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Looking at a woman's gaping ass after cumming inside for the first time is among the 5 best things in life.
true but gay

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>Omelette with cheese and salt
>2 Slices of toast with strawberry jam
>Tea with honey

What does your breakfast look like?
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you're the sweetest onion this side of the galaxy
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Damn... mom chemistry.
I know where this is going.
i can practically smell your ripe virgin cunt all the way from here
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oringal comment original foroero ogregeanl
Two cans of tuna, two bags of chips, two blunts, and a jelly shot. I want to game when I'm done, Men of War 2

The Pew stat is just another sensationalist meme
>other sources show gaps closer to 10-15% with no indication of a widening of the gap
>even the Pew survey shows most of the gap being caused by more women than men being married or cohabiting, leaving little room for the 'soft harem' explanation
>most young men have been single for the better part of 150 years or more, it's not some unprecedented 'crisis'

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>He wrote a book called Fish:Memoir of a boy in a Man's Prison. He went to prison at age 17 in 1978 in the state of Michigan and was released at age 21. The inmates had a saying that said "There's no greater joy than a pretty white boy". Young, good looking white guys were the favorite targets of prison rape. And since he was 17, white and good looking, he fell into that category. He was walking on the yard when 2 black inmates walked past him and one of them said "God damn, that's a pretty mothafucka right there" and the other inmate nodded in agreement.

>His first day in prison, he walked past a table in the chow hall and one of the older inmates grabbed his ass when he walked past. When he turned around, all of the inmates looked away and started laughing and one said "I gotta get me some of that"

>Some guards saw it and put him in a cell by the guard station to keep an eye on him. He was transferred to another prison. His 2nd day he was drugged and raped by 3 older inmates who were at least 10 years older than him and looked like all they did was lift weights.

>After it was done, they tossed a coin to see who he would belong to. He ended up with a 30 year old black man nicknamed Slide Step. Slide Step was not 1 of the 3 which raped him.

>Slide Step would protect him in return for sex. Slide Step was described as being a muscular black man with a scraggly beard and afro. He was lucky because Slide Step didn't beat him or force him to be a prison prostitute. He said that he eventually started to have feelings for Slide Step. In his book, he said that Slide Step would be gentle when he sodomized young Timothy

Why are white "males" so weak and effeminate? They are seen as easy targets in prison and treated as women.
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>Bumping tranny threads
Remember to sage psyop threads niggers
bump cuz fuck white folks
because then it's hotter since it's more fucked up
this is very negative op stop thinking about it
Niggers like this need to be curbstomped I swear.

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I don't fucking get it, smoked spice with some dudes the other night and it felt miserable, I was self aware about how retarded it made me and I couldn't even fucking walk around, my mind was rotten slow and I couldn't even send a text message over the course of 10 minutes

at least with shit like speed or molly your mind actually starts working in an interesting sped up way
Spice isnt a downer, idk what it is, but ive heard it sucks in general. Ive never looked into it honestly because ive heard more negative about it than positive
spice is cancer. the point of downers is to chill u out if ur anxious/pained. maybe ur just a stim person, especially if ur moreso lethargic/bored/miserable.
depends on the downer, benzos can make you feel like you're in a waking dream which is pretty cool, spice is just some bullshit zoomer drug probably made from watered down jenkem
That's like saying psychedelics are bad because you smoked 80x salvia extract
I don't like most weed strains either though, shit just makes me drooling stupid and I go around doing fuck all

I had fun when I od'd on xans because it was actually a weird mental to be in, it wasn't JUST slow

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The whole "trans people are predators" narrative is just chuds projecting. Left-wing people have morals and empathy while chuds have none, so who do you think is more likely to commit these crimes? Just look at how popular lolis are on chud sites like this.
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Both libtards, incel chuds and normies are retarded and brain dead
t. Not a retarded fuck
please tell me you are zoomer and bisexual to complete the trifecta
I am a zoomer and straight lol
to fight the enemy, you must know the enemy
it was research
ty sis for educating these idiots

Femcel, the sole reason why you haven't found yourself a chad yet is because you don't want to give him picrel.

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I need advice on how to get and keep a tall nubian wife as a short man
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just play optimally bro
What is the method?
keep saying "jump at me irl and see what comes about" aloud

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How are my fellow alcoholics doing? I personally am trying to quit after using it around every three days for about a year.
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Maybe get rid of the gun?
I sipped some jager and then fell asleep without brushing my teeth.
Next morning (today) was shit tho..
Not gonna happen. I have a responsibility as a fighting aged, able bodied male to own a firearm. Even if I didn't I carry a gun for my job
I'm worried about one of my friends. Her dad is an alcoholic, and she doesn't want to be like him. She's 19, so in the US she can't legally buy, so I'm her plug. I've been good friends with her for about a year. She'll drink with me on occasion, usually one or two long drinks, and she'll have a Bud on a day off. The past month I can't get her to come around without her asking if there's alcohol at wherever I'm going. She wants to hang out a lot, and I'll say our usual spots but she's always asking if she can drink. She just cancelled on me last night because she wanted to drink for the third day in a row and I told her I was gonna drive with another friend, she's more than welcome to come, but she said no because she couldn't drink. She doesn't get very drunk, she never has more than two, but I don't understand the constant need for her to drink with me
She wants to fuck (originally)

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you look like a subdivision surface modifier
> t. Subplot(211)

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Post anime girls that are canonically PAWGs
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It's just sexual.
they're asian you dumbass not white

btw I'd clap nyamos cheeks every day
>Actually canon
The hell? Post more.

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i paid fo a custom video and she never delivered i keep messaging her but she either leaves me on read or send me devil face emojis this bitch needs to get plapped
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You could've paid for a game that has dozens of hours with that amount, in fact you can get that game for free, porn for free and yet you still spend it with whores
im scared if i do a chargeback they will ban my OF account, im already subscribed to 4 other girls
>onlyfans scammed
stopped reading. deserved dumbass
So now they don't even have to deliver?
They'll still say they got it harder than guys, just you watch.

>this bitch needs to get plapped
bro, she is, just not by you. That's why she didn't deliver, you paid for her and her bfs restaurant today

Next time, remember this experience and imagine her eating with the dude who gets to do her with your money
contact your bank, or get help from OF support idk what to tell you man.

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how did you get your fetish?
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Being a broken man that gets clown worlded so hard by rejection and brutal female requirements to the point that I can only cope by jacking off to the idea of being cucked.

Having normal, healthy sex with a human female becomes so vastly unattainable that even in fantasy it becomes unstimulating due to the sheer amount of disbelief it provokes in the individual. You imagine having sex in some healthy, non-humiliating context, and your brain will outright reject it because you're conditioned to find it profoundly implausible.
Being washed by a nurse in the hospital and ejaculating while being washed. Fetish now is red haired nurses.
dunno i wasn't even into it until my mid 20s and it just grew on me
>how did you get your fetish?
There are several misconceptions here. I don't have just one, I didn't get them, you don't get a fetish, you're predisposed.
It's been there for as long as I had sexual thoughts. It only got kinkier with the use of porn.

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>be me
>wake up
>think i pooped my pants
>carefully run to toilet
>check pants
that was a close one.
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I pooped one time
feeling something in your ass would immediately wake you up
it did wake me up. it was like 6:30 in the morning. managed to go back to sleep and slepy till about 10 am.
>be me
>poop myself on the streets
>an old woman sees me
>hate myself forever
glad you survved anony

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