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Do you want to play cards?
Alright, but the loser has to remove a piece of their clothing with every loss.
>The "Strip" rule has spread throughout this region
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Not with a furry.
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Honestly it was fine as is, it really didn't need quality of life changes. There are a ton of other titles that needed them more.
What are your sentiments on all of this>?
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Doesn't matter. He still fucked it up because he was told to by the heads at Nintendo.
What do you really get out of being an insincere, broken home faggot all day?
Changed my mind on mods now that skippable text was added. Emulation is the best way to play.
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Soon allegedly. They're waiting for localization and trying to get the load times to not be dogshit on the switch last I heard.
>They're waiting for localization
I bet a hundred bucks that less than a thousand Japanese people bought this game, and less than 5000 non-anglos bought this game.

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There are two types of RPGs. RPGs with sovl and RPGs without sovl.
>RPG with sovl Bladur's Gate 3
>RPG without sovl Dragon Age Inquisition
>RPG with sovl Tyranny
>RPG without sovl Pillars of Eternity
>RPG with sovl Fallout 3
>RPG without sovl Fallout:NV
>RPG with sovl Cyberpunk 2077
>RPG without sovl Starfield
Why is sovl so hard to get?
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He wishes for corporate aestetics to mean games as good as Baldur's Gate 3. Corporate slop is nothing like Baldur's Gate 3.
>there is an objective typology of RPG
>it's one subjective evaluation, and another subjective evaluation
>I totally figured it all out
You need to be 18+ to post here.
Corporate aesthetics is corporate aesthetics. The game does have a decent gameplay but still It has no soul.
Its a pastiche of d&d blandest setting, using the most boring photorealistic graphics possible, with the most sterile corporate safe dialogue, terrible races and awful forgotten realms worldbuilding.
bring back poster count holy fuck stop samefagging OP
>RPG with sovl Bladur's Gate 3
If by sovlul you mean hollywood, generic, Rings of Power esque high fantasy then sure.

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Is the 4GB patch even necessary to install when you have NV script extender?
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>it's white genocide and fall of the West
Funny, that's what I think about christcuckery.
>he's still samefagging

in over 15 years of using this website, i have never once seen a good post made by someone with a smug anime girl
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I've been here since summer '08, so 16 years.
Only the finest of posts feature smug anime girls.
I play New Vegas with zero mods.

Bruh thjs is too many fuckin stats on them like excuse me?!
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Bruh Lance's level is the coolest in the game, along with the robot mobs. I don't think Matt can top that EB4 mecha boss either.
The EBF5 lance section is cool, except for the part where Natilie gets stolen, she would be broken
4chan and flash gamers are nazi larpers. didn't you know?
Quintisential RPG.

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Neither are asians. Nibenese AKA half of imperials are.
A lot of people in Tamriel might have some Akaviri blood in them because of the invasions, not to mention, a bunch of Akaviri culture was left in Tamriel which is why people like The Blades have katanas and shit and there are throwing stars. This means that everyone might have a bit of Asian blood in em. Also Altmer
High Elves are yellow, racist, have long folded blades, cherry blossoms, squinty eyes.
The nibenese are imperials chang ,they were never meant to be asian.
>asian blood
Asians humans don’t exist in TES retard.The tsaesci weren’t human so anyone that interbreed with them would have snake blood.

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Name a more iconic RPG duo than Rean and his wife Altina (aka Doyakonga). Haha you can't.
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that's most male characters in valkyrie profile. that game is sad as fuck.
>die protecting the woman you love
>a valkyrie shows up
>hey youre pretty chad wanna come fight for nordic gods?
>ok whatever
>prove yourself in battle over and over again
>ascend the ranks and become elder tier god through your heroic deeds
>become best buds with Thor
>Odin himself pats you on the back and congratulates you
>stare off into the distance thinking about your gf
Based, gods > hoes.
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Altina is the besto desu.
Odin and Thor are real anon. Loyal girlfriends are mythological bullshit. I know it can be difficult but try to live in the real world with the rest of us ok.

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>play kingdom come deliverence after it being shilled here for so long
>all the posts about it seem to be about how it's le hard this and that
>it's actually super easy if you do the entire training quest and not just the first bit
>economy is completely fucked once you get a horse because it basically gives you basically infinite inventory space and just a few trips back and forth from any fight with armoured opponents nets you great boons
>combat is clearly designed for dueling and yet the game keeps throwing multiple enemies at you, yet using the bow feels like cheese because it's so trivially easy to hit anyone if you just put a dot in the middle of your screen
common comback is "hurr durr have you tried fighting 3 guys at once irl" well why does the fucking game keep throwing 3 guys at me in missions huh?

There's a lot more i can complain about, open world basically runs out of content once you're done with the town that starts with R and the one with the chuch under renovations, the rest of the map is basically filler.

Story is kinda shit, some chapters are neat in the same way a mid TV show can have a good episode but the our protag's motivation is really weak. Hometown gets massacred by some thug, go kill that thug, right, makes sense. But the guy that ordered it is so distant he can never realistically be involved in the story. So once that is done, all that remains is "hurr durr i want that sword my dad was working on" even though the guy the sword is for says he has like 100 and doesn't care, so that feels incredibly contrived. And then that gets resolved in the first third of the game also. The rest is just kinda meandering from random assignment to random assignment until the game ends.

Searching for treasure is somewhat fun but the game can't reward you with much more than money and shit you sell for money. I had the absolute best gear 1/3 through the game just because i did sidequests as they appeared.
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is this nigga serious?
If a game were ever to let you fast travel, it should be on your fuckin horse.
I don't like how the swordplay relies on timing of mouse swings. I always over time a swing or under feint.
If they updated the swordplay to use buttons or something, that'd probably be better.
>the DLC is basically spitting in your face for wanting to be a girl as you are tasked to collect flowers for 2 hours and that's basically it
So I just got around to that DLC and this is just a fucking lie.

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/tv/fag here, I picked up Baldur's Gate 3 because my friend shilled it to me. I don't understand how anyone takes games seriously. Everyone is retardedly verbose and overacted. Even the mocap looks awful, everyone moves like that coked up squirrel from that shit animated movie Foodfight. The narrator sounds like she works at a phone sex line, and despite video game developers being able to put the camera literally wherever they want and do whatever they want with it, scenes are often too zoomed it, framed poorly, and directed in the most bland way imaginable. No one's face moves convincingly, people just switch between preset emotional states like robots and the lip sync is atrocious, God only knows why they zoom in on faces during conversations. You have next to no reason to give a shit about any of the conflicts in the game, yet the game expects you to butt in and give your epic protagonist opinion on everything, and if you don't, children will literally die because you weren't being a super cool hero every second of your existence. It's ego serving trash for boring people to feel like they have a moral code. That is all.
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Sure thing OP
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People simply cannot admit they just like shitty things.
>How is this not constructive criticism exactly?
There's a difference between saying game would be better if it didn't have these woke, subversive, immersion breaking elements in it instead of the usual low effort bait such as:
>tranny gate 3 bad if you play this gay bear sex simulator you should kill yourself
Well I don't make those kinds of low effort posts, they're generally from leftists trolling like the mindbroken one having a stroke just above you.

Well, /vrpg/?
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I played Black Mage, Astrologian, Ninja and Gun Breaker in that order of preference.
Ninja and monk were the only ones really active enough to keep my attention.
Ninja I really liked how fast you could run the mechanics to pack in more dps but I don't really like edgelord characters.

Dragoon will always be close to my heart and it was up there on mechanics but the rigid rotation and it still kills me that jumping is usually a risky liability instead of an invulnerability move.

Monk had everything, except the dumb rear attack requirements.

Summoner I liked a lot and would consider going back for but I never even saw the actual summons, just liked it as a dot spam class a la wow affliction lock which I also enjoyed.

Machinist was a cool concept and mechanics seemed like a weak take at first but probably improved later...I just think the name is weak.

Most of the healing and tanking classes were too easy for what they did, either totally brain dead and massively overpowered, or like astrologian which pretend to have a high skill ceiling but in fact both floor and ceiling are too low. I was hugely disappointed in astrologian as the only healing class I really felt identified with at all.

Sage: never tried

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Oh also,
Warrior: I respect people who play warriors and the class mechanics, but being low fantasy in the highest fantasy world of FF is not my jam
The tank/healer/dps paradigm is pure and utter cancer.
Congrats on being single and Viet!

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> Trained NPCs should take cover a lot more now. They should be significantly more aggressive and engage you from longer distances and many other tweaks, give it a try!



The anemic enemies is one of my biggest complaints about the game, and most mods do into the other direction (making the player more agile, stronger, or with better equipment, or buffing allies).
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Playing melee stealth is different from run and gun explosion guy
i lost interest when they took rebuild the capital out
looking at the changelog now, it appears they handed the list over to some guy who's obsessed with stripping out quest mods and anything deemed "unnecessary"
Unchained AI or something. I played it for a few hours before going down the fallout 4 ai rabbit hole.
I'm trying to sell Arcade Gannon into slavery, but as soon as they bring him into the tent everyone becomes hostile. What did I do?

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Any gems worth picking up?
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Yes, all 3 are good. Tyranny is my personal favorite(it is also the last good game from Obsidian before the studio went to shit completely).
I play videogames.
>any blobber recommendations?
What's as blobber?
DRPG, like Etrian Odyssey or Wizardry.
How absolutely delusional and retarded do you have to be to want games on gog

A light-hearted JRPG loosely based on the historical age of discovery, where people live on floating islands, and the developers biggest stated goal was to give players the freedom to explore. A unique game with surprising features you'd never expect to find in a JRPG and a rarely matched spirit of adventure. Does Skies of Arcadia still hold up?
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That's not how the conversation reads to me at all. Guilder teases Aika by trying to make it seem like Vyse cares more about Fina, and Aika confidently replies that she knows Vyse would do the same for her whether he says so or not. If anything, it's Guilder trying to start shit and not realizing how utterly secure Aika is in her relationship with Vyse, no matter what it is.

It's really just a momentary clash of their different approaches to relationships. Also slightly ironic because Guilder doesn't realize that's exactly the kind of devotion he has from Clara, who was already trying to break him out of the very same prison.

>Fina jumping into Vyse's arms
A bit of an overstatement. Picrel is what happens. It is rather amusing how eager people are to revise every single one of Aika/Fina's interactions with Vyse as being more romantic than they really are, probably just because people expect it in JRPGs. Nothing even close to romantic even happens between them until the night before the final battle, and even then it's pretty tame.
Will the gamecube version ever get it's shitty audio fixed?
Pretty sure there's a patch for the emulated version, yeah.
The "fix" would basically require re-writing defunct audio firmware from scratch to run on modern hardware. So it probably isn't going to happen for a while, unless Sega gets serious about finally doing a proper remaster of the game.

>Pretty sure there's a patch for the emulated version, yeah
Source? I'm pretty sure no such thing exists as of yet.

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It's never coming out, is it?
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>The writing of the first game is superficially barebones on purpose, because you're playing a fairly tale made by the Demiurge.
Dilate tranny
people hating on these games might be the most insufferable retards
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I obviously want Toro to take his time, but
>the game is finished, I just need to draw the CGs
has been going on for a LONG while now. And honestly, even when it does come out, I highly doubt that there will be an English translation right away. Perhaps I'll ask him on Twitter if there is any plan for an English release, but I wouldn't count on it. So even then, we'll still have to wait for some based jp bro to do the translation, and I will NOT settle for some MTL bullshit. I am glad that this game, which was just supposed to be a short gaiden, has turned into something much grander.
Obv they are red riding hood fags mad that someone pointed out earlier she got knotted.

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Chris Avellone wrote a moderately-negative breakdown of the Fallout show's lore discrepancies on his blog, if you are curious.

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>Communism good, capitalism bad is going to backfire pretty hard as a message as it always does so I hope kids are smart enough not to take it too seriously but who knows these days, they ate tide pods and licked toilets on tik tok.
Capitalism and communism are 99% the same, it doesn't matter
Being a flirtatious person while also being unattractive.
>Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under socialism, it's precisely the opposite.
It's just all so tiresome to me. Gaming can die for all I care. Hell, it's been dead for at least the last 10 years.
Shut the fuck up, Pete, Jet is still a post-war drug.

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