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I'm a short beta male. What dog should I get that will make me look more masculine without looking like I'm trying too hard?
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That’s not at all what I said, no.
one that lets you be a well adjusted man that you can take care of. Get outta here with that "beta male" shit.
Take care of an old rescue because they are the most well behaved and grateful.
You shouldnt be getting a dog. For your looks you should get a maine coon to try and max out shabby wizard/warlock looks by having a glorified familiar. You already look like a knock off terry pratchett (and likely have the same politics and humor too).
A cat is the best poser animal because you can pretend it chose you and that you are better than “dog people”. Beta males the world over go for this tactic.

Because dogs arent an option. They arent programmed to serve. Most will run away and never come back when you unhook the leash.
most cats only stay for food and are neglected otherwise, and most dogs are choked out and electrocuted until they submit
and then their owners are like
“i dont know why it hides and hisses at you”
“I cant imagine why such a sweet subservient dog would bite”

Ginger edition

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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Ewww clean it
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contemplating life
I don't play with my cats at all. They keep each other entertained, playing and fighting and chasing each other around.
i use a small upside down tupperwear container bc its not cat's fault thats the computer's design.
Rover and Meowtell are apps that give suggestions of pet sitters

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As usual, post and discuss foxes.

>filter all tripcode users
>report all potential fetish content
Don’t feed the foxes, and keep your yard clean!
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I can fix him
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Poor lads and lasses prolly just going stir-crazy tbqh.
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discuss seal's other pinnipeds also welcome
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why do northern canadians beat them to death with clubs instead of using guns?
what are you talking about

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y doesnt society build more animal bridges already

every ones thought of the idea yet no one does it
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Why aren’t roads just tunnels with moving floors already? Infrastructure underground. Housing on stilts in the sky. The ground is just nature and farmland.
>That one they're building near LA costs $90 million
Do you have any idea how much of that is going in to the pockets of corrupt politicians and their friends running a construction company? A simple bridge does not cost 90 million to build
Maintenance. If we ever get to a point where most humans are given something like UBI that takes care of all their essential needs then everyone is going to be greedy. We need a fair and moral leadership that resists corruption so no scumbags can just rise to the top of the food chain.
>If we ever get to a point
If we never*
That’s quite the tall demand. You need a society ruled by high test men and high IQ autists for that

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...where did the canine race go wrong?
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not even the dogs are safe from the gay, very grim
I know, isn't it bad enough we have to even moreso now protect our children from being raped by these homosexual degenerates? How did we as a culture... no... certain disgusting elements of a culture decide it's right to condone the rape of out children by the homosexual/transvestite menace?
>Guess what’s happening in the video?
a trained pupper having fun?
Everyone can see the video bud no need to ‘play’ dumb
Just wait till until it inevitably wants to rape your son and daughter which is what they all do.

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o-oh my....
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>Why Africa
where the fuck else am i gonna get a sec?
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I love watching birds roost and get comfortable
>instinctively think the bright and colorful one is the male
>find out the females look near identical to the males
So the girls are reverse traps? tomboys?

I'm going to post a platypus every day until all of /an/ wants a puggle to snuggle. Old thread hit image limit >>4684291
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It's often described as being like very fine slightly rubbery leather. It's completely packed full of delicate sensor nerve clusters. Mostly for electro location, but also underwater vibrations. If you look at the Skeleton >>4800166 you can see it's actually hollow. Absolutely fascinating creatures in basicallyevery way.

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus.
platypus anon, what do you think of the long beaked echidna, in papua, another monotreme? I love these little guys so much
Very cute and they also have electro receptors in their beak, just not as many. I don't actually know if the long beaks have the same infection risk from accidentally getting quilled that the short beaks have. The Australian ones tend to have somewhat intentionally poor hygiene in their coat to incourage bacteria as a defence mechanism. It can lead to a little bit of a smell. But they are still very neat. Also echidna milk is used to feed orphaned baby platypuses, so they are cool in my book.

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
Pretend that was a dinosaur skeleton and draw what you think it would be.
I have a cartoon oc a platypus drawn as a Trex on my pc, but I'm visiting family right now. Best I could find you is a platypus battling a velociraptor.

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus

We seeing some shit we ain't neva seen before kid.

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Does anyone know the story behind this gif?

Is it just VFX or what?

I've seen it floating around for years but no amount of searching ever digs up any real information on it.
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This is true. Cats made an ancient pact with multiple gods that eventually culminated in their fire proof coat of fur. They can withstand temperatures of up to 10000000000000000000000 degrees
once it started hurting that mother fucker starts running around the whole house setting it on fire, garenteed
yes, like any other animal on fire
>dog knows something is wrong but does jack shit about it
Useless animal
low effort bait that some retard will bite anyway

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>water plants
>soil sinks out through the drain age holes
>roots gradually become exposed
What's the big idea here? Gardening is a fucking scam.
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many easy ways to prevent this from happening
what makes this retarded, plants produce oxygen without supplying their own need
>sandy muddy shit mixed in with my premium dark garden soil
Plants don't pump oxygen down from the leaves down to the roots though. The roots need to absorb it from airpockets in the soil.
put a coffe filter and some rocks on the bottom you silly little goose
yes and leaves need oxygen from air too. plants don't breath from their own supply

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Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here

Previous: >>4787652
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Shiny teeth!
Shiny teeth!
Shiny teeth!
It has never been more over
profound mental retardation
Thumbnails you can hear
Their faces are soon gonna reach pug level

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'sup /an/, look at all my BABIES
Also spider/arachnid thread I guess?
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I remembered this old picture.

Nice find. They're somehow disgusting and beautiful simultaneously.
It looks like it could be a daddy long legs.
Behold, the most poisonous animal on Earth. Fortunately their tusks are too small to bite us.
Cellar spiders, aka daddy long legs. They're harmless.
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Bumping with latest pic. Maybe I can keep the thread alive until they molt and go on their way.
Still didn't set up a real camera there, but I have a plan.
Oh I know they're harmless, I wasn't concerned about that. Just wanted to know the actual species, because there are many of them.

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Post some songs about animals.

I've listened to these two songs about every week for the past year because they remind me of my cat that died in December.

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Duke Ellington and his orchestra with vocals by Herb Jeffries – Flamingo

Same song, as covered by Nappy Brown

I prefer this version, actually, but the OG has that dancing in it that's just captivating.
The Beatles:
• I Am the Walrus
• Hey Bulldog
• And Your Bird Can Sing
• Rocky Raccoon
• Piggies
• Dig a Pony
Some of these aren't exactly /about/ animals, but they fit.
Someone else already posted Octopus' Garden.
Various Russian songs about crows. Buncha different styles/genres. 90s Rock. Folk. Little blonde girl in cornrows. Dad Rock.Lo Fi. Darkwave. Etc
Deleted the last one cuz one of the links was wrong and there was a typo. Repost!

Bлaдлeнa Гyбapeвa (Vladlena Gubareva) – Bopoнa (Vorona - Crow)

ПИКHИК (Piknik) –ЧEPHЫЙ Bopoнa (Chernyi Voron - Black Crow) this is a cover of a folk song

Baлepий Лeoнтьeв (Valeriy Leont'ev) – Бeлaя Bopoнa (Belaya Vorona - White Crow)
ЧAЙФ (CHAYF) – Бeлaя Bopoнa

ДДT(DDT) –Bopoны (Vorony - Crows)

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Southern Culture On The Skids - Camel Walk

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Fuck faggot sheep farmers. Large predators in Britain now.
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>Why would you suggest such a thing?
>Let it shrink let it shrink let it shrink
Shrinking populations mean shrinking standards of living unless no one retires and productivity can increase endlessly. Which it won't.
WTF is this real???
What kike told you this bullshit? You've mistaken the GDP and fractional reserve banking scams for the standard of living.

A shrinking population means that technological progress gets centered on the military and a taxpayer funded medical sector, and consumer tech stalls hard. Repairability and heirloom status comes back. Consumerism dies. However, your standard of living would be quite good. Education and healthcare systems would be less burdened, and better supported.

New construction of homes would slow. There would not be enough for people to leave the nest immediately. Multi-generational living would come back. Food production would slow somewhat, requiring all people with land to pitch in and raise livestock and for waste to be reduced significantly. Life would change but would it get worse? Maybe if your happiness depends on replacing your car, home, phone, PC, camera, and shoes on a monthly basis and eating whatever you wanted rather than what would grow near you. That would become impossible. Veganism would be impossible except for equatorial fucks in the few fertile areas left by climate change.

There is one thing that would have go away to forestall a crisis, and that would be the idea that all people are equal and should be able to do whatever they want. To prevent societal collapse, you would be sorted by innate ability and your career would be pre-selected. You would not have the illusion of freedom or equality. Dumb people would be required to be laborers. Smart people would be forced into the state run healthcare and tech sectors. Smart sociopaths would be forced into the state itself. You would not be allowed to waste your potential or anyones time being bad at your career or not selecting the career society needed to fuck off and be an "artist" just because you wanted to, unless you could fit it in between required activities.
300m people is more than enough to support a modern economy.
This meme of perpetual growth has to end.
Even if it shrinks to 150m the USA was a post wwii power house with only 158m persons in 1950
I said you queers would get triggered. 4chan is nothing but women these days.

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