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/an/ - Animals & Nature

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ITT animals that make humans feel insecure
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I wish asian women would eat me alive too.
long live the king
No one cares enough to do that
Why aren't you doing it?
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Noone here cares enough to go there.

You want it bad enough, you go on reddit yourself.
>fringe zionist terrorists that murdered for power are bad

Before he died,
Stalin was preparing to extend "the doctor's plot" to all jews.
He was preparing to commit another pogrom.

There is also the fact that the soviet union had nearly launched a nuke at israel during either six day or yom kippur war.
*Sigh* Wholesome duderino here...I guess I'll have to do it. *Unzips pants*

You're gonna get banned bro. You need to go on a sub that's explicitly about debating tankies or else they just plain won't engage with you.
Why's your entire account just you asking about drugs?
Yeah, I'm thinking fuck Judeo-Bolsheviks
Reddit hates dogs

Get ready for a flood of vegan tier ANYTHINGBOT WOOOVES IS ANIMAL ABOOSE BECUZ MUH NATOOR and BOORGOOSE DECADENCE and some r/dogfree schizo garbage mixed in
>2 hours ago
>zero comments
fucking reddit knows how to deal with bait better than nu 4chan, sad to see
>on mass
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Jews invented communism
just like fishing, you need different bait for different fish
So true
Pretty much. It’s the easiest thing to piss people off on Reddit, especially because if you say something bad enough the wrongthink filter sends you to the bottom of the pile once you’ve accumulated enough downboats
so just like cats and other pets during the cultural revolution
commies just hate animals methinks
>admitting to being a redditor
The absolute state of this place.
knowing how reddit works ≠ being a redditor
they're working through the mental gymnastics trying to formulate a rebuttal. With the meager combined brainpower that tankies could theoretically muster, it could take them a loooong time....
>on mass
learn English (and French)
>muh pogroms
the post deboonking this was deleted but that’s a myth and always has been
They didn't, but they had high membership rates. But by that logic they invented facism too.
PLA did the same with Tibetan breeds in the 50s. Fuck commies.
No, they definitely did. Marx was one. As was his mentor. They also had high membership rates yes.
communists aren't human
Ohhhhh, you mean by a pure ethnic standard. I was getting ahead of myself and assuming your meant organised as a whole by non-seculars, my bad.
i was just going down this rabbit hole the other day
guess i'll dump
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The British pet massacre was a week-long event in 1939 in which an estimated 400,000 cats and dogs, a quarter of England's pet population, were killed in order to prepare for World War II food shortages.

In 1939, the British government formed the National Air Raid Precautions Animals Committee (NARPAC) to decide what to do with pets before the war broke out. The committee was worried that when the government would need to ration food, owners would decide to split their rations with their pets or leave the animals to starve. In response to that fear, NARPAC published a pamphlet titled "Advice to Animal Owners." The pamphlet suggested moving pets from the big cities and into the countryside. It concluded with the statement that "If you cannot place them in the care of neighbours, it really is kindest to have them destroyed."[3] The pamphlet also contained an advertisement for a captive bolt pistol that could be used to kill the animals humanely.

When Neville Chamberlain announced on 3 September 1939 that Britain had declared war with Germany, many pet owners flocked to pet surgery clinics and animal homes to kill their pets.[4] Many veterinarian groups such as the PDSA and the RSPCA were against these drastic measures, but their hospitals were still flooded with pet owners in the first few days. PDSA founder Maria Dickin reported: "Our technical officers called upon to perform this unhappy duty will never forget the tragedy of those days."[5] Hilda Kean wrote that lines for London clinics stretched a half mile. The event triggered a shortage of chloroform and a waste management challenge.[2]
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A year later, when London was bombed in September 1940, even more pet owners rushed to kill their pets. "People were worried about the threat of bombing and food shortages and felt it inappropriate to have the 'luxury' of a pet during wartime".[5]

Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, against the trend, managed to feed and care for 145,000 dogs during the course of the war and provided a field in Ilford as a pet cemetery, "where about 500,000 animals were buried, many from the first week of the war".[6] A famous opponent of pet culling was Nina Douglas-Hamilton, Duchess of Hamilton, a cat lover, who campaigned against the killing and created her own sanctuary in a heated hangar at Ferne.
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Seems wasteful; just imagine how many meat rations for Tommies could have been made from those cats and dogs if properly butchered.
>w-well you see they're acsksually coming up with...
that's some mental gymnastics if i've ever seen any
Family photo woth dad
heroes, glad they did what they could
jewish communism is incredibly evil and was never brought to justice for all the murder they carried out, instead fleeing to (((new york city))) and (((columbia university)))
Pretty much.
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someone stop me
Wasn't there a euro country that genocided minks because they were afraid of the coof?
The Dutch government tried to force farmers to kill all their minks. The farmers resisted and the government backed down
once again communism is the greatest evil in the world
Good on the farmers. What a deranged attempt by the government
>be denmark
>have 17 million minks because of fur industry
>wild chinese bat flu escapes from a lab
>decide to cull the minks because minks can get the bat flu too
>mink holocaust happens
>bury them in pits
>first they taint the ground water
>and then they start to reappear from the ground like zombies because of decomposition gasses
>have to dig up like one-fourth of the mink mass graves and burn the corpses
never forget the multiple million…
Good. Aristocracy shouldn't exist.
Didn’t realize dogs could be aristocrats but anything is possible with commoids i guess
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>this guy is naturally pretty good at this thing, maybe his son will be too. Lets cultivate their lineage to this purpose.

>we killed all of our diplomats, bureaucrats, financiers along with their families and put in their place gangsters and socio political opptunists that will become aristocrats but without any of the natural talent of qualifications that come with it!
>...oh and their dogs too...
don’t forget criminals and rapists and whoever else because it inherently appeals to freaks and losers mad that they’re freaks and losers
>I make a rude post on 4chan to stir up problems and get 0 replies or just an "Ok retard".
when in doubt, mention trannies
>>this guy is naturally pretty good at this thing, maybe his son will be too. Lets cultivate their lineage to this purpose.
Worked out great last time.
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monarchist apologists are fast becoming the most insufferable group on this site
It's because reddit users are now predominantly normies who actually go outside and know how the real world works. So when they see some schizo saying something stupid they just roll their eyes and scroll on my.
4chan users can't, and haven't ever been able to, do that. My fellow brothers on this blessed forum have a deep-seated, insecure need to be smart because we're so fucking terrible at everything else. So when we see someone who we think is wrong we can't help ourselves but to say something. It's the narcissism.
>My fellow brothers on this blessed forum have a deep-seated, insecure need to be smart because we're so fucking terrible at everything else
too bad we're all missing a few chromosomes too
Man, if a war broke out I'd just take my dog and fuck off to become a vagrant of some kind, if we starve, we starve, but we'll do it together.
Most of the internet will drag their balls through miles of broken glass to tell you how retarded you are so it’s not something 4chan exclusive
>cherry picks the worst possible example from over 300 years ago
meanwhile we can look at any commie dictatorship and see the same shit everywhere
Go back.
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>democracy solves this
>this guy is naturally pretty good
lol. lmao even. surely his family's vast fortune and access to education and unleaded drinking water has nothing to do with it. no, surely it's his latent superman genes.
soviet communism is retarded for completely different reasons, but you don't have to defend a different kind of (literal, in the case of inbreeding) retardation.
Damn communists can't let us enjoy Pringles dog. Remember the only thing the enclave did wrong was not go far enough.
There is no longer a state-enforced eugenics program, they just do it to themselves now.
i look somewhat like this
how about you go live in saudi arabia, they have a monarchy there.

oh you don't want to go? curious!
No, I've seen your posts, you always end up getting into arguments since you agree with your supposed bait posts
Oligarchy is the antithesis to aristocracy.
Aristocracy is a separate to monarchy dumbass.
You clearly have never posted on a site other than 4chan. You are only arguing with the most intelligent of the retarded on the whole Internet. Fuck off somewhere else and you will see, we don't need a fag who champions redd*tors of all things.
At that point you have a chicken and the egg scenario, which is why aristocrats didn't have themselves as a baseline to compare to. The nobility of Europe competed against each other heavily with aristocrats going abroad to act as consorts and advisors all the time. If you couldn't compete with everyone esle you fell out of favor and your whole family would lose it's prestige, leading you to become upper to middle class. If you still failed then up against the now up and coming new blood families who are in a constant scrap to become new aristocrats, congrats you are lower middle class to working class ect ect ect. True aristocracy was not entirely pampered luxury, you ran the constant risk of disgracing yourself and your family. The hamburgs were successful in their failings because just about everyone became a hamburg and gave a blind eye to their 2nd cousin shiting the bed (literally) as it would affect themselves too. But at that point it is no longer aristocracy, it's oligarchy and is what aristocracy again tries to avoid.
Yeah that's how you bait someone retard. You don't just stop after the initial bait post, you follow up on it. Just get here last week?
To think that the US pioneered eugenics is astounding.
>redditors are normal
Only redditors are deluded enough to believe this.
Democracy somehow has even more demented geriatrics propped up by entire noble dynasties worth of nepotistic executives that run everything from the background. Nothing has changed.
Any real Russian boomer that grew up in USSR would just say one of two things in response. Either
>it never happened
>it's not a big deal, they deserved it anyway
Strawman harder faggot. Go back.
… they didn’t?
based knower debunking libtards
They did.
US state funded eugenic sterilisation programs were so prolific in the 20th century that the fucking nazis were directly inspired by them, basing their own programs intially on the american model. It got to the point that when the germans were out perfoming the US in their own eugenics program (prior to the planning stsges of the final solution) that leading US eugenicists spoke out and lobbied that america is falling behind europe and should invest even further into the field.
>admitting to being a thread-derailing troll
Ok but they didn’t “pioneer” the field, Britain did, they might have been the first to put it into practice on a large scale if that’s what you mean but that’s not the same, and also several other countries had their own eugenics program so it’s hardly surprising for Germany to follow suit
It doesn't stop there.
>landslide occurs with millions of tons of polluted dirt from a company that has been praised for being green
>it's a huge scandal with fingers pointed everywhere especially by people in government
>cleanup will be expensive as fuck
>government says the companies whose trash dirt it was should help fund it
>a huge portion of it turns out to be from the mink culling
It just keeps coming back to bite them in the ass.
Moral of the story: don’t fuck with musties
Fair point
now theres one saying its capitalist propaganda, lmao
commies arent human, nothing new
no, they shouldve just cremated all of them at first
actually, those minks shouldnt even exist
So business as usual
Why not?
>killed on mass
The phrase is "en masse."
>Dogs killed because they represent the rich
>Country gets rich
>People acquire more Dogs

Well the commies weren't entirely wrong
>communists tried to exterminate dog breeds because they were entwined with a nations culture

hmm yes curious
just a coincidence
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All dogs should be killed, simple as.
unmmmmm let’s stop noticing these problematic patterns k chuddie??

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