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I'm 33yo too and I never went to a party, never had friends, never had a girlfriend, didn't go to collage, never had a job, never learned to drive, never got a license, basically none of the "normal" things that people do. Instead I started my own business out of my home when I was 15 and I'm still doing it.

I've built a good life for myself. I own a nice home in the middle of the city. I only have to work 2-3 hours a day thanks to how much I charge for my services ($360/hour). I'm basically a hermit. I get everything delivered, even my groceries.

I sometimes think about what my life might have been like if I had chosen to do the "normal" things that people do, but I never had a desire to socialize, go to a party, have sex, get a real job, or drive. I'm lonely sometimes but there's not much I can do about it because I don't like people and I don't want to have sex, and in our society the only acceptable relationship you can have is with someone you're fucking.

My question is, should I try to do normal things? I would like someone to spend my life with but I don't want to have sex. What are my options?
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Where can I find these clubs? I don't use social media.
I felt like shit today. Thanks for making me feel better. Sounds like you're at peace despite being a loser. You don't have to be normal if you don't want to. I do think given your freedom you would be wasting the opportunity if you didn't though.
Im not interested in having sex and I'm lonely. Did a lot of normal things in my life and enjoyed none of them. I don't want to live like this
well anon, where can I talk with you?
>I do think given your freedom you would be wasting the opportunity if you didn't though.
How do I become normal?

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I legitimately have no one to talk about this.
I met this girl that for the first time in my life accepted my sexual advances. We're already talking about testing for STDs and finding a good hotel and all that, but now she's insisting in knowing my number of previous sexual partners. I already tried dodging the question by saying "it's complicated" but she's persisting. She already told me that she's had 3 sexual partners and other 8 that didn't get to sex but were a bit more that kissing in her words Should I tell her that I'm a virgin or should I lie about a random number?
I should add that I'm 25 and she's 19. This is what makes me the most nervous. I feel like she might think less of me if she gets to know that I'm a virgin but I don't know what to do.
Pls help.
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If she doesn't ask, don't volunteer any info.
If she does ask, just be vague with something like "I've been around" with a grin.
She will.

Any traditional minded girl that's saving herself has a LTR or fiancee by 25. This is cope. You aren't saving yourself 25+, something is wrong with you such that you can't get into romantic relationships.
porn exists though. i've learned all i know about sex from porn
Extreme cope desu
You're not gonna be good at sex just from watching tons of porn. Most likely it's gonna be the opposite.
my nigga you are mythically retarded

do not lie and do not continue the relationship

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As a scientist I am very poor and unemployable... well unless I help the government kill children but that's out of the question-- I'm a Christian. Well non-practicing but nonetheless I don't think Jesus would approve.
Yeah so basically my low class parents think education is like the best thing ever because they are poor and pushed me to be a trophy child but my life is actually quite awful and miserable.
So I'd like a girl who is loaded and somehow also wants me.
And I know that's kind of unrealistic so there is an acceptable tolerance for both attributes.
Actually I'll lower my standards any woman that will let me bum off them.
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simply find a woman to love who is in high status.

love may not be a simple choice (For most) but as long as SHE loves YOU and its more that than vice versa, you should be golden to get her to let you leech forever, especially if you have kids.

t. child of trailer trash broken family

>captcha is horrible tonight

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I'm 35 years old, i missed out on teenage love, never had a gf and never touched a woman in my life.
I was a social outcast because i wasn't cool or rich enough. Never even had a chance to socialize so i ended up being totally retarded when it comes to simple human interactions.
Tried dating websites but i'm getting filtered out by age and only get likes from very old women and vast majority of them are single mothers.

Pic rel are my results from photofeeler and this is the only thing that allows me to estimate level of my attractiveness.
Unfortunately i am guilty of being a 5'7 manlet so there's literally zero feedback irl.

A lot of things i always wanted to experience will never happen because it's too late now and i seriously doubt that ones that are still doable will happen organically.
Besides killing myself, what i can possibly do to finally be at peace with myself?
How am i supposed to get some sort of "girlfriend experience"? Paying for it doesn't count and i can't force anyone to do this.
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i am not that kind of autist. maybe half this board's "autism" is really just "antisocial"
OP are you Italian ?
thing is, i make some money, but i spend it fast on rent/bills/food. Despite all my work I am losing $1000 a month just burning through savings. Are others in that boat? or do they have a $1000 to blow on things they don't need each month?
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> i don't know if you are trolling me now or not. Is this really what people do?
I'm not. Yes really, it's what men who have functioning sets of balls do. You don't need 'experience'. Just an ounce of courage.

I've seen a man in my gym with norwood 3 do this, verbatim. You're right that depending on the man it may be different amounts of 'fluff' but it's the same thing more or less. But I see no reason to beat around the bush. 1) Tell her you find her attractive and 2) ask her to go out when she's available.

yeah I always hesitantly enter these sob story threads written by helpless types because it's always the same thing. OP presents problem, anons give him constructive advice, he whines about how he's unable to do it because he's too autistic, or spergy, or whatever. Well why even write the thread in the first place if you're just going to bitch every time someone tries to help you???? And it just feels futile like talking to a wall.

I don't think you can make someone 'get it'. They won't 'get it' until they try to help themselves. It has to come from the inside.

But that's the million dollar question. How do you make someone try and save himself.
>why are you cynical about advice on a very serious matter that was posted on anonymous forum about posting girls with dicks
Your post is a great example why. You are on /advice/ board where people seriously ask for advice and you are spending your time here telling me to kill myself.

>people leave their house to do something
As if i wasn't leaving the house to do things.
You still didn't gave me any examples of hobby clubs. You need to know that people do different things and it's mostly based on the country they're in. Do you think i have monster trucks, mud wrestling and woodworking shops in every other house in my country?
I'm not sure about your country but there's no such thing here like clubs for cooking, gardening, reading or working on cars where people come to one place and do this thing.

Besides that, no one really cares what your hobbies are because it's something (You) should enjoy and i remember many situations where people were getting flak for looking for a partner with same interests.
>Hurr durr, you shouldn't have the same interests as your partner! Find yourself a friend for that! Let the woman do feminine things!"
Besides that, majority of women have no hobbies or interests outside painting nails and i can't blame anyone who is no longer underage for not having hobbies. It's hard to find any time for that if you have a job and don't live with parents.

>asking how they are see where it goes from there

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Have SSRIs or things like buspirone etc worked out for you? I have always suffered from anxiety but I am at my breaking point, I stayed away from meds thinking they would just ruin everything but at this point I have to try something

Any success stories for meds helping with your anxiety?
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Fuck off back to x you neet tulpa faggot
I mean if you are talking about hard drugs like benzos and shit sure but otherwise some people just need certain drugs to be baseline, it isn't their fault and isn't something they can will away from it just is what it is
Nobody NEEDS drugs, it's a crutch, cure yourself
actually a great idea, thanks anon
This is some edgy kid shit. Also do you leave the room to piss and shit or just go in a bucket

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I have a viral sinus infection and am stuffed up good, the nurse gave me RX flonase but it did aboslutely nothing, still stuffed up good.

I bought a over the counter nasal spray, Phenylephrine hydrochloride 1.% and it cleared my sinuses up immediately.

Should I just discontinue what the doctor gave me, why did it do nothing.
Oh god fucking damnit I also have a viral sinus infection. Yes take the sinus spray, which speaking of I need to buy some soon.

Also, do nasal rinse
Flonase takes 2-3 days to kick in.
Phenylephrine or ephedrine etc work immediately, but taking these longer than three days in a row causes a rebound effect that makes your nose well up even more.
This fits together quite nicely. Keep taking the flonase and take the phenylephrine again tomorrow. Only take phenylephrine the day after tommorow if absolutely necessary. Do not take phenylephrine longer than three days or you *will* regret it.
I tried a neti pot, my nose alternates from 1 sinus being completely plugged to the other, like no water was coming out when I tried to flush.
Are you sure you're doing it right? Usually you need tp tilt your head to the opposite side so that when you flush with the Neti pot, shit comes out from the opposite side. Not sure if that makes sense.

Also take some painkillers too because sinusitis is a bitch and wrecks you with those shitty headaches that feel like a pack of niggers were pressing your skull with glocks but not actually pulling the trigger to put you out of your misery. As you can see, that gets me in a real bad fucking mood, especially since I'm the only one in my family with sinus issues + immunodeficiency
Doctor here. Use both. I guess what you mean for "clearing sinus" is reducing the swelling of the turbinates, it clears the airway. However you need the fluticasone to manage the swelling of the adenoidal tissues. Did they take an Xray? because if they don't maybe they just gave it to you because that's what they decided to diagnose. If you don't have recurrent symptoms of discharge, snoring at night, sleep apnea, etc you don't have sinusitis.

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Should I work at a bar? Everyone says that you'll lose your virginity

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I'm 33, unemployed but still gotta pay rent, been looking for jobs but burned out and yesterday I spent the whole entire day on 4chan and I don't want to get stuck in it today but also I don't really care what i do either way and you guys are addictive. I didn't even eat anything but I wasn't hungry, that's new. Just got no motivation, i start things and then lose interest all the time
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Do you recommend anything other than meds though? I dont trust drugs. I make todo lists and stuck to it for a few days but never follow through.
Liter of water a day helps, green tea is great. And if you're a sweet tooth then it'll be sodas and coffees. That's the thing my nigga, adhds self medicate with other shit their whole lives to retain consistent focus anyway. So meds are the same shit imo. But if you dont want em you dont gotta take em.

But yea, water + green tea combo doesnt sound like it'd do shit, but it really does do wonders, its surprising
I already drink tons of water, never had tea or coffee though. Used to drink soda but cut it out for water
Nice. Well for techniques, simply remember adhd brain is hunter/gatherer unga bunga brain. That's what the theory is anyway, it's hunter mode brain. So it always wants dopamine non-stop.

If you want to stick with habits or form good ones, reward yourself every time you do work. That way your brain is tricked into associating the slog of tedious work as a rewarding thing and your brain will want to keep at it.
what if the work is the reward? and fuck another day lost to 4chan..well i dont have anything important to do

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How can I relax before and during sex? Sex feels like a self fulfilling prophecy to me. I panic that I won't be able to get an erection but then because I'm panicking I won't be able to get one. I'm fine once I do get going, but it makes me worried to initiate so I've missed so many opportunities to do it. Like I'd never be able to have a one night stands because I'd be so worried that I won't be able to get it up and I'll disappoint her.
I can get an erection just fine on my own, it's only when it comes to fucking that i falter. I want to be able to relax but without the use of drink and drugs. I feel like a freak because everyone else seems to be able to fuck just fine yet I'm like some scared little rabbit when it comes to sex.
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By establishing a pattern of success, OP. You get over the awkward, fearful stage in everything by doing it until its no longer awkward and fearful. Most people do that with sex in their teenage years when people generally EXPECT them to be awkward and fearful though, so in your case you'll probably have to find someone who cares about you enough to help you through your insecurities.
Unironically it may help to watch Austin Powers and take some advice from how he carries himself and what kinds of pressures he does and doesn't subject himself to.
The ladies love Austin, even irl.
>just do it enough times to where you arent nervous

i only have sex 1-2 times year. by that logic ill be 40 before i have enough experience

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Have you noticed that no guru is telling you that the most important skill is socializing or that you need to get a job. They don't care about you. They keep telling you that you should become a millionaire so that you keep watching their videos and buy their courses.
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Most of the people doing it suck, so you have the opportunity to do it better.

Also, it's not zero-sum. If you solve people's problems or supply them with things that they want, they will give you money simple as
Simpler said then done.

But are there any niches worth trying out in the current? I'd imagine copywriting is tight rn with ai and the mass volume of pajeets emailing companies and business owners.
>But are there any niches worth trying out in the current?
Nothing that the gurus tell you. Because that will be swarmed by their thirdie teen disciples.
This is markets 101 - any "easy" money gets swarmed until it pays at most minimum wage. If you want money you have to do things that are hard or have some kind of moat.
It seems impossible until you start making a little money, and then you feel like an idiot for not figuring it out sooner.

Chasing memes like dropshipping, SMMA, copywriting, coaching, day trading, ect. is not a good approach and is a tell that someone is inexperienced, Ultimately there is no one size fits all approach, and this is (one reason) why gurus selling cookie-cutter courses are a joke. "What's the best way to make money online?" is the wrong question because it depends on your individual aptitude. Instead, ask yourself what you're good at and what you enjoy doing. Are you good at writing? Are you good at math? Do you like to build things? Do you have the gift of gab? Can you see patterns and trends before other people? Can you do research efficiently? Do you understand design and have a sense of aesthetics? You can enter a red-hot market at the perfect time, but if you have zero talent for what you're attempting you can still crash and burn. If you enter an "oversaturated" played-out market, but you have the aptitude to be an elite player you can still find success. You have to try things, figure out what comes easily to you, then amplify and monetize. People committed to the process tend to have highly specific questions about obstacles they've encountered rather than generic hypotheticals.

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My boss keeps paying me late. Once he paid me half of what he owed, then was a month late on the rest. Finally he was on time with my paycheck but I noticed I was two hours short. He said he wasn't counting the hour I waited at his house for him to wake up (he was hungover drunk and an hour late to work), and that he subtracted two half-hour lunches from my paycheck ("lunch" is just when there's a somewhat long drive to a jobsite and we're free to eat lunch during the drive. Sometimes he stops at a gas station before "lunch" but not always.) Is this unusual? I'm a diagnosed psychotic and I have a very poor hold on reality, so I don't know if I'm being paranoid or if this is normal shit. After I brought it up he refused to pay me for the two hours, then conceded a little and said he'd pay me for one of them. He does pay really well, $18, which is more than I've ever made before, and there are no jobs where I live, but I don't know if it's worth it.
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Yeah I just do tree removal and landscaping, I didn't sign anything but a job app
you paid cash? or are you getting paystubs?
tell him you're tracking your hours now and not to bullshit you or you're going to have problems.
and if he goes "ohhh whaaa what are you threatening me? what was that a threat?" you just say, "no, legal problems. I'm not your slave man, I don't work for free."
every boss will take advantage of you, as much as they possibly can. You will continue to be treated how you allow other ppl to treat you. Respectfully, but clearly, bring it up in conversation when it happens.
paid cash. I do track my hours, that's how I keep catching him. He's now started arguing the hours though and using weird Jewy arguments
Thanks man, sound advice
idk man, find a better job.

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Is anyone else getting called autistic all the time or is it just me?
Nearly every day on 4chan, and online video games, discord and forums I get called autistic. Does this also happen to anyone else?
The fact they they are being demeaning makes me think it's just an insult and doesn't reflect a genuine belief in a diagnosis.
I have never been diagnosed. However, a psychiatrist suggested that I may have autistic traits one time.
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autism is on the rise. i wonder why
What do you mean by that?
Why the insults?
I can help you out a bit tardman
Don’t bump your own threads, not only is that very autistic it’s cringe. Which can be worse
And don’t be so defensive. Tru to blend in more
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I actually am autistic and have never been called autistic. I never even thought about it until now; I just use it as an excuse to use 'austist' as a derogatory term.
happens to me occasionally by my friends, but they're all more autistic than me.
Neurodiversity is popular nowadays. People at more autistic nowadays. So yes, your observation is probably true

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I need to learn how to get over my fear of heights immediately.
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face your fears
I try to see it that way but it's hard to not think I'm going to fall when I realize how high I am
That would hurt me
Don't put yourself at genuine risk and then don't look down
I'll be harnessed, but my harness will be attached at a very high and thin edge without a railing. So there will be risk for a second, and I'm scared I'll be shaking or looking down or freaking out for that brief moment
Bump for more great advice

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My site has this running bs of having mangas with no chapters.
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It doesn't have what I'm looking for, know anything else?
just give up and stop trying to read your guro loli shit
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Anyone else know?

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Despite all the efforts I've made to improve myself, to "make the most of the hand I've been dealt", I am still completely invisible to women. They don't notice or care that I exist, presumably because of my shitty genetics or fate, or whatever deterministic force beyond my control. I've been forced to watch as every other douchebag gets a gf without trying, while I'm forced to rot in loneliness. What was even the point of being born?
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Have YOU?
And yeah, guys have had their lives ruined when they either seriously pushed their luck or their advances were not wanted to begin with.
Cope, simp. She's not gonna fuck you because you defended her honour online

Yes. I've chatted up girls in school and got openly laughed at in public for "thinking I had a chance with her".
women don't want get approached by a random stranger in a supermarket or on the streets or the way too somewhere else

and even i as a man, i hate it when some random person approaches me on the street. most people just want to mind their own business.

you have to be in the right setting, in a bar or club, and then scan the location and look for signs of interest in your person, and then make your move.
If women aren't approaching you, that's a sign they aren't interested. The boomer normie advice is just a cop out because they don't want to tell you the real truth. We're just fucking ugly.
Genetics or money

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