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Is an executioner sword a practical weapon in a fight?
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You're assuming it is merely mercury (and steel for that matter).
Remember that Wolfe uses archaic words to describe something that is like - but unlike.
For example Destrier is ye olde term for horse but as we read we learn the Destriers have claws, tusks, and eat meat - they are not simply horses with a quaint name. So who really knows what the hydrageum really is?
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If you like BotNS try Soldier of the Mist, it is a very /k/lit novel if you like Classical Greece.
Latro also has a special sword, a Kopis (imagine a sword sized Kukri) that has been blessed to never fail him so long as he never fails it. At one point it cuts right through a Spartans Aspis and the arm it was attached to.
the advantage of points is that they stick into things. the disadvantage of points is that they stick into things. when you are routed, overwhelmed, disarmed of your primary weapon, or ambushed by multiple opponents, it is best that your weapon of last resort does not get stuck in anyone.
It's still a piece of sharp metal, you could do a lot worse for a weapon. An executioner was actually killed with such a sword when he got into a fight with another executioner, this was in Stockholm in the 16th century IIRC.
>I realize the sword is optimized for chopping, but having a point on it wouldn't diminish its chopping ability at all
Of course it would, look at the most choppy swords like the kilij, falchion, 1796 LCS, some of them do have a point, but really aren't made for giving thrust. A pointless end DOES make a better chopping sword, especially at the very end. When you have a short sword as the katzbalger, it's important that you are able to cut with the very tip, same problematic as with, yes again, the japanese sword for instance, at least those with a beefy kissaki instead of a triangular one.

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Russian chicken coop motorcycles are absurd, but has anyone legitimately made an armored motorcycle?
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Whomever reads this is based and I love you very much thankyou.
For hohols this is more than enough. I can already see the front wheel popping their heads with sheer weight of this machine
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That would be $20k before tax

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Was it autism?
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>he doesn't know
Thracian style is where its at
Love me proto-burgonets
I like the normal, less autismo Corinthian helmet.
It's very protective and beautiful with naturally flowing lines.
The medieval barbute helmet is a similar concept but doesn't look as graceful.
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>haha now it looks like I'm wearing my helm up on my head like achilles and the other cool operators when they relax on muh amphorae

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This looks tedious and stressing as fuck, but maybe it brings you close to the experience of being a mobik without dying. Is it real? What are we missing to make it real if it isn't?
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This would be AWESOME and I would totally buy it… If I had 2-3 (semi-autistic) friends.
All that effort wasted on World of Tanks.
>world of tanks
Makes Warthunder look like a simulator. Aren't they still lacking multi-turret support?
>This looks tedious and stressing as fuck
You realize they are doing this for fun right? They had fun building this ridiculous setup and they have fun playing around with it.
Where exactly is the stress?
Seconded. That setup fucking slaps.

>zero used in Ukraine

Russia gotta have tons of these laying around, but there nowhere to be seen. How unfathomably gigashit is the PT-76?
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Nah, the PT-76 is plenty roomy, especially the turret.
T-72 and T-55 on the other hand are hella cramped, especially for the driver who basically has to be a Mongolian midget.
I used to do living history and our unit would do a display around a running museum PT-76 so we were allowed to climb in and on it and the other armor there.
You could hand-crank the turret and elevate the gun, but the breech had been demilled.
I remember getting really drunk one year and waking up at 4am in the loader’s seat.
Like others in here are saying, the PT-76 isn’t a good tank; they are quite frankly so lightly armored that you’d be better off in a MRAP and their gun isn’t worth it. They also have their exhaust on the top of the tank’s backside, so you can’t put as many disposable meatwave ‘desantniki’ on the back of one compared to other ancient Soviet armor.
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>PT-76: 76mm gun, 7.62mm coax, aluminum armor, max 25mm front, 15 tons
>Shin'heung/'PT-85': 85mm gun, 7.62 coax, 14.5mm, 30mm steel hull/turret front, 20 tons

The Shin'heung is objectivity better, it is also about 5-6 feet longer and half a foot taller but 5 tonns heavier. Does that extra volume really compensate for 5 tons of weight? Ethiopia/Eritria say their amphibious abilities are just fine but still.

Google tells me a 55 gallon drum is about 450 lbs of buoyancy, could the Russians just have made it a bit bigger so it would have real armor? I know they wanted it to do sea state 4 but when the hell was that going to happen and btw, it can't do that.

I know the designs are 30 years apart but still, in 1961 you would think the USSR would have had better things to waste 150k tons of aluminum on and just made it slightly larger and out of steel. The practical uses would not have changed one bit.

Pic: My APC-fu who is based on a Shin'heung but isn't as fat as her mom.
It's Odessa
Giving it a 57mm is the only intelligent thing Russian amphibious armor designers have done since giving the PRC and DPRK water jet technology and even then the PRC sucks at it.

Any info on how that 57mm is fed or aimed? A few hits from a 57mm would fuck up any IFV.
>Ethiopia/Eritria say their amphibious abilities are just fine but still.
>trusting countries in arid mountains when it comes to amphibious capabilities

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100 miles from paris is cambrai
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Not the most practical medevac vehicle but godspeed to those mad lads.
>I take you weren't here for the humvee raids?
Weren't those basically started by the redneck meth brigade?

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What is it about every song made after 2010 that just makes it utter fucking trash?
Because you're looking in all the wrong places, synth and electronic music had a golden age back around 2016-2019, and Duran Duran of all bands came out with an absolute banger recently
Jesus I didn’t think Invisible was that recent, I thought it was from the 80’s.

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>BYD unveils a new hybrid powertrain that’s capable of allowing a car to travel more than 2,000 kilometers without recharging or refueling.
Porsche Tiger was so ahead of Its time: https://x.com/business/status/1796775209728356357?t=qRhQzKT2ErC_KAltbh_nQA&s=19
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>CE with 46% thermal efficiency
>2.9L per 100km
>2100km range with full tank (65L tank) + battery
I wonder what kind of range and fuel efficiency could be achieved on a modern tank with this tech
is this cap?
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>Believing anything chinks say with no proof
I cant wait for the byd shit to make its way to the west so that people wont ever believe a single thing chinks say ever again for the next 20 years
Electric engine torque gains were worth pursuing for armor.
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Just like their DJI drones amirite?: https://youtu.be/G8gjm2HALEM?si=VnunqXDOTEWXS2cJ

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>An image has emerged reportedly showing a ATACMS tactical ballistic missile slamming into the Russian Karakurt-class corvette Tsiklon in Sevastopol,May 19th.

>The Tsiklon was likely sunk in the attack
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We're a LOT closer than you think, but yes.
Yeah, and if it wasn't for the fact that they needed to clear the harbor, they would have just salvaged the guns and the engines from Oklahoma instead of refloating her, but the other 4, including West Virginia, had value beyond propaganda, because the bottleneck for ships of that size in US production was drydock slips at shipyards, not berthings for fitting out and commissioning work, and while Battleships didn't form the heart of the navy any longer, they were still very important for shore bombardment and as anti-aircraft escorts (if our opponents had fitted their battleships as effectively for anti-air as we had, the carrier admirals would have a lot less wind in their sails in the immediate postwar, even if the carrier-centric navy was the right choice anyways) and as nice fat armored targets for Kamikazes to waste their lives barely scratching instead of doing useful damage to softer skinned targets in the fleet groups.
While doable it’s just easier to use conventional HE/Shaped Charge warheads on ASHM’s.
Although talking about air burst munitions against ships I recall seeing a image from the 1920’s where they detonated a White Phosphorus munition over a warship in a test, I don’t know what the aftermath was but it looked like the entire vessel was going to get covered in WP.
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why are there no destroyers in the black sea fleet?
No wonder they've been getting fucked by what are basically torpedo boats
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not true

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I know /k/ is the right place to ask about this so
How can I safely dispose this thing can I do it with my bare hands or do I need special equipment
Also will heat of the sun make it go off?
I seriously need help/k/
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Sofia is better than Minsk tho fagit
Sticky this, mod, you useless paid faggot.
i thought the toilet grenade guy was german
Based Sudanese chad dunking on the Zimbabwean knuckledraggers.
Turn it over for some useful markings.

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Are there any major accounts on the effectiveness of vehicles like Humvees and MRAPs in Afghanistan?
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the crew apparently lived through this shit. concussed and wounded, but alive. so you know, they did alright.
no way
cab's intact, no shrapnel got in, shells were buried too deep, supposedly a couple 155's but way too deep since they dug under the road to make it impossible to spot the IED. also wasn't directly under the MRAP so that helped. granted i think one of the soldiers broke a disk because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt so he bounced around the cabin. this was 2015 Kabul from what i know. usual story with MRAPs in situations like this is the vehicles busted, sometimes repairable, but usually the soldiers inside have concussions, broken bones, those sorts of injuries, sometimes pressure inflicted ones, but they're alive.
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>concussed and wounded, but alive. so you know, they did alright

Tell that to Ty Ziegel.
you mean one of the guys they used to push for these things to get made? yeah ill be sure to tell that to him. only problem is i'll have to tell a tombstone since the VA just stuffed him with opioids after sending him home.

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Okay, so what causes the toss and not just a burst of flame? Is it an open hatch or just a lack of ammo.
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>russia abandoning tanks
is russia winning?
why would i want a tank that can be destroyed by a $500 drone instead of 50 more $500 drones?
a ziggers life is worth less than the drone used to kill him
>2-3 million dollar tank
>1000+ man hours of work
>all ruined by 4h of 3D printing, some electronics from aliexpress and an afternoon trying to remember what you learned in chemistry class
I'm suprised they let people into wider society with such poor reading comprehension.

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Were tankettes really so bad? I think they're neat.
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power armor > tankette
Tankettes being used a primary form of armored attack is a bad idea. Using them to mount heavier weapon systems and act as a support element is a bit more sane.

This has been done before. The ASU-55 and ASU-85 were paper mache assault guns that could be thrown on an eternal flight out the back of a soviet transport.

The smol Sheridan could be delivered at low level by LAPES with only only a 25% of having a drogue chute fail, overrunning the grass runway and hitting a pine tree at 150 mph like you exist inside the ARMA 2 physics engine. The Wiesel and CVRT are both air deployable via transport helicopter.
haha flamethrower goes pshhhhhhhh
tankette = power armor

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What gun would you carry if you were an archaeologist searching the world for ancient artifacts in the 1930s?
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Try a gun store, K31s are stupid BTW since GP11 dried up about 10 years ago.
C96 Mauser
>fuck them natives
So you're a spanish conquistador.
Bitch ass janny
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Its already been posted, but it deserves to be posted again. There are three on gunbroker right now and they're listed at 17,000 fucking dollars.

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Merkavas seem to be pretty good at anti-insurgency operations, but do we have any estimates how they’d perform in a peer war?
>Easy mode
Going up against Syrian T-55s/72s
>Medium mode
Fighting Iranian T-90s
>Hard mode
Head to head with Egyptian M1 Abrams
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No. Did you?
Israel's later success was due to air superiority when Egyptians left the air umbrella made by immobile anti air systems and tried to advance out its range

> At the start of the war, U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger believed that the better-equipped Israelis would secure victory within a few days,[138] and thus tried to delay a ceasefire in the United Nations Security Council. The counterattack on 8 October however, came against American expectations. Kissinger was taken aback when told of the extent of Israel's losses on the morning of 9 October by Israeli Ambassador Simcha Dinitz, and asked "Explain to me, how could 400 tanks be lost to the Egyptians?" Dinitz may have threatened Kissinger with the use of nuclear weapons against Egypt and Syria in order to underline the urgency of Israel's situation and push the U.S. into initiating an airlift to replace Israel's losses. Later that day Kissinger relayed U.S. President Richard Nixon's decision to initiate Operation Nickel Grass—which aimed to replace all of Israel's material losses—to Dinitz.[139][140][141]
>No. Did you?
even during armor on armor engagements, egyptian T-62s were getting demolished by israeli centurions and M60s
>50 years ago
>vs 2006
I wonder which engagement is more indicative of current IDF and Merkava IV capabilities.
>israelis have had massive armor supremacy over the egyptians the last 4 times they met
>the fifth time will be different even though the israelis are much better equipped, much more modern while egyptians have only gotten poorer and lost their only backer, the USSR
Seeing how the warfare has changed since Ukraine, Egypt would be better off building a drone factory or buying off Iran.

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