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how soon are you suppose to clean a chrome lined sks after shooting a can of corrosive ammo?
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just clean it after every range trip
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your main enemy is the corrosive salts found in the primers of your chink ammo.
If in the field and away from cleaning kit; piss down barrel.
when you return home, pour hot/boil water down barrel/action/gas system to dissolve the corrosive salts.
run a patch w/ CLP/Ballistol, run a .30 cal borebrush 10x times, rinse and repeat until clean.
>because why not.
Because it wouldn't help. The only thing that removes corrosive primer salts is *water*. The corrosive residue is not oil-soluble or alcohol-soluble. Normal gun cleaners won't remove it. It requires water. Black powder fouling is the same, you must use water to remove the corrosive residues.
I never clean mine and it doesn’t really get rusty. Cleaning is a waste of time IMO

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Spring Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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enjoy. You can larp as Ersnt Rohm all month.
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Patch idea
wow is that gay jewish twitter user costin alamariu?

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Non /k/fag here. How useful/practical are revolvers?
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Depends on context.
>For hunting
Quite useful. Common magnum rounds can take small to medium game with ease. You can often use the same ammunition types in a lever-action carbine or a similar type of rifle.
>For defense against particularly large animals
Useful in powerful loadings, but not as good as a rifle.
>For defense in your house
One of the worst home-defense weapons. The "advantage" of revolvers in self-defense (ability to put more power downrange) is a drawback in your house where you could friendly-fire. But it is sometimes advisable to equip your wife or older parents with a small-caliber revolver since they are easier to shoot for weak persons. They are not confusing or complex firearms, even to non-shooters.
>As a concealed weapon
Situationally practical. These situations are limited to wearing a tucked shirt with no jacket or carrying a firearm in a jacket pocket. Small revolvers are ideal for this since autos can jam with fabric while shooting. The revolvers come small enough to conceal within *certain* pant pockets but not all of them. You have to choose the pants to fit the purpose.
These small revolvers in .38spl have a very hard time meeting FBI standards for lethality. Hollow points will typically underpenetrate or not expand at all. The best load remains the 148gr wadcutter. It is not perfect. Still, the load is considerably more lethal than modern .380auto loads, which is the largest pocket competitor. A case can be made for .357mag.
Hollow points are entirely a fool's game in these guns if you imagine yourself shooting from pocket, since there's an extra layer of fabric that can clog the hollow point.
9mm autos tend to be superior for every other concealed instance.
>As a target-shooting weapon
Arguably much funner than autos. Will motivate you to shoot more. More ways to fingerfuck the gun.

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If you get obsessed with shooting large caliber stuff they’re fantastic. Also I’d say if your getting into reloading it is marginally easier and more forgiving to be reloading for a revolver vs a semi auto…

Personally as far as self defense goes it comes down to personal preference.. while they have a smaller capacity than an autoloader I can look past that disadvantage if you enjoy shooting your revolver and end up practicing more with it because of that.

If your teaching a new shooter then a single action revolver is a great choice from a safety standpoint…
If you can commit and get used to the double-action trigger and it's pretty practical. .357 Magnum out of a 4" barrel is fairly easy to control with practice, though .38 Special is usually plenty for most applications. If you're gonna CCW you either get a snub or a shoulder holster
>Cases can be made for use against supernatural opponents.
They look more kino if you get photographed or videoed using it in anger or hatred

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this channel has a bunch of cool vids with good war footage
does anyone have any links to any sites that have war footage like this or even footage in general?
I've always liked this one

funker530 they got website and youtube channel

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What is the best way to clean the muzzle without damaging it
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Just shoot a couple bullets through it, what's a little dust gonna do to stand against that?
I got told this, I think its bullshit. No string is eroding steel even if its got some copper residue on it
it's the harder compounds left from the powder etc.
2/10, too on the nose with the wojak.
It's the same shit everyone repeats and no one has any evidence for. At the speed and pressure you pull a boresnake though a barrel you aren't eroding gun steel, the gas ejecting from the barrel also contains all those particles and is being ejected with much more force.

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So Sweden will be supplying their entire stock of these things to Ukraine.
Although they're old as fuck and better suited as rear echelon vehicles, they'll likely end up being used in their original intended role as front line IFVs.
Do they have a chance of performing okay, or are they complete death traps in modern war?
Does anyone here have personal experience with these vehicles?

Somewhere around 150 of these vehicles of various models are currently in storage.

>Armor specs:
Better armor than BMP-1/2, and M113.
Can reliably stop 20mm rounds fired from close range, good protection against artillery shrapnel, "adequate" protection from 84mm HEAT rounds according to the Swedish armed forces.
Modernized versions feature additional composite armor on the front glacis, and the crew compartment is lined with a synthetic fiber liner to protect against spall.

>Arms specs:
Primary armament is an old-ass Hispano-Suiza 20mm auto-cannon which fires non-standard ammunition.
Older variants have belt feed mechanism known for unreliability, modernized versions feed from 30-round drums.

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My guess would be the same gun thats on the BMP2, it may be of a higher calibre but I believe it could probably be niggerrigged in there pretty easily (may have to cut and drill lots of shit tho). Compared to the original gun (which weighs around ~110 pounds), the 2A42 weighs around ~260 pounds, so it may be necessary to replace the turret mounting or even the turret itself, but something tells me that the soviet cannon should fit in quite easily (Considering how much more room is probably in one of its turrets, and is presumably more room than that of a BMP2.
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Funniest thing is that these guns weren't even new when these vehicles were built in the 1960s.
The guns installed in the vehicles were old guns from early 1950s SAAB 29 fighter jets (pic rel) which were being scrapped due to obsolescence.

It's less capable, but installing a 14.5mm KPV would probably be feasible.
A ZU23 might be possible, but those are far larger guns so the modification would presumably require a lot of work.
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Sweden is a bit autistic in terms of using only guns att every opportunity they can. Mostly because of the equally autistic stokpiles built upp during the cold War making switching ammo types into a massive hassle. Same reson why the swedish CV90 is using a direct derivative of the bofors 40mm from ww2.
There is another swedish vehicle using the turrets from the PBV302. The Pansar terrängbil 203A and these where being switched from the Canon to 12.7mm Machine guns in this turret during the last cupple of years.
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>Same reson why the swedish CV90 is using a direct derivative of the bofors 40mm from ww2.
Fun Fact: Early versions of the CV-90 used a Swedish-made derivative of the Colt/Browning Model 1917 as the coaxial machine gun.
They ammo was definetly kept considering it was still being used by other vehicles in the fleet (Patgb203A) where uppgrades to replace the weapons didn't start untill 2022 and was projected to last 3 years. So there is a possibility that there are still some vehicles in the swedish army that still use these. Though ammunition production ended in 1995 so the ammunition stokpiles has been being drained for almost 30 years.

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>420 million USD per unit
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The Frogs want the AN/SPY 3 for their new carrier?
Considering that barebones T54A costs 250 to 300 million, no.
Probably just an amateur model.
In the US just 1 of those radars is 500M.
more like a Thales Seafire

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ayo nigga got any of them clips edition

discuss overpaying for wall decorations that you never take to the shooting range

previous thread: >>61707097
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The alcohol has toasted my brain, when I looked a the receiver I was like huh, but second time I picked it up I was yeah that seems right.
>bid on steyr 1912 with 08 marked slide
>win auction for $750
>turns out someone replaced the barrel with a 9x23 steyr barrel
Now i regret bidding blindly without callign and asking them to take it apart :(
Lesson learned. We all have that one impulse buy we regret. At least 9x19 barrels are obtainable for those so it's an easy fix.
If it has enough threads to be able to inspect (ie. it holds on by more than one thread) and you have a thread pitch gauge, you can take the metal part off any wood, squirt some high temp hot glue in the screw hole to fill it, wait for it to cool, put a drop of iso alcohol in there, and pull or unscrew it out of the hole to get a perfect copy of the thread pattern to basically get a grub screw to use a thread pitch gauge on rather than having to carefully try putting taps in it. Best thing about it is that thing can follow you to the store to compare to screws if need be as well.
The only thing that might be making it a shade dark is dirt. In that case you can clean it with baby wipes, a rag with a tiny bit of soap just damp with water, or murphy's oil soap. If a gun is Linseed finished, it may have darkened over the years but that's the nature of linseed; it looks better with age. To what extent it darkens I don't know as I haven't put linseed on a rifle stock back any more than maybe 7 years ago. From that experience, it darkens a couple shades but not anything extreme.

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First time I've seen them place one far enough back for the jet to form. They call this thing the Shawaz EFP. It has been around since the 2000s. No aftermath, obviously. Just some allah worlstar hootin. It's still hamas.

Sound: https://files.catbox.moe/tyff59.mp4
More info: https://longwarjournal.org/2023/10/idf-seizes-efps-rpgs-and-other-weapons-from-hamas
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no aftermath = no sympathy
sorry, not sorry
Now you start showing you putting some actual points up on the board, then we can talk brown boy
The entire point of the commander optics is to provide situational awareness even when buttoned up (not the same thing as hull down).
Also, being hull down shouldn't degrade visibility significantly, the whole idea is to put your hull behind cover while letting your turret peek over it.
Duh, British Palestine ergo leftover bong SMGs.
That'd be based
>Shlomo flambicticus
ukroids do this too, and not just with watermarks, but with ear bleed inducing music. I'll take the red arrow shit any day of the week over 10 watermarks plastered across the screen and having to hit the mute button whenever the player loads.
>captcha: VDVHHG

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>South Korea’s largest defence company is developing a fighter jet engine as the country works to move up the arms exporter value chain and boost its security self-sufficiency.

>The chief of aero systems at Hanwha Aerospace said the company wanted to develop the engine by as early as 2036. It is working in partnership with the South Korean government, one of the world’s highest spenders on arms development.

>“It will take at least 10 years and more than Won5tn [$3.7bn]. We face high entry barriers, but we have experience producing engines, albeit under licensed deals, and have developed small engines of our own and have a strong supply chain,” he said.

>Hanwha is building a $30mn aircraft engine factory in South Korea and plans to triple the number of its domestic engineers to 600. It plans to set up overseas research centres in the US and Europe and is considering collaborating with other companies for its own engine project.
>12 year development
>$3.7 billion
Are these achievable goals?
Eh if the turks could do it why can't the gooks?

In the end it'll be F414-equivalent shit anyway. The only country that could produce something in the F110 range output wise is America
The turkes haven't done it though, they're trying but they've yet to prove anything. Same with India. They've been working for almost 30 years now on the GTRE GTX-35VS Kaveri and still haven't got a domestic engine production line yet.

South Korea is better off with more industry connections in the west, but even so without technology transfer from RR/PW/GE I don't see this happening on schedule and under budget.
At least that's a realistic timeline compared to turkey.

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Do you think there is a chance this thing will actually get passed?
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>Election year
>Democrat president occupying the White House.

They already tried this in the 80's. The plan was the Secret Service would start enforcing federal gun laws. The people who wanted to abolish the AFT backed off because they were afraid that an actually competent law enforcement agency would be enforcing the laws instead.

This. Pic very much related.
Are you underage?
Why do you ask, you interested in underage kids or something?
>The ATF has gotten into a game of "how small fishes can I fry where so that I can infringe without being challenged?"
That's every law enforcement agency now. Like the FBI wants the KKK to be a thing again so bad they'll just make shit up.
damn good on him fuck the AnTichrist Followers

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Found this in a charity shop in the UK, clerk said it was donated by a senior RAF officer who's a sir. The Sabre engine is a currently still in development air breathing rocket engine being designed for a single stage to orbit spaceplane. Both the UK and US militaries have shown interest in further military applications for it. Pretty wacky stuff.
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His majesties secret service is on their way to fuck your mother and throw you in boiling mud
that looks like just some desk bric a brac given as a gift
not classified
I'm pretty sure these engines are in kerbal space program
Reasction engines successfully tested the SABER pre-cooled and were promply brough by BAE a few years ago.
I have been paying attention because SABER is cool.

OP confirmed retard.

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Does the west have an equivalent to the Nagamaki?
>total length as much as a short polearm or large greatsword (5-6ft)
>but with the blade and handle about as long as eachother
>usually used against cavalry
The closest thing I can think of would be a bardiche, but that's just a big axe with a really long axe-blade.
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Many swordspear or swordstaff designs exist but weren't really used in great number.
yes the swordstaff, svärdstav in Scandinavia
The Western equivalent is pretty much any two-hander plus proper gauntlets. The advantage of having large amounts of good steel.
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Stuff like this may have existed in Mesoamerica, they show up in Mixtec codices, though it may just be a full length tepotzopilli bladed polearm drawn weirdly

Is there a term for shorter/half length polearms like this in general? Beyond just "short polearm"?
Can't think of any. There are greatswords, which can be used in a similar way, and some polearms like partisans, glaives or sabre halberds with long, sword-like heads, but those have much longer handles.

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idf has apparently begun fielding arad rifles
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Khazars are Turkic peoples.
the paratroopers brigade only jump from airplanes during their training
they're just a higher quality light infantry
>Mosul comparison
You’ve activated my trap card.

They did not kill 40,000 in Mosul. They killed ~3,000, ISIS killed another 3,000 in their final autistic chimpout, and another 4,000 or so were unclear. So call it 5000 each. Hell, blame all 7k on the coalition. It’s still way, way less than the IDF has killed over a shorter timespan. ISIS also put up much stiffer resistance than Hamas; the latter is rolling more like the Viet Cong and melting into the tunnels instead of fighting for every city block.

You can quibble about the word “genocide” all you want. The fact is, the IDF ROE would be way stricter in a Mosul situation where it was their own civvies on the line. They don’t value the lives of Palestinian civilians at all. Certainly a large portion of Israeli high command and the right wing overall would be happy to cleanse Gaza of Arabs and settle it.
>They don’t value the lives of Palestinian civilians at all
Neither does HAMAS, and if that was actually the case, it would be 300k and 30k
Hey I never said they did. That doesn’t give Israel an excuse, as much as they wish it did. I have full confidence that they would just carpet bomb the place if they could get away with it. They tried the starvation tactic because they thought they could justify its military use, even though Hamas would be the last people to starve in Gaza. That’s arguably the biggest point against Israel in the genocide case.

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Around Finns the ice is thin

Previous: >>61746749
>image limit reached

>Instruction for getting sound images to work
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enjoy your new bread
the sun never sets on the /ak/ empire
The point is that people weren't dying of old age at 50, it was external factors
Based. That suit is only remotely good lookin formal uniform in FDF thoughever
every empire comes to an end but i just want to see an instance of incongruency with my own eyes before then

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