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I don't mean specific niche things like what nerdy girls want compared to cardio bunnies.
But what do most women look for in a partner? And how to become that type of man?
If you can look past the horny bait in your own image you posted, then you’ll find that the theme that women crave is security. Women want security above all else. And this is why women vary in their tastes on the surface, but all of them share the same common desire, security.
>Woman wants rich man. Money = security from poverty.
>Woman wants buff man. Muscle protection = security from attackers,
>Woman wants a social man of status. Respected man = security from ostracization.
>Woman wants an emotionally honest and open man. Honest man = security from being abused by a husband.

You just need to supply a sense of security is all. You can be one type of guy described above or all of them at once, it doesn’t matter—though if a woman demands perfection, she’s deluded and the logic follows also highly insecure, hence her demand for a man possessing every promise of security. Avoid these women if possible.

A ‘good’ woman will not expect or demand the security right away either, but she will expect to see you working toward it. That’s the second thing that women want from a man—ambition—to see that he gets up after being knocked down, to know he doesn’t lay down and give up. Because if he does, no security can be reached.

This is why the most disgusting attribute for a man, to a woman, is self-pity. A man can be sad, he can cry, he can feel down and out, but the second he hates himself and wallows and gives up in a petulant display of ‘why me?’ or ‘why bother’? Then it’s over.
Bait thread.
Try >>31274399
rich one
So it all comes down to making women feel comfortable and secure?
>So it all comes down to making women feel comfortable and secure?
Yep. And this is why it is absolutely important to respect yourself and at least try to invest some modicum of self-worth into yourself without apology. Regardless of whether you’re a virgin or non-virgin, incel neet outcast or social butterfly Mr Popular, rich, poor, unemployed, jacked or skinny or fat, whatever.

Because there are women out there whose idea of ‘security’ is warped to shit. Security is created from familiarity. And if a woman is familiar with a broken type of security, she will demand fucked up things from the man, like a need to argue, or drama, or demand one-sided favour and expect your submission, or even worse will expect you to be okay with her cheating. Some women are secure in mayhem. And to avoid shit women, you gotta begin by respecting yourself so that you can filter them out.

Women might be the gatekeepers of sex, but men are and should always be the gatekeepers of relationships. So don’t do these things for the sake of women or getting a girl, you gotta do it for yourself, that’s how to become a secure man, one a worthy woman will want to claim because she will know it’s authentic.
Did you claim your woman?
That I did, married and all.
Nta, but how long did it take for you to find ‘the one’?
Nta either, it sounds wholesome, I’d like to hear your story.
I was 29 bordering 30 at the time. It became evident the moment I stopped believing in the concept of ‘the one’, which is paradoxical I know lol.
There’s no such thing as a soulmate but there is probably something close enough to it.
How do I become a person that provides security to a future partner? I’ve got an okay job and future prospects but no friends.
Bad post.
What do you mean by that?
lots of bullshit
1.1 Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad—narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy
1.2 More psychopathic men tend to receive higher attractiveness ratings from women
1.3 On PornHub, women consume most of the porn where women are violently raped and abused
1.4 62% of women have fantasies about rape and other forced sex acts
1.5 50% of female porn viewers admitted to watching porn involving extreme violence against women
1.6 Women are drawn more than men to nonfiction stories of rape, murder, and serial killers
1.7 Criminal and antisocial men have more sexual partners and have sex earlier
1.8 Antisocial, criminal and violent men have greater sexual access to women
1.9 Imprisoned serial killers, terrorists and rapists receive thousands of love letters from women
1.10 Male gang members have dramatically more female sexual partners
1.11 Childhood bullies experience greater sexual success than non-bullies
1.12 More than half of prison staff sexual misconduct involves female guards/staff
1.13 39% of hospitalized male psychopaths had consensual sex with female mental health staff
1.14 Women desiring marriage and commitment are more attracted to narcissistic men
1.15 Female narcissism reduces marital quality for men, but male narcissism does not for women
1.16 Men are attracted to "nice" women, but women are not attracted to "nice" men
1.17 Vegetarian men are less attractive, likable, and masculine to women than omnivorous men
1.18 Rapists are far more sexually active than other men
1.19 Benevolent sexism is approved in society by both men and women
1.20 Misogynistic men are more sexually active than most men
I can provide studies for any of these claims. Or you can look them up yourself.
Calvin Klein underwear model with a massive penis. People saying a rich guy or a famous a guy or a stable guy or an abusive guy are describing what women settle for not what women want.
Anon is so desperate not to feel like an antisocial coomer that he needs to create an image of women being addicted to rape and porn.
He can't see past those things or understand why that behavior originates in the first place, for him it all has to do with rape.
What's your point even?
Do you have to be a rapist/killer to make women like you?
Did you even think if "the majority of women" who change and define surveys are the ones worth it?
At what point does what you say contradict what other anons you quote say?

You don't understand women, bro.
It doesn't matter how many surveys you read.
If I would want to babysit a manchild, I might like that guy.

You know shit about women, dude.
You are ugly and coping by preemptively rejecting a man you have never met on the basis of an artificial personality flaw you have imagined. Hit the gym femcel.
nah she wants femboy link
>At what point does what you say contradict what other anons you quote say?
Zero reading comprehension, you're probably a bot but I'll bite:
They are saying "wahmen just want to feel secure"
I'm saying that's not true at all, and there's plenty of evidence for that.

Your baby brain follows?
Influence, resilience, loyalty, virility

T. Pregnant woman
I feel sorry for you, 4chaner.
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It's About Your Face.
This kills the gymcel.
What women want is irrelevant, you should be mostly making choices. The anon saying its about security is right and also the anon saying its about rape is right. When they get secure enough they get to a point they decide they dont deserve it and self sabotage themselves with their most raw desires. They are like kids. They think they know what they want because feminism gives them power, but they will without fail pick something else either to just chase a whim to feel good or because they hate themselves
How did you do that? Tell me your secret. How did your story with her go?
The secret is there isn’t a secret, honestly. I mentioned before that letting go of the concept of ‘the one’ paradoxically lead to finding the right woman, and to elaborate what I mean is—I stopped caring, about women, sex, whether or not I’m going to find true love and what it means if I fail, all of that shit I stopped caring about. And it wasn’t a conscious choice to stop caring, it was forced out of me if anything. I dated a crazy for years, got absolutely fucked up, cheated on, mentally and emotionally fried, you name it. I realised that my desperation to be in ‘true love’ was the problem, it was this obsession that had prevented me from leaving my crazy ex, the fear of losing it, when I should have realised I never had it, only a crazy chick pretending to possess it. So I hit rock bottom, stopped caring. I simply took what pieces were left of me and vowed to rebuild myself slowly, without any desire to be in a relationship. In doing so, I learned true self esteem, true self-respect. I learned how to spot crazies a mile away.

When I met my now wife the first time, I felt no infatuation, no ‘falling’ in love. In fact it was unremarkable and I had no intention to date. But we became friends. And slowly, very slowly, we mutually felt something warm. Something I hadn’t known before, and it was a growing in love instead of a fall. It was calm, and peaceful, and years later we’re married. All the while I kept working on myself for myself, enjoying the relationship without losing sight of my individuality.

In other words, I ‘gave up’, and the side-effect of doing this was I was comfortable to be myself for the first time, which included my negative traits, no hiding or pretending to have it all together in order to win over a girl. This attracted the right type of girl, an honest one.
He's bulked up now btw
If that’s true, you can consider yourself lucky, my man. It’s rare to find a decent girl these days. I hope she’s worth it and she will stay the way she is now. Good luck anon.
Thank you, and I wish you the best too anon
Oddly motivational image.
1.1.Yeah, because those traits tend to be correlated with success.

1.2.Yeah, because they are confident and someone who looks confident makes others feel safe.

And men are the primary consumers of porn involving nullos, feces and vore. Should women assume all men want them to cut off their cocks, shit in their mouths and eat them alive? Porn isn't real life.

1.7 Yeah, because they have no standards. They aren't afraid of flirting with everything that moves. How many crackwhores and obese single mothers have you flirted with today?

1.8 See above. They are outgoing, have piss low standards and are willing to lie about having had more sexual conquests than they really did for the purpose of manipulation.

1.9 Because they are famous. And please look at the comments on any scat porn video, you will find women who shit in men's mouths also get thousands of love letters.

1.10 Because female gang members are often forced to have sex with men for safety.

1.11 That sounds like bullshit, if only because in my experience bullies tend to be weird antisocial degenerates.

1.12 Probably because they assume the men won't tattle. Male cops have to worry female inmates will complain and they could lose their careers.

That sounds like bullshit and you should probably consider it bullshit unless whoever collected that data got the staff to admit it happened. Sociopaths lie.

1.14 Because narcissists look like they have their shit together and make good leaders.

1.15 Because men want wives who are subservient and helpless.

1.16 Because half the time so called "nice" men are weird sadsacks who hate their lives and have no ambition. They just drift aimlessly through life, hoping a manic pixie dream girl will come save them.

1.17 because they tend to look thin and sick

1.18 because they have no standards

1.19 this is true

1.20 because voicing problematic views makes women think they are talking to someone who is not afraid to be themselves.
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Double-dubs speaks the truth. You have to project SOME kind of security or strength. Ugly, broke, bitter manlets with no self esteem do not project any kind of security, which is why incels are almost always poorly socialized NEETs with poor hygiene and no friends. They can't even take care of themselves, let along a woman.
I'm fat but I'm big, I'm not the most attractive but not many people will mess with a guy my size, and some women love the idea of being with a giant protector bear. I have good hygiene and dress nice and that goes a long way, I also treat women with respect, I'm from the South and say "Yes m'am" and "No m'am", and believe it or not women like that. I also have a big penis, but that's beside the point, they're already into me before they find that out.
based fat nigger?
tl;dr you have better luck emulating a psychopath than being "nice" to women
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>I'm from the South and say "Yes m'am" and "No m'am", and believe it or not women like that
I dated a girl once who I heard say "Hot" under her breath when I told her "Yes m'am" with my drawl during a date. I dunno what it is about it that especially urban women like, maybe it tickles some kinda cowboy fantasy or something? I dunno, it's funny because that's just how I talk. I say "Yes m'am" to my grandma, ffs.
1. Decent paying job (provides financial security and independence)
2. Good looks (fit, handsome, tall)
3. Charisma (decent social skills, ability to handle social situations)

Basically a handsome protector and provider.
>2. Good looks (fit, handsome, tall)
I don't think any of these are really necessary. Men have the unique advantage of not needing a pretty face to attract a mate. Heck, charismatic manlets and big fat guys like >>31283814 get laid on the regular. How many ugly chicks do you know that can charm themselves into men's pants?
The other two are definitely way more important than just looks. A prettyboy with no game or strength is just a faggot.
It's necessary, because no heterosexual woman would ever date a man that looks like a woman, that's why trannies are so disgusting. Unless you're a multi-millionaire or billionaire, women are repulsed by fat ugly short men, the same that men are repulsed by fat ugly masculine looking women.
Strong sexual energy
Upwards life trajectory
Boundaries strong enough to keep a cunt in line.
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>Unless you're a multi-millionaire or billionaire, women are repulsed by fat ugly short men
Counterpoint: Fat ugly short men with wicked game and charisma can still land women, without being rich. They just have to be funny. I've seen it happen a million times. Fat ugly masculine looking women can't pull with their humor or personality - not that I've ever known a fat ugly woman to be funny, or have a good personality.
Secure and horny, but yes.
>39% of hospitalized male psychopaths had consensual sex with female mental health staff
Oh that's me! That's me they're talking about
Women need to feel certain that you'll protect them from harm, but also know that you could seriously hurt them if you wanted to - but that you of course would never do that, because you love them. That's the whole secret, anon.
Based on anon's post, he wishes to be an antisocial coomer, as there is an expected reward.
Sure, but if they're broke then they're useless in the long-run, it's best to maxx out on every characteristic to reach your full potential and have the best chances of attracting a woman.
honestly i don't think women like big penises that much. maybe they like them on the kind of large side, and everybody has their own preferences, but there's clear diminishing returns or even problems that emerge after a certain point with almost every woman
that is small dick cope
>Sure, but if they're broke then they're useless in the long-run
Women usually don't think that far ahead, in my experience
>it's best to maxx out on every characteristic to reach your full potential and have the best chances of attracting a woman.
Definitely don't disagree with that, but if nature or life dealt you a shitty hand that you just can't improve, that's never a reason to stick your head in the sand as a man. You can always make up for it in other departments.
dont just b urself
>He thinks an advertisement aimed at men reflects what women like


Men are the only ones obsessed with dick size. Big ones just make sex more complicated. Just try to deepthroat a giant dildo without vomiting, I dare you.

You would have better luck emulating the specific traits women like about psychopaths and being nice at the same time. They're into confidence, high social status and other things that would signal safety. Just being an asshole won't get you laid. I mean, have you seen any woman fawn over Elliot Rodger or Albert Fish?
>have you seen any woman fawn over Elliot Rodger or Albert Fish?
No, but women are notoriously horny for serial killers that end up in jail.
I wish, but I literally cannot find enough good big dick amateur porn vids that compare with my experiences with merely having an average dick. like, it really doesn't seem like that big of a deal after a certain point. if it were, there'd be less starfishes and more leg shaking and whatever. it takes too much time to find good vids like that because they are rare so I just take a different route to get my rocks off.

t. coomer
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Yeah, which ones? Oh, right. The handsome famous ones. Nobody gives a shit about Harvey Marcelin or DeAngelo Martin. Women just like fame, anon.
Charles Manson was not handsome and had a literal cult following of women. For many women it's not about the fame, it's about the power and danger.
This anon's got it, just go out and rape women and you'll land a gf ezpz
The woman knows what she wants at all times. She knows this because she knows what she doesn't want. By subtracting what she wants from what she doesn't want, or what she doesn't want from what she wants (whichever is greater), she obtains a difference, or deviation.
The guidance subsystem uses deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the woman from knowing what she wants to knowing what she doesn't, and arriving at knowing what she doesn't want, she now does.
>1.15 Female narcissism reduces marital quality for men, but male narcissism does not for women
You bringing this up is completely out of place, because all it shows is that women are more willing to be doormats than mets which is not surprising because they are socialized by the society to bend over all the time and to see see male narcissism as normal and having no alternatives. So if a a woman happens to marry a narcissist she will consider her state "normal and not a reason to fuss".
Absolute truthpilled gigachud.
Thank you for your service.
Now let me drown in my melancholy.
Safety, security and a future. Being funny helps. But ultimately women want a man that leads but also listens to them.
what most women want from a man is what is between your legs.

Anything more than that and we are getting too specific into diff types of women.

If you want to simplifiy it, you need to accept the consequence of such thinking.

Most women want dick. Simple as.

But also, if you aim at most women, your competition is most men. lol.

but if you think with your higher faculties and allow your Soul to speak, then you can connect with a woman with something beside your body. Body included, but also your vibe, mentality, humor, values.
And by each of those specifical traits, you will lose a lot of other women who dont share your values, humor, vibe, etc.

But you should not cry over them.

Its a trap - to want to appeal to majority. You should care to be the version of yourself that YOU love to be, and the right woman may come along and love you for who you love to be. And it will be very easy and safe feeling with her. Since you both will know its rare thing.

Think about how many dudes you vibe with? Can anyone make you more appealing or not to your friends.
Its a simple thing.

You are asking wrong questions. Probably still in your early 20s overdriven by high test.
God save you and lead you to clear healthy goals.
I will add this, by being a caricature of a man you will appeal to many.

But it will cost you a lot. You will lay women you dont care about. And after cooming it will become boring.

I know a lot of people like that. In fact, you should try it. Be a slayer"", be a Chad, go game, learn to approach and seduce, learn to lay many women, let your old self die and become fully a personality built for getting pussy.

It wont make you happy.
Not one dude I know who is in the 40+ lays is happy.

Not one. They may seem happy in moments, but the void returns and they seek the high again. Its volatile existence.

But if you can become who you enjoy being, and be so strong and wise you can love that and be that version of self - damn the risks of women loving u or hating you, then you will eventually pick up some girls who will love the you you love to be.

And its going to be amazingly comfortable and easy to relate to them.

Less questioning more experimenting in real life.

Dedicate a year in being a gamer. See how it is. Lol. The promiscuous lifestyle makes people into husks.
Being a player sounds a lot better than being a virgin.
Demoralization thread
>I also have a big penis, but that's beside the point
That is not beside the point, that really starts and continues your confidence right there. You are truly a man worthy of fucking and continuing the bloodline of and not just a deluded narcissist trying to emulate that energy and that drives you in a way you've never known anything else of. You're able to be easy-going and not really care because you already have it handed to you if you try, you know you won't fail, so everythings a joke and you dont have to bother to be anything but fat. Are you rich too?
>You're able to be easy-going and not really care because you already have it handed to you

NTA but this is a retarded assumption to make. I’m also easy-going and don’t care about failure, but I also have deep self-hatred and self-doubt constantly. That ‘easy-going’ carelessness is actually shamelessness. It’s where you’ve failed so many times you stop giving a fuck and develop a ‘fuck it’ mentality.
Explain, how does that help you to pretend if you can't actually deliver on it. And I don't really "hate" myself, but I know they dont want someone like me. Everything has become transactional, only the best get through. To top it off I don't really want lust, but love. But lust is tempting and im heading for the point in my life where i might as well just settle for that or nothing. Either way doesn't really bother me now
>how does that help you to pretend
Who said anything about pretending? I seriously don’t care about failure. It’s a double-edged sword though, it also means I do not care about success. But I assure you, there’s no pretending, for me it’s as easy as breathing.

>Only the best get through
This I don’t understand. I don’t believe in that concept at all and think anyone chasing it is a fool. ‘The best’. At what? To whom? For what purpose? And even if you point to someone who is ‘the best’ at something, time and time again someone else will take their place. Hot sexy buff men get old, their looks fade, their muscles wither. Bank accounts run dry. Prestige becomes forgotten. So who cares?

I am not saying this is a bad thing, I say who cares in a good way. No one needs to be obsessing over ‘the best’ in order to move forward. You just simply move forward. Why? Because you wanted to. That’s all that’s needed.
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maybe we just want... (You)?
So philosophy aside, what is it that you do? I dont understand how you dont care about failure or success, but yet you want it. Just talk about what you really do and where you're starting from. Of course "best" matters, even if it fades, you still had it at that point of time and its how you got the thing that'd help you later, whether its a wife, friend, your own place, job, reputation, etc
Just office jobs. Got my own apartment, got a wife and really sweet dog. I have only a select few friends, I’m someone with little reputation though I genuinely prefer that. I got my hobbies, some of them are even competitive hobbies too. Simply participating in them is good enough for me. I consider any wins or successes as secondary, never my objective. My main reason is whether or not what I’m doing makes me happy. If it doesn’t, I’ll stick around and see if the game is worth the candle. If it still sucks, I say fuck it and go find something else.
Well good for you, sounds like you're winning at life. But how'd you get there? What'd you start from? I have a small (maybe average) dick, small tongue, am poor when I'm supposed to be living it up from the investments of the previous years, but instead work all the time and am only losing money, and my last gf, who i loved cheated like our time was nothing, after convincing me she loved me too despite flaws and we'd make it work. What should I do?
I had written where I had started, brotha. In my previous post here: >>31283176

I started at rock bottom, in fact less than that in very similar crushing circumstances as you.
How do you come back from having literally zero social life?
t. 3 inch punisher
more like a 6.5 inch coomer. I dont think they care that much. and half the women who do care a lot are just chasing phantoms, like caring about what society told them to care or just trying to chase memories of a good ex. theres not much substance to it.
Sure you can get laid with a small dick but you can't keep a relationship unless you're fine with her cheating on you.
easy for you to say, you're big
I dunno and I could give a fuck. I don't want most women, anyway.
urban woman here and I also think it is hot
should i start 'yes m'am'maxxing & respectwomenmaxxing in order to get bitches??
i have average girth so it doesnt feel big to me

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