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Become a vegetarian anon. Animals are our friends not food.
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>””””As a vegan””””
not reading don’t care
That is nice. I want to hunt vegans; there is no real big philosophical reason; just the idea of going on a safari to SanFran or whatever other big hipster shitholes there are, stalking a soilatte drinking faggot, and killing them with a 19th century elephant gun is absolutely hilarious to me.
>and killing them with a 19th century elephant gun is absolutely hilarious to me.
Ok, this is very appealing to me now too
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I feel like some animals are happy to feed us eggs and milk every day in exchange for food, shelter, and protection, but then there are farms where the animals are treated just as another part in a machine that prints money for them. The distinction of where your food comes from and how it's made isn't clear at the supermarket, and I think the obfuscation is intentional. I feel it's a similar situation to when they wanted all GMO foods to have GMO labels, but they decided not to because (and I shit you not) "it'll hurt the market too much because, people won't buy GMO food if they know it's GMO"
i really want to but food without meat is awful and the thought of not having it makes me suicidal

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Is this common or do redditors fuck their cats?
Reddit truly broke 4chan
Where does it say he fucked his cat
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Statistically someone with an intact female cat has most likely masturbated it at some point

If you thought dog-fuckers were common based on some crime stats being full of dogs but not cats, they're really not, they're just major cop bait because of the awful injuries and infections dogs sustain when fucked. No way you can fuck a dog, or even finger a dog, without this happening
>vet gets sus
>cops get called
Every single dog fucker to exist is inevitably arrested and turned into a statistic. Let me tell you that if every bestiality offense were seen by god and he called the cops instead of making a note for st peter, every horse owner would be in jail right now, everyone with an intact female cat would be in jail, and maybe only 15% of dog owners, mostly women - male dogs are less likely to be sick/hurt by human pussy as long as their owner moistens their dick until the swelling goes down should it slip out. Knowing how slutty white women are, they don't let a bare dog dick go unsucked. Gay dudes, please dont, your dog will surely die.

Dogs in heat and horny males also don't NEED stimulation. Like humans, their unused sexual urges boil under the surface and the steam can be blown off through non-sex activities. A lot of working dogs are kept intact, but also kept virgins, because it makes them more driven and focused workers.

Now cats? People keep their females intact because "muh nature" and the only way to do so is to fuck them every single heat cycle. 4-5 cycles a year. There is no other way. Cats can not channel their energies into other things due to low intelligence. They need to be fucked, or spayed. No in between. And this doesn't injure the cat at all because there is no expectation of a human dick fitting in there.

TLDR: Yeah he probably fucked his cat, and if he did, he literally had to.

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Post anything relating to plants or animals that no longer exist
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you’re a plant?
If you encountered a thylacine what would you do? Thylacine has recently experienced a resurgence in the public conscious because of Forrest Galente's video (which personally think isn't real but that's just me). I also saw casual Geographic's short on the matter and I strongly disagree with him on just ignoring it if I saw one and would probably see if anything could be done to find the rest and start a breeding program or at least protect the area it was seen in.
> I also saw casual Geographic's short on the matter and I strongly disagree with him
As you should. That guy and people like him are not to be taken seriously on any matter concerning this stuff
Yeah. Wanna make something of it?
Never watched that series. I miss Kino Thing

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>your pet doesnt love you, it only wants a steady supply of food!
How true is this
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>own a cat
>see a bunch of retards losing there shit over things i never said or believed
the pill in this gif should be green and purple
Holy Schizophrenia
This is a great post. Thank you for this, anon, sincerely.
an animal can like you even when you're not the one feeding it

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Doeritos edition
What is your favorite species of deer?
Have you even seen a deer up close?
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Your definition of happy is a strange one
Still can in America
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>anon being thrilled to have a webm to post in the deer AND horse thread

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What breed(s) of dog is this?
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Looks like a small breed mixed with some mastiff.
Tasmanian Tiger
Lil bro looks Scrapy Doo
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A scared utterly mixed mystery meat Spitz mutt

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Is veganism the most arbitrary philosophy? Sponges aren't even sentient, yet apparently if you use one, you're not vegan.
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based schizo
For real, there's been a shit ton of them lately
It would be a pretty tame raid but no it’s just one autist I would wager
Plants are living organisms, and they actively compete with other plants to stay alive and grow. Why is it okay to eat them?
Sea sponges are used for a lot of things.


Slow and steady will win the race to page 10
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That was but a pretender sent from the end of all time to lull my competition into defeat.

This is the temu version of the old thread.
Sorry man but it's not your time yet
I guess that's a tortoise but I thought it would apply to turtles. I keep seeing turtles all over the place and I'll try to pick it up and help them if they seem stranded and they fucking haul ass
Tortoises are technically a type or turtle

>kills you
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it’s his culture
I think he took it right in the posterior tibialis tendon sheath, that might take a year or more to recover from, assuming he gets full range of motion back ever
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
looks fake, they prob removed the barb
I love feeling their slimy bellies

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what creature is this?
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Is it possible to watch the originals in full somwhere or buy them on dvd or something? I watched them as a kid rented on vhs but a bately remember
the despecialized editions, they are only 720p though.
there's also 4K77 and 4K83 (4K80 is still WIP last i checked) which as you can probably guess are 4K rips.
it's like watching them as a kid again for the first time.
Scrotum nose
nah nah nah nah

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smaller subspecies of gray wolf are pathetic.
all should be culled and replaced by chad wolves
They did that in Yellowstone.
looks identical to a coyote
some bitch made physiognomy going on here


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guess you grow all your own food too don't you? dont want any of that supermarket slop
Retarded food allegory.
>heh, don’t like eating plates of shit? you must not like eating food
haha I get it, because vegetables right?
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Can we have funny /an/ story and news thread
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somewhere a pierre is crying out in pain at the realization he misplaced his beloved pet
>Another case in America where some dumb Mickeymouse Believing Amerilard hole
>Got her hand ripped off for sticking her in the tiger exhibit
That was in Brazil
>arts major talking about STEM
Stick to your lane, brainlet.
It's STEAM now.

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They are doing well.They are healthy.Mother is doing fantastic she is protective but not protective agressive to me and my family.Puppies are strong and rapidly growing up.
I asked
You made a new thread, man.

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Is adopting a cat mom and three kittens into housecats a good idea? They've basically moved into my backyard a few days ago, we fed them a bit, even petted the mother cat and one kitten. I've been thinking about adopting for a while now and this seems like a perfect chance plus I can't bear the thought of one of those kittens ending up under a car or something. The idea I have is to grab them, get them vetted up and then make some space in the basement for them to get them familiar and socialised. Mother cat seems peaceful enough so I imagine she could be domesticated and with her and the kittens inside, they'd be safe.

I've never looked into taking in strays before so I have no idea about anything specific that needs to be done in the process but I would like some input if something like that is possible.
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Nah I've had several cats give birth in my family, all well taken cats, and once the kittens are grown she wants them to fuck off. it's natural. especially the males. if it's a female kitten they don't seem to mind them as much.
>and once the kittens are grown she wants them to fuck off. it's natural
Wanting them to fuck off and trying to kill them are two different things though. Mine still treats and recognizes hers as her cats at least even if she does paw at them sometimes (playfully)
She won't. Get them all spayed/fixed and they will form a small pride. When they are well taken care of and have no food insecurity, cats are fairly highly social and very loving. Play with them all a lot, especially together. Having all four together will work out well .. they will entertain each other for life. If one dies young, the others will recover faster and be far less traumatized by the loss.
Do it if you want.
It's tough, I don't hate cats, but I resent them breeding and then expecting random humans to take them in because it would be inhumane to know of their existence and still let them die. I feel like cats are manipulating me.
Yeah this is essentially what happened to mine. They play together, sleep together, lick and show each other affection, etc.

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