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David Duchovny wrote a poem about putting his dog down and now I’m weeping good morning
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Should’ve wrote something like Mulder would have said it
>rolling around on the floor with your dog
there's no better feeling: my family thinks I'm an autist (and are probably correct) cus I do it with all of my dogs of varying sizes but it's when I feel closest to the dogs.
That could have been a prose poem. No point in using enjambment lazily.
that’s a new word.

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Why do lions fuck each other's tranimal holes?
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>makes ridiculous claim
>asserts that the burden of proof to disprove your ridiculous claim is on the other party
>the only possible "proof" would involve observing ever animal to ever exist for the entirety of their existence
Kill faggots
Fish don't even mate. They cum and ovulate in water.
Theres nothing to rationalize, it’s literally just animals gooning because there’s no females around. One could also say it’s an act of dominance like how hyenas do but that’s literally it. Mammals specifically have a habit of dicking literally anything if they go long enough without mating properly. A lot of mammals commit rape by our standards but nobody tries to justify this either, so it should be no different.
I believed this when I was little, but it was all lies. Mammals mount each other as a form of dominance display, they aren't engaging in sexual gratification. Well, monkeys and chimps might - I wouldn't be surprised, they are hideous.

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>adopt kitten from shelter
>immediately love her
>cat refuses to part with me when I'm near
>feel bad about her being spayed, so she will never become a mother
>forced to leave home for nice job, unable to take her with me so I have to leave her with my brother
>retard mentions it in passing during a phone call that she was killed by his dogs like if it wasn't a big deal
it's not fair, I fucking loved that cat
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continue breathing in catshit/catpiss and being the smelliest motherfucker somehow without being self aware. this is all for the betterment of your life and your health sonny
they do when their cat slaughters its daily beneficial songbird, which is why they’re on the receiving end so often

a lot of people like birds. they look good. they sound good. they eat bugs.
what do cats do? nothing, it turns out. except get fleas.
showing your face so soon? gag on cock some more before showing your ass so blatantly next time
^^^^ Holy mother of falseflag
I wish there was cool Schizos on this board and not faggy and retarded kind

post order chiroptera
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It waits until they are off camera to get rapey.
I have a question, why are bats so gay?

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This is a thread to post about your ducks, geese, waterfowl. Questions, comments, concerns, photographs and video of course. I'll start:
>current flock courtesy of Metzer, born 2 days ago
>1 buff gosling
>3 welsh harlequin ducklings
>4 snowy call ducklings
I'm so excited for them to grow. My every thought revolves around my babies. This will be my second time around raising ducklings. The gosling keeps trampling over the call ducks which is adorable. She likes to be held against my chest, and will scream and throw herself at the brooder wall until I pick her up.

What birbs do you have /an/? Which ones do you want in the future? What's your current setup for them? Who's your favorite? Post pictures!
I’m only interested in the really exotic ducks
What kinds, mandarins? Wood ducks? Other native species?
They're cute, but obnoxiously messy compared to chickens.

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What the actual fuck is this thing
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No animal is safe
That’s one way of putting it
not now, it's being done for centuries, like the Damascus goat
>damascus goat
Woah! It's even taller than a llama. Maybe it's the perspective that is playing with my mind but it still is amazing.

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I keep brushing but when I tug at his fur, I still get multiple stings of hair. He's a dog, german-aussie
Buy an undercoat rake with rotating pins and remember to give your dog cheese
why cheese

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Oh you're looking for your bowling ball? Sorry bro idk where it could be
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Anyone have the green one?
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Nvm found it, too bad no one ever made a blue version so we could have a trio.
Is it as heavy as it looks?
>watch me dribble this hen
weird watermelon

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Off topic.

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If you think about it...
Both are herbivores.
Both have a trunk but the boar has a short, rigid trunk, while the Elephant has a long, flexible trunk which he can manipulate objects with.
Both have tusks, but the elephant has massive, long tusks, while the boars tusks are puny and small.
Boars are known for their strenght and mass, but elephants are much stronger and heavier.
One of the main "advantages" people like to award boars with is that they are smart and empathic, but even in that regard, elephants are known to be much more intelligent and empathic than boars.
Is there even a single aspect that boars are better in than elephants? I don't think so.
Truth is that elephants are just a better version of boars in every possible way imaginable, which means that boars are just shitty, discount elephants for losers and I feel deeply ashamed to live in a country where boars are native.
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>Is there even a single aspect that boars are better in than elephants? I don't think so.
You can't keep an elephant indoors
It’s the same guy posting the same thread trying to force it, so yeah it is
But how do you want to know it's the same guy?
I think his "copypasta" sounds pretty true.
He’s a namefag and posted the last one under the same name
>Clubbabubba Caveman
Post clubs.

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Today is World Otter Day.
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giant river otters look hilarious
I love the way they move so much
I wish I could crest the waves they way they do
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>I wish I could crest the waves they way they do
They’re the only ones I don’t like. Too goofy looking.

Honestly, is it even ethical to visit or donate money to zoos? Even the larger, so called conservationist ones do horrifically physically and psychologically inhumane things to their animals.
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>t.screaming toddler
saw a kid running up and threatening a monkey with a foam sword repeatedly and his retard dad just being a chucklefuck about it. what the fuck. i don't go into the consumerism portion of the zoo so i don't know if they're just selling shit to taunt animals with or he brought it in from outside the zoo but fuck this shit retard species
>I think the only Zoo with over 100 acres dedicated in animal exhibits is Bronx Zoo in America which is sad
>No other Zoo is even close to that bench mark
lol, lmao
In my Zoo there are signs stating that harrassing the animals is a fineable offense... not sure if its actually enforce
>Safari Park
those dont count plus they have enclosures for their animals too

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My dog was in labor.It lasted 6.30 hours. All of them survived. One was reanimated, but now he is healthy.There is 9 of them 6 boys and 3 girls.She approved all of them they are now eating.She is healthy and exhausted.Im so happy everything turned alright.
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Done well for a mastiff, whats the father?
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it's cane corso and the father is cane corso too
>3 girls

Stick my dick into them.
Remember to drink her milk and post proof and results

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is feeding your dogs your boogers illegal if he likes them
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The dogs like it so I acquire dog happiness
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I'd say it snot a problem.
It's fine OP, if anything you're training his immune system well.
That being said, whenever you pick your nose your gonna have him running over and begging for boogers, so dont do it all the time.
I dont remember if they ever ate my boogers but i didn't offer them. They have tried my finger and toe nails, hair, skin and blood tho. Would probably eat my shit and piss since they ate each others and of other animals. Their favorites were toe skin, nails and hair. She would hold my toes with her freakishly well working fingers and lightly munch on it or taste it.
>Would probably eat my shit and piss since they ate each others and of other animals.
many such cases

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Why are they so kino?
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you wouldn't get it
who would win ? borzoi or elephant ? (weight/size equalized)
Yeah. I know. That's what I said.
I swear you keep making the same threads

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