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Someone remade Castlevania 1 as a full blown metroidvania, enjoy!
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No seriously what kind of non-designer dipshit would design a logo like this
Lot of
>someone made
>omg someone made
type posts appearing often with youtube videos...
that logo is the only enjoyment youll get from this zoompiggie adventure.
did you even look at the video?
Don't you retards see the cross before -ransylvania? It's meant to read Crossransylvania.

How do you guys feel about XCOM Apocalypse, the last of the classic-style XCOM games?
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I liked it better than the reboots. I didn't like the class and leveling system and being limited to 6 agents per mission or the dumbed down strategic layer of the new ones at all. Even the vehicle combat felt very satisfying as you built out your fleet and customized their load outs and controlled them in real time where in the new one, you click 1 button and hope the rng goes in your favor. In missions I love the sheer amount of environmental destruction you can do including bringing down entire buildings if you so choose with free aiming and the number of agents you can bring. With almost 50 per mission allowed, it actually felt like you playing a strategy game instead of an rpg.
If you liked playing TIE Fighter and other space simulators that were all the rage at the time, then you might enjoy it. It's decent.

However please check first if the game can run fine on modern systems. A quick check on Steam forums and you see lots of people asking for help
don't get hurt
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>- The way buildings collapse like they do was the work of a single programmer and almost didn't make it into the game
That's one of the best parts of the game. Crazy that it nearly missed implementation.

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I am can be sane if I enjoy this game especially Gore and violence, like I previously played in postal (1-2-redux), hatred, mortal Kombat, read Eric Harris diaries and secretly I planning to cosplay smiley in next anime con because secretly I hate genshin impact and other mihoyo stuff like they are Chinese but nevermind I played this game on ps2 emulator (because Russian laws prohibit that game on Russian steam) but yes this game is kinda fun and enjoyable especially gore and violence level?
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I just downloaded the ps2 version to emulate a few days ago because I remember having fun sneaking around and beating people up.
You don't know understand
you should try killing yourself to rid your parents of any further embarrassment
It's just an edgy stealth game and most of the kills aren't even that gory.
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>I am can be sane if I enjoy this game

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>some weird FUCKING pyramid head thing?
>Sooooo that's a thing now!
>*Laugh track*
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>for a silent hill, these monsters sure make a lot of noise!
>audience fucking dies
>pauses awkwardly
>"uhhhm... run?"
>legs spin into a blur on the same spot before zipping off at mach 3
coming soon.
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>"What's the matter, James?"
>"Trouble sleeping"
>"How come?"
>"In my restless dreams, I see that town... Silent Hill 2™"

Why is this game so insanely fucking hard
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It's not THAT hard though? The only really balls-to-the-walls hard part is the fight against this evil red motherfucker.
The original black label NTSC-U PS2 version. NTSC-J and PAL versions are both based on Greatest Hits version. Although some black label discs are actually the same revision as Greatest Hits. You can check what revision your disc is by whether Pac-Man has 3 lives in the beginning (original) or 5 lives (Greatest Hits).
It's not, you're just trying to go for 100% that's your problem.
100%ing PW2 is a fucking nightmare. Just play the game like a normal person and enjoy it. It's pretty good if played like that
Huh. Well then this advice
only applies to NTSC black label then.
Yeah, I'm going for 100 lol.

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I don't like Castlevania 2, but I think it was a pity that Konami never tried to do it again. It could have saved the game (see hollow knight). It was an ambitious attempt coming from 1, it was the right time to do it (faxanadu, zelda 2) but too early for the franchise.
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It's completely right though. The level design in OoE is terrible. Most of the levels are super short with almost no platforming. In fact there isn't any difficult platforming in the entire game until you get to the bonus dungeons. Most the the game is wandering through boring as fuck areas chipping away at damage sponge enemies to get a new glyph in the hopes the next boring enemy you come across at least dies faster. It looks great, but it's an absolutely terrible and mind numbingly boring game to actually play. People bitch about the mansions in SQ being short, easy and dull then they praise OoE as a masterpiece and my only conclusion is I find it hard to believe they have played either game for more than 5 minutes.
Worst Dsvania but still better than HOD
HoD kinda sucks, it's ugly, repetitive and sounds like shit, but at least it has a semblance of platforming.
HoD is the opposite of ugly. It is actually the best looking of the GBA trilogy. And it is not repetitive, it only suffers of a severe case of backtracking towards the end of the game.
Please say you're joking.

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What are we playing in the nursing home /vr/?
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as my mind evaporates I suspect I'll go back to simple single button shooters like Space Invaders, with gameplay slowed down by 500%
I'll be playing dead. The trick is i'll be actually doing it for real, while others think i'm pretending to get a hi-score at sleeping mini-game
>What are you talkin' about!? The Wii ain't retro!!
>Anon, it's 2084. Everything is retro. WE'RE retro.
>Ahh, Robotron. Now that was a fine game. They don't make 'em like they used to!!
>Now look what you've done, Anon. Anon will be ranting about Vid Kidz for hours. Why can't you be more like Anon?
Nurse, I'm afraid that their dementia is only getting worse.
this but unironically
There is basically zero chance I get to old age. Remember, even though you see lots of old people out there, what you don't see are all the people that didn't make it

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>Vault Dweller left the journal and the vault 13 suit for his descendant
>except his weapons or equipments

Wow, what a terrible grandfather.
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it's hard to understand what made Fallout so good if you don't know how CRPGs were like before its release

muh canon *drools*
why are folks so up in arms over such a goofy and ugly franchise
Nobody said shit about Star Fox
Fallout is one of the best-aging computer games pre-Half Life

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Is there any way to forget a puzzle video game as if you haven't played it before without giving yourself an amnesia or waiting a really long time? Even then, it's not 100% good way since a lot of small things are just burned into your memory forever. There are lots of other games in the genre to play but if you really liked one of them, can you ever re-play it and have the same experience?
You might forget parts of it after a very long time, but it's the only way. And you'll never completely forget. Which is why you should never play with a guide, you're not just ruining the game for yourself, but for your future self as well.

Why was the consensus always that this was superior to Goldeneye? It runs like shit in almost every level and the huge levels are a chore
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Man, that was really cool, this is the first Perfect Dark video with "game secrets" in its title in literally years that showed me something I hadn't seen before.
I knew of some of these because I spent hours using one of those gameshark cheats to walk through walls, but many levels completely break if you get out of bounds and you can't see shit because rooms stop loading. Specifically the Deep Sea level I always wanted to see the different areas like that, I wish that part had been a bit longer. Exploring the cutscenes was really neat too because that's something I hadn't done either, seeing the screen in the ship in Villa is the kind of "secret" I thought I'd know by now yet it was completely new to me.
Man, that was a great video, thanks for sharing it.
this was the consensus among PD players
PD is full of secrets and oddities like that. There's a windmill turret that only activates if you use cheats to fly up to it

Actually that was one of the first secrets I discovered with those gameshark codes, if you're flying around it's funny when a windmill starts shooting at you.
I know many of the other secrets even if I didn't discover them myself because I've watched hours and hours of videos, I love this game that much. That's why it's was so great to see a video where they managed to show something I had never seen before, I didn't expect it, it was a great surprise to me.
I think it took me something like 3 years to find the hidden room in the first mission and it was totally by accident. You have to blow up a wall which can only be done with cheats, since there are no explosives to be found on that level. The game was full of this stuff.

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Is Megaman an action game?
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Doom is an action game.
You can't mix 2D and 3D.
>Castlevania however isn't even 20% platforming. There is SOME platforming but very little, there is only one type of jump and you don't solve much with jumping, on the contrary jumping during combat usually puts you at a disadvantage.
Have to go ahead and disagree with you there... Unless you mean Judgment or some other non classic Castlevania. The original is very much an action platformer with jumping for navigating terrain, revealing secret items and combat, which sometimes demands it.
X isn't run n gun, idiot. Run n guns let you shoot in any direction from the get go and usually don't have stage select screens.

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If I get a good score in a puzzle game but skipped early levels did I "beat the game"? Or do I have to start from level 1 every time?
>Playing puzzle games to begin with
You already lost at life.
You’re good. The early levels of a puzzle game shouldn’t pose any challenge at all to an experienced player, so it’s just wasting time for practically no score gain.
Of course you have to do the whole thing to actually "beat the game".
>playing puzzle games in his age


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whats /vr/ consensus on this game?
is it fun?
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Boring, like most Xbox games.
Horrible. Japan hasn't made a first person game since.
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If you compare it to other Xbox games like Riddick or Thief Deadly Shadows.
It's a mediocre game, but I do admire the ambition tho.
they made some for psp

>pic related
>beaten SMB2, 3, Contra, Castlevania, Die Hard
>nearly 30 and still can't pass World 5
I don't think my reaction times are getting any better and my hands already hurt like hell after a few minutes of gameplay, so I guess this is already a lost battle. Any games that you'll probably never beat honestly (no save states, no skips, etc).
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World 8 in 3 is insanely difficult compared to anything in 1 I think. Even 2 is pretty hard at the later levels
>can't pass World 5
Literally how? Worlds 7 and 8 are the difficult ones
nigger you can complete this game in 2 hours tops if you have developed any kind of coordination skills since your time as a toddler.
Beaten 350 NES/FC games. List of games I've given up on trying to beat because they were too hard:
>Micro Machines
>Motocross Champions
>Adventures of Lolo 3

DESU I could probably beat Motocross Champions since I have a save (it's a disk system game) at the final course but that one course is insanely hard
Jagged Alliance 2. By the time I take Alma and Grimm I'm just tired of managing inventories.

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Tekken 2 is the best Tekken.
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holy zoom
It insists upon itself
In terms of art direction and soundtrack, absolutely.
Saw the photo and thought it was going to be

King’s hardest fit

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