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Anyone else fascinated by the idea of taking on thing, and combining various features to another?
I always love this stuff, even if it's unrealistic.
Remember this Human Dog that was making the rounds years ago?
I always wonder what a cat dog would look like, or a bird bat, maybe even a fish man would look like.
How would such creatures adapt, what new niches would be formed.
Imagine a dolphin with hands, what kind of things would they do with those hands?
These are the kind of questions that keep me up at night.
Only with plants. It would be cool if sunflowers could spread like bamboo.
If we could find a way to make sure subsequent existences won’t be a living nightmare and to also not make them look like that then maybe
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I too pray that science can one day reverse aging and give us made to order furry boyfriends and girlfriends.
Since I was a lad. Even went to uni for it.
this but neither of those things
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I’m writing a universe atm where bioengineering is the new electronics. It’s fun to think about how engineered organisms could replace various industrial processes
I agree. I've always been fascinated with this prospect. It's frustrating that, even if we were physically capable of chimera engineering, normalfags in the field would be repulsed by it and make it next to impossible to make any of the fun stuff.
They already have. Your favorite dorito flavor was most likely extracted from GM bacteria. Your alcohol is definitely produced by modified organisms and some portion of the food you eat is modified
Those are called sunchokes.
Also they taste great.
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>I always wonder what a cat dog would look like
Kek. Saved.
i already do it nigga and that human dog is fake as fuck its a model. I can already make hybrids its really not that difficult i got pictures to prove it too
Lemme see
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id have a better quality photo if i could find it but i cant rn, ill send better photos later. This human-chicken died like 18 days into incubating, ill try a fish-chicken if i can get my hands on fish blood
Nigga that's a Peep
peeps dont look like that you retarded ape nigger
Neat can you go into more detail?
Stop wasting your time on chickens dumb faggot and get a chimp egg
>t. dio
Chimps don't lay eggs you fucking retarf
yes they do retafg
Hey dipshit. Mind reminding me what all therian mammals have to inseminate before getting pregnant? I'm having trouble remembering.
a stork?
i cant get a chimp egg it would tear my face off. best i can do is avians and maybe insects. the best things to use are egg laying creatures but mammals need a womb and eggs are already basically wombs so its easier with egg laying creatures.
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