tyrant god Bane, Lord of Darkness, the future of Faerûn seems increasingly uncertain. It falls to bold individuals who possess an abundance of cunning, might, and determination to shape the future... should they be up to the challenge.

The terrain guides you downwards, into the misty valley at the furthest depths of the Silverwood. Here, the thick canopy squelches the sun's last light, although the shadows are no enemies of yours. The heart of the forest is illuminated by numerous motes of fire, carrying the aromas of cooked meals out into the wilderness. This must be where the followers of Mielikki as well as the Eilistraeans have made camp, assuming that you did not arrive here before Luaue and the others.

The journey was not as uneventful as you had hoped, but you are here. What is first on the agenda?
>Before anything else, I should seek out Luaue, and share with her the news of recent developments.
>It has been quite some time since Willow and I have seen one another. She and I could 'shoot at the breeze,' as the surface dwellers say.
>I can chat as much as I'd like come morning. My feet ache, and I am ready to retire for the day.
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>What has Luaue been teaching the little ones? How to speak proper Ilythiirra, I hope?
>>With that unpleasantry out of the way, I would follow up on Talassysnre and the Nelgetha.
>What has Luaue been teaching the little ones? How to speak proper Ilythiirra, I hope?
>I am going to find a warm place to lay down and pretend that the previous conversation was a mere nightmare.
Vote closed.

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One moment, you were sound asleep. Probably dreaming of something that could not or would not happen in reality. Something esoteric and obscure. It could be anything and everything, as that is how dreams work. What was being broadcasted inside of your mind is of no importance at the current moment because at some time during your slumber you passed away. Died. Your heart had stopped beating and your chest had rose and had fallen for a final time. A fate that meets all living creatures, both young and old. At least your life ended painlessly and without any suffering, right? The same cannot be said for most other mortals whose flames have been snuffed out. The world of the living is behind you now. Whatever responsibilities, unfinished business, prospects, goals, or relationships you had are left behind. Now it is just you, standing in the middle of a small yet indescribably long pathway of dirt. You cannot see where it leads, as your eyes travel up ahead until the view forward becomes shrouded by clouds. All around you and the pathway leading up to nowhere is a sea of grass, beautiful white flowers sprinkled about in that green sea. A blue sign points forward, a language you cannot read being written on the side of it. The only symbol you can decipher aside from that arrow is a picture of a tree providing shade for a humble sitting bench. With nowhere else to go and nothing else to do, the only choice is to begin marching up the trail and see what awaits at the top, however far up that may be. But first, you must remember. Specifically, you must remember you who are. What life did you live leading up to your death? Who are you, traveler?

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You stand there for a couple of minutes. Looking forward and towards the weird looking figure. Looking back the way you came, as far down as your eyes can go. Your hands scratch at your chin, your legs stepping one after the other as you pace around, lost in thought. Whatever or whoever that thing is that just send Val to the other side must be thinking you look really funny right about now. Your thoughts are in utter disarray, unsure of what to do. You have a very rare opportunity to be given a second chance at life. You still have many years ahead of you if you end up recovering from whatever illness plagued you, you hope.

You hope, but for some reason you can’t bring yourself to take a step down the path. You’re stuck to where you are. That’s when you ponder. What would happen if you return to the bottom of the trail and give yourself a second chance at life? You wake up, overcome your illness if you’re lucky, continue running around the continent performing odd jobs that just barely pay enough to satisfy you, and then you die again? Maybe you won’t even get a second chance to come up to where you currently stand. You died peacefully, and you died with no business left unattended. You are satisfied and it could have ended much worse. After all, what good is a book without a satisfying end? Your parents may mourn you, but other than that it would make no difference whether you are dead or alive any more. Plus, you are increasingly interested at what awaits you on the other side of eternity.

You take one last look downward at the way you came, your eyes following the dirt, grass, and flowers until it’s obscured by a passing cloud. You let out a deep, prolonged sigh before turning around to face the cloaked figure in the sky. Your head held high, though that might just be because you have to crane your chin up to face him as you step forward one foot at a time until you’re standing right where Val was just what felt like moments ago. Alright. I’m ready. Do your thing, or whatever…
At that moment, you’re met with a front row view of the ragged figure extending an arm forward and towards you, its hand balled up in a fist while the other drew back, like it was drawing a bow. It was like the air around the figure knew what to do, and cryptic golden symbols surrounded them, as well as a series of bright, golden rings stretching down like a thinly veiled tunnel down towards where you stand. It felt like hours you stood there, watching the spectacle before you. In truth, it couldn’t have been more than a minute before the figure’s backed away fist lets go and the rings collapse one after the other onto you. It’s blindingly bright. So much so you have no choice but to squeeze your eyes shut with no clue what was going on around you until it was dim enough to pry them open once again. When you did so, you were no longer standing, but floating. Flying wouldn’t be a correct term seeing as you weren’t actively moving yourself, but it was more like something or someone beyond your line of sight had an invisible rope around your waist and was pulling you forward into somewhere of nowhere. All around you, pages of books fluttering about and words you cannot read in a language you cannot recognize rush past you. It grows faster, and faster, until a light at the tunnel is visible. You cannot remember your previous life any more. You cannot even remember much of anything. The only thing you know is that you are suddenly being bombarded with overwhelming stimuli. Bright lights, deafening sounds, gross smells, and the vague sense that there are people crowded around you.

Look, honey! She’s a girl!

(End of Quest.)
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Thank you to everyone who voted and beared with me through my first time running a quest! I hope those of you who stuck around until the end enjoyed it. If you have any feedback you’d like to give, that is always welcomed
I enjoyed it! I wouldn't have minded a bit more exploration of the mysteries fo the afterlife, but I understand that's a bit beyond the scope of a one-shot. Don't forget to archive this on suptg, if you care ro do so. Thanks for running it!

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If you want to play from here, you can, but be aware it's hard for you to do anything covertly All your moves can be looked up by other players.

We are missing Iran and Sunni Opposition, but we got enough people to play.

>Last thread
>Recruitment Ad
Ready for a wargame with a unique twist? Introducing a "Matrix Game" where your strategic arguments and knowledge of history directly impact the outcome. Think Clancy/Battlefield triller intensity with deeper geopolitical intrigue.

>Key Features:

- Argument is Your Weapon: Persuasive tactics earn you combat modifiers. I'll arbitrate, channeling my history expertise and healthy dose of insanity.
- Volatile Modern World: Choose between Central Asia, the Middle East, or East/Central Africa. Expect volatile factions and superpower powerplays. (Mercenaries 1/2 fans, this will feel familiar)
- Hyper-Realistic Conflict: Amplified economic and technological factors fuel relentless, plausible warfare (The Pentagon/Analysts uses Marix games).

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Rolled 3, 5 + 1 = 9 (2d6 + 1)

Awesome, I don't mind letting you roll for me from now on if this is how the results are gonna be lol
Iraq has been enduring what shouldn't have to be endured. Kurdistan has academic stuff keeping them busy till Wensday I believe.

I waited before poking Iraq as I first didn't want to be bothersome (And because Poland got off and on busy too), but then I had stuff coming up distracting me.

Iraq will be an NPC faction, that others can act on. They will have the same agenda as before.
My IP is gonna be different since I'm mobileposting, but it's me, ISIS
Nah it's fine, if people have shit to deal with, they got shit to deal with, we can just suspend this until things settle down and everyone can have fun together. This seems like it's been a wargame among friends, and if some friends can't make it we don't have to force it for the sake of some random anonymous dude on 4chan (me)
If I can't reprise my role as ISIS in the future, at least I set down a decent enough foundation for whoever takes up the reins to wreck house in the middle east, wiping out 1/4th of Kurdistan's military was a big win (sorry buddy, but you way overextended there in trying to get the oil in one action, and I couldn't just let it slide that troops could just show up from nowhere so those guys had to have been that unit defending Arbil)

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Tags: cybernetic, high fantasy, post-apocalyptic, adventuring, improvisation, trains, civ
Oneshot probably.
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Ok, interest seems to have waned and honestly it doesn't matter if you succeed in the check or not, with the number of successes you accumulated in fighting the owlmen and the resources still at your disposal it boils down to the number of attempts needed to take down the colossus with all your forces working in synch, and I don't want to leave the possibility of your dying to dice. It is my oversight.

I'll write up the epilogue for anyone still checking the thread now. Let's finish this.
Your mobile forces move out in synch as the owlmen amplify their assault. The battlefield is hell as hordes of infantry storm your walls, hooting warcries at last, and the artillery fire echoes, releasing a storm of shells upon you. The walls are crumbling.

The mechs and airship cut through their lines like a hot knife through butter. It's quite amazing, really, the efficiency with which they move and fight, making every slug, blast and bullet count. Perhaps the gods many of them prayed to are aiding them. Perhaps the tension heightens their senses and guides their hands in ways unknown. Perhaps it is simply luck that is on your side today.

The cyborgs follow in their wake. The colossus is approaching, slowly moving its heavy legs. Your forces reach it before it reaches you. The cyborgs report ascending the legs, their superhuman strength and agility aiding them in their climb. The equipment helps too - prepared powerhooks and energy cutters for breaking in. The moment they get inside through the trap doors, the airship and mechs get to work. There's no time for clearing the area, so they take a good deal of hits before their all-out barrages take effect. At last, one of the massive legs is broken, snapped at a joint. The colossus reels and stumbles to a halt.

The spec ops report advances. A few minutes later, they're at the core. A powerful demon is chained inside a giant furnace. Fed corpses of enemies, he devours their souls, and the emitted energy flows in torrents straight to the legs and guns, powering them. The warriors know what they have to do.

The crew of the colossus makes some attacks, but their power isn't as great as the ground forces once you get inside their machine. The spec ops try killing the demon with regular weaponry, but blasts of energy absorb the bullets and shells as it snarls with fury.

Your men plant powerful manabombs all over the reactor and evacuate once the timer starts ticking. The skeleton crew that remains on the colossus is, hopefully, small and inexperienced enough not to defuse the bombs...

The owlmen push ever harder. Their... remnants climb over the walls in a battle frenzy as you pepper them with arrows, once again opting to conserve the precious few real ammunition you've got left.

Then, the middle part of the colossus is consumed by fire, bathing everyone around in a bloody red light. The great machine crashes, slowly disintegrating, falling apart. Witnessing their flagship dying, the owlmen silence their guns and stop their advance.

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You spend the rest of the day cleaning up the battlefield, gathering and burying the dead. Some tell to prepare for the continuation, but you dismiss them. The owlmen are done with you. You're sure of it.

The warriors watch tensely in the coming few days as the Ravaging Hosts, or whatever is left of them, pack up and move on. They won't be a problem for a suitably prepared opponent, and with this, the invasion ends.

Once the last of the enemy warriors disappear from your radars, a celebration is held. Most of the factions join in. Even the Labrats, secluded as they are, appreciate a drink or two with the others. The Fanatics though... they leave quickly for their own territories. Having suffered greater casualties than anyone else, they pretended to a great share of your resources, but your equally battle-hardened men made sure they only took back what is theirs. They'll be dealt with later. For now, you lose yourself in revelry and celebration.

Virgilius Crossarene departs east. There's lots of dead to be found there, lots of subjects for experimentation. Perhaps it's for the best... your men have been feeling uneasy with the living dead among them for the past six months. It is taxing on the psyche.

The leaders of Monster Hunters, Amazons, Fortress Builders and Traders call for a private conversation once all is over.
"Immortan." Arthur says. "It think it would be an understatement to say that we owe much of the resistance's success to you. You coordinated both the preparation and defence itself. We have held council between ourselves and" he pauses, glancing at others for support. "we have decided to accept your leadership, so long as our people retain some autonomy under your rule. If you will take us under your wing, of course."
"I will be honoured to."

Your people, having grown to over one thousand now, look forward to the future with tiredness, but also with hope. Standing united, they are ready to battle with new threats and undertake new challenges. And you - you're surrounded by friends and allies.

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Well, that's about it, I guess. If anyone's still checking the thread, hope you enjoyed this little oneshot, it was certainly fun for me to run, even if player engagement was low near the end. I'm not sure what I'll do next, maybe a more classic fantasy civ with a quickly written setting, or maybe I will finally do the damn anime high school slice of life quest I've been planning, or the ratmen undercity quest I've been discussing in the /qtg/. We'll see. Either way, my trip will be different, but maybe we'll catch each other in other quests. If you have any feedback, want to point out my failings or say what you liked about the quest, please do so now.
Thank you for your service.

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