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Post games with the best terraforming
Disciples 2.

And not strategy, but Spore had nice terraforming, complete with ecosystems.
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>tfw nobody knows on this board that the creators of stalker made this kino rts game
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>kino rts
Lol no
Heroes of Annihilated Empire is very annoying with AI that cheats and counters you.
But cinematic terraforming sounds awful, I'd rather play something with dynamic terraforming affecting gameplay.
Maelstrom had lots of terraforming and the alien faction was all about flooding the map with water generators. Umbalanced as shit, but very cool idea.
>kino RTS
I just said kino terraforming HOEA has downright the best of it and I`d waste time turning the entire campaing into another with the other faction main settlements. I do believe they should return to this series over cossacks, it had some nice ideias attached to it.
Aurora 4X. You have to design your own terraforming ships, but they're not all that useful. Very slow to terraform that way. But there's an alternate strategy where you build a stationary terraforming base that is basically entirely made of terraforming modules. Then you use a tug to pull that into place, orbiting your desired planet.

Shame about the rest of the game.

What the fuck
Populous 3
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Classic too bad it never had mods or sequels.
>too bad it never had mods
I said no.
It's genuinely shocking how advanced the physics for that Magic Carpet engine were, for the era.
Came here just to post this.
>>1760506 got here before you did, slowpoke.
How embarassing!
i think he's seen that post, considering he's responding to it
What the FUCK. Last I checked, there was a launcher for multiplayer with maps downloads, but now it has coop campaign? Rebalance? 4 new tribes? Textures and whole lots of shits?
Fucking yes, I loved castling up in that game by abusing the land bridge and later flatten spells. I always made some crazy fortress that the AI couldn't figure out and then just picked away at the enemy.
From Dust I guess?
Terraforming: the Game. Have to be mention, although I wonder if SimEarth is really that deep. It has been a long time since I played it. I remember every time for whatever reason I ended up with intelligent birds or reptiles creating the civilization.

I was so disappointed that it wasn't a proper god game or something in the style of Populous, but rather an environmental puzzle game. Still a fine physics.
>I was so disappointed that it wasn't a proper god game or something in the style of Populous
Same. It's a fun terraforming-themed puzzle game but I was really hoping for a Populous spiritual sequel when I saw the original announcement.

Plan B - terraform is fast and fun. If you're not autistic enough to play factorio, this might be good for you.
Do you remember what console you played on?
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not really terraforming, but I enjoyed raising volcanoes, putting forests and transmuting mines on Master of Magic
On PC.
>Find lowish tech world
>Saunter over with a terraforming ship
>Start pumping sulphur or whatever onto it
Haven't played Aurora in years. Designing ships was just way more fun than having a war against super aliens.
Damn, that's cold. Yeah exactly, it gets really tedious.
I guess Reus could fit in? What with the titans creating ecological zones by raising/lowering terrain.
Killing the population is mostly pointless, destroying the military is the difficult part. You can't kill the whole population like that anyway because the civilian infrastructure production will catch up once half of them are dead. There's a reason that every Steve AAR ends before or at "now it's time to prepare for a ground invasion." He knows the new system sucks at least as badly as the old one but isn't going to gut it and start over, unfortunately.
Why would you do a ground invasion when orbital bombardment exists
Masters of Orion II had pretty good terraforming
>find toxic planet
>settle it
>gift it to your enemy
>blow it to bits with a stellar converter
>assemble the resulting asteroid belt into a planet
>terraform planet into earth-like
>gaia transform earth-like planet
Gaia planets. Gaia planets everywhere.
>Why would you waste your time capturing a homeworld's worth of facilities and enslaving the population when you could just destroy it all from orbit?
It's not an invalid question but I think the answers may be less one-dimensional than you think.
MoOII had viral bombardment. Killed the population but left all buildings intact to take over. Took longer though. And diplomacy goes bust.
Isn't the Chapter Master fangame a fork of MoO 2?
Aurora doesn't and anon fit his MOO2 post in 19 seconds before I finished the captcha on mine so the fact that I didn't give him a (you) makes it more difficult to follow.
Space 4x terraforming is boring. It's always just "planet goes from X penalty to Y benefit". There isn't really any room for interesting terraforming in them because it's not really the focus. Just a way for you to turn research into expansion.
The atmospheric simulation in SimEarth is really deep. It's basically an experimental model for the Gaia Hypothetsis - i.e. that life is heavily involved in the maintenance of Earth's climate. The problem is other aspects aren't that deep, I was always disappointed with its simulation of the regular ecology.

If it was remade, I'd add different levels of a food chain - from bacteria up. Instead, the current game only allows one kind of non-plant life in any given tile - which is lame.
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per aspera is a game about terraforming mars. the terraforming part was interesting and visually responsive.

HOWEVER i only played it on release and did not finish it. it was very prone to bugs (bugs in worker pathfinding, bugs in the sequence you get to hear story segments in, for example, lines that imply you know something which you actually haven't uncovered yet, or talking like something you've discovered a while ago is new information) and i believe it was possible to get yourself into a position that you can't progress from by expanding too quick or exhausting resources or something like that.

that said, the terraforming really was cool and the presentation was nice and the game stuck in my mind despite not being able to finish it. it might be patched now, so it could be more stable so you decide if it's worth it. i'd recommend pirating it though. and making sure you're not pirating the 1.0 version
damn all these low poly ultraflat games look the same

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