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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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—Timer: https://itsalmo.st/time-for-qualifiers-to-become-extinct-w9nk
►Bracket: To be decided (by your votes!)

►Previous threads:
Discussion...?: >>4797374
Nominations: >>4799223
Qualifiers: [YOU ARE HERE]

►Judges: Yotsuba, /an/-tan, a baker's dozen of Crows in a trenchcoat
►The following Elite 8™ members are barred from participation:
>Tyrannosaurus Rex
>Mantis Shrimp
>Giant Pacific Octopus

All me baby

Click Here to Vote: https://forms.gle/Y87AdJuT1rESfscD6
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Time to seal the deal this year, boys.
Are the qualifier polls ready?
Should be. If something is wrong with the link in the OP Anchor then just tell me and I'll hotfix
I don't see Dill or Oak on the form
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Forgot video lol https://youtube.com/watch?v=MLMRHScRnhs
Could've sworn I remember adding Oak alongside all the other trees.
What makes blue jays so great?!
And that’s why blue jays should win
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Plants will win, vote for Plants.
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Look at this hard-working fella. Don't you just want to give him a hand? Of course you do! Vote beaver!
Kowalski, analysis!
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>Hey anon, we'll let you join us if you vote for White-Tailed Deer~
Well, anon?
Vote for all round and ball shaped animals
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Fun fact about the Ginkgo biloba and the Coelacanth, both are living fossils (species that resemble extinct ones only known through fossils).
The Ginkgo is the last living member of its 290 million-year old order and, while it is currently endangered, the trees themselves are very tough and can live for thousands of years.
The Coelacanths have two remaining living species and their fossil records go back 400 million years and were thought to have been extinct 66 million years ago.
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Nominating Sloth
Damn, supporting them.
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Fennecs are my favorite animal of all time. I've been obsessed with them for the last ten years and they are one of God's greatest creations. I love them so much.
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Vote for dolphins. We're watching after all.
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The Valonia ventricosa is one of the biggest single-celled organisms, you can't get a better ball than this.
>forgetting Bigfoot
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Gustave has killed 300 Africans and he will kill 300 more only if YOU vote for him
This would be the most fun non-animal to make Elite Eight or even win.
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Vote big reptile
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Bigfoot didn't mean to be here in the first place, he just ended up passing by /an/ on his way to /x/
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wtf don't let garloids in, nigga
I'm on your side this year
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Vote for the charitable and helpful sea louse. They have chosen to help the epidemic of fish with no tongues and sacrifice themselves by being the fish's new tongue. Really quite honorable creatures.
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Voting for Meat cause I'm a HUGE Vinny guy.
Did you fuckers seriously forget to nominate the Kiwi?
I do not respect New Zealand
That is my answer to that question
Someone please explain what this is
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It is an offshoot of a board tournament event that originated in /co/ half a decade ago, only instead of cartoon and comic characters we are voting on the best animal or whatever else.
Be honest, would you do a Neanderthal woman?
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>Neanderthal woman
so a woman
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The cockroach is the perfect organism.
>hundreds of millions of years old
>can eat literally anything
>survive weeks without food
>survive poison
>survive decapitation
>fly right at you in the middle of the night
>love getting wasted
>will inherit the earth
Vote cockroach.
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Reasons you should vote for Rabbit
1. Bunnies are cute
2. Bunnies make good pets
3. This rabbit is very friendly
4. You would want to pet this rabbit and give it a carrot
Voting for smelly apes? Couldn't be me. Lizards all the way
I'm voting for this thing because it's probably the only animal in the running that has a bizarre musical number in an artsy indie game
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Last year our run may have been SMASHED short but this year we're ready to SLAM the competition. If you're as smart as Heisenberg you will VOTE Toadline.
Ah ok thanks sounds fun
I get the reference
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Look at her go!
Garloid! Garloid! Garloid! Garloid! Garloid!
Please look at these rabbits
They are happy, you can be happy too if you vote bunny
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Also reminder rabbits are so powerful they can take on even the mighty crow
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Look at this Red Panda. Isn't it cute? Then why don't you vote for the Red Panda, one of the cutest animal out there.
I'm only voting for the things I could take in a fight

>all insects and microorganisms
>all plants
>all fish
>fennec fox
>pet rock
>red panda
>He thinks he can take on a fucking elephant
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Anchorin' it for the based retard that forgot >>4800071
What can an elephant actually do though? If you hug its hind legs it can't reach you with its truck, and its too sluggish to get away while you repeatedly pommel it from behind. If you stand to the side of its hind legs then it won't even be able to hit you with a back kick. If it raises its leg to perform a stomp then all you have to do is back off until it finishes its slam, then move back in to continue punching.
Ok, let's put this logic to practice. Go to Africa, find an elephant and attack it. No, you can't use a gun. See what happens.
except for when they can’t…
anon, it’s pasta, you need more training
No, he posted the pasta, he NEEDS to show he can take on an elephant.
I knew the pasta was coming as soon as I saw the OP
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I can take on 5 African Elephants
Oh no no no Ichthyotitan bros... Are we FRAUDS???
a bunch of whores
/bun/ member here
any other frequenters of generals reporting in?
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>can take insects in a fight
>but not arachnids
Good to see you know what happens to anyone who crosses the Arachnid Alliance :)
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>he thinks he can win
>blows on you softly
radiodont master race reporting in
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Thanks for the blowjob, fucko
Bro, you're just spreading the seeds.
I suggest we have the voting link in the OP for this. This isn't exactly main tourneys, most contestants won't realistically get OC so there's nothing wrong with the silent majority of /an/ influencing the outcome here.
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1 hour before the tournament really begins. I have a good feeling about the Red Panda this year.
Looks comfy
Red Panda will do well. It is, however, an insect year.
Yeah right. Most people aren't fans of insects, especially cockroaches. Hell, most people want cockroaches eliminated off the face of the earth. You'll be lucky to get past round 1.
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Wrong, Plants will win.
Get in.
>Plants...are strong!
I'm not a fan of cockroaches bring in my house but I still think they're pretty metal in general so I'll be voting for them if they're in (just find a better picture)
Yeah I was starting to think the same thing.
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Allosaurus stands unaposed as one of the most successful macro-predatory animals of all time.
Okay but what organisms do you NOT want to get in?
Is rather have /an/ons vote on this than I would /tnt/
>I’m voting humans because I am one!
Is super lame and actually retarded
I really think we can just move the forms back up to the OP again for all tournaments, but I agree that /an/ should be fine with it regardless.
To be honest humans are pretty fucking rad
The ones that don't exist
>5 minutes left
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5 crab minutes left
Yeah, objectively humanity has made every other organism its bitch. It's just a bit on the nose.
Post your predictions before the results are shown.
Humans are seed #24 exactly.
I have a feeling Cats and Dogs will have an extremely high seed
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Now please bear with me, as this part is usually the hardest thing to set up with any tournament. I'll have the results and Round 1 as soon I can muster.
If I take a little long I'll throw you guys a bone and reveal Top 10 seeds
Alright. I just hope this dosen't take an hour.
he smooth
Smooth allo with some smooth moves
Garloid because it's a meme and not even a real animal
I'm pretty sure stuff like extremely widespread microorganisms, tardigrades, ants and cockroaches beg to differ
Bro are you typing everything manually or what because it has been 14 minutes and you haven't even told us the top 10.
The top 10 normally doesn't get revealed that fast either way
Let him cook
What's the difference between a T-rex and a allosaurus?
An Allosaurus didn't job to a bird.
>it has been 14 minutes and you haven't even told us the top 10.
Fine... just for you.
1 - Bumblebee
2 - Frogs
3 - Watermelon
4 - Owls
5 - Coelacanth
6 - African Elephant
7 - Chicken
8 - Grizzly Bear
9 - Pistol Shrimp
10 - Praying Mantis
Don't worry too much. This isn't Tag Team 2021, we're not gonna take another 2 days. at worst I'll be like an hour behind at worse
>Watermelon that fucking high
What the fuck?
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>8 - Grizzly Bear
I'm surprised it's top three, but I think it's the funniest plant pick. It's so dumb, yet everyone knows it. I can see why it got a lot of votes.
Also I'm surprised /an/ REALLY likes bees.
Superficially and to the untrained eye, they look almost identical but they have a LOT of differences. For starters, Allosaurus is smaller, a lot smaller. T. Rex sits at around 10 tons while Allosaurus sits at 2 tons. Allo also had meat hooks for claws and possessed extremely well-developed arms for grappling unlike rexy. Allo also had a shorter, slimmer and thinner face and two crests atop of his eyes.

Allosaurus might seem like a straight downgrade from T. Rex but it couldn't be further from the truth.
Humans humbled. Bees bumbled.
Mmissedd the qualifiers. Hoping some good plants, fungi and rocks made it through. This board is heavily biased towards animals.
>different family so 3 claws instead of 2
>wasn't wanked as much by pop culture in an effort to make it the #1 dino
>was smaller but actually had usable arms
>lived in Jurassic instead of Cretaceous
>had a distinctive skull with trademark growths above eyes (not horns)
>was the alpha predator of its time and arguably a more active hunter than T-Rex
>might have hunted in packs
>supposedly hunted Stegosaurus instea of Triceratops, though in reality both Al and T-Rex likely mostly hunted weak defenseless prey and only occasionally attacker tougher dinos when hungry
Wtf is the appeal of the Coelacanth?
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>though in reality both Al and T-Rex likely mostly hunted weak defenseless prey and only occasionally attacker tougher dinos when hungry
You're kinda wrong in this aspect actually. If I am not mistaken there was a recent paper published on allosaurus bite marks on the dinosaurs on morrison formation, and allo bite marks were EVERYWHERE. Even large sauropods had them, even other contemporary theropods had allo bite marks. There's even a documented case of a dick-shot on allosaurus by a stegosaurus. The big al specimen was found to have around 19 severe injuries and infections all around his body meaning that allosaurus were among the most aggressive and effective predators in their environment. Not to mention, they were cosmopolitan.
It's an old ass fish, it looks cool, and it likely benefits from Animal Crossing exposure. Not every animal needs a whole myriad of reasons why people like it, and even then the coelacanth is still fascinating just for its endurance and lineage.
It's THE old fish.
Didn't one allosaurus just have his entire jaw fucking pulverized but not only survived but it healed and somehow lived afterwards?
>Bear and Gorilla will alternate being in the elite 8 so they'll never have their fated matchup
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But it's so fucking old
If you think that's bad, just wait until what I have foreseen.
I could have sworn we got that match or at least some other common hypothetical match.
I can't stress this enough, but allosaurus is one of the most fucking rad prehistoric predators.
Stfu Homelander, you ain't got shit.
We actually got it... somewhat? Well, T. Rex also had a thematic match with two of them, faced both of them and won.
Wanting thematic matches is why I spite vote certain animals.
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dumb fishe
You know the thing that got out of primordial soup and became everything we know as land vertebrates? Well, this is its closest relative.
This fish is closer to us than it is to any other fish.
I mean, even if allosaurus actually did attack sauropods, it was likely very young or very old specimen, or wounded or dying ones. I.e. those that would have a handicap and have a hard time defending themselves.
Everyone thought it was extinct for a while, then turned out it still lives on. It's a happy ending for an ancient animal you rarely get to see.
Allosaurus belonged to a group of dinosaurs called Allosauroids, which includes the Carcharodontosaurids. They were specialized on hunting large animals like sauropods and were adapted to essentially bite a massive chunk out of their preys muslce, sinew and arteries and make them bleed out. Sure an allosaurus can't possibly bring down a single fully grown brontosaurus, but a mob of 10 all taking a bite and you're looking at a dead sauropod.
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After several re-checkings, 3 separate heart attacks and enough mouse abuse to warrant a restraining order, I think we're done.
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Oh yeah, Red Pandas in the top 40, let's go.
Why do some entries have an extra number next to them?
>99th place
Um, allobros, we shouldn’t have shittalked T. rex…
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>Nigersaurus is the highest seeded extinct animal
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Time to SMASH the bracket and SLAM the competition into oblivion
I'm not surprised it's high, but I am surprised that it's at the top.
>inb4 Nigersaurus vs Watermelon match up
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Emperor Scorpion has made it in?
>humans missed top 10 by one spot
Okay, now that's funny.
>highest seeded prehistoric animal is nigersaurus at 21
So no one beat T Rex’s record of 14
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Hey, at least the second highest seeded extinct animal is none other than the Trike.
We know Allosaurus ate sauropods, but that's about it. Everything else is speculation. I can believe they might have sometimes hunted younger, smaller sauropods in groups (which is another speculation), but everything past that is too much into the unknown.
And Cretaceous Carchatodontosauridae like Giga hunting sauropods is another can of worms, since the BBC documentary that popularized the idea of Gigas pack hunting Argentinosaurus is hardly the most credible source. I wouldn't use that as proof, and for a different genus too. It's just a big fat "maybe" at the end of the day.
I assume host still had the lower seeds listed while figuring out the final order. If you want the ones that didn't qualify:

Koala - 7
Northern Cardinal - 7
Palaeoxodon Namadicus - 7
Rafflesia Arnoldii - 7
Tegu - 7
Jerboa - 6
Gustave The Man-Eating Burundian - 6
Destroying Angel - 6
Ginkgo Biloba - 6
Valonia Ventricosa - 6
Dragon’s Blood Tree - 5
Lagerstroemia Indica Reimu - 5
Ryegrass - 5
Gojirasaurus - 4
Jadera Haematoloma - 4
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Hey that could be worse!
It’s kinda lame that
>lol it’s got le funneh N word name ecksdee
Has that much appeal
Basically yeah. Funny story about that
I thought I'd have to redo a whole chunk of the rentry because missed Venus Flytrap who had around 20+ votes
turns out I just misspelt it as "Venis" on accident lol
Why the fuck isn't at least anomalocaris in the top 10 seeds? Isn't he supposed to be a massive meme?
Homo erectus is funnier, and it ended up with a lower seed.
anyways here are the brackets
now onto the google forum. Praying not as much of a bitch this time
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We will stride on. Even if our first battle will be our last, we will still struggle to the top.
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>humans vs. white-tailed deer
I didn't know it was hunting season.
>dogs: 29
>cats: 48
Lol I knew the cat general was just an autism circlejerk
Already some fun match-ups to start off.
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>Facing the jew fish
Porpoises are finished this round.
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>Red Pandas are up against Frogs
This will be easy.
>anglerfish vs dolphins
>dolphins are the lower seed
This is bizarre seeing how dolphins are THE normie marine animal but I'm not complaining. Anglerfish is cooler anyway, hope it can win.
Not really. People like goofy things
that’s also what /dog/ is what with the truckerfag and all
Dolphins are assholes, so you either love or hate them as a result.
>fucking Wasps vs Brontosaurus
>the birds and the bees in the first match
Hip tournament
Emperor Scorpion is in the match-ups twice, one should be replaced with the next lowest seed.
oh shit, u rite
Koalabros, it's your lucky day
Wait, where's Carnotaurus? I could've sworn it was nominated and on the form
disregard this last post I've appeared to somehow miss the Carnotaurus, who received 11 votes
thank you for your inquiry!
Koalas BTFO
Kowalski, analysis about the tropical pitcher plant.
Oh thank god we're almost there
expect new bread in like 20-30 minutes. Might extend R1 a day if people want the extra time to campaign and stuff
Maybe call the round an hour later than normal and go back to normal time afterwards.
What is it about these fucking things that are so horrifying, even still images of these bastards on a web browser are enough to jumpscare me when animals like sharks and snakes don’t.
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A picture of a Giant Cave Cockroach would do wonders for their poll results, the different shape and colors are less offputting than the shit brown that people usually associate with these bugs.
they are freaky but not that freaky anon lol
Actually I think the bright colors are worse on them.

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