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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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>Yeah nice try. You know I'm the big spoon.
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Requesting Pinguin Webms
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How damaged would that dolphin be if it got slapped by the whale?
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What king of bate even is this?
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One that made you reply. GG
Where's this from?
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She's so matter of fact about it. This is not her first rodeo.
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Plot twist: Cameraman sprayed the boy's head full of catnip extract as a prank
i love these
for you
you can tell he was getting a boner
I'm having trouble processing this, all I see is fish hovering over grass, small pond and dried up rocks
underwater, not at all. it could be concussed if it came up right under the clap though
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nice tongue
Love these threads. They always cheer up my shitty days. Thanks anons.
We need a bigger board
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Is this real?
It would be extremely painful.
He's a big guy.
File: baby hydra.webm (2.68 MB, 448x800)
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pelicans are so fuckin funny man
floppas are real animals.
Based pic
That thing looks over fed
It just let her do that without putting up a fight? Where even is this? Is that a fucking zoo??? What kind of enclosure is that? How did a pelican get in????? So many questions
this is a bobcat right? pretty cute :3
Worlds most transparent body of water, apparently
Oh, that’s a shark…
Will his journey ever end?
Still water, optimal angle, and polarizing filter.
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>lovecraft intensifies
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Near, far, wherever you are~
File: orange.webm (872 KB, 480x854)
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He's not going there to die. He's going there to find out if he's really alive.
Physically? Not much.
Emotionally? Mortifying.
File: right there.webm (3 MB, 1274x720)
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wait just a fucking second. That's the tail base scratch point area spot for domesticated animals!
what in the good lord heaven God earth green is going sam benny hill tarnation on?
Most animals have a hard time scratching the base of their tail: can't reach it with claws, can barely reach it with teeth. If they get an itchy spot there due to fleas or mites or whatever, they can't scratch it very well. Good thing humans like to pat and scratch as many critters as possible.
do they like their tongues pat pet just liek orcas? perhaps i propose to pet the pink pillow?
God made all animals to be frens. we've just failed him on some of them.
anon what's your address, I'm gonna send an ambulance over cause you clearly just had a stroke
When dad puts you in a time-out but you're really proud of what you did.
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I talk a big game when I'm out at the club but I don't really know what animals are and just nod along when the guys start talking about them.
Is that the ones that yell "ptreeegle" at you?
They didn't have to crucify him
Ablatrosses only ever touch the ground twice. Once on their anniversary and once when they choose to die.
So this is it? They can just walk now?
There is something he needs to do
So Gators just have the same instinctive reaction to raise their butts to indicate that they like it and to keep going? That’s… something
Herzog makes shit up all the time in his "documentaries".
Love how it windscreen wipers its eyes like that. Neat
That's a weird penis.
Did this nigga kill a fox? Damn, birds don't fuck around.

Hey, it makes compelling content. People have been posting that webm and getting misty eyed over it since the format was first developed.
The fox looks like it might have been there for a while but I guess a bird can kill any land animal it can lift into the air and drop.
you wouldn't
I wouldn't
Anon I'm pretty sure that's a goat.
>12 species of canid are known to have been hunted by golden eagles and they collectively make up about 2.8% of the diet from all surveyed golden eagle nests. For the most part, foxes are the preferred prey. In a nest in Mongolia, Corsac fox (Vulpes corsac) were surprisingly the main prey species, making up 38% of sampled remains. Kit fox (Vulpes macrotis), swift fox (Vulpes velox), gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) and island fox (Urocyon littoralis) are readily predated in North America. Red foxes make up 13.5% of nest remains in Sicily and 5.9% in the Republic of Macedonia. Among red foxes, juveniles are usually targeted as prey, though golden eagles can kill foxes of any age or condition, including adult male red foxes heavier than the eagles themselves. Occasionally, even coyotes, including healthy adult males, can be successfully killed by golden eagles.
Could an adult golden eagle kill a me?
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i want to be a wolverine lady
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Alright then, what's actually happening there then?
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look at that tail wag, what a happy boy
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Sequel to cocaine bear; nunchucks bear!
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>yes yes these will do nicely
Eagles are cool
Probably (over time)
movie was doodoo
>My ancestors are smiling at me, imperials. Can you say the same?
ninja bear staring rob schnieder a marital arts master who gets turned into a bear
>Occasionally, even coyotes, including healthy adult males, can be successfully killed by golden eagles.
Hot damn, eagly don't play
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>And what is the magic word?
That's a weird penguin...
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They WON
Jesus. Wonder how long he can keep that up for. Good reminder not to have small pets roaming around if you around them
They are dishonorable predators which makes it even worse
>always attacks from behind
>never fights with honor
>just stabs you in the back repeatedly and flies away
There’s a reason mammals are unable to empathize with birds without being controlled by brainworms
Rated P.G.13!
>*native american drums and singing in the background*
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it makes me sad to know that in any other place on the world those otters would now be handless because people=shit
We may bring segregation back one day...
no one ever posts the one where he stops spinning and immediately sucks his own cock like a chad
Cats are also ambush predators, I'm pretty sure they would also be dishonorable under anon's definition.
so trve
are they fucking?
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With a purposeful grimace and a terrible meow...
That's what I do at the glory hole
My local zoo has a "nice fellas only" policy so they let you in with the creatures
Maybe muslims are onto something...
In any western country these otters would be abused by braindead browns.
>clean it up janny
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Haha george you should do the walk and be like "look at me im a human i go to work and ride in metal pods and live in wood huts" hahaha how funny would that be?
that’s pretty cool
you’re lucky
How do they determine who's a nice fella?
penis length, good looks, etc.
What about girth?
Asking for a friend.
so that Italian Supercat pic was real after all...
They have a weird scrying sphere you have to look through at their sorcerer's eye. They say she can tell how you're going to die from that but she's not allowed to tell you.
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for you
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do you have more of cats in prototype cities? i've been trying to find more of this video of a cat sleeping in the middle of what looks like a prototype city. i've tried searching google but i just get the ai generated big cats in cities.
whoa! is this real?
yeah man kony's back
Based tardwrangler.
the one where it beats the shit out of the model train?
I don't have it, but I think I know the one
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nta, but here's one from last thread. I think I have another one somewhere...
(preferably with less retardation this time)
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Yep, got a second. Might have a third as well...
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Nope, just the two. Have an unrelated cat that is completely normal and not at all suffering from a Gellar field failure.
I don't know how to computer, could someone make a webm of this please?
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Whoever was driving that white vehicle should count their blessings. They were almost crushed to death there..
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non-factor as far I know
You’re wrong, he’s what appears when you do have a field failure
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Such cuties.
But why are there so many of them?
They can't be all from one litter, right? Is it some sort of wild life center where they raise abandoned cubs?
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Average number of cubs is 2.5, so probably a zoo or whatever.
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I guess it depends on what position its tail is in and where it gets hit.
Could crumple the spine. But it could also just gently sweep the dolphin away.
The whale's smart and I'm sure it knows that though. It wouldn't break its little bro.
oh shit
baby hydra
File: Macaque EMT.webm (777 KB, 240x320)
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>and STAY OUT!
>Lock X-foils in attack position!
In their defence, it *is* clearly labeled for them.
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Why would someone film themselves petting a bird that clearly isn't interested in them? The bird just wants food.
owls are so cool
can’t see they aren’t in the place
I’ve seen this video plenty of times but it never actually occurred to me how human like the one on the stretcher was acting. Jesus
Are those prosthetics or a cast?
Christianity again? After cowboys?
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See you space cowboy
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>these males have overslept
What in the fuck are those things ?
Fishe with legs.
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the way it hands the cloth to the man gets me every time
Some kind of stonefish I think
File: Road Toll.webm (2.93 MB, 640x360)
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is that just a dead guy in the road?
fatter, wider zoi
These things will just try to eat anything, won't they?
he didn't pay the toll
damn those niggas is ugly
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When the LSD hits
ayy lmao
can I get this with sound?
Normal orange kitty behavior
File: monkey lost banana.webm (888 KB, 460x444)
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It's been over decade since I saw this pic, and it was on entirely different aib. Man...
My lunch
That’s why we love them :)
You’re ancient, anon.
This is exactly how beavers roll logs downhill to a river during dam-building. They're good at it and get better ... usually. They have been known to kill other beavers that get in the way.
>instead of doing anything, person just films
>other person casually walks over instead of jog/run
I won't say it
They look like they're covered in the same gunk that my CPU fan seems to accumulate.
My blue tongue often does this at first, biting the side of the dish when I put the food in.
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This reminds me of my wive
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otters are so fucking cute
That's a thing only beavers would know. sus.
wait do their shells itch? they can feel their shells?
File: tortoise skeleton.jpg (50 KB, 1024x683)
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Apparently their shells have nerve endings. Who knew?
>metal bolts
crazy how nature can do that
this makes me uncomfortable
>runs off
It knows what it did
You jest but there are deep sea snails that have shells made of iron.
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but for what purpose
Seems unlikely
It is true, scaly foot snail.
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I feel like an idiot for not realizing their spine ran along the top of their shell...
>Vertebrae makes an S-Turn at the neck
That part is unbound, it can move its neck forward full extension, likely from the last vertebra fused to the shell
I do not believe that bird killed that fox (without human interference) however, the fact he was able to fly away with the fox is surprising to me.
Ah, so that's how snapping turtles can basically turn their heads into miniature harpoons. Never really thought about it until now. It's basically like a bone spring under tension.
I've prepared and eaten turtles (sorry, /an/) but if I'd hadn't, I'm not sure I'd have known, either.
You can tell this video is asian by two hallmarks.

Downbeat animals displaying le hecking wholesome humanlike behaviour after a training regime of beatings, and aggresive face filtering working overtime glitching out when their headsget near the sides of the frame.

Webm as well because I'm not just here to complain.
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Imagine an existence where you have to endlessly fist yourself to eat.
I should call him
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I love em
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I'd stomp on his nose. Fucking faggot bear.
Why didn't he go white for the winter?
Imagine the bite strength of this beast.
Pizza for dinner, awwww yissss
>Pig does not care for chicken's bullying
He already went black, now he can't go back
I love the dumbstruck look in the cat's face
Mink don't go white, only long tailed weasels (stoat / ermine) do.
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Good job Harrison Ford!
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The fact that a creature persevered long enough to evolve into this is utterly insane, just goes to show how much is possible in this beautiful world.
What is that creature?
>I've prepared and eaten turtles
Likewise. Good stuff
Shut up
File: total cicada death.webm (3.7 MB, 1280x720)
3.7 MB
This is the pinnacle of cramming
No, they didn't get the cat to dance, it was CGI
are all you fuckers out here 7? thinking turtles are free floating in their shell like franklin and shit, go to school
is this a chinese owl?
File: Bear scratch.webm (2.19 MB, 1280x720)
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Ah, i thought that /was/ a stoat. I've never actually seen a mink before, not even in pictures or video. Unless coats count
>this dude trying to offset my hobby of duckling stomping at local ponds and rivers
Is there some sort of hormone i could buy, to (hypothetically) spray on someone's car so they would do this?
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What's the point of censoring all swears except one?
Way to misspell. His name is Wodders. Here's a video of him as a baby:
I wish my dick could do that too
What makes you say that
That doesn’t sound like a very legal question, anon.
Was it autism?
File: game can seduce you.webm (1.23 MB, 384x480)
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Absolute unit.
probably something like he has figured he usually gets nuts thrown at him by the 3rd flip
It's crazy how stinky those fuckers get though. Snake holes smell stank.
When the tiger skeets on you
Fucking based tigerbro
That would make sense but he just runs off immediately after. Like he’s saying “fuck you”
Not on this board.
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new thread
File: Beaver lubing.webm (2.48 MB, 370x480)
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>hurr durr im a hooman

The duality of nature. As beautiful as it is sad.


Could be carrion, but I don't know if that bird does that. Looks pretty frozen as well, poor fella.


What kind of jewish trickery is this?

Floyds, Sanchez, Chang and Pajeet are shit, those otters would be loved unconditionally in white, European countries.

Have you seen one of these cunts move? He'd snap and drag your soon to be corpse through that fucking slot.
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Post a webm

... oh well *unzips*

You've never had the pleasure of living with a cat, I assume? They are near indestructible.
>They have been known to kill other beavers that get in the way.

It sounds like you mean they intentionally send logs towards beavers, but I assume they just happen to get in the way of a rolling log.

Just needs the sound of maniacal laughter disappearing in the distance.
>near indestructible
>these parasites once again proving how delusional they are
I've punted one cat really hard that was being hostile and it flew and it limped away. I imagine if I wanted to finish the job I could easily destroy it.
>Kicks an animals
>Too lazy to finish the job
Violent lazy nigger status confirmed

Sorry, I did not mean pleasure unironically, although the one I lived with was pleasant enough when it wasn't using the bathtub to shit in (thanks, catmom, great job on training and clearing the litterbox).

I think the world would be a better place, all in all, with the domestic cat erased, if that helps.

They are tanks though, the ones I've interacted with here up in snowape country.. YMMV, I suppose.
Was being eaten a part of their plan?
it could be a re-wilding ploy? I honestly have no knowledge of what's going on there.

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