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Does anyone know the breed of this beautiful cat? It was spotted in Bali.
brown recluse
Thanks for ur participation.
It's just a cat bro. Cats aren't like dogs. If it has no papers it has no breed.
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Kinda just looks like your average cat man
>Australian Mist
Probably the weirdest name I’ve ever heard for a breed
Cats weren't domesticated like dogs. Dogs were domesticated for very specific jobs, in a variety of climates, from the first examples of canine domestication. Herders, ratters, guard dogs etc. Even landrace breeds have insane variety, look at the landrace breeds from Siberia vs Africa.
Cats, until very recently, have always just been cats. Cats were only really used for one actual job, to rat (whether they were good at that or not is irrelevant). They were also cute and cuddly and made your kid happy. The only real variety they had was down to climate.
Cat breeds, distinguished in the same way dog and horse breeds are, are a very recent phenomenon. So recent that cat breeds have yet to influence feral and stray populations in any meaningful way, like dog breeds have.
For this reason, if a cat has no pedigree, it doesn't belong to any breed. It's just a cat.
Its actually because every civilized region has exterminated feral domesticated animals EXCEPT FOR cats so constant genetic contamination from strays reduces distinct characteristics. Most people have no need for a breeder because they can just pick up and re-abandon cats until they get one they like. Historically, you could not actually keep an indoor cat. Neutering and spaying was uncommon, dangerous, and pointless. ALL cats had to live outside because they are awful, stupid animals that will piss all over your house if not forcibly modified. So cats haven't even been really kept and bred except for the past few hundred years. Even if we wanted to, cats are too stupid and dirty to put up with long enough to really breed them on purpose, and then neutering came along.
Also see: Why foxes aren't pets. They are naturally shitty, filthy, annoying animals.

Meanwhile every other domesticated animal (horses, dogs, swine, cattle) that can live free and survive on its own also does clear and direct harm, like trampling land, killing livestock, and attacking people, due to being large enough, so they HAVE to be kept confined. Luckily these are all smart enough to adapt to society (organized confinement for humans and animals) so they do well in homes and behind fences. However useless one of these is somewhere they still get selectively bred just because they are not/can not be allowed to be wild.

The harm cats do is fuzzy and indirect. With (clueless) human support, they destroy vast swaths of the ecosystem and spread a parasitic disease that kills 750 people a year in the US alone. But we can't directly observe these like we can observe "horses walked across my field and now all the plants are fucking gone", so normies middling IQ scores are insufficient to notice the evils of roaming cats, and cat domestication has been severely hampered

This can, and will be remedied.
Let me see if I can extract a cognizant point out of this schizophrenic anal-bleeding meltdown.
>constant genetic contamination from strays reduces distinct characteristics
This is true, and it also a big reason why cat breeds are a very recent phenomenon. Due to the historical job of domestic cats, controlling cat breeding wasn't necessary and made no sense. Any unique characteristics, either physically or behaviourally, would only come about due to climate.
>cat domestication has been severely hampered
The advent of cat breeds has actually improved everything about cat breeding and owning imo. Making cats more expensive means more of an incentive to keep them inside, and controlled breeding is always a good thing.
That's it, everything else is just screaming.
Remember to seriously consider buying your cat from a breeder, anons. You won't regret it.
A breed is any distinguishable lineage of animal with unique characteristics within a species. Breed is not unique to dogs and is applicable to cats too regardless of how "recent" certain breed lineages are in comparison. This is not even considering how new cat domestication is in general when compared to dogs so even if that argument was valid it wouldn't work as the emergence of breeds syncs up with the timeline of cats being pets as a whole.

Take one look at a persian, russian blue or siamese and then tell me if cats don't have breeds.
Every point in this reply has been addressed in >>4800528. I think you should learn how to read.
>and controlled breeding is always a good thing
Lol. Munchkins, Sphinxes, modern pug faced Persians.
And while you can screen for genetic defects that's usually offset by all the ones introduced by the extreme inbreeding required to ensure every cat your factory produces looks the same. The only cat breeds on par with or better than a random street cat are old regional variants like the Maine Coon, and they gradually degrade as breeders keep smashing and slamming them. The same would largely hold true for dogs if shitbulls weren't polluting the mutt genepool.
I read it and it doesn't disprove the notion of cats not having breeds. Cats have breeds wether you like it or not just as any other animal.
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Not really a breed, just a domestic shorthair. coat color is a bicolor gray tabby based on pic related though.
what an extensive chart

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