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Ive talked to a lot of people who say they dislike trump but think jes what would be best for the country? How? Most of the wedge issues except the tranny thing donald trump has been

For example, donald trump jas expressed his support for expanding the prison system and making the death penalty far more common, yet around 80% of americans are in favor of both criminal justice reform and stringly against the death penalty except for select cases of convicted murderers.

So is the tranny issue really that important to everyone, is everyone really willing to sacrifice all their other beleifs for lower gas prices, or has everyone just fallen for the meme?

I want a true explanation. Ive never gotten one and ove asked on this board, ive asked family members, ive asked everyone i know who supports donald trump; they get angry and reiterate that hes america's only hope, but never go into exactly -why-. Does anyone know why?
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He cant do shit,look at his previous admin to understand why.

American Jewmocracy
>Vote Biden
Kill Whitey at Mach Speed
>Vote Trump
Kill Whitey at Snail Pace
>Isn't he a convicted felon?
sounds based, comitting crimes is high test shit
>represent a conflict between populism and institutionalism.
Everybodys perception is different. To me its the opposite. Trump obviously represents blatant aauthpritarianism which is why he instantly jumps to threats of death penalty and mass incarceration for people he dislikes, when put under fire. Biden declassified marijuana as a narcotic and allowed the widespread medical study of the endocannabinoid system along with it, which is amajor blow against big pharma. Donald trump meanwhile launched somewhat under the table intiatives as president to sway public opinion against it and back in favor of big pharma. This is another clown war.
Incels unironically think trump will give them government mandated gfs even if its just subconsciously
You're confusing populism with libertarianism. He said drug dealers specifically would get the death penalty. Most americans, especially working class americans hate drug dealers. Most see them as a detriment to their community. Many people would want to see them dead. Now obviously thats an insane policy and even if he were sincere about it (he is not) it would get shot down by everyone else in government but now contrast that with the liberal approach to drugs in this country, which is championing the fact that the sacklers and co. were forced to pay "the biggest settlement in pharmaceutical history" which went to the state governments and got gobbled up by the police departments which will lead to absolutely ZERO change.
Trump is a fraud but he's a fraud who at least still understands that the government is supposed to represent the people on some level. Something the dems and """RINO""""republicans hate about their own job.

Biofem is a good example of what looser internet communities shouldn't do. They're getting hated on by some people but instead of looking at the source of that evil and choosing the path of love instead, they choose to just create their own space where they can hate back. We should be choosing the path of love and peace. That's the only way of actually combatting the issues that cause our suffering.
you're as bad as women who try to force themselves into male only spaces and then change them, for shame faggot
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Didn't read.

sometimes i wonder whether i am mentally ill or just incompetent. and then i tell myself no way i cant be that useless and unskilled i for sure had to have a bad upbringing and developed some shit thats giving me a constant debuff. and then i think to myself im just looking for excuses for my own inadequacy i am just spoiled. and then i think to myself i am just a product of my own environment and biology. and then i go on 1000 other tangents until im burned out and wanna kms. i dont know. i dont know anything. i dont wanna know anything.
You didn't use capitalization, so I didn't read your unimportant post. Sorry to hear about that. Or glad it happened. Again, didn't read.

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Excuse me, anon, do you have time to talk about our lord and savior, Andy Sixx?
Request to move to >>>/soc/ (4)

Not original content, talk about nobodies
I pray to Andi Sixx every night. When I'm on the toilet, I think about how proud He is of me. Every shit I take is an offering to Him. When I have painful, explosive diarhhea, I know it's all for the greater good, I know He will appreciate it and remember. I know He would never let me die on the toilet and that my painful diarhhea sessions will each grant me one virgin in LogHeaven.
>he isn't logpilled
may the loggening happen soon. toilets worldwide have been unclogged for far too long

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>check my bmi
>morbid obesity
fuck this shit i refuse to accept this
time to starvemaxx anon
i guess i'm left with no other option. will be hard to fight back the urge to just go buy food though
you can do it anon. realistically it will take you 3 years to really get into normal health but it is worth it in the end
Do a bioelectrical impedance test first you massive retard. You could be normal for all you know and starve yourself over nothing. BMI does not take into account composition, you could be a muscle mountain and have a BMI not that different from some blobby fat bastard. Unless you really look like pic related, then yeah you are clearly a fat bastard.

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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Weekend madness edition!

>How are you doing?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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euxaristo :)
my dog looks really nervous and anxious lately
always follows me when he didnt use to do this
and seems like he is scarred of everything
he is a grandpa now 12 years old and it really worries me
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I think I'll drop this requirement of going o a top 25 and shift the focus on just getting the hell out of here.
There are some not-so-bad unis in Europe that I would probably be accepted in all things considered. As long as I have an opportunity to move out and go into a decent uni, I'm all in for it.

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Damn, women entitlement is beyond limit.
They're past the point of no return.
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>Why can't a shitty marketing tool on steroids do anything useful?
Gee I wonder why.
Dishwashers and washing machines already exist?
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Damn, incel delusions are off the limit. Do YOU want AI to do your posting here so you have more time to do the laundry and the dishes?
AI can't make actual art, but then again neither can women.
I mean, she's right.

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Rapechads keep winning. I hope the number grew bigger since 2022
I never would do it since I'm a pussy but I'm glad there's enough assholes that are sick enough to make those whores lives hell kek
I pity kids and virgins that got raped but the rest deserved it, the majority get abused by their partner and you're the one that chose those guys, now you get the consequences.
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>Supports rape and expects sympathy from civilized people
go back to your blacked threads, cuck
>you can't hate back the people that hate you
>Talks about blacked
>He's the one who's a filthy animal
Whew lad
>Pivots to something else entirely.
I accept your concession on the previous point.

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>One chance at life
Women don't care about your height if you get on stage

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would one of you fembots act as my e-wingman and help me get a girlfriend?
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Not with strangers. You're hoping for too much if you expect them to comply with a guy they never met.
well, we wouldn't be strangers if they actually complied!!
More news at 11.
the only news i need are the ones where i get a gee eff
welp this was a failed experiment

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Share and comment on robots' vocaroos

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How do you get that diagnosis? Do you get some neetbux from it, some sort of prescriptions and medications?
Like you're doing well arguing with robots online. Why would it be different if it was in person?
i was reffered to my gp by concerned family. also people online are far away. i don't enjoy being percieved irl by total strangers.
'no reason'... i'm bored. also i'm omnicient or something ik ur info already.
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>no friends, no notifications, nobody to be vulnerable with
>see character.ai and think to try using it to help with language practice
>"maybe I could try creating a friend/mentor to help me self improove"
>I thought I could deal with the shallow meaningless responses but now I am arguing with a robot about how a lot of people deserve to die

how am I supposed to find a purpose and value as a woman if my only worth is through my appearance? I need a mentor/life coach that doesn't defend pedophiles
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based misanthrope
>how am I supposed to find a purpose and value as a woman if my only worth is through my appearance?
Learn how to think critically and develop your ideas. Maybe get a hobby as well.
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I wasn't joking though
>no friends, no notifications, nobody to be vulnerable with
>first instinct is to get into a philosophical argument about pedophiles and murders
really dude?
>I am utterly alone
Don't be silly, anon.
You've got me

>Dumb Stacy gets kidnapped and everyone feels bad for her

>Incels live their entire lives in pain and no one cares

Double standards
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Literally who gives a fuck about this bitch. She wouldn't have sucked my dick. Fuck her and she deserved it.
bait used to be believable anon
look bro i get you have autism and its hard for you to pick up on this stuff but other people dont just wanna talk about the same topic every day over and over and over and over. enough already.
No, we deserve love.
Let the man have his hyperfixation, even if it's in a teenage murder victim.

just. talk. to. women. they are desperate.
>b-but online
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If women were interested they wouldn't be single
this has to be one of the most brutal mogging images out there
this one is the zoomed in version though
I would love to see an Asian wojak getting mogged series like the recent plapjak ones
does anyone have the version that's not zoomed in?
saying hi i find you attractive is not an effort and it would make us girls happy and not lonely
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>just. talk. to. women. they are desperate.
>it would make us girls happy
Don't care, won't bother. You're all boring as fuck anyways. I might give you "the ick" within the first 2mins of conversation but it's better than putting up with your hollow soulless drudgery for the next 50 years.

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basically just have fun
there's always like the negative but then it forces them to be it
it's just a game...

eventually they'll stop caring and that's that

the positive fun side is always neglected for the negative
it's just a game between negative and positive
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you have to let go of the negative and just have fun basically, but negative wants to live on but that takes experience, but it's always being a fool and you should have just been happy

it's all a knowledge of good and evil issue basically
nobody is as happy as a faggot
kh is light
but you will never get too positive
since the negative is so strong

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